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30.01.10 Keeping Canberra in the know.

INVITATIONS TO COMMENT National Multicultural Festival 2010

In six days the city will be transformed into the biggest stage in
Review of the ACT Territory Records Act 2002
As required by the Act, the Territory Records Act 2002 is being The National Multicultural Festival 2010 opens on Friday evening
reviewed during 2010. The Territory Records Office has in Garema Place with a spectacular Global Concert staring Deni
appointed Mr Paul Macpherson, an experienced archivist and Hines, Melinda Schneider, Paulini and Emma Donovan. In an
manager, to undertake the review. Australian debut they will present Mura Wakay — a celebration of
Australia’s rich culture and song.
The consultant, the Territory Records Office and the Territory
Records Advisory Council, would like to hear from a wide All the festival favourites will be presented free in Civic next
range of organisations and individuals who have an interest in weekend — the Global Concert and Night Markets; the Fyshwick
the operations of the Act. Freshfood Markets Food and Dance Spectacular; the Pacific Island
Showcase; Carnival in the City; ActewAGL’s Contact Canberra; the
Come along to a public meeting where you can express your Greek Glendi; ACTTAB Chinese New Year in the City; and India in
views on what makes an effective records and archives Act in the City.
the 21st Century.
Get all the details at
When: Thursday 4 February 2010 (10.30am – 12.30pm)
Where: Saunders Room, Canberra Service Club, corner of
Canberra Avenue and Manuka Circle, Manuka (adjacent to
Manuka Oval) Young Canberra Citizen of the Year Awards -
For further information contact David Wardle on 6207 0194 or
nominations close 14 February 2010
email The Young Canberra Citizen of the Year Awards 2010 are an
opportunity for the community to recognise young people aged
between 12 and 25 years of age who have made a significant
contribution to the ACT community. The community may
NOTICES AND EVENTS nominate a young person they know for one or more of the
seven categories and nominations can be made online. The
Award winners will be announced at a ceremony to be held
Rabbit control program about to commence during National Youth Week in April 2010. Each of the seven
category award winners will receive prize money and a plaque in
Territory and Municipal Services wishes to advise residents recognition of their achievements.
that a Rabbit Control Program will be undertaken on the
Mount Painter, Mount Majura and Mount Ainslie Nature The Award categories include:
Reserves over the next three months, commencing on • The Young Canberra Citizen of the Year
Monday 1 February 2010. • Personal Achievement
This program involves the use of Pindone™ Rabbit Poison and • Group Award
Phosphine Gas Fumigation and may involve the use of heavy • Youth Arts
machinery. Pindone™ is widely used throughout Australia to • Individual Community Service
control rabbit populations within the urban area. Whilst the
poison is considered low risk to domestic animals, Vitamin K1 • Young Entrepreneur
is an antidote to this poison. • Young Environmentalist
Dog walkers are advised to keep dogs on leads at all times and For further information on the Awards visit
stay well away from operating machinery. or phone Ms Kathy Ross on
6205 9286 or by email
Warning signs have been erected at all public access points
into the Nature Reserves.
For further information please contact Canberra Connect on Multicultural aged care seminars
13 22 81 or visit ACT Health invites you to a series of free seminars on issues
affecting older people from culturally and linguistically diverse
backgrounds. Seminars on different topics are held regularly and
Changes to school bus routes are in English. All interested members of the community are
welcome to attend. The Community Partners Programs Officer can
Commencing Monday 1 February 2010, ACTION will be arrange for many topics to be presented to any CALD group with
introducing some revised school bus services for Term I in the an appropriate interpreter if desired.
Future seminars
ACTION adjusts its school bus services on an annual basis to
meet school and student requirements. • 10 February - Buddhism - Amy Rayner
• 17 February - Alcohol and Older People - Amanda Coslett
The following schools will be affected by the revised school
services: Ainslie Primary; Amaroo Primary; Burgmann Anglican • 24 February - What is Dementia? – Michele Hawkins, Alzheimers
School (Gungahlin and Forde); Campbell Primary; Campbell Australia
High; Copland College; Daramalan College; Dickson College; • 3 March - The Impacts of Dementia for the Person with Dementia
Emmaus Christian School; Gold Creek High; Harrison Primary; and his or her Family and Carers – Michele Hawkins, Alzheimers
Kaleen High; Kingsford Smith School; Melba High; Merici Australia
College; Mother Teresa Primary; St Francis Xavier School; St • 10 March - Understanding Changed Behaviours and Strategies
Monica’s School; and St Thomas More School. for Managing Them – Michele Hawkins, Alzheimers Australia
The revised school services are listed at • 17 March - Communication and Dementia – Michele Hawkins, or customers can contact ACTION’s Alzheimers Australia
call centre on 13 17 10. If your school is not listed this means • 24 March – Dementia Behaviour Management Advisory Service –
there is no change to your school bus route or time. Dr Tony Jones, Alzheimers Australia
• 31 March - Person Centred Care in Action – Dr Tony Jones,
Alzheimers Australia
Back to school vaccination Seminars are held 9.30am to12.30pm at Pilgrim House, 69
With children returning to school, parents are urged to Northbourne Avenue, Civic. Bookings are essential. If you
vaccinate them against a resurgence of H1N1 influenza. would like more information or wish to book, please contact the
Community Partners Program Officer, Ailsa Turrell, on 6205 4794 or
As with all flu viruses, H1N1 influenza spreads easily from on Mondays or Wednesdays.
person to person and when it gets into a school or child care
centre it can quickly spread to children and their families.
Parents need to get themselves and their children vaccinated.
During the pandemic in Australia last year the highest rates TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURES
of hospital admissions was in children aged 0 to 4 years and
intensive care admissions were highest in babies less than Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 4 of the Roads and
one year old. Almost 75% of children less than 10 who were Public Places Act 1937 of the intention to close the following roads
hospitalised with pandemic influenza had no underlying in the ACT.
medical conditions.
The H1N1 influenza vaccine can’t be given to babies less
than six months of age. To protect these vulnerable children, COMMUNITY PATH: Cowper Street (western side) between house
parents are urged to have the vaccine. number 19 and house number 31.
Children aged 6 months to 9 years require two doses of the TIME: 7.00am Monday 8 February to 5.00p Friday 5 March 2010.
Panvax® H1N1 influenza vaccination given at least four weeks REASON: improvements to stormwater network.
People aged 10 years and over require a single dose of GRIBBLE STREET: will be closed between Ernest Cavanagh Street
Panvax®. and Anthony Rolfe Avenue.
Once vaccination is completed you will have protection TIME: 7.00am Monday 8 February to 5.00pm Thursday 1 April
against H1N1 influenza for at least a year. 2010.
The H1N1 influenza vaccine is free. To protect yourself against REASON: upgrade of Gribble Street / Anthony Rolfe Avenue
H1N1 influenza, book an appointment now with your GP or intersection.
call the Community Health Intake Line during business hours Any person wishing to comment on the above notices may
on 02 6207 9977. contact Colin Evans on 6207 6821.
Barriers, warning and diversion signs to be erected on site.
40km/h speed limit around schools Rifaat Shoukrallah
With school returning motorists are advised to observe the Delegated Officer
40km/h speed limits that are enforced in the areas around Roads ACT
schools. Locked Bag 2000
Civic Square ACT 2608

Phone Canberra Connect on 13 22 81 I

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