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My group¶s horror movie incorporates typical generics conventions by adapting to our target
audience. By keeping our film in the generic convention for teens, we have adapted our
storyline to make it realistic and believable to young adults. A specific scene that represents
this is the seen where the killer, µDouglas¶ carries out the dead body from his white work van,
into his garage. This is a key moment within the
story as it tricks the audience into being 100%
certain that this is the killer, and that the bin bag
represents a dead body. This bring outs the
typically generic conventions such as, the blood
over the killers work clothes, the bin bag and the
garage, this could be linked into other films such as
µsaw¶ where the killer uses a workshop to stack his
dead bodies. Our film has both an antagonist and a
protagonist, this follows the generic convention as
in most horror movies, they tend to have a µbad
scary person¶ and a innocent victim, normally the victim of the antagonist to contrast the
two. In the picture you can see we show the antagnist covered in blood in his overalls within
the first 30 seconds of the film, this is so that the audience know who the killer is so that they
can follow the storyline as well as see that it is a horror film straight away which also shows
that we have followed horror conventions of today.

Throughout the film there is a on ominous antagonist who

is the killer, In scene two the killer is shown crossing out
his first victim in the yearbook with their blood. The scene
then shows the innocent victim deserted in a film covered
in blood, he has pale skin to reflect the literal death and
innocence of his face. Our antagonist therefore follows the
typical horror conventions because he is dressed in garage
work clothes, which are dark pasty red. This is to connote
his victim¶s blood. He also never shows his face to the
audience which indicates to the audience that he has
something to hide. Within scene 4 the killer is in the garage
and symbols are shown to indicate the killer¶s lifestyle and
personality. The symbols are such things as a white van that has a dead body inside, a
welding mask and garage tools such as a wrench, hammer etc.

The next victim within the film in scene 3 named Fuchsia is a girl dressed
in a white coat, white ear muffs and light denim, and red hair. In the
yearbook this character has blonde hair and now red, we liked this and
thought it was affective because it can connote the death of her, and
could denote her blood. We made sure she was dressed innocently with
whites and pastels to reflect her innocence and vulnerability. She is also
pale skinned which also denotes her purity. I feel that our group thought
about the types of characteristics our protagonists and victim¶s needed to
follow the typical conventions of a horror movie, in conclusion to this we demonstrated this
well in our film to make our storyline easier to follow.

This is a Snapshot from our film; we have

used this µLesson learnt¶ title at the end of
our film so that the audience will
remember the film well. We also used the
red to connote the blood, and the orange
and black letters so that the image sticks
into the audience¶s mind. Using the
bright colours makes this more

The titles and credits in my film have been adapted to make them look as professional and
the closest to a big budget horror movie. Therefore our titles and credits also meetmost
conventions. The chosen title of our film is µLesson Learnt¶,
me and my fellow group members created a title to fit in with
our film. The title page used in my film is shown on the left,
the colours and effects have all been chosen to fit in with the
Mise en scene as well as the genre of the film, because our
genre is blood and gore we decided to adapt our credits and
audio for our film to fit in with this, which also shows that
we have been conventional. I also think that the title used is
something that you could potentially see in a horror movie
today. Due to having a lack of professional equipment usage we were not able to create a
particularly amazing title for our film, but with the time and effort put in I think our group
have been able to make a plausible title that fits into our film well.

The killer is shown to follow typical generic conventions through his

clothing as his characteristics. The way the killer moves in each shot
represents his power and connotes himauthority within the film. The
killer¶s clothing also helps this as he is dressed in a red overall which also
connotes blood and death within the scene, the overalls are dirty and are
ripped connoting that they are old, and represent the killer¶s
characteristics. We have shot a party of the scene within the garage so that
the audience can see the killers¶ workshop and gain an insight into what
the killer is like and how he kills the dead bodies. The garage also plays a
big part within the whole opening two minutes of our film as it shows the
Mise en scene, as well as the storyline for the audience, to make sure they can follow it.There
is a pub seen in conjunction to our victim Fuschia and Killer meet to precede the murder,
where our group have followed the 180 rule and eye line match to prevent the audience
becoming confused to where the actors are. The shots and angles that my group have decided
to use give the film a more professional and accurate look. These also follow the typical
conventions of other horror films as these angles are also used.
Although our horror film meets a lot of horror
conventions it also challenges them in parts, I think that
the use of the yearbook in our film was an original idea
that is not very common or seen before in other horror films. The
yearbook is what the whole storyline of the film is based around, and it is
uncommon in horror films to base the story around,something such as a
yearbook. Therefore my film is challenging and denying the typical
horror conventions in parts of my film. is a link to the

opening of µTexas Chainsaw Massacre¶ I have chosen this link because it is also the opening
few minutes of a film, which also shows the paper clipping, and reports all on a board, this
like our film is using a type of report at the beginning to influence the audience and entice
them into the rest of the film. The opening few minutes is very important for the audience
and we have drawn influence from this film because it uses the opening through a report
which we have also done to show the storyline.

The use of horror conventions within my production show that I have used other films to
influence the producing of my film, the main horror conventions that have been used in my
film are fake blood, anachronous sounds and ambient sounds just like in µSaw¶ when the
characters are chained to the pipes with chains, to add and
emphasise the characters feelings to the audience, to
enhance empathy for the characters. In the planning stage I
had to watch and analyse many different horror films in
order to develop my own ideas. I drew inspiration from
films such as all of the Saw series, which all use a lot of blood
and gore, which is where we drew our influence from to
then make the fake blood for our film. Films such as The
Texas Chainsaw Massacre also inspired the making of our
film, because they also use gore but adapt their Mise en
scene to show the storyline to the audience. The opening of
the µThe Texas Chainsaw Massacre¶ involves a lot of news paper clippings, pictures and
reports to tell the audience the storyline to the film and to entice the audience to µwhat
happens next¶ which we have also drawn influences from such as our news report at the start
of the film, to lead the audience in to wonder what is going to happen next.

Then showing the male character trying to reach for a

tool to break the chain the film develops the characters
profile to an even deeper level, letting the audience in
on his point of view and his perception of what is going
on, here you can see a love angle mid shot which
establishes that he is still in a bathroom, in pain.
Showing the audience hi face follows the typical horror
convention as the extra- deigetic sound establishes and
gives the audience awareness of his situation.

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