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We Want To Work!

Please fill in this questionnaire to let us know what you think about Jobs for
Young People under 16

1/ What is your name? ……………………………………And age?.......................................

2/ What school do you go to?............................................

3/ Would you like to have a job? …………………………………

4/ If so, what kind of job(s) would you be interested in (please circle)?

From 13 upwards you can do the following kind of jobs:

Agricultural or horticultural work

Newspaper round

Job in a shop (including shelf stacking)


Office work

Car washing by hand in a private residential setting

Café or restaurant work

Riding stables work

Domestic work in hotels and B&B’s

5/ Did you know that young people aged 13 – 15 require a work permit to
work? …………………………………………………………

6/ If you were to get a part-time job, voluntary work or work experience

would you want it to be somewhere local?.................................................
Or, would you want it to be in the town?....................................................

7/ What do you think your parents would say about you having a part time

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