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OGE Form 278e (March 2014) US. Office of Government this; 5 C.F.R. part 2634 | Form Approved: O} [Report Type: Year (Annual Report only) [Date of Appointment Termination: Filer’ Information ‘No. (3209-0601) 2015 JUL Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report (OGE Form 278e) UNITED STATES OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT ETHICS ——— Preventing Conflict] of increst ‘in the Executive Branch Last Name, [First Name [Mr Position [Trump Donald [President of the United States of America [Other Federal Government Positions Held During the Preceding 12 Months: INA [Name of Congressional Committee Considering Nomination (Nominees only) INA subject to any comments below) ian “ee lOther Review Conducted By: Signature: Duane M. Formndvy [U:S. Office of Government Ethics Certification (ifrequired): ‘Signature Ineeucton for Pant as mes rane eee i eno ca ee aE [pfs as a so paneer rc ‘eat 5 fstetaiaet ances ert te enor cart lz — fanaa comme hasta te Saat ‘ener —fenaramnu heneci ra sa 6 —fousansnercar hero a sur Seaioapem henvecnr eae resorobise a | —fetnon vaaoh vee hero ue os eee fossa Ter aot reasoner rom te — foreman a ue aa =a re fr Sea a sas He rear oo aaa ee He rer aon aonourar ‘soe He rea aor See ae i tia ae ae a i a Sea rare = ret us ‘ares i re ra rae ra be a pa ws aie ‘ses bs ar eas Tana eee aa a femenara te aero ara a ae eae aro Bs om areas ‘een Bt oes aa ue as — ie be rc a oe rs us Hees teoer ie ferrous Te te ier Roser Tae aaa [orate wes se me re te es as price aanehae Ton aster ra before ae te ieee os a Tue cae us taserser a bs —fororsees cx we ae rai Seep aS aa ue ts ‘aoe {sds urge Ca a a aa sas re Tr ote eras fervor ti eset ‘ana —— ra a ae oS aera raat fae — forearms cap enon soe aaa na lat —Toreomsatia nse Foss te emer aati [st — or comes era rca fears See ‘aaa fe] foro carrer fena i terse ct [ae forbs ear nao fensen Soe a Ineetons for Part Ee e z = 7 — e ae = as ee e =e ae = — a =e a ae =e e a ae =e e = e = 2 — Te iE =e = — =e E = = = 2 — = eer = = 2 — eee — S> EE ae = eer =e fe a = = ae = ar =e ee = — =e fe - = a a : =e = = So le a 7 == =e fe ————— =e [er fs omc vaca “aro {| “Te bate fe =e ——= 2 — ie e == = ——— a See = ie =e = aie a = ate ez = aa = aa fe ot = oa a Be - = = ie Seu aoe = eo ie ar = = ae He eu ae = at be - = a = re = ae Sac = Eo as ee = 7. 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Pet ra T fae See ca a os ler ves == aaa ere oa ara sta se Pree TE ec te PSs aaa Teta, fOr et era Ta ew aE senso = igor — (rane ea Porto HE z rect ras Treas fz resea awe es h te Tee rae Tota fad [rs rar rsa ue ca ca | area se ESS teen 7 fee re geet SE es eee Pre eee a fae TE Taig aga von a Ta EST = te sae eae Teta [iar — [regret i He Peron ra Tse fs ea HE ao Feat rane Tec lr ean [sess te ae E Ta fae a Tao jesvens He aso Dscr sp ens —— | tae fs aor ears TOT cont ue. ear “seeon tates —— | recs fase le as Ongs Mba a Tesrorssntasca aa 08 oT [ass [rg sonar — asi Tesco ae Ta [286 — [rane Soma [essonan es tte ae Soar Tea i Sa =o [sonore Tita Taaioacran Ser naa Toba te as Sp tr aio esac lr san lara [som Canes sn Es ens ons, Tp (SS Sa aS] aT Cone esa lass [rp tse Comoe fe tte Pesce ise Tens Sain Reo io sm a a Ess — fe oe tare fe Paso ci Copaot ler eases Hr te ib — [nore vrs ese Mage re oe Ea Fane Lt 5 Ou a Ts TLS i tie [37k rap vig ass Le a Wa Hr ie fe igi Ass Hag a es fer amas a = ee prs a favour i is Nero eer pass fer — frases oe ra tre a ana io ae = jad fees nes oper anager a HT te last — [rags cae rage a ae Sar == ee See oe = = ee ae = a cs Se : = = tee tee eae ae ee ane = —— ee SS a —— os = ee =e a Sor z — = ae = = = ae = = = ie = = a =e = = : =e = = a (2 Forme ach 200 Instructions for Part Note: Thies @ public form, De not include account numbers, street addresses, or family member names. See instructions for required information. (Fers Name [Donald 3. Tramp [Part 2: Filer's Employment Assets and Income [) —[Description [EDF Jattached schedte (Part 2- EXHIBIT A) Reference # Vane [income Tope Tncome Amoant [Pol [# SHADOW TREE LANE TLC lundecying Assets: bank account |.ocation: Westchester, NY [see attaches schedule por FFrooT $75,000 lon sales 31.4250 looa Jao wai Soot ccc lUnderbing Assets: commercial rel estate lLocaton Now York, NY [See tached sched [Over $50 0,000 [over s,000 00 [aos [aor wezz VENTURE TIC lUnderving Assets: bank account Location: Chicago, I. [See attached schedule [oor [sr oor sian None or ess han S207) [00s [40% North Wabash Vento TTC lundecying Assets: ressontal & commercial real estate \.ccaton: Chicgs. See atached schedule poe [over $50,500,000 lend sales [over $5,000 000 | s45.274201 loos )a00 NORTH CANON LLC lUnderiing Assets: resident realestate |Locaton: Bevery His, CA See tached schedute Is 00,007 - $25,000,000 Nona Tor ias han 52077 [006 [808 NORTH CANON MEMBER CORPORATION |undoryng Assets: resident realestate l.ccaton: Bevery Hs, CA [see attached schedule foro [S107 sia None (orfss an S207) [oor —Je45 UN Limes Parnersn Jundecyng assets: commercial real estate |.ocaton: New Yor, NY [see attached schedule a jern00. 001 $25,000 00 jst 000.007 $5,000,000 [008 —[Cartaiess investments, SAL. lUnderving Assets: and Locaton: Dominican Repubic See tached schedue [IS DOE DOT SEE TOOOOT [Rane or iese ran S207) laos —JorIcaGo UNIT ACGUISTION TTC | Undering Assets: residential realestate Location: Cheago, I. See tached schoduie [oae [Froor STs m0 None (ors an S207) [O10 [country Apartments, uC |Undorvng Assets: resident realestate Location: New York, NY [see attached achacle oa a0 -s1s,000 Nave erie an $207) ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH [ers Name Page Nunte] [Donald 3 Tap A Filer's Employment Assets and Income [Description [EMF atinched schedule] Value Tncome Type [income Amount (art 2- EXHIBIT A) lReference lori [County Properter, (cc [oss fsa aor soon Nene (ori ran S207) lUnderyng Assets: resident ral estate Location: Norfolk, VA [See tached schedule joi [08 Pace Acquistion, Be IF boo 007-80, O00 Nene orioce an S207) Junderying Assets: morgage Location: New York RY [See attached schedule lois Jor AEROSPACE Uc 3 [Froon 001 #5000 00 front fsT00007 $7,000,000 Undertving Assets: aera Locaton: New York, NY See tached sched loi Jor nocomes irc jor [ss00, 00% $25,000,000 rest [sso 00% S100. 000 T lundering Assets: bank account & US Treasury sacuty Locator: New York, NY See atacned schedule i lois JOT HOLDINGS NANAGING MEMBER LIC [oar a0 srs 000 Nena ora an S20) |Underying Assets: bank account l.ocaon: New Yor, NY [sen attached schedule fore ost oPeRaTions oxue pes [Doo 007 $25 000700 na ars an 5207) lunderying Assets: rat Locavon: Palm Beach, FL [See atached schedule lor? — Jour OPERATIONS Tue lowe [Over $60 000,000 rer Js¥.000,007 $5,000,000 lundering Assets: aera Locaton: New York, NY [See tached schedute lois Jor connect mirc [oss JF 00,007 $5,000,000 None (or is an $2077 lUndervng Assets: aera i locaton: Patm Beach, FL | [see tached schedule loro [BT CONNECTS [esr 000,007 - $500,000 Nave or ios an S207) lunderyng Assets arcran Location: Paim Beach, FL [See attached schedule ja20 [DT DUBAI GOLF MANAGER TLC 1 Isao $15,000 Nene eriese an S207) lunderying Assets: management company Location: Dubal, UAE [See attached schedule ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH [rors Name Donals J. Tramp [Part 2: Filer’s Employment Assets and Income pete pmtsarae Ta Tacomr Tepe Jocome Raat ; fearon A) | Meese ao FONE WARES TERRANCE bs aaa — a oT + tong eeu noee saa nt acct [ Le tates cmour TD DORA | fever Lee HOMES oO NTERNATONAL SA, | IWowe coc | re ty natant | arora PoooCTS WERE a es jar Ta 1 wns fume moet Sr cat ee atta eames TooTweNe SADE oer sets tose ae tanta ba ores rare ber aera ras RR =TRBET Peary Ae: wwe eel er ot Leste ts aphasia TD emanate aes Sets sae ett xara | jaz —focer seme Ie br sc =a — fo oo rvs set eer al ery |Location: St. Martin, French West indies i [See attached schedule 1 os rg sro hare bss cosas aa or ST + tere aurea company | Lemorgcet a Steel ase | Sarco See TTT har SATIS a ses ern cnr tte | Lessee Leta | Comm cou rm r= aoe eT rt Se ceca | enn aa er reoeE is rarer ae TET Uncerying Assets: production company Locator: New York, NY See atached schedite [929 oason waterfront AssocaTos WF lUndervng Assets: resident veal estate Location: New York, NY [See attached schedule ir [00.007 $280;000 Na (orto an S207) ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONIUCTION THEREWITH [Fars Name [Donald 3. Tramp 's Employment Assets and Income [Description [EDF Jatached senedute (Part2~ EXHIBIT A) IReferenee # Value Page Nom [income Type [income Amount [oxo ROMP NATIONAL GOUF CLUB JUPTTER lundering Asset: got cub Locator: upter, FL [See tached schedule hr [Svar S50 00,000 oot reat revenue (512.400 99] far IEAMINGTON FAMILY HOLDINGS TLC lUnderving Assets: ana |Locaton:Becminstr, NJ [See tached schedule is [sto 007 $250,000 Nove oriss an $207) tg [TRUMP NATIONAL GOLF CLUS BEDMINGTER lunderying Assets: got cb Location: Bedminster, Ni [see tached echeduie ry [Over $50,000,000 lot rated revenue [516,101,002 [oar iF& ACQUISITION LLC lUnderying Aesets: golf tb Location: Bedminster, NJ [See attached schedule ia Isroor 15,000 [None arose Wan S207) jose IMAR-ALAGO CLUB, LLG. Underying Asses: resort See tached schedule, ras [Over $50 00.000 resort related evenve as Pare Cansating, re Aces: commercial realestate Location: New York. NY [See tached schedule ra [sro0r STE 000 oo (oriss an S207) ise PINE HILL DEVELOPMENT ICC lundering Assets: go eb lLoeaton: Pine Ha, NJ [See tached schedule ro [soo.90F -s250,000 None oro an S207) oar [Seven Springs LLC |Underving Assets: realestate Investment property lLocaton: Mt. Kisco, NY [See anached scheduie hss [ver $50,000,000 Rene erie an S207) ae ITRUMP TURNBERRY lunderyng Assets: got courses and resort Locator: Turnberry, Scotand see attached schedule 57 [over $50,500,000 oot reated rovonue $20,305 00] las FT intrnatonalReaty LLC lUnderiing Assets: bank account Location: New York, NY [See tached schedule ier [ses.501 $500,000 | s2087.379 ITHC CENTRAL RESERVATIONS ITC lunderyng Assets: hotel company lLocaton: New York, NY See atached schedule ier jsa0.00TS500;000 i ease han 207) ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH JE Jatiached schedule | Value [come Type (Part2- EXHIBIT A) lReterence # Jost | RE CHINA DEVELOPMENT ICC ro [Sioa 07 -saso 000 Nena oro ran S207) 7 Undening Assets: developer locaton New York, NY [See atincned scnodite loa [TR SACES a maRKETROTIC her sacar 350000 ne ores ar OT T [Underlying Assets; management company 1 |Location: New York, NY | see aactes senede ! [ots — five Essto1 Set company ios F000, 007-55, 000,000 one aes as ST) ; inaering Ast resent el estate Locaton: New York nY i [See attached schedule 4 jaa — [THe TRUMP CORPORATION bao [Over $5,00,000 lUnserting Aas: management company Lccaton: New Yorn 1 see atachedscheoue |maragement ana | sscoee ested oes [HS — [The Tromp Eat Fit venoe Conny 8 lscr- son pent soa c07 =F long Assets: bank nzoun, scat: New Yor. NY see aacned aches | [ots — TRUMP INTERNATIONAL GOLF URS DOONRES fir }B ata, poT $25,500,000 T lundrhing Asses: gl ours and resort Lccaton:Deonbes,reland S00 atached sone oot tte revenue 10755603 je — [rr conmeRcia Ue br se 000oT ssn DOD —ret I5( 900907“ SS G00 SOT T nersing Asst: commer ret extate | Lccaton: New Yo see tach hese las — [rit HOLONG COMPANY TIC 7 sS00,00T- 5.565.555 — far Isao Rar =r ao oO [Onering Assos: nt! condo anit Lacan: New Yor. NY see tached senede [oi —|TROWP WATIONAL GOLF CLUS - CHARLOTTE a [S000 90T- $25,050,565 lUnsrbing Asses gl cn ccaton: Crate, NC eo sacred scree oot rite evorse 510,139,004 [530 — [ROM NATIONAL GOLF CLUB RODSON VALET bas [55000007 $25,DOO,DGT JUnscing Assets go cd 2eabon:Hopewel uncon, NY see atacned sched pore verve saz list — [TRUMP NATIONAL GOUF CLUB PHIADEIPHA bar }SS G00 TOT “SER GOO,DOT ; Undering Asst: gow cus tccaton: Pn at, Rs | sce aches chee pot etna evere | se.suo.od me Amount ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH [Ream [Donaia 3 Trump [Part 2: Filer’s Employment Assets and Income fe [Description ached scheduTe (Part2- EXHIBIT A) Reference aioe [acome Type [come Amount jos [ ROMP 106 GPS TTC Jundecying Assets: bank acount lLocaton: New York NY [see attached schedle os fsts07 $50,000 [None oriess an S207) fos3 Trump e45 cP ccc lUnderving Assets: commercial & residential real estate oat: New York. NY See tached schedute [as [S107 -sTa 000 No (ors an S207) lost [TRUMP sas ON GP TOE lunderying Assets: commercial &rsisental realestate Locator: New York, NY See atached schedule ls-a0r-srs.000 Nave ors han S201) [oss [ROW 45 UN GR CORP |underyng Assets: eormercil& residential realestate Location: New Yor, NY [see attaches schedule om Isvo0r 5,000 [Nove orteas than S207) [ase | ROMP AC CASINO MARKS TLC |underying Assets: bank acount Location: Atari Cty. Ni [See atiached schedule hao Isro0r s18000 [Rone or iocs an S207) lds [TRUMP BOOKS LLC | HE Minas TOUCH Punisher: Pata Pushing Lic lundering Assets: ook deal & bank account Location: New York,NY See stachod schedule [Sook dea! vale not ready ascetainaie [Pubsaned 2011) paar Isrc0F sie a00 [S16 007 $50,000 [ose —[ ROMP CANOUAN ESTATE TIC |Underyng Assets: tan l.ceaton St. Vincent andthe Grenadines see attached seneaule bar Is-000,00T F500, 000 Nove orias an S207) [oss [TROP caRouseL uc |underyng Assets: operating agreement with NEW YORK CITY JOEPARTMENT OF PARKS & RECREATION - carousel & bank |See attached schedule. loperating agreement value not ready ascertainable a Is00.007 $250,000 [oar IMP CLASSIC CARS LC |undecying Asst: car show lLocaton: New York NY |See attached schedule Isr007 T6000 [None far iess an $207) “THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2 EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH (Fiers Name [Donald 3 Trump [Part 2: Filer's Employment Assets and Income [Description le [atached schedule (Part? - EXHIBIT A) (Reference # Tncome Type [income Amount [oar [TRUMP CPS TLC lunderyng Assets: commercial an residential realestate Location: New York, NY [see atacned schedule F 25 000,007 $60,000 06 lcondo sales [57 000,007 $5,000,000 joer ITROMP DELMONICOTIS Undering Assets: resident realestate Loot: New York. NY [See tached schedule bao Isroor 5000 [Rone arose an S207) ns IRUMP DRINKS ISRAEL ULC lUnderyng Aacets:Keense agreement & bank account licensees): POEL TRADE TD |.seaton: New York, NY [see attached schedule |Ueense valve not ready ascertainable [as [sr007 Sra 000 60,007 $700,000 oar TUMP NATIONAL DORAL lUndering Assets: golf courses & resort Locator: Mim, FL See atached schedule oo [over $50,500,000 jot resort related 49,448.43 nes [TRUMP FERRY PONT TOC lUnderyng Assets: operating agreement wit NEW YORK CITY JDEPARTMENT OF PARKS & RECREATION - go couse l.ocaon: New York, NY [seo atacned schedule |(Opering Day: Ap 1, 2015) fs 00,007 $25,000,000 oot coats revere $1,024,024 {UWP GOLF ACGUSTHONS IE Underving Assets: Golf Letors of intent Location: New Yor, NY [See atached schedule bar IFr00T-s15.000 i aries an S207) [oer [TRUMP HOME MARKS ILC lUnderving Assets: teense dea! & bank acount Liceneeots): DOWNLITE INTERNATIONAL INC, GOURMET HOME PRODUCTS LLC, NORTHPOINT TRADING LLC, SIGN OF Innes Inc, TPS SAS Location: Now York, WY see atached schedule cence value not ready asceainable [en as 000 [S100 07 $7.000,000 co TRUMP CELL lunderying Assets: bank account lLccaton: New York, NY [Soe attached schedule oe [riser ssa n00 200,18 TRUMP INTERNATIONAL GOUF UNKS- SCOTTAND, Underying Assets: go course Locaton: Aberdeen, Scotand See atached schedule [over $50,500,000 |i reat revenue 4.340554 ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH [Fiera Name | [Donala J. Tramp [Part 2: Filer’s Employment Assets and Income fF PDeseripion ar attached schedule (Part2- EXHIBIT A) eeference # Va income Type Tincome Amownt [ovo | TROWP TERNATIONAL GOLF CLUS FLORIOR |Underying Assets: golf cub Location: West Palm Seach, FL [see attached ecnedle se Ise oo a07 —¥50,0005000 pot rated revenue sera: [avi [TRUMP INTERNATIONAL HOTEL RAWATTCC Licensee(s): RONGATE AZREP BW LLC Locator: was, See atacned echodute Liconse value not realy ascertainable Underiing Assets: management and license agreoments& bank foo [svo0r 15000 ovaries management foes fs¥00007 87,000,000 | stamsord lo? | TROWP INTERNATIONAL HOTELS WARAGEWENT ILC lUnderying Assets: management company l.ccaton: New Yor, NY [see attached schedule a [Over $50,000,000 |management fees | ssorz.soq [ord [TRUMP LAS VEGAS DEVELOPHENT LLC lUndecying Assets: commercial veal estate [See atached sched Bo favor s1,000 Nano orioss an S207) [ors —[TROWP LAS VEGAS MEMBERTIC lundenving Assets: commercial realestate Locator: Las Vegas, NV See tached schecuie [gis [RUMP LAUDERDALE DEVELOPMENT NOZTI lUndervng Assets: bank account Location: New York, NY Bio [sio0r $15,000 ane eros an S207) Bie [s1o0T S15 000 [None arose tan $207) lore — [ROMP WARKS ASIA Junderying Assets: resident ral exate lLocaton: Water Park Place, VA See atlacned schedule fais 00.007 5,000,000 Nena (orf an $207) lor —[TRONP WARKS CANOUANLLC Junderying Assets: conse deal & bank account |Uconsee): CANOUAN RESORTS DEVELOPMENT LTD Location: New York NY [see attached schedule License vale nt ready ascertainable rg scoot $15,000 Nena (orf an S207) love — | ROWP wanKs ISTANBUL Tuc Underving Asses: lcense dea! & bank account Licensee(s): ORTADOGU OTOMOTIV TICARET AS Location: Now York, NY See tached schedue License value ot realy ascertainable Ba [100,007 $250,000 Is 000 007 $5,005,000 ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH JEIFJattached schedate (Part2- EXBIBIT A) Reference # [income Type Tncome Amount ROMP WARS TLE lunderving sets: tance deat & bank account lucensees): ELK LIGHTING INC Locator: New York, NY [see attached schedule [Geenee valve not readay ascenlnable Bar [sro0T sa R00 jovaties [s10000% $7,000,000 foro TRUMP MARKS MATTRESS LLC lUnderving Assets: icense deal & bank account ucensee(s): SERTA Location: New York, NY see atacned schecute License value not ready ascertainable fs0 Isso0r- sis 000 revaties Is, 000,007 $5,000,000 jar [TRUMP MARKS MENSWEAR LLC lUnderving Assets: seense deal & bank account lucensee(s): PVH CORP, PEERLESS CLOTHING INTERNATIONAL, PARLUX LTD, OXFORD OPTHALMIC, RANDA laccessonies [see tached schedile. |Ueense vale not ready ascertainable Bs fea DoT sT00 oe \ovaer lsr00 007 $5,000,000 aa TRUMP MARKS NEW ROCHELLE TLC Underying Asses: teense deal & bank account lucenaee(s): NEW ROC PARCEL 1A LLC Location: New York. NY {See attached schadte License value not ready ascedainaie has fsis00¥ seu 00 fsi00 0% $7,000,000 as {UVP MARKS PANAMATLC lunderving Assets: Hearse deal & bank account lLcensee(s): K GROUP DEVELOPERS INC locaton: New York, NY see stached echedute Liconse value not realy ascortainabio per [s75007 sea 00 [overs 000 00 RUMP MARKS REAL ESTATE LLC lUnderiing Assets: scence deal & bank account Licensee(s): CAP CANA SA Location: Now York, NY see tached schedule cence vale not realy ascortainabie a0 $75,000 Nena (orto an S207) [TRUMP MARKS SOHO LLC lunaeryng Assets: tcanse del & bank account lucenseets): BAYROCKISAPIR ORGANIZATION LLG Location: New York, NY [see tached schedule [conse vale ot ready ascertainable re IF oor, 000 [Rone (aries han S201) ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH fers Name Page Ni [Donaia J. Tromp 48 [Part 2: Filer’s Employment Assets and Income fF [Description [EF Jatiached sched (art 2- EXHIBIT A) Reference # lors TP MARKS SUNNY ISLES TLC Bes jstooT~sTa, 000 [Rone or oes an S207) Undorving Assets: eons deal & bank acount licensee): DEZERBRAND FLORIDA LLC I.ccaton: New York NY | [See attaches schedsle License valve not ready ascertainable [oe | FROMP WARKS WARIKTLLC por Isi507 $5000 [evaiee js100.007-$7-000,000 ] Underving Assets: loense dea! & bank account Licensee(s): IRONGATE AZREP BW LLC | Locator: New York. NY i See ataches schedule License value not ready ascoainable 1 [ose —[TROmP wears WeSTORESTER LLC [or [sio0T S18, 000 No ors an S207) lunderving Assets: Neonse dea! & bank acount Licensse(s) YORKTOWN REALTY ASSOCIATES, LLC Locator: Now York, NY See atacned schedule License value not readily ascertainable [oes [TROP wares WHITE PLAINS LLC ror [stor sis oor Nasa ois an S207) lundening Assets: bank account locaton: Now York. NY See atached schedule [o50 [TRUMP MIAMI RESORT MANAGEMENT LLC fae [si007 sian ee (ories an 8207) lunderiing Assets: management company i Locator, FL | See atached schedule i poi [TRUMP WODEL WANAGEMENT ULC i [51000007 -¥5,000 000 ——JeamTesons [szzae a lundervng Assets: modeling agency 1 Loeaton: NewYork, NY See atached schedule i [092 [TRUMP NATIONAL GOLF CLUB COLTS NECK [sor [over S80 Doo. G00 | [income Type [come Amount lundering Assets: got cub Locaton: Cots Neck, NI [See attached schedule got related revenue |ss.e27.486] [055 [TRUMP NATIONAL GOLF CLUB WESTCHESTER for [over S50 DD. oOT lUndering Assets: got cub Locaton: Bart Manor, NY See stached schedule oot lated ovenue 9.495.179 [oa [TRUMP NATIONAL GOLF CLUB - WASHINGTON DC jaar [Over ssa noo, 000 lunderying Assets: got cub lLocaton: Potomac Fal, VA I [see attachod echedule oot related revenue $14.028.420 [oes — | RUMP OLO PosT OFFICE IG for [85000007 25,000,000 ——|rvaties [S100 $50,000 i lunderying Assets: hotel lLocaton: Washington, OC | [See attached schedule ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2 - EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH [ers Name [Donald 5. Tramp [Part 2: Filer’s Employment Assets and Income fF PDeseripsion [attached schedule (Part2- EXHIBIT A) |Reterence # Value [income Tope [income Amount [056 [TRUMP PAGEANTS, NC lunderying Assets: beauty pageant Loca: New York, NY See tached schedule jaz Isa DOT S100 DOT Neve oriese an S207) l0o7 [Wiss Unverse CP. LLLP |undervng Assets: beauty pageant Location: New York, RY See tached scnele ais ]SS000,00T $25,000,000 lbeauy pageant related ss.4o7asy looe —[TROWP PALACEPARC TS |undervng Assets: commercial realestate Location New York, NY See tached scnediie fair [550,007 $500 000 si00,007 #7000000 loog [TRON PARK AVENUE TCC lunderyng Assets: resent & commercial rel estate lescaton New York, NY See tached schedule jaar [Over $5,000,000 ond sales [Over $500,600 311.500.000 fd FrRoMe PUA LLC lUndervng Assets: reidenta & commercial realestate See tached echodute jaar 000 07 -$5,000,000 for TRUMP PRODUCTIONS LC lunderving Assets: production company Locaton: Now York, NY See tached schedule [F000 007-55, 000,000 | 34.048.) 0 TRUMP REALTY SERVICES TLC lUndering Assets: morgage broker Loca: New York, NY See atacned schedule jaa su00 -¥F5.000 one (orto an S207) os ramp Restaurants Lie lunderving Ascets: restaurant Locaton: Now York, NY See stached scheduie faao 000,007 $5,000,000 Food & Beverage rite sates $3,133.75] foe —[TRoMe ROPE TOWERTIOS lUndering Assets: commercial val estate Location: Las Vegas, NV [See attached schedle fa [over sea DOGO |eondo sales hotel eat revenue $10,370, sarzvrar fs — }TROMP SALES & LEASING CHIEAGO TIE lUndecying Assets: commercial realestate l.ccaton: Chicago, Ie [See attached schedule fas fsioor ss. c00 [Rove ar iese an S207) jigs} RUMP ScoTSBOROUGH SOUARE LIC lUnderyng Assets: resdonta ral extate Location: Scotsborough Square, VA [See tached schedule Iso 007 5,000,000 [None ries an $207) ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONIUCTION THEREWITH (Fers Name Roma] [Donald J. Tamm [Pare 2: Filer's Em [Pescription [come Amount 107 TROWP TORONTO DEVELOPMENT. NC. lUnderving Assos: loense dea! & bank account Liconsee(s): MIDLAND DEVELOPMENT INC, 2025401 ONTARIO ILTO HADDAR DEVELOPMENT CORP, EXETER DEVELOPMENT INC, HARVESTER DEVELOPMENTS INC. BARREL TOWER HOLDINGS INC ANO 1456253 ONTARIO INC. Location: New York, NY see atached schedule License value not ready asconainabie [si00r-sTsm00 Nana (ores an S207) 0 — [TROMP TOWER COMMERCIAL lUnderving Assets: commercial rel estate lLocaton: New York, NY [See atached schedule [over $50,000,000 [over $5 000000 [109 — | Rowe TOWER MANAGING EMBER INC lUnderying Assets commercial eal esate Location: New York, NY [See atached schediie None aries han S207) iid Teme vinevaRD ESTATES IC lunaerivng asses: vneyara Locator: Charotesvile, VA See attached senacule DO DOT SEE DOOD sT00, 001 $7,000,000 ITT ]TROMP VINEYARD ESTATES LOTS OWNER TIC lUndoryng Assets: vineyard Location: Charotesvile, VA See attached ecnodule eG0.00T $000,000 50,001 - $700,000 TI [TRUMP VIRGINIA ACUSTTIONS ILC |Underyng Assets: commercial eal estate Location: Charottesvile, VA [See atiached schedule Ise000,001 -¥25,000 000 [Rone aries an S207) fis [TRUM Vinci TOT SLC lunderying Assets: neva Location: Charotesvile, VA See attached schedule [sao oT, a0m 000 Isis 001 -ee0.DOe iia frwvenTuRE witc |underying Assets: got course and resort Location: Doonbeg, land see atacned schedule IsraT 5,000 [Rone oriess an S207) fits JONT 2502 ENTERPRISES CORP lunderying Assets: bank account Location: Chicago, tL [See attached schedule si007-s75,000 i (aries an S207) fité [TRUMP NATIONAL GOUF CLUS -LOS ANGELES lundervng Assets: got course and unsold os Location: Los Angeles, CA [See tached echeaule [Over $50,000,000 lor ated revenue land ealee $19,003.44} |sa,170.00) ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH [Reams [Donald Tum [Part 2: Filer's Employment Assets and Income Tags Nam 48. [Deseripion [riached chee (art 2- EXHIBIT A) Reference Vaine fncome Tyre Tncome Amount [WEST PALM OPERATIONS TIC |Unaerang Asses: bank account Leeson Wet Pain Bear. FL See auscned sense [err israor- siamo ons Trio an S207 ite fwrcte course tc JUnceyng Asse Bank sccount lLzcaton i FL [sce etaches vine Fe cao sree i red revere susessadl ro [warn rine Operanons TIE Uncen Asses peraing agreement wah NEW YORK CHTY lDePARTIENT OF PARKS & RECREATION ie skaling Fk \ocaton Now Yar, [see ataches schedule L. simon aor FE BRO loeraton ‘| [HWA wes Owes TIS lUoderingAsses: commer el estat cation: San Franoco, CA see anaches echoowe lee iar 250 AVENUE OF THE ANERICAS,A TENANCY NCCOMMON Jonsering Assos: commetil el esate, [oat New York NY [see atacned onesie le [over Sao lovers cae ae [a8 paren waren Sia CT lunceryng Asset: rostral eile [eatin Groot, NY [sso oot Ses eo rao por Se RON ie [i ban waren Seng Crk Pas ULE Junceryng Assets: commercial el estate I.eaton: Booty, [sooo OTST HONS oa DoT ROT oy Trae Tower iar unsanvng Assets: rset real cate [.scaton New York, NY lover Sao No arias an 57) is esisenti el ete one or wis an TT locaton: Palm Been, FL [si oooT aH OT Sra oT aaN a THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2 - EXHIBIT A) 1S AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONIUCTION THEREWITH [ers Name [Donald 3 Tarp [Part 2: Filer's Employment Assets and Income [i [Deseription Taine [income Type [Income Amount a7 JOT marks wenn e lUnderying Assets: cance deal luceneee(s): JAWALA REAL ESTATE PRIVATE LTD, LODHA JOEVELOPERS PRIVATE LTD Location: New York, NY [see tached schodsle Watue not ready ascrtainable Fevarios [S100,007$7,000,000 {iif JT BAKU HOTEL MANAGER SERVICES LC |undecying Assts: management company Location: New York. NY See atached schedule Value not ready ascertainable fae 1a) THCRIO MANAGER Lic lunderiing Assets: management company Locator: Rie, Braz [See tached schedule |vaive not ready ascertainable |management fees $85,009 1530 [THC VANCOUVER MANAGEMENT CORP [see attached senoaule Value not readily ascertainable |management feos | szasry a1 — [THE TRUMP ENTREPRENEUR INTIATIVE LLC lunderyng Assets: seminar program Location: New York. NY See atached schedule [value not realy ascertainable por sit isa —]INGC JUPITER MANAGEMENT LLC Underving Assets: management company Location: Jupter, FL [See tached echedie [value not ready ascertainable baa7 |management fos 00: {553 TRUMP CHICAGO COMMERCIAL MANAGER LLC lUndering Assets: management company |.ocaton: New York, NY [See atacned senesuie |vaive not ready ascertanabie |management feos I | starr eo) [34 ]TRUMP CHICAGO HOTEL WANAGER TLC lunderying Assets: management company [See attached schedule [Value not realy ascertinable pase |management feos | stsi2.s0) L TS ]TROMP CHICAGO RESIDENTIAL MANAGERLLC |underying Assets: managernent company Location: New York NY [see attached schedle Wale nt ready ascertainable Foo management fos |) 5504455] THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2 EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH

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