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Does America Want Peace in Afghanistan?

Tuesday, 30 March 2010 04:07 -

This is a main question every one asks. Does America want peace in
Afghanistan? However, the following data can help us reach a Share
rationale conclusion:  At the beginning of 2009, American had 30,000 
troops in Afghanistan which they  increased to 68,000 soldiers until the end 
of the year. This shows 110 percent boost of military man power.  In 
December 2009, US president Obama announced 30,000 more  troops  for 
Afghanistan, showing  further 30% increase. In January this year in London 
Conference on Afghanistan,   US supported Hamid Karzai program of 
 reintegration and reconciliation with Taliban i.e. the Islamic Emirate of 
Afghanistan.  Two weeks later,  on 13 February, Pentagon launched a 
massive military operations against Marjah township in  Nad Ali district, 
Helmand province, violating their own commitment to work for peace in the
country.  Now they are talking of  taking  the offensive  to  Kandahar. 

So far,  America has built 700 bases in the country, the major of them being in Kandahar and Bagram. They allocate 
hundreds of millions of dollars each year  for construction of more bases in Afghanistan.  In view of these facts, no one 
can say America wants peace in Afghanistan. They have hidden and long-term colonialist objectives, not only  in 
Afghanistan  but  in the  whole region.

By using Afghanistan as outpost, Washington wants to follows its policy of expansionism, regime change and
disintegration in the neighboring countries. No doubt, America has been flaring up racial discord and religious
differences among the people in Afghanistan and the neighboring countries.   CIA agents and black water operatives 
have been given task to destabilize the region as per the long-term American strategy. Those who express common
cause with America, should know that Washington would never become their strategic friend. Rather it is a tactical ally
which wants to use them  against their own people for its colonialist  objectives  and then discard them as it has done 
this in the past.

In Afghanistan, the White House rulers and the Pentagon generals  do not  want peace but only want to  weaken the 
momentum of the war. They never  intend to end the war. That is why on the one hand, Robert Gates, says  Taliban 
leadership is irreconcilable or now it is not the right time to talk with Taliban but on the other hand, they offer cash, jobs
and retirement bonuses for Taliban's ranks and files.  The reason is that Pentagon is not interested in ending the war  
but they only want to reduce the scope   of attacks on their soldiers. 

The Afghan Mujahideen  are aware of this  war stratagem of the enemy. They have shown that Americans can't  deceive 
them by phony overtures of peace. If America really wants peace in Afghanistan, they should draw up a national
strategy of reconciliation,; stop blind bombardment and night raids;  release  innocent prisoners and remove the blacks 
list, send black water and CIA agents back home from Afghanistan and close down all secret prisons in  American 
military bases in Afghanistan which  are run by intelligence teams of the  Special Force. There,  innocent prisoners are 
tortured, killed by the Special Force  and drowned in Helmand River and other rivers in Afghanistan during the night, 
with their hands being tied up, without any legal verdict of court. The  Americans  are committing gross violation of 
human rights in Afghanistan. However,   no one, including the  human rights advocacy entities all over the world,  raise 
 their fingers  because  all these are done under the name of promoting democracy and fighting terrorism. The world 
still has to know that the war started under the name of terrorism is , in fact, an illegitimate war of neo-colonialism,  
being waged for subjugation of the Afghans and all free people.

We call on all those with wake and free conscience to raise their voice against the American brutalities and violation of
humane values in Afghanistan.  All should know that Americans kill children, women and old men with impunity and 
cross all limits in their brutalities.

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 30 March 2010 04:12 )

WEEKLY COMMENTS - Retrieved 3011080UTC Mar 10 1 / 2
Karzai Endeavors for Reconciliation and the American Belligerent Policy
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Does America Want Peace in Afghanistan?

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Statement of the Leadership Council of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan regarding the London Conference.
Response of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Concerning the Desecration of the Holy Quran and Martyrdom of Innocent Afghans
Response of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan to UN Report on Civilian Casualties.



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