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SG Presentation Booklet 3 :Layout 1 3/25/10 4:45 PM Page 1

C h a r g e !
T a k e
P a r e n t s
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The degree of
problems in
children is

Wh e n c h il dre n ha ve a nx i e ty, b e ha vi or pro bl e ms ,

AD HD , d ep res s i on , a u tis m , O CD , e c zem a ,
a ll e r gi e s, as th m a, an d ma n y oth e r sy mp tom s ,
we n e ed to b e aw are th a t …

These Symptoms are Related to Stress

Children of all ages are under enormous stress and pressure. This stress
creates inflammation in the brain which has a negative effect on the way
the brain works, causing behavior, learning, emotional, and immune sys-
tem problems. When we reduce the stress and the inflammation, these
symptoms will be dramatically reduced and can disappear completely. Too
many children are being given a medical label and drugs instead of dealing
with the original cause of their symptoms which is STRESS.

Parents who are stressed teach their children to be stressed. Parents, who
have stress-free relationships with their children, will have more relaxed
children. These kids will not have any build-up of inflammation in the brain,
with the result that they will be able to focus, learn, behave appropriately
and feel great!

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Parents, Take Charge!

It is time for us to stop over-diagnosing and over-medicating
children with behavior and learning challenges. This is not
the answer! The Parents, Take Charge Program will show
you an amazing way of helping your children manage pres-
sure, learn easily, feel happy, healthy and able to reach their

This unique Program, is a combination of physiology, psy-

chology and nutrition, and is designed to empower you as a
parent with a whole new way of helping your child’s body
stay naturally in balance and do what it knows best. This is
a gift you can give your children that will last them a lifetime.
You will see quick, noticeable improvements in symptoms
the child has been
struggling with. It is as though the wonderful part of your
child that was buried by stress and inflammation emerges in
full force!

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Who Can Benefit From This Program Parents

teachers and
all professionals

Professionals dealing

with children of all

ages who are involved

in building physically

well, emotionally

h a p p y, confident chil-

dren, achieving their

highest potential.

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This 3-hour program is packed

About the Parents, Take Charge Program

full of fascinating and important
information, skills building and
practical experiences.

The Parents, Take Charge Program is highly informative as

well as lots of fun because it teaches participants by using
both sides of the brain.
The Parents, Take Charge Program is highly informative
as well as lots of fun because it teaches participants by
using both sides of the brain.
This means that by using your left brain, you will learn
the latest information about stress in children, what your
best options are, how to, recognize your child’s stress sig-
nals, and practical ways to reduce and manage stress.

By using the right side of your brain you will feel and experience stress reduction
through movement, sound, touch, visualization and videos. This is an exciting way
to absorb and learn new skills.

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The Vital Missing Ingredient

You will be introduced to a vital missing

nutritional ingredient called Moxxor.
MOXXOR is an unique and powerful
combination of a natural Omega-3 with
a natural Antioxidant. This nutritional
supplement helps the child deal with
stress and reduces brain inflammation
making the brain ready and able to

Our bodies do not create Omega-3 ‘s

naturally which is why we need to add
this to the child’s diet. There are many
Omega-3’s on the market but Moxxor
is recommended in this Parent’s Take
Charge program because it is the most
potent natural nutritional supplement,
of its kind, that is available. It is 158
times more effective than Fish Oil!

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What Parents

saying about
Parents Take Charge

Here are just a few things that parents

are saying after using the program and
the supplement…

‘The difference in my child is like day and


‘The teacher called me and asked me

what I am doing because my child is so
much improved’.

‘She is much calmer and focused’.

‘He is not obsessing about everything
any more. What a relief – for him and

‘My happy child is back again!’

The enormous stress and pressure on our children is

a r e a l i t y. W e c a n n o t a f f o r d t o s i m p l y a c c e p t s t r e s s a s
a way of life. Nor can we be ignorant about how to
help our children cope with stress and reduce the
stress-related symptoms that are becoming epidemic.

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Founder of the Program,

Dr. Sandy Gluckman author,
leadership development specialist,
keynote speaker. Dr. Gluckman has a
degree in Clinical Psychology with a
PhD in the whole brain approach to
education which utilizes both
hemispheres of the brain in helping
people absorb and
use information.

Copyright ©2010 Sandy Gluckman.

All rights reserved.
No part of this PowerPoint presentation may be reproduced in any
form without written permission in advance from The Gluckman
Group Inc. International rights and foreign translation available only
through negotiation with The Gluckman Group Inc.

The Gluckman Group Inc

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