Mike Duffy's Charge Sheet

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No, offaformation / N® de fa @énonciation No. of information / N° de a dénonclation No, of lnformation | Ade la dénonciation Return see ea ert georen ee cored Return Date /Date 3 laquelle le document ext rapport 20 Return Date [Date @ laquelle Ie document est rapport 120 INFORMATION Against | DENONCIATION visant Michael Dennis DUFFY INFORMATION Against DENONCIATION visant Asress | teres CHARGE / ACCUSATION INFORMATION Against / DENONCIATION visant Adsross | Acroese (CHARGE | ACCUSATION 78 ADRNUSTRATWVE PURPOSES ONLY A DES Fins ADMNISTRATIVES SEULEMENT FR ADIANISTAATIVE PURPOSES ONLY ADES FINS ADMINIS TRATIVES SEULEMENT FR ADIENISTRATVE PURPOSES OMY ADDS FNS ADUNISTRATVES SEULEMENT D gems svc Oyen 0 Eire ‘Sonne — Autre D sunmone C2 srowcawse Cl waracts* Omen Stat agtere laren Shee Re 1 gurmess CI guaecage CI vores C) Hermie jason ed jason epee CVO No (Sara Veices Onyp (GVO. Ne (Conmerda Vis Ori Sfenes TA 19) |Aumére CEC. (vehiules uta unéro CECVU. (abil stare Oo erica | eemend sexiemere) ‘eae (oii alee lealee| Sex| Bit One [Dats acne] Wes defeadant owner? pasar ‘Sete | ‘Day/ | Month/| Year! |La pare astenserssse eat ‘Year! Courtioom! Sale @audionce RTA cco nee ir. 083) 080 Meee | Me | Aas lett eonacce® ae [5 ves! ow _[] Nos Non T_ves i ou'_[_Nosien_ i Fas pans Be TTT TIT TLL LL a oT Tatas a paen ean lied enacctint ort Cpl. Greg Horta fora Gpl. Greg Horton Cale Sve ale Sven Pas sacconten Courscam! Sale Gavalencs RTA ROMP File # 2013-198442 CANADA Information of Cpl. Greg Horton PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. —_Dénanciation PROVINCE DELIONTARIO of _Royal Canadian Mounted Polico Peace Officer East /Est do ‘oempsion tea (Bevon! Resin) ‘Tho informant says that he belioves on reasonable grounds that ‘Le dénoneiatour déciare quil a des motifs relsonrables de crore quo Michael Dennis DUFFY 2710511946 ‘Waie aT Rete a nasaesy (1) betweon the / entre fe 22" day of our de Decombor, 2008 and the 6” day of March , 2013 atthe City of Ottawa inthe said region East tou) do dans edite région boing an official in the Senate of Canada, did commit a breach of trust in connection with the duties of his office by filing expense claims andior residency declarations containing false or misleading Information, contrary to section 422 of the Criminal Code of Canada. (2) Between the 22" day of December, 2008, and the 6th day of March, 2013, at the City of Ottawa, in the East Region, did by decelt, falsehood or fraudulent means defraud the Senate of Canada of money, exceeding $5,000, by filing ‘expense claims andlor residency declarations containing falso or misleading information, contrary to section 380(1) (@) of the Criminal Code of Canada. Inappropriate expenses relating to personal and partisan activity: (3) Sometime after June 20" , 2009, at the City of Ottawa, in the East Region, did by decsit, falsehood or fraudulent ‘means defraud the Senate of Canada of money, not exeeding $6,000, by filing travel expense claim T64.06754 containing false or misleading information contrary to section 380(1)(b) of the Criminal Code of Canada, (4) Sometime after June 20" , 2009, at the Gity of Ottawa, in the East Region, being an official in the Senate of Canada, dic commit a breach of trust in connection with the duties of his office by filing travel expense claim T64-06754 Containing false or misteading information contrary to section 122 of the Criminal Code of Canada. (5) Sometime after the period botwoen the 21* day of June, 2008, and the 26" day of June, 2008, at the City of Ottawa, in the East Region, did by deceit, falsehood or fraudulent means defraud the Senate of Canada of money, exceeding '$5,000, by filing travel expense claim T64-06755 containing false or misleading information contrary to section 380(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada. {6) Sometime after the period between the 21" day of Juno, 2009, and the 26" day of June, 2008, at the City of Ottawa, in the East Region, being an official in the Senate of Canada, did commit a breach of trust in connection with tho duties of his office by fling travel expense claim T64.06785 containing false or misleading Information contrary to section 122 of the Criminal Code of Canada. (7) Somotime after the period batwoen the 5" day of September, 2009, and the 8" day of September, 2009, at the City of Oitawa, in the East Region, did by deceit, falschood or fraudulent means dofraud the Senate of Canada of money, ‘xcooding $6,000, by fling travel expense claim T64-06774 containing false or misleading Information contrary to ‘section 380(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada. {8) Sometime after the period between the 8" day of September, 2009, and the 8" day of September, 2008, at the City of ‘Ottawa, in the East Region, being an offical in the Senate of Canada, did commit a breach of trust in connection with the duties of his office by fling travel expense claim T64-06774 containing false or misleading information contrary to soction 122 of the Criminal Code of Canada (2) Sometime after the period between the 2" day of July, 2010, and the 3" day of July, 2010, at the City of Ottawa, in tho East Region, did by decelt, falsehood or fraudulent means defraud the Senate of Canada of money, not exceeding $5,000, by filing travel expense claim T64-06798 containing false or misleading information contrary to section 380(1)(b) of the Criminal Code of Canada. (tong Form One or More Accused. / mule inkégralo— Un eu plusours ace) 1c0.2.0004 (eu 0915)¢50 (Continued 1 Suto) Page No./ Page n? 2 (10) Sometime after the period between the 2" day of July, 2010, and the 3 day of July, 2010, at the City of Ottawa, in the East Region, being an official in the Senate of Canada, did commit a breach of trust in connection with the duties of his office by filing travel expense claim T64-08798 containing false or misleading information contrary to section 122 of the Criminal Code of Canada. (11) Somotime after the period between the 8" day of December, 2010, and the 12" day of December, 2010, at the City of Ottawa, inthe East Region, did by decelt, falsehood or fraudulent means defraud the Senate of Canada of money, exceeding $8,000, by filing travel expense claim T64-08986 containing false or misleading information contrary to section 380(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada. (12) Sometime after the period betwoon the 9" day of December, 2010, and the 12" day of December, 200, at the City of Ottawa, in the East Region, being an official in tho Sonate of Canada, did commit a broach of trust in connection with the dutles of his office by filing travel expense claim T64-09996 containing false or misleading information contrary to section 122 of the Criminal Code of Canada, (13) Sometime atter the period betwoon the 30" day of December, 2041, and the 5" day of January, 2012, at the ity of Ottawa, in the East Region, did by deceit, falsehood or fraudulent means defraud the Senate of Canada of ‘money, not exceeding $5,000, by filing travel expense claim T64-18674 containing false or misleading information contrary to section 380(1}(b) ofthe Criminal Code of Canada. (14) Sometime after the period between the 30” day of December, 2011, and the 5" day of January, 2012, at the ity of Ottawa, in the East Region, being an official in the Senate of Canada, did commit a breach of trust in connection with the duties of his office by filing travel expense claim T84-18674 containing false or misleading information contrary to section 122 of the Criminal Gode of Canada, (15) Somotime aftor tho period botwoon tho 9” day of July, 2012, and the 10" day of July, 2012, at the City of Ottawa, in the East Region, did by decoit, falsohood or fraudulent means defraud the Senate of Canada of money, ot exceeding $5,000, by filing travel expense claim T64-20139 containing false or misleading Information contrary to section 380(1)(b) of the Criminal Code of Canada. (18) Sometime after the period botwoon the 8" day of July, 2012, and the 10" day of July, 2042, atthe City of (Ottawa, in the East Region, boing an official inthe Senate of Canada, did commit a breach of trustin connection with the duties of hs office by filing travel expense claim T64-20139 containing false or misleading information Contrary to section 122 of tho Criminal Code of Canade. (17) Sometime after the period between the 11" day of September, 2042, and the 13" day of September, 2012, at the City of Ottawa, in the East Region, did by decelt, falsehood or fraudulent means defraud the Senate of Ganacla of money, not exceeding $5,000, by filing travel expense claim T64-20671 containing false or misleading information contrary to section 380(1)(b) of the Criminal Gode of Canada. (18) Somotime after the period between tho 11" day of September, 2012, and the 13" day of September, 2012, at the City of Ottawa, in the East Region, boing an official in the Senate of Canada, did commit a broach of trust in connection with the duties of his office by filing travel expense claim T64-20671 containing false or misleading information contrary to section 122 of the Criminal Code of Canada. Inappropriate expense claims associated with personal attendance at funorals and rolated ceremonies: (19) Between the 10” day of April, 2009, and the 2" day of March, 2042, at the City of Ottawa, n the East Region, did by deceit, falsehood or fraudulent means defraud the Senate of Canada of money, exceeding $6,000, by filing travel expense claims T64-05408, T64-18068, T84-18668, 764-20166, and T64-20164 containing false or misleading information contrary to section 380(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada. (20) Between the 10” day of April, 2009, and the 2" day of March, 2012, at the City of Ottawa, in tho East Region, being an official in the Senate of Canada, did commit a broach of trust in connection with the duties of his office by filing travel expense claims T64-05408, T64-18668, T64-18669, T64-20166, and T64-20164 containing false or misleading information contrary to section 122 of the Criminal Code of Canada. Ze Continued on page no. /Sulle la page n* 3 (20020004 (esa ear) CSO 0905 (pose fene 0872405) (Continued / Suto) Page No./ Pago n* 3 Claims Associated with Payments to Gerald Donohue: (24) Between the 23° day of February, 2009, and the 5" day of April, 2012, at the City of Ottawa, In the East Region, being an official in the Senate of Canada, did commit a breach of trust in connection with the duties of his office by awarding consulting contracts in favour of Gerald Donohue, contrary to section 122 of the Criminal Code of Canad (22) Between the 23" day of February, 2009, and the 6" day of April, 2012, at the Gity of Ottawa, in the East Region, did by decelt, falschood or other fraudulent means defraud the Senate of Canada of money, exceeding $5,000, by awarding consulting contracts in favour of Gerald Donohue, contrary to section 380(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada. Disbursements of monies previously paid to Gerald Donohue for illegitimate expenses: (23) On or about May 3°, 2010, at tho City of Ottawa, in the East Region, boing an official in the Senate of Canada, did commit a breach of trust in connection with the duties of his office by facilitating a payment to Ashley Cain, contrary to section 122 of the Criminal Code of Canada, (24) On or about May 3°, 2010, at the City of Ottawa, in the East Region, did by deceit, falsehood or other fraudulont means defraud the Sonate of Canada of money, not exceeding $6,000, by facilitating a payment to ‘Ashley Cain contrary to section 380(1)(b) of the Criminal Code of Canada. (25) Sometime after May 17", 2010, at the City of Ottawa, in the East Region, being an official in the Senate of Canada, did commit a breach of trust in connection with the duties of his office by facilitating a payment to Jacqueline Lambert, contrary to section 122 of the Criminal Code of Canada. (26) Sometime after May 17", 2010, at the City of Ottawa, in the East Rogion, did by deceit, falsehood or other fraudulent means defraud the Senate of Canada of money, not exceeding $6,000, by facilitating a payment to Jacqueline Lambert contrary to section 380(1)(b) of the Criminal Code of Canada, (27) Between March 30”, 2010 and January 20”, 2012, at the City of Ottawa, in the East Region, being an official in the Sonate of Canada, did commit a breach of trust in connection with the dutles of his office by facilitating payments to Mike Croskery, contrary to section 122 of the Criminal Code of Canada. (28) Between March 30", 2010 and January 20", 2042, at the City of Ottawa, in the East Region, did by deceit, falsehood or other fraudulent means defraud the Senate of Canada of money, exceeding $6,000, by facilitating payments to Mike Croskery contrary to section 380(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada. Charges pertaining to the receipt of $90,172.24 payment, originating from Nigel Wright: (29) Between the 6" day of February, 2043, and the 28" day of March, 2043, atthe City of Ottawa, In the East Region, being a member of Parliament did directly or indiroctly corruptly accept, obtain, agree to accept, 0 attempt to obtain, for himsolf, money, valuable consideration, or office in respect of anything dono or omitted, ‘or to be done or omitted by him in his official capacity contrary to section 119(1)(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada. (G0) Betwoen the 6" day of February, 2013, and the 28" day of March, 2013, at the City of Ottawa, in the East Region, being an official in the Senate of Canada, did for his benefit and without the consent in writing of the head of the branch of that government of which he is an official, accept an advantage or benefit of money originating from Nigel Wright, a porson having dealings with the government of Canada contrary to section 124(1)(¢) of the Criminal Code of Canada. (81) Betwoon tho 6" day of February, 2013, and the 28" day of March, 2013, at the City of Ottawa, in the East Region, being an official in the Senate of Canada, did commit a breach of trust in connection with the duties of his office by accepting an advantage or benefit of money originating from Nigel Wright contrary fo section 122 of the Criminal Code of Canada. L (600-2000 ens enon CSO Ger. 0305 (poe sent ox) Continued on page no. / Suita 8 ia page n* 1 Language Notfication Issued / Langue do notification 11 interpreter / Interpréte: APPEARANCES ~ ADJOURNMENTS. (COMPARUTIONS - ASOURNEMENTS Pago “A” i, eson tr H l Ep a Date Accused ‘Adjpumment % Apposrance Detais Adgurnment 3. §. Beto deci) ‘spumeent ilatede companion ‘ison co i Hal rasumonot AS BEB sae Dae come oper Ferewn For Read tae bab Slr siete | parks Serome Poste) ites couge ‘Accused /Accuss(e) ‘Notice Given Under H.-A, TI Suspension TC) impoundment ‘Monon God tole Setorocr acento Accused Aeousee) oe 5169.1) tse n custay prima boca ofa revs conten Ye te Dat: na at soe gre nie pncpotnentsurunecondanaton ate Oet ten bar: ‘Sete aoe sven oa exe epee ate Conn epost hash separ cwsteas tera aio ‘Atthe Bell Review dated: 515(9.1) was DD confirmed — rescinded — } made (eee application) ‘momen oon dcotoonanont sis@necs — covimt.— ebras ote carom) fccsnt Reuse) eae 586. Oxtansn isto pay boas otaproveus conten, Yee ry Date: Dn sce gts ote pumas ue cnconalo até Ou Men bas Cat ate ene fn ace npn aca : ont pag pote tps oe he ‘Atthe Ball Review dated: 5159.1) was, D confirmed 1 rescinded Cimade (see application) ‘toi doe wuss Teron. —"sreo1yaav nme evans seas a erogte ccna Aces i 580. denen asda because ofa proves convton Yon to Dae Daten sous grt endo pncpetmort ce une contanveton aes Ou hn oa Cog et ites ven 9 Pests enn bce fecal tah pet tei sot enecare Althe Bail Review dated: » 515(9.1) was Ci confirmed —) rescindes made (see appiication) Auman Go ronsen eileen’ ——"siawyaste conte. trom execu ares) ‘c002000- (ev e380 dees Déclaré sous serment devant moi dfau) ae : ss oasaafcroa (aosepene aaa tee [Tie RELY “ation oe Pace (lige de pebr oo Jour de 1 Appearance Notice Cl ProntsetoArpear 1 Recogrzance for mo Caton 3 canparaive Promesse de compare Engagement urls i ay (CHECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING / COCHEZ LA CASE QUI DECRIT VOTRE SITUATION C1 Cancated- Poco ono defendent Cl Carcotnd-Surnons 1) Confrmedon ager “Aanuse(e)~ La potce hformaa a pate dberdoresso ‘nis = Sorimation ‘Cone toy is Di cncete- warcant issued Annie) Mandel dvr oT ie Pace Jage de pale 0 attention ban pursuant oa PeaeTHge ao Fa — a. 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