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OGE Form 278e (March 2014) US. Office of Government this; 5 C.F.R. part 2634 | Form Approved: O} [Report Type: Year (Annual Report only) [Date of Appointment Termination: Filer’ Information ‘No. (3209-0601) 2015 JUL Executive Branch Personnel Public Financial Disclosure Report (OGE Form 278e) UNITED STATES OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT ETHICS ——— Preventing Conflict] of increst ‘in the Executive Branch Last Name, [First Name [Mr Position [Trump Donald [President of the United States of America [Other Federal Government Positions Held During the Preceding 12 Months: INA [Name of Congressional Committee Considering Nomination (Nominees only) INA subject to any comments below) ian “ee lOther Review Conducted By: Signature: Duane M. Formndvy [U:S. Office of Government Ethics Certification (ifrequired): ‘Signature Ineeucton for Pant as mes rane eee i eno ca ee aE [pfs as a so paneer rc ‘eat 5 fstetaiaet ances ert te enor cart lz — fanaa comme hasta te Saat ‘ener —fenaramnu heneci ra sa 6 —fousansnercar hero a sur Seaioapem henvecnr eae resorobise a | —fetnon vaaoh vee hero ue os eee fossa Ter aot reasoner rom te — foreman a ue aa =a re fr Sea a sas He rear oo aaa ee He rer aon aonourar ‘soe He rea aor See ae i tia ae ae a i a Sea rare = ret us ‘ares i re ra rae ra be a pa ws aie ‘ses bs ar eas Tana eee aa a femenara te aero ara a ae eae aro Bs om areas ‘een Bt oes aa ue as — ie be rc a oe rs us Hees teoer ie ferrous Te te ier Roser Tae aaa [orate wes se me re te es as price aanehae Ton aster ra before ae te ieee os a Tue cae us taserser a bs —fororsees cx we ae rai Seep aS aa ue ts ‘aoe {sds urge Ca a a aa sas re Tr ote eras fervor ti eset ‘ana —— ra a ae oS aera raat fae — forearms cap enon soe aaa na lat —Toreomsatia nse Foss te emer aati [st — or comes era rca fears See ‘aaa fe] foro carrer fena i terse ct [ae forbs ear nao fensen Soe a Ineetons for Part Ee e z = 7 — e ae = as ee e =e ae = — a =e a ae =e e a ae =e e = e = 2 — Te iE =e = — =e E = = = 2 — = eer = = 2 — eee — S> EE ae = eer =e fe a = = ae = ar =e ee = — =e fe - = a a : =e = = So le a 7 == =e fe ————— =e [er fs omc vaca “aro {| “Te bate fe =e ——= 2 — ie e == = ——— a See = ie =e = aie a = ate ez = aa = aa fe ot = oa a Be - = = ie Seu aoe = eo ie ar = = ae He eu ae = at be - = a = re = ae Sac = Eo as ee = 7. 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Pet ra T fae See ca a os ler ves == aaa ere oa ara sta se Pree TE ec te PSs aaa Teta, fOr et era Ta ew aE senso = igor — (rane ea Porto HE z rect ras Treas fz resea awe es h te Tee rae Tota fad [rs rar rsa ue ca ca | area se ESS teen 7 fee re geet SE es eee Pre eee a fae TE Taig aga von a Ta EST = te sae eae Teta [iar — [regret i He Peron ra Tse fs ea HE ao Feat rane Tec lr ean [sess te ae E Ta fae a Tao jesvens He aso Dscr sp ens —— | tae fs aor ears TOT cont ue. ear “seeon tates —— | recs fase le as Ongs Mba a Tesrorssntasca aa 08 oT [ass [rg sonar — asi Tesco ae Ta [286 — [rane Soma [essonan es tte ae Soar Tea i Sa =o [sonore Tita Taaioacran Ser naa Toba te as Sp tr aio esac lr san lara [som Canes sn Es ens ons, Tp (SS Sa aS] aT Cone esa lass [rp tse Comoe fe tte Pesce ise Tens Sain Reo io sm a a Ess — fe oe tare fe Paso ci Copaot ler eases Hr te ib — [nore vrs ese Mage re oe Ea Fane Lt 5 Ou a Ts TLS i tie [37k rap vig ass Le a Wa Hr ie fe igi Ass Hag a es fer amas a = ee prs a favour i is Nero eer pass fer — frases oe ra tre a ana io ae = jad fees nes oper anager a HT te last — [rags cae rage a ae Sar == ee See oe = = ee ae = a cs Se : = = tee tee eae ae ee ane = —— ee SS a —— os = ee =e a Sor z — = ae = = = ae = = = ie = = a =e = = : =e = = a (2 Forme ach 200 Instructions for Part Note: Thies @ public form, De not include account numbers, street addresses, or family member names. See instructions for required information. (Fers Name [Donald 3. Tramp [Part 2: Filer's Employment Assets and Income [) —[Description [EDF Jattached schedte (Part 2- EXHIBIT A) Reference # Vane [income Tope Tncome Amoant [Pol [# SHADOW TREE LANE TLC lundecying Assets: bank account |.ocation: Westchester, NY [see attaches schedule por FFrooT $75,000 lon sales 31.4250 looa Jao wai Soot ccc lUnderbing Assets: commercial rel estate lLocaton Now York, NY [See tached sched [Over $50 0,000 [over s,000 00 [aos [aor wezz VENTURE TIC lUnderving Assets: bank account Location: Chicago, I. [See attached schedule [oor [sr oor sian None or ess han S207) [00s [40% North Wabash Vento TTC lundecying Assets: ressontal & commercial real estate \.ccaton: Chicgs. See atached schedule poe [over $50,500,000 lend sales [over $5,000 000 | s45.274201 loos )a00 NORTH CANON LLC lUnderiing Assets: resident realestate |Locaton: Bevery His, CA See tached schedute Is 00,007 - $25,000,000 Nona Tor ias han 52077 [006 [808 NORTH CANON MEMBER CORPORATION |undoryng Assets: resident realestate l.ccaton: Bevery Hs, CA [see attached schedule foro [S107 sia None (orfss an S207) [oor —Je45 UN Limes Parnersn Jundecyng assets: commercial real estate |.ocaton: New Yor, NY [see attached schedule a jern00. 001 $25,000 00 jst 000.007 $5,000,000 [008 —[Cartaiess investments, SAL. lUnderving Assets: and Locaton: Dominican Repubic See tached schedue [IS DOE DOT SEE TOOOOT [Rane or iese ran S207) laos —JorIcaGo UNIT ACGUISTION TTC | Undering Assets: residential realestate Location: Cheago, I. See tached schoduie [oae [Froor STs m0 None (ors an S207) [O10 [country Apartments, uC |Undorvng Assets: resident realestate Location: New York, NY [see attached achacle oa a0 -s1s,000 Nave erie an $207) ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH [ers Name Page Nunte] [Donald 3 Tap A Filer's Employment Assets and Income [Description [EMF atinched schedule] Value Tncome Type [income Amount (art 2- EXHIBIT A) lReference lori [County Properter, (cc [oss fsa aor soon Nene (ori ran S207) lUnderyng Assets: resident ral estate Location: Norfolk, VA [See tached schedule joi [08 Pace Acquistion, Be IF boo 007-80, O00 Nene orioce an S207) Junderying Assets: morgage Location: New York RY [See attached schedule lois Jor AEROSPACE Uc 3 [Froon 001 #5000 00 front fsT00007 $7,000,000 Undertving Assets: aera Locaton: New York, NY See tached sched loi Jor nocomes irc jor [ss00, 00% $25,000,000 rest [sso 00% S100. 000 T lundering Assets: bank account & US Treasury sacuty Locator: New York, NY See atacned schedule i lois JOT HOLDINGS NANAGING MEMBER LIC [oar a0 srs 000 Nena ora an S20) |Underying Assets: bank account l.ocaon: New Yor, NY [sen attached schedule fore ost oPeRaTions oxue pes [Doo 007 $25 000700 na ars an 5207) lunderying Assets: rat Locavon: Palm Beach, FL [See atached schedule lor? — Jour OPERATIONS Tue lowe [Over $60 000,000 rer Js¥.000,007 $5,000,000 lundering Assets: aera Locaton: New York, NY [See tached schedute lois Jor connect mirc [oss JF 00,007 $5,000,000 None (or is an $2077 lUndervng Assets: aera i locaton: Patm Beach, FL | [see tached schedule loro [BT CONNECTS [esr 000,007 - $500,000 Nave or ios an S207) lunderyng Assets arcran Location: Paim Beach, FL [See attached schedule ja20 [DT DUBAI GOLF MANAGER TLC 1 Isao $15,000 Nene eriese an S207) lunderying Assets: management company Location: Dubal, UAE [See attached schedule ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH [rors Name Donals J. Tramp [Part 2: Filer’s Employment Assets and Income pete pmtsarae Ta Tacomr Tepe Jocome Raat ; fearon A) | Meese ao FONE WARES TERRANCE bs aaa — a oT + tong eeu noee saa nt acct [ Le tates cmour TD DORA | fever Lee HOMES oO NTERNATONAL SA, | IWowe coc | re ty natant | arora PoooCTS WERE a es jar Ta 1 wns fume moet Sr cat ee atta eames TooTweNe SADE oer sets tose ae tanta ba ores rare ber aera ras RR =TRBET Peary Ae: wwe eel er ot Leste ts aphasia TD emanate aes Sets sae ett xara | jaz —focer seme Ie br sc =a — fo oo rvs set eer al ery |Location: St. Martin, French West indies i [See attached schedule 1 os rg sro hare bss cosas aa or ST + tere aurea company | Lemorgcet a Steel ase | Sarco See TTT har SATIS a ses ern cnr tte | Lessee Leta | Comm cou rm r= aoe eT rt Se ceca | enn aa er reoeE is rarer ae TET Uncerying Assets: production company Locator: New York, NY See atached schedite [929 oason waterfront AssocaTos WF lUndervng Assets: resident veal estate Location: New York, NY [See attached schedule ir [00.007 $280;000 Na (orto an S207) ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONIUCTION THEREWITH [Fars Name [Donald 3. Tramp 's Employment Assets and Income [Description [EDF Jatached senedute (Part2~ EXHIBIT A) IReferenee # Value Page Nom [income Type [income Amount [oxo ROMP NATIONAL GOUF CLUB JUPTTER lundering Asset: got cub Locator: upter, FL [See tached schedule hr [Svar S50 00,000 oot reat revenue (512.400 99] far IEAMINGTON FAMILY HOLDINGS TLC lUnderving Assets: ana |Locaton:Becminstr, NJ [See tached schedule is [sto 007 $250,000 Nove oriss an $207) tg [TRUMP NATIONAL GOLF CLUS BEDMINGTER lunderying Assets: got cb Location: Bedminster, Ni [see tached echeduie ry [Over $50,000,000 lot rated revenue [516,101,002 [oar iF& ACQUISITION LLC lUnderying Aesets: golf tb Location: Bedminster, NJ [See attached schedule ia Isroor 15,000 [None arose Wan S207) jose IMAR-ALAGO CLUB, LLG. Underying Asses: resort See tached schedule, ras [Over $50 00.000 resort related evenve as Pare Cansating, re Aces: commercial realestate Location: New York. NY [See tached schedule ra [sro0r STE 000 oo (oriss an S207) ise PINE HILL DEVELOPMENT ICC lundering Assets: go eb lLoeaton: Pine Ha, NJ [See tached schedule ro [soo.90F -s250,000 None oro an S207) oar [Seven Springs LLC |Underving Assets: realestate Investment property lLocaton: Mt. Kisco, NY [See anached scheduie hss [ver $50,000,000 Rene erie an S207) ae ITRUMP TURNBERRY lunderyng Assets: got courses and resort Locator: Turnberry, Scotand see attached schedule 57 [over $50,500,000 oot reated rovonue $20,305 00] las FT intrnatonalReaty LLC lUnderiing Assets: bank account Location: New York, NY [See tached schedule ier [ses.501 $500,000 | s2087.379 ITHC CENTRAL RESERVATIONS ITC lunderyng Assets: hotel company lLocaton: New York, NY See atached schedule ier jsa0.00TS500;000 i ease han 207) ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH JE Jatiached schedule | Value [come Type (Part2- EXHIBIT A) lReterence # Jost | RE CHINA DEVELOPMENT ICC ro [Sioa 07 -saso 000 Nena oro ran S207) 7 Undening Assets: developer locaton New York, NY [See atincned scnodite loa [TR SACES a maRKETROTIC her sacar 350000 ne ores ar OT T [Underlying Assets; management company 1 |Location: New York, NY | see aactes senede ! [ots — five Essto1 Set company ios F000, 007-55, 000,000 one aes as ST) ; inaering Ast resent el estate Locaton: New York nY i [See attached schedule 4 jaa — [THe TRUMP CORPORATION bao [Over $5,00,000 lUnserting Aas: management company Lccaton: New Yorn 1 see atachedscheoue |maragement ana | sscoee ested oes [HS — [The Tromp Eat Fit venoe Conny 8 lscr- son pent soa c07 =F long Assets: bank nzoun, scat: New Yor. NY see aacned aches | [ots — TRUMP INTERNATIONAL GOLF URS DOONRES fir }B ata, poT $25,500,000 T lundrhing Asses: gl ours and resort Lccaton:Deonbes,reland S00 atached sone oot tte revenue 10755603 je — [rr conmeRcia Ue br se 000oT ssn DOD —ret I5( 900907“ SS G00 SOT T nersing Asst: commer ret extate | Lccaton: New Yo see tach hese las — [rit HOLONG COMPANY TIC 7 sS00,00T- 5.565.555 — far Isao Rar =r ao oO [Onering Assos: nt! condo anit Lacan: New Yor. NY see tached senede [oi —|TROWP WATIONAL GOLF CLUS - CHARLOTTE a [S000 90T- $25,050,565 lUnsrbing Asses gl cn ccaton: Crate, NC eo sacred scree oot rite evorse 510,139,004 [530 — [ROM NATIONAL GOLF CLUB RODSON VALET bas [55000007 $25,DOO,DGT JUnscing Assets go cd 2eabon:Hopewel uncon, NY see atacned sched pore verve saz list — [TRUMP NATIONAL GOUF CLUB PHIADEIPHA bar }SS G00 TOT “SER GOO,DOT ; Undering Asst: gow cus tccaton: Pn at, Rs | sce aches chee pot etna evere | se.suo.od me Amount ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH [Ream [Donaia 3 Trump [Part 2: Filer’s Employment Assets and Income fe [Description ached scheduTe (Part2- EXHIBIT A) Reference aioe [acome Type [come Amount jos [ ROMP 106 GPS TTC Jundecying Assets: bank acount lLocaton: New York NY [see attached schedle os fsts07 $50,000 [None oriess an S207) fos3 Trump e45 cP ccc lUnderving Assets: commercial & residential real estate oat: New York. NY See tached schedute [as [S107 -sTa 000 No (ors an S207) lost [TRUMP sas ON GP TOE lunderying Assets: commercial &rsisental realestate Locator: New York, NY See atached schedule ls-a0r-srs.000 Nave ors han S201) [oss [ROW 45 UN GR CORP |underyng Assets: eormercil& residential realestate Location: New Yor, NY [see attaches schedule om Isvo0r 5,000 [Nove orteas than S207) [ase | ROMP AC CASINO MARKS TLC |underying Assets: bank acount Location: Atari Cty. Ni [See atiached schedule hao Isro0r s18000 [Rone or iocs an S207) lds [TRUMP BOOKS LLC | HE Minas TOUCH Punisher: Pata Pushing Lic lundering Assets: ook deal & bank account Location: New York,NY See stachod schedule [Sook dea! vale not ready ascetainaie [Pubsaned 2011) paar Isrc0F sie a00 [S16 007 $50,000 [ose —[ ROMP CANOUAN ESTATE TIC |Underyng Assets: tan l.ceaton St. Vincent andthe Grenadines see attached seneaule bar Is-000,00T F500, 000 Nove orias an S207) [oss [TROP caRouseL uc |underyng Assets: operating agreement with NEW YORK CITY JOEPARTMENT OF PARKS & RECREATION - carousel & bank |See attached schedule. loperating agreement value not ready ascertainable a Is00.007 $250,000 [oar IMP CLASSIC CARS LC |undecying Asst: car show lLocaton: New York NY |See attached schedule Isr007 T6000 [None far iess an $207) “THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2 EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH (Fiers Name [Donald 3 Trump [Part 2: Filer's Employment Assets and Income [Description le [atached schedule (Part? - EXHIBIT A) (Reference # Tncome Type [income Amount [oar [TRUMP CPS TLC lunderyng Assets: commercial an residential realestate Location: New York, NY [see atacned schedule F 25 000,007 $60,000 06 lcondo sales [57 000,007 $5,000,000 joer ITROMP DELMONICOTIS Undering Assets: resident realestate Loot: New York. NY [See tached schedule bao Isroor 5000 [Rone arose an S207) ns IRUMP DRINKS ISRAEL ULC lUnderyng Aacets:Keense agreement & bank account licensees): POEL TRADE TD |.seaton: New York, NY [see attached schedule |Ueense valve not ready ascertainable [as [sr007 Sra 000 60,007 $700,000 oar TUMP NATIONAL DORAL lUndering Assets: golf courses & resort Locator: Mim, FL See atached schedule oo [over $50,500,000 jot resort related 49,448.43 nes [TRUMP FERRY PONT TOC lUnderyng Assets: operating agreement wit NEW YORK CITY JDEPARTMENT OF PARKS & RECREATION - go couse l.ocaon: New York, NY [seo atacned schedule |(Opering Day: Ap 1, 2015) fs 00,007 $25,000,000 oot coats revere $1,024,024 {UWP GOLF ACGUSTHONS IE Underving Assets: Golf Letors of intent Location: New Yor, NY [See atached schedule bar IFr00T-s15.000 i aries an S207) [oer [TRUMP HOME MARKS ILC lUnderving Assets: teense dea! & bank acount Liceneeots): DOWNLITE INTERNATIONAL INC, GOURMET HOME PRODUCTS LLC, NORTHPOINT TRADING LLC, SIGN OF Innes Inc, TPS SAS Location: Now York, WY see atached schedule cence value not ready asceainable [en as 000 [S100 07 $7.000,000 co TRUMP CELL lunderying Assets: bank account lLccaton: New York, NY [Soe attached schedule oe [riser ssa n00 200,18 TRUMP INTERNATIONAL GOUF UNKS- SCOTTAND, Underying Assets: go course Locaton: Aberdeen, Scotand See atached schedule [over $50,500,000 |i reat revenue 4.340554 ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH [Fiera Name | [Donala J. Tramp [Part 2: Filer’s Employment Assets and Income fF PDeseripion ar attached schedule (Part2- EXHIBIT A) eeference # Va income Type Tincome Amownt [ovo | TROWP TERNATIONAL GOLF CLUS FLORIOR |Underying Assets: golf cub Location: West Palm Seach, FL [see attached ecnedle se Ise oo a07 —¥50,0005000 pot rated revenue sera: [avi [TRUMP INTERNATIONAL HOTEL RAWATTCC Licensee(s): RONGATE AZREP BW LLC Locator: was, See atacned echodute Liconse value not realy ascertainable Underiing Assets: management and license agreoments& bank foo [svo0r 15000 ovaries management foes fs¥00007 87,000,000 | stamsord lo? | TROWP INTERNATIONAL HOTELS WARAGEWENT ILC lUnderying Assets: management company l.ccaton: New Yor, NY [see attached schedule a [Over $50,000,000 |management fees | ssorz.soq [ord [TRUMP LAS VEGAS DEVELOPHENT LLC lUndecying Assets: commercial veal estate [See atached sched Bo favor s1,000 Nano orioss an S207) [ors —[TROWP LAS VEGAS MEMBERTIC lundenving Assets: commercial realestate Locator: Las Vegas, NV See tached schecuie [gis [RUMP LAUDERDALE DEVELOPMENT NOZTI lUndervng Assets: bank account Location: New York, NY Bio [sio0r $15,000 ane eros an S207) Bie [s1o0T S15 000 [None arose tan $207) lore — [ROMP WARKS ASIA Junderying Assets: resident ral exate lLocaton: Water Park Place, VA See atlacned schedule fais 00.007 5,000,000 Nena (orf an $207) lor —[TRONP WARKS CANOUANLLC Junderying Assets: conse deal & bank account |Uconsee): CANOUAN RESORTS DEVELOPMENT LTD Location: New York NY [see attached schedule License vale nt ready ascertainable rg scoot $15,000 Nena (orf an S207) love — | ROWP wanKs ISTANBUL Tuc Underving Asses: lcense dea! & bank account Licensee(s): ORTADOGU OTOMOTIV TICARET AS Location: Now York, NY See tached schedue License value ot realy ascertainable Ba [100,007 $250,000 Is 000 007 $5,005,000 ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH JEIFJattached schedate (Part2- EXBIBIT A) Reference # [income Type Tncome Amount ROMP WARS TLE lunderving sets: tance deat & bank account lucensees): ELK LIGHTING INC Locator: New York, NY [see attached schedule [Geenee valve not readay ascenlnable Bar [sro0T sa R00 jovaties [s10000% $7,000,000 foro TRUMP MARKS MATTRESS LLC lUnderving Assets: icense deal & bank account ucensee(s): SERTA Location: New York, NY see atacned schecute License value not ready ascertainable fs0 Isso0r- sis 000 revaties Is, 000,007 $5,000,000 jar [TRUMP MARKS MENSWEAR LLC lUnderving Assets: seense deal & bank account lucensee(s): PVH CORP, PEERLESS CLOTHING INTERNATIONAL, PARLUX LTD, OXFORD OPTHALMIC, RANDA laccessonies [see tached schedile. |Ueense vale not ready ascertainable Bs fea DoT sT00 oe \ovaer lsr00 007 $5,000,000 aa TRUMP MARKS NEW ROCHELLE TLC Underying Asses: teense deal & bank account lucenaee(s): NEW ROC PARCEL 1A LLC Location: New York. NY {See attached schadte License value not ready ascedainaie has fsis00¥ seu 00 fsi00 0% $7,000,000 as {UVP MARKS PANAMATLC lunderving Assets: Hearse deal & bank account lLcensee(s): K GROUP DEVELOPERS INC locaton: New York, NY see stached echedute Liconse value not realy ascortainabio per [s75007 sea 00 [overs 000 00 RUMP MARKS REAL ESTATE LLC lUnderiing Assets: scence deal & bank account Licensee(s): CAP CANA SA Location: Now York, NY see tached schedule cence vale not realy ascortainabie a0 $75,000 Nena (orto an S207) [TRUMP MARKS SOHO LLC lunaeryng Assets: tcanse del & bank account lucenseets): BAYROCKISAPIR ORGANIZATION LLG Location: New York, NY [see tached schedule [conse vale ot ready ascertainable re IF oor, 000 [Rone (aries han S201) ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH fers Name Page Ni [Donaia J. Tromp 48 [Part 2: Filer’s Employment Assets and Income fF [Description [EF Jatiached sched (art 2- EXHIBIT A) Reference # lors TP MARKS SUNNY ISLES TLC Bes jstooT~sTa, 000 [Rone or oes an S207) Undorving Assets: eons deal & bank acount licensee): DEZERBRAND FLORIDA LLC I.ccaton: New York NY | [See attaches schedsle License valve not ready ascertainable [oe | FROMP WARKS WARIKTLLC por Isi507 $5000 [evaiee js100.007-$7-000,000 ] Underving Assets: loense dea! & bank account Licensee(s): IRONGATE AZREP BW LLC | Locator: New York. NY i See ataches schedule License value not ready ascoainable 1 [ose —[TROmP wears WeSTORESTER LLC [or [sio0T S18, 000 No ors an S207) lunderving Assets: Neonse dea! & bank acount Licensse(s) YORKTOWN REALTY ASSOCIATES, LLC Locator: Now York, NY See atacned schedule License value not readily ascertainable [oes [TROP wares WHITE PLAINS LLC ror [stor sis oor Nasa ois an S207) lundening Assets: bank account locaton: Now York. NY See atached schedule [o50 [TRUMP MIAMI RESORT MANAGEMENT LLC fae [si007 sian ee (ories an 8207) lunderiing Assets: management company i Locator, FL | See atached schedule i poi [TRUMP WODEL WANAGEMENT ULC i [51000007 -¥5,000 000 ——JeamTesons [szzae a lundervng Assets: modeling agency 1 Loeaton: NewYork, NY See atached schedule i [092 [TRUMP NATIONAL GOLF CLUB COLTS NECK [sor [over S80 Doo. G00 | [income Type [come Amount lundering Assets: got cub Locaton: Cots Neck, NI [See attached schedule got related revenue |ss.e27.486] [055 [TRUMP NATIONAL GOLF CLUB WESTCHESTER for [over S50 DD. oOT lUndering Assets: got cub Locaton: Bart Manor, NY See stached schedule oot lated ovenue 9.495.179 [oa [TRUMP NATIONAL GOLF CLUB - WASHINGTON DC jaar [Over ssa noo, 000 lunderying Assets: got cub lLocaton: Potomac Fal, VA I [see attachod echedule oot related revenue $14.028.420 [oes — | RUMP OLO PosT OFFICE IG for [85000007 25,000,000 ——|rvaties [S100 $50,000 i lunderying Assets: hotel lLocaton: Washington, OC | [See attached schedule ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2 - EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH [ers Name [Donald 5. Tramp [Part 2: Filer’s Employment Assets and Income fF PDeseripsion [attached schedule (Part2- EXHIBIT A) |Reterence # Value [income Tope [income Amount [056 [TRUMP PAGEANTS, NC lunderying Assets: beauty pageant Loca: New York, NY See tached schedule jaz Isa DOT S100 DOT Neve oriese an S207) l0o7 [Wiss Unverse CP. LLLP |undervng Assets: beauty pageant Location: New York, RY See tached scnele ais ]SS000,00T $25,000,000 lbeauy pageant related ss.4o7asy looe —[TROWP PALACEPARC TS |undervng Assets: commercial realestate Location New York, NY See tached scnediie fair [550,007 $500 000 si00,007 #7000000 loog [TRON PARK AVENUE TCC lunderyng Assets: resent & commercial rel estate lescaton New York, NY See tached schedule jaar [Over $5,000,000 ond sales [Over $500,600 311.500.000 fd FrRoMe PUA LLC lUndervng Assets: reidenta & commercial realestate See tached echodute jaar 000 07 -$5,000,000 for TRUMP PRODUCTIONS LC lunderving Assets: production company Locaton: Now York, NY See tached schedule [F000 007-55, 000,000 | 34.048.) 0 TRUMP REALTY SERVICES TLC lUndering Assets: morgage broker Loca: New York, NY See atacned schedule jaa su00 -¥F5.000 one (orto an S207) os ramp Restaurants Lie lunderving Ascets: restaurant Locaton: Now York, NY See stached scheduie faao 000,007 $5,000,000 Food & Beverage rite sates $3,133.75] foe —[TRoMe ROPE TOWERTIOS lUndering Assets: commercial val estate Location: Las Vegas, NV [See attached schedle fa [over sea DOGO |eondo sales hotel eat revenue $10,370, sarzvrar fs — }TROMP SALES & LEASING CHIEAGO TIE lUndecying Assets: commercial realestate l.ccaton: Chicago, Ie [See attached schedule fas fsioor ss. c00 [Rove ar iese an S207) jigs} RUMP ScoTSBOROUGH SOUARE LIC lUnderyng Assets: resdonta ral extate Location: Scotsborough Square, VA [See tached schedule Iso 007 5,000,000 [None ries an $207) ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONIUCTION THEREWITH (Fers Name Roma] [Donald J. Tamm [Pare 2: Filer's Em [Pescription [come Amount 107 TROWP TORONTO DEVELOPMENT. NC. lUnderving Assos: loense dea! & bank account Liconsee(s): MIDLAND DEVELOPMENT INC, 2025401 ONTARIO ILTO HADDAR DEVELOPMENT CORP, EXETER DEVELOPMENT INC, HARVESTER DEVELOPMENTS INC. BARREL TOWER HOLDINGS INC ANO 1456253 ONTARIO INC. Location: New York, NY see atached schedule License value not ready asconainabie [si00r-sTsm00 Nana (ores an S207) 0 — [TROMP TOWER COMMERCIAL lUnderving Assets: commercial rel estate lLocaton: New York, NY [See atached schedule [over $50,000,000 [over $5 000000 [109 — | Rowe TOWER MANAGING EMBER INC lUnderying Assets commercial eal esate Location: New York, NY [See atached schediie None aries han S207) iid Teme vinevaRD ESTATES IC lunaerivng asses: vneyara Locator: Charotesvile, VA See attached senacule DO DOT SEE DOOD sT00, 001 $7,000,000 ITT ]TROMP VINEYARD ESTATES LOTS OWNER TIC lUndoryng Assets: vineyard Location: Charotesvile, VA See attached ecnodule eG0.00T $000,000 50,001 - $700,000 TI [TRUMP VIRGINIA ACUSTTIONS ILC |Underyng Assets: commercial eal estate Location: Charottesvile, VA [See atiached schedule Ise000,001 -¥25,000 000 [Rone aries an S207) fis [TRUM Vinci TOT SLC lunderying Assets: neva Location: Charotesvile, VA See attached schedule [sao oT, a0m 000 Isis 001 -ee0.DOe iia frwvenTuRE witc |underying Assets: got course and resort Location: Doonbeg, land see atacned schedule IsraT 5,000 [Rone oriess an S207) fits JONT 2502 ENTERPRISES CORP lunderying Assets: bank account Location: Chicago, tL [See attached schedule si007-s75,000 i (aries an S207) fité [TRUMP NATIONAL GOUF CLUS -LOS ANGELES lundervng Assets: got course and unsold os Location: Los Angeles, CA [See tached echeaule [Over $50,000,000 lor ated revenue land ealee $19,003.44} |sa,170.00) ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH [Reams [Donald Tum [Part 2: Filer's Employment Assets and Income Tags Nam 48. [Deseripion [riached chee (art 2- EXHIBIT A) Reference Vaine fncome Tyre Tncome Amount [WEST PALM OPERATIONS TIC |Unaerang Asses: bank account Leeson Wet Pain Bear. FL See auscned sense [err israor- siamo ons Trio an S207 ite fwrcte course tc JUnceyng Asse Bank sccount lLzcaton i FL [sce etaches vine Fe cao sree i red revere susessadl ro [warn rine Operanons TIE Uncen Asses peraing agreement wah NEW YORK CHTY lDePARTIENT OF PARKS & RECREATION ie skaling Fk \ocaton Now Yar, [see ataches schedule L. simon aor FE BRO loeraton ‘| [HWA wes Owes TIS lUoderingAsses: commer el estat cation: San Franoco, CA see anaches echoowe lee iar 250 AVENUE OF THE ANERICAS,A TENANCY NCCOMMON Jonsering Assos: commetil el esate, [oat New York NY [see atacned onesie le [over Sao lovers cae ae [a8 paren waren Sia CT lunceryng Asset: rostral eile [eatin Groot, NY [sso oot Ses eo rao por Se RON ie [i ban waren Seng Crk Pas ULE Junceryng Assets: commercial el estate I.eaton: Booty, [sooo OTST HONS oa DoT ROT oy Trae Tower iar unsanvng Assets: rset real cate [.scaton New York, NY lover Sao No arias an 57) is esisenti el ete one or wis an TT locaton: Palm Been, FL [si oooT aH OT Sra oT aaN a THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2 - EXHIBIT A) 1S AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONIUCTION THEREWITH [ers Name [Donald 3 Tarp [Part 2: Filer's Employment Assets and Income [i [Deseription Taine [income Type [Income Amount a7 JOT marks wenn e lUnderying Assets: cance deal luceneee(s): JAWALA REAL ESTATE PRIVATE LTD, LODHA JOEVELOPERS PRIVATE LTD Location: New York, NY [see tached schodsle Watue not ready ascrtainable Fevarios [S100,007$7,000,000 {iif JT BAKU HOTEL MANAGER SERVICES LC |undecying Assts: management company Location: New York. NY See atached schedule Value not ready ascertainable fae 1a) THCRIO MANAGER Lic lunderiing Assets: management company Locator: Rie, Braz [See tached schedule |vaive not ready ascertainable |management fees $85,009 1530 [THC VANCOUVER MANAGEMENT CORP [see attached senoaule Value not readily ascertainable |management feos | szasry a1 — [THE TRUMP ENTREPRENEUR INTIATIVE LLC lunderyng Assets: seminar program Location: New York. NY See atached schedule [value not realy ascertainable por sit isa —]INGC JUPITER MANAGEMENT LLC Underving Assets: management company Location: Jupter, FL [See tached echedie [value not ready ascertainable baa7 |management fos 00: {553 TRUMP CHICAGO COMMERCIAL MANAGER LLC lUndering Assets: management company |.ocaton: New York, NY [See atacned senesuie |vaive not ready ascertanabie |management feos I | starr eo) [34 ]TRUMP CHICAGO HOTEL WANAGER TLC lunderying Assets: management company [See attached schedule [Value not realy ascertinable pase |management feos | stsi2.s0) L TS ]TROMP CHICAGO RESIDENTIAL MANAGERLLC |underying Assets: managernent company Location: New York NY [see attached schedle Wale nt ready ascertainable Foo management fos |) 5504455] THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2 EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH [ers Name None] Dona J. Tramp Filer’s Employment Assets and Income [Part 2: F [Description ar Tttched sched (Part2- EXBIBIT A) Ineference # [come Type Trecome Amount ise [TRUMP WARKS FINE FOODS LC lUnderying Assets: Heonse deal lucaneeo(sy: TWO RIVERS COFFEE Location: New York, NY see tached sched [vaue nt reac ascerinabie 3 joven fssc0T $16,000 a7 IRUMP MARKS PHILIPPINES LLC lunderyng Assets: cence deal licensee): CENTURY CITY DEVELOPMENT CORP l.scaon: New York, NY [see atacnes senedle [value ot reat ascotinable Fovaties sooo ST D000 ise [TRUMP WARKS PUERTO RICOTLLG lUnderying Assets: leonse deat icensee(s): COCO BEACH DEVELOPMENT CORP, COCO JDEACH HOLDINGS INC, RS OEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC Location: New York, NY See ated steaks |vaie not ready ascertainable him [eva jsT00 00 “p00 000 ie ITROMP MARKS STAMFORD ILC lunderyng Assets: teense deal |ucensee(s): 33 BROAD STREET ASSOCIATES I! l.ceaton: New York, NY [soe atached schedule [value ot rectly ascertainable a \ovaties Too 007 $7 000300 hao [TRUMP MARKS SUNNY ISLES TUG lUnderving Assets: leanse deat Lcenaea(e) MICHAEL DEZER & NAOMI DEZERTOV Location: New York. NY See atachod schedule [vaio nt realy ascatainate bar [evans isto0n0 000 005 iar IRM PANAWA HOTEL MANAGEMENT ILC lUndervingAscets: management agrovernent Location: New York, NY. [See tached schedute Value not readily ascortinabio fair |management foos ae ITRutaP TORONTO HOTEL MANAGEMENT CORP Junderying Assets: cence deal lucensee(s): TALON INTERNATIONAL INC [sco attached schedule [vate not ready ascertainable 543,004 THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2 - EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH [Flees Name [Donala J Tromp [Part 2: Filer’s Employment Assets and Income ly Description ar [tached sched (Part - EXHIBIT A) Reference # Value [income Type [income Amount has —frarvenrore race lransporaton servess Location: Palm Beach, FL [soe attached schedule [value nt ready ascertainable feoz operating income s2s.75 4 [Framp Wanageret in lunderying Assets: management company Locaton: Manhasset, NY See atached sched [vate nt ready ascortainate co management foes 17.969} Has RITZ CARLTON HOTEL AT 112 CENTRAL PARK SOUTH Location: New York, NY |vaive not ready accertanabie lmanagement feos $209.00 fas [THe ike A Champion Jpuntsner Vanguars Press, 2 membor of Perseus Books LLC lunderyng sets: book l.ceaton: New York, NY ave not readily ascertainable |Publned 2000) Fvaties Iss0T $15,000 a7 |The A OF Tre Dear Jpubisher Random House Underving Asses: book |Locaton: New York. NY Value not ready ascartinabe |Publsned 1987), Is¥6,003 $80,000 a8 [Time To Gat Tough Pusher Regnery Pubishing lundening Asses: book [Value not realy ascertainable (Pubtched 2011) [850,007 $700,000 a5 Think ce a Bina JPubiener Random Hou lundering Assets: book locaton: New York, NY [vaio nt realy ascertainable (Pubmed 2004) None (ores an S207) 150 |The Ar athe Comeback JPunisner: Random House lundorvng Assets: book Location: New York, NY |vave not ready ascentinabe (Pubtshed 1097) ae (or fess ran S207) ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH [ters Name Donald Tramp. [Part 2: Filer’s Employment Assets and Income [7 [Description attached schedule (Part2- EXHIBIT A) Reference Vanes [income Type isi Why We Want You To Be Rich Publisher: Pata Publishing LLC lunderiing Ascets: ok Locator: New York, NY |vaie not ready ascertainable [eubeaned 2008) [None foreseen $207) [52 —]Trump 10% The Way to Sucsoss JPunssner:Jonn wey & Sons, In lunderyng Ascets: book lLocaon: Now Yor, NY Vaio nt ready ascartainabe [Publsned 207), Re (aries ran S201) 153 | he America We Desens Punisher Renalesance Books lunderving Assets: book Locaton: New York, NY |vaue not realy ascertainabie [Pubiened 2000), Nona (erie an $207) is4 —|Never Ge Up JPubienor:Jonn Woy & Sone Ine. lunderying Assets: book lLceaton: New York, NY |Vate not ready ascertainable |Pubtsnes 2008) ene orto han S207) [55 |The Best eal Esato Avion Ever Revove |Pubtshor: Thomas Nelson ne nderying Assets: book Location: Now York. WY value not rea ascertinabe (Pubiched 2008) [None ress an S20) 6 | ho Way To The Top Pubiener: Ba Acer Books lundoriing Assets: book lLocaton: New York, NY |vatue net realy ascortainabio [Pubtahed 2004), None (ori an S207) 157 |Howe Get Rich JPubieher Random House lundertyng Assets: bok Location: New York, NY |vaue not realy ascertainable |Pubsshed 2004) None erie ran S207) Te Think Big and Kick Ass JPubssher: HaperColin Publishers lunderyng sets: book Location: New York, NY Vato not ready ascertainable |Publshed 2007) [None ores an $209) "THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH [ters Name [Donais J. Tram [Part 2: Filer’s Employment Assets and Income [Desert Jatached sched (Part 2~ EXHIBIT A) Reference # Tecome Amount ise [Trumps Saning ATThe Tow Pusher Random house lunderving Assets: book Location: New York, WY Jae not ready ascertainable [Pubished 1000), Nena (or ss than S207) a [SCREEN ACTORS GUILD PENSION |Underving Assets: pension l.ccaton: Bureank, CA ave not readly ascertainable |_s110.22 rc [200 Productions Lc |cme Apprentice) Location: Burbank, CA estary LL saz Ter RCN INC Date: oscnrs4 |speating enangemeet 450.009 rs RCW INC bate: osama speaking engagement ier CNN lose: o2rtarns speaking engageres 450,009 1s INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SHOPPING CENTERS INC Date: 1208/14 |-poaking engagemes $50,009 NATIONAL MUCTIFAILY HOUSING COUNT Dae: 0472/15 [speaking engagement 100,000 ier [PEOPLES REALTY COWPANY LS bate: ov2a/18 Janeaking engagement 100,000 ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH fers Name Page Ni Donald J. Tramp TOF AB [Part 2: Filer’s Employment Assets and Income fF [Description [EMF atached schedule] Value [income Type Income Amount (Part? - EXHIBIT A) IReference TG MMSMFL INCORPORATED FOR SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS laerica Date: 03415 peaking engagement | $180.09] 1 ‘THE ACCOMPANYING SCHEDULE (PART 2- EXHIBIT A) IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ABOVE AND SHOULD BE READ IN CONJUCTION THEREWITH (208 Fm ote 201) Instructions for Part 3 i Note: This is a public form. Do not include account numbers, street addresses, or family member names. See instructions for required information. Filers Name [Donald J. Trump [Part 3: Filer’s Employment Agreements and Arrangements | [employer or Party [City/State [Status and Terms i Sereen Actors Glt- | arta, CA Penson Pan for Maton Pir Ado payments eavd ona mon bas ay 2011 (2G Fam 8 ech 2016) Instructions for Part 4 | Note: This is a public form. Do not include account numbers, street addresses, or family member names. See instructions for required information. [Filers Name Page Number Donald J. Trump 33 oF 48 [Part 4: Filer’s Sources of Compensation Exceeding $5,000 in a Year [Brief Description of Duties (OG Frm 8 (Mar 2014) Instructions for Part 5 Note: This is a public form. Do not include account numbers, street addresses, or family member names. See instructions for required information. Fiat Nae Dona-s Tam Part 5: Spouse's Employment Assets and Income fe [Pesciprion de [value Fncome type ome amon ites TE a rio RN TOT a ros han ST * Underying Assets: inactive | scan Non Ye NY iMCLANA MARS ACCESSORESTIC fare aor wea T raenyng Ase tones aresmart iorabegy ME BERGER S COMPANY LLC Satan New vou NY Natu nt eo acaba IMELANTA MARIS AGCESSONIES MENBER CORP ne Trios an ST pase hr company fr MELANA MARKS ACCESSORIES | Sy scan: Now York, NY ae ead ascararable i ]WELAWOK WARNS SRRNCARE TLC ravanes S00 00T- F060 OE indeting Ase emnsing agrearent Cicerscey NeW SUNSHINE LLC Stata New vo NY en eae escainale | THELARTA WARK SENCARE MANAGWWG EMBER CORP Tne ross Than SOOT (pass-thru company for MELANIA MARKS SKINCARE | isios MENBER CORD) ator New York RY aie vot rod crane 0G Ferm 780 (ech 2016) Instructions for Part 6 Note: This is a [Filers Name Donald J. Trump [Part 6: Other Assets and Income public form. Do not include account numbers, street addresses, of family member names. See instructions for required information. [Description EIF_| Valve income Type T ]BLACKROCK'S OBSIDIAN FUND "| 825,000,001 $50 000.000 | INTEREST, DWT, | §T000}00T - $5,000,000 T [CAPITAL GAINS 7 [BARON ASSET FUND Y|5¥000,061 - 35,000,000 CAPITAL GAIN | 5HOOOT=$7,000 000 7 [BARON SMALL CAP FOND |S 000,007 - 35,000,000 | CAPITAL GAN] F00, 007-5, 0007000 T 7 [BAROW OPPORTUNITY FUND Y|SBD0 OT $7000 000 [GAPTTAL GAIN B75]007- $80,000 1 5 [BARON FOCUSED GROWTH FUND Y_|81:000,067 $5,000,000 JGAPTTAL GAIN [$5007 - $15,000 T © [BARON INTERNATIONAL GROWTH FUND Y | SB0O DOT $70005000 DIVIDEND, CABTTAL 575,007 - $50,000 sain 7 [BARON REALESTATE FUND |B R00 073570007000 DIVIDEND 5.007 $16,000 7 [BARON EMERGING WARKETS FUND INST YSEBOGOT SEDO [DIVIDEND 57.007 - 32500 | BARON ENERY AND RESOURCES FUND Y_ | St00 007 -$250,000 None forTass fan S20 T1 | BRRON EMERGING MARKETS FUND RETAIL Y|S25O0T- $500,000 jDIDEND 7.007 82500 TT [BARON GROWTH FOND |S 000,007- $5,000,000 | GAPTTAL GAN }5700,007 $7,000,000 T |BRRON PARTNERS FUND YS DOO TOT 5,500,000 are arlene than S207) TS JAG DIVERSIFIED GREDIT STRATEGIES FUND LP |S 000,007 - $5,000,000 ——] NTEREST, T0007 $4 550000 ANGELO GORDON) loivideNDS | Td JAG ELEVEN PARTNERS LP (ANGELO GORDON) Y|BT10005007 $5,000,000 INTEREST, DW, $00,007 5,000,000 t [CAPITAL GAINS TE |PROLSON CREDIT OPPORTUNTTIES TP | S70005007- $5,000,000 INTEREST. DIV, | 800,007 7,000,000 lcapiraL GAINS | T6 ]PROCSON ADVANTAGE PLUSTF Y | S000,007- $5,000,000 —— INTEREST. DIV, | 500,007 $7,000,000 T [CAPITAL GAINS 17 [PAULSON PARTNERS TP [5710005007 $5,000,000 INTEREST. DV, 100,001 $7, 0001006 [CAPITAL GAINS 8 [MIDOCEAN CREDIT OPPORTUNITY FUND LP (MIDOCEAN| [$7,000,007 - 85,000,000 INTEREST. bv, | 100,007 $7,000,000 JCREDIT PARTNERS) CAPITAL GAINS | T5 [JP MORGAN CHASE - CHECKING AND SAVINGS TN [5770005007 $5,000,000 INTEREST ZEOT $5,000 | laccounts: I 30 CAPITAL ONE BANK CHECKING AND SAVINGS [550005007 ~ $25,000,000 INTEREST 5700 007 $7,000,560 j | (OG Fo 278 (uch 208) Instructions for Part 6 [Donald J. Trump [Part 6: Other Assets and Income Note: This is a public form. Do not include account numbers, street addresses, or family member names. See instructions for required information. Filer's Name [Page Namber_ 48 i FF [Description ELF [Vane [income Tyre Ti [eTTBANK- SAVINGS Nar 001 T5000 INTEREST S007 $2,500 r ‘22 JONEWEST BANK - MONEY MARKET N_ [$75,001 - $50,000 INTEREST |$5,007 - $15.000 ; 75 [SIGNATURE BANK: GHECRING WT] S00 DOT $250,000 INTEREST $50,007 $100,000 i “24 [BANK UNITED, NA - MONEY MARKET WN }$100,001 - $250,000 INTEREST 1$15,001 - $50,000 7 35 [FIRST REPUBLIC BANK- CHECKING WN [815,001 - $50,000 None (or ess than $207) T [6 [INVESTMENT IN GOLD ue WN |$100,007 - $250,000 None (or less than $207) BARCLAYS BANK - BROKERAGE ACCOUNT - HOLDINGS| 18 [MOSAIC CO NEW COM 19 [ORANGE SPONSORED ADR. [s1,007 7 [CASH ACCOUNT AT” [Rone (orleas than 1.007) Rone (or ess than $207) 2 [Royal Dutch Shell Ple Sponsored Adr Rep [S007 $75,000 DIVIDEND, fs207- $7,000 3 [AGRIUM INC COM [S007 $15,000 DIVIDEND S207 $1000 a JaTaT WeCON N_|$¥5,007- $50,006 DIVIDEND S207 $1,000 5 [BAE SYS PLC SPONSORED ADR [None (orless than $1007) |GAPITAL GAIN | 207 $1,000 6 BANK OF MONTREAL T_JNeve orless than 7.001) [BIVIDEND. 5201 $1,000 [ 7 [CANADIAN OIL SANDS LTO COM TN [Rone (orfess than $7,001) JDNTOEND. 5201 $1,000 i 3 | CENTURYLINK INC COM TH [None (or 1655 than $7,007) [DIVIGEND a0 $7,000 I [ 9 |CENTURYLINK INC COM N_ [None (orless than $7,001) _| CAPITAL GAIN 51,007 - $2,500 L 16 |CONOCOPHILLIPS COM: N_ [S001 $75,000 None (or ess than S207) 1 1 [DEUTSCHE TELEKOM AG SPONSORED ADR. [None or ess than $7,007) [DIVIDEND [S201 - $7,000 I 12 [FREEPORT-MCMORAN INC CL_B N_[S1001- $15,000 DIVIDEND, [5201 $7,000 I 13 |GENERAL ELECTRIC CO COM N_[$¥5:007 - $50,000 DNVIDEND s201 $7,000 1 1 [GLAXOSMITHKLINE PLC SPONS ADR [None (orlessthan'$1.007) [DIVIDEND SOT $1000, i 15 [Halliburton Company N_[81,001 - $15,000 None (or eas tran $267) 1 16 [INTERNATIONAL PAPER CO N_|S%.007 $75,000 None (ress tan $207) t 17 [MITSUI 8 CO LTD ADR, TH [None (or oss than $1001) [CAPITAL GAN [8201 $7,000 N w [None (or less than $207) [None (or ess than $207) (G8 Frm 78 ach 2016) Instructions for Part 6 Note: This is a public form. Do not include account numbers, street addresses, or family member names. See instructions for required information. Filers Name Page Nomber [Donat J. Tramp OF 48 Part 6: Other Assets and Income ly [Deser [ENF [Value [income Type [income Amount 20 |PEPSICO INC COM N_[None (orless than $1,007) [Rone (or ess than $207) 1 21 [PEPSICOING COM Rone (orfoss an $7,001) [CABAL GAN [R201 $1,000 22 [PRUDENTIAL FINL INC COM 1 |5%,007- $76,000 [DIVIDEND [5201 $7,000 23 [Raytheon Co Com WN ]8%,007- $18,000 [None (or oss tan $207) 24 [SEADRILL UMTED TN |None (orfess than $7,007) [DIVIOEND f:207 $3,000 25 [SWISS RE LTD SPONS ADR W_]57,007- $76,000, [DIVIDEND [e207 $7,000 26 [TELENOR ASA ADS WT |$%,007- $16,000 None (orless than $207) 27 [TELSTRA LTD SPON ADR FINAL INSTALLMENT RPS TN |8%,007- $18,000 [DIVIDEND 207 $7,000 28 [TOTALS A SPONSORED ADR W_ ]53.007- $16,000 DIVIDEND, e207 $7,000 { | 29 [TRANSOCEAN LTD REG N_[Si,00%- $16,000 [DIVIDEND [520% - $7,000 30 | VALERO ENERGY CORP NEW COM. NT |53,000~ $76,000 None (orless than $207), I 31 [VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS INC COM W_]$7,007- $75,000 DIVIDEND, e207 - $7,000 1 32 [WAL MART STORES INC COM W_ [57,008 $16,000 None (orless than $207) 33 [VANGUARD WHITEHALL FDS HIGH DIVIDEND view _|_¥_[S1.001- $15,000 None (orfess than $201), | OPPENHEIMER-BROKERAGE ACCOUNT - HOLDINGS | TaPpLENE 1 rman ear meE IG — [oDEND |STecoT we 2 [BRISTOL MYERS SQUIBB CO [$7,000,607 - $6,000,000 DIVIDEND [516,001 - $60,000 3 |KINDER MORGAN INC DEL [81,006,007 $6,000,000 |caPITAL GAIN [$100,007 - $1,000,000 4 [AT&T INC. TN] 500,001 - 5,000,000 DIVIDEND fsi6007 $5000 “5 [VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS INC ‘| 600,001 5,060,000 DIVIDEND [515,001 - $50,000 1 6 "Y 8500.00 $1,000,000 INTEREST, DN, 875.001 $50,000 1 ENERGY TRANSFER PRTNAS LP UNIT LTD PARTN |cAPrTAL Gain’ 7[ALTRIA GROUP INC T_|5600,007- $7,000,000 DIVIDEND 515007 - $50,000 C 5 [INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHS | 500.007 - $7,000,000 DIVIDEND [516,007 $50,000, t 9 [CONOCOPHILLIPS 'N_|$500,001 - $1,000,000 DIVIDEND $16,007 - $50,000 10 | PMORGAN CHASE & CO COM TN |$500,001 - $7,060,000 DIVIDEND 518,007 $80,000, i TT [CATERPILLAR INC DEL TN |$500,607 ~ $7,000,000 DIVIDEND 516,007 - $80,000, 12 [VISA INC COM CLA TW | $250,007 - $500,000, DIVIDEND 52.501 - $5,000 1B [GILEAD SCIENCES INC TN ]$250,007 - $500,000, None (orlese than $201) 1a [WASTE MGMT INC DEL TN |$250,007 - $500,000, DIVIDEND $5,001 - $16,000 15 [REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS [$250,007 - $500,000, None (orless than $207) 0G Ferm 78 (each 2016) i Instructions for Part 6 Note: This is a public form. Do not include account numbers, street addresses, or family member names. See instructions for required informati [Filers Name [Page Number 38 oF 48 16 |SANOFI SPONSORED ADR r |$250,007 - $500,000 DIVIDEND: }$5,001 - $15,000 17 |WELLS FARGO & CO NEW_ 'N [$100,001 - $250,000 DIVIDEND: 1$2,501 - $5,000 TE AHO NC ton cor- $508 Rane ore ran ST t 19 |DEVON ENERGY CORP NEW 'N_ [$100,001 - $250,000 DIVIDEND: }$2,501 - $5,000 20 |GAMCO GLOBAL GOLD NAT RES & IN Y_}$100,001 - $250,000 DIVIDEND. [$15,001 - $50,000 2 [AMGEN TE a Star -S2a00 2 [DEERE & CO A por s2s0io7 Dv DEND ESoT- S500 3 [WHTEWAVEFOODECO ronson Rane oss tan SOT t 24 [PHILIP MORRIS INTL INC 'N_ [$100,001 - $250,000 [DIVIDEND [$5,001 - $15,000 25 [UNITED PARCEL SERVICE INC N [$100,001 - $250,000 DIVIDEND }$2,507 - $5,000 { 26 [MASTERCARD INC [$50,007 - $100,000 [None (or ess than $207) i 27 | PFIZER INC 'N_ [$50,001 - $100.000 DIVIDEND. [$1,001 - $2,500 | 28 |GENERAL MLS INC 'N_ [816,007 $60,000 [DIVIDEND [$201 - $7,000 25 [BARACK GOLD CORP Are noT S500 SNIBEN ao 30 [KRONOS WORLDWIDE INC NN_[None (or ess than $7,001) [DIVIDEND [51,001 - $2,500 [ 31 [CASH ACCOUNT A Broo So oe ; 22 [ASVAN AGE ADVISORS FANT FTE Fano Sooo Rone ress ar Sz t SSR ASE WERTH MANGEMENT ACT - 1 [MONEY MARKET DEPOSIT ACCOUNT N_[$500,001 - $7,000,000 INTEREST. [$201 - $1,000 | iestoemarree oor A Sra 0oT aT Rone ross Tan OT 3 [amazon COM INC 'N_ [$15,001 - $50,000 [None (or less than $201) 4 |AMERICAN WATER WORKS. N_ [$15,001 - $50,000 [DIVIDEND [$201 - $1,000 5 [tn UNCLE ee Sen ere A fscor soon oe Sars 7 |ANADARKO PETE CORP 'N_ [$15,001 - $50,000 DIVIDEND [$201 - $7,000 Tfonene i] ssonor -ssmnao9 ——[ppeno S507 sT5o00 | forme soos ooo DIVIDEND stor $2800 : 10 |boRG WARNER INC 'N [$50,001 - $100,000 [DIVIDEND [$201 - $1,000 Al |ceucene corr 'N_ [$100,001 - $250,000 None (or less than $201) 12 [chevron corr 'N ]$100,001 - $250,000 DIVIDEND. /$2,501 - $5,000 iS Jaman | st00 007-0 Rr tos ran SOOT : 14 [comcast cone NeW [515,007 - $50,000 DIVIDEND 57,001 - $2,500 i | (0G Fo 78 (March 2014) Instructions for Part 6 Note: This is a public form. Do not include account numbers, street addresses, or family member names. See instructions for required information, Filer's Name Donaid J. Trump [Part 6: Other Assets and Income [Description [EDF _[ Value income Type 5 [eostco wns conP new [$50,007 - $100,000 DIVIDEND [s2,501 - $5,000 i 16 [cnown CAST WTERNATIONAL CORP 1 [85,007 $50,000 DIVIDEND. $7,007 - $2,500 | 17 [oeurscwe x Taaceens msciEunore nepGeD Y_| $250,007 - $500,000 None (orless than $201) 18 [oeutscne x TRACKERS MSCLAPAN HEDGE Y_ [$100,007 - $260,000 DIVIDEND $5,001 - 575,000 1 [ocxsseoRTING GOODS NC N_ [815.001 - $50,000 [DIVIDEND fs20T- $1,000 1 20 [oscoven rmaNCAL SERVICES N_ [$50,007 - $700,000 DIVIDEND 59,007 - $2,500 i 21 [oswer wacrco N_ 815.001 - $50,000 DIVIDEND, [s20T- $1,000 1 22 ecouasinc N_|$50,007- $100,000 DIVIDEND 59,007 - 82,500 23 eos nes me [$50,007 $100,000 DIVIDEND, [5207 - $1,000, 24 ewe me [$76,007 560,000 DIVIDEND [s207- $1,000 25 [oxmnessscnrts 06 60 [$100,007 - $250,005 [None (or less than $207) 26 Jexrea space STORAGE We [$50,007 $100,000 DIVIDEND 53,001 -$2,500 27 [eeweraLeuecco [$700,007 $250,005 DIVIDEND. [85.008 515,000 28 JoueaD sciences ne N_|$100,007 - $250,003 [None (or fess than $207) 29 Jeoosie Wecia NT |[$50;007 - $100,000 [None (orless than $207) 30 Jeoocur me cue N_ [$50,007 - $100,000 [None (ores than $207) 31 [home oepor wc com [$50,007 $100,000 DIVIDEND. [51.001 - $2,500 I 32 [inrurrne N_ [$50,001 - $100,000 DIVIDEND {5201 - $7,000, 33 [nvesco EUROPEAN GROWTH FUND ASS YY _| 800007 - $7,000,000 DIVIDEND. [s5:007 - $16,000 1 34 [ wanes MSCIPACIC EXIAPAN Y_ ]850,007 $100,000 DIVIDEND. 2,501 - $6,000 i 35 | MORGAN CHASE 8 CO N_ [$50,007 - $100,000 DIVIDEND [s2.501 $6,000 36 fponnson a onnson TN $100,007 - $250,009 DIVIDEND. [s2.607 $6,000 37 |rearT 000s GROUP WE [850,007 - $100,000 DIVIDEND. [52.507 $6,000 36 | aRanos ne TN [$50,007 $700,000 DIVIDEND. [s2.507- $6,000 1 39 [.yonoetaseu mousTREs wv [575,007 - $50,000 DIVIDEND [5207 - 51,000 r 0 [cRESSON HBO WE [$700,007 - $250,005 DIVIDEND. [S207 $7,000, “AT [ WEAD JOHNSON NUTRITION cOMPAN [$15,007 - $50,000 DIVIDEND. [S201 $7,000, i 2 |cowanon ne [$50,007 - $100,000 [None (or fess han $207) | 43 fence come N_ [$15,007 - $50,000 DIVIDEND [5,001 - $2,600 | “4 [icnosorr cone N_ [$80,007 - $100,000 DIVIDEND [s1,007 $2,500 5 [wonsanro co new N_[815:001 - $60,000 DIVIDEND. [s20T- $1,000 6 I woxteRa ENERGY Ne TN |[850,007 $100,000 DIVIDEND. [51,007 - $2,500 1 (Ge Frm 27 anh 2018) i Instructions for Part 6 | Note: This is a public form. Do not include account numbers, street addresses, or family member names. See instructions for required information. Filers Name [Donat J. Trump 7 Jnene NT ]$100,001 $250,000 DIVIDEND fsi,007 $2,600 48 |worFoux SOUTHERN CORP COM 'N_[$50,001 - $100,000 [DIVIDEND [$1,001 - $2,500 49 Joccioenra. ere cone N_]575,007 $50,000 DIVIDEND [3201 $1,000 30 [rato ALTO NETWORKS NE TN ]575,007 - $50,000 None (orless than $207) 31 Joananehi EMERGING MARKETS FUND YY] 500,007 - $350,000 [DIVIDEND [52501 - $6,000) 32 Joanwen HANMFIN CORP 1 ]5s0;007 - $100,000 DIVIDEND 57,007 ~ 52.500 [ 33 fresco me TN |880,007 = $100,000 [DIVIDEND 52.507 - $5,000 | 54 |przer inc 'N_ [815,001 - $50,000 DIVIDEND }$201 - $1,000 l 35 [rn monn wrt [516,007 - $60,000 DIVIDEND [52507 - $5,000 36 [rioneen nar Resco NT |s¥6,007 - $50,000 None (orless than S207) T '57 [procter & GaMBLE-CO WN ]$15,007 - $50,000 DIVIDEND [$7,001 - $2,500 T 58 [rmupewrAL FINE TN $50,007 $700,000 DIVIDEND 52,507 - $5,000 | 39 [recat sew conr com [76,007 360,000 DIVIDEND fs207- $7,000 t 0 Jropsn TecHnoLoGis me TN ]850,007 $100,000 DIVIDEND 5207 $7,000 GT [saesronce come WN ]5%5:007 $50,000 None (orless tan S207) 2 [scnumsensensro com _|515:001 860,000 DIVIDEND $7,001 $2,500 63 |SCHWAB CHARLES CORP NEW. 'N_ [$50,007 - $100,000 [DIVIDEND [$207 - $1,000 64 [sranwooD HOTELS & eSORTE NT ]860,007- $100,000 DIVIDEND 32507 - $5,000 i & frwosne us me N_]575:007 - $50,000 [None (or less tran S20) 66 [THERMO FshERSCENTFC NE | $50,007 - $700,000 DIVIDEND ‘520% - $1000 [ 67 foxcos wenew N_|850,007- $100,000 DIVIDEND. [5207 $7,000 8 frwenrr rst cenTuny Foxe N_|$15,007- $50,000 DIVIDEND fs207 $7,000 i @ |v cone TN [S16,007 $60,000 DIVIDEND [s207-$7,000 70 fusamecoa TN [$80,007 $700,000 DIVIDEND [S207 $7,000, 7 |weusFaRco-a co new TN [57005007 - $250,000 DIVIDEND [52.507 - $5,000 72 [wcrewaveroo0s con [$16,007 - 850,000 [None (or less tran S207) 73 [iret corr 'N_ [$100,007 - $250,000 INTEREST [$1,007 - $2,500 74 |aorueine TN ]5%00,00% = $250,000 INTEREST 53,007 $2,500 75 |AMERICAN EXPRESS CREDIT 'N_ [$100,001 - $250,000 INTEREST [$5,001 - $15,000 76 Jansen we TN} 5700, 007 $256,000 INTEREST [52.507 $5,000 T 77 [anveusen susan TN [$100,007 $250,000 INTEREST [S207 - $7,000 t 78 Jaan oFawERCA| N [$100,007 $250,000 INTEREST [551007 - $16,000 1 | (0G Fom 78 (arch 2010) Instructions for Part 6 Note: This is a public form. Do not include account numbers, street addresses, or famil member names. See instructions for required information. iss Noe Faget [Donald J. Trump ‘41 0f 48 J Pein Tees Tree eee | BURLINGTN NORTH SANTA FE |$100,001 - $250,000 INTEREST [$1,001 - $2,500 80 |coca COLA CO/THE 'N [$50,001 - $100,000 [None {or less than $201) I ‘81 [comcast comp 'N__ [$100,001 - $250,000 None (or less than $201) | 3 [sont | ono s2snm00 —— TEREST 5001 STScOn i aorta see A] stoo.00r- sean ero ——“ WrERES SasoT~ $5000 84 [GENERAL ELEC CAP CORP 'N_ [$100,001 - $250,000 INTEREST |$5,001 - $15,000 5 ec rowen conan ooot=sasnnne —— renee Ss00T-S1S000 86 |GOLOMAN SACHS GROW? INC 'N_ [$100,001 - $250,000 INTEREST [$5,001 - $15,000 #7 fewer mcusas Wo oor szenano ——— reves a eure too oor sen ono ———TeReST Sead 39 [pone GASERD | st00 001 szsnono———wreneS Ss00T- srs 90 |eRAFT FOODS INC 'N__ [$100,004 - $250,000 INTEREST. [$5,001 - $15,000 91 |MicoONALDS CORP 'N__ [$100,001 - $250,000 INTEREST }$5,001 - $15,000 | 92 | MORGAN STANLEY. 'N__ [$100,001 - $250,000 INTEREST |$5,001 - $15,000 | 93 [rersico we N_[8100,007 - $250,000 INTEREST is207 - $1,000 T a cre eS A ]stoooot~sznino——Invenese S550 95 fen owe #0 oo sos 000 —— nen S001 S50 | 36 fe wanes 7] stoncor-sastono reves Sao S5000 97 [ow stares TREAS BOSTATS N_] $500,007 - $1,000,000 INTEREST [515,007 - $60,000 i 98 [nes anna ce 7 fproncoT- sso ——| Wrens aT S5000 : 9 fmconac ston 00t sso ——[ rene 5s 001-5000 100 acc con ENT Wren oot 3250000 Son itt pmco pe ra an $7 [SOE Saar $1000 ; 102 | ABERDEEN GLOBAL HIGH INCOME I 'N_ [None (or less than $1,001) DIVIDEND. $15,001 - $50,000 | 103 [ACCENTURE PLC CLA W_ [None (orless than $1,001) [DIVIDEND [$1,007 - $2,500 TO% [AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING INE Tons ress ran $1007) — [piven zor S00 105 |DWS FLOATING RATE PLUS FUND. 'N_ [None (or less than $1,001), [DIVIDEND |$2,501 - $5,000 106 RALUBURTON CD Rope ress an Sao) — open Stor $2500 t ToT |HIUSHIRE BRANDS TCO Se S20T- sD 108 [INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHS CORP 'N_ [None (or less than $1,001) DIVIDEND. $1,001 - $2,500 | T05 WALERO ENERGY CORP one ress fan 51007) —EvSEN Sor sr 110 WHOLE FOODS MATIN Rone rans par roo EEN S201 $1.0 (Frm 78 (eh 2014) Instructions for Part 6 Note: This is a public form. Do not include account numbers, street addresses, or fami Filers Name [Donald J. Trump [Part 6: Other Assets and Income | _ [Deseription [EDF [Value [income Type TI [BOEING CAPITAL CORP N_|None (orless than $1,001) [INTEREST [sz07- $1,000 i Ti |CIMIGROUP INC N_ [None (ortess than $7,007) INTEREST [$5,007 $15,000, T 713 [SBC COMMUNICATIONS INC N_|None (orless than $7,007) INTEREST [51.007 - $2500 114 |STATOILHYDRO ASA W_ [Nene (or less than $7,007) INTEREST. [5207 - $7,000 L TIS [VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS INC N_ [None (orless than $7,001) INTEREST 2.507 - $6,000 116 [WESTPAC BANKING CORP. N_ [None (orless than $7,007) [INTEREST 5#,007 - $2,500 DEUTSCHE ASSET & WEALTH MANAGEMENT AIC D BROKERAGE ACCT - HOLDINGS. T [DEUTSCHE MONEY MARKET ACCOUNT [$9,000,007 - $5,000,000. INTEREST [S207 - $7,000, L 2 comcast con 'N_[8250,001 - $500,000 [None (or less than $201) T 3 [eatenouwanine 'N [$500,001 $1,000,000 INTEREST [$5,001 - $15,000 T 4 [oersico we TN [$50,001 - $100,000 INTEREST, [51,001 - $2,500 _ S [emcnoue me 'N_|$250,007 - $500,000 [None (6r less than $201) i 6 [arrueime. [$500,001 - $1,000,000 INTEREST [$201 - $7,000 T 77 soc fn CORP 'N__|$250,001 - $500,000 [None (or less than 5201) [sanors 'N__|$500,001 - $1,000,000 [None (ores than $201) t 9 [eoosue ne N [$500,001 $7,000,000, INTEREST [s2.501 - $5,000 0 [cuevron comm 'N_ [$500,001 - $1,000,000 [None (6r less than $201) i LL Juiceosort con? N_|$100,001 - $250,000 INTEREST [$15,004 - $50,000 12 [MORGAN STANLEY TN] 500,007 - $1,000,000 INTEREST [st,007 - $2,600 13 [neRswe¥ cOMPANT [$500,001 - $1,000,000 [None (or less than $201) 14 [wEDCO HEALTH SOLUTIONS TN [$500,001 $1,000,000 [None (orless than $201) 15 [eawe or AMERICA [$500,001 $1,000,000 INTEREST [$15,001 - $60,000 16 [WAL ART STORES INE 'N [$500,007 $7,000,000 INTEREST [$15,004 - $50,000 17 [msaerican EXPRESS CO 'N_|$500,001 $1,000,000 INTEREST [$16,001 - $80,000 Ts [unTeDwEatTa GROUP INE 'N [$500,001 - $1,000,000 INTEREST [$16,001 - $50.00 19 [TRANSCANADA PIPELINES LTD N_[$250,007 - $500,000 [None (or ess than $207) 20 frovora moToR cxeDrt CORP TN] 500,007 - $7,000,000 INTEREST [52,507 - $5,000 I 21 |owwwaN SACHS GROUP INC 'N [$500,001 $1,000,000 INTEREST [$50,007 - $100,000, i 22 [seweRaeLectRiccaP Con 'N_|$500,001 $1,000,000 INTEREST, [$16,001 - $60,000 I 23 [oP CAPA MARKETS PLC. 'N_|$500,001 - $1,000,000 INTEREST [$5,001 - $15,000 T 24 [FORD MOTOR CREDIT cO Lic 'N_|$500,007 $1,000,000 INTEREST [$16,001 - $50,000 25 [WESTPAC BANGING CORP [$500,001 - $1,000,000 INTEREST [s2,507 - $5,000 26 SHeU INTERNATIONAL FW 'N [$500,001 - $7,000,000 INTEREST, [$5,001 - $15,000, 27 [bP MORGAN CHASE &.CO 'N_[$500,001 $1,000,000 INTEREST [$15,007 - $50,000 (0G Fam 718 ach 2014) instructions for Part 6 Note: This is a public form, Do not include account numbers, street addresses, or famil [Filers Name Donald J. Trump [Part 6: Other Assets and Income member names. See instructions for required information. a 2 ramrnae SSB FOODS Ear SOT SaSor [a TET TF ocoor semenoo——[MTEREST sooo sroam oe SO]WELIS RGD E CO Ro rss an root) TEREST spor sooo FT REDE CoMGATCRTONSTS Rone ress han 1001) TEREST S280r- S500 32 [ONTEDHEATTH GROUP INC Rane ress an 00H) NTEREST S507 Sano 33 [TORONTO DOMINION BANK N [None (or less than $1,001) INTEREST }$5,001 - $15,000 34 [TARGET CORP Rae es STaTOOT TEREST Sos 35 [ROVAL BANE OF CANADA [Roe ras ar 007) TEREST SSSR 36 [QUEBEC PROVINCE CDA Ras a an) [TEREST stsooT- sone 37 JPRUDENTIAL FINANCIAL INC N_ [None (or less than $1,001) INTEREST [$15,001 - $50,000 38 | PHILLIPS 66, N_ [None (or less than $1,001) INTEREST [$1,001 - $2,500 39 NEW JERSEY ST HLTH CARE FACS FING AUTH N [None (or less than $7,001) INTEREST 1$201 - $1,000 40 |NBCUNIVERSAL MEDIA LLC 'N__ [None (or tess than $1,001) INTEREST [$1,001 - $2,500 GT [MCDONAID'S CORP Aone tee a OOTY — [TEREST SET TE 42 |MASSACHUSETTS ST WTR POLL ABATEMENT 'N_ [None (or less than $1,001) INTEREST [$2,507 - $5,000 43 [KROGER CO/THE 'N_ [None (or less than $1,001) INTEREST 1$15,001 - $50,000 44 \KELLOGG CO. 'N_ [None (or less than $1,001) INTEREST |$1,001 - $2,500 T | 45 OHN DEERE CAPT CORP 5 oe tse ran SOT) — | RTEREST Resor sebon 46 |INDIANA ST FIN AUTH HOSP REVENUE VAR 'N_ [None (or less than $1,001) INTEREST 1$201 - $1,000 | a7 [bw Cone Ae ea an ST-007) TEREST Soro 35 HEWLETT PRCEARO TO Tow es Bee) — TEST Seo Fet Goo 35 [GEASS ITU CAPT Re tesa Sno) TEREST ae 50] Fon MOTOR CREDIT COLIC Re rte hn 001) — | WTEREST SSD OT Sr [FEDEx CORP AIR oe an FOOT) — [TEREST sre t 52 EDERAL HOME LOAN GARE re tes ar po) — | TEREST pasor= S000 35 Jeney WATE Roe roe an 007) — TEREST Sorts 000 5 [evs CAREMARK COR Toe rns Pan 007) — [NTEREST Se aT ROOT 55[Goca COLAO A Rone res an SOOT) PRTEREST soot -so00 3 oRco SSTEMSTNE Re reas Pan S007) — [TEREST reso sone 57 [GRPITAL ONE FNANCIATCO A Rone os han SOO — [TEREST S1g0T-SEBRD t 35 [CAPITAL ONE BE MEDION TERM ee iar ha 5a) —[ITEREST STS 007 S570 39 [BANK OF NOVASCOTIN Tee ia FT) — [TEREST —— He -Fer000 ee (i Form 7 2016) Instructions for Part 6 Note: This is a public form. Do not include account numbers, street addresses, or farrly member names. See instructions for required information a Donald J. Trump [Part 6: Other Assets and Income [JP MORGAN CLEARING CORP - BROKERAGE ACCOUNT [income Amount 44 of 48, HOLDINGS | 1 [APPLE.INC Ti ]8500,007 - $7,000000 DIVIDEND. [$15,001 - $60,000 I 2 [CATERPILLER INC 'N_|$250,001 - $500,000 DIVIDEND. [$5,007 - $15,000 T 3 [MICROSOFT CORP. TN [$250,001 - $500,000 DIVIDEND. [$5,001 - $15,000, L 4 [PEPSICO INC 'N__|$100,001 - $250,000 DIVIDEND. [$2,501 $5,000 i 'S [GLOBAL FASHION TECHNOLOGIES [81,007 - $15,000 [None (or less than $207) L (6 [HALIBURTON COMPANY. TN] 850,007 - $100,000 DIVIDEND. [s201 - $1,000 "7 [EXXON MOBIL CORP. N_|$0,001-- $100,000 None (or less than $207) 8 [PHILLIPS 66 COM TN [$50,001 - $100,000 None (or less than $201) 9 [Amazon N_|None (orless than $1,001) [CAPITAL GAIN [$100,001 - $1,000,000 10 [Alcoa Ni [None (orless than $1,001) [CAPITAL GAIN [$100,007 - $1,000,000 T 11 [Apple inc. N_ [None (orless than $1,007) [CAPITAL GAIN [57,000,001 - $6,000,000, T 12 [Bank of America [None (orless than $1,007) [CAPITAL GAIN [Over $6,000,000 13 [Boeing Co. TI [None (orTess than $1,007) [CAPITAL GAIN [$1,000,001 - $5,000,000 t 14 [ConocoPhillips N_[None (orless than $1,001) [CAPITAL GAIN [$100,007 - $7,000,000 i 15 [Carnival Corp N_|None (orless than $1,007) [CAPITAL GAIN [$100,007 - $1,000,000 T 16 [Caterpillar Inc. N_ [None (orless than $1,007) [CAPITAL GAIN [$15,001 - $60,000 17 [Cisco [None (orless than $1,001) [CAPITAL GAIN [$50,007 - $100,000 T TS [Colgate Palmolive N_ [None (orless than $1,001) [CAPITAL GAIN [$50,007 - $100,000 19 [Cummins N_ [None (orless than $1,007) [CAPITAL GAIN [$100,001 - $1,000,000 20 |Deere & Co. [None (orless than'$1,001) [CAPITAL GAIN [$100,007 - $1,000,000 21 JE 1 Du Pont Ni [Rone (orless than $1,007) [CAPITAL GAIN [$100,001 - $1,000,000 22 |EOG Res Inc. [None (orless than$1,001) [CAPITAL GAIN [$100,001 - $1,000,000 23 [EBAY N_[Rone (orless than'$1,007) [CAPITAL GAIN [$50,007 - $100,000 I 24 [Exxon Mobil N_ Rone (orless than $1,001) [CAPITAL GAIN [$100,007 - $1,000,000 T 25 |Ford Motor, [Rone (orless than $1,001) [CAPITAL GAIN [$100,001 - $1,000,000 [ 26 [Goldman Sachs [Rone (orless than $1,001) [CAPITAL GAIN [$100,001 - $1,000,000 27 [Google inc. N_ [None (orfess than $7,007) [CAPITAL GAIN [$100,001 - $1,000,000 28 |General Motors NT [None (orless than$1.001) [CAPITAL GAIN [$100,007 - $1,000,000 I 29 |General Electric N_ [None (orless than'$7,001) [CAPITAL GAIN [$100,001 - $1,000,000 30 [General Mills N_ [None (orless than'$1,001) [CAPITAL GAIN [515001 - $50,000 Ww 2 31 [intel Corp [None (or Tess than $1,001) |CAPITAL GAIN [$100,007 - $1,000,000 32 [Johnson & Johnson None (or less than $1 [CAPITAL GAIN {$100,007 - $7,000,000 (ci Frm 78 eh 2016) 1 Instructions for Part 6 Note: This is a public form. Do not include account numbers, street addresses, or fami Filer's Name [Donald J. Trump [Part 6: Other Assets and Income [Description [EF [Value [income Type 33 |Morgan Stanley N_ [None (erTess than $1,007) [CAPITAL GAIN [$100,001 - $1,000,000 1 34 [Met Life [None (orless than $1,001) [CAPITAL GAIN [§700,007 - $1,000,000 i 35 [McDonalds N_[None (orfess than $1,001) [CAPITAL GAIN {550,001 - $100,006 i 36 [Microsoft [Nowa (orfess than $1,001) [CAPITAL GAIN [$700,007 - $1,000,000 i 37 |Noble Energy TN_[None (ortess than $1,001) [CAPITAL GAIN [$100,001 - $1,000,000 38 [Pfizer N_ [None (orless than $1,007) _|GAPITAL GAIN [$5;007 - $16,000 39 [Proctor & Gamble N_|None (Tess than $1,007) [CAPITAL GAIN [s 100,007 - 51,000,000 40 [Schlumberger Uta NT [None (or ées than $1,001) [CAPITAL GAIN [$100,007 - $7,000,000 41 [Sherwin Williams N_None (or ess than $7,007) |GAPITAL GAIN [$700,001 - $1,000,000 @ [Travelers Compa N_[None (orless than $1,007) [CAPITAL GAIN [$16,001 - $60,000, i 43 [Tiffany & Co. T_[None (or ess then $7,001) | CAPITAL GAIN [5700007 - $7,000,000 1 44 [Toll Brothers [None (orless than $7,001) [CAPITAL GAIN [515,007 - $50,000 45 [Volkswagen ADR [None (orless thar 7,001) [CAPITAL GAN [5100001 - $1,000,000 46 [Best Buy Co ine. [None (orless than $3,009) [CAPITAL GAIN 57,000,001 - $5,000,000 1 47 [Facebook N_ {None (orless than $1.01) [CAPITAL GAIN {57,000,001 - $5,000,000 48 [YAHOO ine. TI [None (orTess than 81.003) | CAPITAL GAIN [5700, 007 - $7,000,000 49 [Caterpillar inc. N_[None (orless than $1,001) DIVIDEND [55,004 - $75,000 30 [cisco TW [None (orTess than $7,007) [DIVIDEND [55,007 - $15,000 31 [Colgate Palmolive TN [None (orless than $1,007) DIVIDEND [$5,007 - $15,000 1 52 [Deere & Co. TN_[None (orless than 1.007) DIVIDEND [35.007 - $15,000 I 33 [EOG Res inc. N_|None (orfess than $1,007) [DIVIDEND 7,001 $2,500 I 34 [General Electric TN [None (orTess than $1,001) __|BNIDEND [$5,007 - $15,000 | 35 [General Mills [None (ortess than $1,001) [DIVIDEND [515,007 - $50,000, T '56 [PEPSICO INC N_None (orless than $7,001) __|DIDEND [s5:00% - $16,000 37 [OCCIDENTAL PETE CORP [Rone (orfess than $7,007) [DIVIDEND [55.007 $15,000 36 |schlumberger Ltd N_[None (orless than $1,007) __|DMIDEND [52.507 - $6,000 59 [Proctor & Gamble N_[None (or ess than $1,007) JDVIDENS [$5,007 - $15,000 i 60 [Tiffany & Co. N_|RNone (orTess tan $7,007) [DIVIDEND [$5,007 - $16,000 I (Oe Frm 8 ar 2018) Instructions for Part 7 ‘Note: This is a public form. Do not include account numbers, street addresses, or family member names. [Filers Name [Donaia J. Trump [Part 7: Transactions [Dese NA. Fiype See instructions for required information. [Page Number AG oF 48 [Amount ro. ir ia. (098 Fam 78 (Mar 2016) Instructions for Part 8 Note: This is a public form. Do not include account numbers, street addresses, or family member names. See instructions for required information. fFilers Name [Page Namber Donald J. Trump it of 48 [#-_ [Creditor Name 7 a Trump Tawar Commercal tLe ~ tures jn Ladder Capital Finance LLC arinags Over $50,000,000 2012 420% Matures in 2022 Capital One, NA.) 40 Wall Steet LLC - mortgage ver $60,000,000 2005 571% Matures in 2017 [> | Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas | Trump National Doral- mortgage ‘Over $50,000,000 2011 EOF oe gee | Matures in 2023 g : LIBOR + 1.75% or n Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas ("*) $8,000,001 - $25,000,000 2011 PR ie ag |_ Matures in 2015 5 ‘The Bank of New York Melon Trust Gompany |Fiy-Seventh Street Associates LLC In ates pam 1 eeer of sonad lenae Dende | $8,000,001 - $25,000,000 1996 7.125% Matures in 2017 Investors Savings Bank ‘Trump Park Avenue LLC- mortgage | $5,000,001 - $25,000,000 2010 5.50% atures in 2016 ’ Ladder Capital Finance LLC ‘Trump Plaza LLC- mortgage | $5,000,001 - $25,000,000 2014 3.85% Matures in 2028 a "Tramp National Gof Chub Cats Neck| ‘Amboy Bank (re $85,000,001 - $25,000,000 2008 6.00% Matures jin 2028 [9- [Chewy Chase Trust Holdings, nc. as successor | ee Trump National Goff Club inaereso Gonay Way Sevopmert | gramepert OCA. | sscnno1-s2500000 | 208 0% Mturs|in 2028 ‘orporation io. Royal Bank America ‘Seven Springs - morga $5,000,001 - $25,000,000 2000 4.00% Matures in 2018 tt UBS Real Estate Investments inc TIHT Commercial LLC - mortgage } $5,000,001 - $26,000,000 2008 6.18% Matures in 2016 | wera neh creat Corporation 1094.5 Goean Ba morgage | $250.01 - $500,000 woes | SPEAR TEOR™ | aurea n 2010 3] onitiynch Great Coporaton | 124 Woodbridge Road-mengage | _ S100 001 -s280 000 103 | S*PORRLPOR™ | aurea 2019 a Chicago Unit Acquisition LLC TIHT Chicago - springing loan ‘Over $50,000,000 2012 Prime + 5% Springing loan 5.) Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, TIHT Chicago temloan | $26,000.001-$60,000,000 | 2012 | ‘ROR "200% oF | atures in 2024 i T () Morigage refinanced with Ladder Capital Finance | LLC on 72/201Sinterest rate is | 3.685%; matures 71/2026. (©) Option to extend to 2023 | (G8 Frm 7c 2010) Instructions for Part 9 i Note: This is a public form. Do not include account numbers, street addresses, or family member names. See instructions for required information, [Filers Name Donald J. Trump Part 9: Gifts and Travel Reimbursements a lr ent ce not aes setae ay nbn, eens reo ‘Shearman emer cre ecnrc arom Rasa nde 1 4 SHADOW TREE LANE LLC Owned omnis te al : {Sow ne went area tenter 2 4 SHADOW TREE LANE MEMBER CORP nat omens se ale ear te frames Omni ie 2 0Wal Deveonment Associates, LLC cone omachis ene te a Pceoosteg ne err secmasphiven: toms Smt ‘ie * 40.WALL STREET COMMERCIAL LLC nat oman tame og 5 ao Wa Strat Lc nat: omaatie ene ate a {Suieseeat Monbrcon, radeon ey sowatcelyeet sce UC Maer semen tm commons ein Iie 6 40Wau street member comp, net soma tone et as emertp hee fete Sear ie ‘Sverre oo napoamber 7 ao mee venTURE Le net: oman mane te : Rei ocowuans Fre Manta mmciphrass using Saat ‘ute * 401 Nort Wabash venture LL monty: oman ‘ a, Ho omni ee: fname Sac ‘ie net ‘xomentia Pacomentipttomin: ite 1 1 Pine Note Holter ne, ney oem 12 B45 UN Limited Parnerstia eet omentin 19 Ace Efetunment Hong ns. mat omni net oman 15 AVIATION PAYROLL Coupawy onet xowmcnia 6B. Plaa Rent Com, owned ‘omnia 27 each Haven Apartments #9 LLC eet: omanaie 18 peach Haven Aot Ins, met omnia 19 ach Hoven Mat com, med Mommie 2 faech Haven Shogoina Center Lc mnt: AO wacte 2 afr Hs Cora, may omen some ne fatten Seen 12 TRUMP BRUARCLIFF MANOR DEVELOPMENT LLC oe omen time mente my fone ang enter a some ime ba tome Thon ay enter une Thane ayn ‘rane Fanta ‘rane eta Fae Dee oma mie tome car Prorenrs e Serta tar. snot ic se rub, sen a fn area, Seniesa cry etace [ant Fs pat An Tc Part ITT ACT ACHTED SCHEDULE med omaha ome at, Deora enter Neer sme ale Sema 1 te ‘ue 2 CARIBUSIVESS MRE LLC omeatys owes one ante 2 Ghalssa Hap Le ems omen = a = Tran antes Sor 1 QuUCAGO UNT ACQUSSTION LLC nea: omnennie sme tule 29 MIVA TRADEMARICLLC ena: ‘omaha ae ‘le 2 Cha Ha te, nmin: ome ae me * ‘mp Mey Se 3 Coronet Hall ne, meaty: oman ‘i ute S Brel tae ote 2 County Avertments, LLC comedy: omens a, ae 28 Count Investors Le comedy: ovata moe te County Properties, LLC mea ome me ie ie a Ts 2 Dl Aerosace (arma Linted wnat someie ' DITAEROSPACE LLC own someie (© DITENTREPRENEUR MANAGING MEMBERLLC nat amano uvownipts ——— inmate nvoowes ‘1 DUTENTREPRENEUR MEMBERLC um: ‘omentie semen ee fiamamane ste cb ooMesTC) 2 psrHowpnes Luc me Sm: os own omen msomentpitetn: atte (inser wanecrr pa eteueew once — tne alt sos ale ane ale - mie ae Da ie etn ‘sotto nea tine ale meat ‘i sone Monier nd — an er oat i wn na sendy mance, eae Tae tne Fat Fr Ee el as Fa T= ETT HOT Haro FD ae Tum courcun- a note Truwrowrestomceue 7am oer ‘ur ScorscnonsOuAR nom ete wiorscouo ic po oer +9 BITHOLDWGS MANAGING MEtiER LLC mest: ova, tie te moverp tns xe Satie Bi Eranssuc om eset “+ DITLANO HoLpWas MEMBER cone medi: ‘sown tone tl +s put openamons xu owed ‘somesin — ‘ae 4 BIT OPERATIONS LLG med xowneaia ene to io ‘mp Se toe ‘7 parorerarons suse may ‘Xomenie sone fal 8 Donald. Tmo Eteroies wma wma some tot = Teeny ste, rant 1 Donald J Tome Ente ULL ™ _— ep ony ea iano © Donald J Tmo Entrees LLG = pony oi a Dey icenswe Le nea omen i te = ince ence tame encer °° DSU LiceNsHG MEMBER CORP ont ‘omenta ae te a medi te feta ‘oman i ates ue Som Hwereenbr ‘9 TARP WARANT HOLDING Le went by — hese Tale en. rte um: + DECONNECTILLLE ety owen nett: omeane semis tine prcommecr ite met xomentie mat somata aoa mre some 5 DI.DUBAI GOLF MANAGER LC owned: ‘xommntia ‘© PT-DUBAI GOLF MANAGER MEMBER CORP wma: omaatie asoweip ren ins tse (© DEDUBALIIGOLE MANAGER LLC my: omeie (© DE-DUBALIIGOLE MANAGER MEMBER CORP my: oui ascmentip ns ttm (© DTLHONE MARKS INTERNATIONAL LLC et omen me toe mere ene cone tata ene ie Sone Mtesgrbar te Toran use Meanie Parana eet oman ie cerip iets tan © DTMARKS BAKULLC meaty: oma (8 DTMARKS BAKU MANAGING MEMBER CORE umd: omen ‘eer een fate tane (© DrmaRas DUBALILLLC met oma 7 DTMARKS DUBALJMEMBER CORP meters oma 7 pTMARRs puBalLic met: oman > DTMARKS bueal Mempen cone mma omen aonneip etn; tate 13 DTMARKS GURGAON LLC umn: xomestie mays omestin 1 DILMARKS JERSEY GITY LL met ‘omnia ene ‘mp en. Smee ‘aie tone Merger tebe soo Tre Dl me rns ou weve ORF ‘remy. om mana mie coe Meare ante te nes cURGACH MacNN CORP ob Sorte Pee Manta Stentor sete [rast FPS npn nd Toco Pe TERT AT CHED SCDOT) ‘Senay ‘omen tant a 1 DTMARKS PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL LLC wen onmatie ane te i Biinancnes rage tener . rm 7 oma: soem te te Ya owentip nanan: ———‘fatatame Senate ‘te 2 BTMARKS PUNEILLE wo onmeie tans ae : Tass NEN UC tara mscmerpintwenin: tne umm me © REMARKS PUNE MANAGING MEMBER CORP matin: owentia sane me Drapes PUNELLE matin: omnia te 1 PIMARKS PUNE MANAGING MEMBER CORP owns, ‘sowie ent me esomesipteenies nian Oumein mi ‘rao e iio Magner ‘ DIMARKS oATARLLC comin: ‘somata ‘one ‘te = Toe Bo te ‘6 DTMARKS OATAR MEMBER CORP wm: oman ume a io ‘Do Sater wenn; fata Samatie mie Srmamaausauc ion Meraee tne = prManKs W0LLe ret owen ‘te a : Bras Ro een cone Naaman + PTMARKS Ro MEMBER CORP mat ‘omentla ae Nha pam oot ne nc nr, sn i iy mena (9 pranks Wort LL ned Omani so DILorts Worl Member Com met omentie ican in. Sane ‘» prTOWER euR@AOWLLC net ‘xomeciie medi omnes aoe eat pod powvenrure lec me oman DTW VENTURE MANAGING MEMBER CORP, mee by: ‘sonnestin 2 EID Venture corporation nme: onnent, 2s eo venture hn wed: ont © Excel Venture Sororaton ned: xomanti, as cmertpeet ‘atm tone 5 Excel Venture tty: omnnt © ElSeven Management comp, ened ommtie at nan rte tone as Omni ‘ie as ‘Stomereon oo a ‘romp en, Pearastnoe gen ares fo Deen ant rm oe tas tyme rane fy ted ™ Fist eat TS TOE Tagen 190 Fy Seventh Stet Associates LLC net: oem ‘aoe : Sen angen a » ‘ra sq ee so: RST mewpeR we nme by. Aomentiz i Tren on aremertp net: Sanente| mie tinrmcemscuc Bian rag anbar se lois mc ety Xommeie ae 102 FLORIDA PROPERTIES MANAGEMENT LC oem xonentie sane 8 Fountainpioy Apartments LLC owned: oma ams = en ame * ‘rane Fob 1: Gol Productons Luc eet ‘xouneie se 208 Golf Productions Member Cora cote omni ‘ame ms Trane Da acewertp eins Sime mat ‘ie Eaten hc som Stentor 197 GolfRecestion Scoiend Limited omesiy omens tae mp eet ‘tne po oy 108 HELICOPTER Ame SERVICES I omy: oma ame 1» Hands Hae, mma: ommaia ome = ‘ramet inten "19 un Winterton Associates LLP wee ‘xomtia ane : sro reo) * insu WETS scare eon ere mse nent ie roses em De dude aor ari sr bes nnn so costo unc (Bs ES SAGE a a Fa F-TT AA NCRD SCETOET Soe ‘sovmanie Bonn a 112 Hudson Waterfront Associates il LP ™ owt: omc Sat norm te ° ‘tou mre Accu reo seems ert: to Same ma 195 Muon Watt Associate WLP ome omni ue te ‘ccunrip het atte Sasi ne 134 Hatonvtrtont Assocs VLE comet owen me te Vavomue buen; faaane ‘i rr 185 Maan Watt Assocs. LP wm: some seme ie ‘ebsonnetse aoc a 1s nda ls Holes Lue at: omen a tae 187 TRUMP WATIONAL GOL cus rTER wet ommiie cog su i incageninsane evereserter 1st JUPITER OOLFCLUD mans MEMBER cont cit: omen an le romp ones itn Sante ie 18 LAMINGTON FAMILY HOLDINGS LLC owned: omesie a tie ‘ue TRUMP NATIONAL GOLE CL = REDMUNSTER et ee ans om oat net rub edd amy aber res, ee cn eg enon ‘References [Part 2: Filer’s Employment Asset and Income Pai? -EXWIBIT A (ATTACHED SCHEDULE) race 21 Lance Toa Ancnants A om co a o 3 Sto tes sme - erpacqusmoulie a someti Po ae : Tanner cn ratenbe seeemanie hove: Ene cen me omy smn se =, emo tman; ie tana me mene oma min ne ie 2 SShcocunne oe oot: some ane tie 2 ‘soi Te ‘aemesp tones tne =a Ba ae Som = se manatacocuUB.Le met ie: axa ‘Owned by ‘LOwmership | ~ me ate ae voc = a neato = 17 Mond Assets nti owe a me = prone = + MTD wom co, ure0 ms ‘rome Saree "> Qotan ovat oper ese Nc mat some a =, smenipeete; tte Senne m 1 QokaM DevLoPwinrsenMSESLAC mma: some ae me ? Sh coechwor amen ne = omy somite mn Pa aroma testi. 4 Seria scones [ast Fler Eplyet Ka dco PET - ERT A ATTACHED SCHEDULE Geeceea lah OE Taser 12 Qne Cantal Park West PT Associates med omen tone a 138 0PO HOTEL MANAGER LLC mest: omen Poy me 14 OPONOTEL MANAGER MEMBER CORP orm: * somata ime ma accwnetipertn: amine Ome Te 1» owo DEVELOPER LLC my omc ane ate 196 PANAIA OCEAN CLUB MANAGEMENT LLC Owed xowmctie my tte : Pontoceancue Nate stenber 197 PANAMA OCEAN CLUB MANAGEMENT MEWBER CORP net ‘some ‘ms tole scmenniptrtin: dite Omari ‘ae Prato cs Some Nareeaonte 198 Peramount RPV Holdings LLC emt oments tne ete : amos tne Name Fran imbar 1» Paramount RPV Holdings Menage’ Cora vm omens oo ele eomertp iene: ivan Suna ie Framewetevieingic tine Ine enter ‘0 Pare Consutng. ne, weed oman ene ate eer een: ‘aumimone eas thie tone te Tonos Neer a fo oe dentro yet ee en tt cere retacee [PTE Ter as ae came Pay EXENGTY A OT ACHED SCOT 1 PINE HLL DEVELOPMENT MANAGING MEWIZER CORP Ort: ‘somnennin iene tt Ycuerip iene: tama Sunes ie Prenirotmoreruc Tome aaa ‘4 laze Consulting Com, ety: ome so a onmritetn Sit Te Meniteiseetcomen toe reer 146 POKER VENTURELLC nme ent ‘ie tale i Peeve naan are ene ‘M6 POKER VENTURE MANAGING MEMBER CORP owes ‘ovate ™ me momenta: fe Se tte Peak ore ior Hamarentnoe ‘7 Reo Boulos. LTD mm: oman tans ie 10 RESTAURANT 40LLC weet omen me ete i tt saben coe rn ami ‘Me RESTAURANT 40 MEMBER CORP emt: Xow me ate 19 REV DEVELOPMENT LLC uma: omin tone le i Srp om, eer ccunestp etins tine neste coy 151 SCOTLAND ACQUISTIONS LLC owned omui ne ate ‘52 SENTIENT JETS wepe cone net ‘omaatie ume ete acme ttn: ‘ittomane Sra Iie Sure ue ioe Novara inter 299 Seven Soringa Li ores owe ‘me ole a Besoin. Netgeasente 154 Shore Haven At. ns, nme os aie ows efor ont cde ns nub, eden fy mab na, etn es aan tose [Prt Pers Epo nd Ice” Par -EXHTBTY A (ATTACHED SCHEDULE) i ‘ranean Mente Sra 255 Shore Hoven Management Cora, emt omentie ams 15s Shore Haven Shopoing Center LLG omnes oust ume 157 TRUMP TURNBERRY net oman te ae, arent: Sami umco el me 158 SofoReal Com, meaty: ‘Aomestie ams ete i= ‘neces Sree + SussoHal In emt Aoomectia ane le = ‘horses sheer ‘0 Linton Realy Lc. mma: omni ane ie = Bono Ne Mererastetar « ‘romanian enter ss TAgamne, wma: onan ime le 12 THC RAKU HOTEL MANAGER SERVICES Lic net: omen ‘tame ‘ule : ‘ee Hore agscen Maneater 1 THC BAKU HOTEL MANAGER SERVICES MEMBER CORP, owned oman tame ‘te acemerip eta: fie Smee ie eamuromwuuse a ayer 14 TH BAKU SPmvceS LLC nat omens ams te : REE Saves MER on nara ante tans te nesta ie coe Moment aoe tame te setce [ant Fler aay Rae ad acme ar ERT A CRTTRCUED SCHEDULE —————— 157 THCCENTRAL RESERVATIONS Lic wed: Omen ane ate : Ico ATEN Fete Mente ‘0 THC CENTRAL RESERVATIONS MEMBER CORP : wnat xomestin tne ele a emer nes ‘amine ‘eatio ie 19 THC CHINA DEVELOPMENT LLC vet xomeshie sane ale ‘90 TMC CHINA TECHNICAL SERVICES LLC ont somata ans ale : ‘EON TeomenL sees UE Sweeter rome ten ean tane aman ‘ie 17 TMCCHINA TECHNICAL SERVICES MANAGER CORP ret omen ame ute 1 TMC DEVELOPMENT BRAZILLLG, ret omni ane tate 17 TMC DEVELOPMENT BRAZIL WANAGING MEMBER CORP conn omnis a ate rere tein ‘aun one Sma ‘ale 1 [MC DUBAIILMOTEL MANAGER LLC ent: omen tne ls * rama oa Mente 15 THC DUBA/H HOTEL MANAGER MEMBER CORP nat: omen ma ule usomarmpinenie: faite eee ie TebuMU Hora AANAaeR ue Same mene Moner 18 TH HOTEL DEVELOPMENT LLC mat: oman oe le i Fram on Mente aromerspirenin: fa ome ont i 17 TH MEA DEVELOPMENT Lc tT ifr aot ab ct ren, re rn ey mabe, Se ern or nein Fae see OTR ane oy ne te Teta nse Parone enter ‘> THCMIAM RESTAURANT HOSPITALITY MEMBER CORP ratty omen ene ate a ouentipintwin; tae emai 1, ‘0 THC QATARHOTEL MANAGER LLC net ‘somata ame ‘ule : Mecano. Mantes Nrgre enter ” om re ene 1: THC QATAR HOTEL MANAGER MEMBER CORP oat somennie ‘ame ete i ‘han, Oat. Sarina 38 THC RIOMANAGER LLC orm ome fame tele : ERO MAMoNe MONEE Rr Sentevambee 15 THC RIOMANAGING MEtineR Cone net omnia tame le ie Some Si eter acer et ns mate Tmt ‘ie THC SALES & MARKETING Lic owes xomentie ‘me te : THECUS Ayunerng EMER rarer a ‘rare Oat abe 1s THC SALES & MARKETING MEtasER CORP nm some ts ele Parco: fits Oma ie Hecate Sane ary ante ‘THC SERVICES SHENZHEN LLC mn omen ae ale : ens ce wen Mesa amber ‘0 THC SERVICES SHENZHEN MENBER CORP wnat omc tame ale eno oo de st ur feet ans ly neh rane Sat reid =o ete [FSS FO gape a aa acme Pa ERT ARPT ACHD SCHEDULE TH SHENHEN HOTEL MANAGER MEMBER CORP net somertia i ‘te tmcemertiptiwenin: "Eaton Seen co Rebetencresaman Ss Mere Meer 290 THC VANCOUVER MANAGEMENT CORP owed: ‘sowie ane ae +9 THe VANCOUVER PAYROLL ULC i ema ‘ment ood me i ‘Netacovernmuceant ober ov 22 ie VENTURE LLL med owen ‘an fe oe ™ 198 JAC VENTURE IMANAGING MEuBEr CORP, xn ommetie me mt acomsitetes nine Smee ame ‘ever im ‘rang weer ‘9 Te VENTURE MLLe won ‘iowa ‘ne te ; Frevomnenawuane vere near ‘owaercom, 298 THC VENTURE MANAGING MEMBER CORP, ommter — ‘a, ea i acomesiphieeies tune ‘mle me ‘evommevue io ‘tae enter 198 TH VeNTURE me umd: xovmmiie aoe le : Evo wesc ater Menta +97 THe VeNTnE m MEMBER CORP " =— ‘Ron on oo rasomenighteees tans ‘xem me Severuncnue ion gre ater 10" THE CARBUSWESS RE CORE wm: omen ta i vomertipmensn: tn mate ‘me eve: rs Det ao eres et en ay mente ae a 280 TIGL COMMON AREA MANAGEMENT HOLOINGS LLC = nen [PE Ps Epa Ron TOSS Pa ERT A TTC 201 THE TRUMP ENTREPRENEUR INTIATIVE LC. wm: oemae me tele ie at Taw oe gree om i rows) omersip harass ‘amatie 2 ‘92 THE TRUM ENTREPRENEUR ITATIVE LL. WY DOMESTIC) omni: owmesie tone le event as Sy tan oe (fomattraoon Somer women ame ‘anon Smmin mu 298 THE TRU FOLLIES LL sine oe re wane Moreen = Teo. Meee 204 ME TRUMP FOLLIES MEMAER Ne. ‘omen: omeiia em te a omni: Samedi ‘te femmmrrousuc Same Minar 208 The Tom Hot! Com, wma: omatie ‘ca ta 20+ THE TRUMP MARKS REAL ESTATE CORP ones oo ‘noo Senter acme et Enavtane Senn ‘ie 27 The Ta Oration, In, oor “— SnD Es 208 The Trump-Eultable Fh Avenue Comaany wm xowmasie ame oy * on Pee amesipvineties tthe mete 1 Fined tetanic Soe ieee 297 TQ. COMMON AREA MANAGEMENT Comp cone ome um te ie ‘ooo. Sener {ies mean me ‘aceon im Nese oe te om evo te not nub, ref My mabe ues, econ eid eran [re pp Aaa“ A TEACH CHEE me ‘ate ‘ramp oat. Neti ‘peeve oa Nac snow ‘omy: omni te ate 232 TIGL IRELAND MANAGEMENT La¥TED Onna omssio ame i 243 TMC RESERVATIONS Luc omedy: ‘Xomeshin me a, 2s TL MEMBER CORP met ounasti ame wate = ‘Pe on. Sorte scmerip neni; tan ‘unestn ue TamreremaroMnors, om rage tabar 2s To ewBer LLc met oman me ie i Bowtog mar Meagan asomarip iene: tte mean ie 26 TM Men cone, omatty: omen ae ‘ule accompa: =f ane Smaati Iie 217 THY. CHICAGO MEMBER ACQUISTION LLG wes: ‘soweanie ae ‘le ascanestp atin; tame meio mie 230 THT. COMMERCIAL LLe coum: onan Me enue le 289 TMT MOLDING COMPANY LLC net: onentin ta ae ie 20 TMT MEMBER LLC natn: somata a ate asomaripiwenins ints Smt Ii 221 TIPPERARY REALTY cok, emt ‘me acoomenip he: ome ‘Mare He Megane owt xomenaie 226 TMQ0 CHARLOTTE MANAGER ConP matty: ores Pacommipeiwenies mame 225 TRUMP NATIONAL GOLF CLUB HUDSON VALLEY nett omertin 226 Tc DUTCHESS COUNTY MEHIBER CORP ret: ‘komenhia arementp tetas time 227 INGC JUPITER MANAGEMENT LLC net owennie 238 TNGC-JWPrTER MANAGING MEMBER CORP ‘own: omenie a emestip rs mae 229 TRUMP NATIONAL GOLF CLUB - PHILADELPHIA omy: ome ‘90 INGC PINE MLL MEMBER CORP nmi: ‘komertin faromertpiewetins time 25: Toonle ereooment LLG natty: omecnie 22 TBCED MANAGER cone natn: omecnie ta eyes ame eee ee tine nent ‘ale Mover ionar raptor Magra Menter agente ose Mente rneastente bend 24 TRUM ton PS Lc ony: omen 5 Toump eas LL reat: ‘omen accom tet samme 2 TRUMP 845 WNP Lue wm ‘xomechie eromentp eet +27 TRUM 24s un Mar CORP own ys oman uomentipieetin; fam an TRU pas UN Mer LL come: oman 239 TRUMEA® CASINO MARKS Lic wet omaha wet onmin acer ein: fate >: TRUM AcQUsTiON coRP, owned omens acewertp retin, nan ned: omen 0 TRUMP BOOKS LLC test ene ane Drea Trem Osa. one Omen Magreantar Fae ante Ire om Dos ne et nub, seedy manera, Sexist fei ere rans te tm a] usec [art Fr apn as a acme POT ET A EACH SCHEDULE 244 TRUM BOOKS MANAGER CORP vet mast a tote a omer et: ‘ates Smee ‘ie 1s TRUMP BRAZIL LLC wen oma sume al, Me TRUMP CANADIAN SERVICES, INC. " wm owen te al 27 TRUMP CANOUAN ESTATE LLC wendy: omen ene ale ‘48 TRUMP CANOUAN ESTATE MEMBER CORP ed omen tame 0 eerie: fie uc Bane ‘ie 2 TRUMP CARIBBEAN LLC et omen ta fe 20 TRUMP CAROUSEL LLC ety ones tae tas. 251 TRUMP CAROUSEL MEMBER CORP omer tee: ‘nuts ountia ‘ie maw ous ie tone aaa enter 22 TRUMP CENTRAL PARK WEST CORP emt: omenti a ie aomesip etins nia mai my 253 Ttump Chicoso Commerce Member Come ommt xomenti a ese omer ere fatmtome me me Tow owcccomeca fae Faas 25 TRUMP CHICAGO COMMERCIAL MANAGER LLC med oem same ate : rare hae arma amber ne amie oon * Trae at enter 258 TRUMP CHICAGO DEVELOPMENT Lic nme oma ale same i Ta et tener tetence [FEES FEY pet A a TeX CATACH CHO) nett: one os te Tp atl ere Famer Mortar 287 amo Cheon Hotel Mamiar Go omediy: xomean ne a abi ren ‘mesons oa me murencscover. ar Meare tar ome ele ‘Smee tte en ma Sraeie ie emma Mee a : cas eset ent agente co 2 roi, ante 2% Tum Chicago Reson! Member Core md ‘xoveaia som me aoe tee ite Pane ‘te ‘unrenessorsoomal om Hater Meter only ‘sowie oy mae ie ‘etiam ue teow 208 TRUMP CHICAGO RETA MANAGER LLC onus owen oot me : ‘uve Onc RTAL eNBER Sgnenanin * ‘ro one Meter 24 TRUME cHtcAgo RETAL MEyBeR con wma: oumcaie te te o Troe Se, Sree Naomesiptnretisy tama Sem ‘mi Mwoerte 2 TRUMP CLASSIC CARS LLG omninr oe ve csicca ca 2+ TRUMP CLASSIC CARS MEMBER Con omen — Ws Soe ecowenehentn; ame mate me tan Ae ast le sun nub, ee ete fy mannan, ans feed eaten ‘tne [PEE FIs oe Ren a= FATS“ (A ACHE SCHED) nat: omarie om ate wo Frama Doi. Sorte acomartpiteie: tame Omahe ie ‘mowers aioe Nivaraenser 2 TRUM os uc ovat ‘omen Mame fie a Snowe cscomr rare nenter 2 TRUMP DELMONICO LLC comes: omaha sams = a omen here as a 1 ene 27 TRUMP DEVELOPMIEIVT SERVICES LLC nat ‘xoumntin ue ie r ‘ur comorwevr sess ead amber 27 TRUMP DEVELOPUEHT SERVICES MEMBER CORP aby ‘scum tine a Ye op rss Dane nd Tun Seracruawrssvcs aoe naa amber 2 TRUMP DRINKS ISRAEL HOLDINGS LLC met: omens tae ale : Trane oan tones aesanter 124 TRUMP DANKS ISRAEL HOLDINGS MEMBER CORP met ‘Aone a ie semen: fetta Smanie ‘ie "5 TRUMP DRINKS ISRAEL LLC oat: ‘xownetin te ule i ‘Uv oss esen Menon nde 2 TRUMP DRINKS ISRAEL MEMBER CORP onny ‘xomertia ene ule Paccomeh tren ‘eunaane ence ‘te Fumponmsetauc iow rae amber +7 TRUMP EDUCATION Le ome: omer one hte ae comes 278 TRUM EMPIRE STATE Ie net: omarnin ns le 2» TRUMP NATIONAL DORAL nat oman ams ale ata lr, st cb cu ray se at ante ne Sst eed Hema, sane [Eat Fler eat ew Toa ERT ARCHED SCHEDULE 2» TRUMP ENDEAVOR 12 MANAGER COnp ina ome ume ale mei fete tane Seat mi 2 TRUMP EV MARKS LLC met: omen i ale "es EMBER cone Magncamter 22 TRUMP EU MARKS MEMBER CORP ‘mes onantin am fle a orbit ‘ammane Semi ie ‘ow ses ue tame irae anoer 2 TRUM FERRY POWT LLG nena oma en wnt omen ‘ime a » Tae at Mente 26 TRUMP FERRY POINT MEMBER CORP ome ‘Xone tame te tacomemipeewetn: fates Sameie ml aT lef. Dot cb pt rune, en de arte, Se cfr ee ‘90 TRUMP GOLF MANAGEMENT LLC mney: omstie 2 TRUMP HOME MARS LLG ned omy 222 TRUMP HOME MARKS MEMBER CORP owned ‘Aowmatia semen testa: nett: 29 TRUMP INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT MEMBER CORP, cet ‘gum ae . Ramee — — tania tn = gente = ‘gent {01 TRUMP INTERNATIONAL HOTELS MANAGEMENT LLC oman: oma ‘rare mi ume me myc al, me mee eran amber le are erie Hamar tenbe peer aoe anes [BREE FE aaa Rao Oe Pa TERT HATRED SEDO) Tie MeADVAHANT BER Ta on rRe Jers Le matty: omen ame . a om ume Kore Le wet ‘sowie oe on tie tewencar 20% TRUMP KOREAN pnOvECTS LLC mest Xomasie tone . o ecouenie munstins tne ‘mma i arotontc Som Mente 8 TRUMP LAS 64S 44.6 mest Xomba the le : Tie Us os MoMEE co gre Moar » ‘ro. oo nie 26 TRUMP LAS OLAS MagpeR cone edt: ome ho ae ar omen ae Samwcin ie 7 TRUMP LAS VEGAS CORP mest: omnia tan ee ie ‘fare Os See ‘remnant ‘ne vsvecnsnanane Some Mareen ‘TN USVEEASMIERE S004 Maree 68 TRUMP LAS VEGAS DEVELopuNT Le omediy: oemahia i me > TRUMP LAS VEGAS MANAGING MEUBER LLC uty ‘sonmeonin fon ee z APU ves cone enaer Memphis Satta, wie me Si ore tion NingreMnber ‘0 TRUMP LAS VEGAS MEMBER LL ana te srrooweste ange ener mie me tame me ene te Io: aes pom eet cnt rb, ely mea nie. Set sr eum Sa | eget Nina Tate Pa ETT A OTT DU omy: omen ume ute 250 TRUMP MARKETING LLC net: xonmsti tone ule 5 TRUMP MARKS asia cone met ome ste ie aconeumipwein; fate Senate ti 8 TRUMP MARKS ASIA Lc mea ‘someie oe ale i Ran ASAP Stentor 7 TRUMP AAAS ATLANTA LLC net: one te ‘ae i "a ans ATTA anna ent ce 18 TRUMP MARKS ATLANTA MEMBER CORP ones ‘ome om ate Yaomerp test; tae a 1 ma ‘9 TRUMP MARKS BAA CORP mays ouneie sume ose is ‘ram eld Seer seuertip iets; name ote me sa TRUMP MARKS BAJA LLC net ome ene ale i ‘nec BA CORE aroratenter ” ‘mp ome Menbe 2 TRUMP MARKS BATU LLC net Moments am ssa ie +22 TRUMP MARKS BATU MANAGING MEMBER CORP omet oma ans ie ie reco Sorter Smccmerbo ee: ftv mest 1m Fanranseanmuc — toa Bina anbar 2) TRUMP HARKS BEVERAGES CORP oma ‘xommabie te ata on eee cnt, env mentee Ss acter ed etna [EEE le Eales ao come Pa ERTIBTY ATA SCHEDUR 1 TRUMP MARKS CANOUAN COR? met: onmitn, ne ta ccomrtipitwetns fy un mein ‘ie Somrmescarcumuc fa ge ter 236 TRUMP MARKS CANOUAN 6 ety: ‘xomertin me tele : wns caus cone ean mae oem Mane ae : ‘hau aunssoncaconne arvra tent 228 TRUMP MARKS CHICAGO MEMBER CORP ent: somata ei me accmenmipinwenin: fetta poe Bo Tiwrnanscsacouc Tame Porm tenie 2» TRUME MARKS puBAL CORP nat: 2 ymecin ams te > TRUMP MARKS DUBALLLG emt: xoroeat ome ele : ‘ras oun uc rasotanter eomentpiawenie: Insane od a tne ‘ie enti ‘te rom trent unt oman ‘ee ale * ‘ramp en, enter TRUMP MAES Fv F900S LLC woe ‘some ane ‘le 2 TRUMP MARS FIVE FOODS MEMBER CORP ent omen soe ale accom nar fetsone Saati ‘ae ‘owrsansrieroooeue Same Hanaea ener 188 TRUMP MARKS FT LAUDERDALE LLC met oma le ERY ASLO a4—| ene t RET FE Emo Re aaa EXHTET XT TCH SCHEDUTEY : "ROWE FTADOGRE Ta '% TRUMP MARS FT LAUDERDALE MEMBER CORP om som me ie aemerp het; fatutane owe me 27 ume mans ap cone omy: sone tame fa Varcuecightwetint fate Sante me ‘nase com reer 2 Thue Maan Howes Le nine fone In nanscr coe Ea 2 TRUMP MARKS HOLL W000 Cone one: ‘somntia te te ie row et Sore “ = MARS HOLYWOCD WE 46 i per ‘0 TRUM MARKS HOLLYWOOD LEE mnt main ne ee : ‘naa rumeco coe ogee 2 TRUMP MARIS ISTANBUL UcORP meat omen i ma TRUE HARKS ISTANBUL DLL omar yeome ‘ae nas a = 2 TRUMP mans JeRseY CITY CORP comet ‘comes i me aemeniphewetas———fautone Same me Muvermsiaserenuc tz emer nbr 2 TRUMP mans Jensey CITYLLc comet: soma time ae : ‘wes secon sunt 9 TRUMP MARS LAS VEGAS CORP ont oman eee oe te seamestip bow Doman ie Menncusvesue tsar Mverenertr 2 TRUMP MARKS LAS VEGAS LLC comet oman time me = ae etree [EET FSP Emmet A nad Tc Fan TERT OT YACHED SCHUTT 27 TRUM MARKS LL vedi: ‘xormetia i fet ‘me nanesor coer Hangreseoe 2 TRUMP MARKS MAGAZIE CORP owned: ‘sommahie im at ‘i oamenip tren: ‘tenons umn ‘ie + TRUMP MARKS MAGAZIVE LLC owen: omc ie Ps 290 TRUMP mak MATTRESS LLG = ae ‘rar rs i 25) TRUMP MARKS MATTRESS MEER CORP omnes: onoia a mh esowenipieins ttm mae 1m 2 TRUMP HARKS MENSWEAR LLC comedy: somata ane tl i tro women nner veretainte 259 TRUMP MARKS MENSWEAR MEMBER CORP oud: omen a ele oomeiptwetns etm Smite ct rawwabsuewesnuc tom nang Meee 9+ TRUMP MARKS HORTOAGE CORP net omen tame ma i rar So Saree ei test: itn ‘ie Sruwiemiswrcus am ingreneer 28 Rue manns ra Le own: ‘xovmia ti comes fet 26 TRUMP HARKS MUMBAI LLC ommdin: ‘Onna tans ls 257 TRUMP MARKS MUMBAI MEMBER CORP —— ieee [set les pena ie lat“ POAT- EXHIBIT XAT TACHED SCHUTT "ra Sol ean a oumentp et pearen emi ‘ie Tw Wanswommnic SBOE Mente 28 TRUMP MARKS NEW ROGHELLE CORP mets oman ene tate 2 TRUMP MARS NEW ROCHELLELLC omy: oman Mane le f "HEM ARS HEU ROOM Perera stant 0 TRUM MARKS PALM BEACH CORP net: ommen tame le aremertphtwetin: ty ta, neato ‘ie 1 TRUMP WARNS PALM BEACHLLC omnes sommes ane a ” Hany a Mente ‘TRUMP WARNS PANAMA CORP nny: omni ‘me ale rcwmentip inten is Etta mech ‘ae 9 TRUMP MARKS PANAMA LLC rat omen sme ute : ‘Me HS pAUA com Stextnenbat TRUMP MARKS PHILADELPHIA CORP rnd omectin i use Ye oentip wei; tame mma ‘ale ‘Tuveatisrioanaauc 2 Hatare Meni ‘4s TRUMP MARKS PHILADELPHIA LLC nat omen ‘ue aie ; ‘uve ees Pasar comr Meneneoaber 2 TRUMP HARKS PHILIPINES CORP emt: somentie no ale ac omenti test Paarl Om mie 2:07 TRUMP MARKS PHILIPPINES LLC ones omen ome le * Te Ds enter 0 TRUMP MARKS PRODUCTS LLE etme [PET FE Ee ae TRDGE PFN ART TRCHED SCHED — : "ROD? HAWES PRODUCTS NEE ane © TRUMP MARKS PRODUCTS MEMBER CORE. matty: some tone . ‘ale acomemnpiteetn: fae Omi same 1» TRUMP MARKS PUERTO RICO 1LLC mest: omestn tome ale r ‘wanes rrr aco: Sn ante 27 TRIP MARKS PUERTO RICO I MEMBER CORP net: oma ie me acouertp liens faut —— Bae 272 TRUMP MARKS PUERTO RICO LLC ent: ‘xomernia aoe ie : ‘Tha was PusTOREOH terete tno 27> TRUMP MARS PUERTO FICO I MEMBER CORP omnes omnes ‘ame ate io Free bl Serta acorn ‘stone Smaate Ii onpuansremoncon tame Mataee enter 296 TRUMP MARKS PUNTA OFL ESTE LLC ometiy: omant ume ie : ‘Oe ates TAD ETE greene Navwcanconr 9 TRUMP MARK PUVTA DEL ESTE MANAGER CORP onmetbn: oman ime te uscmerpitenin; tytn Soma ie ‘uwrausrocaocese aow Mai antar 276 TRUMP MARKS REAL ESTATELLC nat ome ane ‘ie : ‘eTUUr wae RTE nee 27 TRUMP HARKS SOHO LICENSE CORP at somenie ta i Yasoenetpteesiny ——ttane naa mie 4% TRUMP MARKS SOHO Lie onnt ‘somentie te ale : Tr uaRs SON UES omP Mer Tar et eter ne rn Deh — : ee eee ee eee TTS — = a = cata = me ws ccumeeerent a _ =. = —n some = Toews lo _ “TRUM MARKS SUNT LES AL Tee > mune mane sor stent en tome om sone te — = to = te = to — me _ = eee met = - = ee = fas Bie = oo a a ie Cand ub, set ra ny eee, ae sued omen 2 TRUMP HARKS WESTCHESTER CORP at: ‘Soeunie ne tale somertpiwenin: tame omen ie ‘uwPuansweroereuc Soe Neageatenter 2 TRUMP MARKS WESTCHESTER LLC ret omy ne ‘ute : ‘was wesrenTER com ange ante 290 TRUMP MARKS WHITE PLAINS CORP rat ommanie te tle ‘> TRUMP MARS VOTE PLANS LLC ret omnia me ie : ‘por wae wire MANSCO teaser omni: Xone me ale : ‘Tn aan or taroare enter recor ve CORP 197 TRUMP MAM RESORT MANAGEMENT MEMBER CORP orn someatie iene = ‘ror, oa. pacomertipettin: tate Suma 298 TRUMP MODEL MANAGEMEYT LLC voned mame: nia co ome tame, ate 299 TRUMP NATIONAL GOLF CLUB. COLTS NECK ornt: somahie ie ate +09 TRUMP NATIONAL GOLF CLUB COLTS NECK MEMBER CORP nat omen i le ‘omni esi. ‘mine ome ie Suurranowscoircue- ome care enter “6 TRUMP NATIONAL GOLF CLUB WESTCHESTER nat somecnin oe ‘aie » orioaeeruc ware ante ‘2 TRUMP NATIONAL GOLF CL.UB MEMBER CORP nat omer sme ie twanen [Ear ler Epoyment A ad Teme Pai ENTUDITATTACHED 48 TRUMP NATIONAL GOLF CLUB WASHINGTON Dc ety ‘Amante te tle : ‘Rovenaron courcus eneanbee 40 TRUMP NATIONAL GOLF CLUB WASHINGTON DC MEMBER CORP nat: omen tone te sowsrnptweie: nme mm ‘ie Sramraamoncarcus. Lane Meena 2: Tmo New Worl Progety Managment LLC une ‘komentia ume ele 2 Neots Pepe enema Mrapncaniee 2 ‘ue meee assent apo anbae ‘0 TRUMP OCEAN MANAGER. INC, wnat omnia te fe asonersphiwenin; ttt heen ‘mie owectwnwuans lame Meng vanber “07 TRUM OCEAN HANAGING MEMBER LLC coe ome tome ule r Tr cco nase ne Pete sera Macowenhiateeies tame Saez ‘ie frunpewneccuwile Tae imecestente ‘08 TRUMP OLD posT OFFICE LLC wes ‘somone ‘im ale : ‘RO Dos Free MEER Sone ame bas ‘ramen Maes Sener 40» TRUMP O40 POST OFFICE MEMBER CORP mney: ‘sommeie Mas tae asomertp ein; tte mea ie mawPapros omecuc Same Misa tenter ‘0 TRUMP ON THE OCEAN LLC net: omen see ute = eed tameratente ‘TRUMP ORGANIZATION Le pone oes: pais eieton Thetronporpaiatin Newer att: some ae le ‘02 TRUMP PAGEANTS. NC, rat omen ams te acon wees fete neste ‘me ar Miss Untaraate—— a ae fr. oot at rset ann ai emt ae, Se rn eng ern, [an Flr lopment Ase and Tao 7- EMIT A (APTRCHED orn — Severn. ue rn ‘TRUMP PALACEPARG LLG met: omer tone ‘ue ar Fast roger ‘5 TRUMP PANAMA CONDOMINIUM MANAGEMENT LLC omni cae ‘ue oun Meter Meer + TRUMP PANAMA CONDOMIUM HENBER CORP mes oma a ‘ule accumenipinratn: aang mest te ‘uve mibsuconoownun wen anber “7 TRUMP PANAMA HOTEL MANAGEMENT LLC natty: ‘xomestie aor al ‘1 TRUMP PANAMA HOTEL MANAGEMENT MEMBER COR? ome: oma Me a ‘ale teccumenipbaitias tan min ‘ie ‘owerwunavora Same Magnet Mower ive ‘owettys ome tae a ‘ait aremertp etn: fia oma ‘is © TRUMP PARK AVENUELLG en: xm ame al ‘2 TRUMP PAYROLL cHteAGOLLG oumeby: oman Mane ute i ‘Berorhviba Verne uc gg enter 2 TRUMP PAYROLL CORP ‘omnes omen a ‘le ‘owes: ome fa as ie (08 TRUMP PLAZALLG at omen ewer [Fat Fi ar aT a PERT ries ‘ss TRUM PLAZA MEMBER NC. Onna oman a tes sn mmr bn a oma me ‘2+ TRUMP propucTIONS Lc mtn: mente tons te : Terenas Pega ener ‘7 mauwe propucrions manacine mewaer wc, ound oma tone ae ncuron; atte omni ms ‘ot TRUME PROJECT MANAGEMENT CORP oma ‘ovo on ie is eo See ‘08 TRU REALTY SERVICES Lue ovmetbys omen ten we 00 Tuma esteants bk owed ‘oxi me e is ar Br 1 TRUME RIVERSIDE MANAGEMENT LL oma ova ne nmap iene; tie Samat ste ‘epheeetsreney oe iwi Menber “+: TRUMP Buen commenciaL LLG a omenta sane ee ie ‘a mrt rowenise estar ‘os TRUM RUENLC oem sonst me tas : ‘Bios osu Magne vente ° ns ves owenue sae 2 wnesree te nor mommy bein; tte Orca 1 9+ UME mur roweR LA Oem: ‘ove i te amet et ain no ‘Fauwrronncommcnue Sse Hewsneventer ‘0s TRUMP SALES BLEASING cireago LLC meth: omentia sm ie ; Tass iene onhco See ‘so TRUMP SoHo MEMBER LLC nat: xo ‘TRUMP TORONTO DEVELOPMENT. NC. mnt omen i ‘42 TRUMP TORONTO HOTEL MANAGEMENT CORP mel ‘pein ‘49 TRUMP TORONTO MEMBER CORE net Pesan coer re Tras ToRNTOL? mat ment ‘4s TRUMP TOWER MANAGING MEMBER 1c, medi: omc Yoccmenhpeteetint ———Eutane ROW oven CEMMEOALLC ‘46 Trume viage Constustion Corp. comet om oe Hrneastnte ‘ra Soi ote ule fo, Dot sn test en my te ae Serco ced mon Ta 7 TEA CTTRCHED SCHEDULE ae te tie tale tmrcomehiteestn ‘etme ane ae Tunemensoerinsuc aoe eta amber +0 TRUMP VIRGINA ACQUISITIONS LLC ned ornate ‘ome ale : i vast scons Nera anter ©" TRUMP VIRGINIA ACQUISITIONS MANAGER CORP wnat omens ns tele isemertpiienin; flame rete ‘ie ‘muwevecaAcausmens tae Meme Meer ‘2 TRUMP VIRGINIA LOT SLL nnd ‘somata tome te : ‘pote victors nue Frade mame ‘©® TRUMP VIRGIA LOT 5 MANAGER CORP mma sometis a tie acoumentip tanta tame nein ‘aie TM vanwxtorsuc Samm eater «TRUMP WINE MARKS LLC wae oma ome ule : RM Me AGES MENER RP Fare enter 4 TRUMP WINE MARKS MEMRER CORP wnat omaha one te ar cmerp ee: Smt ‘aie Sruwrwescwanesue Some Nivageestentne se TRUMP Wont PRODUCTIONS LLC nat: ‘xomanhia ae ie : ‘ut wou recurs tte tami ‘57 TRUMP WORLD PRODUCTIONS MANAGER CORP enti: omennie ise ate as oment ee ‘nuthos mt ‘ie ‘uur won mooumoxs ue Lm aan amber fale Ths been Set ce eu unter ae oe enter ane Ss ects ete me asses ae Fle Elta eT Par “EXOT A (ATTACHED SCHEDUTET ‘med Soma ‘ae a ‘0 TURNBERRY SCOTLAND Luc meaty: omactin fd i aa amber ‘8 TURNBERRY SCOTLAND MANAGING MENBER CORP mad: omens tame te tecomanhipimratis tine mm le ner sconouc ow aaranense ss: TWvewTune Lube meaty: Omani tame ate : Tnrvoruic nauans eve (tare amber ‘> TWVENTURE LMANAGING MEMBER CORP, mat somentie tome ate omen porn Sune ‘ie vere uo Meweretinber 0 Dwvewrune ute mest somnentia tame al aremertptrete: fata ‘mie 1 ‘40 TWYENTURE WMANAGiNG MEMBER ConP ned xomentie ue ‘e asomersptweia: fay tne Sumac ‘ie ‘wvrmenue ie nen vanber 45 ULTIMATE AR CORP, wnat: ‘xomesie ume ate 47 UMIT 2502 ENTERPRISES CORP won: omen ne fale fo Thar at. 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