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Digitally signed by

Dr Z Joseph H Zernik
DN: cn=Joseph H
Zernik, o, ou,

Joseph Zernik, DMD, PhD, c=US

Location: La Verne,

PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750; fax: 801 998-0917; email: Date: 2009.12.20
04:30:38 -08'00'

RE: Samaan V Zernik (SC087400) - Notice to cease and desist racketeering

Terry Friedman, Judge
Richard A Stone, Judge
Gerald Rosenberg, Supervising Judge,
Charles McCoy, Presiding Judge
John A Clarke, Clerk of The Court
Mohammad Keshavarzi, Esq - Sheppard Mullin
David Pasternak, Esq – Pasternak, Pasternak, Patton
John Amberg, Esq – Bryan Cave, LLP
Jenna Moldawsky, Esq – Bryan Cave, LLP
Todd Book, Esq – Bank of America Corporation
Sanford Shatz, Esq – Bank of America Corporation
Sandor Samuels, Esq – Associate General Counsel, Bank of America Corporation
Brian Moynihan, CEO/President - Bank of America Corporation (BAC).

To all parties listed above, please accept this notice as a kindly request to cease and desist racketeering
at the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles.

I am in receipt of yet another mail-fraud item from Mohammad Keshavarzi, and attorney at Sheppard
Mullin, post-marked December 15, 2009, linked below. This mail-fraud item fraudulently referred to
Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) as a case of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles.
Therefore, it was fraud on its face. Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) was never a matter litigated under the
jurisdiction of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, the evidence included, but was
not limited to the following:

1. Presiding Judge Charles McCoy and Clerk of the Court John A Clarke refused numerous
requests in the past two years to certify that Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) was a matter litigated
under the jurisdiction of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles.
2. None of the judges in the case was issued an honest, valid and effectual Assignment Order, and
the Supervising Judge and Presiding Judge refused to issue Assignment Orders in response to
motions brought before them.
3. Presiding Judge Charles McCoy and Clerk of the Court John A Clarke likewise, refused to
dismiss the case, where purported Plaintiff Nivie Samaan never paid her filing fees in October
4. Furthermore, all fees paid in this case were listed in the Register of Actions as “Journal Entry”,
whereas in other cases, which were litigated under jurisdiction of the Superior Court of
California, County of Los Angeles, such fees were designated “Filing Fees”, “Motion Fees”,
“Stipulation Fees”, etc. Inappropriate use of “Journal Entry” was considered in accountancy texts
as cardinal sign of fraud. Moreover, Presiding Judge Charles McCoy and Clerk of the Court John
Clarke, refused to disclose the eventual designation of such funds. Likewise – the annual reports
of the Los Angeles Superior Court were missing any publicly published, independently audited
financial statements.
5. The Presiding Judge and the Clerk of the Court refused to certify the false on its face August 9,
2007 Judgment by Judge Jacqueline Connor, who instigated this case of fraud by the court,
likewise, court records, to this date, list the case as pending – evidence that the court itself never
deeded the August 9, 2007 as honest, valid, and effectual judgment.
6. The conduct of Mohammad Keshavarzi, of Sheppard Mullin, detailed in the linked records,
amounted to racketeering at the court. Presiding Judge Charles McCoy, a former partner at
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Sheppard Mullin, was routinely informed in the past 2.5 years of the conduct of Attorney
Mohammad Keshavarzi, but failed to initiate corrective actions.
7. The conduct of Attorney David Pasternak, who purported to act on behalf of the court in this
case, was with no valid Appointment Order, and was opined as fraud by the highest reputation
fraud expert – FBI veteran James Wedick, who had been decorated by FBI Director, by US
Congress, and by US Attorney General. Attorney Pasternak’s conduct in this case, which must
be deemed racketeering, was detailed in the linked records.
8. Numerous other cases, which must be deemed real estate fraud by Attorney David Pasternak,
while acting on behalf of the courts, were identified in search at the Office of Registrar Recorder
of Los Angeles County.
9. Countrywide/Bank of America records in this case were opined as fraud by Robert Meister, a
highly reputed fraud expert.
10. All purported court orders and judgments in this case were fraud on their faces, either failing to
have any authentication at all, or carrying invalid authentications, e.g. - belonging to other
records attached to them. Court records in and of themselves provided evidence that the court
itself never deemed any of these orders and judgments as honest, valid, and effectual.
Samaan v Zernik (SC087400), was not the only case of racketeering at the Superior Court of California,
County of Los Angeles. Other examples included, but were not limited to (a) Galdjie v
Darwish (SC052737), (b) Marina v LA County (BS109420), and (c) Sturgeon v LA
County (BC351286). The first was an example of deprivation of a person’s of property, the second –
deprivation of a person’s of liberty, and the third – the deprivation of all 10 million residents of LA
county of the prospect of honest court services in years to come.
In all three cases, the Presiding Judge and Clerk of the Court denied repeated requests to certify the
cases as matters that were in fact litigated under the jurisdiction of the Superior Court of California,
County of Los Angeles. They denied repeated requests to certify the respective judges as duly assigned
to such matters, and the respective judgments as judgments of the Superior Court of California.
Combined, these cases provide incontrovertible evidence for conduct of the racketeering enterprise of
the LA-JR (alleged Los Angeles Judiciary Racket) at the Superior Court of California, County of Los
The case carried significance far beyond the real estate matter inherent to it, since the criminality in the
conduct of Judge Jacqueline Connor in this case must lead to renewed investigation of her role in the
Rampart scandal (1998-2000) and in perversion of justice in the First Rampart Trial (2000).
Judge Charles McCoy is herein kindly requested to initiate corrective actions.1
Dated: December 20, 2009
La Verne, County of Los Angeles, California Joseph H Zernik

By: ______________
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750

One should note in this regard that former Presiding Judge Welch, of the Superior Court of California, County of San
Bernardino, neighboring Los Angeles, was tied to numerous real estate fraud cases as well:
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Fax: 801 998 0917

* Digitally signed copy of this letter, with easy links to referenced records, was posted at:

Linked Records:

1) December 8, 2009 fraudulent notice, USPS post-stamped December 15, 2009, deemed mail-
fraud and evidence of racketeering by Attorney Mohammad Keshavarzi and Sheppard Mullin.

2) December 16, 2009 Request for Attorney Pasternak’s explanation for a Notice and payment of
$6,000 that were deemed evidence of racketeering.$6000-dated-nov-16-2009-s.pdf

3) December 18, 2009 Notice to Brian Moynihan regarding racketeering by Sandor Samuels and
others, on behalf of Bank of America Corporation at the Superior Court of California, County of
Los Angeles.

Copied to:

1. Ronald George – who formerly served in leadership positions at the Superior Court of
California, County of Los Angeles, and who was deemed responsible for installation of Sustain,
which enabled the LA-JR (Los Angeles Judiciary Racket) in its current manifestation.

2. Glenn A Fine - US Department of Justice Inspector General – as an addendum to complaint on

file regarding failure of FBI and US Attorney General to enforce the law in Los Angeles County,
and fraudulent responses to US Congress in this regard by Kenneth Kaiser – Assistant Director
of FBI, and Kenneth Melson – Director of the Office of US Attorney General

3. US Senate Judiciary Committee - with a request to initiate corrective actions.

4. US House Judiciary Committee – with a request to initiate corrective actions.

5. Basel Committee on International Banking – as evidence of ongoing criminality at Bank of

America Corporation, and ongoing failure of US government to institute honest, valid, and
effectual banking regulation.

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