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Who Are These Enemies of the



Most people would, at first hand, say: Arab terrorists, rogue nations, domestic
malcontents, criminals or confused and lawless people that hate to be told what to
do. To most that sounds reasonable and they support the apparatus that they
believe is protecting their interests. In their minds it is “Un-American”, “Un-
Patriotic”, “Treasonous” or an act of “Terrorism” to oppose “liberty”. We accept the
numerous abuses of “law” enforcement and blame over zealousness, incompetence
or a “willing sacrifice” that must be made to ensure the “freedom” of the majority.
Truly “patriotic” Americans seldom ask themselves “What if the abuses are not an
accident? What if they are on purpose and if they are on purpose what am I
missing?” The truth is: Americans are missing and have missed quite a lot and for
quite some time.

Americans owe it to themselves to understand what is deliberately being done to

them and what they are consenting to. Many are not aware that they have a fatal
misunderstanding about what the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA actually is. Oh, they
have a firm understanding about what they think it stands for but Americans have no
idea that their perception is completely wrong. For instance: when President Bush
referred to the Constitution as” “Just a goddamned piece of paper”. Some attributed
it to a momentary lapse. Some agree and point to the fact that the people wield the
power so the document is superfluous. What if George W. Bush was giving us a hint
and spilling the truth right in front of our faces? Is he simply testing us to see if we
recognize the trick?

What you, the reader, are about to be taught, you will not want to hear. It will make
you angry. Suspend your anger and come to a reasoned and deliberate conclusion
yourself. Do your own research and discover that what I present has always been
right in front of our faces. Much of the material will be new to many and it would
never be taught anywhere else because “those who think they rule” are quite
content that people remain ignorant of the truth. It is time Americans face and
accept the truth if they ever want a country they believe their country should be. Do
not let your anger get the best of you such that you would even contemplate
violence. Violence is never the answer to a grievance. Education and truth is the
most powerful and effective means to correcting that, which has gone wrong.

The Universal Misconception

First let us look at some fundamental truths. The Republic of these united States
(capitalization is correct) was indeed created by the will of the people through the
execution of the indictment we know as the Declaration of Independence and the
trust document known as the Constitution of these united States. Now why do I say
“united States” and not “United States” or more accurately “UNITED STATES OF
AMERICA”. Under law one entity cannot be referred to using the same name. Most
are asking themselves, “What do you mean? You mean to tell me there is more than
one thing known as the United States?” The answer is yes and the evidence can be
found in a pledge most American have uttered hundreds of times without consciously
knowing what the words mean.

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and to the
Republic for which it stands…”

The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA “stands for”, “stands in place of” or “represents”
the Republic of these united States. They are not the same, so under law they must
have different names. Capitalization is critical in law and a difference in
capitalization is sufficient to indicate one or more different legal and lawful entities.
When you “say” it one cannot distinguish the difference between the “UNITED
STATES” and “United States”. More Importantly when we say “United States” it is
taken under US code to not mean the Republic but something else entirely. I realize
it is splitting hairs but in law hairs are split more often then not.

The Republic Was Dissolved

Some say the Republic was dead after the Patriot Act. Some say it was the Martial
Law Act of 1933. Some say it was in 1913 with the advent of the IRS and the Federal
Reserve. Some say it was the 14th Amendment and Reconstruction. Many others
believe it was the Civil War that spelled the end of the Republic. The Republic was
very nearly dead on arrival but keeping up the appearance of the Republic was
important only in allowing the people of America to falsely believe they were
governed under fair and equitable principles. If the American people ever knew the
truth they would have demanded changes more then 200 years ago.

We assume that we won the Revolutionary War but the actual winners were quite
content that we believe that was the truth. The banking interests who wholly
controlled King George were not happy that these unruly Americans thought they
could just go out and operate their own money system independent of the world
banking cabal. One must remember what Mayer Amshel Rothschild said:

“Give me control over a nation's currency, and I care not who makes its

When did central banking gain control of the currency of the Republic? In 1791, right
after we gained our “independence” from the British Monarchy, the Bank of North
America, a foreign owned and foreign controlled and foreign operated independent
central bank was granted a twenty-year charter to operate in direct contravention of
the Constitution. Many of the founding fathers took issue and recognized this event
for what it was: a completely un-Constitutional act.

The other glaring breach was the fact that there were BAR licensed lawyers serving
as officers in the Republic Government and in many of the several States
governments in direct contravention of the Constitution. So serious was this breach
that the States ratified the first 13th Amendment barring people who held title of
foreign nobility from serving in office. This was ratified in by a majority of states
1810 and the last state to ratify was Virgina in 1816. Why is this important? One
must understand what a BAR licensed lawyer or attorney actual is. BAR stands for
British Accreditation Registry. One who is a member of the BAR receives the rank in
the British Monarchy of Esquire or one level below Knight. It is a conflict of interest
as they have an allegiance to the British Crown that is specifically prohibited by the
Constitution and to underscore this principle the first 13th Amendment was enacted
and ratified. One need only look at what the word “license” means in law from
Barron’s Legal Dictionary Fifth Edition:

LICENSE a right granted which gives one permission to do

something which he could not legally do absent such

What are they permitted to do? A BAR licensed attorney operates in allegiance to
the British Crown under a Letter of Marque which permits them to rob and pillage the
people of these united States. We have good reasons to mistrust a lawyer.

The original 13th Amendment has never been rescinded or super-ceded. It is settled
law. In fact, several actual State copies of this Amendment are still floating around.

When one looks at the timing of the charter of the Bank of North America and the
13th Amendment then one can easily deduce the timing and reason for the War of
1812. The “rabble” (we the people) decided to throw enemies of the people out of
their government and had the audacity to not renew the charter of this foreign bank.
In 1811 the bank charter extension lost by one vote.

Again, Britain was the tool used to get the “rabble” under control. The people have
long thought that the result of the 1812 war ended in our favor, but did it? One must
look at the actual result. The British destroyed the nations law documents when it
burned the White House to the ground. They did not however get around to all the
State houses and do likewise. If we had won the war then there exist two glaring
anomalies that occurred shortly after the cessation of hostilities.

First, a new foreign owned central bank was installed. Second, and even more
interesting, was the fact that all the State Governments including the National
Government seemed to have forgotten all about the 13th Amendment. Did the
people seem to notice? The people were all happily distracted doing the Star-
Spangled Banner dance. “The Flag was still there” but what did that matter? The
Republic had been pulled right out from everyone’s feet and no one noticed. All that
existed was a misconception that the Government was still in lawful control. It is and
was a lie and no one seemed the wiser. Yes it was “lawful” because we are governed
by “the consent of the people”. We have since ignorantly consented with no tangible
outrage and with predictable results. There was a brief reprieve from the bank when
Andrew Jackson kicked the bank out of the country but as a lawyer where did his
allegiance really fall? It was only a matter of time and great suffering of the people
where it would be revisited on us in the form of the Federal Reserve.

The only lawful authority for the Government to operate was by the consent of the
people and only because apparently no one complained or if they complained it was
not sufficient to create an outrage. We were all content to conduct business as
usual, ignorant of the fact that the Government at the time lost its lawful authority to
govern by not rigidly adhering to principles contained with the trust document that
allowed it to exist in the first place, the Constitution.
This quasi-legitimate state existed until 1861. In 1861 all semblance of the Republic
was swept aside in an act of treason and the consequences were harsh. The
southern States were the target of an organized campaign. They had gotten rich and
with this wealth threatened the control of the international bankers. There were
consequences because law was ignored. First, many in the South did not yet realize
that to own another man, as property was a violation of God’s law. The Southern
States would have gladly freed the slaves to retain their sovereignty and power of
self-determination. They had lawfully carried out their desire to secede from the
nation as their State Constitutions allowed them the lawful option to do so. The
representatives of the Northern States refused to accept this lawful action and in so
doing also violated the law and the will of the people.

One violation of the law was compounded by another violation; the representatives of
the Southern States walked out of the Legislature. This left the body without a lawful
quorum and in a state of “sine die” or “without a day”. From Barron’s legal
dictionary Fifth Edition:

sine die (sē´-nā dē´-ā)--Lat. Without day, without time; “a legislative body adjourns
‘sine die’ without appointing a day on which to appear or assemble again.”

Under the laws of parliamentary procedure the lawful solution would be to re-
establish a quorum and set a day to re-adjourn and therefore re-form a lawful and
legitimate legislative body.


Abraham Lincoln touted by many as being a great American and a great man, in
reality was a timid coward and although he may have had good intentions he
engaged in selfish vain arrogance. He sat there as the country had been lawfully un-
made, by the will of the people, right in front of his eyes and instead of comporting
himself in a lawful and conscientious manner by lawfully notifying the people what
had just happened to their country such that the people would be empowered to
chart the course of action, he took it upon himself to correct the problem himself.
We can argue if he had the people’s interest in mind but the fact remains that he was
assassinated before lawful authority could be re-establish. Remember: Lincoln was a

These acts of lawlessness were not without the prescribed consequences for all
parties involved and has detrimentally impacted everyone ever since but still the
people chose to remain blissfully unaware that their “government” has no lawful
authority to govern.

Since the national Congress was dissolved, so too was the national Government and
the Government of the States as they were all established under the will of the
people through the Constitution. In truth Abraham Lincoln ceased being President as
the Government evaporated around him. In an act of criminal lawless selfishness
“President Lincoln” declared martial law through the first executive order 100 known
as the Lieber code.

What is code? Code is not law! Code is a fiction that represents real law. Law is
binding because that which man calls God binds man to it. Code is nothing more
then rules than men bind other men through contract. There is no enforceable
contract at issue.
From the point where Congress was dissolved, America has been dominated by an
illegitimate, illegal and unlawful criminal commercial enterprise with no substantive
lawful authority to even blow its nose.

Then what exactly is meant when we say the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?


In the unlawful Act of 1871, a corporation was created under French law called, not
surprisingly: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION. The “Corporation” part
need not be included as the entity UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is all in capitol letters
and has no doubt been branded and trademarked. That is not for the benefit of the
people duped but by other sovereign nations to distinguish and they are not about to
spill the beans. The reason we cannot find these documents in America is that they
are hidden in French law.

If the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is not a corporation then why can it be found
listed on Dun & Bradstreet?

Since this corporate fiction required a whole set of fictional law and fictional citizens
then this required the 14th Amendment to create these “citizens” or officers within
the corporation. The people assume it is business as usual, that is, until they
understand that “person” is not a man or woman but a fictional entity of international
and interstate commerce. The District of Columbia was expanded and overlaid on
top of the existing States and new subsidiary corporations were created under the
rule of the parent corporation. Under Section 8 clause 17 this new Congress and not
the people have exclusive democratic control over this corporation. These
subsidiaries all carry new names like the STATE OF MICHIGAN, STATE OF NEW YORK,
STATE OF COLORADO etc. These corporate entities are not governed by the will of
the people but by foreign interests although the people would rather think otherwise
then to face the cold hard truth.

They have no trouble allowing the people of America to maintain their delusion. In
fact they count on it.

A corporation has a board of directors. Who are these board members? Are they
even American. No, they are who they have always been: the rulers of international
banking interests. Now in order for them to have the lawful power to tell a man what
to do they must hold a contract that the subject man is bound to. Has anyone in
America seen this contract? NO! In order for the contract to be enforceable the
contract must be entered into willingly. Did we willingly enter into this contract we
have not seen? NO! To hold a valid enforceable contract in law there must be a
meeting of the minds. Is a meeting of the minds even possible when we cannot face
a man or woman who choose to remain detached, secret, never revealing their true
identity as a member of the board of directors? NO!

So therefore we are held to a contract not by legitimate lawful authority but simply
because we are ignorant and do not know any better.

This truth brings up an interesting point about “civil disobedience”. To be

disobedient one must be acting in a way contrary to established lawful authority.
Since there is no lawful authority and we effectively exist in anarchy then is it even
possible to be disobedient?
The answer is NO!

Now the question is not “Who are these enemies of the UNITED STATES OF
AMERICA?” The question really is “Who is not an enemy of the UNITED STATES OF
AMERICA?” and now one can easily see why the large majority of resources of the
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is turned, not at an external foe, but against the very
people of America.

We exist in anarchy, in ignorance and of our own free will. Although many call it
“government” it is far from a government by any lawful definition. What goes on in
Washington D.C. can be more accurately defined as a “sham”, “farce” or “crime”.
One can witness a more powerful expression of law within a street kick-ball game
then could ever be witnessed in the gaudy halls of Washington. We received only
what they were offering and that is truly the “American Dream”. We do not have the
American reality. I ask you the reader: “How has it been working out for you, so far?”

Now that I have overturned your applecart I want you, the reader, to understand
something very important:
Violence has never been required or ordained when truth is
the superior prevailing non-violent weapon against tyranny.

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