Kamus Bugis

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(Lt<s&t<<-> 1faJL £tp /far- r^usvm^j C^







( Price one Dollar.")

The second Edition of a small Vocabulary, English
and Malay, being expended, it was deemed desirable
to publish another, to which the Bugis is now added.
The Bugis part of the work has been lying by in
M. S. S. for several years, and it would perhaps not
have appeared in print now, but, for the kind offer of
a friend to contribute Thirty Dollars towards printing
it j and in the hope that a sufficient number maybe

sold to pay the Press, and at the same time, give the
Public some idea of a language hitherto almost un-
known it is now published* together with an Alpha-
bet of the language.
The Malay, and next to that, the Bugis, are the
two principal spoken languages in these parts- With
a knowledge of these two, a person may hoid inter-

course with the different Tribes who occupy the Sea

Coasts on all the Islands o£t he In d ian A rchipe lagso.
The pronunciation is given in Roman Characters; as
near as it is possible to convey the sounds of Indian
words; according to a scheme of orthography added

The principal words are collected under separate

heads, so that the reader has only to make himself ac-
quainted with the contents placed at the end of the
book, aud he will be able as easily to find a word
under the subject which it belongs, as under the
letter with which the word commences
The Adjectives and Verbs, being more numerous
than any other class of words have, for that reasc
been put in Alphabetical order.
form NAME

( V )

Each Consonant, or letter of the Alphabet, has ah

inherent vowel, corresponding to a, in Father, and
forms a distinct syllable with its inherent, or moveable

The moveable vowels are as follows
\ e before the letter, like e, in pen, hen.
i above „ „ like i in tin, pin.

*k o after „ „ like o, in so, no.

u under „ „ like u in under.

6ng, at the top, of the letter like the Ger-
man 6, in Konigsberg & is 6, : on and ong, according to
its place in the word, or the letter which follows it.

Scheme of Orthography, accommodated to the

Bugis and Malay languages.
Vo iv e Is.
a, as heard in mat, bat, far, tact.
e, as „ in men, hen, pen, den.
in syllables of two letters, at the beginning of Malay words,

like the French e, in^V, me, &c.

i, as „ in tin, pin ; or, as ee, in bee, see, &c.
o, as „ in to, so, no.
u> as „ in untie, under ; or, as oo, in moon, soon.
Accented Yoivels.
broad a, I, o.

short a, e, 1, a, n.

( sharp and
\ lengthened e, 1.

au, as ou, in thou.

ai & ei, as in neigh, at the end of Bugis words.

o, like the German o, in Konigsberg.
i>, like the French w.
( VI )

g, as in gOj ?t the beginning and in the middle of words, and

at the end, as in the final syllables jug, king &c

i *Ti

> at the end cf words, are drcpt in a descending tone.

r, at the end of the frst syllable in p'drgi, befkarija, perfcS-

rjjaan, perJahan &c. is not sounded.
y, as in you, yore, yonder; and after i and i. the y, is nearly
quiescent, as in iya, kurniya, manusiya, mii'iya, &c.
The other Consonants, as used in the English language.
Double Consonants <§c
ch, as in church.
gh, guttural, like the German g\
sh, as in sham, shall, &e,
nia, as in mania &c.

$4)t (
< 2 )
Twenty five «s-~ -J^l-U^. dmva pulo lima dna puloh lima
( 3 )

Half moon ri)~* y-t» Chapu ulong bulan sablah

Close of do. -«~?1 «i-J~rcs laopupuosok habis hulati

2d day of do ~?M1 -~^ ompo uloug bulau timbul

Eclipse =>~w siomo grabana
Do. of Mood «~;L, ^>^e siomo ulong grabana bulari

Do. of sun oi?L ~?^1 siomo 6<ok do. matabari

Sun rise •?W1 -»ol ompo o>ok terbit do.
Sun set lahuosok niasok do.

Shadow w Jo vvajo bayang bayang

Heat inapolak panas
Cold macbokeh sejok
Cloud Uy> olung aw;m
Earthquake f~~~» wewatana gumpa
Lightuing X-<& bilak kilat

Thunder ,0-* gutu guntur

Strong do. ^r—. ldtek tagar
Ratling do. «yT->» chulek guroh
Thunderbolt ~rlA» oliug pana peter
Kaiubovv <-s-^~r tarau palangei

Tide, fl jod r^r-as -? -~r~? metire uwae eyer pasang

Niep tide ^^f-^ <v1«&» uwae konda ever perbaui

Spring tide *0» ^sl-J pasang lompa ever besar

Low water ^1 ~~>~~t~^ nouwae grak surut

Ebb w^-^r^r-a!^ maugakamenreui eyer surut
Inundation f««X> lemjiKik eyer bah, umpohan
( 4 ;

Fiame luak niala

Embers bara api barah api

Ashes awu habu, abok

Fuel aju api kayu api

Fire brand <~1-M toto api pontong api
Charcoal -?«» using Strang:

Heat of fire X«v> >^ bila api kilat api

2. Water.
Water «~«*r~* Uwae Eyer
Muddy water ~-.-~r~s- —«« uwae malu ever kroh

Fresh water *? «—t~r -«~ uwae lawi eyer tawar

Rose water ~*»*.\~? w<c% uwae mawara eyer mawai'

Well water ~r~r~? A~ uwae bnwung eyer prigi

River water ««^.r-^ <=>-«l uwae salok eyer sungei

Rain water ~r~l~r -*>1==> uwae bosi eyer hujau

Sea water «?—i-r —*» uwae tasik eyer laut

Pickle y~t~> iil-o uwae poje eyer garam

Sea «-»c3 tasik laut

Ocean —»«» w^«& tasik maraja laut besar

Bay 2-*»1 tolok telok

Straits o^» solok selat

River «««1 salok sungei

Current •*?? arusu harus

Rivulet o-c1o-«1 salok salok batang eyer

Pond ^l-e kolang kolam

Ditch -ilX.4 pangetnpang paret

Well Ar buwung prigi

Lake *-**Jcft tamparong tasek, danau

Fountain *,-*—, f~5> raata wae snata eyer

Source w«-»«»*r-^ do, do. asal eyer

Pool «^«wf"?'«*«Jl uwaelouipong lopak

f 5

( 6 )

( 7 )

Woman makunrai parampu^n

Dwarf ? -j-3 tan pauchek orang peudek

1. External parts.

( 8 )

( )

Skin all kulk

( io )

( 11 )

7. Defects and Diseases.

t 12 )

Consumption w^1^1c^-«1 niadoko doko kakurusan

Asthma fwf<= mesek sesak

Sore eyes w-^ -yr~i mataehapek mata bilas

Ruptures ^]-^]^ Bolokong burot

Tooth-ach ^J^ -U» podi Ui sak*t trigi

Large stomach s_-J^«=>Jk mabusungi busong

Cramp <*\'A, <~~*\-$\ dokomatojo fcakras. n

Cold * ^r^ machake salisgmah

Yawn w-i.A«t^ niangan^ale mangwap

Fever ca-L ^tj-c somo mapola da mam p mas

Shaking & amM- ol X~?1 somo bao fla'nam knia

do. oww^f^- somo machokedemam dmgia

Leprous *^ t"© batialan§ kusta

Biliuusheadach -eo-*-©^'* lasa ulu choke bitam

Krampiiichildren -e^~r-r> la?a anak sawan

Costive. ^AJt^ bora babua kiimbong

8. Relations in life.

Household Sbo bolah Isi rumah

sisotig kalurga

asilaongong anak boah

lukei laid

balne istri bini

ambok, am a bapa
poroambok bapa tiri

nene nenek

Father in hv.w^-c^l^M-^matuatvoroane mintua lakilaki

Mother ~^1 '~-ts indole, ina arnak, ibu

Step do. ~>1-^1 ~^1 poro indok ruak tiri

Mother inlaw^-»-pw^-=4^. matua ma- mintua param-

kunfei puan

Grand mother r^r-^ ^~-=*^ nenemakunrei nenek do,

( 33 )

Brother o««eo-sj««»'!"2s1«c{'-T* suoaurong woroane sudaralakilaki

Eldest do. *>** kaka abang

Younger brother -?•=* and adek
Brother in law ~& ipak ipar

Do. by wife »-«si» siilalong biras

Sister causae* ^.^cj^p SiloSUTOng niaklinrei sndara parampnan

Elder sister «y<y kaka kakak

Sister in lawb) ~^ w^^^ ipak tuakunrei ipar pararapu-
the brother an
Do. by the hus- =>-«^s w*-s%^9 solalong ma- biras do.

baud or wile kuurei

Sou ~r-rv ~?1-=t1~?f-^ ana oroane anaklakilaki

Stepson *J1-=*1-~-^~lcii-~r-r». poroanaworoaiie anak tiri do.

Grand do, £p«01 «*»1«*1-?f-> opoworoane cliuchu do.

Daughter ~-> w //cs^ anakmakuurei anak parampnan

Daughter in *J1-=51~?-tsw^c^ poroanaknxi- anak tiri do.
law kunrei
Son's wife fw~\<-*-sl1-=jl~r-^ menotuporoanak mintua tiri

Grand daugln ^-01 opoh chuchu

Child ~?-r> anal anak
Youngchildrei -~-> «~-r. anak anak kanak kariak
First born do, »->-> w*y1~> anak machoah anak sulong
Last born do. ~?-> ^-e1.-c1 anak malolob anak bongsu
r ii )

Friend o«c-^1 solao soh'^at

Bridegroom JM^-J1c4l~?r-> boting poroaae mempelei

Bride A1~ ^^-^^ boting inakuurai psmgantin parampuaiq

IV. Building Materials.

Bricks A— Batah 4 ,
I Batu batah

Slabs A~ ~?*i batu apak . batu rubia

Tiles ^r-O chjyiek giving

Lime ~)1~r->» powale kapur
Mortar -Kl1-~f-c t-J'y powale pechak kapur masak
Sand **o kjjs,
': pastr


Sw-im baohu
tanah merah
batu kalikif

Beam A->s balak balak

Board -iiJ p^oag papa!!

Rafts — =5 warok beroti

Lath ~xi-*^ angatorong kasau

Thatch ^~ 3tpk atap

Spars .jXrA patibe kud.i kud$

Nails ~1~ paku paku


V. Buildings.

House Bulali Rumah

masigl mesjid

1Vi v Js^ onrongmangaji tampatmangaji

panjkjjDg pinjara

god< godang
par pondok
gadeh kadei


roban ruanu reban eyaia

House of office -©AX jambangbng jamban

( 15 ;

VF. Paris of a Building,

Foundation ~?t-z f— -£>1 Ajeh f aib k Kaki timbok

Do. Malay -©^) -tl->» lapi bolah alas rumah
Corner «=> sub, penjuru
Railing *J-© palak pagar
Door *~X tangok pintu
L ock <J1^I gonching konchi
Key .~-s«Jlij ana gonching anak konchi
Window 'L.^iX, tolopgong jenela
Infronlofhousc -d-el-M^ olo bolah alStnan
Loft ~-sf.~~r arakeang loting

Chamber X^ bilik bilek

Veranda ~*X± tamping serambi

Cellar, &c, ~r~ . -41^, awa bolah bawa rumah
Stairs -?f^f-Tv adene tangga
Lattice work -r-eo-^ walasalak gi-i gisi

Story, &c. w-J^c-*. mapalantak tingkat

Kitchen ^--j^ dapurong daptu*

Partition c*^ roaring dinding

Housetop -yl-Jl JtJ-ss chopo bolah bunibungan, pun«

chak rumah
VII. Furniture.

1. Of a House.
Table U^, Meja Meja
Chair **fc^ kadtra krusi
Stool, bench -o-sto-r* Jarasana bangku
Wat -^f-of-fe ->;. tapere, jaji tikar

Cot -j^s^ palak a katil

Beadstead ~?^-^f atinrong tampat tidor

Matras x><=>1-^f kasorpjc tilam
Pillow ^.^^^ akangnlung bantal
Curtains, &c. -^^^ ulumpu kalambu
( 16 )

Box, trunk ll~ \&\. °*™

Clothspre?s,&c -^tswb alomari almari

Basket *" >>aku bakol

Hamper "-=*-* kranjang kranjang

Cradle ~1«© tojang boayen

Watch -*4*.«1^ arologi hoiloji

Musq-iet -fc^A? balilik bedil

Svrord ^» P<%25 , ) pedang

j i is —»^s) tapik kris

Spying glass — ^1-J1 taropong tropung

Spectacles -y^ <— —. chami mata chermiu mata

Ln« kiug glass *(v -sj-J chamin rupa do. muka
Boetel stand ~rl-=5l~?1-» onrong ot& tarapat sireb
( 17 )

Glass r>*3) kacha glas

Board, tray <^-e ^-J^ dulaug, kaparak dulang

3, Of the Kitchen*

Large ladle fca-^l Serok Gayung

Pan *Jw~> panuj,tu kwali
Earthen do. ^1-r lgak X :
Pot ~7l-=* Si')
? priok

Pipkin ^ij<=>«-rl kapdsio kipsiau

Potlid ~i»-J1 pasampo tudong

Handle ^\** take tangkei
Do. Ear ^"y^e dachuling t&linga

Goblet Xo*)-s1A1 busupanombongkuja

Jur ^iA gumbang tiimpayan
Mug c^w1 g%™2 kindi

Pitcher jc» busu buyung

Lamp -j^-^X pajoaangong palita

Lantern ^r-s^ lantera lanterns

Candlestick ^-*.1X —<~<JC,«totong6ngtaibani kaki lilin

Candle' U^ ^Ua^% poldng taibani lilin, diaa

Wax ~s~ J;^ taibani lilin

Wick oJ; sumbu sumbu

Snuffer ^)^ ^U x^ gonching taibani gnating
Funnel -j1^1~ jolokong chorot
Grater '^'^^ k.kiri kikir
Tongs oJ*i sitii sepit

Mortar ^^X palungong lesung

Pestle ~.y, alu antan
Tinder J;^ baruk rabok
Do. box ~?1-=i1 Xji ourong baruk tain pat rabok
Do. steel *J~r~ -fc^~;j patotebatu api besi api

Do. flint «£>^s ~^ batu api batu api

( ^ )

Hasp *A'A kolrok koko

Hoop *^-«eB kalasak „. sitnpei

Shears «r>1^/ gonching gunting

Awl «o«=1>^ pa9opak penchuchuk

Telescope ^^1-ai taropong tropung
Loom «~>1'=*1 >^^-> onromatiinung tamp at tanun
Shuttle taropong balera

Spear tumbak
Javeliti pamuhik limbing

Rake bingkung pachol, sikat

Spade pakali pengali

Shewing frame-?. 1^1 -*^cs onronganchairong pamidangati

Weathercock **lA» -JAs paling paling baling baling

Crowbar •*i-=*1^c panrolik albangka

Weeding instrument pfA subek soduk
Hoe 5^ bingkung changkol
Plough £*«>•<» rukala bajak :

Harrow <=>-«*!•> salaga sikat

Reaping knife c%«>-J rakapmg tuwei

Grinding stone A-^ ^^^ batu giliugong batu gilingan

Cart •J^ — padati pedati

Sedan chair ulerong usungan

Saddle lapi a in a rang sela

Bridle galang kang

Reins taluk tali kang
Girth pangambang tali prut

Whip babak chabok

Paper karotasa kartas

Ink dawak dawat

Pen kalah kalam
Rule ampa kayu mistar
Ink-stand ~?1^1 ^m onrong daWak tampat dawat
Horse leech
f 22 )

Ant fAr-s^ TAr-a bere bere semiu

Cockroach ^r^r-sl balepek lipas

IX. Domestic Animals, and things belonging to do.

Herd b>^~*\ Silaong Sakawan

Camel ~r-^ unta unta

Horse -*-^-^ ariarang kuda

Mare ^^.^i;^ ani'arang bai kuda betina
Stallion «j r5s -«^ amarong lai kuda jantan
Foal -r-rv -.^ aua aniarang anak kuda
CuW o-Xj sapi sapi, ltlrnbu

Calf ~~, o^» ana sapi anak Iiiuibu

Buffaloe r~ c*1 tedong karbau

Ass u^r*. fcalode kaldei
Sheep iA^ bimbalak kambing biri biri

Ewe i-*^ A^ b'unbalak bai do. betina

Buck X-fc.-»5 ->c~- bimbalak lai do. jantan

Lamb *?-^ XA^ ana bimbalak anak duniba

Goat r^r^ bembek kambing
Kid ~-> WA ana bembek anak kambing
Dog ~~s=» asu anjing
Whelp ~-v -^ anak asu anak anjing
Cat r^ w 1 meao kuchnig
Kitten ~-?x fw-1 anak meao anak kuching
Pig A~ bawi babi
Sow <£.«U J^l? bawi bai babi betina

Boar J;^U -^^ bawi lai babi jantan

FJeece ^-^ bulu bulu

Horn —N^s> tauruk tandok
Mane «^1<=> bosang rambot leh^r
Tail ^-^l ikok ekor, buntot

Hump *v^o kalasa klasa

( 24 )

Snipe t->« f>>"w kea kea kudidi

Wagtail Ke^1,ic^1-*-s ICko lokotana ke'oas ekor

Sparrow c*1X ca-J dongi sopang pipit

"White headed do..&.fX -s>T«y^-c longi pucbeulu pipit llban

Swallow bemputu layang layang

Pigeon janga janga merpati, ponibak
Wood dove 2t^. bokuk tekukur
Green pigeon «jr-> pune punei
Turtle dove boku jawa merbok
Nightingale '+ «>s *s> kalukuk onggas bulbu!
Parrot nuri nori
Paroquet poroehc kekek
Kokatu chakolek kakatua
Bill timuh paroh
Feathers bulu bulu
Wis gs panik sayap
Tail ikok ekor
Claw kanuku kuku
Cage urungong sangkaran
Bird line gotah getah
Do. rest c '=t w>^--s sarang manuk manuk sarang blU'ling
Do. snare »~r1 siok jerat
Do. net •o^ j ; «ing jaring
Do. stick *-*^t tadok racbek

XII. Metahj Minerals, and Medicines.

Gold dust JsA Bubuk Paser mas
Diamond intan intan
Pearl mutiara mutiara
Jewel *J^w-S paromata permata
Gold ulawong ainas, mas
Silver 0-«<- salaka perak
( 25 )

Iron - i;o biisi '


Steel Jt^^jfc^.^ bae bae buja

Magnet !fc>«=> ~~-=^ bosi warani besi brani

Copper ~A*> y-* toiubagathiilak tnmbaga merah

Brass 4>^e golang . . Do. knning
Pinchbeck p~o suasa suwasa
Tin ~w-=* -Jr-*, tumora pute timah puteh
Lead ^w-=i ->s1«-s1 tumora lotong Do. hitarn
White do. •=*<=» rasa rasa

Red do. shadelingum

Glass kacha kachah
Pebbles w^cX-f batu malongok batu lichin
Marble -o->* batu pulam batu polaoi
Flint ~rlj batu api batu api
Coral "-=$ batu karang karang
Coralines ~-=% bunga karang bunga do.

Charcoal os'mg arang

Gunpowder ubak obat bedil

Medicine pabnra obat

Quicksilver -~. ~st~. uwae salaka ever perak
Sulphur cholok bale rang

Saltpetre sunrawa sindawa

Amber ambarak ambar
Gum gota getah
Do. lack kamalo umbalau
Roz n damak batu damar batu
Pitch damak gala gala
Tar gala gala miniak tar
Frankincense kamuniang kutndijieti

Myrrh .w^1 murok mur

Wax taibani lilin

Chalk -J *«|->B pawale angaria kapur eiigrig

( 2? )

Orange fr-ewl *-~jV

Slice of bread
( 31 )

Tread of do. *J1o~^->&1 posi itolok pnsat telor

Fritter ^>^-«1 icr— *. itGlok bote telor goiiug
Foul egsf •ir^-^l^^l-al iiolok amporo Do. tnmblang
New laid do. .^2-^1 X -5 itolok barn Do. bahru
Old do. ^-el w^ itolok maita Do. lama

XV(II. Times and Seaso?is.

( 32 )

Saturday o~~ satung saptu

Day break ^-^ <»^ doni^ hari deni Iiari

Day light ^-J-o^ inapajani siang

Noon i-vJk l^calf^ tonga osoe tengah hari
Morning f~?f->£ l?caU «w» e[ek osoe pagi hari
Day-time ^-J-t> -J-» mapajapajang siang hari
Evening ~-s$<U l^calf-, ~ arawing osoe petang hari
N;ght ~-V> won 3 malam
Midnight ~x X-^ tonga boni tengah malam
To-night ~-^~r~. woniiwe malam ini

To-day ~<=»1~r~s oso iwe hari ini

Ti>e last day ~<=>1 ^., Ww oso kiyamok hari klamat
Another day ~»1 ^1"-^. oso laing Iain hari

Yesterday <=,xC^ i-.-^ sangadiwoni kalamarin

Do. morning <=»Jk^- i*^. 4* r-eT*-. do. rileeh Do, pagi
Day before do. o-kCt- i-.^ - v-*1-<s1 do. nolo do. duhulu
Last night ^i*^ riwoni samalam
To-morrow «£>-, baja esok, besok

D<>. morning -^->-=>^r*r baja rileeh esok pagi hari

After tomorrn csAsCi. sangadi lusa

Day after do. r^ii niempa tola

Moment o^o sirosak saat

Twinkling t=>f^r%^rc*.w. ^ sikede remata sakejap mata

of the eye

XIX. Dress fyc.

Dress *jf^~-. Pakeaug ... Pakien

A suit of do. «==.4j^s^ -Jfx^*-. sigonoro pakeang salangkap pakien
Crown csl^t songko mahkota
Hat «y^J~r1 chapio chapio, topi
Rim of do, ~^~;iJ~r1 wiri chapio tepi chapio

Crown of do. -^ «^-d uluk do- kapala do*

33 )

Turban f-y~i1-«1 chepolok serban

Cap <=>1"1 songko koffiah

Cravat ^->» -?"<e>1 tulu olong tali leher

Pillow "f^T akang ulu bantal

Pillow-case o*J --^.x.-* sipu akaugulu saiung bantal

Trowseis »-«—=* saluwarak saluar

Gown «*^> waju bajn

Morning gown .-*-, ^A w waju klibaya bajn kabaya

Flannel waistcoa. itxi ^ A^© Hpa raabulu keyn bulu

Braces *^^c o««*ws tulu saluwarak tali saluar

Handkerchief -J <=».»*» pasapu snpu tangaa

Coat *-.-o waju baju

Greatcoat **»-> w-»-^ waju raaraja baju besar

Head cloth <=»*>-* sigarak dfistar

Clothes *Jr-^«)r^*e» pake pakeang keyn baju

Foul linen -sir~~i>~.r=5l-* >akeang iuarotak keyn kotor
Clean linen #JT^-r w-J^j pakeang mapaching keyn brisi

( 34 )

Purse *J<*->1 -J~rl pao pao pundi pundi

Swadlingeloth -y^'yr^ A«>i chare chare lipak keyn lampin

Waist girdle *^-« Xlf*^ tulu pbndeug tali pinding

Do. buckle lifc^ potidertg pinding

V il «»i«-JJ pasampok tutupan

Buckles si*per

Pin «0«,^ pataka peniti

Do.cnshion -^.^^^ akangulu pataka bantal peniti

Hair pin *a<=»1^ o-Jl-^1 pasopasimpolong chuchuk sangul

Needle jarung j truna

Thread wonang benang
4 O
Tooth pick «Oo-«e pasolok isi chungkil gigi

**» sunggigi isi sugi gigi

Do, brush «=><-}<•*

jaka sisir
pakorilila kikis lidah
Tongue scrape- -J^4* As**
Walking stick i»A* tukong tonglat

*J» *»1 pakapuk kcrsang

Crutches tokdng alepak tongkatkatiak
rante olong rantei lekSr
Neck chain
Fan «0*J1> papapi kipas

Earring bangkarak krabu

Finger rings hihi chinching chinchia

Wrist, ancle do. ~J1-*1 poto gelang

Thimble didal

Scissars <£lh) gonching gunting

jarung pasopak j mini chuchuk
Bodkin -of* •Jolii
lopi lo t ik fita
Ribbon ^sAi ^eil
renda renda
Lace, gold or silver r*a>^
Silk thread ~-^ <=>TA wona sabek benang sutra

Z&& of A lipa sabek keyn sutra

Do. in piece
cuetbk chita
Chintz r-y^
fcalangkavl kalamkari
CalUco, ccw se ^-«««v^
35 )

Woollen cloth ka°ala sn<r!nlat

Linen lipa akamc h yn rami

Culico lipa pute keyn puteh

Crape lipa karepo keyn krep
Gauss lipa ulampu keyn k&'ambu
Muslin lipa alusu keyn halus
Diaper lipa kapori keyn kipri
Flannel lipa niabulu keyn bulu
Satin autalasa aielas

Canvas lipa sompdrong keyn layer

Nankin lipa china keyn china
Tafeta paddiiriaug padindang
Velvet I
•*» ->S vi^ weluduk biludu
Syrash serasa serasa

Baftas onrona tafta

XX. Religion t Sfe.

God Ala Allah

Lord puang tub an
Deity puange katuhanau
Jesus *felCS Isa lea
J •
Christ alomasihu almeseh
Holy spirit ruhulokudusu roh olkudaa
Angel malaeka malaikat
Devil iboliai ablis

Satan setang sheitan

Evil spirit -^ jing jin

Ghost, spectre <»— k hantu hantu

Idol A-S5TO- barahala berliala

Holiuess •**slji ataporong kabaktieu

Transgression ^aa-* asalang kasalahaa

Sin ^1« dosa dosa
f 37 )

XXI, Adjectives,

Able %*^r-« Macule Boleh

Abominable —fiscal w«o tapalosok majak tcrlalujahat
( 41 )

44 )

( 45 )

( 4G )

We ^^ ^~rf-^ i<lik tauwe kita'orang

Second Parson.

Y<>, you ^?^7 iko kamu

do. JU,.^.-*^ .iko tau •
kamu orang
Third Person.
They ^-^ ^-^f.^ jyaroii taue diorang, marikaitu

IT. Relative Pronoun?.

Who ^Jo nigi siapa

Which ?? T-sM Jyapega yang mana

What ~?^ aga apa

III. Adjective Pronocnsj

] . Possessive.


My, mine ~>-J-> iyak puna sahya puuta

Thy, thine ~^1 --J-r» iko puna angkau pui i

His, hers its w^ *J-rv lyatu puna diya punia


Ours ~d- *J-rs idik puna kita pui

Yours ~-~l *j-> iko puna kamu punia

Theirs w-=*1 ~v~ -4-r« lyarohtau puna diorang pu
l. Distributive.

Eeach r<=^r<=>i--r>. sedisedina sosoatu

Every ^to---*<^ taseuwana segala

All <=»^-^ sinina sanioa

Either t«>~?~* ^l^^-^-s seuwakoarlatu soatu deri diva

ther f©^«« s.-?f^ semvamuadek soatupun f

3. Demonstrative,

This I^r-^r^ ieweh ini

TJiat ^1 lyaroh itu

( W )

4. Indefinite.

Some f-yN^ chei sedekit, barang

Other «^^fjk laienge lain

Any one Ac* to*r«*-» buraseuwana barang soatu

All »w^v lyamanoftg samonia
Such w.^1-^-^ niakouitu b&gini, bSgitu
Become w~j^ inanctiaji roenjadi

Beckon *Jr~?~ pad jlanibei

Beg f w< « nu'lau minta

Begin *iw«« paraulai mulai

Behold ~i~*^ paUita pandang
Believe ^.t^U matopbk perchaya

Besmear o*JrrX saj)uyangi lumurkan

Betroth sail ykl sapi chiching tukar chinchifi

Bind a-^l^c gioj ikat

Bite ~~X iklngi gigit

Bleed ^v^-=} inadara berdarah

Blot out A** bangkung parang
Blow ca-JX sopungi 'mbus
Boil \^\o rede mendideb
Borrow ~^X inrongi pinjam

Box i^ca bosi turabok

Break off ^k& "5*0* m^ropa pichah

Bribe ^X^i* niatimpui bri sewab

Bring XJL~ tiwii bawa
Broil *s*U* tapai pangang
Brush <^1oi^ gosoi gosuk
Buy -As olj bili

Call o1i*~ sodiwi panggil

Care ~X-s> ingorang ingat

Carry on shonlders t~?oAs csangi piklll

Do. head -^X junjungi junjung

Do. hip, or arm r~?-J~ epai dokung

Under arm ^r-cT*ii* kalepei kepefc

Do. on hand IW—i*. tetengi tatang

Cast account X*» bilang lietung

Castrate ^o^? latoi kumbirikan

Catch Usl+i* tibongi tangkap
{ 50 )

( 52 )

( 53 )

Knitting nets
( 54 )

» , • « j •
Reckon pikirikongi kirakan
Recoiled maringorang ingatkan
Reject sokangi tolakkan
Rejoice mario bersuka
Rtiease loposangi lepaskan
Rent apasimangi sewakan
Repair pedecheng baiki
Repent \r*> «» Q» masiisok meniesal
Request melau taeminta.
Reside monroi tiugal
Respect *J ^> ^5 "5 «2» pakarajai hormat
Rtturn re wok pulang
Rise motpk bangun
Rob rapai ram pas
Roll magaletek guling
Row gajong . dayong
Rub **? C& ""!* asai asah
Rule pamusdtarai mistarkan
Run lari, madek lari

Sail soiupok berlayer

Salute beresolong bri s&lam
Saw garege gargaji
Say rnakoda berkata
Scatter amporong ambur
j • •
Scrape kori kikis
Scratch garu, kakang garu
Scream gorai sorak
See itai lihat, tingok
i\ 1
Sell balui jual
Send padeatu kirini

Set palenoi letak

Se'.v jahit
( 57 )

1 g

( 58 )

palobai Bcntarig
onei tinjis
Squeeze porak prah

juling juling
gajangi tikara
Stand i — totong berdiri

Starve lupuriwi

Steal iw«>j-» menau menchuri

Stew tumisi Cum is

naoko sin gat
olwk bekie

Stoop chuku tundok

mapesau berhenti
Strew amporongi hamburkaa
gulai urot
Stroke g
apesonang serahkan
* i*_ isoi hisap
j j •
bmoi telan
Swear matauroh bersompah
soringi sapu
menreborok nai--bungk-k
nange bernang
Take alai am oil
Talk pau clierita

J •
niamon niaaoogi keehap
paguru niangajar
satiei kovak
puadangi fcatakan

Thank ereagi natariroa bti trioia kaseb

pihiri fikir, agak
apeyangi ifeampaH
( 60 )

( 62 )

Verily «^1X tong'Jug, gunggoli

Truly >-^>-»l majogfU benar
Iqubtedly -*1X «-*1a> tongoag to ago ng sunggoh sunggoh
Yea, Yes ~~t iyo ya, sabya
Nay, no, not ^ dck tiach, tidak

By no means f»&.«M dektO sakalikali tiada

Not at all ooc

Ck« OSS [si* sisosisodek jangan sakali
How pekonagi bagimana
Why magof maugapa
Wherefore aga sabak a;;a sabab
Mure paimeug lagi

Most tapalobi terlebeh

Better f-JTw wtsi-t-y >edemadecheng lebeh baik
Best wT^f^ =>=> madechesisdng baik sakali
Worse t-JTo- w-o peie snajik lebeh jahat
Worst va =3 majasisijug jahat sakali

Of, off,
XII. Metals, Menerals, Medicines, &c. 24
XIII. Trees and plants, and things belonging to them 26
XIV. Fruits, &c. ib.

XV. Vegetables 28
XVI. Spices . . « ib.

XVII. Eatables, &c. 29

XVIII. Time &e. 31
XIX. Dress, &c. .
XX. Religion &c. , 35
XXI. Adjectives . 37
XXII. Pronouns . 45
XXIII. Verbs 7 47
XXIV. Adverbs .
, CO
XXV. Prepositions , . 62
XXVI. Conjunctions . . 63
XXV II. Interjections » » 61
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