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40024 e e AI2AO Mare S. Strecker, Esq. (Bar No. 140644) STRECKER LAW OFFICES FILED 2600 Michelson Drive, Suite 1700 Superior Court of California Irvine, California 92612 ‘anniv nfl ne Annelies, Telephone: (949) 852-3600 DEC 02 2014 Attomeys for Plaintiff JUDY HUTH ee D-AF Veecsa Benvoer F9C:05 1171 2016 TRIAL 06) 0.2/ 2016 OSc: 12/041 2017 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES CASE NO. JUDY HUTH, an individual, BC565560 oot FOR Plaintiff, 1. SEXUAL BATTERY, 2, INTENTIONAL INFLICTION OF v. EMOTIONAL DISTRESS, AND 3. NEGLIGENT INFLICTION OF WILLIAM HENRY COSBY, JR. aka EMOTIONAL DISTRESS BILL COSBY, an individual, Defendant. JURY. IDED Plaintiff JUDY HUTH (“Plaintiff”) alleges as follows: B F ax FACTS y 1, Plaintiff is an individual currently residing in Riverside County, California. The events alleged in this Complaint occurred in Los Angeles County, California. 2. Plaintiff is informed and believes and based thereon alleges that Defendant WILLIAM HENRY COSBY, JR. aka BILL COSBY (“COSBY") isan individual who was residing iB Los Angeles County, Califomia during the time ofthe events alleged in this Complajneand = gee who is currently residing in Los Angeles County, California. 3 z gg . ig 3. Inor about 1974, when Plaintiff was 15 years old, she and a female friend wis owas 16 years old were in Lacy Park in San Marino, Ls Angeles County, California when they # ‘orrices noticed that a movie was being filmed in the park. They walked over to see what was going’ -1- orf o¢ agro og sees ae ‘COMPLAINT Ss S t¥a30/ea7 #3SvOVLTO osssesog ‘orrices ‘on and they were approached by COSBY, who then invited them to sit in a director's chair and engaged in conversation with them. He then invited them to come to his tennis club and ‘meet him there the following Saturday. COSBY asked the girls how old they were during this conversation and they told him that Plaintiff was 15 and her friend was 16. 4, Plaintiff and her friend went to COSBY’s tennis club in Los Angeles County the following Saturday and met him there. When they arrived, COSBY invited them to follow him to a house, where he served them alcoholic beverages and played games of billiards with Plaintiff. Under the terms of COSBY’s game, Plaintiff was required to consume a beer every time COSBY won a game of billiards. 5. After the girls had been served mult‘ple alcoholic beverages, COSBY told them that he had a surprise for them, and invited them to follow him. He then led them to another house in Los Angeles, which tumed out to be the Playboy Mansion, He told Plaintiff and her friend that if any of the Playboy bunnies asked their age, they should say they were 19. 6. While at the Playboy Mansion, Plaintiff told COSBY that she needed to use the bathroom. COSBY directed her to a bathroom within a bedroom suite near the game room, ‘When Plaintiff emerged from the bathroom, she found COSBY sitting on the bed. He asked her to sit beside him. He then proceeded to sexually molest her by attempting to put his hand down her pants, and then taking her hand in his hand and performing a sex act on himself without her consent, 7. This traumatic incident, at such a tender age, has caused psychological damage and mental anguish for Plaintiff that has caused her significant problems throughout her life since the incident. ‘As a direct and proximate result of the incident, she has suffered damages that are substantial and continuing. 8. The acts of COSBY described herein constituted “childhood sexual abuse” pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure §340.1(e). The date that Plaintiff discovered, or reasonably should have discovered, that her psychological injuries and illnesses were caused by the sexual abuse perpetrated by COSBY, was within the three years prior to the filing of this Complai . Furthermore, the running of the applicable limitations periods were equitably ee COMPLAINT 1 uN 12 13 4 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 2 2B 4 25 26 Pa 28 STRECKER LAW ‘orrices tolled and waived due to the circumstances concerning the conduct described herein and Plaintiff's delayed discovery of the connection between her injuries and the sexual abuse perpetrated by COSBY. FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION (By Plaintiff JUDY HUTH, for Sexual Battery) 9. Plaintiff incorporates herein by this reference each of the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 8 hereinabove as though fully restated at this point. 10. The sexual molestation of Plaintiff by COSBY constituted intentional, unlawful and harmful contact by COSBY which directly and proximately resulted in injuries to Plaintiff. 11. The wrongful conduct of COSBY as herein alleged was malicious, oppressive and fraudulent in nature. COSBY engaged in the above-described wrongful conduct with the intent to cause injury to Plaintiff, and with a conscious disregard of the rights of Plaintiff, subjecting Plaintiff to cruel and unjust hardship, with the intention of deceiving Plaintiff and causing Plaintiff injury, such as to constitute malice, fraud and oppression. COSBY acted with an evil and fraudulent motive and with the intent to vex, injure or annoy Plaintiff, and with a conscious disregard of Plaintiff's rights. COSBY’s actions were reprehensible, despicable, and in blatant violation of law. COSBY furthermore acted with extreme indifference to Plaintiff's rights. Plaintiff is therefore entitled to recover punitive and exemplary damages from COSBY. : SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION (By Plaintiff JUDY HUTH, for Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress) 12, Plaintiffs incorporate herein by this reference each of the allegations contained in paragraphs | through 11 hereinabove as though fully restated at this point. 13, The actions of COSBY in sexually molesting Plaintiff constituted extreme and outrageous conduct with the intention of causing, or with reckless disregard of the probability of causing, emotional distress. Plaintiff suffered severe and extreme emotional distress, which was and is substantial and enduring. The proximate cause of the severe and extreme emotional distress was the outrageous conduct of COSBY. eG COMPLAINT we a aw 10 n 12 3 4 15 16 ” 18 19 20 21 22 2B 24 25 26 27 28 4b ‘OFFICES 14, The behavior of said COSBY was outrageous because he abused a relation ot position of trust which gave him power to damage Plaintiff, and he knew that Plaintiff was susceptible to injuries through mental distress, because of her age and innocence. Furthermore, COSBY acted intentionally and unreasonably with the recognition that his acts were likely to result in illness through mental distress. Moreover, COSBY’s conduct was extreme and outrageous because he knew that Plaintiff was peculiarly susceptible to emotional distress at the time, due to the foregoing circumstances, which caused Plaintiff to have physical and mental conditions and/or peculiarities that made her so susceptible. 15, The wrongful conduct of COSBY as herein alleged was malicious, oppressive and fraudulent in nature. COSBY engaged in the above-described wrongful conduct with the intent to cause injury to Plaintiff, and with a conscious disregard of the rights of Plaintiff, subjecting Plaintiff to cruel and unjust hardship, with the intention of deceiving Plaintiff and causing Plaintiff injury, such as to constitute malice, fraud and oppression. COSBY acted with an evil and fraudulent motive and with the intent to vex, injure or annoy Plaintiff, and with a conscious disregard of Plaintiff's rights, COSBY’s actions were reprehensible, despicable, and in blatant violation of law. COSBY furthermore acted with extreme indifference to Plaintiff's rights. Plaintiff is therefore entitled to recover punitive and exemplary damages from COSBY. ‘THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION (By Plaintiff JUDY HUTH, for Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress) 16, Plaintiffs incorporate herein by this reference each of the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 11 hereinabove as though fully restated at this point, 17, COSBY had a legal duty to refrain from engaging in sexual contact with Plaintiff when she was 15 years old and a duty of care to ensure that he did not cause sexual, emotional or psychological harm to her. COSBY breached that duty by having sexual contact with Plaintiff as alleged hereinabove. As a direct and proximate result of that sexual contact, Plaintiff has suffered damages which are substantial and continuing. ae COMPLAINT Ce YA hee 10 uN 12 13 14 15 16 7 18 19 20 21 22 re) 24 25 26 27 28 PRAYER FOR RELIEF As to the First Cause of Action 1, For compensatory damages according to proof, including general and special damages; and 2. For punitive and exemplary damages in an amount sufficient to punish COSBY for his wrongful conduct and deter further misconduct by COSBY or others. Asto the Second Cause of Action 1. For compensatory damages according to proof, including general and special damages; and 2. For punitive and exemplary damages in an amount sufficient to punish COSBY for his wrongful conduct and deter further misconduct by COSBY or others. Asto the Third Cause of Action 1. For compensatory damages according to proof, including general and special damages; and Asto All Causes of Action 1. For interest as provided by law; 2. For costs of suit; and 3. For such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper. Dated: December 1, 2014 STRECI LAW OFFICES By: S-Strécker, Esq, Attorneys for Plaintiff JUDY HUTH so COMPLAINT ~ 7 CM-O1( Pa Sa Fano 3600 Miebeuon Drs Suite 1700 ine Casal 9158 852.3600 (049) 861-9696 superor tHE ont ao . Superior ie srromer ten ms JUDY HUTH ite rl [SUPERIOR couRT a Fe county oF LOS ANGELES street aooress: 11] N. Hill St. sea ooness. LN: Hill St crv awo a cove: Los Angeles, CA 90012, saviouwve: Stanley Mosk Courthouse DEC 0 2 2014 ‘CASE NAME: HUTH v. COSBY Sher R, se O57 an CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET ‘Complex Case Designation Untimited =) Limited 1 counter = [) Joinder SEER BC565560 (Amount (ammount demanded demanded is exceeds $25,000) $25,000 or less) Filed with frst appearance by defendant (Cal. Rules of Cour, rule 3.402) ‘Mems 1-6 below must be completed (see Instructions of page 2). [i- Check one box below forthe case type that Best describes this case: ‘Auto Tort Contract ‘Ato (22) Breach of contracwamany (06) Uningured motorist (46) Rule 3740 coloctor (08) al InuryProparty — _) omer calectons (08) Damage/Wrongful Death) Tort Insurance coverage (18) TT Asesie 04 Other contact (37) Produ aby (24) Rel Property ‘Medical malpractice (48) (1 Eminent domsiniinverse Other PUPOMND (23) ‘condemnation (14) 2 Wronghl eviction (33) Non PUPDIWD (Other) Tort other real property (28) Business iris business practies (07) Chit iis (08) Unlawful Detaner Defamation (13) ‘Commercial (31) Fraud (16) Residential (32) Intoctua! propery (19) rugs (38) Professional negligence (25) ‘Judea Review ‘Other non PUPOMND tort (25) ‘Asot fetal (05) ent "Wong einen (28) LF ov eneoners Tisewe Cs llama {actors requig exceptional judeal management 2.[] Large numberof separately presented paies 2.2] extensive maton pacts raising tft or nove isoues that vl be Ume-coneuing to resolve Substantial amount of documentary evdance Pain re arbitn award (11) 2) wrtot mandate (02) corer! oven 20) coordination «,5 Thiscase [lis isnot @ class action suit. 6. fthare are any known related casos, flo and serve anoles of related case. (Ys December 1, 2014 ‘Mare S. Strecker, Esa. b NOTICE” + Plant must fle this cover she under the Probate Code, Fa in sanctions. ‘+ Fla this cover shoot in adiion to any cover sheet required by local court ule. other par 95 tothe action proces "pected ctr” este yeast CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET SE FRTN i st wth the frst paper fled in the action or proceeding (except small claims cases or cases flad ly Code, or Welfare and Insttuions Cace). (Cal. Rules of Cour, rule 3.220.) Fale to fle may result * if this case is complex under rule 3.400 et seq, of the Calfomia Rules of Cour, you must serve a copy of this cover sheat on all ng. ‘+ Unless this is collections case under rule 3.740 or a complax case, this cover sheet willbe used for slatistcal purpost Provksonaly Complox Cv Lilgaton (Gal Ruos ot Cour aus 3.40053.409) site rpton 0) Consncion tact (10) aes wn eo) Sans iia 28) Evan Toxo (20) Sateen capes es” ‘types (41), Enfercemantof udgmant Enron ol judgment 20 Miscotaneous Cha Complaint CT acoen Car conpan seca abv) 2) Miscotaneous Chat Patton Purnrhip and coor govemanc (21) oe poston nt rected toe) 2) ‘complex under rule 3.400 of the Callforia Rules of Court ithe case is complex, mark ihe 4.1 targe number of witnesses: with related actions pending in one or more courts ‘nother counties, states, or counties, or ina federal cout 1. 2) Substantial postiudgment judicial supervision Remedies sought (check a that apply): a7] monetary b.[_] nanmonetary; decaratory or injunctive relief ¢. Number of causes of action (speci): 3 - sexual battery and intentional & negligent infliction of emotional distress punitive ) By Fax aT ORATOR RR & INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO COMPLETE THE COVER SHEET omar Teo Platts and Others Fling First Papar. you are fing a tat paper (or example, a complaint ina cl case, you must complete and fl, slong wih your fret paper, the Civ Case Cover Shoot contained on page 1. Tis infornaven wil bo asod compe States about the pes and numbers of cases fed. You must compat toms 1 trough 6 onthe sheet, In lem 1, you must chest tne box forthe cata fpe that best descrbes the case ithe case fis bth a goneral and a more epee typeof cao ited in tare check he moe specie ore. the eas has mulpe causes of aclon, check the box tat best ndeates ne primary cause of eevon, ‘To asist you In competing the sheet, examples of th cass that belong under each cso typo inom 1 are proviced below, h cover Sheet mist be fled any wih your ial paper Fale o fea cover sheel wh he rst pape led ina case may sued ary, is counselor both to sancions under les 2.30 and 3220 ol he Catfomia Flos of Gaur To Parlas In Rulo 3740 Collections Casas. A “colectons case" under ro 2.740 s defined as an action fer recovery of meney {es in 2 sum sated to be carta tha ol mre than $25,000, excuse of resend atomey’s fees, ang om a Warsacton fy which property, serces x money was acqued on cred. A colectons casa doesnot include anacton seeing ie fallowsg® 1) or damages, (2) punive éamages, (3) recovery of rel prope, (4) recovery ef personal propery, of (3) s preludgres Wt at tachment. The denfcaten of case asa re 2.740 colectons case on tis form means that ft wil be exempt om he general {ime-orservice requrements and case management res, aries 8 delendant les» responce pleading. ‘A nue 3.740 coleciont ‘ave wil be subject tothe requrements fo service and cbsining judgment le 3740 To Panas In Complex Cases. In comlox cases ony, paras must also use th Ci! Case Cover Shee o designate whether the ace s comple. fa plain baeves the caso is complex under rie 2.400 ofthe Calfomia Fle of Gout is mast be ined by completing the appopiete boxes in toms 1 nd 2. plant designates a case os complex, tho overshoot must bo served wh the omplat on all partes tothe acton, A dafendant may le and serve ole than the tne of is rt appearance jae nthe Dl designation, a counter-desigaton atthe cases nat complex. o,f he pall has made no deignalon, a designation that {the case is complex. cases bans ete ont evel cg ‘Sinrmmnioteny —“Elaucemammmenon geese ta cme agers ‘cu ea i Ey eee, omer See eee onion Sea ‘arbitration, check this item Plaintiff (not fraud or negligence) Environmental/Toxie Tort (30) instead of Auto) ‘Negligent Breach of Contac! Insurance Coverage Claims auras paar : ye iia cope ara ‘Asbestos (04) Enforcement of Judgment (20) | pate Sse are ae ieee Sees a sore is cnn oo Product Lisblliy (not asbestos or Inaurance Coverage (not provisionsity domestic reletions) gees reoatty eaiaieitine (Medical Malpractice (45) ‘Auto Subrogation Administrative Agency Award ae Bites cue one a a Seen ones mani 7 OE sw arn =a ebay Intentions Boal inuryPOWO (e.g, assault vendor) Wirongtl Evin 33) Other Real Property (equi e) (26) ‘Ober Comat (not spoctad ‘above (42) Intentional Inflction of ‘Writ of Possession of Real Proper Rectoratony Retiel Only ne iincecresenaa rom ieee hon ional Disvess Other Rea a mint roca) one fron Srna oo hag Conmar Contin, Non-PUPDIWD (Other) Tort foreclosure) Other Civil Complaint Reece ieee a eeeince eeteoee pated as, aera Naa ame, ae rotate ‘pres te oe teu moa es ese ont ae Pc a ay ran a nalts Sr omits peas ere a RE muse tere eee ae ‘en eres ee al ee Fe eee en se sc ane Reeeacre, ome l eoanmeemesl = _— ee ore mnt oe oor eta rte, reset oe ‘aera ay BT ‘Commissioner Appeals CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET < Huth v. Cosby pcs65560 CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET ADDENDUM AND : ‘STATEMENT OF LOCATION (CERTIFICATE OF GROUNDS FOR ASSIGNMENT TO COURTHOUSE LOCATION) ‘This form is required pursuant to Local Rule 2.0 in all new civil case flings In the Los Angeles Superior Court. tem |, Check the types of hearing and fin the estimated length of hearing expected for this case: wuev rau? WI yes cussacron?C] ves ummeocaser Clyes Time esTiMATEDFOR TRIAL 3] HOURS? DAYS Item Il Indicate the correct district and courthouse location (4 steps ~ I you checked "Limited Case", skp to item Ill, Pg. 4): Step 4: After frst completing the Civil Case Cover Sheet form, find the main Civil Case Cover Sheet heading for your ‘case in the le margin below, and, tothe right in Column A, the Civil Case Cover Sheet case type you selected. Step 2: Check one Superior Court typeof action in Column B below which best describes the nature of his case, Step 3: in Column C, circle the reason forthe court location choice that applies tothe type of action you have checked. For any exception to the court location, see Local Rule 2.0. ‘Applicable Reasons for Choosing Courthouse Location (see Column C bolow) 4, Claes aotons must be fd inthe Stanly Mosk Courthouse, conta istic. 6, Locaton of propery or pemanenty garaged vil. 2 Maybe fein corral eter county, No boy murypropey damage). 7. Locaan where pallor resies, 4 {e&atan were Seay wy doar of damage occur. & Lsaton rare one ormere abe gates vosaae "0 4; Eocaton where performance raged of Gafendan roses, 10, Locaton of Labor Commissioner Ofice, step A:rtaelnkmatinnuttedonpgesintemiceangée ten. sintecedeain BY FAX A B c ‘il Case Cover Shoat Type ct eton ‘Appeal Reosons- Category No i (he ory on) 30 Slop 3 ABOVE ex ‘to 2) 1 ATI00 tater Veh - Porson! MunyPropery Oemagewnangta Caen |1,2,4 28 = Uninsured Motor (46) pevesos (0 13 ABI7O Asbestos Property Damage 2 aT 17221 Asbestos Persona irunytMtong Death 2 wee Product Liabilty (24) | _A7260 Product Liabilty (not asbestos or toxiclenvronmenta) 1,2,3,4,8. 248 1 A72I0 Wedcatapacioe -Phyans & Surgeons 1A GBS | mecca mapractin us wee Nspacin (5) | cy 7240 Cine Prolesiona Heath Care Mabractco ta BE 1 A720 Pris Unity agp aaa = é oer Ww, ; Ne PecsonalIisy ‘47280 itertona Boy neyPropery OsmagethorgDeathie, | oda aeoteae sisal vndatsm, ee) ; © Worg vat | 47270 inten inion of motor ites 138 ; 47220 Ctr PasonaljunyProparty DamageMengtl Death tt LAG 109 Rev. 087) CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET ADDENDUM oeal Rule 20 ASC Approved 03-04 AND STATEMENT OF LOCATION Page tof 4 . Huth v. Cosby A B ca cate ovr chst ‘ype stan exe Ne espe BnaansTonq7) [C1 Aston one conmcarbutne To pattateametomee) [1.3 Bs BE [Terrence [oss crn 1a ieee eee | cates a 23 z a0) | Ate Few pecans = 8S 1D AB017 Legat Malpractice 1.2.3, EB | pteninsiatere 25 a 1 AS0 Otero oie vas Lr ——— tr 2a —__] 4 [Lrteetttertn a [eA Wea Temin Tae Ato Or Empyrean Case 12.8 cer enter i " ud A6108 Labor Commissioner Appeals 10. 1 AE08 Brah Resse Conta tuts aanrarwengh |g war . Broach of Comeed WaTenty | 46008 ConvaciMaranty Breach Seler Pisin (no rausneggenca) a {pot insurance) D AGD18 Negligent Breach of Contract Warranty (no fraud) bce (D A6028 Other Breach of ContractMisrrenty (not fraud or negligence) faa BT com © Ae caters aS Po 26 8 ee D_ AG012 Other Promissory Note/Caltections Case 2.5. TsvansCowrge (8) [ASS aan Conger cana 128 1 A600 Conc Fs waa onercanacttsn | sen Toi nore tas 2 A802 Ove coed Oupasrtbmacinmuanewtmsentens) [ Tao Soman Smaiounattnane |S arsop emnenounanCorderaion Nunberclpae 2 worets Eton a9) [A802 weg Eun Gane 26 1 feo WngeeFowcee a Cnr Pepary ae) | aen92 ou THe aa ee ee ~ | hee ee © A601 Unlawful Detainer-Commercial {not drugs or wrongful eviction) 2.6. Z & Unter Cane acini © A6020. Unlawful Detainer-Residental (not drugs or wrongful eviction) 2.6, = Unlawful Detainer- P| Sra, [2 sour uso otarrasrasnre 2.6 ee 2 LACIV 109 (Rev. 03/11) CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET ADDENDUM Local Rule 2.0 ASC Approved 03-04 AND STATEMENT OF LOCATION Page 2 of 4 a Somme CaEmae Huth v. Cosby A B c. Civ Caso Cover Sheet Typeat Acton ‘Appeal Reasons- Category No. (Cte anyone) Soe Sp 3 Above ‘Ascot Foreture (08) | ASI08 Asset Feature Caso 2.8 | Pettonseariraion(i2) [2 A8118 Potton to ConpelContnWvacse Ariraton 2.5; i é © AS151.Wht- Admiisatve Mandamas 2.8 z Yt oftandoe (C2) | ASIS2 Wit-Mandamus on Linted Cour Case Mater 2 5 1 A5153.Wht- Cer Lintod Cout Case Review 2 ‘tre Jia Revow (3) | A150 Otrer wt il Review sg __[Andrusvrade Reguiaton 03) A8G03 ArtrsyTrade Repuatcn B [commen doco) [O aser crarctonowea or ee ee tne S| secures ungation 2) | a8005 Sees Ugaton Case 1.248 5 Eniecenenal gq) | M8096 Tox Totmironmentel 142.3.8, & | MiomGonper Goce any” | A601 Insurance Coverage/Subrogation complex case ony) 4420508 = 1D ASIA Sie St utpmet 2.8, te © AS160 Abstract ot ugment 2.8 EL noement | ©. ASOT Conf ogre nan-donaste lons) ae 32 f.ggmant(20) 1c agt40_ Acminsvatve Agency Arad (nl unpaid axes) 2.8 as (© ABt14 PottorCentata for Ent o Judgment on Unpaid Tax 2.8 1D ASt12 OnerEnforament of gmat Case 2.849. z ico @7) 1G A8089.Racketesing (RICO) Case 1.2.8. 4 10 48090 Declaratory Rett Only é Ctnercompaits | ASO Inuntve Rat Only ret domestemerasmen) 3% | MotSeecties Above) 42) | sort other Conmercl Compl Cse(nontonnon-compes) ° 1 A000 otter cil Campion (ontonnen comple) . 1 Abt Prep rd Cope Govern Cave 28 . © Abia Gxt arse nae © A812 We Hansen nae geurposona [© ABIZ4 EerDopedan aut bse Cae ane wept Ae) [AGO Becion Cott 2 a D A6110 Petition for Change of Name : 1 ABO Potion tr Pett em Lt Chim aw 7 1 8100 cher i Peten hb {LACIV 108 (Rev. 08711) LASC Approved 03-04 CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET ADDENDUM AND STATEMENT OF LOCATION Local Rule 20 Page 3of4 Bom me ESE RaRER Huth v. Cosby ttem Il. Statement of Location: Enter the address ofthe accident, pery's residence or place of business, performance, or other circumstance indicated in tem I., Step 3 on Page 4, as the proper reason for fling in the court location you selected, REASON: Chock the appropriate boxes forthe numbers shown | 10236 Charing Goss ‘under Column for to typo of action that you have seleciad for ‘his ca 01.02, 03, 4.5, 06. 07. 08. C9. 010 ore Sime Brooe Los Angelos ica foe Item 1V. Declaration of Assignment: | dectare under penalty of perjury under the laws ofthe State of California that he foregoing is tue ‘and correct and that the above-entitled matter is property fied for ass'gnment to the Stanley Mosk ‘courthouse in the Central District of the Superior Court of Califomia, County of Los Angeles [Code Civ. Proc, § 382 et seq... and Local Rule 2.0 subd 0), () and (6) Dated: December 1, 2014 (stun Gr ATTORNEVFUNG PART Moc §. Streeter PLEASE HAVE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS COMPLETED AND READY TO BE FILED IN ORDER TO PROPERLY ‘COMMENCE YOUR NEW COURT CASE: 1. Original Complaint or Petition. 2. If fing a Complaint, a completed Summons form for issuance by the Clerk. 3. Civil Case Cover Sheet, Judicial Council form CM-010. 4, Chl Case Cover Sheet Addendum and Statement of Location form, LACIV 19, LASC Approved 08-04 (Re. Payment in full of the fing fee, unless fees have been waived. 6. A signed order appointing the Guardian ad Litem, Judicial Council form CIV-010, ifthe plaintiff or petiioneris a ‘minor under 18 years of age will be required by Court in order to issue a summons, 7. Additional copies of documents to be conformed by the Clerk. Copies of the cover sheet and this addendum + "must be served along with the summons and complaint, or other intiating pleading in the case. Aciv 108 (Rev. 08799) CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET ADDENDUM ‘Local Rule 20 ASC Approved 03-06 AND STATEMENT OF LOCATION Page 4 of 4 SUM-100 SUMMONS ae. (CITACION JUDICIAL) ad ™ NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): FILED. WILLIAM HENRY COSBY, JR. aka BILL COSBY,, Art individual Superior’ ‘Court of California niinty nfl ne Annies, ‘YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: DEC 0 2 2014 (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): JUDY HUTH, an wdividual , er ee TWOTIGET You have been sved. The cour may dei agains you wlio yourBalig hoard Lnloss you rpond win 0 Gay. Read he information below. ‘You have 30 CALENDAR OAYS after hs summons and gal papers are srved on youto fe wien respanse a this cout andhave a copy ‘Aleta phone cal il nt pretec you. Your witanrespense ust ban rope lege frm you want the cut her your ‘ase. There maybe a cout fem that you ean use for your response. You can find ese cou forms and more irate a ha Calla Cours ‘hina Settaip Canter (wu court ca ), your aunty aw rary oF he courhouse nearest you, ityoucannol pay te fing fora fe waiver form. If you dona le your response on time, you may loss the case by detail and your wages, mocoy, and property witout uther waming om the cout, other legal equrements. You may want allan atoray Hight away. you donot hnow an eteney, you may wants call an atomey ‘eteral service. lyou cant aferd an ate, you may be eligi fr fe legal services fom a nonprofit egal orice program. You can ecto, ‘hase nonprot greups atthe Caloris Lagal Sarvicos Wod so (ww Jewhelpalfomia or) the Callornia Courts Onne Sel-Help Center (wa. govselet). by contacting yout local cost r count bar assodaton, NOTE: The court has aslalutory len fr waves feos and ‘ols on any setlament or arbiralon award of $10,000 or more aa el case. The caus tan ust bo paid befor the cout wil mise hoe JAVISO! Lo en demandade. Sino responde dentro de 20 das, e corte puede decir en su conta sin escuchar su versén. Lea a ifomacn @ ‘ontnuaién Thane 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO después de quel enreguen esa clctn ypaples legals para presontar una respuesta por escto en oa

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