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Aaron Alexis/FFCHS Timeline and Analysis

This is a compilation of information Ive gathered about FFCHS (Freedom From

Covert Harassment and Surveillance), its board members and affiliates, and
their involvement with Aaron Alexis. Some of this information Ive already
detailed in previous blogs as it came to my attention, but other new
information has been added here as well (please see my last four blogs if you
havent already). By putting into chronological order all of the known pieces of
information Ive gleaned from different sources, a clearer picture emerges
about the real purpose of FFCHS, which I and many others believe is a
government front organization. Please excuse the inclusion of information that
may not be significant, as well as the occasional tangential discussions, since
these are necessary for understanding the bigger picture.
I should begin by giving a little bit of history of what came before all this, in
order to put the agenda of FFCHS into proper perspective. When MKULTRA was
in full swing (1950s 1970s), mind-control experimentees were routinely led
to believe (mainly through hypnosis) that they were being abducted by aliens,
and the US government used the UFO phenomenon as a cover for their mindcontrol projects. These experimentees were given screen memories that
overlaid the real memories of what they had been involved in. Government
agents were placed within the UFO community, acting as investigators,
whistleblowers, etc., and they were used to identify any experimentees whose
screen memories started breaking down, directing them to other planted
government agents like Dr. John Mack and Budd Hopkins, who saw to it that
these screen memories were re-established through regressive hypnosis while
the more deeply buried reality of their experiences remained hidden away.
Many of these experimentees whose screen memories were well established,
such as Betty and Barney Hill, Betty Andreasson-Lucas, and Whitley Strieber,
were then encouraged to publish their experiences, even being given special
promotion through hard-to-get book deals, and their stories became part of
the popular folklore among the UFO community, adding to the illusion among
its members that these hypnotically induced screen memories that covered up
the real experiences of mind-control experimentation were evidence of the
UFO phenomenon. As part of the programming, these experimentees were
manipulated into attaching great personal meaningfulness to these
remembered experiences so that they would reject any other reasonable
explanation particularly that of mind-control experimentation by their own
government. The belief in these false memories and the heavy promotion of
them served to discredit the entire UFO community among mainstreamers as a
bunch of nut cases.

From all of this, a great deal of confusion and a lot of false understandings
were accepted as the truth among the UFO community, so that even today
theres a large group of people who believe that these UFO/alien abduction
stories are true and that a nefarious alien presence is operating on our planet.
More importantly, the purposeful creation of a UFO community allowed the
government, through its planted agents, to draw in, identify, and manage
those mind-control experimentees out there whose screen memories might
begin to break down. Many of the leading figures in this community were
actually government agents or assets, pretending to be sympathetic to the
alien abductees while really acting as their handlers and containing the
situation so that the truth about what was really going on would never come
The same basic control system that was established for handling these mindcontrol experimentees has since been applied to the TI community, at the very
same time that government mind-control targeting was expanded among the
general population, so that today we see the TI community in a very similar
setting to that of the UFO community. For this control system to work, there
must be key players who pose as TI sympathizers high-profile spokespeople,
advocacy groups, self-professed whistleblowers, writers, investigators,
purported TIs making wild claims, etc. but who really act as target
identifiers, handlers, disinformation agents, etc.
This is the essential purpose of FFCHS. All of the same elements are present.
All of the key players involved in the TI community work together behind the
scenes while often appearing to act independently and sometimes at odds with
each other, but in the end, their goal is the same.
Now lets look at what evidence there is that FFCHS is part of a control system
for TIs, and at the same time well focus on the question of whether Aaron
Alexis may have been handled by that organization and ultimately led to do
what he did. Well see that only one of two conclusions can be drawn regarding
the latter:
1) That FFCHS was intricately involved in a larger conspiracy surrounding the
Washington Navy Yard shooting and had some part in handling Alexis; or
2) That FFCHS had absolutely no involvement with Aaron Alexis and was
taking advantage of the situation in order to promote themselves.
Either way, it doesnt look good for FFCHS.

- According to his book, The Silent Massacre, FFCHS board member Max
Williams claims that he was first targeted no later than the mid-1970s while
working for the US government in South America. He also mentions that he
once served in the US Armed Forces Reserves. He clearly admits in the book
that he is a victim of government mind-control. [29] This means that Williams
may have been selected for a long-term mind-control program that started
while he was serving in the military or employed by the US government,
thereby putting him completely under their control, and later being placed with
FFCHS under their direction.
- From 1975 to 1982, FFCHS's president, Derrick Robinson, served in the US
Navy. [2] At some point, he was assigned to the National Security Agency's
linguistics communications division. [12] He holds a BA in Speech and Theater
from Ohio Wesleyan University and a Certificate from the Broadcasting
Institute of Maryland. [39] Years later, he will claim to have been targeted for
his choice in lifestyle (homosexuality). [12] It should be noted that the NSA
and CIA routinely plant their agents in other government agencies (including
the Navy) early on as cover positions and/or to operate covertly under the
originating agencys direction within that second agency and often without its
knowledge of their true loyalties. These agents continue to work for the
originating spy agency even after leaving their cover position, which is
sometimes used to explain their background and hide their deeper connection
to their originating agency. It should also be noted that homosexuality is often
used to blackmail people, where an openly homosexual person blackmails a
closet homosexual or straight person who gets caught in a compromising
position. The blackmail is then used to force the person into other activities
that they normally wouldnt engage in. Finally, it should be pointed out that
speech (linguistics) and theatre are very useful skills for hypnotic mind control,
generating and/or presenting disinformation, as well as other forms of
psychological manipulation.
- In December of 1992, Julianne McKinney, an NSA alumni (now working with
FFCHS) and director of the Electronic Surveillance Project, released a report
on the internet (mostly among conspiracy groups) that described organized
stalking and electronic harassment. Within it, she detailed many of the tactics
that were yet to become familiar to TIs as targeting events. She also claimed,
in a suspiciously predictive way and based on only a very small number of
reports, that the targeting was meant to pervert TIs in their loyalties, redirect
their frustrations towards selected targets, and to coerce them to act violently.
[25] Looking back, it can be seen that this report, released when and where it
was, helped to set the stage for the still-developing TI community, which

would predictably evolve online as government targeting programs increased

at the same time that the internet opened up to the public as an outlet for
freedom of speech and offered a means for mass communication and
McKinneys report was based on a mere 25 interviews she had conducted with
people who claimed to be targets. However, many of the targeting experiences
that she describes in the report dont necessarily qualify as ongoing
harassment, and from the details she provides, could just as easily be
explained as isolated circumstantial incidents or provoked by something other
than ongoing government targeting. But for anyone reading the report who is
in a suggestible state of mind and has had similar experiences to those she
describes, they would be more inclined to accept the idea that they were being
targeted. Anyone who is even temporarily suggestible (such as those who are
merely confused, distressed, paranoid, or exercising poor judgment skills) and
happens to read McKinneys report will be likely to consider their own situation
in the light of her targeting descriptions, and will more easily begin to believe
that certain past experiences were targeting incidents even without any other
clear evidence of that possibility. All of this would effectively increase the
number of questionable targeting claims (everything from typical mundane
events to the more outrageous beliefs and imaginings), which would serve to
distort the perceived extent of the threat among the still-developing online TI
community. This was influenced by a large lunatic fringe conspiratorial
community that already existed online at this time, filled with all manner of
people who were quick to believe the most outrageous claims involving such
things as extraterrestrials, nanotechnology, time travel, psychic attacks, and
all manner of scientifically impossible or unproven technological capabilities.
Many of these online fringe groups were already filled with victims of
government mind-control programs that centered around UFOs and New Age
beliefs, and so they promised to adulterate the online TI community as it
established itself in the years ahead.
McKinneys report clearly suggested that many people who were classed as
mentally ill were actually targets of electronic harassment, which, although
certainly true in many cases, would serve to mislead many truly mentally ill or
unstable people into thinking that they are TIs when they arent. This would
have the effect of adulterating the TI community with these false targets and
discrediting the community as a whole, making it harder for real TIs to get
proper recognition or to expose the truth of the situation.
Also already operating within these fringe groups at this time were many
handlers, infiltrators, and disinformation agents who were there to covertly
perform their various duties in identifying, monitoring, and manipulating both

targets and potential targets.

Part of the long-term goal of all this appears to have been to cause real TIs
who are initially drawn into these groups for the purposes of finding support
and sharing information to become portrayed as delusional, thereby
discrediting the entire TI community in the eyes of the public. Another part
seems to have been intended to use these online groups to identify, monitor,
and target those people who were more easily manipulated by the various
psychological techniques that are commonly employed in mind-control.
It should be noted that only three years earlier in 1989, the USSR had
dissolved and the Cold War was no longer perceived as a threat, and so a new
one had to be created as an excuse for western spy agencies to continue to
exist and pursue their secret activities unabated. McKinneys report served this
purpose by planting seeds of thought that would help to form an online TI
community that would come to be adulterated with the large lunatic fringe
that was already thriving online. As Ive indicated in a previous article, prior to
her report, the number of lone nut shooters who were hearing voices could be
counted on one hand, but the number would steadily rise in the years ahead.
Was McKinney really so prescient, or was she in on the fascist governments
secret agenda for the coming years and was conditioning a new human
resource group for later targeting?
- In 1992, a man named John St. Clair Akwei filed a lawsuit against the NSA
for alleged electronic targeting. Akwei claimed to have worked for the NSA and
described being targeted by that agency using remote mind-reading
technologies. Akwei provided absolutely no supporting evidence for his claims,
and his lawsuit was thrown out for being frivolous, yet in spite of this, it served
to influence many in the developing TI community to believe that the
advanced technology he described was real. [26] Like McKinneys report,
Akweis testimony was soon circulating among internet conspiracy groups,
further influencing the more easily suggestible people among them and adding
to the distorted perceptions that surrounded said technologies and methods of
targeting. Like McKinneys report, Akweis testimony appears to have been
purposely intended to set the stage for the false beliefs that would circulate
among the developing TI community.
- According to his book, The Silent Massacre, Max Williams claims that in the
early 1990s the FBI took over his alleged targeting. He also claims that the
mind-control assault on him probably started at this time, and would continue
up to the time of his books release. [29] Given this information, we should ask
ourselves who he was serving when he later became involved with FFCHS, and
what the real reasons were for the FBI talking to him before they talked to
anyone else at FFCHS after the Washington Navy Yard shooting.

- In 2004, Aaron Alexis was arrested in Seattle for shooting the tires of a
vehicle. No charges were filed. [1]
- In 2004, Derrick Robinson took control of a TI group on Yahoo that had
previously been run by a woman named Sylvia, who mysteriously disappeared
from the group after two months. It was alleged that her disappearance was
due to targeting. This online group eventually led to the formation of FFCHS.
[21] Did this woman get targeted so that Derrick Robinson could take over the
group? What had Derrick Robinson been doing between the time he left the
Navy in 1982 and 2004?
- In 2005, the organization Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance
(FFCHS) was established by Derrick Robinson.
- According to his book, The Silent Massacre, on December 7, 2005, Max
Williams began receiving electronic torture, which he came to believe was the
precursor to full-blown mind-control. Four days later, he began hearing voices
in his head. At this point, he began to record everything in a journal. [29] This
begs the question: Is Max Williams now fully mind-controlled? It should be
noted that keeping diaries or journals is very common among mind-control
victims, and seems to be a routine part of the program, serving to help the
handlers keep track of their targets progress, thoughts, and mental state. It
should be pointed out that FFCHS also encourages its members to keep
journals on their targeting experiences and even offers a daily log for doing
this on their website. This would certainly provide them with a great deal of
useful information as TI handlers.
- In 2006, Derrick Robinson was interviewed by the Washington Post. [39]
Most TIs know how hard it is to get any recognition from the mainstream
media, so we should wonder how Derrick Robinson was able to pull it off.
- On June 30, 2006, an attorney named Bob S. sent an email to a number of
TI advocates, including Derrick Robinson and Ted Gunderson, pleading against
the legal strategies that FFCHS and other TI advocates intended to follow and
pointing out how they were flawed and certain to hurt TIs rather than help
them. He pointed out that the law that they sought to repeal actually served to
protect TIs, and that to remove it would actually allow wider testing of nonlethal technologies on involuntary subjects. [31] This gives the first indication
that FFCHS has been intentionally seeking to hurt TIs rather than help them,
and suggests that even Ted Gunderson was involved in this. (Ex-FBI agent
Gunderson, who was highly skilled in counter-intelligence and a proponent of
COINTELPRO tactics, appears to have been a double agent working at the
behest of the upper levels of the mind-control network while taking part in

investigations of any lower-level activities that came to the publics attention,

effectively managing the situation in order to contain it and keep the upper
levels safe from any serious exposure that might threaten to reveal the deeper
extent of the situation.)
- According to an email published by Bob S., in 2007, Derrick Robinson and
other FFCHS board members usurped control of the International Coalition and
the second Annual World Day to End the Silent Holocaust. The published email
was from Debra Dupr, a human rights activist and the founder of the
Coalition, and in it she described the underhanded tactics that FFCHS board
members had used in attempting to take control of the Coalition and of World
Day, and trying to exercise control in ways that were harmful to all TIs.
Dupr expressed the concerns that Bob S., herself, and many others had that
FFCHS was intentionally attempting to destroy the credibility of TIs by
changing the wording of a press release without authorization and removing
statements regarding government culpability and replacing them with
delusional-sounding ones instead. [31] A more detailed email from Debra
Dupr to Derrick Robinson regarding this issue was published by Dupr as
well. [37]
- In May of 2007, Aaron Alexis joined the Navy Reserves. [19]
- In 2008 or sometime later, Max Williams released a digital version of his
book, The Silent Massacre, on the internet. Within it, he claims that he was
the target of electronic stalking and mind control at the time of its writing, and
that he believes his targeting started in the mid-1970s. He tellingly points out
within the book that Only governments can train in secrecy the cadre of
handlers who administer the electronic assault and mind control activities,
using deception and psychology. Further on, he asks the important questions:
Who empowers them? In other words, who gives handlers the permission or
the orders to apply the ESMC. Who identifies the targets that they harass?
Who provides them the devices and the know-how to carry out the ESMC?
[29] To answer these questions, all we need to do is ask ourselves why he and
the rest of the ex-government board members of FFCHS who claim to be past
targets have been allowed to operate unfettered by their government
persecutors, unless FFCHS is indeed owned and operated by those
persecutors? Still further on in the book, Williams goes so far as to outline how
a government agency like the FBI will identify targets and then turn them over
to a second group who handles the actual targeting. He also states that, as
the handlers work under the FBI and intelligence umbrella, they must have
security clearances and be sworn to secrecy. That almost certainly limits those
handlers to ex-, retired, and perhaps even current law enforcement officers,
ex-military, and ex- and retired Federal employees. Still further on, he breaks
down the organizational structure of such a targeting group into three parts:

(1) go-betweens, representing the powerbrokers, who make the equipment

available, supply names of targets, and recruit, train, and pay the handlers.
The go-betweens will probably be intelligence agents, and they will doubtlessly
work with several handler teams in various locations. (2) handlers, who
actually carry out the electronic and mind control activities, and (3) their
accomplices, who play only support roles and do not operate, and in many
cases do not know about, the equipment that performs the electronic and
mind control. He also states that It is highly possible that conspirators may
include legally constituted and outwardly respectable groups. If that is correct,
the FBI, DIA, DOD, CIA, and other American intelligence units would have to
train those selected groups, provide them the equipment and know-how to use
it, and advise them. He also provides another possible activity that such a
group might engage in, by selecting targets who lead comfortable life styles,
torturing them with their electronic and mind control techniques, and then
making deals with the targets to stop the ESMC. They will also make money by
offering their services to people who want to harm somebody whom they do
not like. For a price, the pervs will hook that person, torture him, and provide
the payer with videos to prove it. Moreover, they can later approach the victim
and ask for a large sum of money to release him. Thus, the assailants will
make money playing both sides. He even offers an answer to why someone
might do this when he states near the end of his book that anyone working
with the government perpetrators of this targeting probably fear they will also
become victims of fatal accidents and other mysterious deaths if they dont
go along with it.
In my opinion, these many statements describe FFCHS perfectly, with the FBI
apparently being the go-betweens, while its board members and chapter
leaders are the handlers of its many mind-controlled members, who act as
their accomplices. Throughout his book, Williams specifically refers to the FBI
time and again, even stating that he had approached them several times over
the years about his targeting. Was he effectively recruited by them and placed
with FFCHS, where he could be both monitored and directed? Had he been
handling Aaron Alexis? This would better explain why the FBI spoke to him
first after the Washington Navy Yard shooting, rather than to Derrick Robinson,
and why the emails he exchanged with Aaron Alexis have ever been released,
and instead seem to have been conveniently forgotten about. Readers who
might still be doubtful about all of this should ask themselves where else these
handlers he describes (and particularly Aaron Alexis handler) would likely
operate from, if not an organized TI advocacy group like FFCHS. Readers who
think that FFCHS is run by good people who only want to help TIs should ask
themselves how these handlers would most likely represent themselves to
their targets and potential targets. Would it be in the image of anything other
than sympathetic good guys, even ones who claimed to be a target

Williams suggests in his book that many of the effects of mind-control are
hypnotically induced, often subliminally through V2K technology, which I also
suspect is the case in most situations where a person describes otherwise
impossible or unlikely experiences. Williams book reveals that he fully
understands the mind-control capabilities that can be accomplished with just
V2K and hypnosis or subliminal conditioning and how these can be used on
targets, which might reflect his usefulness to FFCHS. If Alexis was under V2Kinduced hypnotic mind-control, which appears to be the case, was it being
managed by Max Williams or someone else at FFCHS?
Like Julianne McKinneys report, Williams book is also filled with a great deal
of suggestive descriptions that could easily serve to influence easily
suggestible readers into imagining that coincidental experiences are caused by
targeting, which could then lead them to seek out FFCHS and get caught up in
their programs. If you read between the lines, youll see that Williams book is
nothing less than a textbook on how to condition and mind-control a target.
- In July of 2009, a man named John Turner in Florida reported that covert
attacks on him became more severe after speaking with FFCHS board member
Timothy White and a man named Howard Thompson. Soon after this, he
bought a gun and killed his girlfriend and a neighbor before killing himself. [7]
A search on the internet for any media reports on this story resulted in only a
few short articles that provided minimal details. [28] Because the tragedy
appeared to be related to a domestic dispute, little was made of it and it was
quickly forgotten about. Was it a test run of sorts?
- On January 23, 2010, FFCHS published a newsletter announcing the
murder/suicide of John Turner in Florida and stated that he had been in
contact with FFCHS for about a year. Two links to news reports about the
shooting were provided (now defunct), which members were encouraged to
read. [16]
- In 2010, an FFCHS member in New York named Denise met Alexis twice in
Queens. [15] If this is true, then so is the possibility that Alexis was involved
with FFCHS that far back. I have no information at this time regarding what
the details of those meetings were.
- In 2010, Aaron Alexis was living in Fort Worth, Texas, where he was working
at the nearby Naval Air Station. At the time, he was deeply interested in
Buddhism and spent much of his free time at a local Buddhist temple, studying
and meditating. [17] It should be noted that the practice of meditation
increases the ability to easily go into a hypnotic state, which makes a person a
good candidate for hypnotic mind-control.

- A man named Nutpisit Suthamtewakul met Alexis in Fort Worth in 2010 and
became his roommate for the next three years. He stated after the shootings
that Alexis always thought someone was trying to hurt him, and that he was
afraid of people. [10] [17]
- In 2010, Alexis was arrested in Fort Worth, Texas, for allegedly firing a gun
into a neighbor's apartment. Like his arrest in 2004, no charges were filed. [1]
According to other media reports, this was an accidental firearm discharge that
occurred in his own apartment. [18] [20] The various accounts of this incident
show by their differences in the purported facts that in certain cases they had
been distorted or exaggerated to make him look violent. The accounts that I
consider more reliable came from those people who knew Alexis personally
and were actually there during this incident, as opposed to those accounts that
came from police and reporters who had their own slant on the story to
- In November of 2010, Robert Duncan, a close affiliate of FFCHS, released his
book, The Matrix Deciphered. He introduces himself in the opening pages by
claiming, I am the all American - prep school, Harvard College graduating
with honors in computer science and a minor in premedical studies, and
advanced degrees from Harvard and Dartmouth in business and science. []
Before graduate school I worked for the Department of Defense, Navy, NATO,
and various intelligence agencies' computer science projects. I have done
business consulting and computer consulting for the largest companies in the
world. [] My projects have included algorithms for Echelon and CIA natural
language parsing and classification of document content, IRS formula for red
flagging audits, writing the artificial intelligence code to automate tracking of
the Soviet Nuclear Submarine Fleet and all water vessels, work integrating
HAARP with SIGINT SIGCOM and SPAWAR. I have worked on projects for the
Justice Department connecting local, state, and federal databases for the
tracking of terrorists. I developed a system for the FBI to track license plates
past toll booths and other locations. I worked on the soldier 2000 program to
create body networks for reading vital signs and other information. A system I
worked on called Snyper is operational in Iraq which triangulates on intercity
conflict gun shots. I have been to a couple secret bases in the so called free
world. I have developed telemedicine robotic surgery and virtual reality
applications for the Army. For DARPA, I have worked on satellite computer
vision target tracking applications and tank simulation as well as integration of
the land, sea, and air surveillance systems like SOSSUS, towed arrays, and
others. Projects that I have worked on outside of government contracts include
my thesis on computer generated holography, a project making paralyzed
people walk again using choreographed stimulated muscles movements, face
recognition, voice identification and recognition, finger print recognition, and

neural network robotic controller. My research interests moved to enhanced

reality heads up displays and wearable computing systems. My current
research involves finding a cure for the mind control directed energy weapons
fiasco. [34] This is quite a long and impressive list of accomplishments, and
although none of them have ever been validated by any sort of
documentation, it doesnt matter as long as those people who are easily
suggestible are impressed enough by it to believe everything he says
throughout the rest of the book. But even if any of it is true, it would support
the possibility that Robert Duncan is a government agent or asset and is
disseminating purposefully distorted information at their behest, as outlined
In his book, he promotes the idea that members of the public are being
hooked into a computerized bee-hive mind using remote mind-reading
technologies that he claims can completely map their brains and control
virtually every aspect of their thoughts and experiences. Although he relies
primarily on the 1976 Robert G. Malech patent to base his claims regarding
how the technology works, Ive shown elsewhere that this particular patent
and the technology it describes was based on a concept that could never
actually work. [40] Nonetheless, this claim provides an alternative explanation
for the effects of hypnotic mind-control that can be induced using V2K,
subliminals, and various other more realistic techniques, and serves to distract
people from ever properly considering these alternative approaches. The fact
is, scientific research has shown long ago that hypnosis enhances psychic
ability tremendously, and under the right conditions, it can even be used to
develop a bee-hive telepathic connection between a group of people. [35]
However, this information seems to have fallen into the category of suppressed
knowledge and is little known about any more outside of certain occult circles.
But whatever the case, there is strong evidence to show that this particular
hypnotic phenomenon was already being thoroughly explored several years
before the official start of MKULTRA and continued all throughout those
programs until they officially ended, at which point the research was
incorporated into the US governments classified remote-viewing programs,
which continued to explore this phenomenon for twenty more years (readers
should research Andrija Puharich for more about this). These remote-viewing
programs officially ended in 1993, only a year after Julianne McKinney
published her suspiciously predictive report and John St. Clair Akwei filed his
suspiciously bizarre lawsuit. Since there is no reliable evidence that the EEG
heterodyning technology that Robert Duncan describes in his book has ever
been successfully developed to the point that he claims, and since the science
behind it is faulty and would never actually work, then there must be another
means for inducing the effects that so many people describe, and it will
probably be something that is closely related to what MKULTRA was continually
researching for all those years and even afterwards hypnosis. Add to all of

this the fact that the western world was rapidly becoming electronically
connected by the time the remote-viewing programs ended (with a great deal
of assistance and influence from the US government), and that this
computer/cell phone/wireless connectivity provided the perfect platform for
hypnotic mind-control applications (both electronic and psychological), and
that we have since become completely immersed and dependent on this
electronic connectivity, and we can begin to understand that claims like Robert
Duncan makes about the technology are meant to mislead those who become
aware of the targeting and seek to discover its source and protect themselves
from it. His material is intended to exaggerate the capabilities and make the
means of attack appear other than what they really are.
Although Robert Duncan refers to various FOIA documents as sources for some
of his information, he provides none of them, nor any other supporting
evidence whatsoever. He refers to the appendix of his book numerous times
for further documentation, but the appendix is entirely missing from every
copy of the book that I can find. (He later uses a similar tactic with his second
book, Project Soul Catcher, by releasing it as Volume II and claiming at the
beginning of it that all of the supporting technical information is in Volume I,
even though Volume I doesnt exist and never has.)
In his book he states, Several other US Navy and UK Navy scientists have
been knocked-off and that is why I have come forward. I know my time may
be near. A little further on he says, I understand the extreme risk to my own
welfare that publishing this material will have. [] I am willing to risk divulging
so called national secrets. We should ask ourselves why hes still around, if
this is the case. It makes more sense that hes a government disinformation
agent, since hes never been stopped from publishing his books or giving
lectures and interviews, and doesnt seem to be targeted at all.
The fact that he never actually reveals anything substantial in his book and
relies on faulty science makes his claim of being someone in the know an
empty one that doesnt serve any other purpose than to gain the gullible
readers confidence in order to purposely mislead them. In spite of this, he
reveals a certain level of knowledge about the psychology of hypnotic mindcontrol, and this should be carefully noted. Also important to note is the fact
that throughout his book he discusses the use of disinformation and memes to
affect peoples perceptions and understandings, and thereby their thoughts
and actions, and this is the key to his material and what its real purpose
seems to be. The main misconception he causes suggestible readers to make
is that hes associating hypnotic techniques and memetic mind-control with the
remote EEG heterodyning mind-mapping technology he describes, when its
actually being applied through the material itself, by conveying certain ideas
and beliefs that the reader will adopt on trust and faulty logic. This is the first

stage in drawing in easily suggestible (and therefore easily hypnotizable)

people who can then be manipulated further through the continued inundation
of similar material and techniques in order to condition their thoughts and
beliefs and gain control of them. These people, once identified, can then be
targeted with more realistic technologies like V2K and subliminals, which can
be used to hypnotically induce all manner of hallucinatory and psychosomatic
effects. This would make Robert Duncan and his written material useful to a
government front organization whose mandate was to locate and manage
potential targets for mind-control.
Throughout his book, Robert Duncan also promotes the idea that anyone who
has been labeled as mentally ill is really just a target of mind-control. This is
an incredibly dangerous and irresponsible claim to make, and would certainly
lead many mentally ill people to start claiming that theyre targets, thereby
adulterating the TI community with a large proportion of mentally unstable
individuals who are prone to believe anything and voice those beliefs publicly.
Interestingly, Robert Duncan also states, These rogue government agencies
are using a third party, sometimes unbeknownst to them, to commit the self
attacks. This indirection is enough for most Americans not to believe it is
occurring. It is the age old method of misdirecting anger at the wrong groups.
Regarding government agents (which he himself might be and which the
FFCHS board of directors is filled with), he also states, As we all know, you
never leave the company. Further on he states, You will find that nearly all
x-military connected researchers in this area are misinformation agents. If
youre easily fooled, youll assume that a real government agent would never
point that out so blatantly, and so Robert Duncan couldnt possibly be one.
Think again, suggestible reader. Disinformation is meant to be so out in the
open that the truth will be overlooked. At another point in his book, he
explains the purpose of targeting by such a third party, and he reflects exactly
what Julianne McKinney predicted in her 1992 report and what appears to
have happened with both John Turner, Pam Anderson (see below), and Aaron
Alexis after being involved with FFCHS: During the severe torture and psychic
directed energy assignation attempts, the victim is encouraged to commit acts
of violence against anybody the attackers can make the victim believe is doing
it to them, usually neighbors, ex-lovers, or ex-bosses. The directed energy
weapons test victim will easily be discredited as a violent loony in the news.
The police and FBI will not ask any further questions about the incident either
because of trained ignorance or orders. He adds further on that Redirecting
the anger and frustration while pushing them to the brink of violence is the
strategy in creating a mind controlled assassin or Manchurian candidate. In
still another interesting quote he states, For example, they attempted to turn
me into a Unibomber like assassin through extreme torture and planting the
idea to get revenge on the most outspoken scientists and colonels in the field.

Now, had they succeeded, they would have sent a strong message to all those
who work on directed energy, EEG cloning weapons to keep quiet and never
work on neuroscience again if you leave a government project. This reflects a
possible motivational factor in the Washington Navy Yard shooting. Even more
significantly, Robert Duncan makes the following comment, which I feel comes
closest to the truth of how the mind-control is implemented (apart from the
EEG cloning), and how it has been used on Aaron Alexis and other FFCHS
members: The strategies for creating delusional thinking are also cleverly
complex but the simplest method is for the EEG cloned handlers to implant an
idea hypnotically, overtly, or subliminally in such a way as to make the target
believe they came up with the idea. Then the handlers reinforce that path of
thinking. With no other sources of reality to error correct, the project can be
lead into extreme beliefs and actions in order to seek revenge, to save the
country or human race, or to alleviate the constant psychological and
perceived physical torture. Robert Duncans book reveals that he certainly
knows a thing or two about hypnotic mind-control techniques, even if his
information about the technologies used is entirely false.
- In January of 2011, Aaron Alexis was honorably discharged from the Navy
Reserves. [19]
- In January of 2011, Derrick Robinson was a featured guest of the Canadian
TV show The Conspiracy Show, hosted by Richard Syrett. [39] Again, it seems
strange that Derrick Robinson can get promoted on TV while TIs continue to be
ignored by every media outlet. It is even stranger when you consider that
Derrick Robinson claims to be targeted by the very government he is
purportedly blowing the whistle on.
- According to Aaron Alexis medical records, in February of 2011, almost
immediately after he received an honorable discharge from the Navy Reserves,
he began complaining about tinnitus. He said it began in 2009 when he was
still serving in the Navy. [1] According to many TIs, tinnitus appears to be an
indication of the onset of V2K targeting. Could Alexis have been unwittingly
selected and placed in a covert mind-control program once he was discharged?
The V2K would be used to deliver subliminal programming, which would slowly
condition his thoughts without him being aware of more than subtle indications
that something wasnt normal.
- In April of 2011, after five years of trying to work with FFCHS to create a
legal strategy for TIs, attorney Bob S. wrote an email that expressed his
displeasure and frustration at Derrick Robinsons constant refusal to even
consider his advice, and accused him of intentionally choosing only strategies
that were bound to fail so that TIs would never get the help they sought, and
pointed out that this was a violation of Robinsons legal responsibilities to

FFCHS members. He also stated that he had evidence to prove that FFCHS was
really an anti-TI organization and that Derrick Robinson was a COINTELPRO
infiltrator, and questioned whether FFCHS might be an online cult. [31]
Apparently, I wasnt the first to suspect the cultic nature of this organization.
- On September 8 of 2011, a woman named Pam Anderson committed suicide
only a few months after joining the board of FFCHS. In an announcement of
her suicide made by FFCHS, they associated her death to her claim that she
had been a victim of MKULTRA for 53 years and came from a military
background. They also described MKULTRA as having been predominantly
interested in experimenting with drugs and electromagnetic frequency
research, but failed to mention hypnosis, even though it was at least as
predominant in the years of experimentation as were these two other research
areas. The announcement also stated: During her last days there had been a
noticeable change in Pam. She called one activist late one night and
interrogated him endlessly, desperately searching, probing for answers that
she knew already were not there. The announcement ended with this
strangely suggestive question: How many more victims will have to resort to
self-inflicted violence before the world pays attention to a growing network of
covert technological crime? [36]
- An October 26, 2011 article at the Targeted Individuals Canada website
describes Derrick Robinson as a janitor in Cincinnati. [21] This is the typical
sort of cover that a government agent would use in order to appear as
anything other than what they really are.
- In 2012, Derrick Robinson was consulted extensively for Jesse Venturas
Conspiracy Theory TV show, in an episode entitled Brain Invaders. [39]
Again, here is Derrick Robinson getting more publicity than any TI could ever
hope to.
- In 2012, after starting a job with a subcontractor of Hewlett Packard, Alexis
began to change for the worse and became moody and brooding, according to
friends. [17] [19] As part of his work, he was constantly traveling to different
naval installations around the country to service their systems. [22] The given
facts suggest that Alexis became a target of mind-control at the time of his
discharge from the Naval Reserves. He would have been fully profiled while in
the military, and this profiling would have revealed whether or not he was a
good candidate for mind-control. Since he reported getting tinnitus almost
immediately after his discharge, we can assume that V2K was just starting to
be applied on him at this point. It makes sense from a security standpoint
and conforms to what Max Williams outlined in his book that Alexis would
have been farmed out to a government contractor in the private sector for his
handling while mind-control programming was applied. Alexis job-related

isolation from friends and family would have kept him in a much better
position for applying the mind-control unnoticed and uninterrupted. Using V2K,
subliminal voices and sounds would be used to induce hypnotic states, insert
programming, and/or trigger preprogrammed states. The programming would
extend over a period of time and the effects would be progressive. Aggressive
or suicidal tendencies would increase if the target was being prepared as a
lone nut shooter.
- In November of 2012, Derrick Robinson appeared on KMIR-TV in Palm
Springs, California, for a news story about electronic harassment. [39] Again,
heres Derrick Robinson getting mainstream media publicity thats otherwise
unheard of in the TI community.
- Sometime around March of 2013, Alexis confessed to a friend that he was
not happy with his life. According to the friend, he seemed to have something
heavy weighing on his mind and was trying to keep it all in his head. Soon
after, he left town. [17] His friendship with Nutpisit Suthamtewakul had also
become strained. [22] Around this same time, he was reportedly spending a
lot of time playing violent video games. [18] If Alexis was undergoing mindcontrol via subliminal V2K as Ive described above, then we see the telltale
progression taking place in his worsening mental state, but there are still no
signs that hes consciously hearing voices.
- On April 15, Alexis reportedly created a facebook page. [9]
- In May of 2013, Derrick Robinson was representing FFCHS as a guest
speaker at a Super Soldier Summit, which was also promoting such things as
aliens/UFOs, etc. This association of FFCHS with these sorts of unfounded
beliefs serves no other purpose than to discredit real TIs through association.
Only the first 200 people who could afford the $100 fee were able to attend
this conference, leaving most TIs out of the loop. Robert Duncan was another
guest speaker, apparently promoting his disinformation about the technology.
Very little information about this conference has been published online, so its
real purpose is in question.
- On July 5, Aaron Alexis longtime friend and roommate Nutpisit
Suthamtewakul filed a police report claiming that Alexis had poured sugar into
the gas tank of his car. This is when Alexis moved out after having lived with
him for three years. [22] Alexis had been forced to move out after
Suthamtewakul got married and his wife moved in. He was apparently upset
about this. It should be noted that his moving out increased his isolation, and
as well see, things began to escalate soon after he did.

- On August 4, Alexis aggressively confronted a family at Norfolk (Va.)

International Airport. [1] He had approached a woman who was laughing and
talking with family members, and accused her 78-year-old aunt of laughing at
him. The woman assured him that her aunt wasnt laughing at him and began
moving away, at which point Alexis began shouting and becoming belligerent.
When a security guard arrived, he eventually calmed down. Later that day, he
checked into the Residence Inn. [22]
- Starting on August 4, while at the Residence Inn, Alexis reportedly began
hearing what he thought were people in other rooms talking about him. He
began disturbing the other hotel guests, knocking on doors in search of
whoever was causing the voices he was hearing. Hotel logs show that at some
point during his stay Alexis employers contacted the hotel and informed them
that he was unstable and that they were bringing him home. He only stayed at
this hotel for two nights before suddenly checking out and moving to a room at
the Navy base, but he only stayed for a few hours before leaving again and
getting a room at the Marriott Hotel on Aug. 6. [22] This is the first time Alexis
reportedly heard audible voices, which he had first assumed were coming from
the rooms surrounding his own. He didnt appear to think that the voices were
in his head at this point. If he was being targeted with V2K technology, the
audible voices may have been intended to send him over the edge once he had
shown signs of aggression at the airport.
- On August 7, Alexis was on a Department of Defense assignment as a
computer consultant in Newport, RI, [3] at which time he called the police and
told them that disembodied voices were harassing him at his hotel using a
microwave machine to prevent him from sleeping. [1] He also told them that
he had been stalked by three people after his altercation at the Norfolk airport.
[11] He also told the police that he had changed his hotel three times because
he believed unseen people were talking to him via microwave signals. He will
later tell FFCHS board members via email that this was when he was first
electronically attacked, but that at the time, he wasnt aware that he was. [3]
His family had concerns about his mental health during this period. [1] This is
the first time that Alexis mentions electronic weapons. Where did he get this
idea? Had he already been in contact with FFCHS at this point? The lack of
sleep may have been caused by V2K, and would have made hypnotically
induced programming far easier to insert or activate.
- After Newport police reported the Aug. 7 incident with Alexis to the Navy, his
employer, a defense contracting company (Hewlett Packard), pulled his access
to classified material for two days, but then restored it and never told Navy
officials it had done so. [1]

- According to the LA Times, around August 17, Alexis began warning friends
and coworkers that he was the victim of a secret government mind-control
program. [7] Where did he get this idea? Was it from FFCHS? It appears from
his later email exchange with FFCHS board members, and from comments
made by Max Williams and Timothy White (see below), that this organization
was indeed the source of this information.
- On August 18, Alexis informed the head monk at a Buddhist Temple in
Raynham, Mass., that he had a pain in his head. [22]
- On August 23, Alexis went to the VA emergency room in Providence, RI
because he couldn't sleep. He was suffering from fatigue after sleeping only
two or three hours every night over the past three weeks (since the airport
incident on Aug. 4). The doctor wrote in his report that Alexis speech and
thoughts were clear and focused and that he denied having flashbacks or
recent stress. He also wrote that Alexis denied having suicidal and homicidal
thoughts. He was prescribed 50 milligrams of trazodone and sent home. Alexis
privately wrote during this same period that he was being afflicted by ultra-low
frequency radio waves for months. [1] What made him think that it had been
going on for months? He apparently didnt associate the tinnitus with his
targeting, and therefore didnt realize that the targeting could have started
much earlier.
- On August 25, Alexis arrived in Washington, DC. [24]
- On Aug. 28, Alexis visited a VA medical facility in Washington DC, again
complaining of sleeplessness. He said he was awakening each morning about 4
a.m. like clockwork and couldnt understand why. He answered no when
asked whether he was having feelings of hopelessness for the present and the
future. He was given ten more tablets of trazodone. [1] This suggests that
Alexis may have been targeted via a computer-automated system, rather than
manually. His consistent denials of emotional problems may have been instilled
through hypnotic programming to assure that a more extensive medical
examination didnt occur and interfere with the targeting schedule.
- According to an interview with FFCHS board member Max Williams, Alexis
sent an email to FFCHS sometime in August. [13] This apparently refers to the
mysterious email exchange that Max Williams had with Alexis prior to Alexis
exchange with Derrick Robinson on Sept 1, which has been all but forgotten
and which the FBI wont disclose any information about. This would also have
to be the email exchange in which Max Williams sent Alexis a copy of his book,
The Silent Massacre. How early in August were they in contact? Was it before
or after the incident at the Norfolk airport?

- Also according to media interviews that were made after the shooting [13],
Max Williams made the following statement:
Information Alexis had about ELF was from White's research, he said.
According to White, the only individual with evidence about that and the
only one providing that information and Alexis got his information from
This is an interesting statement to make, when you think about it. First, it tells
us that Alexis said whatever he said about ELF technology during his August
email exchange with Williams. But more significantly, Williams is saying that
Alexis got his information from Timothy White. Why did he say this? Was he
implying that White had been involved with Alexis? Or was this an attempt to
make Whites information appear to have been validated by Alexis? What was
this information, exactly? Out of curiosity, I did an internet search for any sort
of information on ELF by White, but came up empty. In fact, there appears to
be very little information available on White at all. However, I did discover that
a number of years ago a man named Tim White had been involved in doing
damage control against a number of people who were claiming that Ted
Gunderson was a double agent, but whether this is the same person is
- On September 1, Alexis contacted FFCHS by email, seeking help with what
he believed was electronic harassment with ELF weapons. Copies of the email
exchange show that Derrick Robinson responded within fifteen minutes of
receiving the first email, and gave Alexis a simple form-letter type of response
that invited him to get involved with his organization. A total of six emails
were exchanged between them within a period of just over an hour. News
outlets were later told by FFCHS that they never heard from Alexis again after
this. [6] A review of these emails reveals that Derrick Robinson had shown no
real concern over Alexis plea for help and was more interested in gleaning
information and/or using Alexis as part of his team. [32] [33] It appears that
Alexis didnt even know that Max Williams was with FFCHS, since he made no
mention of his earlier exchange with him. If this is the case, as it appears to
be, then how did he come into contact with Williams?
- Only days before the Navy Yard tragedy, Alexis again emailed the group, still
begging for their help. [7] Derrick Robinson, president of Freedom From
Covert Harassment and Surveillance, divulges for the first time, the shocking
new revelation that Navy Yard Shooter, Aaron Alexis, contacted FFCHS just
three days before the attack in an attempt to find relief from the
bombardment of ELF attacks he was experiencing. [38] This last email would
have been sent on Sept. 13. It has only ever been mentioned once by FFCHS

board members and never again. What did it say? Who was it to? Why is it not
being disclosed?
- On September 14, Alexis purchased the shotgun he would use in the
shooting from a gun shop in Virginia. [1]
- On September 15, The Daily Courier, a Canadian online news outlet, had
reportedly released the story of the shooting a day early. The date stamp for
the story was later changed to accurately reflect the shooting date. [9]
- On September 16 at 8:20 am, Alexis went on a shooting spree and allegedly
shot 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard before being killed in a shootout
with police. He had only been working there for a few days. The Naval Sea
Systems Command, which Alexis targeted in his attack, is the command that
oversees the nation's largest directed energy weapons research and
development program in Dahlgren, Virginia. The Naval Surface Warfare Center,
Dahlgren Division, has been involved in the development of directed energy
weapons for over 40 years. [2] This happens to cover the time of Derrick
Robinsons service in the Navy.
- The shotgun that Alexis used in the shooting was marked with a message
that said in part, My ELF weapon! [6] It needs to be pointed out that there is
no way to prove that Alexis was the one who put that message on the gun,
and if this was a staged shooting, then someone who was involved in the
staging and was at the scene could have put that message there.
- During the shooting, the first SWAT team to arrive on the scene was ordered
to stand down. This team was specially trained for active shooter situations
and the members were expert marksmen. [23] The team had heard early
reports of the shooting and had taken it upon themselves to respond. [27] The
unexpected arrival of this team and the order to stand down suggests that the
shooting was a staged event that was orchestrated from within the
- According to one source, when the story first broke, the Washington Navy
Yard shooter was identified as Navy Chief Petty Officer Rollie Chance, and
there was no mention of Alexis. CBS and NBC both reported that Chance was
the suspect and that he was booked at 1:00 pm EDT on Sept. 16. Chances
identification had been found at the scene. Later, NBC News political director
Chuck Todd tweeted: NBC News: we are now NOT reporting name of shooter;
retracting the original report and deleting all tweets that mentioned Rollie
Chance. [9]

- Early reports stated that there was at least one other possible suspect still at
large. Several reports will mention two other suspects. Washington Police Chief
Cathy Lanier stated: The big concern for us right now is that we potentially
have two other shooters that we have not located at this point. [41]
- After the shooting, FBI agents reportedly recovered a note from Alexis saying
he had been targeted by ultra-low frequency radio waves for the previous
three months - the period that covered his visits to the VA medical facilities
when he denied he was experiencing any stress or violent thoughts. [1]
- Nine hours after the shooting, a cryptic poem was posted on Alexis facebook
page that seemed to allude to the Heavens Gate mass suicides and space
travelers. [9] This may have been posted by someone as a hoax in order to
lead the public to believe that Alexis was a conspiracy theorist or involved in a
UFO cult. There is also the possibility that someone was suggesting that, like
the Heavens Gate cult, Alexis was led to willingly commit suicide by someone
who had control over his mind. It should be noted that, like Alexis, the
Heavens Gate cult members were computer experts, and several of them had
been under contract with the military.
- On the day of the shooting, after Alexis identity as the shooter had been
announced, a number of FFCHS members contacted that organization and
informed its board members that they had seen Alexis attending FFCHS
activities. [13] These reports were later confirmed by FFCHS board member
Timothy White. [7] This clearly indicates that Aaron Alexis had been more
involved with FFCHS than just sending a few emails seeking help in the last
few weeks before he snapped.
- A Capital Police Board investigation was started after the shooting, looking
into reports that commanders of that agency ordered a heavily armed tactical
response team to stand down and leave the scene of the Navy Yard massacre.
[2] Investigators claimed that the team was told to stand down because they
had been held up in traffic due to gridlock. This contradicted the official
timeline of events, which placed the team at the scene 14 minutes before any
other tactical unit arrived. The team had heard the initial reports and had
taken it upon themselves to respond. It was later suspected by many that
their unexpected arrival had threatened to interfere with a staged shooting,
and the internal investigation was a coverup. [27] This lends weight to the
idea that the shooting was a staged event that and Alexis had been coerced
into acting out.
- On September 25, the FBIs Washington DC Field Office issued a statement
summarizing their investigation into the shooting, dismissing the writings they
found in Alexis electronic media which said, Ultra low frequency attack is

what I've been subject to for the last 3 months, and to be perfectly honest
that is what has driven me to this. [12] These alleged writings indicate that
Alexis had consciously preplanned the shootings. His email exchange with
Derrick Robinson on Sept. 1 also hinted that he was contemplating doing
- On October 9, Max Williams was contacted by FBI agents, who were inquiring
about the emails from Alexis. [6] After the visit, Derrick Robinson sent an
email to a list of FFCHS contacts, saying that he had just realized that Alexis
had been in communication with him and the other FFCHS board members
before the shooting. [13] Williams later wrote in his journal that [the FBI
agent] explained that because of the notoriety of the Aaron incident, the FBI
was checking out every possible angle of the shooting. [27] This begs a
number of questions. Did they bother to question those FFCHS members who
later reported that they had seen Alexis at FFCHS events? Why havent these
people been identified? Is it because there is more to this story than is being
- On October 19, FFCHS circulated a newsletter to its members announcing a
special meeting the next day in New Jersey, where a major news outlet would
be interviewing Timothy White and listening to TIs stories. He then went on to
inform them that Aaron Alexis had contacted FFCHS just prior to the
shootings, and that several emails were exchanged, but he only reproduced
the first of them in the newsletter, and made no indication of exactly how
many there were. He also interpreted Alexis suspicions of being electronically
targeted as fact, in spite of having no real proof of this. As Ive said before,
FFCHS will promote any targeting claim as fact without question. Most
significantly, Robinson stated that Alexis emails established a motive for the
shootings. [5] This last statement may have been part of a staging, intended
to promote the idea among FFCHS members that Alexis acted of his own free
will against his perceived attackers. At the very least, it could serve to increase
the belief among FFCHS members that their suspicions about their own
targeting with such weapons was true and that no other possibilities need to
be considered.
- According to another post I found online by someone named Robert O.
Butner, whos apparently a member of FFCHS but is quite upset with that
group, Derrick Robinson bailed out of the picture after making his rather
gleeful announcement that he had been in contact with Alexis prior to the
shootings. [15] When asked, Derrick Robinson angrily refused to provide the
names of the FBI agents he was visited by or even the case file number. [30]
This leaves us no way of checking if his claims are true, as he surely knows,
even though there is absolutely NO reason to withhold that information other
than to cover something up. Butners post also gives a glimpse of the sort of

strange and callous things that FFCHS members will say to intimidate other
TIs, and apparently to keep their members in line. The threats are subtle but
come across well enough to have their impact on a TI who is already scared or
- On October 20, Max Williams reported in an interview that he had brought
the Alexis emails to the attention of the other FFCHS board members after the
FBI contacted him on Oct.9. According to Williams, when the FBI visited him,
they produced an email from Alexis to him, as well as his response. [7] The
first email from Alexis to FFCHS was from sometime in August. [13] This email
from Williams to Alexis is obviously NOT one of the six emails that Derrick
Robinson claimed were exchanged on Sept. 1. It appears from these
statements that Williams was already in touch with Alexis before then.
- On October 20, attorney Bob S. raised concerns in an email about Derrick
Robinsons handling of the Aaron Alexis matter, questioning why Robinson had
never checked through his past emails immediately after hearing about the
Washington shooting to see if there had been any from Alexis. He pointed out
that the exchange of emails was too recent for Robinson to have forgotten
about. [31] A look at the content of those emails and what Alexis had said in
them [32] [33] shows that the connection should have been very easy for
Robinson to make, since Alexis had provided four significant pieces of
information that should have immediately triggered the memory of Derrick
Robinson or any of the other FFCHS board members: 1) his name, 2) that he
claimed to be in Washington, DC, 3) that he talked about the Navy, and 4) that
he talked about ELF waves. These four pieces of information were key
elements of the media story and they should have been enough to trigger
immediate recall of the hour-long exchange that took place only two weeks
before the shooting occurred. Instead, were expected to believe that it wasnt
until the FBI visited Max Williams on Oct. 9 (more than three weeks after the
shooting) and asked about the emails that anyone at FFCHS supposedly made
the connection, or even bothered to check their logs.
- Although he apparently doesnt have any legal restrictions hanging over him
about discussing the Aaron Alexis affair, Derrick Robinson has refused to reveal
any information that would legitimize the claim that he was in contact with
Alexis at all, such as by providing the names of the FBI agents who allegedly
talked to him, or the case number for the investigation. [30] This can only
mean one of two things: that hes far more involved in this than hes letting
on, or that hes making it all up and using the shooting to promote FFCHS
among the TI community. The latter actually seems more likely.
- Sometime before October 22, the FBI was contacted by Washington Times
Communities and were declined on-the-record comment, but a law

enforcement official speaking on condition of anonymity confirmed that the

FBI had the emails and that their contents were consistent with other evidence
gathered during the investigation showing Alexis' paranoia about ELF
technology and government monitoring. [6] A problem with anonymous
sources, if you havent learned by now, is that they provide the means to put
out false information from a seemingly reliable source which cant be checked,
and this is a common method of covering up the real facts in a government
- On October 30, Derrick Robinson published another statement regarding the
emails FFCHS received from Alexis. In it, he says, You all would not believe all
the careful checking and re-checking that some of the major outlets did and all
I had to do for them to make sure the emails were legitimate and the story
was accurate. [4] What assured these news outlets that the emails werent
bogus? Unless it can be shown that Alexis had copies of them on his own
computer and that they were sent/received by him (by tracing them all), there
is still the possibility that someone else (FBI? Navy? DoD?) placed them there,
or that they were faked by FFCHS by creating an email account using his name
and sending them to FFCHS through that account. The above quote by Derrick
Robinson suggests that a thorough check was done, based on his word only. If
a coverup was taking place, he would want to lead people to believe that the
emails were legitimate, and such a statement would seemingly give that some
weight. The same thing goes if he was simply taking advantage of the shooting
and Alexis never actually had any contact with FFCHS. In his statement,
Robinson lists all of the media publicity that he and FFCHS have received, and
reflects his happiness about this. On the other hand, he expresses absolutely
NO remorse for the tragedy that allegedly occurred. [4]
- On December 4, a Freedom of Information request was sent to the FBI by
Cathleen Weissenberg of, asking for any files referencing the
Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS) organization in
regards to the well publicized shooting investigation of deceased Washington,
DC Navy Yard Department of Defense contractor Aaron Alexis. [8]
- On December 17, Derrick Robinson was interviewed by two FBI agents
regarding the Aaron Alexis case. [8]
- On December 30, Cathleen Weissenbergs FOI request to the FBI regarding
FFCHSs involvement in the Alexis case was responded to, stating that the
request had been rejected and the information sought was exempt from
disclosure pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(7)(A) exempts from
disclosure: records or information compiled for law enforcement purposes, but
only to the extent that the production of such law enforcement records or
information could reasonably be expected to interfere with enforcement. [8]

This is normal procedure when information is requested regarding an

investigation that is still open. It is a blanket rejection and doesnt mean that
the particular information requested actually exists.
- On January 8, 2014, Cathleen Weissenberg appealed the decision on her FOI
request, on the grounds that the exemption from disclosure did not apply due
to the fact that FFCHS had already released significant details, and the records
sought could not reasonably be expected to produce any additional
interference with law enforcement proceedings. She states: In the event that
(FFCHS) is misleading the general public about their involvement in the
investigation for the purpose of increasing their donations and/or notoriety I
respectfully request that this fact be clarified as a matter of public record and
safety. [8]
[1] Navy Yard Shooting: Gunman Aaron Alexis Convincingly Lied To Doctors
At Veterans Affairs
[2] What are the EMF weapons Alexis and other Americans fear
Washington Times Communities
[3] Navy Yard killer eyed revenge New York Post
[4] 'My ELF Weapon': More Proof Navy Yard Shooter Targeted with Mind
Control Weapons
[5] Major News Announcement re: Aaron Alexis and the New Jersey
Meeting :: Freedom From Covert Harassment and Surveillance
[6] In his words: Emails Alexis sent raise questions on government
surveillance Washington Times Communities
[7] Exclusive: Aaron Alexis Pre-Navy Yard Tragedy Letter Released
Conspiracy Theories
[8] DC Navy Yard Shooter Aaron Alexis investigation Muckrock
[9] Away Team: The Cosmic Suicide Trope Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis
[10] Alexis May Have Sought to Confront ELF Attackers Inside Navy Yard
Memory Hole

[11] Activist Post: 'My ELF Weapon': More Proof Navy Yard Shooter Targeted
with Mind Control Weapons
[12] Aaron Alexis and extremely low frequency attacks: Truth or fiction?
Washington Times Communities
[13] Navy Yard Shooter Had Mind Control Group Contact Human Rights
[14] FFCHS Conference Call News 10/19/13
[15] Government Sponsored Stalking Yahoo
[16] FFCHS Conference Call News 1/23/10
[17] A Closer Look at the Navy Yard Shooter
[18] Aaron Alexis: Washington navy yard gunman 'obsessed with violent
video games' - Telegraph
[19] Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard gunman, involved in prior shooting
[20] Aaron Alexis, Navy Yard gunman, involved in prior shooting
[21] Derrick Robinson Targeted Individuals Canada
[22] Signs of Distress Multiplied on Killers Path to Navy Yard
[23] Yet ANOTHER mass shooting.....Washington D.C. Naval Yard
[24] Washington Navy Yard Killer 'Heard Voices'
[25] Microwave Harassment and Mind-Control Experimentation Julianne
[26] John St. Clair Akwei vs NSA
[27] New Evidence Surfaces in Navy Yard Shooting American Free Press
[28] Intimate Violence Deaths in the News: Shooter identified in double
murder-suicide in Chipley
[29] The Silent Massacre

[30] Secret DARPA Mind Control Project Revealed: Leaked Document

[31] The Most Harmful Infiltrator Among Us
[32] Washington shooter Aaron Alexis bad White TV
[33] Was Washington Shooter Aaron Alexis an FFCHS Success?
[34] The Matrix Deciphered Robert Duncan
[35] The Law of Psychic Phenomena Thompson J. Hudson
[36] FFCHS Press Release: The Suicide of a Secret Government Program
[37] World Day Debacle www.COINTELPRO Continues
[38] ELF Attacks: Navy Yard Shooter, Aaron Alexis, Contacted FFCHS Three
Days Before Attack To Find Relief From ELF Attacks The Freedom Report
[39] Sourced from
[40] A Primer on V2K vs. Mind-Reading Technologies
[41] Navy Yard Shooting: Gunman Aaron Alexis Convincingly Lied To Doctors
At Veterans Affairs
------------------------------------------------------------------A Review of Some of My Earlier Notes
From: More on Derrick Robinson and Aaron Alexis
- When Derrick Robinson so unconcernedly blew Alexis off in his first email
response with a rather cold form-letter response that merely invited him to get
involved with their activities, Alexis made absolutely no mention of any earlier
involvement with them, which you would expect he would have, considering he
was now going to the board members for help. Was he really involved with
FFCHS earlier on, or was that just an added piece of disinfo to embellish a
false scenario with seeming facts? Who exactly are these members who recall
seeing Alexis at FFCHS events? Have they been questioned by the FBI as well?

If not, why not? What do they have to reveal about this man? Who talked to
him at these FFCHS events?
- Aaron Alexis stated that he had been getting voices for a few months. We
dont know at this point whether it started before or after he got involved with
FFCHS, but it seems that it would have been what led him to them. So, given
the likelihood that he was already being targeted with electronic weapons
before he got involved, how did this belief affect his perceptions of what was
going on? If you read his published emails, you can see that he already had
the ideas in his mind by then that he was being beamed with V2K by people
nearby, that he was being followed, etc. But he fails to elucidate on HOW he
knew this, which is very common with FFCHS members. In my view, I see this
as him having been influenced to believe these things early on without ever
really analyzing the situations that led him to believe it, as many purported TIs
fail to do. I dont mean to suggest that he wasnt being targeted or that he
didnt hear voices I mean to say that the initial altercation at the Virginia
airport may have made him paranoid, leading him to information about gangstalking and electronic harassment, which in turn led him to seek out FFCHS
and get involved in their events, which led to him being targeted by FFCHS
and ultimately used in a media event that he just happened to become the
ideal recruit for. Its not at all inconceivable that FFCHS would take someone
who is already being targeted and lead them to react violently while all blame
goes to the delusional TI community.
From: Still More Interesting Facts Surrounding Aaron Alexis and FFCHS
- Although it appears that a total of six emails were exchanged between
FFCHS board members and Alexis, this doesnt account for those that Williams
admitted to FBI agents having sent him, nor the most recent one that they
received only a few days before the shooting. So where does Williams email
exchange fit in? And what about the most recent one? Obviously, something is
totally amiss here, and there were apparently more exchanges going on than
are being admitted to. Since only those emails that were exchanged between
Derrick Robinson and Aaron Alexis have been released, and because a
Freedom of Information request to the FBI for any information relating to
FFCHS and Aaron Alexis resulted in the response that that information was
exempt from FOI requests, we can be fairly certain that whatever was said
between Aaron Alexis and Max Williams, and whatever was in that last email,
is being covered up. The FBI wouldnt bother to withhold all information while
allowing FFCHS to release some of it.

- If we consider the fact that Derrick Robinson, Julianne McKinney, Max

Williams, and Robert Duncan ALL have deep ties to the government (or claim
to), that they ALL claim to be TIs, and yet they ALL operate without any
apparent repercussions from the government that they claim to be blowing the
whistle on (although I have yet to hear any whistling), then we must seriously
wonder how that can possibly be, when so many others are being targeted
heavily for no apparent reason. After all, FFCHS admits that its ultimately the
government thats targeting people, and they claim to have insider information
about the technology and to have even worked on it (in Robert Duncans
case), and yet they consistently fail to utilize that knowledge in any way
whatsoever to expose it or even help others find a way to defend themselves
against it, except where it profits them personally (and even there, they
provide nothing but highly questionable information that doesnt reveal
anything and only leads to false beliefs about the governments technological
capabilities). When was the last time any of them were stalked or harassed by
the government, or by anyone else for that matter? They might say that they
are, but like Robert Duncan, who interprets my public expos on him and my
challenge to discuss his claims in public as stalking, all the while continually
sending me taunting emails, you can be sure that the others in that group will
twist facts and lie just the same if they feel its necessary to make themselves
look legitimate. But as far as I know, Derrick Robinson only ever alludes to
some vague past targeting that seems to have ended long ago, Julianne
McKinney has NEVER claimed to be targeted, Robert Duncan says he was
targeted and forced by his attackers to write his books (making them that
much more likely to be disinformation) but doesnt ever speak about any
current targeting and acts exactly like any perp would act. Max Williams and
Timothy White I know very little about at this point, but time will definitely tell.
- Not one FFCHS board member has shown any remorse for the tragedy that
occurred in Washington on Sept. 16, 2013. They have not shown any concern
about the matter other than how much publicity it gives them. Think about
that, if you still think theyre a legitimate organization that truly has TIs
concerns at heart. Think about how Derrick Robinson dealt with Aaron Alexis,
and how YOU would react if you needed immediate help and turned to them,
only to be blown off so coldly. Think about that one last email that Alexis sent
to them only a few days prior to the shooting, and ask yourself why it was
downplayed to the point of being forgotten about and never mentioned again.
Think about what it might have said, given the frustration that Alexis was
already having in getting help from that organization. Think about why it might
have been exempted from release by the FBI.
Dont take things at face value. FFCHS is one arm of a major psyop campaign,
and nothing thats going on in the TI community is as simple or obvious as it
might appear. Look at the little details that are first overlooked regarding the

Alexis affair, which I have covered in my last three blogs. Think critically about
these details, and how they DONT add up to the official story, but DO add up
to an intentional deception and coverup on the part of FFCHS board members
and their fascist government masters.

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