MinDak Upstream Coalition Report

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The MinDak Upstream Coalition commissioned a survey to get a better understanding of the public
sentiment of Moorhead, Minnesota voters towards the proposed Fargo-Moorhead Red River Diversion.
405 Moorhead residents responded to the survey focusing on public opinion of local and state leaders as
well as gauging concerns around impacts of the project including costs, environmental effects, and
attitudes on the economic outlook for the communities of Fargo and Moorhead. Calls were conducted
during the week of May 19th-26th .
Key Findings
Local Leadership. Overall the Mayor of Moorhead Del Rae Williams has an approval rating of 44% across
the community. However when asked specifically on her handling of the Diversion, Mayor Williams
support erodes with only 25% approving of the way she is handling the issue.
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Del Rae Williams is handling her job as Mayor of
Approve 44%
Disapprove/Unsure 56%
Do you approve or disapprove of the way Mayor Williams is handling the proposed FM Diversion?
Approve 25%
Disapprove/Unsure 75%
Furthermore when asked how concerned Moorhead local leaders should be about the proposed
diversion regarding impacts to rural Minnesota, 43% responded in saying leaders should be
Concernedand 48% responded saying they should be
Somewhat Concerned.
How concerned should Mayor Williams and Moorhead city council members be about the FM
s potential impacts to rural Minnesota very concerned, somewhat concerned, not too
concerned, or not concerned at all?
Very concerned 43%
Somewhat concerned 48%
Not too concerned 7.5%
Not concerned at all 1.5%

Recent Federal Court Ruling.

The poll commenced on the heels of Federal Judges
ruling halting construction of a ring dike in the
community of Oxbow. The survey identified wide and strong support for the ruling with 55% approving
of the decision against 26% disagreeing with the decision. When asked if the entire project should be
halteduntil community disputes have been resolved, again we found broad support for moving more
slowly on the project with 66% stating they favor settling disputes before moving forward.
We also looked at public awareness around a Dam that would be constructed to the south of
Fargo/Moorhed and found that 53% of Moorhead residents were NOT aware that the project included a
Do you agree or disagree with the judge
s ruling?
Agree 55%
Disagree - 26%
Unsure 19%
Do you feel that construction of the proposed FM Diversion should be halted until the disputes with
surrounding communities are resolved?
Yes 66%
No 32%
Unsure 2%
Are you aware that the FM Diversion project includes the construction of a dam on the Red River
directly south of Fargo and Moorhead?
Yes - 47%
No - 53%

Benefits for the Communities of Fargo and Moorhead.

Finally, we wanted to test perceptions of which community will benefit the most from a completed
Fargo/Moorhead Diversion within the community of Moorhead. The results show a clear sentiment that
Fargo will reap the benefits of having a Red River Diversion with 63% stating the Fargo will benefit most,
compared to 2% saying Moorhead will benefit more from the diversion.
As the plan is currently proposed, which community do you think will benefit more from the FM
Moorhead 2%
Fargo 63%
Both communities will equally benefit 35%

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