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& growth
Honest Dialogue
My status
Youth Empowerment
Drug use

My reality Theory of Change

Sexual Health Drug Policy
Youth Centered Human Rights
Safe Spaces Harm Reduction

International Youth-Led

Annual Report 2009

Reflection: Message from New Youth RISE Coordinators……….3
Who We Are-Mission/Vision/Guiding Principles……….4
Youth RISE Highlights……….6
Participation in International Fora……….7
Contributions to Policy Reports, Research, and Other Publications..……13
Youth RISE Up for HIV Prevention..……14
Growth: Message from Former Youth RISE Coordinators.……15
Strategic Partners…….16
Staff, International Working Group, International Advisory Committee.……18

Youth RISE
focus group for
young people
on drug policy
issues at Drug
Policy Alliance‟s
2009 International
Drug Policy
Conference in
New Mexico USA

This report covers activities during the calendar year ending January 1st of 2010.

Founded in 2006, Youth RISE is the only youth-led international network that fights
against the harms associated with drug use and harmful drug policy. Our work is
supported through our fiscal sponsor Release Leads Ltd. 124-128 City Road
New Logo Uplift
London EC1V 2NJ United Kingdom.
designed by
Sygrid Araman of


Greetings from Youth RISE Coordinators :

Throughout history we have seen young people at the forefront of social justice movements. From anti-
war organizing to human rights to education to harm reduction, young people are the fingers on the pulse of
modern issues affecting their lives and the lives of those around them. With well over half the world population
under 30 years old, it‟s no wonder why most decisions about them are made by those who reside on the other
side of that coin. Young people are the experts on young people, and possess an outlook and energy that
should not and will not be overlooked. 2009 brought new, dynamic, motivated young people to the Youth RISE
staff, International Working Group and general membership. We are honored to have been entrusted with
slipping on the shoes of the pioneering young people who came before us and built the foundation on which
we can expand and improve our network, raise up the voices of young people affected by drug policy, those
who use drugs, and those who seek to empower them.

With slipping on those shoes comes with the responsibility of taking Youth RISE to new heights. Our logo
has a new facelift, we have made it a priority to now place a focus on our messaging and social marketing as
a network, and we are developing a stronger organizational infrastructure within the network. As young people
are exploited, marginalized, and abused by punitive drug policies we need to update our strategy. We realize
at Youth RISE we live in a time where youth led organizations, such as us need support more than ever to
develop new leadership within our movement, to mobilize communities towards our cause, and to be able to
sustain the momentum created so that we create an environment for long lasting & residual change.

The leadership opportunities in the roles that our membership have played in leveraging resources and
being strong advocates for change in drug policy and promoting harm reduction services for young people
has grown stronger in the past year. From having International Working Group (IWG) members, and staff
participate and be one out of two NGO‟s that got to speak forcefully in the High Level Segment of the
Committee on Narcotic Drugs and United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Illicit Drugs Meeting in
March 2009 – to having a Youth RISE members working on the ground in Manipur, India and in Bucharest,
Romania conducting pilot workshops on Injection Drug Use among Young People and HIV Prevention we
continue to RISE by providing Resources, Information. Support and Education for reducing drug related harm
among young people around the world.

Allen Kwabena Frimpong Chantale Kallas Tori Talavera

International Network Regional Development Training and Technical Projects

Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator

Youth RISE (Resources.Information.Support.Education) for reducing drug related harm, is a youth

led organization, and is uniquely positioned to address the issues faced by young people who use
drugs. It is the aim of Youth RISE to empower young people who are affected by drug use and
policy to effectively and proactively work at systemic policy change to ensure that young people
are included in harm reduction strategies and within the drug policy debate.

“Youth RISE stands for a future generation of young

leaders; and thanks Youth RISE to me in all levels to
give opportunities to connect as a family member of
Youth RISE.”
-Sujan Jirel, International Working Group member of Nepal


To provide a network where young people can meaningful engage in issues addressing how they
are affected by drug use and drug policy, and to participate in systemic and institutional change
that will improve their community’s health and well–being.

Themes addressed by Youth RISE:

 Harm Reduction Knowledge – for young people and service providers that uses a peer based
model building off of young people‟s experiences and understanding of drug use .
 Discriminatory Policies – to reduce barriers, stigma and criminalization that can create safe
spaces for young people.
 Advocacy Messaging and Social Marketing- to shift public opinion about young people and
drug use and create messages that appeal to the best interests of young people.
 Creating effective Harm Reduction Services – relevant, accessible, and conducive to the overall
health of young people.
 Increase of Research and Evidence – on youth and harm reduction service delivery models and
advocacy strategies.
 Increase of Training Opportunities – for youth and service providers that promotes a youth
centered approach in engaging young people into services.

Youth RISE’s Guiding Principles

 We value equality of voice and participation and seek to ensure the widest
representation of the diversity of young people and harm reduction globally.
 We understand that it is our responsibility to ensure the representation and inclusion of
children and youth in our respective regions that may experience barriers to
 We work towards ensuring that the children and youth who use drugs or are affected
by drug use and/or drug policies have a real say and central voice in matters that
affect them.
 We work with the objective of consensus and understand that each member‟s
individual input is valuable and each IWG member has the right to participate in Youth
RISE decision-making.
 We work from a Rights-Based approach and with the spirit of youth engagement.
 We work towards ensuring that programmes and policies and our own advocacy is
evidence driven and impact oriented.
 We commit to providing the capacity to communicate in different languages through
means of translation and web material to our membership.


Youth RISE
Youth RISE Youth RISE
Coordinators membership
Working Group

Consists of our
Serves as Youth RISE‟s Are 250 + worldwide
steering committee of that have opportunities
Coordinator that
8 members. They are to gain information and
oversees the network.
located globally in knowledge as well as
The Regional
more than several share and disseminate
regions of the world. information, and
Coordinator manages
This includes: North leadership
our International
America, Latin opportunities for young
Working Group. We also
America & Caribbean, people, nationally,
have a Training and
Europe, Southeast Asia, regionally, and
Technical Projects
and the Middle globally.
Coordinator that does
East/North Africa.
capacity-building work.
Youth RISE
Former International Network
Coordinator, Caitlin Padgett at
demonstration outside the United
Nations 52nd Session on the
Commission of Narcotic Drugs.
March 2009.

“Leadership by young people is a critical asset,

enhanced by the International Working Group
with diverse regional representation. Membership
which includes young service providers offers a
depth of understanding of practical aspects of
harm reduction and young people. Strong
organizational links to other global networks-
GYCA, IHRA and the regional harm reduction
- Diane Widdus,
former Senior Specialist for HIV Prevention and Adolescents at UNICEF

Participation in the
International Fora
While going through its transition, Youth RISE was
able to maintain visibility in the International Fora.
Here is a snapshot of Youth RISE‟s accomplishments
for 2009.
Youth RISE during Network and Training Day
for the Commission on Narcotic Drugs Meeting in Vienna.

Committee on Narcotic Drugs and United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Illicit Drugs Meeting

Youth RISE participated in the Committee on Narcotic Drugs and UNGASS meeting on drugs in March 2009. We
advocated for the inclusion of harm reduction into drug policy and for the inclusion of both young substance
users and young people affected by drug policies as a key target group of the committee‟s future objectives
and policy development.

Youth RISE participated in several satellites, side events and panels, advocating and lobbying for the rights of
young people and the inclusion of harm reduction into global drug policy. Youth RISE members called on
leaders, policymakers, government delegations, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and the International
Narcotic Control Board to provide and advocate for access to services, put an end to criminalization, to ensure
our rights to participation and to challenge discrimination faced by young drug users. Youth RISE also drafted a
letter to delegates with recommendations for new drug policies that include young people and their realities.
This letter was written in partnership with the World AIDS Campaign, the Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS,
Espolea, and Students for Sensible Drug Policy and the Youth Coalition.
Youth RISE also had a training and strategic planning day – where each of the delegates gave regional
reports, brainstorming key examples with advocacy areas .Members met Sebastian Saville, Executive Director
of Release and Judith Ulirsch from UNODC.

In this letter, Youth RISE called for leaders to recall the four general principles in the Convention on the Rights of
the Child, ratified by all but two UN member states :

1. Non-discrimination: Removing age-related barriers such as requiring parental consent or denying

confidentiality to underage youth, removing age restrictions for accessing harm reduction services such as
syringe exchanges and opiate replacements, and providing sexual and reproductive health services to young

2. Best interest of the child: All drug policies adhere to international human rights law. This will ensure that drug
policies are required to take into consideration those most vulnerable and in need of support such as child drug
users, young substance users and street-involved youth.

3. Life, survival and development: Honest, reality-based drug education and prevention services, low threshold
and youth-friendly services, access to education and health services, are all essential components of effective
drug policy that seeks to ensure the highest attainable health for young people using drugs. Make drug
treatment a priority over detention, imprisonment or forced rehabilitation.

4. Participation: Involve young people who are most affected (including young drugs users and young people
living with HIV) in meaningful engagement of drug policy and program development, implementation and
evaluation at all levels. Young drug users and young people living with HIV do not forfeit this right to
participation. It is our right to be included in the decisions that affect our lives.


Washington D.C: Most at-Risk Adolescents and

Young People for HIV/AIDS Forum

Kyla Zanardi, International Projects Coordinator

gave a presentation titled “Youth-led
Perspective: Best Practices for Youth Harm
Reduction Programming” on a panel Young
Injection Drug Users (IDUs): Research, Program
Experiences, and Applications. This meeting
sought to bring together UN agencies and civil
society to discuss and collaborate on
addressing the needs of most-at-risk
adolescent (identified groups such as young
drug users, sex workers, men having sex with
Harm Reduction 2009, International
men) and development of best practice
Conference on Drug Related Harms,
guidelines for Most At-Risk Adolescents (MARA).
Bangkok, Thailand
Representatives from the U.S. Agency for
International Development, the World Health
Youth RISE hosted a youth major session
Organization, the United Nations, Centers for
entitled, “What are our rights? Young People,
Disease Control, the Office of the Global AIDS
Drugs and Harm Reduction” at the
Coordinator, and several youth-serving NGOs
International Conference on Drug Related
presented at the most recent meeting of the
Harms in Bangkok, Thailand.
Interagency Youth Working Group. Youth RISE
used the UN Convention of the Rights of a
In addition, the Youth RISE Coordinators,
Child as a framework to layout specific barriers
International Working Group Members and
young people who use drugs have in
session speakers attended and advocated
accessing HIV prevention.
at the conference for the inclusion and
incorporation of young people in harm
Recommendations from Kyla Zanardi‟s
reduction. During the session there was also a
presentation that were used in addressing the
highlight on the primary healthcare needs of
needs of vulnerable young people to set
young people who are incarcerated and their
priorities for USAID were to:
access to condoms and syringes as well.
Involvement was:
 Internal meetings: Youth RISE had a  Invest in youth-led harm reduction
strategic planning. initiatives
 Increase research made accessible to
 Participating in networking session young people
training with strategic partners  Support meaningful youth participation
such as UNODC and UNICEF. of young people most affected –peer-
 Developing a joint IHRA campaigns based programs and supporting young
entitled „ What are our Rights Session‟ IDU‟s to develop interventions is a must!
using a – Human Rights and Harm  Advocacy for policy change and move
reduction Pamphlet and T-shirts away from policies that criminalize
messages “ Too Young For Harm behaviors
Reduction – Too young to die”
 Lastly, we also participated in the
“Treatment Not Torture” Rally!

“It fulfills an entirely new niche in the global arena. It has the unique
opportunity to demystify a whole field of jargon that is dark, murky and
esoteric. It has the power to change the approach to messaging around
harm reduction.”
- Joya Banerjee, Youth RISE International Advisory Committee member 8
Latin American Drug Policy Conference

IWG Aram Barra from Mexico attended the conference where a consultation was conducted in the region to
gain a better sense of drug use among youth in the region as well as a space where people could express their
concerns over utilization or lack of harm reduction services, and the punitive drug policy that contributes to this.
The session was sponsored by International Network of People who use Drugs (INPUD), Youth RISE, Espolea and
Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP). One of the expectations was for advocate for more research on
marijuana and health. One of the strategies were to create a trusting environment among current and former
drug users in order to gain from personal experience and improve team work. For more information see: (Minuta de Reunion de articulación: Jóvenes y Drogas- ENG)

There were others from other youth led initiatives or
Recapping the Consultation on Strategic
organizations, such AIDS2031, World AIDS
Information on HIV Prevention among Most at Risk
Campaign, Jamaica Youth Advocacy Network,
Adolescents (MARA)
among others. This also included, our International
Allen Kwabena Frimpong, International Network Coordinator, Allen Kwabena Frimpong. The goals of
Coordinator attended this meeting at UNAIDS in the meeting were to elicit feedback and reach
Geneva September 2nd-4th 2009. UNAIDS, UNICEF, consensus on the draft business case for the priority
UNFPA, UNODC, and government area of young people including key actions for HIV
officials/representatives of the Intra-agency Task prevention and to agree on the process for
Team on Young People (IATT) discussed these main finalizing the business case for the UNAIDS
points: (1) Know Your Epidemic, (2)What is the Programme for young people and HIV prevention.
Purpose of Collecting the Data (Strategic
Information) , (3)How will this Data be used in During the meeting in a working group with Allen
Advocacy of HIV Prevention Strategy and service Kwabena Frimpong, Gray Sattler, UNODC‟s
provision for MARA, (4) Making sure that Young HIV/AIDS Regional Advisor in Thailand, Anna
People are not “Passive Recipients, but Active Koshikova, and Rick Olson from UNICEF, Youth RISE
Participants” in the process of making sure they are gave several recommendation in how to better
getting access to the services they need. engage young injection drug users, and address
issues of criminalization among them (which serves
The participation of the international coordinator at as a major barrier to prevention, care, and
that meeting resulted in: treatment of HIV). This was incorporated in the
 Making sure youth networks and business case for UNAIDS Programme.
organizations are included as a resource in
gathering data on global & regional HIV
prevention programs or projects.  Anti-stigma work for harm reduction service
delivery must be done for young injection
 Utilizing youth networks and organization in drug users.
doing capacity building work with  In building community development
organizations working with young people in projects and programming drug user
advocating for youth centered services. networks must also work with young people
and re-orientate messaging in addressing
OCTOBER the needs of young people as part of larger
community issues as they relate to drug
Young People Can Protect Themselves from HIV
 Ensure that young people who are using
Consultation with UNAIDS-IATTYP
drugs have access to basic primary care,
drug treatment, and harm reduction
IWG member Anna Koshikova from the All Ukrainian services.
Network of People Living with HIV attended the
UNAIDS consultation. It was from the 26th to the Participants engaged in a group activity to help plan UNAIDS
28th of October at the Tudor Hotel in New York City. business case.
HIV Young Leaders Fund Planning Meeting
Drug Policy Alliance:
The planning meeting was hosted by HIV International Drug Policy Conference
collaborative fund, a project of the Tides Center.
The HIV Young Leaders Fund is a new community- Youth R.I.S.E. staff members as well as IWG member
driven funding mechanism for youth-led HIV Aram Barra attended the International Drug Policy
initiatives. The HIV Young Leaders Fund will invest in Reform Conference, November 11th-14th which was
young leaders and their coalitions, while at the organized by the Drug Policy Alliance, in New
same time raising the visibility of their work and Mexico. This conference brought many gains for our
strengthening the sustainability of their initiatives. network. First, taking part of a large international
The Fund is an innovative partnership effort audience is always of benefit for our young
between global and local youth networks and network, and second the presence of the three
donors in the AIDS response. staff members in the same place is very rare, hence
Participants were represented from Global Network such opportunities are always beneficial for us.
of Sex Work Projects, Global Youth Coalition on These two factors were a recipe for the success of
HIV/AIDS, GNP+‟s Interim Reference Group on the conference for Youth R.I.S.E.
Young People Living with HIV, International Outcomes of the Conference was:
Treatment Preparedness Coalition, World AIDS  Networking Opportunities with those within
Campaign, Youth Coalition for Sexual and the larger drug policy movement.
Reproductive Rights, Y-PEER, Young Positives, Youth  Grant meeting with Open Society Institute
R.I.S.E, and the country networks IPPF+ Nepal and (OSI) w/ Global Drug Policy & Youth
Jamaica Youth Advocacy Network where we program.
discussed a new partnership effort between youth  Preliminary strategic planning in preparation
networks and donors. IWG member Sujan Jirel from for core funding grant proposal for OSI.
Nepal, as well as staff member Allen Kwabena  In addition, Youth RISE organized a focus
Frimpong were in attendance. group with the Students for Sensible Drug
Several things crucial to youth network sustainability Policy (SSDP) aimed at discussing how to
and funding occurred as a result of this meeting: reform the messages targeting young
 Identify the importance of funding youth people in the harm reduction & drug policy
networks for sustainability. field. Approximately 25 young activists
 Looking at young migrant populations in attended the meeting; it was a fruitful
Nepal, and possible developing work there experience that encouraged us to pursue
specifically with that population. the next exciting steps in our advocacy and
 Youth RISE was able to communicate social marketing work. This was facilitated by
among steering committee members to our Social Media consultants Scott
value the diverse group of young people in Jacobsen & Wyokemia Joyner.
backgrounds and experience. We are using
the funding circle to cultivate new
leadership of young people who are most
affected by the epidemic, this is to include
young injection drug users, sex workers,
those that identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual,
and transgendered, as well as young
people who are HIV positive.

For more information on the fund contact:

Youth RISE button

worn @ DPA
Youth RISE on Twitter during the DPA Conference

Middle East North Africa Harm Reduction
Association’s (MENAHRA’s) Conference

IWG member Dr. Khalil Sakhri participated on

behalf of Youth RISE to the 1st conference
MENAHRA in Beirut, Lebanon. It was a very
successful conference where some 150 participants
mostly from countries of the Middle East and North
Africa, with the participation of UN agencies WHO,
UNAIDS, UNODC, and the Global Fund, and several
local as well as global non-governmental

Throughout the conference, Dr. Khalil Sakhri states

that, Youth R.I.S.E. at the 5th Latin American and
Caribbean Forum for HIV and other STIs
“There was more political than
scientific and enrichment of IWG member Aram Barra attended the 5th Latin
knowledge. Large politicians American and Caribbean Forum for HIV and other
STIs. It is the regional venue directed to promote
are starting to adapt the guidelines of national and regional public policies
concept of Harm Reduction, regarding the universal access to the prevention,
helping and treatment, within the respect of human
except that in the end, the rights; to share learned lessons and improve the
performance of all branches: prevention, helping,
general of the Lebanese police intervention, investigation and information; to
has let us focus on how law promote the equally participation and the
involvement of all communities, and to figure out
enforcement in the fight against the responses to this epidemic in the region through
drugs, saying that it is the police the fulfillment of the international commitments
made regarding HIV.
who must solve the problem.”
The satellite session was entitled: “Drug policy, HIV
This participation: and Human Rights”. This panel featured a
 Provided strategic partners with updates representative from the Caribbean Harm Reduction
with the work that was occurring in the Coalition, Intercambios, Youth R.I.S.E. and the Pan
MENA region along with Youth RISE member American Health Organization.
from Afghanistan, Murtaza Mujeed.
 New networking connections were made as This participation:
well as revisiting existing ones. Meetings took  Strengthened Youth RISE‟s position in the
place with International Harm Reduction regional debate and fostered the questions
Association‟s (IHRA) staff in preparation for around how to implement harm reduction in
the 2010 conference in Liverpool, Ann Latin America
Fordham of the International Drug Policy  Grew the linkage and interest that exists
Consortium (IDPC) - in discussing Youth between young people working on the HIV
RISE‟s partnership with IDPC. Also at the field and harm reduction initiatives
conference he met the new director of  Provided a space to further network in
Mentor Arabia, Dr. Farida Allaghi, which a particular with young people from the
new partnership was formed between him Caribbean and allowed for the IWG
and organization to support his mentorship member to get to know some of the
as a young harm reductionist. network‟s members throughout the region.


HIV, Human Rights and Universal

Access and Marginalized Populations:
December 1st 2009 Hyatt Regency
Hotel Capitol Hill-Washington, DC

Kolawole Oreoluwa, IWG member from Nigeria

spoke as a guest speaker and panelist at the
UNAIDS sponsored high level meeting on World
AIDS Day in Washington, D.C. to talk about HIV,
Human Rights, and Marginalized Populations. The
US Global AIDS Coordinator's office was there as
well as the Human Rights Caucus of U.S Congress
along with UN body country delegates. Three
representatives from most at risk populations were
calling for reform of U.S foreign policy (President's
Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief-PEPFAR) as it
relates to HIV prevention care and treatment
Kolawole Oreoluwa is pictured sitting in the middle of a sex worker rights amongst affected populations including injection
advocate in the U.S and a representative of the LGBTQ movement in drug users.
Africa at the UNAIDS meeting.

In Kola speech, he talked about his challenges as a young person, and an organizer in Nigeria where he was
arrested and his life was threatened in the name of advocating for harm reduction. He gave forth these
recommendations that were incorporated into a report given to US Congress, which also served as one of the
many advocacy events to push the lifting of the federal ban off of funding needle exchange programs in

 The US Government should also support needle and syringe exchange because this will go a long way
to prevent HIV among injecting drug users and it will also allow foreign funded projects under PEPFAR to
start needle and syringe exchange for injecting drug users in their various countries.
 The US government should mandate its HIV prevention policies for drug injectors with other stated US
government health and medical agencies‟ policies in the same area.


2010 is here. Youth RISE is now full speed ahead embarking on many new initiatives.

Reframing our advocacy messaging, building up our social marketing tools, unveiling our new website
with logo uplift and new look as we expand our reach as a network is what you will see that is different in
communicating with our constituency and partners.

Youth RISE is preparing an update and media blitz for the Commission on Narcotic Drugs Meeting in March
2010, and preparing for an advocacy campaign utilizing new media strategies. We are sending out a
clear message to the global community about how young people are affected by drug use and drug
policy that will be coming soon!

In addition, you will see a new International Working Group of 8 members with new representation of
different nations. They will be going leadership development workshops and trainings, and they also will
be doing advocacy work and outreach within their regions.

Lastly our Youth RISE Up! For HIV Prevention Project will have two new pilot sites in Mexico and Ukraine
developing curriculum that will cover topics around sexual health and substance abuse issues among
young people, vital information our young people need but is lacking in most educational material.
Padgett, C. & Zanardi, K. Youth Leadership: Recommendations for Sustainability. World AIDS
Campaign. January 2009

HR2: Harm Reduction & Human Rights. Youth RISE statement at the Demand Reduction
Roundtable of the High Level Segment of CND. IHRAblog March 12th 2009.

IHRA Daily Update Newsletter- Bangkok Conference

UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on HIV and Young People. Global
Guidance Briefs: HIV Interventions for Young People. UNFPA November
(Copies Available Upon Request)

One of Youth RISE’s strengths is the ability

to have active members from different
cultural backgrounds who have a lot of
experience in implementing harm
reduction programming.

-Veronica Broasca, IWG member from


What is RISE Up HIV Prevention?

Youth RISE Up for HIV Prevention is a project funded by

MTV‟s Staying Alive Foundation that started in 2009 to
develop harm reduction workshops for young people.
The project‟s curriculum guide was developed by Kyla
Zanardi, former Youth RISE International Projects
Coordinator. Youth RISE International Working Group
members in Manipur, India and Bucharest, Romania
where the pilot for the demonstration project took place
coordinated the pilot training projects.
Veronica Broasca & Cristina Fierbinteanu
conduct a pilot training with participants
In Romania. This guide will provide young people with basic
information on HIV/AIDS, harm reduction, effective facilitation of peer education, proven harm
reduction interventions (with relevant age considerations), stigma and discrimination, and injection
drug use. The total amount of people reached through the pilot trainings in Manipur, India and
Bucharest, Romania is 51.

During the Bucharest, Romania training when participants were

asked, “What was one piece of knowledge, skill or experience you
will take away from today and use in your work?” Participants gave
key responses with the following:

 Information on HIV transmission

 The risk of transmission through ejaculation in the eyes
 STIs – symptoms & modes of transmission
 HCV and HIV re-infection & resistance (medication)
Training conducted in Manipur,
The guide is still in the development phases and is scheduled for India.
release in 2010. This guide would not have been complete without
help from many individuals including Vikram Laishman & Veronica Broasca (our coordinators from
each of the pilot locations) and our Expert Group, who helped review the guide and put together
the pilot trainings are Raluca Teodorescu, Luciano Colonna, Claudia Ahumada, Newton
Manoharmayum, Cristina Fierbinteanu, Oana Ana-Maria Enache and Roshan Ningthoujam.

2009 - what a year! As founders and former coordinators of Youth RISE, we could not be more delighted
and proud of what the network has achieved so far. When we set out to establish the network in 2006, we knew
we needed a mechanism for young people around the world to actively participate in their own health, in
reducing drug related harms, in creating change in the policies that affected their lives. At the time, there was
no representation of young people in international harm reduction and drug policy fora, and no means for
young people globally, who were interested in these issues, to communicate and strategize.

This year was a year of change for Youth RISE. As a youth-run network, we are inherently transitional. After
coordinating the network for 3 years, we felt it was time we move on. One of our priorities for this year was hiring
a new international coordinator and creating 2 new positions that reflected the needs of the network and
membership. These became the Regional Development Coordinator and Technical and Training Projects

Setting up an international network is no small feat. Though young people worldwide may share similar
experiences and barriers to participation, we are by no means a homogenous group. Ensuring that Youth RISE is
inclusive and responsive to the varying realities and needs of young people who use drugs and/or are affected
by drug policies continues to be a priority. The International Working Group members are vital to connecting
with our members in their regions and facilitating their participation. The role of the Regional Development
Coordinator was developed specifically to work in this capacity as well.

As a network, we do not have the capacity to be involved in direct service provision. Instead, we aim to
develop the skills of young people in their regions, so they can be actively involved in developing youth-
specific harm reduction programs and/or working for policy change. The Technical and Training Projects
Coordinator was hired to develop trainings for young people, provide training and support for International
Working Group Members and develop key advocacy publications and resource documents for regional
development. This role is essential in furthering our goal to provide and develop critical information to service
providers and young people interested in developing youth-led harm reduction programming.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported us along the way. In April of 2010,
it will be four years since we announced the idea of an international youth harm reduction network. We have
come a long way since then and there is still much more to achieve. We are so grateful to all of our partners,
mentors and allies, and especially to the new staff, the IWG and Youth RISE members, who are all working to
ensure that young people have access to human rights and evidence-based harm reduction programmes that
are founded upon principles of humane and just drug policies.


Caitlin Padgett Kyla Zanardi

Founder & Former Founder & Former

International Network International Projects
Coordinator Coordinator

Release is the UK centre of expertise on drugs and drugs law – providing
free and confidential specialist advice to the public and professionals for
over the last forty years. Release also campaigns for changes to drug
policy to bring about a fairer and more compassionate legal framework
to manage drug use in our society. Under new management for the last
five years, Release has become a UK leader in managing complex
projects related to drugs and the law. Release is Youth RISE‟s fiscal agent.

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

UNICEF provides consultation, mentorship and support to various Youth
RISE activities, in accordance with UNICEF‟s Most At-Risk Adolescents
initiatives. also provides support to Youth RISE members to participate in
Global conferences and meetings.

World AIDS Campaign (WAC)

WAC has worked as a strategic partner to both increase participation of
young people involved in the harm reduction movement within the
broader youth HIV/AIDS campaigns, and specifically to address the needs
of young injecting drug users within HIV prevention and Universal Access,
and to strengthen the coordination between youth sexual and
reproductive health organizations and harm reduction initiatives.

Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS (GYCA)

GYCA is a youth-led, UNAIDS and UNFPA supported global network of
4,000 young leaders and adult allies working on youth and HIV/AIDS in 150
countries world-wide. GYCA is currently one of Youth RISE‟s strategic
partners, providing resources and support in regards to HIV/AIDS and
youth related initiatives. Their support has been essential in the
development and engagement of young people, HIV advocacy and the
inclusion of harm reduction into youth HIV issues.

Talking IT Global (TIG)

TIG seeks to provide opportunities for learning, capacity-building, cross-
cultural awareness, and self-development through the use of Information
and Communication Technologies. Taking IT Global currently works with
Youth RISE as a technical web development partner, currently hosting
Youth RISE‟s list serve, membership webpage, as well as staff e-mail.

Open Society Institute (OSI)
OSI is one of Youth RISE‟s largest core funders and strategic
partners. They supported our Vienna 2009 Project, which brought
young people to the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and UNGASS
on Drugs meetings in March. This project includes advocacy
training and participation, providing young people with the
opportunity to engage in high-level meetings. They also funded our
core network and transition.

United Kingdom Development Fund on International Development (DFID)

The Department for International Development (DFID) is the
department of the United Kingdom Government that manages
Britain's aid to poor countries and works to get rid of extreme
poverty. DFID is one of Youth RISE‟s largest core funders, providing
the core funding for administrative and organizational resources
and support.

International Harm Reduction Association (IHRA)

The International Harm Reduction Association (IHRA) is the leading
organization promoting a harm reduction approach to all
psychoactive substances on a global basis. IHRA supports the
engagement of people and communities affected by drugs and
alcohol around the world and works to promote harm reduction
and human rights issues within national, regional and international
bodies (such as the UN). IHRA has played a significant and pivotal
role in the development and support of Youth RISE. They support
Youth RISE with multiple conference scholarships to the
International Conference on Drug Related Harms, in-kind
administrative and legal consultation and resource support.

MTV’s Staying Alive Foundation (SAF)

The Foundation‟s mission is to encourage, energize, and empower
young people who are involved in HIV/AIDS awareness, education
and prevention campaigns. Youth RISE is a current grant recipient
of the foundation for a project called “Youth RISE Up for HIV
Prevention” focusing on Harm Reduction, Substance Use and
Sexual Health training projects to be implemented in Manipur, India
and Bucharest, Romania.

Youth RISE Staff
Allen Kwabena Frimpong- USA, International Network Coordinator:
Chantale Kallas- Lebanon, Regional Development Coordinator:
Tori Talavera- USA, Training and Technical Projects Coordinator:

Youth RISE International Working Group Members

Aram Barra- Mexico
Iulia-Veronica Broasca – Romania
Sujan Jiral - Nepal
Anna Koshikova-Ukraine
Vikram Laishram – India
Kolawole Muyideen Oreoluwa - Nigeria
Dr. Khalil Sakhri - Algeria

Youth RISE International Advisory Committee Members

Joya Banerjee, Co-Founder of Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS
Damon Barrett, Senior Human Rights Analyst at International Harm Reduction Association (IHRA)
Dr. Sue Currie – General Manager of Virology and Gastroenterology at Clinical Care Options
Pablo Cynerman, (Psychologist) Advocacy Coordinator of Intercambios
Pierre Robert, UNICEF Specialist for Adolescents and HIV
*Caitlin Padgett, Public Health/Harm Reduction Consultant
*(founder & former International Network Coordinator of Youth RISE)

Special Thanks and Best Wishes to Diane Widdus, former UNICEF Adolescent HIV
Senior Specialist for all of your support and dedication in investing your time, energy,
and resources into Youth RISE!

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