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Looking at the future of learning

January-June 2010 FREE

‘Hands-on’ learning Getting creative with

Taking a participatory What students think about new approaches
approach to teaching Assistive technologies
What is available and how might they be used
Learning in 3D in education?
Using 3D printers in education
Digital Britain, digital schools
Plus an interview with Tim Rylands, the Supporting the use of technology in the classroom
inspirational teacher renowned for his
use of computer games in the classroom Going green in the classroom
What impact do new ‘eco-schools’ have on learning
about the environment?
About Futurelab Welcome to
Futurelab is a not-for-profit organisation that
is dedicated to transforming teaching and
learning, making it relevant and engaging to
learners of all ages and backgrounds through
the use of innovative practice and technology.
We have a long track record of researching and
demonstrating innovative uses of technology to
enhance teaching and learning; of supporting
education practitioners to adopt new teaching
practices; influencing public policy in education;
and developing and publishing reports and digital
tools that have proved to be invaluable resources “It was completely liberating...we could have an idea, create
to policy makers and practitioners alike.
it and then hold it in our hands” is how Dr Adrian Bowyer,
For further information, go to engineer at the University of Bath, describes his response to
using a 3D printer in this magazine’s article about this
technology. Dr Bowyer went on to produce a version of the
printer that could reproduce itself – and so could offer this
How to stay in touch
same liberating experience to others at low cost – because he
Mailing list
To stay abreast of new thinking in education and inherently understood the value of ‘hands on’ learning.
to be kept informed about Futurelab’s activities And it is this subject that comes to the fore of many of the
(and, of course, to receive future editions or
further copies of this edition of VISION), go to articles in this edition of VISION... or email It is most apparent in the article that describes young people’s
Website experiences of an enquiry-based approach to the curriculum,
This and previous editions of VISION are available Futurelab’s Enquiring Minds. One student, Jade, brought her
to download free from the Futurelab website - studies on Jack the Ripper to life by enlisting her school’s art
department to soak a piece of leather in red paint (like evidence
Email found at a crime scene) and followed this with a talk on the
You can subscribe to Futurelab’s monthly methods of disembowelment used, illustrated with a 3D model
e-newsletter, with the latest news on our projects
borrowed from the Science Lab! This might seem gory but, for this girl, who has
and activities, and you can subscribe to inspirED,
an email update (three times per year) containing an enduring interest in unsolved mysteries, this hands-on approach helped
a collection of news and stories to inspire anyone to make the learning altogether more ‘real’. It’s something that many schools
interested in innovative approaches to teaching appreciate and, encouraged by the government to pursue a more ‘creative’
and learning. To do either or both, go to curriculum, they are busy exploring different ways of developing independent
learners, creative thinkers and able team-workers.
Take part in FLUX, a blog hosted by Futurelab One solution seems to be to adopt a participatory approach to teaching and
which offers the space to debate and discuss learning, where the whole class takes an active part in the learning process.
the latest in innovation and education - This is exemplified by Futurelab’s Fountaineers project which involved all 200
students and staff from a primary school in the design of an outdoor interactive
Twitter fountain. Sue Roberts, the school’s Headteacher, agrees that this approach to
You can tweet about VISION using @futurelabedu. learning is extremely powerful saying, in the article on this subject on page
11, that, “it was the collaborative, participative approach by staff and children
that was the most beneficial part of the project.” This article also explores how
1 Canons Road
E C EIV drama and role play can be used to bring a holistic approach to learning across
Bristol BS1 5UH R SIO N the curriculum - involving not only intellectual but emotional, social and physical
United Kingdom
E E learning. Patrice Baldwin, National Director of Drama for Learning and Creativity

tel: +44 (0)117 915 8200 (D4LC), sums up the power of this type of learning when she says: “If you’ve done
fax: +44 (0)117 915 8201 it through your body and with your emotions, you remember it.”
k for de
blog: abo But perhaps the final word on this subject should go to Jo Garnham, Operations
Twitter: @futurelabedu See Director with education consultancy Cape UK, who highlights the importance of
Registered charity 1113051
‘hands-on’ learning in the article on digital participation: “There are thousands
© Futurelab 2010. All rights reserved; Futurelab has an of children who simply aren’t excited by mainstream education, but you ask them
open access policy which encourages circulation of our to make a film and they’re learning maths by working out aspect ratios, timings,
work, including this magazine and its articles, under certain
conditions. For details, go to image resolution and scale ratios for animation – it’s amazing.” Yes, I agree. The
results really can be amazing, and I hope that this will become apparent through
VISION is supported by
the examples featured in this magazine. Enjoy!

Stephen Breslin
Chief Executive, Futurelab
'Hands-on' learning in
the classroom 11
We explore the potential for ‘hands-on’ approaches
to learning such as drama and role play to support
learning across the curriculum.

Regular features Learning in 3D

3D printers are becoming less expensive and so
more accessible to schools. This article looks at
what is actually available, how much they cost, and
what benefits they can bring to classroom learning.
Getting creative with

Technology update
Enquiring Minds is an enquiry-based approach
From a neckband that converts
nerve signals into speech through
05 to the curriculum. We ask the pupils from one
of these schools what they think of it.

to dome-shaped TV screens,
we look at some of the exciting
Interview with Tim Rylands
technologies that could make
the leap from innovative novelties
for pioneers to cornerstones VISION finds out what is behind the success of
of modern life for the masses. this inspirational teacher, renowned for his use
of computer games in the classroom.

Going green in the classroom

How much influence do newly built ‘eco- schools’
have on the way children engage with green issues,
and how can ‘normal’ schools make green issues
part of their everyday teaching?
Getting creative
VISION celebrates those that 22 Assistive technologies
don’t always take the safe route,
but instead are committed to
trying something truly creative
and innovative.
in education
For learners with disabilities, assistive technology
can have a profound impact. VISION looks at what is
available, and how accessible they are to learners.
Digital Britain, digital schools
A round-up of events relating
to innovation, education and
technology that are taking
place in the first half of 2010.
26 In an increasingly digital world, how might schools
support young people to not only use but to create
their own content, using a range of digital media?
Learning in 3D

Imagine that you can link A 3D printer can be used to produce alongside other technologies such as laser
components designed in 3D software that cutting, offer a simple means to change
a printer to your PC but, would traditionally be made by starting this. As more people spend significant
instead of just printing with a solid block of material and then time adapting commercial products to
machining away the excess. The printer suit their personal needs, then we will
sheets of paper, it makes creates a solid object by building it up in see more custom-designed objects being
real physical objects. This slices with thin layers of material being manufactured. The ability to distribute
deposited on top of each other. Typical design data in the way that we share music
technology is here and can machines use a molten form of the files will also enhance the possibilities of
thermoplastic, acrylonitrile butadiene manufacturing on demand.
be – and is being - used by styrene (ABS) to construct the layers,
schools. Ideas and designs creating a finished object in solid plastic. These fast-paced developments offer
exciting opportunities for education.
created by students can be The technology has created a wave of Most schools run 3D computer-aided
excitement amongst people who want to design (CAD) software including the freely
transformed into a product make their own products such as mobile available Google SketchUp, and so students
that they can touch, hold phone cases, coat hooks or even car wing already have data that can be used with
mirrors. Toby Borland, a researcher at the 3D printers. There are two different routes
and pass around. University of East London’s SMARTlab, for schools and colleges who want to print
runs workshops where designers, artists in 3D.
Whilst 3D printing has been around and architects can try out their designs by
for some time in industrial design and manufacturing prototypes. The first option is a commercial, off-the-
prototyping, the price and complexity shelf 3D printer that is easy to operate and
has made it the preserve of commercial He points to the huge array of 3D design can print high quality products. However
applications. Now, thanks to advances in ideas created and shared on the web via these printers are expensive to buy, costing
technology and falling costs, it is finding communities such as Thingiverse and upwards of £15,000, and with high raw
a place in education as an important tool Google 3D Warehouse. Until now very few material costs of around £300 per kilogram.
in design and technology teaching. have been manufactured but 3D printing, The price has made them too expensive
Learning in 3D

Sheffield Hallam University

for most schools to purchase but a to understand what the product is going
government-funded network of 3D printers to do. They can then take that information
has been established across the country. and redevelop it,” says Lee.
The printers are available in nine regional
support centres, and schools can use Alan Patterson is working with schools
them for one-off projects or on a regular across London offering consultancy on
basis. The support centres have a brief to 3D printing. Last year, as Head of Design
encourage use of the printers so they are and Technology (D&T) at John Kelly
generally free to use, and a range of advice Boys’ School, he used 3D printing with
and training is also on offer. A-level and BTEC engineering students.
“Students are often trying to make quite
John Lee at Sheffield Hallam University’s complex products and traditional tools
Centre for Design and Technology Education such as lathes, drills and CNC (computer
manages one of the support centres and numerical controlled) milling can be quite


hosts a printer manufactured by Dimension. limiting in terms of shape. 3D printing students do not become very sophisticated
He says that offering the 3D printer to allowed our students to achieve a higher users of the software as they come here
schools as a central resource works well. It level of sophistication – enabling them on small and infrequent projects. We don’t
means it is used for the right applications, to think more freely because they could charge schools to print products because
and the centre is able to build up knowledge manufacture anything they could design,” we want to encourage them to use it, but
of what 3D printing can offer. says Patterson. it is expensive. Small items such as a case
for a USB stick cost up to £2 each to print,”
For some projects, a product might be “The students can now talk in more depth he says.
designed and made by more conventional about strength, rigidity and flexibility
means but with an integral part being because they can see the outcome. They The second and more affordable option for
produced by the 3D printer. For example, can see that a product might break or that the schools is to use the RepRap (short for
a project with older pupils involved using it is not as rigid as it should be,” he says. Replicating Rapid-prototyper); a machine
the 3D printer to create a complex part to that can largely reproduce itself by printing
hold a knife blade in place in a scalpel. Schools in Nottingham have access to most of its own component parts. The
a 3D Dimension printer run by the city’s RepRap was developed at the University of
Sixth-form students studying CAD have e-Learning Centre. Jamie Tinney, who Bath by Dr Adrian Bowyer and instructions
been using the machine to produce small manages the printer, says he is concerned on how to build it yourself for less than
prototype cycle components. “Printing a that students and teachers are not closely £500 are available free online via open
product in 3D very quickly gives students involved enough with the technology. “It source software. Ready-built versions are
a sense of feel, fit and sense. The physical makes sense to share a 3D printer because available at around £750 and the cost of the
manifestation and the scale help students of the high capital cost but it means that raw material is only £40 per kilogram.


Learning in 3D

“When we first acquired a 3D printer it was “Heath Robinson appearance” but he

completely liberating. As engineers, we argues that its design is a great learning
could have an idea, create it on screen and aid. In contrast to the high-end machines
then hold it in our hands. It allowed us to that come in a sealed box, students can
do so much more and to imagine so much see exactly how it operates and are able
more,” says Bowyer. to control and alter its parameters. It uses
a range of plastic filaments as the raw
Bowyer’s team then designed a 3D printer material and, in the future, schools will be
that could make the parts to create another able to use the RapMan with materials such
printer. The concept of a machine that can as soft resins to print textile patches onto
reproduce itself has caught the imagination clothes or to print with chocolate for use
of engineers, designers and educators in food technology applications.
around the world with RepRaps now being
built and used on all continents. Dave White, Head of D&T at Clevedon
School in North Somerset is using
“We wanted as many people as possible to the RapMan on a project with Year 12
have access to the technology and the first design students about product analysis,
generation of the RepRap machine offered creating prototypes of products such as
affordable 3D printing to all sorts of people. moulded plugs.
You have to buy a few standard parts like the new machine will be printable by the
electronic chips but once you have, you can Although the RapMan enables schools to old machine. It will work with more raw
create a new machine,” explains Bowyer. afford 3D printing, White warns that the materials, mix materials to create different
technology does require lots of effort and characteristics, and print in silicone rubber
A small engineering company, Bits From enthusiasm from the teaching staff. He as well as plastics to create rigid plastic
Bytes, has taken the RepRap design and makes use of web-based forums to share objects with rubber parts embedded.
offers both a self-build option and a ready- information with other teachers and has
built machine, the RapMan, to schools and created a set of teaching resources to use Most importantly, the new machine will
colleges. It is targeted at those who want the printer with Pro/Engineer software. print products with embedded electrical
their own 3D printer but are short of funds. circuits. Bowyer says that his team has this
It has seen huge take-up in the last few A second generation RepRap machine is working experimentally and are close to
months, selling into around 200 schools. about to be released by Dr Bowyer and his releasing designs for the RepRap machine
team. The machine will be easier to build, that will do the same. “Once we can print
Bits From Bytes engineer Ian Adkins smaller and more portable but with the electrical circuits then we will be able to
acknowledges that the RapMan has a ability to print bigger objects. And of course create products even more simply,” he says.
Sheffield Hallam University

Bits from Bytes - and

RepRap, the Replicating Rapid-

prototyper -

SMARTlab Digital Media Institute -

Thingiverse, digital designs for physical

objects -

Dimension 3D printers -

CAD/CAM in schools -
Technology update

Technology update
This section offers a round-up of some of the exciting technologies that could make the leap from innovative
novelties for pioneers to cornerstones of modern life for the masses. Could these technologies revolutionise
our everyday lives? You decide…


Microsoft Research
Vicon - Oxford Metrics Group
Multitasking remote Big Brother’s little
control brother
A new type of remote control – that Soon you will be able to record your
combines pointing capability with every move and never forget precious
keyboard entry – has been unveiled by moments, thanks to a new camera that
Panasonic. The wireless Easy Touch is worn around the neck. Originally
Remote Controller offers both “tangible and intuitive” interactions developed by Microsoft Research to jog the memories of people
by using sensors to recognise and interpret users’ gestures and with Alzheimer’s disease, the ViconRevue (which has been licensed
orientation. With a ‘Grab n Go’ feature (which means that it is to Oxford-based motion-capture technology company Vicon), takes
automatically switched on when picked up), it is currently tailored pictures automatically as often as once every 30 seconds and uses
towards multimedia applications such as flicking though photos an accelerometer and light sensors to snap an image when a person
or resizing images. enters a new environment. ViconRevue is currently available for the
medical industry to aid people with memory loss.

Ambient Corporation
Brother Industries, Ltd.

Seeing is believing Speak your mind

Brother Industries, known for its printers, A technology previously used to allow
claims to have developed a new portable wheelchair users to control movements
technology that projects images directly with only their thoughts is being trialled
onto your retina. Still at prototype stage, to give people who are unable to speak a
it takes the form of glasses mounted voice. The Audeo, developed by Ambient
with a projector that focuses light onto the retina and then moves the Corporation, is a neckband that picks up nerve signals from the vocal
light at high speed so that images projected onto the retina appear as cords and translates them into computerised speech. But users
if they are actually in front of the wearer. Brother also claims that this needn’t worry about the technology voicing their inner thoughts –
Retinal Imaging Display (RID) can be used without fear of damage to they need to think specifically about saying words in order for them
your eyesight, as the light is very weak and safe. to be picked up.
C Matthias Heyde/Fraunhofer FIRST

Flat TV screens: a thing Finding music just

of the past? got easier
The research institution Fraunhofer has Internet giant Google has launched a new
recently unveiled what it hopes will be feature that incorporates previews of
the future of television, the Immersive audio files when you search for an artist,
Dome. Similar to the screens used at album, or song using the search engine –
planetariums, it uses six projectors to generate images on the interior allowing you to actually hear the music with less clicks of the mouse.
of a dome-shaped screen and claims to put “viewers at the heart of the It is currently estimated that music-related searches make up around
action”. Initial plans for this new technology include it being used in 6% of the total queries on Google, so this is expected to be a runaway
theme parks, simulators, multimedia installations and home cinema. hit with internet users.

Want to stay abreast of new developments? Updated three times per year, inspirED ( is a collection of online news
and stories to inspire anyone interested in innovation in education. To subscribe to email updates, go to
Getting creative with curriculum

Getting creative
with curriculum:
what do

He is not the only one who believes that

Steve Moseley takes his job very seriously, although this enquiry-based approach to curriculum
his manner is never anything but relaxed. As Head has made a difference; so do his students.
“Enquiring Minds is like a unique lesson.
of KS4 at Ashton Park School in Bristol he has You can walk into Enquiring Minds and
know that you are not going to have the
overseen a rise in GCSE results from 38% A* to C same thing every week. You are presented
with things that you can do, but you’re not
in 2006, to 68% in 2009. But results are not the only made to do them,” explains Jade, a Year 9
thing that have given him pride in his work over pupil at the school who, in common with
all students, took part in Enquiring Minds
this period, he has also been responsible for the lessons for three 50 minute periods per
week throughout the previous year.
introduction of a new way of learning into the school.
“When we first started Enquiring Minds it
He got involved in Enquiring Minds, a fresh approach was pretty hard for everyone because they
were not used to working so independently,
to teaching and learning developed by Futurelab, they were used to teachers telling them,
because he wanted, “to get kids excited about ‘you’ve got to do this, you’ve got to do that,’
otherwise you’re going to get told off. But
learning” and he is certain that it has helped pupils’ with this, you have to do it on your own. At
first no one was actually used to having to
enthusiasm and confidence to increase. “You can work on their own all the time. Near the
end it got a lot easier because they had
see it,” he asserts, “it’s tangible.”
Getting creative with curriculum

got used to what they had to do and how

they had to do it,” says Harvey. However,
this move to working independently was
a rating of 1 to 5 on elements such as
vocabulary used, clarity and design -
although always with an explanation of
What is
achieved gradually, as his classmate, Josh, why a mark was given and how a higher
explains. “We did three big projects, we
did more and more work each time. We
one could be achieved. “People didn’t
feel that they had to give a 5 because it
had groups of four, then groups of two so was their mate,” Jade assures, “With
we did half each, and then we did one big
project on our own.”
Enquiring Minds you could give them a 1
then say, look, if you do this, this and this
then next time I’ll give you a 5. You didn’t
Developing independent study skills wasn’t feel pressured because it was your mate Enquiring Minds, developed by
the only effect, as Cameron (Cam) explains. standing up the front.” Futurelab and funded by Microsoft,
“It wasn’t all fun and games. It was a nice explores how students’ ideas, interests
atmosphere in the room. Even the naughty Despite the production of individual enquiry and experiences can inform the
kids got on with their work. Even I got on projects, students helping each other with teaching and learning in schools. At a
with my work, and that’s what made it ideas and positive criticism is core to the time of curriculum reform in primary
good. It was a break from ‘Do this. Do that.’ whole approach of Enquiring Minds. They
and secondary schools, it provides
In Enquiring Minds it was ‘Cam, you might appreciated having others offering ideas,
guidance and research to help support
be able to do this. You could do that.’” and supporting their development, but
schools through this process of
also how it made them gel, often working
change. Enquiring Minds shows how
Choice was an aspect of Enquiring Minds with people outside their usual group. “At
schools can develop enquiry-based
that the students particularly liked. Not the end of Year 8,” believes Harvey, “we
approaches to the curriculum, teaching
only for the topic they studied but also for were stronger as a group.” At an individual
how they demonstrated their learning. level it also boosted their ability to work and learning, and offers a range of
guidance, research evidence and
resources for educators.
YOU CAN DO THINGS ON YOUR OWN” and a FREE guide, go to

“I had five ideas about how I could do it: independently, as he goes on to explain,
I could make a model, which I did; I could “It gives you extra confidence that you
make a PowerPoint; I could make can do things on your own. That you don’t
a slideshow; I could write loads of words, always need the teacher there with you.”
like a fat essay saying about it. I reckon
that’s the thing, you get to choose what one With several of them choosing to present
you would rather do,” says Cam. “You could their new-found knowledge to the class
be more creative,” Harvey adds. they sometimes moved into the role of
teacher themselves. “It makes you feel
Jade was certainly creative for her project smart because you’re the only person who
on Jack the Ripper which she chose due knows anything about it, and you know
to her interest in unsolved mysteries. Not all the answers to all the questions. It
only did she do a PowerPoint presentation, makes you feel in charge of everything,”
she also enlisted the Art Department to thinks Josh. Or as Amy put it, “You feel
soak a piece of leather in red paint, like like a teacher.”
evidence found at a crime scene, and
followed this with a talk on the methods of As working relationships and roles within
disembowelment used, illustrated with a the class shifted, so the relationship with
3D model borrowed from the Science Lab. teachers also changed. Trust is key. “With
Some more conventional projects chosen Enquiring Minds you are trusted. You think,
by other students include waste from ‘They are going to trust me to get on with
supermarket packaging, erosion (which this’. The relationship was a lot better,
was chosen after building a sand castle at because they are putting the effort in, and
the beach and watching the effect of the if you put effort in too, you know the
wind on it), and cancer (where the student’s teachers are going to respect you for it,”
grandfather had died of the disease). explains Jade.

Students were also involved in evaluating It was taught as a discrete, timetabled

each other’s work. A standard format lesson, but is it a way of working that could
was agreed for providing feedback, giving be adopted across the school? Whilst there
Getting creative with curriculum

was general agreement that teachers could that a small number of teachers have the kind of approach to a more creative
give students greater responsibility for begun to use this approach in their curriculum that the 2008 reform of the
their work, it was also felt, as Harvey puts subject teaching. National Curriculum for secondary schools
it, that: “they don’t have the environment.” in England and many reports, including
Jade adds that the approach can’t be used, The enthusiasm for what had been an the recent Rose review, suggest schools
“if you haven’t got choice.” As she explains: integral part of the curriculum for all should be pursuing. If Cam had his way,
“With Enquiring Minds you are given an Year 8 pupils was obvious, with teachers they certainly would. “Enquiring Minds is
option on how you learn. With English and and students perceiving Enquiring a lesson that should be in every school
Maths you are not given an option on how Minds materials as a valuable resource in England. And all over the world,”
you learn.” However, research has shown for supporting curriculum change. It is he enthuses.

Enquiring Minds: Enquiring Minds:

A new report Getting started
A new report from the Enquiring Minds The Enquiring Minds guide - which provides
project ‘Innovative approaches to detailed information about the Enquiring
curriculum reform', is now available. With Minds philosophy, a description of the
a series of case studies from schools that project, and practical advice and tips about
have been involved in attempts to change how to use the Enquiring Minds approach
their curriculum, it synthesises some of in the classroom – is available to download
the main research findings emerging from FREE from the Enquiring Minds website
the project. Throughout, the report focuses (printed copies are also available on
on what it might mean to change the request).
curriculum, and explains the consequences
of doing so in the case study schools

To download a copy, go to
Getting creative with curriculum

Enquiring Minds activity: Through someone else’s eyes

Connecting with aspects of students’
that area, eg pupil, parent, ex-pupil, town
planner, local policeman, bus driver,
– How might the local environment affect
your students on their journey to and
interests and experiences and encouraging local shopkeeper. from school?
them to examine those things from different
perspectives, in order to better understand
the forces that shape their world, can
Now take a walk around your chosen local
area. Take a digital camera with you.
– What themes or areas of study do these
images and discussions suggest you
be challenging. should explore with students?

This activity allows teachers to explore

– Stop at various points.
This exercise can also be extended with
the familiar area around their school from
different perspectives and think about how
– Take a photograph of each point
you stop at.
pupils. Take them out so that they can take
their own photographs, show them the
others in the community, including the photographs you have taken and discuss
students they teach, might be affected by
it. It could support teachers in connecting
– Atseeeach point consider what you might
from the perspectives of the people
with them what they see and how that place
makes them feel. Plot photographs onto
with their students and planning enquiry you have chosen. a local area map and do some emotion
activities with their experiences as the mapping with the pupils eg ask them to
starting point. – Record your thoughts. colour the map according to how each
particular area makes them feel. This gives
Suggested activity Back in school students an opportunity to share their
You will be taking a walk around an area thoughts, ideas and experiences and can
close to the school and considering it from
the perspective of your students and others.
– Examine the pictures you have taken. provide an insight into issues and themes
worth exploring further.

Before you start, agree an area to walk

– How does the local area affect each
person you were thinking about? For more exercises like this, go to
around and a selection of people through
whose eyes you would like to consider professionaldevelopment.pdf.

Lifting the Myst

Lifting the Myst

Tim Rylands used to be a primary school teacher in North Somerset
but he is more famous for his use of computer games, particularly
Myst, to engage learners in the classroom. However, his use of games
is really just the tip of the iceberg - his innovative approach to teaching
is much celebrated, and now he spends some of his time inspiring
others to take a similar approach. VISION went to meet him when he
delivered a day-long ICT seminar to primary schools in Kent...
It has been an intense day but there is no create a fictional creature we’ve dubbed interactive technologies half way. “It is still
sign that Rylands is powering down - his the ‘Camelephantelopelicanary’ using too often the case that youngsters have to
eagerness to share insights and celebrate Switcheroo Zoo – but they then go out and power-down when they come into school.
the achievement of the young people with about in the school grounds searching That said, I do not want the schools I work
whom he and his co-presenter Sarah Neild for evidence of this creature.” Rylands’ in to be misrepresented here. I am very
have the privilege of working is profound: former musical writing days means that resistant to the idea that we are parachuted
“We get to travel the country seeing magic he describes this creature in a rather into schools to help them. What is so
happen.” By way of example, he plays a unique way: “A strange and wonderful encouraging is working alongside teachers
recording of a teenager at a Monmouthshire thing; its body is really quite shoddy – it’s and pupils that are entirely ‘up’ for what
pupil referral unit (PRU) reading a piece all held together with string,” setting a we have to offer and are able to see the
of writing inspired by a seascape in Myst challenge that is both engaging and fun. benefits they can get from raising levels
IV. The boy’s account is a fabulous piece of He points to an image of children in pith of creativity.”
writing by anyone’s standards - expressive, helmets proudly holding up some curious
descriptive and reflective - but what really finds: “This group has found part of the The conversation does inevitably end on
sets it alight are his final astonished words: animal's hump. And here you see them the subject of Myst, acknowledging the fact
“I didn’t know I could write like that - I’m putting to use what African Wildlife Safari that it can take a small investment of time
totally proud of that!” taught them; filming each other using for a teacher to become familiar with it.
handheld devices plus sending the results But, as Rylands points out: “I can think of
Currently Rylands spends about a third of simultaneously from their mobile phones less pleasant kinds of class preparation.
his time teaching in schools around the to their classmates back inside the building And, when teachers are glued to the game
country, with the rest spent with teachers using Qik software.” All proof positive of his and supposed to be elsewhere, they can
supporting them in their work. His current belief in the co-existence of on- and off-line always respond with ‘but I am doing my
enthusiasm is for the Wii simulation game tools to support learning. planning, dear!’.”
African Wildlife Safari: “It casts children
in the role of photojournalists touring Another digital resource he often uses
the Serengeti National Park in search of is Fighting Malaria website with its 360
interesting animals and animal behaviour. degree tours of a Malawian clinic. (It
In addition to the challenge to observe
and capture interesting action, children
is an important issue in his life, having
contracted the disease twice during his
have access to scientific experts providing time in Africa.) But Rylands is careful not
explanations of what is going on such as to let the technology, particularly games, Tim Rylands’ blog -
elephants’ tendency to form a defensive take over proceedings: “Although I am
circle around their young.” using games, I always encourage teachers
not to introduce them as such and do Fighting Malaria -
He illustrates his description with images the simple thing of having them opened
of sessions at Chew Magna Primary, the up in advance so that nothing interrupts
school where he last taught full-time. children’s absorption into whatever world Qik -
The pictures demonstrate another crucial it is they’re faced with. The idea in part is
tenet of his philosophy that teachers need to get children away from issues of plot African Wildlife Safari -
to be able to dovetail high- and low-tech and into a frame of mind to consider much
approaches in their teaching. “I am keen more engaging matters.” EOCMwcSLfkoaFB2bzPGKWs9y3
that both digital and analogue should vsu3CBA
co-exist. Here,” he says, pointing at the If he is certain of one thing, it is that it is
pictures, “you see children that have incumbent on schools and teachers to meet Switcheroozoo -
spent time on virtual safari and who then children and young people’s enthusiasm for
'Hands-on' in the classroom

When this kind of approach is supported

In today’s shifting education climate, few people by new technology, which excites and
would assert that a teacher standing in front of a engages many children, it helps to draw
them in further. New technology, for
class is the only, or even the most, effective way instance, was at the heart of Fountaineers,
a collaborative project between Luckwell
of helping children to learn. Encouraged by the Primary School in Bristol, Stakeholder
Design and Futurelab. The aim was to
government to pursue a more “creative” curriculum, design a new ’intelligent fountain’ for the
school playground, which, using a range
in both primary and secondary schools, teachers of sensors, could respond to the behaviour
of people around it – for instance, the water
are exploring different ways of developing starts to gush if a child runs past it at
speed. Pupils led the project themselves,
independent learners, creative thinkers and able deciding what they wanted the fountain
to do, how it should look and where it
team-workers. A participatory approach to learning should be placed, learning to use some
is increasingly coming to the fore, where the whole new computer programming tools in
the process.
class works as a team and the teacher learns
“They were asking the teachers questions
alongside the pupils, taking the role of a guide – like, how does a sensor work? – and we
didn’t always have the answers,” says Sue
or facilitator, while pupils take responsibility for Roberts, the Headteacher. “Teachers and
children were exploring together and the
important aspects of decision making. teachers were learners too.”
'Hands-on' in the classroom

Because this was a whole-school project, curriculum to be more skills-based, that participatory
the children worked in mixed-age groups, giving the children more opportunity to learning based
which had social as well as educational tell us what they want to learn about and around what children
benefits, Sue Roberts says. Children were giving them more control of their learning.” are interested in is enormously valuable.
teaching other children, which reinforced Drama, she believes, provides an ideal
their own learning, and even those with Drama and role play – both championed context: “If you look at what children were
mild behaviour problems proved adept at in the recent Rose review of the primary doing before they set foot in a school, they
working with younger children. curriculum – can be a powerful tool in were creating imagined worlds – often


“We’ve ended up with a lovely fountain, supporting a hands-on, participative with other children, sometimes with
with lots of possibilities, but it was the approach to learning. Patrice Baldwin, an empathetic adult. Schools do well
collaborative, participative approach by staff Director of Drama for Learning and not to ignore this kind of emotionally-
and children that was the most beneficial Creativity (D4LC), a joint initiative by engaged learning – it is part of the way
part of the project,” says Sue Roberts. Norfolk County Council Children’s in which children rehearse and learn
“Partly as a result, we’ve redesigned our Services and National Drama, agrees being successful.”
'Hands-on' in the classroom

In school, a whole class can create an One of the strengths of the drama-based on techniques used by actors in rehearsal
imagined world together, “agreeing to approach is that the imagined situation so that, for instance, physical work on
suspend disbelief and keep a pretend lifts children out of themselves and archetypes led by the Globe’s movement
world going, with the teacher in role too,” compels them to put themselves in specialist might be used to help pupils
Baldwin continues. If you are studying someone else’s shoes, helping to develop engage with a piece of Shakespeare,
the rainforest, for instance, and you want a sense of empathy. It is also a holistic looking at how characters behave and
the children, “to care about it, not just approach to learning, involving not only how they change.
be vaguely interested,” she advocates intellectual but emotional, social and
setting up an imaginary community of physical learning. “If you’ve done it through The Globe is also working on literacy with
people and presenting them with a threat your body and with your emotions, you primary schools in Southwark, using the
to rainforest life which they have to solve remember it,” says Baldwin. “It’s alive – you story of King Lear. Pupils take the role
together. The teacher facilitates, drawing can be in the moment. It’s not just page 16, of ‘retirement consultants’ who have to
on drama techniques such as ‘hot-seating’ then page 17.” advise the wayward and irascible king and
(where someone in role as a character try to solve his problems. “Working in role
sits in the ‘hot-seat’ and the class asks Many schools use drama and learning helps children to access language, make
them questions) or ‘freeze frames’ (silent ‘through the body’ as a way of trying to decisions and engage with characters,”
tableaux where children are asked to bring texts to life and get inside character. says Fiona Banks, Head of Learning and
represent characters at a significant The Globe Theatre in London does this Teaching Practice at Globe Education. “It’s
moment) to further children’s thinking, in a highly specialised way in its ‘Lively a very liberating and a very quick way of
but the outcome is determined by the Action’ workshops for primary, secondary working, where you are immediately in a
children themselves. and college students. These sessions draw situation which is very detailed.”
'Hands-on' in the classroom

Working ‘in role’ lies at the heart of Mantle “I think they’ll remember it, because of truly multi-dimensional learning
of the Expert, a drama strategy pioneered doing it, as if they really were that person. experiences for all”.
by Dorothy Heathcote and now becoming They’re so wrapped up in it they almost
very popular in primary and secondary forget they are learning. There are no Technology can be harnessed to encourage
schools across the country. Mantle of the issues of discipline – they just love it.” risk taking and propel young people into
Expert involves a whole class taking on the new and imagined worlds. Imitating the
role of high status ‘experts’ in a particular Drama can also be used to stimulate dog is an experimental theatre company
area, and being given a challenge or the exploration of science-based which makes creative use of film and
problem to solve. Pupils are fully immersed controversies, as required by the How video in its own productions, and in its
in role, and take on different jobs to Science Works components of science workshops introduces sixth-formers
address the problem, taking forward their GCSE courses. Gordon Poad, Director of to blue-screen technology as a part of
own learning as they do so, with the Cap-a-Pie Associates, a drama-in-learning drama. In a workshop on The Tempest,
teacher, also in role, acting as guide and organisation based in County Durham, for example, students create a short film
co-worker. has developed a ‘Dramatic Enquiry’ of themselves on a storm-tossed boat
method, combining drama in education and then perform in front of it, echoing
One of the strengths of this approach is with philosophy, which gives learners or counteracting movements in the film.
that it lends itself not only to literacy, but a compelling, imagined motivation for The approach is ideal for the classroom,
to subjects right across the curriculum. engaging with philosophical enquiry. requiring only projector, projection screen
Jane Smith, advanced skills teacher at and camera, and the company is now
Kingstone School in Barnsley, teaches For instance, in a project by Thistley Hough running workshops to help teachers
cultural studies (history, geography, RE, High School in Stoke-on-Trent and Cap-a- make best use of the equipment.
ICT and drama) to Year 7 and 8 pupils Pie Associates in association with Creative


and has become a passionate advocate Partnerships, Year 9 pupils were given the “It’s a method which allows you to
of Mantle of the Expert, after specialist imagined scenario of a world crisis in the experiment a lot and you don’t have to
training. In a project last year, with Creative near future, when a law is passed requiring find a location,” says Simon Wainwright,
Partnerships, pupils were given the task of all 16 year-olds to report for genetic co-founder of imitating the dog. “There’s
producing resources to teach others from screening, as a means of eradicating a magical element to it – you can see
Year 7 ‘what it means to be Jewish’. The disease. One girl has evaded the screening yourself in other landscapes. It’s another
project stemmed from a novel, The Boy in programme and has been brought to tool to create a world.”
Striped Pyjamas, but fed into a range of trial, in what is seen as a test case: in
subjects such as maths, history, RE and the Dramatic Enquiry, pupils created and Teachers may need some initial help
ICT, as the pupils arranged visits to a local enacted this trial, to explore the science of from drama practitioners and/or
Jewish museum, designed websites and genetic diseases and the ethical dilemmas technology specialists to get them started
hosted a Jewish cookery programme. Much surrounding them. on these kinds of activities. But teachers
of the work was supported by technology, who can embrace the new creative
with pupils filming their cookery and using Many subject departments were involved opportunities for participatory learning
handheld video cameras to record evidence in the project and Poad believes its major in the curriculum will find themselves,
and interview people in the museum. achievement was in getting pupils and alongside their pupils, on a rich learning
teachers “to work outside their comfort journey, building new worlds within the
Pupils’ understanding of ‘Jewishness’ zones and departmental boundaries, to four walls of the classroom.
was deepened by the project, Smith says. take risks and to be creative in developing
Jane Smith
Mantle of the Expert 'Hands-on' in the classroom

Useful websites
Fountaineers -

Drama for Learning and Creativity -

Globe Education -

Mantle of the Expert -

These photographs document a class of
Year 2/3 in 2005 working as an expert team
of archaeologists uncovering the tomb of Creative Partnerships -
Queen Boudicca at the site of an ancient
Iceni village.
Cap-a-Pie Associates -
The children acted out the burial of
Queen Boudicca with her daughters, and
the discovery of the tomb 2000 years later imitating the dog -
by an archeological team.

A new ‘hands-on’
mobile exhibition
SPARK is an exciting new mobile exhibition
from Futurelab which is designed to
showcase new and emerging technologies
that can support innovative practice in
education. The exhibition brings together
a range of technologies from a variety
of organisations to provide a hands-on
experience that supports practitioners to
explore and interact with the technologies
and consider how they can be used in
the classroom. SPARK features both
current technologies that have been used
in the classroom as well as emerging
technologies that have the potential
to support learning. Each exhibit is
accompanied by further information that
illustrates its relevance to education and
suggests ways of using it for learning
and teaching.

For further information, go to
Going green in the classroom

Going green in
the classroom
Sustainability plays an important role in modern life and education is
no different. In 2004 the government announced its Building Schools for
the Future programme, which aims to rebuild or refurbish all secondary
schools by 2020 and includes an aim “to minimise their carbon
footprint”. But how much influence do these newly built ‘eco-schools’
have on the way children engage with green issues? And how do ’normal’
schools make green issues part of their everyday teaching?

Children are naturally interested in their Kingsmead Primary School in Northwich, a ‘biomass’ boiler – which is fuelled by
environment. Schools have recognised this Cheshire, is a good example of a school wood pellets rather than gas, coal or oil -
fact and have built green issues into their that does support outdoor learning. The heats the school.
lessons and extra-curricular activities. school’s grounds encourage children to
Environmental charities such as the Royal spend much of their time outside. It has an For Catriona Stewart, Headteacher at
Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) ‘Eco-Walk’, made of willow domes, a pond, Kingsmead, teaching about the environment
offer support to schools (they, for example, a kitchen garden and orchard plants that is extremely important: “There needs to be
employ 160 people to deliver their education provide vegetables and fruit for healthy a strong ethical and moral dimension to
work to around 10,000 schools throughout school dinners. The school has also planted education and learning, if you want to have
the UK). The Society’s education team offers hundreds of trees which will eventually a moral and ethical electorate when they
schools visits to their 40 nature reserves, provide a habitat for wildlife and shade for grow up,” she says. “Our mission statement
and runs a number of hands-on projects the children. is caring for ourselves, other people and
including the Big Schools’ Bird Watch which our environment - and everything we do
invites children to keep a record of the birds Indeed the school’s eco-friendly in our school is measured against those
that they observe on their school grounds. construction was designed with the three things.”
environment in mind. Opened in 2004 and
But their main concern is that children designed by Bristol-based agency White Extra-curricular activities include the
don’t get enough chance to experience Design, its eco-friendly features include a popular Environment Club where pupils
nature first-hand. “The RSPB believes that butterfly-shaped roof with a central valley tend to the gardens, harvest potatoes, fruit
all children have the right to experience the gutter which collects rainwater to flush and vegetables, weave the willow domes
natural environment,” says Andy Simpson, the toilets and a sustainable urban water and look at the biodiversity in the school
Head of Youth and Education for the RSPB. drainage system. Its classrooms have tall grounds. There is also an eco-group which
“The problem is that our subject driven windows and roof lights which provide gives pupils a voice on how the school
education system has moved away from plenty of natural daylight and reduce the can be run in a more sustainable way. It
out-of-classroom learning.” need for electric lighting. Up to 15% of its comprises an elected group of children
electricity is supplied by solar panels, while from Key Stage 2 as well as a teacher,
Going green in the classroom

a member of the administration team, a The students’ feedback on the new school
parent and a governor. It also includes the has been very positive according to Richard
school’s road safety and recycling officers. Woods, Senior Associate Director at Capita
Architecture in Cardiff. The pupils’ GCSE
Pupils can also bring in their own results have improved since it was rebuilt
suggestions for green activities. For and, in 2007, it was ranked number one in
example, they came up with the idea to the league table of secondary schools that
introduce bird feeders to attract more birds have improved their pupils’ education the
into the school grounds. The children like most. However Woods thinks that good
their school and often pass on what they school design can only go so far: “I think an
learn to their own family. “It is a really eco-friendly building without good teaching
nice school to go to, because the teachers can do nothing,” he says. “It’s just a support
are lovely and the lunches are great and for good teaching. I think an eco-friendly
healthy,” says 10 year-old Tom. “Before school without good teaching will achieve
starting school at Kingsmead, I would little.” Lesley Content - Ecowarriors

probably not have recycled anything, but

now I recycle loads. We have a massive box The Commission for Architecture and the
for paper, plastic, cardboard and clothes. I Built Environment (CABE) agrees and has
now think about not leaving lights on and produced a downloadable leaflet with plenty
saving electricity.” of ideas for eco-friendly teaching that all
schools can incorporate into their lessons.
Another school built to high ecological Building new sustainable schools or retro-
standards is the St Francis of Assisi fitting them with alternative energy sources
Academy in Liverpool. It is situated is expensive. While such a building can
in Kensington, one of Liverpool’s enhance education, examples of ‘normal’
most deprived areas, and replaces an schools show that engaging children



underperforming high school. Capita with environmental issues does not rely
Architecture designed the academy on expensive architecture, but on good
which opened in November 2005. Among teaching and inventiveness of the staff.
its many eco-friendly features is a
translucent roof, made of ethylene The charity Eco-Schools encourages
tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE), which is much schools to engage children with green
lighter than normal glass and provides issues by giving out awards each year.
natural daylight. Again, solar panels One ‘normal’ school that has taken part in
provide electricity, and collected rainwater this award scheme is Helston Community
is used to flush the toilets. A sedum roof, College in Cornwall. Apart from the
monitored by the National Wildflower installation of a small wind turbine (which
Centre, functions as an outdoor classroom was destroyed by a storm in 2008), it does
space, and students designed and planted not boast any eco-friendly modifications.
the school’s garden with the assistance However the college has been running Learning to Learn

of the Groundwork Trust. other green activities under the name

‘Ecowarriors’. This project was originally
Green themes are incorporated in the set up to raise awareness of green issues
children’s project work and each year a across the campus but it was subsequently
week is dedicated to teaching sustainability extended into the local community, working
issues. An eco-council, set up by students, with ‘Ditch the Plastic’ (a Helston-based
helps with the school’s environmental campaign to reduce the number of plastic
management by, for example, monitoring bags distributed by shops in the town)
recycling and suggesting improvements to to, among other things, design their first
the governors. Furthermore, healthy eating cotton bag. It has also involved activities
is part of the school’s green agenda and it such as undertaking a litter survey of the
organises its own catering. local housing estate and then working
with the community to determine ways of
helping to reduce littering.

Capita Symonds
Going green in the classroom

The project gained them the Eco-Schools’

Bronze award in July 2008. In the same
As the examples outlined in this
article show, children are interested in Links
year each student set themselves a sustainability issues and are keen to
green community target and supported learn about the environment they live in.
the college’s ‘Green Handprint’ of five The way a school is built can certainly Kingsmead Primary School in Cheshire -
projects, undertaking activities such as: help, but it is also important that schools
conducting litter surveys in the town; integrate their sustainable design features
producing anti-littering posters for the into lessons, making connections, and St Francis of Assisi Academy in Liverpool -
National Trust at Penrose; and supporting inspiring and motivating their pupils to
the pre-Flora Day celebration tidy up. The get them involved. But, above all, it would
college also raised more than £900 for the seem that it is important to stay positive Helston Community College in Cornwall -
Precious Lives Appeal (which is run by the about the future of our environment and
Children’s Hospice South West and raises ‘do your bit’, regardless of whether or
money for a children’s hospice to be built not you have eco-friendly resources. As Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
in Cornwall) by holding a green day and William Scott, Professor of Education and (RSPB) -

Friends of the Earth -

“BEFORE, I WOULD PROBABLY NOT Sustainability and Environmental Education

Eco-Schools international award

RECYCLE LOADS” programme -

recycling aluminium cans - for which they Head of the Education and Sustainability British Council for School Environments -
received the Eco-Schools Silver Award in research programme at the University of
June 2009. “The commitment of staff and Bath, points out: “What teachers in schools
students to the environment has definitely have to enable young people to develop is Sustainability and Schools project -
changed since we began these projects a sense of hope. They have to work, openly
and we always encourage students with a and honestly, exploring the issues, but also
positive ‘every little thing we do makes a pointing to examples of the human species Commission for Architecture and the Built
big difference’ attitude,” say Lesley Content, being resilient and creative, illustrating that Environment (CABE) and their resources
science teacher at the college. when we put our minds to something and for schools who want to go ‘green’ -
work collaboratively, then problems can be
solvable in a whole host of ways.”


FREE handbook
to support design
of outdoor spaces
This Futurelab publication focuses on the
use and utility of outdoor space for play
and learning, and aims to support those
thinking about redesigning their outdoor
spaces as part of the Primary Capital
Programme or other initiatives.

To download it or to request a FREE

copy, go to
Assistive technologies in education

Assistive technologies
in education
John Galloway, an advisory teacher for ICT and responsible for For learners with disabilities, assistive
technology can have a profound impact,
special educational needs (SEN) and inclusion in the London providing access to skills and resources
borough of Tower Hamlets, has a favourite story to demonstrate that were previously not available.
Fortunately, such technology, which used
how technology has helped a student with a disability. In this to be expensive and could only be bought
from specialist suppliers, is now becoming
case, the student had dyspraxia – a condition that manifests much more widely available, says Galloway:
itself in poor gross and fine motor skills, making writing difficult: “The gap between generic technologies and
specialist technologies is closing. So when
“Right through his secondary career he used a laptop with you go and buy a railway ticket, you use
a touch screen. Not so long ago, a touch
Dragon voice recognition software, and he’s now gone to Balliol screen was something reserved for people
College at Oxford University to do maths.” with special educational needs.”
COGAIN, Assistive technologies in education

These days, technology is available to help Assistive technology need not be expensive, of the interactive whiteboard and film their
with a wide range of physical disabilities says Barker: “A lot of people think adaptive teacher signing the word. She can sign
(such as visual or hearing impairment), technology is going to cost a lot of money. about spelling patterns, or if the word ends
communication disorders (such as autism) But sometimes making some simple in ‘-ed’, she can explain that it is in the past
and learning disabilities (such as dyslexia changes in the control panel is all that is tense.” The children can then take the PSPs
and dyspraxia). needed, and it costs nothing. For example, home and memorise the spellings and the
for someone who doesn’t have good mouse meanings together.
People with mild visual impairment, for control, you can slow the mouse down,
example, can use magnification software so if you roll it a long way the cursor only The devices have been put to a wide range
to adjust the size of text on the screen, or goes a little way.” A computer’s settings of other uses: allowing the children to
hardware to magnify the text on a written will also allow you to control the size and compose essays or keep diaries in sign
page. Blind people can use screen readers colour of the font displayed and to adjust language; filming children during PE
that will read out the text on a screen, the sound volume. activities to give feedback; creating bedtime
including menus and dialogue box options, stories in sign language that can be shared
or use Braille embossers that translate, Sometimes a technology comes along that at home; and improving communications
and print out, written text as Braille. hasn’t been designed with disability in mind between the school and home. The school


Even people with severe paralysis are but turns out to be the perfect technology is now sharing its expertise with other
capable of interacting with a computer, for a particular group of learners. The schools for the deaf throughout the country.
says Alex Barker, Advice and Information teaching of spelling has always posed “It’s taken the deaf education field by
Officer at AbilityNet, a charity that provides a challenge for deaf children as, when storm,” says Carter. “In terms of teaching
advice and help on accessibility solutions. they see a word written down, they need and learning and for home-school liaison
“For people without useful hand or arm to remember not just how to spell it, but and language development, you cannot
movement, as long as they have good use of what it means as they will only know it in beat it.”
the eyes and head, they can use an eye gaze sign language. After an initial successful
system, which works on the basis that if you pilot two years ago, Longwill School for But it would be wrong to give the
can move your eyes left and right or up and the Deaf in Birmingham now gives Sony impression that all is plain sailing. A lack
down, you can control a computer.” PlayStation Portables (PSP) to every child of awareness of the needs of learners with
who joins the school. The PSPs, which have disabilities can put them at a disadvantage.
For people with learning disabilities such a video camera attached, are used to record Conditions such as dyslexia or dyspraxia
as dyslexia or dyspraxia, technologies like and play back video footage. Because the can often go undiagnosed, says Jane
text-to-speech software, word prediction children use British Sign Language (BSL) Scaysbrook, a special needs assessor,
software and voice recognition software rather than English as their first language, either because teachers lack the skill
can be transformational. A child who has the PSPs have allowed them much greater to recognise them or because there is a
struggled to transfer the thoughts in their freedom of communication. The PSPs refusal to acknowledge that the condition
head to a screen or paper can find that the have proved the ideal solution, says Alison exists. The result, she argues, is that
ability to speak their words into a computer, Carter, the school’s Deputy Head: “All children who could benefit from a particular
or to have the text read out to them, finally the vocabulary goes onto a PowerPoint technology such as voice recognition are
enables them to realise their potential. presentation. The children stand in front often denied it.
Virtual Ability, Inc Assistive technologies in education

Schools, colleges and universities crucial that they’re able to change the lack of support in some schools. “You might
have obligations under the Disability settings of the page, set the text to the size give a pupil a specialist keyboard and a
Discrimination Act (DDA) to provide they need and change the colours.” specialist mouse, but unless the staff then
appropriate access, including access to provide the pupil with the resources to use
learning resources, for disabled people, Schools can avoid this problem by working with them, it’s pointless.” Part of Galloway’s
but Galloway thinks that many schools still with suppliers to make sure their websites job at Tower Hamlets is to provide training
lag behind: “Every school should have a and VLEs follow web accessibility guidelines for staff at all levels to make sure they’re
disability action plan about making their as set out by the Web Accessibility Initiative sufficiently skilled to work with a child
school accessible to everyone who uses it. ( But it can be all too supplied with a particular technology. But
Not just the pupils, but parents, governors easy to introduce a new technology into Tower Hamlets is unusual, says Galloway;
and visitors.” the classroom or seminar room without there are few similar roles in other areas of
thinking through the implications for the country.
At a time when schools and colleges disabled learners: the virtual world Second
increasingly expect learners to use the Life is being adopted as a learning tool For schools and colleges wanting to provide
internet and virtual learning environments by some colleges, but some disabled assistive technology to students, the key to
(VLEs), visually-impaired people can be at learners find it difficult to participate, given success, argues Galloway, is to carry out
a particular disadvantage. Julie Howell, its dependence on mouse clicking and multiagency assessments: “I worked with
Director of Accessibility at web consultancy keyboard use, and sometimes the use of a young woman whose only access was
Fortune Cookie, explains: “The technology voice. Volunteers have set up the ‘Virtual through a foot switch – her only assured
that blind people use is reliant on websites Ability Island’ within Second Life - and movement was through her right foot. But
being coded to a particular standard in within Teen Life, its offshoot aimed at that required me with my expertise in the
order to work and that means things like 13-17 year-olds - to support people with technology, the occupational therapist with
making sure any images have a description disabilities. Nevertheless, some barriers her expertise around the positioning, a
hard coded into the image so a blind person remain which are difficult to overcome. representative from the company providing
knows what an image is and why it’s there. the hardware, and a speech therapist to all
For a partially-sighted person it’s absolutely Another major issue, says Galloway, is the work together.”

AbilityNet -

Inclusive Technology -

Longwill School -

Royal National Institute of Blind People -
Getting creative

Getting creative
It is essential for learners to be creative, to generate new ideas and to be experimental in the application of
those ideas. In this section, we celebrate those that do not always take the safe and proven route, but instead
are committed to trying something truly innovative. Here are just some of the exciting creative ideas that have
made us sit up and listen recently…
Peter Vanderwarker

Galerie Fortlaan17 - Dirk Pauwels

Bill Fontana

University of Tokyo
Spirit in the sky Spinning around Sounds of the city Getting all
Phoenix, Arizona in the USA is The Nemo Observatorium by In the City Hall of San Francisco,
home to a new sculpture by artist Lawrence Malstaf is a ‘localised Bill Fontana has created Spiralling Scientist Takayuki Hoshi created
Janet Echelman which has been cyclone’ made from thousands Echoes, a sound installation the Airborne Ultrasound
designed to “work with the desert of pieces of polystyrene flying which has been designed to Tactile Display - which offers
winds” in that region. Her Secret about through the air. Observers “bring the city” into this civic 3D multisensory creations
Is Patience, which is suspended sit undisturbed in the centre – as building. Four mobile transducers using animated holograms and
145 feet above the city’s Civic if literally in the eye of the storm. inside the dome focus beams localised ultrasound – while at
Space park, takes the form of a Whether focusing on the ever of sound into the space below, the University of Tokyo. Examples
three-dimensional multilayered changing patterns of particles bringing sounds from the outside include virtual rain drops that you
net that casts shadows onto the whirling about or looking past world (including bird song, fog can both see and feel, and a ball
ground below (which the artist the flurry of material off into the horns and crowds) indoors. that you can feel bouncing off
says were inspired by Phoenix’s distance, the piece was designed your hand.
cloud shadows that captivated her to have a meditative, calming
on the first visit to the sculpture’s effect on those who sit within it. gallery/?p=117
proposed site). P1zZAcPuw en/3474
Kosaka Laboratory

Jean-Jacques Birgé

Sweet smell Rabbit rabbit rabbit

of success
Antoine Schmitt and Jean-
Back to the Mouth is an Xbox 360 Jacques Birgé have joined forces
based videogame with a novel to compose and choreograph an
breath-sensing light gun that has opera which is performed by 100
been developed by Takuya Iwamoto Nabaztag ‘smart rabbits’ (the
at the Kanazawa Institute of cute wi-fi enabled creatures that
Technology. It is based on the idea that players can change their breath respond to communications by moving and flashing lights). The score,
chemistry by consuming different food and drink, and so defeat the which is transmitted by wi-fi to the rabbits, controls the ears, speakers
adversaries that they encounter – for example, eating garlic to destroy a and lights in each rabbit but with varying delays of between zero and
vampire. Bizarre as this may sound, it could lead to us eating foods that ten seconds – the result being that each rabbit is doing the same thing
we have previously disliked in order to win the game! but not at the same time. Birgé and Schmitt hope that this light-hearted
performance will help to explore the issue of control between individuals and the group.
Digital Britain, digital schools

Digital Britain,
digital schools
The Stella Maris, a futuristic airship, is eerily silent. All ten of the crew have been struck
down with a mysterious illness, and it’s up to one 15 year-old schoolgirl to solve the
mystery and steer the ship safely to the nearest island. But before she can do that, she’ll
need to create her own avatar, and equip it with clothes, tools and even a hair style.

Steamfish is a cutting-edge virtual reality The game is a modern re-telling of how enormously, and also taps into the things
game developed by Y Productions that early scientists discovered and treated they’re naturally interested in outside the
helps students to learn about the science scurvy in sailors. Putting students into classroom,” she says.
and ethics of clinical trials. It aims to a virtual world and allowing them to
engage young learners by presenting them create game content themselves makes Research suggests that such projects
with a video game experience that they can a complex issue much more immediate, are still relatively few and far between.
help to create themselves, explains Eleanor says Lang. “We originally commissioned The National Foundation for Educational
Lang, General Manager of Y Touring, part a play exploring these issues, but having Research (NFER) recently conducted a
of Central YMCA, which has commissioned children actively involved in a quest nationwide survey into how schools and
the game. extends and deepens their understanding colleges use digital technology and social
Digital Britain, digital schools

media in the classroom. “What we found must also be linked into the curriculum, Halifax. “That’s great but it’s important to
was that far too many technologies are just and have specific learning outcomes. balance that with the idea that there are
being used for presentational purposes, The key is to approach technology risks and responsibilities that come with
while relatively few young people are being creatively, and consider how technology creating and controlling content.” However,
given the opportunity to actively author, can shape the curriculum, rather than it’s important to ensure that children
edit and publish digital content,” says just using technology to do the things that themselves are supported to think critically
Matthew Walker, a researcher with NFER you would have done anyway. In a recent about these risks and responsibilities as,
and author of the report. “However, early literature review on digital literacy and after all, that’s a significant facet of what it
adopters have found that involving children participation, Futurelab urged educators means to be digitally literate.
in the creation and control of content offers to consider how technology could be
enormous learning opportunities and can embedded within the curriculum to Students at Park Lane High School
also engage children who might be put off enhance learning and to ensure that regularly create films and podcasts which
by the traditional forms of education.” children acquire the skills, knowledge Moorhouse uploads to the school intranet
and understanding to participate fully for peer review, and to the YouTube
That’s certainly the experience of Cape UK, and safely in the digital landscape. website. “In a subject like history, letting
a consulting group that works with local students create their own digital content
education authorities to support creativity NFER advises educators to carefully is a great way of bringing the subject to
and development in schools. One of the consider three questions before embarking life, especially for teenage boys,” says
organisation’s recent projects was Film on any digital content project. First, what Moorhouse. “We often present them with
FX, where secondary school children were technology will you use and how will that lots of materials and ask them to select
given mobile phones and helped to make technology shape what you teach? Second, sources, sequence them and create mini
short films about subjects close to their what are the specific learning outcomes movies or build websites that incorporate
heart. “There are thousands of children and goals of the project? Finally, are staff interviews and interactive timelines, which
who simply aren’t excited by mainstream and students fully committed to the project, we then publish online, either internally on


education, but you put a mobile phone in and will there be time and resources to the intranet or on a teacher-administered
their hands and ask them to make a film support people using the technology? YouTube account,” he says.
and they’re learning maths by working out
aspect ratios, timings, image resolution There is a wide range of options depending Examples such as this are hotly debated
and scale ratios for animation – it’s on the answers to those questions, says at Learning Today (www.learningtoday.
amazing,” says Jo Garnham, Operations Walker. For example, blogs are a perfect, a Special Interest Group (SIG)
Director with Cape UK. technology for creative writing and literacy, where teachers discuss ways to use
and enabling peer review, while wikis digital technology innovatively to improve
And the project is within the reach of are an excellent way of learning about engagement in the classroom, and, most
schools, financially speaking – Garnham collaboration. Students can use podcasts importantly, to enhance learning and drive
says that handsets cost just £99 each, to provide personalised revision aids or to critical digital literacy. “As a teacher, you
and films were edited on a regular Mac record exemplar readings from language want to improve engagement, but it’s
computer. “All together, you could do this classes, or they might use video and film to also important that students acquire the
in a school today for less than £1,000,” she explore topics in depth. skills they need to approach media and
says. “I think the act of using something technology critically, to think about where
they’re interested in outside the classroom The key is to plan fully how you will exploit information comes from, how technology
is often more important than it being the whatever technology you use, to ensure can share but also conceal information
latest, greatest handset.” that children gain not only curriculum- and that you shouldn’t necessarily take
based knowledge but also digital literacy. everything you see at face value,” says
The challenge for educators, of course, is “Technology is all about enabling Angela Colvert, a senior lecturer at
how to ensure that any such investment in communication between people, so you Roehampton University and a member of
digital technology (which isn’t insignificant might have classes, school years or even the Learning Today SIG.
for a school) is applied constructively in the different schools collaborating on content,
classroom. On the one hand, technology with feedback and peer evaluation,” says Colvert recently ran a highly successful
should be used in a way that students find Dan Moorhouse, Head of Humanities digital learning project with Year 6 pupils
engaging and relevant. But the content Learning at Park Lane High School in based on an alternative reality game
Viv Trafalgar Digital Britain, digital schools

Angela Colvert

Viv Trafalgar
(ARG). This is an online game that relies ‘mysterious’ webcam footage showing the Early adopters of digital media in the
on existing communication technologies creature hiding in the shadows. classroom agree that the key to success
– mobile phones, message boards and is using technology in a way that adds
webcams – rather than a software The game started when the Year 5 students meaning to the curriculum. “You can’t
application. received an email asking for help with the just stick the children in front of a
mystery. It lasted for two weeks, during computer and expect them to develop
The project was based on the novel which time the Year 6 students published these skills,” says Colvert. “It was really
Krindlekrax, in which a mysterious their content and wrote online in character important for them to use the technology
crocodile sneaks into a school through a on emails, websites and message boards. to actively engage with the material,
network of underground sewers. The Year 6 because that’s when they start to really
pupils were asked to bring the story to life The project was primarily focused think about what that technology means,
as an ARG, which would be played by Year 5 around creative writing but the children in terms of how information is shared,
pupils the following term. also learned about history, biology and and sometimes hidden.”
geography, to make their story more
The children brainstormed ideas and realistic. “More than anything, they learned If done well, allowing students to create
decided to start with a community website a lot about digital literacy and critical their own digital content can help them
for the residents of Lizard Street, where the engagement,” says Colvert. “They really to discover an enthusiasm for the
novel is set. They then developed websites thought about things like how message curriculum that wouldn’t otherwise be
for specific characters, where they could boards are different to instant messaging, there, adds Moorhouse. “History is one
write in character. The next step for the because on a message board you have of those subjects that some students will
children was to imagine what happens more time to think and can present longer always consider to be boring,” he says.
when something newsworthy takes place, arguments. We also talked about how on “But if you start showing them how to
so they started by writing online newspaper a webcam, it’s more immediate, but they access that knowledge through digital
articles, and then looked at creating had to choose their words carefully and media, and how to share their work online,
message boards, where the ‘authorities’ think about body language. I think that was suddenly they’re keen to learn. It’s made
would be able to share information with probably one of the most important things an enormous difference.”
the community. They even filmed some they’ve learned.”

New research on digital participation

Futurelab is undertaking a programme they need if they wish to participate fully the inclusion of digital literacy in school
of research on digital literacy and digital and safely in an increasingly digital world. subjects, and a handbook for teachers
participation. More specifically, it involves The project responds to curricular reform detailing approaches to digital literacy and
working with teachers to develop practical at Key Stage 3 and to the findings and offering further guidance.
classroom approaches to digital literacy recommendations of the Rose Review of
and supporting teaching practice that aims the Primary Curriculum and will result in For more information, go to
to furnish young people with the skills, a number of outputs by the spring of 2010
knowledge and critical understanding that including case study exemplars to support participation.
Learning and Technology CeBIT Going Global 4 Computer/Human Interaction
World Forum 2-6 March 2010 24-26 March 2010 (CHI) Conference
11-13 January 2010 10-15 April 2010
Hannover, Germany London, UK
London, UK Hoping to attract “all users passionate Entitled ‘World potential: making education Atlanta, USA
A forum for sharing best and debating about technology”, CeBIT is the world's meet the challenge’ GG4 will review trends Computing is increasingly a part of all
future practice in education and skills, this largest trade fair showcasing digital IT and and implications; explore models for areas of modern life and CHI offers an
event attracts participation from across telecommunications solutions for home change; draw on case studies from across opportunity to gain an insight into the ways
the world and features an exhibition of and work environments. Why not go along the world; examine the barriers; and in which computing can improve all of our
new technologies and how they might be and find out about the latest technologies? deliver frameworks for action across the daily lives, showcasing the technologies,
applied to education from Futurelab. following areas: designs and ideas that will form our future
- staff and student mobility digital world.
- global partnerships

The Education Show - global citizens

BETT 4-6 March 2010 - policy and leadership.

13-16 January 2010

Birmingham, UK
London, UK The Education Show is the UK’s largest
International Educational
showcase of educational resources, best Technology Conference
Hailed as “the world’s biggest educational
technology show”, BETT routinely attracts practice methods and CPD training. Free to and Exhibition
attend, each year over 15,000 visitors test, Conference in Games and
around 30,000 visitors from the ICT in 26-28 April 2010
education sector. Increasingly international sample, discuss and compare thousands of Virtual Worlds for Serious
and free to attend and register, you will resources, designed to meet a huge range Applications Istanbul, Turkey
need to pre-register and pre-plan to make of educational needs.
25-26 March 2010 IETC2010 aims to provide an environment
the most of this bustling event – though for experts to discuss state-of-the-art
don’t forget to visit the Futurelab stand J11 Braga, Portugal technologies being used to support
where you will no doubt be inspired by a This event aims to encourage an exchange learning in schools, industry and
range of new and emerging technologies of knowledge and experience in this universities. Virtual environments, CSCL,
such as games, augmented reality and web INTED2010 cross-disciplinary area. Bringing together m-learning, e-training and e-learning will
2.0 tools. delegates from across the world, this be topics of particular interest.
8-10 March 2010 conference explores the application of
variety of games and virtual worlds in
Valencia, Spain
settings such as health, education, training
The general aim of this conference is to and defence.
promote international collaboration in
Learning Technologies education and technology in all educational
Exhibition and Conference fields and disciplines.
Blended Learning
27–28 January 2010
Conference 2010
London, UK Game Based Learning 16-17 June 2010
This conference, which showcases Hertfordshire, UK
organisational learning and the technology
Naace Annual Conference 29-30 March 2010 This two-day conference attracts delegates
used to support learning at work, boasts
London, UK from across the globe who want to discover
more than 130 exhibitors, 60 free seminars 16-18 March 2010 and share the innovations in blended
and over 3,000 visitors. From the organisers of Handheld Learning,
this event aims to create stimulating, learning which are happening in the UK
Blackpool, UK and at higher education institutions around
challenging and provocative dialogue
Billed as the “definitive ICT Conference the world.
between the education, gaming, social
in the UK”, this event brings together key
media and consumer electronics sectors.
players from all over the world, together
with those from government and industry, teaching/learning-teaching-institute/
The Building Schools and provides a forum to share best practice conferences/blended-learning-
Exhibition and and exchange ideas. conference-2010/home.cfm
Conference (BSEC)
24-25 February 2010 SITE Conference
ExCeL London, UK 29 March–2 April 2010
For those interested or involved in the Mobile Learning SIGGRAPH
government’s school building programmes San Diego, USA
- Building Schools for the Future, City 19-21 March 2010 SITE represents educators interested in the 25-29 July 2010
Academies and the Primary Capital creation and dissemination of knowledge
Programme – BSEC may be a useful event Porto, Portugal about the use of information technology Los Angeles, USA
to attend. Focusing on the construction, The IADIS Mobile Learning 2010 in education. This annual conference The SIGGRAPH conference and exhibition
maintenance and design of all schools International Conference seeks to provide a offers an opportunity to share ideas, to is the premier international event on
- new, refurbished and old – it offers forum for the presentation and discussion explore the latest research, development computer graphics and interactive
an opportunity to network with others of mobile learning research. This year the and applications, and to network with the techniques. SIGGRAPH 2010 is expected to
similarly concerned with school design focus is on the transition from content leaders in this important field of teacher draw thousands of professionals from five
and build. consumer to content creator. education and technology. continents to Los Angeles.

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