EOI Roadmap Consultancy For IT

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Expression of Interest (EoI) File No.

51-2/2006-Tech Dated 31st December 2008


Appointment of Project Consultant for IT Project of
Department of Posts

This document is the property of Department of Posts (DoP). The use of

the contents of this document for any purpose other than the purpose
specified herein is strictly prohibited.

This request for Expression of Interest is not an offer by the DOP, but an invitation to receive response from eligible
interested bidders for providing consultancy support for developing a IT road map and facilitating its roll out.
DOP will shortlist such bidders who fulfill the eligibility criteria for issue of Request for Proposal (RFP).
No contractual obligation whatsoever shall arise from the EOI process. This document should be read in its entirety.

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Expression of Interest (EoI) File No. 51-2/2006-Tech Dated 31st December 2008

Table of Contents

1 INVITATION FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST........................................ 3

1.1 EOI NOTICE ........................................................................................3
1.2 CRITICAL INFORMATION ..........................................................................3
1.3 PROJECT BACKGROUND............................................................................4
1.4 KEY OBJECTIVES ...................................................................................5
1.5 SCOPE OF WORK ...................................................................................6
1.6 KEY DELIVERABLES ................................................................................8
1.7 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ......................................................................8
1.8 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA .............................................................................9
2 GENERAL CONDITIONS........................................................................ 10
2.1 SUBMISSION OF EOI DOCUMENT .............................................................. 10
2.2 VALIDITY OF EOI ................................................................................ 11
2.3 CLARIFICATIONS TO EOI ....................................................................... 11
2.4 AMENDMENTS IN EOI ........................................................................... 11
2.5 DISQUALIFICATION .............................................................................. 11
2.6 EVALUATION OF PROPOSALS .................................................................... 12
2.7 CONFIDENTIALITY ................................................................................ 12
3 ANNEXURE .......................................................................................... 13
3.2.1FORM 2: DETAILS OF EXPERIENCE OF BIDDER-I ............................................ 15
3.2.2FORM 3: DETAILS OF EXPERIENCE OF BIDDER-II ........................................... 15
3.2.3FORM 4: DETAILS OF EXPERIENCE OF BIDDER-III .......................................... 15
3.3 FORM 5: BID SECURITY FORM ................................................................. 16

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Expression of Interest (EoI) File No. 51-2/2006-Tech Dated 31st December 2008

1 Invitation for Expression of Interest

1.1 EoI Notice

1. This Expression of Interest (‘EoI’) is for empanelment of bidders for providing
Consultancy services for developing an IT road map and facilitating its roll out
including preparation of Business model, IT & business process re-engineering,
enterprise-wide ICT enablement, establishment of Data Center(s), Business
Continuity, Disaster Recovery, and Information Security, to the Department of
Posts (DoP).
2. Interested bidders are advised to study the EOI document carefully. Submission
of EOI shall be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of
the EOI document with full understanding of its implications.
3. Interested bidders may obtain the EoI from the Assistant Director General
(Technology), Room No. 422-A, Technology Division, 4th Floor, Dak Bhawan,
Sansad Marg, New Delhi – 110001. The EOI document can also be downloaded
from DOP website www.indiapost.gov.in.
4. All EOI documents must be accompanied by a Bid Security of INR 15,00,000
(INR Fifteen Lakh only), the bid security would be valid for 180 days. This
may be treated as E.M.D. for the short listed bids and for unsuccessful ones bid
security would be refunded. The short-listed bidders may be asked to extend the
bid security for further 180 days.

1.2 Critical Information

S. No Information Details
1. Last date for submission of 9th January, 2009
written queries for clarifications
2. Release of response to 12th January, 2009
3. Last date for receipt of EOI On or before 1500 hours IST on 16th
January, 2009
4. Place, Time and Date of opening Room No 422-A, Technology Division,
of EOI 4th Floor, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi – 110001
At 1600 hours on 16th January, 2009
5. Contact Person for queries Assistant Director General (Technology),
Room No 422-A, Technology Division,
4th Floor, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi – 110001.
Telephone: 011 – 23036763
Fax: 011 – 23096124
Email: Kushal@indiapost.gov.in
6. Addressee and Address at which Assistant Director General (Technology),
EOI is to be submitted: Room No 422-A, Technology Division,
4th Floor, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,

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Expression of Interest (EoI) File No. 51-2/2006-Tech Dated 31st December 2008

S. No Information Details
New Delhi – 110001.

1.3 Project background

The DoP has the largest postal network in the world with over 1.55 lakh Post Offices.
The Indian Postal system currently provides a number of services to its customers.
These can be broadly classified as:
(i) Communication services (Letters, Post cards, etc.)
(ii) Transportation services (Parcel, Logistics post, etc.)
(iii) Financial services (Savings Bank, Money Order, Postal Life Insurance, etc.)
(iv) Premium Value-added services (Speed Post, Business Post, Retail Post, etc.)
(v) Social empowerment services for the Central & State Governments such as
payment of old age pension and NREGS in rural areas.
 The physical network is supplemented by outreach and door to door services that
extend to almost all individuals, households and businesses in the country. The
details of services are available in the Annual report published on website of
India Post (http://www.indiapost.gov.in).
 Out of total of more than 1.55 lakh post offices in the country, about 25,000 are
departmental Sub - Post offices. Up to 31-3-2008 a total of 9,639 (816 HPOs and
8823 Sub Post offices) with three hands and above have been supplied with
computers & peripherals.
 Now, only 16,012 departmental sub post offices (5,171 double handed and
10,841 single handed) remain to be computerized. There are also a total of
1,29,553 extra departmental post offices in rural areas which are also yet to be
 Presently integration and consolidation, has been entrusted to National
Informatics Centre who is setting up a National Data Centre, Disaster Recovery
Center and networking of 1318 Post Office locations by WAN. National Data
Centre at Delhi had already been setup by NIC which host current web based
 Department of Posts has many LAN based software’s & applications which are
currently been used in the Post Offices covering two main operations in the post
offices i.e, Meghdoot for postal operations and Sanchay Post for savings bank
 In addition software’s for Postal Life insurance/ Rural Postal Life Insurance,
Speednet for trace and track of speed post, ePost and ePayment for utility
payments are also in use ,total 26 in number, some of which are WAN based.

 The volume of both for postal and financial transactions are sizeable, details of
which are available in the Annual report published on website of India Post

 In the above background the Departments objectives over the next 3 years

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Expression of Interest (EoI) File No. 51-2/2006-Tech Dated 31st December 2008

(i) Maximizing revenue from various services and products

(ii) Providing e-services to the citizens in efficient manner at affordable cost
(iii) Enhancing customer satisfaction through the provision of a full suite of
need-based products and services, and through the improvement of
service quality, speed of delivery and reliability.
(iv) Consolidate the current IT infrastructure and migrate to state of the art
modern and advanced IT system
(v) Planning and setting up a state of the art all India Network by
consolidating the existing network
(vi) Existing Application study and consolidation of the same, by migration if
(vii) Greater accountability and productivity through the use of technology
(viii) Employee delight at work place.
(ix) Introduction of commercial accounting system in DoP
(x) Highest level of Business and Management efficiencies.
(xi) Acquiring Brand equity of a leading edge service provider.

 To enable DoP to achieve these business objectives, it plans to create a state of

the art electronic network covering all its offices and all products and services
including third party services and enable electronic transmission of information
for conducting & monitoring operations, consolidating transactions data and
generating an effective MIS and DSS.
 Meet the above objectives by Business Process Re-engineering, setting up of one
or more data centers, Business Continuity center(s) and Disaster recovery
center(s), Wide Area Networking of over 155,000 offices all over India; and the
development of a suitable software suite covering all operations of the
Department of Posts.

1.4 Key Objectives

The objectives of this consultancy will be to guide DoP in conceptualizing, planning,
identifying technology partner(s), project management and roll out through:
a) As is study of the existing systems
b) Business modeling and objectives
c) Formulation of IT strategy
d) Business Process Reengineering
e) Development , Selection and Deployment of an optimal software suite
f) Establishment of Data Center(s)
g) Preparation of Information Security policy
h) Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery plans and their implementation
i) Organization-wide networking
j) IT skill enhancement of its employees , capacity building, change Management
and Training

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Expression of Interest (EoI) File No. 51-2/2006-Tech Dated 31st December 2008

k) Organisation structure for managing the IT System for DoP

1.5 Scope of Work

The Consultant will be required to help in the selection of implementation partner(s)
for the program including the software, hardware, networking and PPP-based
operations. The work includes preparation of all necessary documentation for
approval, as required by our policy viz. EOI, RFP, SLAs and Agreements etc including
the below mentioned areas:

1.5.1. Prepare a Project Management Plan

1.5.2. Guide DoP in Business Process Reengineering comprising of: Re-evaluation of all current processes and redesigning or creation of
new processes Identification of stakeholder’s needs and the ways in which the
organization can meet them, especially Post Offices’ needs for
information, convenience & and speedier services. Identification of e-services and service levels to be offered to the
citizens Usage of ‘best practices’ from other similar organizations to develop
milestones, objectives and targets to benchmark organizational
performance Enhancement of employee involvement and technological skills Introduction of commercial system of accounting Preparation of the Business Process Documentation (BPD) Preparation of a complete High-level system requirement
specification (SRS) from the finalized business processes for each
department, inclusive of data and process flows, business use cases
and report structures

1.5.3. Guide DoP in the creation and management of data centers, Information
Security Policy, Business Continuity Plan and Disaster Recovery Plan
comprising of: Architecture and design for Data Center and its management Data integrity and security Access control measures Preparation & evaluation of tenders for Data Center (DC), Disaster
Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity (BC) Project management and implementation for DC/DR/BC Monitoring solutions for DC support infrastructure, security, access,
and network and auditing solutions.

1.5.4. Provide consultancy in Computerization of Offices of DoP Design hardware requirements & Specifications need

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Expression of Interest (EoI) File No. 51-2/2006-Tech Dated 31st December 2008 Help in choosing System Integrator(s) for installation, commissioning

and maintenance Prepare a RFP for appointment of SI Bring in international ‘best practices’ of organization, safety and
longevity of IT hardware

1.5.5. Consultancy in networking of all offices of DoP ( Network design,

establishment and maintenance plan) Evaluate the current network infrastructure in the DoP Identify gaps or overlapping, if any, and suggest appropriate
strategies to streamline the network infrastructure so as to put in
place a secure and unified enterprise-wide network infrastructure Prepare a RFP for appointment of a Network service provider Analyze data flow, future projections and size the network
appropriately considering upcoming technology options especially in
rural areas

1.5.6. Consultancy in development of enterprise-wide integrated software

comprising of: Current state assessment of application and business requirements
for integrated, scalable and modular software Recommendations for development, testing and deployment of
suitable web-based multilingual software Appointment of software development agency including post rollout
maintenance and management of application software Review and monitoring of complete SDLC in line with industry best-
practices (including review of SRS, Design, Test Reports, etc.) Recommendations on upgrade of the existing website and its
integration with backend processes & MIS, in order to make it e-
commerce, m-commerce, and web standard compliant Evaluate & reengineer the existing MIS framework Introduce industry-standard benchmarks and protocols Evaluation of the application developed, based on the acceptance
criteria such as response time, security, database design, user
friendliness, etc. Supervision of implementing partners and training / hand-holding of
departmental officials Project supervision for one year, post roll-out

1.5.7. Strategy to incorporate the legacy system of multiple softwares / hardwares

and connectivity with: Consolidation with the proposed system including migration of data.

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Expression of Interest (EoI) File No. 51-2/2006-Tech Dated 31st December 2008 Consolidation and integration of the modules and the development of

MIS and DSS systems Integration of other software developed such as CBS in the system Development of new products and services including E-services for the
citizens, Government, Corporates etc. Consultancy for structural review based on systems study and surveys
amongst customers, employees and management

The list of topics is only indicative of scope of work. DoP reserves the right to modify
scope of work at a later stage.

1.6 Key Deliverables

The key deliverables must include:-

1.6.1 A high-level Technology Road Map as well as a detailed IT Strategy year-

wise & Action Plan for the DoP applicable over a long period, to bridge the
gaps identified under the Scope of Work.

1.6.2 Identification of technology partner(s), managing the bidding process,

Requirement specifications, RFPs, ATPs, evaluation reports, negotiations,
contract finalisation, and recommendations to DoP & Vendor(s) Management
tools and techniques etc.,. Project Management- Project monitoring and
evalution MIS, testing and timely implementation of the project in conjunction
with a dedicated Project Management Unit (PMU) established by the DOP.

1.6.3 Preparation of detailed project report (DPR) and Submission of Projected

Budgetary Estimates on Annual Action Plans - both under Capital and
Revenue expenditure heads - for the next 3-5 years

1.6.4 Seminars and knowledge sharing sessions for officers at all levels including
senior management and developing for training and capacity building

1.6.5 Auditing the performance of the Technology partner(s) / vendor(s) and

developing and measuring KPIs to assess the project

1.7 Instructions to Bidders

General Conditions
a) The Bidder shall be a company registered & incorporated under the Indian
Companies Act, 1956 or a partnership firm or a Govt. Organization operating in
b) Each Bidder is allowed to submit only one bid.
c) The company should have been in business for at least five financial years (not
including the ongoing year, i.e. 2008-09). A copy of certificate of incorporation
should be submitted in proof of the same.

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d) Should have profitable operations for last three years

All documents submitted by the bidder shall be signed on each page by an
authorized signatory.
e) On being finally selected, the consultant shall undertake to open a project office
at Delhi, at the place selected by DoP, within one week of getting the Letter of
Intent (LoI).
f) Interested company must provide following information of the Company:
a. Public or Private - If public, details are to be provided
b. Part of a Group – If yes, provide Group details
c. Company Profile and Registered Office details
g) Credentials with postal / express delivery clients, in order to showcase postal
domain experience and ‘best practice’ expertise will be an added advantage.
Case studies, order copies and contact details of the same should be attached as
proof thereof.

h) The proposed key persons and the professional staff who are going to be
deployed in the project must have the experience and expertise in their area
of specialization and must have worked for similar projects with at least one
team member with recent experience of working on a comparable project for a
large Postal Service/Organization (s).
i) Should provide a team leader who has been involved in conducting IT strategy
and implementation projects in the last three years. (not including the ongoing
year, i.e.2008-09).
j) Should not participate in downstream projects (Hardware, Networking
equipment supply, Application development, Data Centre Services) etc.

k) Should not partner in future with other interested bidders for the downstream

The procedure for obtaining the EOI, the submission requirements and the last date
by which the same should reach DoP is specified at the beginning of the document.

Procedure for submission of EOI

a) The application for EoI must be submitted in sealed envelopes, super-scribed
"Expression of Interest (EOI) for Empanelment of IT Consultant for IT Revamp
Project” and addressed to the contact person indicated above.
b) The bid shall not contain any financial offer or revenue share percentage, etc.
c) All documents submitted by the bidder shall be signed on each page by an
authorized signatory.

1.8 Eligibility Criteria

Bidders should clearly indicate, giving explicit documentary evidence, with respect to
the following, in absence of which the EOI response may be rejected summarily at
pre-qualification stage.

Interested Companies/ Partnerships must satisfy the following criteria:

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a) The Companies/ Partnerships must have an average annual turnover of not less
than Rs. 75 (Seventy Five) Crores in Indian Rupees for each of the last three
financial years (2006-2008).
b) The core competence of the company should be Consultancy in Project
Management of IT Services; etc. and the Company should have designed, and
monitored implementation projects of IT solutions for large organization(s)/
Government sector of project value of not less than 100 Crores.
c) Bidders may form a consortium, to compliment their respective areas of
expertise, or for other reasons on a long term or for a specific assignment.
Consortium may take the form of a Joint Venture (JV) and the consortium
partner should preferably be in IT Technology domain / Networking / Software
Development, System integration. The consortium partner should have a
minimum turnover of 25 Crores and should have implemented a project of
minimum of 15 Crores in the areas of specifications mentioned above.
d) The Company should have minimum of 50 (fifty) professionals who are trained
in IT Strategic consultancy, Business Process Study/ System Study, having
domain knowledge of Web based Applications development, System Software
Development, Networking Architecture (LAN / WAN connectivity), Information
System Security and BCP/DR setup. Company will submit a certificate to this
effect indicating number of professionals available with them under each of the
areas mentioned above.
e) Details of at least 2 similar consultancies in IT projects successfully implemented
in the last 3 -5 years should be submitted along with the proposal. The bidder
must have executed at least two consultancy assignments of similar nature
(preferably Postal / logistics / banking Projects) having value not less than Rs.
75 Crores each. Case studies, order copies and contract details of the same
should be attached as proof thereof (Form-3). The scope of work should include
the work mentioned in the scope of work mentioned in the present EOI. Case
studies / Work Orders of the same should be attached as proof thereof (Form 4).

2 General conditions

2.1 Submission of EOI document

The instructions for submitting the EOI are mentioned below:
a) The EOI and all associated correspondence shall be written in English and shall
conform to prescribed formats. Any interlineations, erasures or over-writings
shall be valid only if they are initialed by the authorized person signing the EOI
b) EOI received by facsimile shall be treated as defective, invalid and rejected. Only
detailed and complete EOI received prior to the closing time and date of the
proposals shall be taken as valid
c) Two hard copies and one soft copy (on a non-rewriteable CD) of the EOI
prepared in accordance with the procedures enumerated in the EOI document
should be submitted in a sealed envelope to the Department of Posts no later
than the date and time laid down, at the address given in Section 1.2

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d) The envelope should be super scribed with “Expression of Interest -

Empanelment of IT Consultant for IT Revamp project”. CD media must be duly
signed using a “Permanent Pen/Marker” and should bear the name of the bidder
submitting the bid
e) The EOI document submitted by the bidder should be concise and contain only
relevant information as required under this EOI
f) The bidder would be responsible for all of its expenses, costs and risks incurred
towards preparation of the EOI document, attending any pre-bid/bid meeting and
visiting the site or any other location in connection therewith. DoP shall, in no
case, be responsible or liable for any such costs whatsoever, regardless of the
outcome of the EOI process.

2.2 Validity of EOI

The EOI submitted by the bidders shall remain valid for a period of 90 (ninety) days
after the date of EOI opening prescribed in this EOI. An EOI valid for shorter period
may be rejected as non-responsive. DOP may solicit the bidders consent to an
extension of EOI Proposal validity (but without the modification in the EOI Proposal).

2.3 Clarifications to EOI

The bidders may seek clarifications in writing regarding the Bid Documents within
one weeks of issue of EOI. DOP shall respond in writing to any request for the

2.4 Amendments in EOI

At any time prior to the last date of receipt of EOI, DoP may for any reason, whether
at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective
bidder, modify the EOI document by an amendment. In order to provide the
prospective bidders reasonable time in which to take the amendment into account in
preparing the bids, DoP may, at its discretion, extend the last date for receipt of

2.5 Disqualification
DOP may at its sole discretion and at any time during the evaluation of EOI,
disqualify any bidder, if the bidder has:
a) Submitted the EOI documents after the response deadline
b) Made misleading or false representations in the forms, statements and
attachments submitted in proof of the eligibility requirements
c) Exhibited a record of poor performance such as abandoning works, not properly
completing the contractual obligations, inordinately delaying completion or
financial failures, etc. in any project in the preceding three years
d) Submitted an EOI that is not accompanied by required documentation or is non-

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e) Failed to provide clarifications related thereto, when sought

f) Submitted more than one EOI
g) Declared ineligible by the Government of India/State/UT Government for corrupt
and fraudulent practices or blacklisted.

2.6 Evaluation of proposals

The evaluation of the EOIs shall be done by a committee who may seek clarifications
from Companies and the Companies shall clarify such aspects. The Companies may
also be asked to give presentations to make DoP appreciate their proposed

2.7 Confidentiality
Information relating to the examination, clarification and comparison of the EOI shall
not be disclosed to any bidders or any other persons not officially concerned with
such process until the empanelment process is over. The undue use by any
Company of confidential information related to the process may result in rejection of
its EOI.

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Expression of Interest (EoI) File No. 51-2/2006-Tech Dated 31st December 2008

3 Annexure

3.1 Form 1: Notice of Intent to submit Expression of Interest

(To be submitted on the Letterhead of the Bidder)

Assistant Director General (Technology),
Room No 422-A, Technology Division,
4th Floor, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi – 110001.

Subject: Submission of EOI for ‘Empanelment of IT Consultant for IT Revamp project’

Dear Sir,
1. Having examined the EOI, we, the undersigned, offer to propose for Empanelment of
IT Consultant for IT Revamp project, in full conformity with the said EOI.
2. We have read the provisions of the EOI and confirm that these are acceptable to us.
We further declare that additional conditions, variations, deviations, if any, found in
our EOI shall not be given effect to.
3. We agree to abide by this EOI, consisting of this letter, the detailed response to the
EOI and all attachments, for a period of 90 days from the date fixed for submission of
EOI as stipulated in the EOI.
4. We hereby declare that all the information and statements made in this proposal are
true and accept that any misinterpretation contained in it may lead to our

Our correspondence details with regards to this EOI are:

Information Details

1. Name of bidder

2. Address of bidder

3. Name, Designation and Address

of the contact person to whom all
references shall be made
regarding this EOI

4. Telephone no. of contact person:

5. Mobile no. of contact person:

6. Fax no. of contact person:

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Information Details

7. E-mail address of contact person:

We hereby declare that our EOI is made in good faith and the information contained is
true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.







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3.2.1 Form 2: Details of Experience of Bidder

[Using the format below, the bidder should provide details on handling for minimum 2 Government /
PSU / Semi Government / Private sector projects / projects as elaborated in the pre-qualification

Sr. No Item Details

General Information

1 Customer Name/Government Department

2 Name of the Contact Person and contact

details for the project

Project Details

3 Name of the project

4 Start Date/End Date

5 Current Status (work in progress,


6 Contract tenure

Size of the project

7 Order Value of the project (in Rs. Lakhs)

8 Total cost of the services provided (by the


Project Classification
Please specify under which of the following area does the Project fall under:
 Strategic Planning
 Project Consultancy
 Project Implementation and support
 Post Implementation services
 Others: (Please specify)

Narrative description of Project:

Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:

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3.2.2 Form 3: Details of Experience of Bidder

Details of Assignments Undertaken in Last Three Years


O. CLIENT UNDERTAKEN (from date to ment offices

date) PLATFO network

RM ed &


1. All pages are to be signed by Authorised Signatory

2. Attach order copies / completion certificates for completed projects, from clients for all the
assignments mentioned above.


Place: (Authorised Signatory of accompany)

Seal of Company

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3.2.3 Form 4: Details of Experience of Bidder


Assignment Name: Country:

Location within Country: Professional Staff Provided by Company:

Name of Client: No. of Support Staff:

Address & Contact Details: Duration of assignments:

Start Date Completion Date Approx. Value of Services

Name of Associated Consultants, if any: No. of Months of Professional Staff, provided by Associated
Consultants (if any):

Name of Senior Staff involved and functions performed:

Narrative Description of Project:



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3.3 Form 5: Bid Security Form

Whereas ------------------------------------------------------------ (hereinafter called 'the Bidder') has submitted

its EOI dated ---------------- for Submission of EOI for ‘Empanelment of IT Consultant for IT
Revamp project’ (hereinafter called "the Bid") to Assistant Director General (Technology),
Department of Posts on behalf of the President of India.

KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that WE -------------------------------------------- of ----------------------------

----------------------------------------- having our registered office at ------------ -----------------------------------------
---------- (hereinafter called "the Bank") are bound unto the to Assistant Director General
(Technology), Department of Posts on behalf of the President of India (hereinafter called "the
Purchaser") in the sum of ---------------------- for which payment well and truly to be made to the said
Purchaser, the Bank binds itself, its successors and assigns by these presents. Sealed with the
Common Seal of the said Bank this --------------day of ---------------------------2008.

THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are:

1. If the Bidder having its bid withdrawn during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on
the Bid Form; or
2. If the Bidder, having been notified of the acceptance of its bid by the Purchaser during the
period of validity of bid

(a) Withdraws his participation from the bid during the period of validity of bid
document; or

(b) Fails or refuses to participate in the subsequent Tender process after having
been short listed;

We undertake to pay to the Purchaser up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand,
without the Purchaser having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand the Purchaser will
note that the amount claimed by it is due to it owing to the occurrence of one or both of the two
conditions, specifying the occurred condition or conditions.

This guarantee will remain in force up to and including 180 days after the period of bid validity, and any
demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank not later than the above date.

(Authorized Signatory of the Bank)
Seal Date:

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