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ruled that quality can override quantity.

Whatever role a Jew assumes in Klal

Living for Others One true talmid chochom can have a tre-
mendous impact on the Jewish people
just by his own private learning in his
Yisroel, he should carry it out with much
thought as well as passion. Putting one’s
mind and heart into his actions shows
A Gadol’s Responsibility to Klal Yisroel home or bais medrash. true commitment to what he is doing.
All Jews should strive to be chachmei
mentioned in the context of his learning,
HAVE A HEART lev, to reach the full synthesis of mind
By Rav Moshe Shternbuch then sefasayim dovevos bekever, it is as Hashem tells Moshe Rabbeinu that and emotion in all they do.
if he is still alive and learning Torah in the workers he should find to construct •••••
The following was this world. Moshe Rabbeinu’s sugges- the Mishkan must be chachmei lev - Rabbi Travis is a rosh kollel of Kol-
written by Rabbi tion that he be removed from the Torah those who have “wisdom of heart.” In- lel Toras Chaim in Yerushalayim, and is
Daniel Yaakov Tra- was the greatest act of spiritual self- telligence is generally associated with the author of Shaylos U’Teshuvos Toras
vis based on a drasha sacrifice that a person could ever offer. the mind, so it is surprising to find it Chaim and “Praying With Joy - A Daily
given on leil Shabbos Moshe was ready to give up this possi- here connected with the heart. What is Tefilla Companion,” a practical daily
by Rav Moshe Shtern- bility for eternal reward throughout all the deeper meaning of this phrase? guide to improving one’s prayers, avail-
buch, Rosh Av Beis Din the generations in order to ensure the While using one’s mind is one of the able from Feldheim Publishers. Rav
of the Eidah Hacharei- perpetuation of the Jewish people. hallmarks of a Jew, it is not enough. We Shternbuch’s weekly shiurim on the par-
dis of Yerushalayim. In this light, the removal of Moshe must infuse our actions with emotion sha are now available as a sefer titled,
••••• Rabbeinu’s name from Parshas Tetza- and fervor as well. The combination of “A Voice in the Darkness.” For more
veh is an accolade and not a criticism. It chochmah and lev produces truly out- information about his work, contact dy-
ERASED FROM is a reminder of his great self-sacrifice, standing results.
THE TORAH and a lesson to all future Jewish lead-
“Why isn’t Moshe Rabbeinu’s name ers. Gedolei Yisroel must be willing to
mentioned in Parshas Tetzaveh? When follow suit and relinquish some of their
spiritual growth for the sake of Klal Yis-
Parshas Ki Sisa
Klal Yisroel sinned and Hashem threat-
ened to wipe them out, Moshe said, ‘If
You do so, then wipe me out from the
roel. Barrier-Free
Torah’ (Shemos 32:32). The Zohar (Pin-
A FATHER By Rabbi Aaron Fink
chos 286) explains that the curse of a OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE
chochom is fulfilled even if the condi- Moshe Rabbeinu taught us that a Jew- Chazal teach us that the enormous no longer worthy and needed a shield.
tions are not met. Therefore, Hashem ish leader must give himself over to the consequence of the chet ha’Eigel is felt They simply could not get as close to the
removed Moshe Rabbeinu from Par- people. A gadol is a father to Klal Yisro- by each generation. The immense trage- Shechinah as before.
shas Tetzaveh” (Baal Haturim, Shemos el and must fulfill his role accordingly. dy of this devastating sin is hard for us to However, just like Hakadosh Boruch
27:2). While he must be willing to sacrifice fathom. It changed Klal Yisroel forever, Hu commanded Moshe Rabbeinu, “Pe-
The words of the Zohar, as cited by himself for everyone’s needs, he must like a scar that never fully heals. As we sol lecha,” as a tikkun for the lost clarity
the Baal Haturim, are quite astounding. put in extra effort for those who cannot reflect on what we lost, one cannot help of Torah, Hashem Yisborach also provid-
Moshe Rabbeinu was moser nefesh to take care of themselves. but wonder, what would Klal Yisroel look ed a vehicle to somehow regain the close-
like had we not erred and is there any ness to Him that was lost. A fascinating
way to recapture that essence? semichas haparshiyos teaches us how.
We must infuse our actions with emotion and fervor. We know that following Hashem After Hakadosh Boruch Hu acquiesc-
Yisborach’s acceptance of Moshe Rab- es to Moshe’s bakasha for forgiveness,
defend the Jewish people, and agreed to Once, a local rov visited the great beinu’s entreaties on our behalf, Moshe Hashem Yisborach tells him, “Shemor le-
have his name wiped out from the To- gaon, Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzensky himself was told, “Pesol lecha,” carve cha es asher anochi metzavcha hayom.”
rah in order to ensure their perpetuation. zt”l. Rav Chaim asked him what he out new Luchos, “karishonim,” similar The Ribbono Shel Olam then restates the
Why was he punished for such a seem- considered the role of a Jewish leader. to the originals. Of course, they were not obvious: “Elokei maseichah lo saaseh
ingly noble act? The rov responded that such a person is exactly alike. Alas, they could not be, as loch - Do not make for yourselves false,
What makes this even more difficult obligated to worry about the kashrus, the reality of Am Yisroel had changed. barrier gods.” Still reeling from the chet
is that we find that the Zohar criticizes chinuch, mikvaos and eruvin of the town The new Luchos had to include the word ha’Eigel, this tzivui seems superfluous.
Noach for his lack of initiative in de- where he holds his position. tov, to help remind us that goodness is However, when placed in the context of
fending his generation. So much so that Dissatisfied with his answer, Rav
the Zohar calls the Mabul “mei Noach, Chaim Ozer pressed, “Is there anything
the waters of Noach.” Instead of con- else?” The rov thought for a minute, We must use the time to reawaken our neshamos.
demning Moshe Rabbeinu for his de- trying to think of any other halachic re-
fense of the Jewish people, the Torah sponsibilities that he might have omit-
only found in our spiritual endeavors. the very next posuk, we learn a major ye-
should praise him for his actions. ted. He could not think of anything else,
The original Luchos were intrinsically sod. The very next verse states, “Es Chag
We can understand Moshe Rab- and replied that this seemed to be it.
good. The essence of tov was not miss- Hamatzos tishmor,” as we are presented
beinu’s absence from Parshas Tetzaveh Rav Chaim told him that he had for-
ing; it just did not need to be written. The with the very first parshas hamoadim.
in a completely different light. Gedolei gotten one of his most important jobs
unblemished naaseh venishmah commu- Why now? Because the venue to reclaim
Yisroel, the Torah leaders of each gener- - to care for the orphans and widows
nity could see them for what they were, the kurvah lost by our building the Eigel
ation, are obligated to be moser nefesh, in his town. As the leader of his com-
the ideal gift from Hashem Yisborach. Maseichah is found through our connect-
to give up everything, for the sake of munity, it was the rov’s obligation to
They weren’t just good. They were per- ing with Hashem Yisborach at Yom Tov
Klal Yisroel. They must go out on a limb ensure that individuals who had no one
fect! There was clarity, identity and un- time. The moadim are a barrier-free meet-
for the Jewish people, even if it means to worry about them were taken care
derstanding. ing time to get close to Hakadosh Boruch
losing out in their own lives. of. Rav Chaim Ozer practiced what he
Nevertheless, with the acceptance of Hu. They are a power that we can harness
While this principle is certainly true taught and was known as the father of
Moshe’s tefillos, there was kapparah through the excitement and geshmak that
regarding sacrificing personal comfort, all orphans and widows in Klal Yisroel.
from on High. Hashem Yisborach gifted we invest and find in celebrating each
it even extends to spiritual endeavors.
PERSONAL ROLES us the opportunity to again find that same chag. When we harness the koach of the
Each day in Krias Shema, we proclaim
clarity, identity and understanding in To- Yomim Tovim and imbibe the spiritual en-
that we must serve Hashem with all of While it is a great privilege to have
rah. Only now it would come through the ergy each holiday gifts us, we can again
me’odechah, literally our possessions. the opportunity to give to the Jewish
force of pesol lecha - our personal effort feel Him in our lives. And potentially, we
The Chofetz Chaim explains that this people, each person must know what his
and yegiah baTorah. Indeed, through our can reach almost as close to the Ribbono
refers to that which is the most (me’od) personal role is. One Jew’s job might
own ameilus, we could strive to recreate Shel Olam as we did by Matan Torah.
important to us, namely, willingness to be to be involved with kiruv rechokim,
the original naaseh venishmah society. That is the power of Yom Tov. However,
make spiritual sacrifices for the sake of bringing back his brethren who have
However, the shattered Luchos repre- like the Luchos sheniyos, the maxim of
Klal Yisroel. strayed from the truth of Torah. A dif-
sented not only a breakdown in clarity of pesol lecha is at play. Indeed, to harness
While every Jew must be ready to ferent person’s role is to learn diligently
Torah, but a relationship lost. The Eigel the energy of the moadim, we need effort,
give up anything for the sake of the and become a talmid chochom.
“maseichah” that the Bnei Yisroel encir- focus and preparation so that the essence
Jewish people, for gedolei Yisroel, for- Taking the wrong role is a serious of-
cled in dance was, as its name implied, of each chag will permeate our soul.
going their personal growth for the sake fense. The Gemara in Maseches Eruchin
a maseichah - a mask or a barrier - to Shloshim yom kodem lachag is not
of the nation as a whole is part of their writes that a Levi who was meant to
kurvah with the Ribbono Shel Olam. As a limited to only halacha and ritual. We
essence. Willingness to sacrifice their sing, yet instead locked doors, or vice
result, middah kinegged middah, Moshe must use the time to reawaken our nesh-
own spiritual ascension shows that they versa, was obligated to be killed. Each
Rabbeinu was required to wear a mas- amos to Sinai and get closer to Him. With
are completely sincere and dedicated to person must take advice from rabbonim
veh, a veil, when transmitting Torah to the inspiration of Purim inside us, we are
their work; this is the litmus test wheth- as to which role is best suited for him.
Am Yisroel. So powerful were the rays of ready. Let us set our sights on the ch-
er they have truly given themselves over At first glance, the jobs that put a per-
spiritual luminescence emanating from odesh hageulah and prepare ourselves to
to Hashem’s will completely. son in the limelight and present opportu-
him that Am Yisroel needed protection plumb the spiritual opportunities Pesach
Chazal tell us that even when a per- nities to affect the masses seem the most
so they would not be harmed. They were offers. The time is now.
son leaves this world, if his name is attractive. The Chazon Ish, however,

19 Adar 5770 • March 5 2010 YATED NE’EMAN Page 61

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