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Addressing Public Confidence and Safety around the Harringay Ladder Rapes

Incidents in vicinity of Harringay Ladder:

Saturday 21 November 2009 - Pemberton Road N4 Rape
Tuesday 15 December 2009 - Mattison Road N4 Rape
Saturday 9 January 2010 - Green Lanes Rape

In order to maintain public confidence and increase public safety around a number of rapes in the
vicinity of the Harringay Ladder, Haringey Press Office has taken action to liaise with the relevant
investigating officers, SMT, Safer Neighbourhoods Sergeant, council partners, Area Press Office
and Press Bureau to ensure that the community was kept up to date with information regarding
the incidents, police action and personal safety advice.

This was done by providing the Safer Neighbourhoods Sergeant with information enabling him to
send out reassurance to his Key Individual Network (KIN), answer queries from the public and
post information onto (a popular social networking site covering the area of
the offences).

Local reporters have been kept informed through emailed releases and phone calls to put things
in context. St Anns and Harringay Safer Neighbourhoods have used their newsletters to advertise
personal safety classes and the availability of alarms. The council has been kept informed
through updates and a partnership letter offering reassurance has been sent out to Harringay

• Appeal and personal safety information sent to local press re Pemberton Road.
• Sgt Clay-Michael emails to KIN, and help with enquiries from the public, covering
Pemberton Road appeal, personal safety information and details of personal safety
classes being organised by the SNT.
• Appeal and personal safety information posted onto (popular social
networking site in the area)

• Press release sent out about staying safe when traveling over the festive season and
various stalls being held across the borough where people can get advice.

16/12/09 - 18/12/09
• Sgt Clay-Michael emails KIN, and help with enquiries from the public, covering Mattison
Road appeal, personal safety information, details of personal safety classes being
organised by the SNTs and offering personal alarms.
• Sgt Clay-Michael [Harringay] posted basic appeal re Mattison Road rape on site to quell growing speculation about a rape in the area.
• Appeal given to local press re Mattison Road N4 rape
• Joint press release with council about personal safety classes
• Sgt Hannah [St Anns] posted details of personal safety classes onto
21/12/09 - 24/12/09
• Assisted council with wording of reassurance letter to be distributed in Harringay ward
with details re the police investigation, reassurance about police action, personal safety
advice, offering personal safety classes and alarms.
Harringay Ward
partnership letter Dec09.doc

• Sgt Hannah posted details of personal safety classes onto
• Sgt Clay-Michael posted reassurance quote from CI Jon Williams onto including personal safety advice.

January 2010
• Harringay SNT include personal safety advice and availability of personal alarms in
monthly newsletter.

• Joint press release with council about personal safety classes


Council Update re

• Rape near Green Lanes N4 on 9 January 2010. Haringey Press Office made aware that
despite this being a different MO and location, it was still close enough to The Ladder to
impact on the local community.
• Haringey Press Office contacted local press to say that this was not linked to previous
offences and also to reassert that the previous offences were not being linked.
• Sgt Clay-Michael provided with Green Lanes appeal to send via key individual network
and assist with enquiries from public.
• Sgt Clay-Michael posted Green Lanes rape appeal onto with line
saying there is no evidence to suggest the incident is linked to any other.

February 2010
• Harringay SNT include personal safety advice and availability of personal alarms in
monthly newsletter.

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