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Question 3

What kind of media institution

might distribute your media
product and why?
The film that me and my group
KingsFord Productions have
developed and produced could be
distributed in many ways. I think
that the film could be mainstream
as it fits into most modern day
generic horror conventions,
therefore it would fit in and large
cinemas such as the Odeon. ‘Lesson Learnt’ is unlike most big
However I think that it is a very Hollywood productions and this is due
British production, It wouldn’t be to a number of things. My media
made into a big Hollywood horror product is very British, from the cast,
as I don’t think it is that type of film. director, producers and location
I think this is because the film was everything that went into the making of
made on a small budget and it my film was British which is very far
doesn’t have all the effects and from Hollywood films. However I do
impacts of a Hollywood Horror film, think that the film would sell in America
it is more true to life. as we use a yearbook as the main prop
in the film and they could relate to this.
My media product ‘Lesson Learnt’
would be produced and distributed by
companies such as working title and
Universal, this is because although the
film is an independent production, It
could be made in to a very The film that I have produced is aimed
mainstream as it has a large target at a mass mainstream audience, and
audience. Therefore the film could this is to give the film the largest
make large profits if it was shown In audience possible. Me and my group
large mainstream cinemas. I think decided to make the film in this way,
Working Title would be the best chose so if the film was ever to be made it
for my film as it is known for making would make a large profit, and
British Films that make huge profit become a well known film. If ‘Lesson
overseas. Learnt’ was going to be distributed I
think that it would be made into a
mainstream film and shown in
cinemas such as the Odeon, because
this is providing the film with a large
audience. However the film could also
be shown in smaller cinema chains in
order to reach an even larger
‘Lesson Learnt’ would be released in order to provide the audience with a
fresh new horror film, also it would be distributed in order to make a profit over
the making costs of the film. I don’t feel that many franchises and
merchandising opportunities will come out of the film, and this is because it is
a horror, and making merchandise out of it could cheapen the film. Once the
film was released I think that it would be distributed in many ways, such as
over the internet as this is directly targeting the young audience of the film.
Therefore the film would also be downloadable from places like itunes, as this
is also targeting the mainstream audience of the film. The film would also be
released on DVD to provide for all the people that did not see the film whilst it
was being shown at the cinema.
I think that if the film ‘Lesson Learnt’ was actually made, produced and
distributed then it could go far, and this is mainly because it has a storyline that
is relatable and could be true to life, also it is the very popular horror genre and
the film has a large target audience.

This the finished opening of ‘Lesson Learnt’

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