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Your Excellency Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia and Chairperson of the APR

Your Excellency Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Chairperson of the African Union

Your Excellency Jacob Zuma, President of the Republic of South Africa,

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

As the Vice Chair of the APR Forum, I am very pleased to join participate you at this
important Forum of the Heads of State and Government participating in the APRM in which
we must take critical decisions to revitalize the APRM Mechanism.

Allow me to express Kenyas profound gratitude to my brother President Zuma for the
hospitality accorded to my delegation and I since our arrival in this beautiful nation of
South Africa.

Madam Chairperson,
I take this early opportunity to commend Your Excellency, for your very able stewardship of
the Forum since your election to this important role.

I also recognize the distinguished Panel of Eminent Persons for their continued good work
in steering the APRM process in all our countries.

The APRM process is a cornerstone in Africas efforts to realize good governance and
socio-economic development. It is unprecedented in the history of governance in Africa
and remains a unique innovation, a first of its kind.

We are the only region in the world which has voluntarily agreed to go into an extensive
governance assessment of its member states.

The Mechanism has steadily covered the continent with the voluntary adherence of thirtyfive (35) countries representing more than 75% of the continents population.

Madam Chairperson,
I am particularly honoured to make a statement to this Forum at a time when Kenya is
preparing for the 2nd Generation of peer review which is testimony of our confidence in,
and continued engagement with, the APRM process.

We are at a critical juncture as a continent with regard to good governance. The success
of Africas development agenda rests on good, effective governance across the continent.
This is an indisputable truth.

In the past, the APR Mechanism described as a promoted a culture of national dialogue
between citizens and their governments and encouraged peer reviews among leaders
where we assessed our governance deficiencies, identified best practices and suggested
pertinent corrective actions.
Country review reports have, in the past, been used as authoritative reference material
and policy statements by academia, businesses, development partners and state actors.
This is no longer the case.

So far only 17 countries have been peer-reviewed and are currently implementing their
APRM National Plan of Actions. Many countries which acceded to the mechanism at its
inauguration, 12 years ago, have not yet launched their self-assessments.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is almost one decade since the pioneer countries were peer-reviewed. The second
generation reviews have yet to be conducted. This is at variance with the APRM base
document that we voluntarily agreed upon.

While acknowledging the significant past impact and clout, the Mechanism has lost much
of its luster as an innovative, homegrown and effective tool for transforming governance in
our continent. Its promise of enhancing good Governance is fast waning.
It has given way to routine exercises that do not instill the kind of enthusiastic commitment

to leadership transformation reminisce of past years.

This trend, inevitably jeopardizes the success of our continents development agenda and
the hopes of millions of our people which are pegged on good governance.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Against this background and as a matter of urgency, we bear a moral responsibility to
ensure that the APRM process is revitalized to keep its promise of Good Governance for

Madam Chairperson,
In an effort to revitalize the APRM, I propose that the Forum convenes an Extraordinary
Summit together with our strategic partners to discuss strategies for rejuvenating the
mechanism, strengthening the role of the Panel of Eminent Persons in enforcing
compliance as earlier contemplated in the mechanism, mobilization of resources for
effective APRM delivery; and raising the profile of the APRM to as the authoritative
Governance index for Africa.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The world is watching Africa. APRM upholds the continents reputation with its commitment
to good governance. It promises to advance the continents sustainable and transformative
development agenda. Therefore, it is the collective responsibility of our Generation of
Africas leaders to restore the credibility of APRM by improving its effectiveness, scaling up
the accession and peer-reviews, and monitoring the implementation of National plans of

As I conclude, Madam Chairperson, I reiterate my governments commitment to promote

the principles of the Africa Peer Review Mechanism and seek your indulgence to convene
the extra ordinary summit of the APRM to address these urgent matters, preferably before
the end of this year.

Madam Chairperson, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I thank you for your kind


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