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Questions 2:

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

When planning to create our film, my group looked into the representation that is shown in horror films. We
gathered this information from doing a that shows what
types of people the film is going to be aimed at. The group started by looking at what gender the film would be
aimed at and realised that this would be mainly aimed at people from the ages of 15-25 mainly consisting of
young teens, and to men as more men tend to watch gory horror films. However, when researching online I
found that there is, more recently, an increase in women watching horror movies for the thrill and excitement.
In this part of the scene it
is just after the killer and
the female character have
walked out of the pub, we
show the male killer
standing over her dead
body to again connote his
authority and dominance
within the scene over the
victims to reflect the
In horror films males are normally portrayed as being of
strong or the antagonist, like our film we have used a male
to dominate the storyline through his eyes. However the
We also show ‘Douglas’ the killer standing beginning of our film shows the news report so that the
over the dead body wrapped in bin bags to audience can begin to believe and understand the storyline
reflect his dominance as the male lead from the begin to then go on and understand it through the
character. Using a high angle shot impacts antagonists eyes. This is to denote the intensity through the
the status of the main killer as it makes him killer’s eyes representing his thoughts. We chose a male
appear bigger and scarier within the scene. actor for the rest of the scene in our horror film because by
Also using a high angle shot makes the dead showing the male character within all of the scenes apart
body appear week, this is not usually seen from the start and the end shows that we want the audience
as low angle shots are used to make people to understand the killer and why he is in the middle of it
appear bigger and better however in this all, to connote that he is the most important character for
shot the killer seems strong compared to the later on in the film where the audience will understand his
dead body laying down looking weak. presence within the film more.
When planning our film, writing the
script and casting we specified in
having male character for the main
part, and two females one for the
news report reader and another to
play the victim. We needed to specify
in the gender f our characters as it
made an impact on the affect of the
storyline. Although sexuality is
important in the opening of the film
Showing the Within our film gender is represented in a stereotypical way although we have
because we had to take it into
victims eyes used both male and female characters. As our film is based around a murderer
thought if we were to create a
dead still acts and his victims we chose to use a female and a male as the victims. We
completed film as it would
impact to his presented the protagonist as a female, as women are stereotypically though to
determine the target audience. In
death and the be innocent and fragile. Using a female we wanted to shock the audience
the survey we created we decided to
blood because when shocking and horrifying things happen to them, the audience
ask what sex they are because we
surrounding feels a greater reaction and feels empathy towards the character, by dressing
want both genders to be able to
his nose and her in light clothing we wanted to denote innocence and purity from this
watch our film.
cheek. character. After completing our target audience questionnaire we found that
both males and females watch and would want to watch a horror film. Within
the first 55 seconds the second females character is shown to connote the
innocence of our victims and to create more of an impact of their death.

Showing the victim dead

covered in blood, innocent in Age-Although violence isn’t presented in the opening of our
the year book and again being film, the idea of violence and death is, and will be included
crossed out in the same in the complete film. During the planning stage of the film,
yearbook reflect the storyline we decided that our film will be targeted at young adults
and shows the killers methods and older teenagers. After completing our target audience
and his way of thinking. This survey questionnaire our results showed that our planning
links to our target audience was reasonably accurate as the majority of results that we
because from our research we collected showed that people mainly watched horror films
discovered that this age group rated 15+. Race-Our film appeals to both Caucasian British
watch horror films as they enjoy and Afro Caribbean audience as both races are presented in
the thrills and excitement so the film. As both these races are included within the film
they need too also be able to we need to make sure there is no offensive language or
understand the storyline. action that may cause offence to other cultures
My film represents age in different lights, mainly due to the fact that our storyline was based
around characters that went to school together in 1995. Due to the storyline we was unable to
enforce a wide range of ages in our film. However we did try to represent class, we had a smart
younger looking boy who was murdered dressed in a suit and tie, then ranging to a woman
dressed in light innocent clothes to represent another different social class, and lastly the main
character who in the film is always dressed in red work clothes which appear to be dirty and old,
to connote his character and personality within the filming.

All of the actors within our Ethnicity within our piece is not really shown, this is
piece were 16-17. Although mainly due to the storyline that is based within a
this meant that we was not school with school peers from the main characters
passed, although this is not really shown class is Within our film we
able to show a wide range of
different actors I feel that this commonly used to represent the characters state of have represented
mind. the characters
somewhat benefits our film as characteristics
the our target audience of well, we have
teenagers can relate to the done this through
characters, however on the their work place,
other hand I feel that the clothing, facial
storyline would have been and body
more believable and reliable if language. This
the main character was an represents and
adult. shows the
storyline to also
connote feelings.

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