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Dr Z Digitally signed by

Joseph H Zernik

Joseph Zernik, PhD DN: cn=Joseph H

Zernik, o, ou,
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750;, c=US
Location: La Verne,
Fax: 323.488.9697; Email: Date: 2010.03.23
17:32:39 -07'00'

Blog: Scribd:

10-03-23 Richard Fine: Requesting Responses by the Califronia Judicial Council, Chaired by
Chief Justice Ronald George, on Allegations of Fraud by the Judicial Council.

Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 17:16:39 -0700

To: "Carrizosa, Philip" <>
From: joseph zernik <>
Subject: Requesting response by the Judicial Council to Allegations of Fraud in Habeas Corpus of
Richard Fine.
Cc: "McCormick, Brenda" <>, "McCormick, Kevin M"
<>, "Attention: Judge David Yaffe and the LA Superior Court C/O John
Clarke, Clerk" <>

Philip R. Carrizosa
Office of Communications
Judicial Council of California - Administrative Office of the Courts
455 Golden Gate Avenue, 5th floor
San Francisco CA 94102-3688
Direct 415/865-8044, Fax 415-865-4588

Dear Mr Carrizosa:

Following your advice, I sent today my request for review of allegations of fraud, obstruction and
perversion of justice by Attorney Kevin McCormick, and for initiation of corrective actions, directly to the
Chair of the Judicial Council, Chief Justice Ronald George. [1], [2] In the letter I only referred to
wrongdoing by Attorney Kevin McCormick. However, based on the totality of the evidence and the
records in the case, it was very likely that wrongdoing would also be found on the part of the Judicial
Council and/or its subordinate offices in this case.

The most plausible explanation for events in the case, based on evidence discovered to this date, is the

1. The California Judicial Council, chaired by Chief Justice Ronald George, and/or its subordinate
office(s) retained Attorney McCormick to appear on behalf of Judge Yaffe and the Superior
Court in the Habeas Corpus of Richard Fine.

2. The retainer agreement was written in a false and deliberately misleading manner, with false
case caption of "Fine v Sheriff of the LA Court", a case designation which did not exist, but with
the correct case number.

3. The Council and/or its subordinate office(s) considered itself unaccountable for the conduct of
Attorney McCormick in the habeas corpus petition under caption of "Richard I Fine v Sheriff of
Los Angeles County", since it was not the case in which he was retained by the Council to
appear pursuant to his retainer.

4. The council still most likely paid to Attorney McCormick for his services, regardless of the fact
that he appeared in a case that was of different case caption than the one that was designated
in his retainer.

5. Attorney McCormick never had any communication with Judge Yaffe or the Superior Court in
this matter.
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6. Attorney McCormick was never authorized by Yaffe and the Superior Court of California,
County of Los Angeles, as Counsel of Record to appear on their behalf.

7. Attorney McCormick, acting and paid for his conduct pursuant to retainer by the Judicial
Council and/or its subordinate office(s) (regardless of an error in case caption), engaged in
fraud on the court, false appearances, filing of false records, false declaration, false briefs.

8. Attorney McCormick, acting and paid for his conduct pursuant to retainer by the Judicial
Council and/or its subordinate office(s) (regardless of an error in case caption), affected the
false imprisonment of Richard Fine.
I would be grateful if you could respond on behalf of the Judicial Council and/or its subordinate offices
on the allegations of fraud by the Judicial Council, chaired by Chief Justice Ronald George, relative to
its conduct in re: the retainer agreement of Attorney Kevin McCormick, and collusion with Attorney
McCormick in affecting the false imprisonment of Richard Fine.

This letter is copied to Brenda McCormick, Counsel for the Ventura Superior Court, to Kevin
McCormick, to Judge David Yaffe, and to John A Clarke - on behalf of the Superior Court of California,
County of Los Angeles. Any response by those copied on this letter would be appreciated as well.


Joseph Zernik, PhD
Please sign our petition - Free Richard Fine:
Patriotic pics of Beyonce' Knowles, Sharon Stone, and Charlize Theron,
Coming soon- deep house music!

[1] March 23, 2010 Letter to California Chief Justice Ronald George.

[2] March 23, 2010 Certificate of Mailing

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