Molina PCA

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COUNTY OF Dattas STATE OF TEXAS AFFIDAVIT FOR ARREST WARRANT BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared the undersigned aftiant who, aher TLL. Raley being duly sworn by me, on oath stated: My name is 1: and | am a peace olticer of the City of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas. {, the aitiant, have guod reason aod July one (name ct suspect) day of do believe that on or about the _— did then and there in the City of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas Juanito Benjamin Molina commit the offense of Ctiminal Negligent Homicide - « violation of Section 12.05 Statejuil felony onal investigation of this alleged offense. - — a fellow peace officer of the City of Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, who personally participated in the investigation of this alleged offense, providing this information to Affiant, and whose information Affiant believes to be credible. in July 15, 2014 at about 10:00 pm, Juanito Molina committed the offense of Criminally Negligent Homicide, « state jail felony, by accidentally shooting the complainant, Eric Romero one time in the head. The complainant ater died from his injuries. ‘This offense occurred at 3103 Kinmore, Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, The complainant was taken to Baylor Hospital by private vehicle operated by A/P Molina and SaBNRMIME. ‘The vomplainant was pronounced dead by Dr. Lauz at 1:50 am. Detectives spoke with A/P Molina and“ Sle at the homicide unit, Both gave conilicting stories of the jinident and were released. As Detective Raley continued to investigate the offense, it was determined that A/P Motina 2nd SE ere with the complainant when he Was shot, Jon December 29, 2014, A/P Molina came to the homicide uni custodial voluntary statement admitting that he shot the complainant. A/P Molina stated that while inside the esidence of WEEE A/P Molina picked up a revolver and pulled back the hammer. He stated he put his: ger on the trigger and the gun went off, He then realized that he shot the complainant in the head, He stated that .¢ and ‘WEEP ut the complainant in his tuck and drove him to Baylor Hospital. He nd fcame up with a story to tell police so that they would not get in trouble and gave a non | ____ WHEREFORE, Atfiant requests that an arrest warrant be issued foc the above accysed individual in accordance with the law ZA aay of SOCEM J i (AGISTRATE’ § DETERMINATION OF PROBABLE CAUSE On thisthe 21 day of aU E20 | = J Thereby acknowledge that ihave examined the foregoing aifidavit and have determined that probable cause exists. |, for the issuance of an arrest warrant for the individual SUBSCRIBED ANP SWORN TO BEFORE ME gn the MAGISTRATE, IN-AND FOR DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS

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