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Michael Dell “redefined the microcomputer indus- tty. Dell and other finalists are profiled in the January, 1990, issue of inc. For the first time since the program was founded by Emst & Young in 1986, ‘one National Entrepreneur of the Year was chosen from the regional award recipients. In other categories, George: Hatsopouios of Thermo Electron Corp, (Waltham, Mass.) was named The Master Entrepreneur, Louise Krouse ‘of National Payments Network, Ine. (Paramus, N.J.) was named The Em- ‘ging Entrepreneur and Leslie Otten ‘of Sunday River Ski Resort (Newry, Me.) was named the Turnaround En- ttepreneur. This year's judges included William Hambrecht, president of Hambrecht & Quist Inc.’ and William MoGowan, chairman of MCI Communications Corp. For the 1990 contest, Merril Lynch is joining Ine. and Emst & Young as a ‘corporate sponsor. For more informa tion on how to nominate the entrepre- eur of your choice, contact Marc Eiger at (212) 407-1724 UNIQUE INVESTMENT. INFORMATION SERVICE OPENS ‘The opening of a “one-of-a-kind” in formation service for brokers, traders and investors has been announced by Matthew C. Harrington. The co- founder and president of The 900 Trading Company stated: “We developed 900 TRADING to ‘serve people who want to make thoir ‘own investment decisions and pro- ‘gnostications based of the most com- Congratulates STAC on its Mike Kinsella, Jr. PHILADELPHIA Date to remember: Mid-Winter Dinner February 23rd For information, please contact: 64th Annual Convention 215-893-1305 plete and up-to-date information avail- able. 7 ‘According to 28-year-old Harrington, the new firm provides ‘ts clionts with ‘access by phone (1-900-TRADING) to ‘wide array of fundamental and tect- nical investment information on @ per- sonalized and real-time basis. At a cost of $4 per minute, it can provide a synthesis of market data from all na- tional, regional and foreign exchanges and detailed fundamental and tochni- ‘al information on all widely traded in- Yestment instruments, as well as sta tistical data_on money mark ‘economic indicators and other gens business information. ls are followed up by hard copy of any chans of statistics the customer has requested—dlivered by mall, to- letax or messenger. Mathew C. Harrington “Talking with one of our research associates is the unique way our ser- vice differs from what is currently avallable,"* Harrington explained. "You don’t talk to a computer or listen to a tape. You talk to @ person who helps you identify what you need and is able to give you the specific infor- mation you require. Its like having a Nibrary and esearch librarian available 10 you by phor Prior to founding 900 TRADING, Harrington was a trador on the CBOE. The new firm is located at 114 Wesi Kinzie Street, Chicago. January 1990

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