Mystery Called Sanjay Gandhi

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Mystery CALLED Sanjay Gandhi

Mystery CALLED Sanjay Gandhi


• From: CYBERHINWA <cyberhinwa@xxxxxxxxx>

• Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 22:53:56 −0800 (PST)

Mystery of Sanjay Gandhi

Misusing her political powers, Indira Gandhi along with her colleagues
protected Sanjay Gandhi who had committed a car theft

Sanjay Gandhi's name was actually Sanjeev Gandhi. He was arrested for
a car theft in U.K. Since his passport had been seized, the then
Indian Ambassador to U.K. Krishna Menon changed his name to 'Sanjay'
and procured a new passport for him.

Blackmailing his mother Indira Gandhi, Sanjay was running the

Government! ...... Sanjay Gandhi or Sanjeev Gandhi?

It is a fact that Sanjay Gandhi constantly blackmailed his mother and

was indirectly controlling the Government. He behaved as if the
'country was his personal property'. Indira Gandhi chose to ignore his
misdeeds. The reason why Indira tolerated Sanjay's behaviour was
because he knew who his father was and he used that to blackmail her.
When Indira learnt of Sanjay's death her first question was, 'Where
are his keys and his wrist watch?' Were some deep secrets about the
Gandhi−Nehru dynasty hidden in those objects? (An unbiased pamphlet
published in the interest of Indian society, Author: R. V. Bhasin,
Advocate, Supreme Court)

It has been controversially suggested that Sanjay exercised a deep

emotional control over his mother, which was often misused. Some,
including Khushwant Singh, have claimed that he tapped his widowed
mother's apparent loneliness to build his influence and control over
political affairs and national policy. (Ref: Wikipedia)

(... And we have many places named after Sanjay Gandhi like 'Sanjay
Gandhi National Park'! − Editor)
Indira Gandhi the heir who perpetuated immorality in the Nehru

Before Indira's marriage, the then Governor of Maharashtra, Dr.

Shriprakash had warned Nehru in a meeting and through a letter, that
Indira was having an illicit relationship with Feroze Khan.' − Gurudev
Dr. Kateswamiji (Ghanagarjit, January 2006)

Mystery CALLED Sanjay Gandhi 1

Mystery CALLED Sanjay Gandhi

Sanjay Gandhi's father was Mohammed Yunus, and not Feroze Gandhi !

Indira Gandhi's second son was not from Feroze Gandhi (Khan). He is
believed to be the son of Mohammed Yunus. When Sanjay and Menaka were
to be married, there were rumours in Delhi political circles that
Mohammed Yunus was against this match, because he wished that Sanjay
marry a Muslim girl of his choice. When Sanjay Gandhi died in a plane
crash, Mohammed Yunus wept the most.

Sanjay Gandhi had been circumcised. It was publicized that this was
done as a treatment for 'phimosis'. However in his book 'Persons,
Passions and Politics' he describes how Sanjay underwent circumcision
as per Islamic customs. The point here is how did Mohammed Yunus know
about such intimate points of Sanjay's life? This shows that he and
not Feroze Gandhi was Sanjay's real father.

Indira Gandhi Govt paid $6 million as bribe for Iran loan − ex−RAW

Secrets revealed in the book 'Inside IB and RAW, The Rolling Stone
That Gathered Moss' by K Sankaran Nair, former chief of the Research &
Analysis Wing (RAW), the country's premier foreign intelligence

* Indira Gandhi paid $6 million to bribe Sanjay's Iranian friend.

* Mrs. Gandhi used the services of an ex−IB chief to bring down
Janata government
* RAW created by Indira to undermine IB, cut then home minister
Y.B. Chavan to size

Read complete report...

Objective in publishing this article: The objective in publishing all

incidents in this article is not to criticize anyone, but to create an
awareness specially amongst the citizens of India and those of the
world as well, about the obvious misuse of Independence and to
acquaint them with their national leaders closely. − Adv. R.V. Bhasin,
Supreme Court of India.

This is an attempt to arrest the perversion of history and not an

attempt to saffronise it!

Mystery CALLED Sanjay Gandhi 2

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