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ITEM I?-16754-06


On Saturday June 17,2006 at approximately 4:05 a.m. the New Orleans Police
Department received several calls of a shooting and accident with injury at the corner of
Josephine Street and Danneel Street. Upon responding officer%arrival, they located an
unresponsive black male lying face up at the corner of Josephine Street and'Dannee1 in
front of an abandoned store. The victim appeared to be suffering from a slngle gunshot
wound. Officer's also located a blue Ford Explorer which came to rest against a telephone
pole on the northeast corner of Josephine and Danneel. When officer%approached, they
located the driver and two back seat passengers urnresponsive and also suffering from
multiple gunshot wounds to tbe body. Upon EMS arriving, all four victims were
pronounced dead. Officers located a fifth victim in tbe vicinity of the Explorer who was
suffering from gunshot wounds but still clinging to life. EMS transported this victim to
Elmwood Hospital wbere he later expired. Officer's initially canvassed tbe scene, but was
unable to locate any witnesses.

Detective Lehrmann was able to locate an eyewitness who gave a statement

implicating Micbael Anderson as the shooter in this crime. Detective Lebrrnann obtained
an arrest warrant for Micbael Anderson charging him with five (5) counts of First Degree
Murder. On Thursday July 13,2006 Michael Anderson was arrested and transported to

- -
Central Lock up where be was booked accordingly.

1) Dantzler, Reggie Rodgell (AKA Putty), Black Male, Date of Birth-
formerly residing at . .. . SSN
- -- -- . .. . . .. . . .- -. - A -c im hadtbree (3) Felony, twelve
(12) Mis'demeanor, and one (1) City arrest,

2) Simeon, Warren, (AKA Luv) Black Male, Date of Birth
formerly residing a t SSN
A M.O.T.J.O.N. check revealed the victim was on probation for tbeft till
May 3,2008. The victim bad one (1) Felony arrest and one (1) City arrest.

3) Taylor, Iraun, Black Male, Date of Birth 4-bformerly residing at

D-& in m- SSSN A M.O.T.I.O.N.
check revealed the victim one (1) Misdemeanor and one (1) City arrest.


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ITEM F-l67M-O6

4) Hunter, Arsenio(AKA.Li1Man), Black Male, Date of Bht-
formerly residing-at I - 5 SSN -
Unknown. A M.O.T.I.O.N. check revealed the victim had one (1) Felony and one
(1) Misdemeanor arrest.

5) Hunter, Markee, (Tiger) Black Male, Date of Birth m formerly

residing- ta &CI SSN 0
A M.O.T.I.O.N. check revealed the victim had two (2) Wsdemeanor arrests.


Reggie Dantzler :

1) One gunsbot wound to the left side of the head

Warren Simeon:
Gunshot entering the left inner forearm and traveled upward exiting tbe
left inner forearmmar the elbow . . ,. . . . .
Gunshot entering the left back near the sboulder blade and traveled
f ~ ~ athe r d
collar bone
Gunsbot entering the left back and traveled to the chest area
Gunshot entering tbe left back and traveled to the front stomach area
Gunshot entering tbe left upper buttocks area and traveled to the front
lower stomach area
Gunshot entering left buttocks traveling towards the right front hip area
An abrasjon to the left arm above the elbow

Iraun Taylor:
Gunshot wound to the left side of the head traveling-across the brain
towards tbe rigbt temple a ~ e a
Gunsbot wound to the left back traveling towards tbe spine
Gunshot wound to the left side of the back traveling towards tbe spine
and base of tbe victim's neck
Gunshot wound to tbe dght stomach tracking upwards to the heart and
Gunsbot wound to tbe lower left back


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ITEM F-16754-06

6) The victim had two abrasion to his middle back area - one on each side of
the spine

Arsenio Hunter:

1)Gunshot wound t the right wrist area

2) Gunshot wound to the left back area

Marquise Hunter:

1) Gunsbot wound to the left back shoulder traveling towards the spine
2) Gunsbot wound to tbe left shoulder traveling towards tbe spine
3) Gunsbot wound to the right forearm
4) Gunshot wound to the rigbt outer tbigh traveling to the inner thigh
5) Injury to the rigbt knee cap area
6) Gunshot wound to tbe left temple area


Michael Anderson AKA Mike- Mike, black male, date of birth November 4,1986
last residing at 2022 Josephine Street New Orleans, Louisiana. SSN 439-63-8080. A
M.O.T.I.0.N check revealed Anderson had nine (9) Felony arrests and nine (9)
misdemeanor arrests. Anderson has a conviction for PossessSon of Crack Cocaine in 2004.


This offense occurred at the corner of Josephine Street and Danneel Street located
in the New Orleans Police Departments Sixth District.


This offense occurred at approximately 4:05 A.M. on the morning of Saturday June


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ITEM F-16754-06


Tbe following Sixtb District Patrol Units arrived on the scene:

Unit 602 Officer Wayne DeLarge

Officer Hillary Addison

Unit 607 Officer Genea Carter (Initial Report)

Unit 613 Ofiicer Sam Davis

Unit 616 Officer Candice Preston

Officer Yolanda Quincy

Tbe following Second District Patrol Units arrived on the scene:

Unit 212 Officer Arianne White

Officer Kendrick Allen

Unit 218 OfXcer Anthony Polidore

Ofiicer Floyd Jackson

D istrid Sup'ervisors-arrived on 'the scene:

Tbe followSng~~Second

Unit 210 Lt. Carol Aldrige

Unit 220 Sergeant Wesley Morris

The following Sixth District hvestigative Unit arrived on the scene:

Unit 1669 . Detective Matt McLeay

The following Sixth District Supervisors arrived on the scene:

Unit 600 Captain Robert Bardy

Unit 1660 Sergeant ~ e f f r Walls



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ITEM F-16754-06
The following New Orleans Police Department Public Information Officer's arrived
on the scene:

Unit 2200 Captain John Bryson

Unit 2222 Officer Gary Flot

Tbe following New Orleans Police Department Chaplains arrived on the scene:

Unit 2226 J. Cull

Deborah Halter

Tbe following New Orleans Fire department personnel a m v e d on the scene:

Engine 16 Firefighter David Castle

Firefighter Kelly Fay

Tbe following New Orleans Health Department personnel arrived on the scene:

Unit 3163 Technician Camille Penny

Technician Cbris Martinez.

Unit 3168 Technician J. Tate

Technician C. Bradley
. . . . . . ... - - .-.- . .
. . .
. . .. .
, -
-.. ,. - ..-

Unit 6210 Technician Brenda Carter

Unit 6232 Technician Charles Brown

The following New Orleans Police Department Scientific CriminaI Investigative

Unit personnel arrived on the scene:

Unit 5114 Technician Bessie Johnson

Unit 5135 Officer Karl Palmer

Unit 5136 Tecbnician Erin Cunningham

The following Homicide supervisor arrived on the scene:

Unit 4140 Sergeant Troy Williams


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ITEM F-16754-06

The following Homicide Units arrived on the scene:

Unit 4151 Detective Gustave Bethea

Unit 4153 Detective Edward Derringer (Primary Unit)

Unit 4154 Detective Barrett Morton

Unit 4155 Detective Greg Hamilton

The following personnel arrived from the Orleans Parish Coroner's Office:

Coroner Dr. Frank Minyard

Unit 7272 Chantel Francis

Unit 7274 O d n Duncan

John Gagliano

Williams, Torrie, bJack female, date of birth 4 residing at-

s-.N- A M.O.T.I.O.N. check revealed
three (3) felony arrests with no convictions.


A. Four (4) pictures from the rear pocket of lriaan Taylor

B. One (1) blue Motorola phone from Reggie Dantzler
C. One (1) Motorola and One (1) Samsung seized from Arsenio
D. One (1) Motorola phone from the blue Ford Explorer
E. One (1) disposable camera seized from the rear seat of the
F. One (1) pbotograph from the Explorer


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ITEM F-16754-06


The above listed evidence categorized A to F was collected on Saturday Junel7,

2006, at approximately 6:00 a.m. by Homicide Detective Edward Derringer and was
later submitted to the Central Evidence and Property Depository of the New
Orleans Police Department under receipt # 200606528.

G. Green boxer sbol-ts from Arsenio Hunter

H. Blue and Wbite stripped Polo shirt size small from Arsenio Hunter
I. Size 34 Gap jeans from Arsenio Runter
J. Pair of white Cartier tennis sboes from Arsenio Hunter
K. Grey and White stripped underwear from Reggie Dantzler
L. Wbite undershirt from Reggie Dantzler
M.Rocawear Jean short from Reggie Dantzler
N. Wbite Cottonnet Size XXL from Reggie Dantzler
0. Red/ Wbitel Blue Nike tennis sboes from Reggie Dantzler
P. Khaki shorts from Warren Simeon
Q. Black and Red stripped Polo shirt
R. Grey undershirt from Warren Simeon
S. Pair of black Nike tennis shoes from Warren Simeon
T. Rocawear jean shorts from Iraun Taylor
U. White Cottonnet undershirt size XXL from Iraun Taylor
V. Hanes multi colored boxer shorts from Irann Taylor
W. Pair of white socks
X. Red bandada froni Iraun Taylor
Y. Grey and White Nike tennis shoes from lraun Taylor


The above listed evidence categorized G to Y was collected on Saturday Janel7,

2006, at approximately O8:lO a.m. by Homicide Detective Edward Derringer and was later
submitted to tbe Central Evidence and Property Depository of the New Orleans Police
Department under receipt # 200606536.

2. Fourteen (14) fired .40 caliber auto cartrjdge cases from

northwest corner of Danneel and Josephine Street


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ITEM I?-16754-06
AA. Nine (9) fired .40 caliber auto cartridge cases from Danneel and
.Josephine near the M'citm's body.
BB. Two (2) fired .40 caliber auto cartridge cases from Danneel and
Josephine near the victim's vehicle.
CC. Two (2) fired .40 caliber auto cartridge cases from Danneel and
Josephine - roof and driver's floorboard of Ford Explorer.
DD. One (1) Norinco semi auto rille, Model MAK -90 sporter caliber
7.62X39mm with green shoulder strap
EE. Twenty four (24) unknown type 7.62X39mm cartridges
F'F'. Six (6) Wolf 7.62X39mm cartridges
GG. One(1) red and white colored-bandana
HH. One(1) red and wbite colored bandana (blood stained)
11. One(1) red and wbite colored bandana

Tbe above listed evidence categorized Z to II was collected on Saturday June 17,
2006 at approximately by Crime Scene Tecbnician Karl Palmer and was later submitted to
the Central Evidence and Property Depository of the New Orleans Police Department
under receipt # 200606470.

JJ.One (1) spent projectile from autopsy Reggie Dantzler

KK. One (1) spent projectile from autopsy Arsenio Hunter
LL. Four (4) spent projectiles from autopsy of Warren Simeon
MM. Three (3)~spentprujectilesfrom autopsy of Markee Hunter
NN. Four (4) spent projectiles from autopsy of Iraun Taylor

-- . - - . -- -
The above listed evidence categorized JJ to NN was collected on Monday June 19,
2006 at approximately 01:OO p.m. by Homicide Detective David Traban and was later
submitted to the Central Evidence and Property Depository of the New Orleans Police
Department under receipt # 200606553.

00. Two (2) partial latent prints from the exterior of 1992 blue Ford

The above listed evidence categorized 00 was collected on Wednesday June 21,
2006 at approximately 12:15 p.m. by Crime Scene Technician Tbomas. J. Kennedy and was


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ITEM F-16754-06
later submitted to the Central Evidence and Property Depository of the New Orleans Police
Department under receipt # 200606642.

PP. One(1) spent bullet and four(4) spent pellets retrieved from the
Ford Explorer
QQ. One(]) black NY bat

The above listed evidence categorized PP to QQ was collected on Wednesday June
23,2006 at approximately by Crime Scene Technician and was later submitted to the
Central Evidence and Property Depository of the New Orleans Police Department under
receipt # 200606653.

RR Four audio cassette tapes taped statements of Police OfZicer Joe
Williamson, Raymond Cobbins, Torrie Williams, and Calvin
SS. One map describing the crime scene T o m e Williams
TT. Two six pack color llne ups - one signed by Raymond Cobbins
and the other signed by Torrie Williams. Each identifying
Michael Anderson as the shooter.
UU. One single black and wbite photograph ofHerman McMillan
signed by Calvin Grayer.

The above listed evidence categorized RR to UU was collected on IiLiday July 23,
2006 at approximately 09:30 p.m. by Homicide Detective Jeffrey Lebrmann and was later
submitted to the Central Evidence and Property Depository of tbe New Orleans Police
Department under receipt # 200608082.

W. Two(2) color line ups s h o w to Torrfe Williams

W. One(3) waiver of rights form # 156319 ( Michael Anderson)
XX. One (1) CD of Ronald Miles
YY. One (1) cassette tape of Markee Edwards

The above listed evidence categorized W,to YY was collected by Detective Jeffrey
Lehrmann and later taken to the Central Evidence and Property Room of the New Orleans
Police Department under receipt # 200608778.


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1 ITEM F-16754-06 I


The crime scene is located near the corner of Josepbine and Danneel Street in the
Central City area of New Orleans. The intersection of Josephine Street and Danneel Street
is bordered by Simon Bolivar Avenue to the south and St. Cbarles Avenue to the n o r t h
Tbe intersection is located west of Felicity Street and east of Jackson Avenue. More
specifically, 2000 Josephine Street intersects with Danneel Street to south and South
Saratoga Street to the north.

Josephine Street area is mainly a low income single family residential area. Many
homes are older wooden frame houses whicb some are shotgun rentals.

Upon initial ofiicers arriving on the scene, they located victim #1, Reggie Dantzler,
lying face up on tbe sidewalk at 2000 Josepbine Street (nortbwest corner). Reggie DanWer
was clad in a wbite tee sbirt, wbite undershirt, Rocawear jean shorts, grey and white
stripped underwear, red, white, and blue tennis sboes. Dantzler feet were pointing in an
easterly direction and his head was in a westerly direction. The victim was on the sidewalk
in front of an abandoned store.

Tbe abandoned store is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of

Josephine Street and Danneel Street. The abandoned store carries a municipal address of
2002 Josephine Street, New Orleans, Louisiana. The abandoned store is an A shaped wood
frame building, brown and white in color. Tbe front door of tbe building faces in a
southeast area and is supported by a black iron security gate. In front of the building are
two support poles on both tbe Josephine and Danneel side. Located between the two poles
on Danneel Street is a fire bydraat.

Three of the victims were located inside a blue Ford Explorer which bad crashed
into a telepbone pole at the northeast corner of the intersection of Josephine Street and
Danneel Street. The Ford Explorer is a 1992 four door model bearing Texas license plate
293 KXN was still in the drive gear and the engine was running. The Ford Explorer is
registered to Mrs. Angela Simeon a t 12935 Notty Glenn Drive in Houston, Texas. Mrs.
Simeon was determined to be the mother of tbe vebicle driver Warren Simeon. The vehicle
identification number is lFMDU32X5NUB36346.

The Ford Explorer front chrome bumper had made contact with the wooden
telephone pole. The front bumper of the vehicle was pushed in towards the engine along
witb tbe vebicle hood pushed back towards the engine. Also, the rigbt front part of the
- - --


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ITEM F-16754-06
bumper was bent outward- Responding officers observed all four occupant doors of the
vehicle were open. The front driver's window was shattered and missing. The front
passenger window was also shattered. The rear passenger driver's side window was also
missing and appeared to bave been shattered. The rear passenger window was in an
upward position and remained intact. The Ford Explorer bad an apparent bullet hole in
tbe front windshield located above and to the right of the steering wheel.

Inside tbe Ford Explorer, responding officers located a black male in the driver's
seat, whicb was later identified as Warren Simeon. Mr. Simeon's feet were on the driver%
floorboard as his body leaned to the center consol of the vebicle. Mr. Sirneon's bead came
to rest on tbe passenger seat with his left arm in bis lap and the right arm extended towards
the glove compartment The driver was clad in a black sbirt witb wbite stripes, blue and
wbite boxers, a black belt, beige cargo shorts, white socks, and black shoes.

In the back passenger seat of the vehicle, responding oficer's located a black male
wbo was later identified as lraun Taylor. Mr. Taylor was on the back seat driver's
floorboard with bis feet crossed one over the other Mr. Taylor's body was between the
back seat and tbe back of the driver3 seat. Mr. Taylor's head was in the direction of the
back passenger side of the vehicle. Mr. Taylor was clad in a white tee shirt, blue jean
shorts, blue boxers, a black belt, white ankle socks, and gray/ white tennis sboes.

On the rear passenger side of the vehicle, responding ofiicers located a black male
who was later identified as Arsenio Hunter. Officerysobserved Mr. Hunter's feet in the
vehicle with his bead and torso area on street. Mr. Hunter was lying face up on the street
witb his bead lying near tbe rear passenger tire. Mr. Hunter was clad in a blue and white
stripped shirt, wbite under shirt, blue jeans, green boxers, white socks, and white tennis

- ... . ----- found .lying-faceup in the

M.arkee Hua ter,,-.was
2000 block of Danneel Street. Responding officers noted tbat Markee Hunter appeared to
still be breatbihg, but was suffering from multiple gunshot wounds throughout his body.
Responding officers also noted a blood trail from the front passenger area of the vebicle to
the location where Markee Hunter was discovered.

While canvassing the area, Officers Anthony Polidore and Floyd Jackson, unit 218,
located a green Ford Taurus whicb was parked on the street near 2034 Danneel Street. Tbe
Ford Taurus is bearing Louisiana license plate abc123. The vehicle was parked on the
north side of tbe street and facing an easterly direction. Officer's Polidore and Jackson
noted that the vehicle engine was hot to the touch, and all four doors were unlocked. In
plain view, Officer's observed on tbe back passenger seat an AK47.



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ITEM F-16754-06
A furtber canvass of the crime scene revealed a grey Cbevrolet Celebrity parked
eastbound on the south side of 1900 block of Danneel Street. The vehicleys driver's side
rear door was apparently struck by a stray bullet and the window was shattered. The
vehicle bared Louisiana license plate NTV 166 and is registered to Barbara Cockerham
3258 DeSaix Boulevard New Orleans, La.

All of the casings on the scene were Aquila .40 caliber and most were located in the
immediate vicinity of Reggie Dantzler. Investigating officers did locate one casing h the
vehicle and one casing on top of the vehicle.


There was no weapon recovered, but oiXcer9slocated numerous 40 caliber casings

on the crime scene which were later believed to all be fired from tbe same weapon.

At this time, ~ e t e c t i v Lehrmann

e is unable to establish a concrete motive for the
murders. I t is believed that Telly Hankton.had a disagreement witb Reggie 4bPutty99
-Dantzleraacl--hepaid--MichaeJ-bderson-(Mike-Mike-Mike-)-~to-kJ him. The other victims are
believed to have been at the wrong place at the wrong time.


The following persons were interviewed relevant to thjs investigation:

1) Mona Lisa Hunter ( B / ' F - - v W
2) Angela Simeon (B/F a ' @
3) Tyree Perkin( B/M Unknown DOB AB-
4) Officer Joe Williamson (@
- I
5) Michael Anderson ( B/M - 9
6) Miguel Keelen (B/M b
7) Raymond Miles (B/M Unknown DOB
8) Narkee uRakimnHunter (B/M - 9
9) Raymond Cobbins ( B/M B


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ITEM F-16754-06
10) Torrie WilliamsJ ( BLF
- Y
11) Calvin Grayer ( B/M - ! w


Detective Jeffrey Lehrmann assigned to tbe New Orleans Police Department

Homicide Unit conducted a follow up investigation into the murder of five victims which
occurred on Saturday June 17,2006 at the'corner of Josephine Street and Danneel Street.
The victims were identified as Reggie Dantzler, Warren Simeon, Iraun Taylor, Arsenio
Hunter, and Markee Hunter.

On Saturday June 17,2006 at approximately 4:05 am members of the New Orleans

Police Department Sixth District received several calls of an Aggravated Battery by
Shooting and vehicle accident with injury at tbe corner of Josephine street and Danneel
Street. Sixth,District officers learned.tbat several subjects had been shot a t that location.

Officer Yolanda Quincy and Officer Candice Preston, unit 616, was the first police
unit to arrive on the scene. Officers Quincy and Preston observed a black male, clad in a
white muscle shirt, blue jean shorts, with a black belt, and white tennis shoes lying face up
--at-thecorner.ofJosepbine Street and'DanneeJ StreekThe victim bead was in a northwest
direction while bis feet were pointed to the southeast. The victim appeared lifeless and lying
in a large pool of blood.

.-.10f~ser2s-Q~incy.and.P~e~t0n~J~0.10~ted-a blu.e,Ford-Explorer, -w.bichwas still

running with the headlights on, come to rest against a telephone pole located on the
southwest corner of Danneel Street at the intersection witb Josephine Street. Upon
examining the vehicle, Officers observed 'the driver of the vebicle to be unresponsive. The
driver's feet were located on the driver's sid( floorboard, while the rest df his bddy wks
leaning iqto the passenger seat of the vehicle. The dfiver's head came to rest on the
passenger seat with his left arm in his lap and the right a h extended towards tbe glove
compartment. The driver was clad in a black shirt with white stripes, blue and white
boxers, a black belt, beige cargo shorts, white sttrks, and black shoes.

Officers located another victip in the back seat area ofthe Ford ~ x ~ l o r eThe
victim was located on the floorboard behind the driver's seat. Tbe victimysfeet were
crossed with bis head in the direction ofthe passenger side of the vehicle. The victim's head


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ITEM F-16754-06
was slumped to the floorboard and his right arm came to rest on the.back s e a t The victim
was clad in a white tee shirt, blue jeans, blue boxers, and wbite tennis shoes. This victim
was also unresponsive.

A fourth victim was located partially hanging out of the Ford Explorer. The foulth
victim's feet were located on the floorboard in the passenger rear seat area. The victim bad
fallen out of the vehicle and his head and torso came to rest on the ground near the rear
passenger tire of tbe vehicle. The victim was lying face u p and also appeared to be
unresponsive. Tbe victim was clad in a wbite shirt witb blue stripes, multi colored boxers,
blue jeans witb a black belt, and white tennis shoes.

A fiftb victim, who was still alive wben located, was found several feet born the Ford
Explorer on Danneel Street This victim was alive but unable to communicate with officers.

Upon arriving and immediately assessing the scene, Officer's ~ u i n and

c ~ Preston
advised New Orleans Police Department radio dispatcb to notify E.M.S. on a code 3 (
bighest priority)

New Orleans Healtb Department Units arrived on tbe scene and immediately
triaged the fiftb victim. This victim was transported to Charity Hospital at the Elmwood
Medical Center located on South Clearview Parkway in Jefferson Parish. Tbe victim,
Markee Hunter, died in the operating room of Charity Hospital.

Emergency Medical Personnel checked tbe first four victims and found no signs of
Pi. ii-Btj.fiied 3h-af iiU-nic=d .the victims

Initial responding officers advised channel 2 dispatcb tbat this incident was a
homicide, and proper n~tifica~ion~ere-made-.t-hroughout the New Orleans Police

Police Officer Genea Carter; unit 607, arrived on the scene to author tbe initial
crime report. Omcer Genea Carter interviewed Officers Quincy and Preston relevant to
tbeir observations wben arriving on tbe scene. A copy of the initial crime report, crime
scene log sign in sbeet, and Emergency run sbeets have been placed in the Homicide case

Detective Edward Derringer, the initial homicide investigator in charge, arrived on

the scene. Detective Derringer learned tbat the initial officers to arrive on the scene, Unit
616 manned by Candice Preston and Yolanda Quincy, bad found the vebicle witb all doors
open and an victims unresponsive. Officer Preston stated that a concerned citizen rode up


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ITEM F-16754-06
on a bicycle and directed officers to the location of another victim who was found alive but
unresponsive (Markee Hunter). Another concerned citizen rode u p on a bicycle and
tentatively identified bbTigery'as Markee Hunter and "LiI Mann as Arsenio Hunter.

Detective Derringer learned that Second District responding Officers Anthony

Polidore and F. Jackson, manning unit 218, began to canvass the immediate area. Officer's
Polidore and Jackson located a Green Ford Taurus, with tinted windows, parked across
from 1911 Danneel Street. Officers observed in plain view an AK 47 on the rear seat.
Further investigation by tbese officers revealed the vebicle engine was warm, the hood was
hot to the touch, and the vehicle was unlocked. Detective Barrett Morton, Unit 4154, was
assigned to handle this aspect of the investigation.

Detective Edward Derringer noted that the Ford Explorer, Texas license plate 293
KXN,was still in the drive position and running.
Detective Derringer noted tbat several chrome .40 caliber S&W Aguila casings were
located in the immediate area of Reggie Dantzler. Detective Derringer noted tbat one casing
was located inside the vehicle and another was located on top of the vehicle.

Detective Eddie Derringer stated he interviewed New Orleans Health Department

emergency Medical Services Tecbnicians Rod Cason and Tommy Evans, unit 3167, who
advised all victims were unresponsive. Technicians Cason and Evans stated the decedents
were not moved and made no further comments.
- --- -- - . -- -Detective-Sergeant Jeffrey-Walls;. Detective Gustave Bethea, and Detective Matt
McCleary conducted a canvass of the neigbborbood which proved fruitless.

Detective Jeffrey Lerhmann received notes from Detective Greg Hamilton outlining
statedhegarrivedon the
his actionsat.theinitial..crime-scme.l)etecti~e.~.amilton,-nn.~i..4~.55,
scene and began to canvass the area of onlookers for any information related to this

Detective Hamilton noted that he met with Mrs. Mona Lisa Hunter who stated she is
the mother Arsenio Hunter ( B/M 0and Markee Hunter( B/M-.
Arsenio Hunter was located on the street next to the rear passenger side tire. Markee
Hunter was taken to Elmwood Medical Center via Emergency Medical Services. Mrs.
Hunter said Markee and Arsenio live with ~her
- va

Mrs. Hunter was accompanied by her dau,ghter Markisha Hunter. Markisba

Hunter stated that ber cousin, lraun Taylor, is also one of the victim's inside of the vehicle.

- - --


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ITEM F-16754-06
. . Mrs. Hunter stated she received a phone call from Markisba stating that her sons
had been fatally shot at the corner of Josepbine and Danneel Streets. Mrs.Hunter
immediately proceeded to the scene and learned that Markee Hunter had been transported
to the hospital.

Detective Greg Hamilton also met with Mrs. Angela Simeon at the crime scene. Mrs.
Simeon stated she was the mother of Warren Simeon (B/M m Mrs. Simeon
further stated that the blue sports utility vehicle at the crime scene belonged to her. Mrs.
Simeon allowed Warren to use the vehicle. Mrs. Simeon stated she recdved a phone call
from an unknown person who advised Warren Simeoa had been shot at Josephine and
Danneel Street. Mrs. Simeon proceeded to tbe area.and observed the scene cordoned off.

Detective Greg Hamilton then met with Mr. Tyree Perkins who identified.himself as
the father of Reggie Dantzler (B/M e Mr. Perkins had notbing relevant to add
to the investigation.

Detective Greg Hamilton obtained a pbysical description of each parent's child, and
then compared them to the victims at the crime scene. The descriptions matched and
Detective Hamilton made the necessary arrangements witb Orleans Parish Coroner% Chief
Investigator Jobn
.. Gagliano f o r positive identification. . ..

Detective Edward Derringer assisted Coroner's .off~ce

personnel with inventory of
tbe victims property.

-- The-firstdecedent, identified-.asReggie-Dantzler;.wasremoved at approximately

5:48 a.m. During the inventory, the following items were recovered and turned over to the
Coroner's Office
1) Left wrist - one watch
---.- ....-. . -21-
.- . . . .-- - -. ... .. - - . .
3) Left front pocket- nothing
4) Right rear pocket- one white T shirt
5) Left rear pocket- twenty-three ( 23) 20's two (2) 100%

Detective Derringer located a cell pbone next to Danller's body which was seized as

The second decedent, identified as Arsenio Bunter, was removed at approximately

6:06a.m. During tbe inventory, tbe following items were recovered and turned over to the
Coroner's Office.

I) Left wrist - one watcb

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ITEM F-16754-06
2) Nothing in pockets

Detective Derringer located a Motorola Razor and another phone under the body of
Arsenio Hunter. These two pbones were seized as evidence.

The third decedent, identified as Warren Simeon, was removed form the scene at
approximately 6:20 a.m. During the inventory, the following items were recovered and
turned over to tbe Coroner's office.

I) Right rear pocket- wallet containing an ID

2) Notbing in otber pocket.

Detective Derringer located a grey Motorola cell phone on the floorboard next to the
body. The phone was seized as evidence.

The fourtb decedent, identified as lraun Taylor, was removed at approximateJy 6 5 0

a.m. During the inventory, tbe following items were recovered and turned over to tbe .
Coroner's Office.

1) Neck- one rosary

2) Left front pocket- two(2) quarters and a wadded up paper towel

Detective Derringer located four (4) photographs in the right rear pocket of lraun
Taylor. These pbotographs were seized as evidence.

Once the scene was processed, Detective Derringer contacted Unit 7200 wbo arrived
on the scene to tow the Ford Explorer. The Explorer was taken to tbe Homicide office for
safekeeping and processing.

While at the Homicide office, Detective Derringer examined the Ford Explorer and
located a disposable camera in the rear seat. Detective Derringer also located a photograph
in the front seat area of the vebicle. These two items were seized as evidence.

While at tbe Homicide office, Detective Derringer completed the necessary

departmental paperwork and forwarded it tbrougb the proper channels.

On ~ a t u r d a ' June
y 17,2006 at approximately 10:21 p.m. Detective Greg Hamilton
contacted Mrs. Angela Simeon via telephone. Mrs. Simeon stated she received a pbone call
from an unknown female wbo stated she had last talked to Warren by telephone. The
unknown female stated that Warren told her that Reggie Dantzler AKA Putty had gotten


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ITEM F-16754-06 . .

into an argument with an unknown person at Sam's nightclub. Tbe female stated this could
be an explanation of the motive for the murders.

On Saturday June 17,2006 at approximately 10:49 p.m. Detective Greg Hamilton

made contact with Mrs. Chantell Perkins. Mrs.Perkins stated Reggie's father, Tyree
Perkins, was asleep and bad no relevant information to this investigation.

On Sunday June 18,2006 Detective Greg Hamilton went to tbe Orleans Parish
Coroner's Office at 2600 Martin Luther King. Detective Hamilton attended tbe post
mortem autopsy of the five victims.

The first post mortem autopsy began at approximately 8:00 a.m. and was -identified
as C.O. # F-0582-06. Dr. Tracy stated tbat tbe victim, Reggie Dantzler, appeared to be shot
one time. Dr. Tracy recovered one round from the victim's bead.

Dr. Tracy labeled tbe victim's injury A and it was considered to be a fatal wound.

A) ~ n t e r e dthe left side of head and was retrieved from the rigbt side
of the bead.
Dr. Tracy concluded the post mortem examination at approximately 9:00 a.m.
Tbe evidence collected by ~ r . & # c w b & n ~ tbe victim's autopsy was cataloged
and turned over to Detective David Traban who is assigned to the Orleans Parish
Coroner's Office. Detective David Traban in turn placed tbese items into tbe Central
Eviden.ceand~P~ropertyDepos5tory-of-the-New-OrJ.eans Pojlce-Departmentunder receipt #

The second post mortem autopsy began at approximately 8:00 a.m. and was
identified as C..~~~~44.Dlr,McCGa~~st.a.ted..the~vjdim,.identified as Arsenio Hunter,
appeared to be shot hvo (2) times. Dr. McGary recovered one (1) spent projectile from the
victim's lung.

Dr. Mc Gary identified the following gunshot wounds

1) Gunshot wound which entered the right inner wrist area and exited
tbe outer rigbt wrist area.
2) Gunsbot wound to the left back which tracked left to right and top
to bottom towards tbe spine.

Dr. McGary concluded bis post mortern examination at approximately 10:30 a.m.

p ~ -
~ ~


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1 ITEM F-16754-06 1
The evidence collected by Dr. McGary during the victim's autopsy was cataloged
and turned over to Detective David Trahan who is assigned to the Orleans Parish
Coroner's Office. Detective David Trahan in turn placed these items into the Central
Evidence and Property Depository of the New Orleans Police Department under receipt #

The third post mortem autopsy was conducted by Dr. Tracy and began a t
approximately 9:30 a.m. Dr. Tracy stated the victim, identified as Warren Simeon, suffered
several gunshot wounds. Dr. Tracy collected three (3) bullets and four (4) fragments from
the victim's body.

Dr. Tracy identified the fo1lowing gunshot wounds:

1) Gunshot wound entered left arm and exiting same

2) Gunshot wound to the left buttocks
3) Gunshot wound to the.left leg
4) Gunshot wound to the left back
5) Gunsbot wound to the left back
6) Gunshot wound to the left back
7) Abrasion to the left a m

Dr. Tracy concluded his post mortem examination at approximately 11:I5 a.m.

The evidence collected by Dr. Tracy during the victim's autopsy was cataloged and
turned over to Detective David Trabaa who is assigned to tbe Orleans Parish Coroner's
Office. Detective David Trahan in turn placed these items into the Central Evidence and
Property Depository of the New Orleans Police Department under receipt # 200606553.

The fourtb post mortem autopsy was conducted by Dr. McGary and began at
approximately 3050 a.m. Dr. McGary stated the victim, identified as Irian Taylor, Dr.
McGary stated the victim was shot multiple times. Dr. McGary recovered two (2) bullets
and two (2) fragments from the victim's body.

Dr. McGary identSfied the following wounds:

1) Gunsbot wound to the left side of-thehead

2) Gunshot wound to the left side of tbe back
3) Gunsbot wound to the left side of the back
4) Gunsbot wound to the left side of the back
5) Gunshot wound to the stomach


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ITEM F-16754-06

Tbe evidence collected by Dr. McGary during the victim's autopsy was cataloged
and turned over to Detective David Traban who is assigned to the Orleans Parish
Coroner% Office. Detective David Trahan in turn placed these items into the Central
Evidence and Property Depository of tbe New Orleans Police Department under receipt #

The fifth post mortem autopsy wasconducted by Dr. Tracy and began a t
approximately. 11 :26 a.m. Dr. Tracy stated the victim, identified as Markee Hunter,
suffered several gnnsbot wounds. Dr. Tracy recovered two (2)bullets and fragments.

Dr. Tracy identified the following gunshot wounds: .

1) Gunshot wound to the left shoulder

2) Gunsbot wound to the left back
3) Gunsbot wound to the rigbt inner arm
4) Gunsbot wound to the right rear thigb
5) Gunsbot wound to the left side of tbe head
6) Abrasion to tbe left arm

Tbe evidence collected by Dr. Tracy during tbe victim's autopsy was cataloged and
---turned'oveyto-DefeT'ti6i37,aGdd'Tra'hanwb 0-is-a-ssign-eat0the-Orleans Parish Coronerys

Office. Detective David Traban in turn placed tbese items into tbe Central Evidence and
Property Depository of the New Orleans Police.Department under receipt # 200606553.

.- On Monday June .1.9,2006-Detective-EdwardJlerringer .retrieved.tbe clothing of

victim's Reggie Dantzler, Warren Simeon, Arsenio Hunter, and M a n Taylor. The clothing
was taken to the Central Evidence and Property room of tbe New Orleans Police
Department and logged under receipt # 200606536.

On Monday June 19,2006 Detective Jeffrey Lebrmann was transferred to the

Bureau of Investigations Homicide Unit. Detective Lehrmann was assigned to take over
lead investigation in this case.

At approximately 3:00 p.m. Detective Jeffrey Lehrmann met with Sixth District
Officer Joe Williamson at tbe Homicide Office. Detective Jeffrey Lehrmann took a taped
statement from Officer Williamson wbicb will be transcr13ed and placed in tbe Homicide
to become permanent record.


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ITEM F-1 6754-06

Officer Joe Williamson stated he was riding around the Sixth District wlth a
documented confidential informant. The informant, wbo has proved reliable in the past,
received a pbone call from a female. The female caller then handed the pbone to a male
subject known to the confidential informant as Micbael Anderson. The documented
informant placed the phone to speaker so Officer Williamson could hear the conversation.

Officer Williamson immediately recognized the male voice as Mike- Mike (Michael
Anderson). Michael Anderson proceeded to say tbat he killed all five of them mother
fuckers and tbat be doesn't care anymore. Officer Williamson has arrested Michael
Anderson in tbe past (0610512006) and stopped bim numerous times on the streets.

At approximately 5:00 p.m. on Monday June 19,2006 Homicide Sergeant Arthur

Kaufman was contacted by Sergeant Dan Anderson of the Sixth District Task Force.
Sergeant Dan Anderson stated that Michael Anderson A K A Mike Mike was a t the Sixtb
District Police Station trying to clear his name.

Detective Jeffrey Lehrmann and Sergeant Arthur Kaufman went to the Sixth
District and met with Micbael Anderson. Mr. Anderson stated tbat the word on the street is
that he was responsible for killing the five boys on Josepbine Street the morning of
Saturday June 17,2006. Mr. Anderson stated tbat be has an alibi that would clear him
from any involvement in tbis crime.

Michael Anderson volunteered to enter the station and was escorted into the
.-interview room:
on-Friday June-16,-2006 be and his
girlfriend checked into the Bourbon Orleans Hotel a t approximately noon. Micbael
Anderson stated tbey left tbe botel and went to Chris Owens club on Bourbon Street.
Michael Anderson would not be specific as to the time he left the botel tbat evening.
Michael Anderson stated tbey returned to the botel around 2:00 a.m. and remained there
for tbe remainder of the nigbt. Michael Anderson stated the only person who could verify
their presence a t t h e hotel was the clerk.

Micbael Anderson stated they check out the hotel around noon on Saturday Junel7,
2006. Anderson stated be spent Saturday night with a female, which be refused to name.
Anderson stated be spent Sunday nigbt at the Quality Inn room #I004 with a man he
knows as Warren C. Micbael Anderson refused to offer any more information to detectives.

Upon obtaining this information from Micbael Anderson, Homicide Sergeant

Arthur Kaufrnan made contact with the New Orleans Police Department's Eight District
Investigative Unit commander Lieutenant Paul Noel. Sergeant Kanfman advised

-. ... . -- ~ --


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ITEM F-16754-06
Lieutenant Noel of the situation and request he send someone to the Bourbon Orleans hotel
to verify the information provided by Micbael Anderson.

Lieutenant Paul Noel contacted Sergeant Arthur Kaufman a short time later.
Lieutenant Noel stated he sent Detective Ernie Crayton to the hotel and he was able to gain
the following information. Detective Crayton learned that Mrs.Arnika Jones, Micbael
Anderson's girlfriend, cbecked into room # 245 of the hotel at approximately 3.00 a.m. on
the morning of Sunday June 18,2006. Detective Crayton was given a registration card and
room bill in the name of Arnika Jones for the morning of June 18,2006.

Detective Crayton was allowed to view tbe business surveillance tapes for tbe time,
Mr. Jones cbecked in (Sunday June 18,2006 between 3:31 a.m. and 3:57a.m.). Detective
Crayton observed an unidentified female on tbe tape at that time. Detective Crayton
requested a copy of the tape for evidence purposes. The security staff stated they would
contact tbeir contractor to retrieve tbe information from tbe surveillance system.

At tbis point Detective Jeffrey Lebrmann authored a search and seizure warrant for
Micbael Anderson's known address 2022 Josephine Street. This is also tbe reddence where
Michael's mother Denise Anderson resides and is within a city block of where the murders

Detective Jeffrey Lehrmann met with the Honorable Judge Bookman who reviewed
and signed the search and seizure warrant for 2022 Josephine Street. The warrant bas been
placed in the Homicide file and will become a permanent record. . ..
.. -.. - .-, .,. ,, . -..-----.- .- , , -- -- . .

Detectives from the Homicide Unit, under the supervision of Captain Joe
Waguespack, executed the searcb warrant at 2022 Josephine Street. No evidence relevant

to the crime was recovered and the residence was turned back over to the owner, Mrs.
Den jse Anderson ,--- . ......---- .. . . . -. . . . - ..-.. . - ..

Captain Joe Waguespack, Sergeant Arthur Kaufman, and Detective Jeffrey

Lebrmann then proceeded to the 2000 block of Danneel Street to canvass tbe area.
Detective Lebrmann met with Mrs. Mary Turner who advised that on Friday June 17,2006
the Ford Taurus vehicle was in possession of her son James Turner (B/M
James Turner stated that be was In the vehicle with his two friends, Christopher Robertson
AKA Slim and Miguel Keelen AKA Mic. Mr. Turner stated tbat they went out that night
and returned to the house about 2:00 a.m. on tbe morning of June 17,2006.

Detective Lebrmann learned tbe registered owner of tbe 1997 Ford Taurus was Mrs.
Mary Turner wbo currently resides a- St. Andrew Street runs
parallel to Josephine and intersects with Danneel Street. Detective Lebrmann learned tbat
- - - - -


N a v 04 06 07:30p P-8

ITEM F-16754-06
the Ford Taurus was still in the original location for the night of the murder. The vehicle
was towed for additional processing.

Upon speaking to Miguel Keelen (B/M-Detective Lehrmann learned

. .
that he was friends with the victims. Keelen was willingly escorted back to the Sixth
District Police station. Keelen advised that he got home around 2:00 a.m. on Saturday
morning and went to sleep. Keelen states he called Putty (Reggie Danbler) around 3:45
a.m. to come pick him up from Josephine Street,so be could ride back with 'them to the
Westbank. Keelen stated be received a call from Putty that they were pulling up and for
Keelen to come outside. Keelen stated his stomach began to hurt and be had to use the
restroom. Keeleo stated while in the restroom he heard several shots and came outside to
find his friends murdered. Keelem was unable to provide any further relevant information
at this time and was brought back borne.

On Tuesday June 20,2006 Detective Jeffrey Lehrmann, Greg Hamilton, and

Gustave Betbea conducted a canvass of tbe Josephine area in an attempt to obtain furtber
information. Detectives found several of the homes abandoned and others that were
occupied. The homes that were occupied there was eitber no answer or the occupamts did
not witness anything the morning of the murders.

On Wednesday June 21,2006 Detective Barrett Morton obtained a search warrant

for the Green Ford Taurus which had been towed to the evidence cage of the New Orleans
Police Department 715 S. Broad Street.

Detective Barrett Morton arrived at the evidence cage to have the Ford Explorer
and the Ford Taurus processed for evidence. Crime Scene Techn'iciao Thomas Kennedy,
unit 51 19 began to process the Ford Explorer when Captain Waguespack called. Captain
Waguespack suggested that detectives gain a search warrant' for the Ford Explorer because
it was registered to Mrs. Angela Simeon.

Detective Lehrmann prepared a search warrant for the 3992 Ford Explorer and it
was signed by Judge Giarusso. Detective Lehrmann contacted Crime Scene and technicians
Pichon (Unit 5129) and Collins (Unit 5126) who arrived to process the vehicles.

Crime Lab Technicians Pichon and Collins processed the interior of the Ford
Explorer and located the following evidence.

1) Sony 600 watt amplifier model XM2100GTX serial number

0508125 contained one(3) fragment


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ITEM F-16754-06

2) Power amplifier mounted above the rear passenger tire in

the cargo area contained one (1) fragment
3) Interior driver's door contained one(1) fragment
4) Rear passenger quarter panel - two (2) fragments
5) Black NY hat on the passenger's front floorboard.

Detective Barrett Morton prepared a search warrant for the Green Taurus which
was subsequently signed by Honorable Judge Hansen.

Crime Lab Technician Pichon and Collins processed the Ford Taurus and located
the following evidence:

1) Driver's side window- partial print

2) Passenger side window- partial print

The above listed evidence was collected by Crime Scene Technician C. Picbon on
Wednesday June 22,2006 and taken to the Central Evidence and Property Room of the
New Orleans Police Department and logged under receipt # 200606653.

Once the vehicles were processed, Detective Lebrmann bad the Ford Explorer towed
to the City tow yard located on Almonaster in New Orleans East. Detective Lebrmann
contacted Mrs. Mary Turner who arrived a short time later to take possessidn of her

On Thursday June 22,2006 Sergeant Arthur Kaufman was contacted by an oficial

of thee-R The representative advised tbat inmate Ronald
Miles bad relevant information about this murder.
.---- ,.-. - ..----..
On Friday June 23,2006 Detective Jeffrey Lebrmann, Sergeant Arthur Kaufman,
Agent Jules Martin, and Agent David Bean traveled to - . A-. . to
interview Ronald Miles.

Mr. Miles stated he fs incarcerated for narcotics violations and wanted to provide
information about the murder. Mr. Miles stated be talks to a friend who advised that
"Mic" set the killing up over a murder which occurred in the project around Mardi Gras
time. Mr. Miles also stated tbat tbe killing had to do with a disturbance in the club that
night and the belief that Reggie "Puttyn Dantzler was responsible for a murder in the
projects during Mardi Gras 2006.


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ITEM F-16754-06
Mr. Miles stated if he talked to his friend again, identified as Aaron Jones, he would
have him contact police to provide more information. Aaron Jones contacted-Detective
Lehrmann on several occasions but had no concrete information relevant to this murder
investigation. . .

Captain Joe Waguespack went to the Tangipahoa Parish Jail and picked up a copy
of the taped conversation between Ronald Miles and Aaron Jones in which they speak of
the murder on Josephine Street. This tape was taken into evidence and later logged at tbe
Central Evidence and Property room of the New Orleans Police Department under receipt
# 200608778.

On Friday June 23,2006 Detective ~ e f f r e yLehrmann proceeded to the Central

Evidence and Property room to remove evidence wbich was previously logged by Detective
Eddie Derringer. Detective Lebrmann specifically retrieved the cell phones of tbe victims
and pictures.

Detective Lehrmaon examined tbe phones and retrieved the phone numberr,
incoming and outgoing, relevant to tbis investigation. Detective Lehrmann noted that
Miguel Keelen WJ called Warren Simeon at approximately 1 :03 a.m. on June
17,2006. Keelen also called Reggie,Dantzler "Putty" several times in tbe hour leading u p to
tbe murder.

Detective Lehrmann contacted crime lab and learned that tbey would develop the
disposable camera that was seized as evidence from the Ford Explorer.
,----..-- --....
-.. . ..

On Saturday June 24,2006 Detective Lehrmann went to a local Sprint store and
learned that the phone found in possession of Reggie "Putty" Dantzler was number-
-and registered. to Meosha Tassin.
.... . . -- .- -- .. . . . -. ,.. .----..
, -.--. ....-.
. . ..
On Sunday June 25,2006 Detective Jeffrey Lehrrnann was contacted by the
Jefferson Parish SberifPs Office Second District Evening Watch Commander Lieutenant
Brady Buckley. Lieutenant Buckley stated his personnel bad just stopped two males that
were attempting to commit a murder that night in Jefferson Parish.

Jefferson Parish Sheriff% Ofice personnel received this information from a source
who also stated the two males were involved in the murder of the five boys on Josephine
Street. The males were identified as Nyron Jacques (B/M
dna ' DontreU Beal
(mv *
Detective Lehrmann escorted ~ e aback
l to the Homicide Oflice for further
interviewing. Detective Lehrmann learned tbat Beal was at Sam's the night of the murder.


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ITIEM F-16754.06
Beal denied seeing the victim's or Michael Anderson a t the club. Beal stated be left at
approximately 3:00 a.m. and didn't observe any altercations. Beal was then transported to
a hotel in Metairie where he is staying.

On Monday dune 26,2,006 at approximately 3:15 p.m. Detective Jeffrey Lehrmann

and Detective Decynda Barnes went to 327 Wright Road and met with Mrs. Mona Lisa
Hunter. Mrs. Hunter is the mother of Markee and Arsenio Hunter. Mrs. Hunter received a
phone call on the morning of the murder from her niece Rashanda Hunter. Rasbanda
stated sbe received a call from an unknown female who stated "Mann bad been shot. Mrs.
Hunter also advised that she learned Miguel Keelen "Micyycalled Reggie Dantzler "Putty"
to come to Josepbine and Danneel to pick them up.

Detective Lehrmann also spoke to Rakim Hunter who is the brother of Arsenio and
Markee Hunter. Rakim Hunter stated he was at Sam's Club tbat night with the,victim9s.
Rakim stated that nothing bappened in the club tbat would have instigated these murders.
Rakim said he left about 3:00 a.m. and was brought to the Westbank by Markee Huter.
Markee Hunter then returned to the club to pick up tbe rest of the boys and bring them
home. Rakim Hunter did say tbat "Mic" told bim be beard the gunshots while he was on
the phone with 'GPuttyn.Rakim Hunter also stated he saw an associate oSMike-Mike,
Herman McMillian, leave from tbe scene after the police arrived. Rakim Hunter was
unable to provide an explanation as to the reason the murders occurred.

On Tuesday June 27,2006 Detective Lehrmann went to 3801 St. Phillip Street and
met with Mrs. Angela Simeon. Mrs. Simeon stated she received a phone call from Jessica in
Houston who advised her that her son was shot. Mrs. Simeon proceeded to tbe location and
learned tbat her son bad expired. The only information Mrs. Simeon could provide is tbat
Warren Simeon had recently broken up with Trinka Hankton who Hves next door to where
tb&murde.;s occurred. . .

Detective Lehrmaan had learned through the course of the investigation that WWL
television had interviewed a female named Torrie wbo stated in the interview that she
observed the killings. .

On Wednesday dune 28,2006 at approximately 9:00 a.m. Detective Lehrmann met

witb Officer Gary Flot of the New Orleans Police Department Public Information Office.
At tbis time Detective Lehrmann received a tape of tbe interview of Torrie on WWI,
television wbicb was later logged into the Central Property and Evidence Room of the New
orlea& Police Dgartment under receipt # 200608778.

On Tbursday June 29,2006 at approximately 2:00 p.m. Detective Lehrmann arrived

a t 4 t o interview Mr. Markee Edwards. Mr. Edwards, the father
- -


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ITEM F-16754-06
of Markee and Arsenio, stated he went to bis son's funeral but has not relevant information
to assist in the investigation.

Detective Lehrmann also met with Major Vaughn of

Center. Major Vaughn produced a recording of a pbone conversation Markee Edwards
had witb bis son Rakim. In tbis conversation Markee learned that the word on tbe street
was that Milre- Mike was responsible for his son's murders. Markee also learned that the
victims went around Josepbine Street to pick up Miguel Keelen and circled the block.
Markee learned tbis must bave spooked the shooter and be killed tbe victimys.

Detective Lehrmann obtained a CD of the conversation which was later taken to the
Central Evidence and Property Room of the New Orleans Police Department and logged
under receipt # 200608778.

On Sunday July 2,2006 Detective Lehrmann was contacted by Ofiicer Chad Perez
of the Sixth District. Officer Perez stated that Raymond Cobbins (B/M 09-04-1982)was in
tbe station looking to talk about the murders on Josephine Street.

Detective Lehrmann took a taped statement from Raymond Cobbins in wbicb he

stated be was on Josepbine Street wben the murders occurred the morning of June 17,
2006. Mr. Cobbins stated be was in SamysClub witb his girlfriend Torrie Williams. Mr.
Cobbins said he observed Mike- Mike in the club with a female. Mr. Cobbins stated Mike-
Mike was clad in a white t shirt and blue jeans.

Mr. Cobbins stated be left Sam's Club about 2:30 a.m. and he went towards the
Josepbine Street area. Mr. Cobbins said he was on tbe porcb of his family's residence when
be observed tbe five victims turn onto Josephine and stop in tbe middle of tbe block. The
victims proceeded down Josephine Street towards Danneel wben Mike- Mike walked from
tbe Jackson side of Danneel and stepped into the middle of the street. Mr. Cobbins sald be
observed Mike- Mike begin shooting into the vehicle. Mr. Cobbins ran from the scene to
protect himself.

Mr. Cobbins was shown a six picture photographic line up wbicb contained the
following pictures:

1) 26OOZOZl9762
2) 260020219696
3) 260020214644
4) 36003021 03f9
5) 360030508339 ( Michael Anderson)
6) 260020214933


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fTEM F-16754-06

Mr. Cobbins identified Michael Anderson (Mike- Mike) as the shooter he saw fire
into the victimysvehicle. Mr. Cobbins was unsure of the movements of the perpetrator
prior to tbe shooting but positively identified Michael Anderson (Mike-Mike) as the .. .
individual who repeatedly fired into the victim's vehicle. A taped statement was taken of
Mr. Cobbins and it was later logged a t the Central Evidence and Property Room of the
New Orleans Police Department under receipt # 200608082. Once a transcribed statement
is received, it will be placed in the Homicide file and become permanent record.

Despite tbe eye witness identification ofMicbae1 Anderson as tbe shooter, Detective
Lebrmann continued his investigation in an attempt to corroborate the statement provided
by Mr. Cobbins prior to obtaining an arrest warrant.

On Saturday July 8,2006 at approximately 8:45 p.m. Detective'Lehrmann met with

Mrs.Mona Lisa Hunter at her residence. Mrs. Hunter stated her niece received
information that Herman McMillian was involved in the murder and was on Josephine
Street wben this incident occurred.

Detective Lebrmann attempted to locate Herman McMillian to conduct an interview

but was u~successful.Detective Lebrmann went to the last known address of Farrianne
Thomas (Herman McMiJJian's girlfriend), jyand learned
she bad moved back to Texas witb no forwarding address or contact numbers.

-. - -May 14,.2006 Offices3romthe Sixth District

responded to Touro Hospital for a shooting. Oficers learned tbat Herman Mcmillian and
Farrianne Tbomas were drivingaear Seventh Street and Danneel wben Herman was shot
in tbe back of the bead by an unknown assailant. Herman McMiJlian only received a graze
wound. McMillian was unable to identify tbe perpetrator. A copy of this report bas been
added to the Homicide Tie and will become permanent record.

On Monday July 11,2006 Detective Lebrmann met with Mr. Calvin Grayer at tbe
Homicide Office. Mr. Grayer stated on the nigbt of the murder be heard several shots and
walked out bis house to observe Herman McMillian running on Josephine, past South
Saratoga, with a gun in his hand. Mr. Grayer identified Herman McMillian (AKA Cat
Eyes). A signed pbotograph of Herman McMillian was obtained and later logged into the
Central Evidence and Property Room of the New Orleans Police Department under receipt
# 200608082. Once received, a transcribed statement of Mr. Grayer will be placed in the
Homicide file and become permanent record.

- -


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ITEM F-16754-06 . .

On Tuesday July 12,2006 Detective Lehrmann received a phone call from the Sixth
District stating that a female was in the station wisbing to talk about these murders. Upon
arrival, Detective Lebrmann met with Mrs. Torrie Williams wbo came from v
because she beard the police wanted to talk to ber. Mrs. Williams confirmed she was tbe
one interviewed by WWL television the morning of tbe murder. Mrs.Williams gave a
taped statement as to her recollection of the events as tbey unfolded the early morning of
June 17,2006.

Mrs. Williams stated that on the evenlng of Friday June 16,2006 sbe and her
boyfriend Raymond Cobbins took the free bus f r o r n m t t o New Orleans and got a
room at the Quality Inn on St. Cbarles Avenue. Mr. Williams went to S a m 3 Club and left
around 2:30 a.m. wben tbey became uncomfortable because of Mike-Mike's presence.

Around 3:30 a.m. Mrs. Williams went to the Josepbine Street area to look for ber
boyfriend. Mrs. Williams was walking down Josepbine Street when she observed Mike-
Mike walk up next to the victims blue Ford Explorer and open fire. Once the vebicle struck
the telepbone pole, Mike- Mike went to tbe passenger side and fired into tbe vebicle.

Mrs. Williams was shown a six pack color pbotograpbic line up containing the
following photographs:
2) 260020219696
3) 260020214644
.-----..-.. .--4)-;360030~~.@319 -. .. -.

5) 360030508339 (Micbael Anderson)

6)26002021.4933 .
tifie.d_pb.o.tograpb, sbe knows as Mike-
Mike, the same one who shot into the Ford Explorer the morning of June 17,2006 killing
five victims. Mrs. Williams identified Michael Anderson (B/M 11-04-1986) as tbe killer.
Mrs. Williams circled Michael Anderson's picture and initialed all six photographs. Mrs.
Williams turned tbe line up over and indicated wbich picture she choose, #5, and signed,
dated, and timed the line up.

Tbe line up was later and audio taped statement was taken to the Central Evidence
and Property room of the New Orleans Police Department and logged under receipt
#200608082. Once a transcribed statement is received, it will be placed in the Homicide 8 e . .

and become a permanent record.


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ITEM F-16754-06
While conducting an interview of Mrs. Williams, Detective Lehrmann drew a
preliminary map of the area and Mrs. Williams described the events as they unfolded in
reference to tbe map. This was done to protect the identity of Mrs. Williams and avoid .
having to escort her to the scene and comprising her safety. This was also done to test the . .

validity of Mrs. Williams account against the physical evidence collected on the scene.
Mrs.Williams's account of the incident was consistent with the evidence collected on the

Detective Lehrmann also later took the map to the Central Evidence and Property
room of the New Orleans Police Department and logged it under receipt #200608082.

During the interview, Detective Lebrmann also produced two additional line ups of
subjects wbo may bave been in the area at the time of the murders, along with Michael
Anderson. Tbese line ups were shown to determine if Miguel Keelen and Herman
McMillian were on tbe scene at the time of the murder. Mrs.Williams was unable to
identify anyone in either line up. These line ups were later taken to the Central Evidence
and Property Room of tbe New Orleans Police Department and logged as evidence under
receipt # 200608778.

Detective Lehrmann prepared an arrest warrant for Michael Anderson (B/M11-04-

1986) for five counts of First Degree Murder.

At approximately 2:30 a.m. on Tbursday July 13,2006 Detective Lehrmann made

contact with tbe on duty Magistrate Judge. Detective Lehrmann proceeded to the home of
Judge Russo and presented the arrest warrant for his approval. Judge Russo granted
Detective Lebrmann's request and signed the arrest warrant. More specifically, the arrest
warrant charged Michael 'Anderson with:

1) First Degree Murder of Reggie Putty" Dantzler

2) First Degree Murder of Warren " Luvn Sirneon
3) First Degree Murder of Arsenio " Lil ManyyHunter
4) First Degree Murder of Iraun Taylor
5) First Degree Murder of Markee Tigern Hunter

On Thursday July 13,2006 at approximately 5 0 0 p.m. Detective Lebrmann went to

the Eigbth Police District to send wanted bulletin. Detective Lehrmann then went to NClC
and had the arrest warrant of Michael Anderson placed in M.O.T.1.O.N and NCIC.

At approximately 6:10 p.m. on Thursday July 13,2006 Agent Daliares (New

Orleans Police Department Narcotics Division) located Michael Anderson near the


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ITEM F'L16754-06
intersection of South Saratoga and Josephine Street. Agent Dalfares took Michael
Anderson into custody and he was transported to the Homicide Omce in City P a r k

Upon arrival in City Park, Detective Decynda Barnes took possession of Michael
Anderson and escorted him into an interview room. Detective Barnes advised Michael
Anderson that be was under arrest for five(5) counts of First Degree Murder relevant to an
incident which occurred Saturday June 17,2006 at the intersection of Josephine and
Danneel Streets.

Detective Barnes advised Michael Anderson of his rights via a Rights of Arrestee
Form. The form, # 156319, was completed by Detective Barnes. Michael Anderson stated
he understood his rights but refused to sign tbe form. Tbis form was later logged into the
Central Evidence and Property Room of the New Orleans Police Department under receipt
# 200608778.

Michael Anderson wished to speak and went on to say that the only one of tbe five
victims he knows is Putty (Reggie Dantzler) because tbey were Incarcerated in a juvenile
facility together. Michael Anderson denied involvement in the killings stating he is a drug
dealer not a killer.

Michael Anderson stated the night of tbe murder he was at the Bourbon Orleans
with bis girlfriend Arnika Jones. Mr. Anderson stated be went to Sam% club tbat night and
both he and Mrs. Jones left at approximately 2:30 a.m. returning to the hotel for the
remainder of the night.
. 4- .

Wben Detective Barnes and Lehrmann told Michael Anderson that his alibi was
false, he stated be wished to call his lawyer. Detective Lehrmann attempted to assist
Michael Anderson with his request but Anderson was unsure of bis name. At this time,the
interview was s.topped. . -- --.-.
. ..

At approximately 8:00-p.m. Michael Anderson was transported to tbe Orleans

Parish Criminal SherifPs Office Central Lock up where he was booked with five counts of
First Degree Mnrder relevant to New Orleans Police department item F-16754-06.

On Friday July 14,2006 Detective Lehrrnann met with Agents from the Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. Detective Lehrmann and ATF agents relocated to the
2000 block of Josephine to searcb for the murder weapon. Agent Barton utilized her
firearms trained detection dog, Yahtzee, to searcb the area. Detective Lehrrnann and ATF
agents were unable to locate any firearms in tbe immediate area,


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ITEM F-1675446
On Friday July 14,2006 Detective Lehrmann went to the Bourbon Orleans Hotel,
717 Orleans Avenue, and met with manager Stuart Taylor. Detective Lehrmann advised
the reason for the visit and Mr. Taylor stated he was aware tbat police had previously come
to the botel seeking information.

Detective Lebrmann presented the paperwork previously received from the botel
relevant to the stay of Mrs. Arnika Jones. Mr. Taylor confirmed that the paperwork was
generated from the Bourbon Orleans hotel. Mr. Taylor stated that the .registration sheet
signed by Mrs. Jones and tbe computer generated receipt are correct. Both papers show
Mrs. Jones checking into the hotel on Saturday June 17,2006 and checking out on Sunday
June 18,2006. Mr. Taylor also confirmed the key log is for room # 245 wbich was rented by
Arnika Jones. Mr. Taylor stated the key log is dated wrong and inaccurate because the key
reader batteries were fatally low.

Detective Lebrmann questioned Mr. Taylor as to the date of June 17,2006. Mr.
Taylor stated that although the computer shows Mrs. Jones checked in on the morning of
June 17,2006 she actually checked in on Sunday morning June 18,2006. Mr. Taylor stated
that the hotel computer will read June 17,2006 after midnight on June IS until the night
audit is completed and actually rolled over by the employee. The computer 3s not on a true
24 bour rotation wbich would change dates at midnight. The dates doesn't change until tbe
night audit is completed somewbere between 4 and 5 a.m. eacb morning.

Mr. Taylor produced a computer print out which showed Mrs. Jones actually paid
cash for the botel room when she cbecked in. The cash was taken in by the hotel clerk at
-035491 -on-?3undaylJune.-18;.2006;..Mr;Taylor-also-stated that this-is an accurate form and
no employee should be able to enter the system after the fact and alter previous check ins
and dates.

At this time Mr. Taylor stated-tbe-check-in.should have been captured on tape and
archived in tbeir video system. The botel has only one open access door at nigbt and tbat
entrance/ exit is videotaped for guest and hotel protection. Mr. Taylor was unable to access
tbe system and gave Detective Lehrmann the contact Information of the system manager
William Drakeford. Detective Lehrmann attempted to contact Mr. Drakeford but was
unsuccessful because had movedand unable to be located in the phone book.

On Monday Jaly 17,2006 Detective Lehrmann and Ruiz went to 2521 Bell Street in
New Orleans to speak with Mrs. Arnika Jones, Mrs. Jones stated she was in the botel the
night of the murder with Micb.ae1Anderson. Mrs. Jones did not want to speak any further
or give any offwial statements until she spoke to Michael Anderson's lawyer. Mrs. Jones
attempted to contact tbe lawyer but was unsuccessh1. Detective Lebrmann concluded the
interview and left the residence.


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ITEM F-16754-06

On Monday July 24,2006 Detective Lehrmann was able to locate and make contact
with William Drakeford in reference to tbe hotel security tapes. Mr. Drakeford stated that
the surveillance system only bolds video for approximately seven (7) days and then the
information is erased and no one can access it again.

On Monday July 24,2006 Detective Lehrmann was called to tbe New Orleans Police
Department Sixth District to speak with Miguel Keelen. Mr. Keelen is believed to be the set
up man that lured the victims to the scene for Mike- Mike to kill tbem, Mr. Keelen was
advised of his rigbts per Miraada via form # 210513. Detective Lehrmann relocated to tbe
Central Evidence and Property Room of the New Orleans Police Department and logged
tbe rigbts form under receipt # 200608921

Mr. Keelen stated be was inside of Sam's club witb tbe victims the nigbt they were
murdered. Mr. Keelen stated be called.Putty (Reggie Dantzler) several times tbat nigbt.
Mr, Keelen denied being involved in the murder and said be grew up with tbe victim's.

On Tuesday July 25,2006 Detective Lehrmann and ATR Agent Mike Hutton went
to an undisblosed location to meet witb T o d e Williams. Detective Lebrmann received
unconfirmed information that Mrs.Williams agreed to come fornard and finger Micbael
Anderson as the shooter because she was paid off by tbe actual shooter Telly Hankton.
Mrs. Williams adamantly denied this stating she has received notbing'iri exchange for. her
cooperation. Mrs. Williams stated sbe saw tbe shooting and wanted to do tbe rigbt thing. Jt
sbould be noled that Torrie Williams was on television on@hours after the murder stating
tbat sbe observed tbe incident unfold.

Upon researching Telly Hankton (B/M 06-11-1976) Detective Lehrmann learned

Mr. Hankton~was~a~estedededo.nBJaune29,20(13.for Illegal Possession of a Firearm. In this case
(F-51146-03) Off~cersseized a Glock .40 caliber handgun wbicb had a twenty nine (29)
round magazine and twenty- eight Aguila rounds. Detective Lebrmana attempted to
determine tbe disposition of the gun but was unsuccessful. Detective Lebrmann submitted a
Crime Lab request to compare tbe rounds fired from Mr. Hankton's gun and those
recovered from tbe crime scene at Josepbine and,Danneel Street.

On Wednesday August 2,2006 Detective Lebrmann was contacted by firearms

examiner Meredith Acosta wbo stated that the evidence saved in IBIS under F-51146-03
does nod match the evidence from tbis murder (F-16754-06). This eliminates the Glock
owned by Telly Haakton as tbe murder weapon,


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ITEM F-16754-06
A copy of tbe Telly Hankton arrest has been placed in the Homicide file and will
become permanent record.

Detective Lehrmann went to Charity Hospital Elmwood to locate any clothing tbat
belonged to Markee Hunter. Tbe hospital was unable to locate these items at this time.

At this time, Detective Lehrmann is attempting to locate Telly Hankton and Herman
McMillian to determine if they had any involvement fn this incident. Thas far, those
actions bave met with negative results. .

In the course of this investigation, Detective Lehrmann learned that MikeMike had
taken several photographs while at Sam5 Clnb. Detective Lehrmann was able to make
contact with the picture man and learned tbat none of the pictures are saved past the night
they are taken.

Any further information relevant to this case will be forwarded in the form of a
supplement report.

With the arrest of Michael Anderson, AKA Mike-Mike, tbe Office of the Honorable
District Attorney for the Parish of ..Orleans
. .. ....
will be consulted in this matter.


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