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4!72 North Milwaukee Avenue, Suite !Bj Ch1caio, Illinois 606JQ-374!
Avalbble Dally 24 Hours: 773-777-1234

Reason means truth, and those who are not governed by rl teke the chance that someday the sunken
fact will rip the bottom out of their boat.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr
Pres s: S e L..
August 31, 2000 '.~0k~ ~IJ. £J ~u.;~

Justice Anne M. Burke (312-793-4841/262-279-6568)

~"~~ c,+'''-\ '11,\<-"
Illinois Appellate Court ~-e GARP, Yr- .)--)v€-
160 North LaSalle Street
Suite N-1506 7~\V) of y')fr 1JS,Ul;\:
Chicago, Illinois 60601
RE: Joe Yost

Dear Justice Burke:

I write at your request to memorialize our telephone C'.onversation from 8(1r!icr tllis
month regarding Joe Yost's (YOST) attempted unethical/dishonest act. At the c-c\nduGhn
of our ,-~on'!e:.'32ti.') sU0c~este~ th~'t ! C'~HProf,.:,::::(~,. ~/1orr:,! Fidji-;:l'" (Y :?-~S:;:-
6739/8001/8000) to inform him of YOS'I'S conduct.

I met YOST at Wilson Park through my wife in December, 1899 after he expressed
to her his frustration with writing his master's thesis. At my wife's suggestion, YOST called
me for help. During the ensuing months, YOST and I repeatedly spoke both in persoll and
on the telephone regarding his overall thesis and, in particular, his methodology section.
Although '.'leeks would pass between conversations, YOST would continue to t1s.k ths same
sophomoric questions, some of which were overly c.nd unnece!>sarily philosoph;ca! a~id
histrionical. For example, he repeatedly asked "How do I write the methodclG9Y,' "How
does one write methodology,' and "What is methodo!ogy~ {with his hcmds mised in tllC air
as if speaking to God), Interestingly, YOST was never able to C1rtic:..:ifjtt~ particular
methodological problems specific to his research; rather, his questions wsre alw3)'3 0;) th~
level of a grade school student who only knows enou(::h to 89.y "\ don't g~lt it.. A couple of
times, ! gave. YOST irfiormation COii,~~.~mingnavv books Gi,:.cussing methodology f.-om a
qualitative perspective. AftervJards, \"O~H told me he purCh~Sf:d Handbook of Qua!itDtive
Research, edited by Denzin and Lincoln, from Sage publications, Inc, At one point, I even
offered YOST my close friend's E-Mail
issues more than me. Eventually, YOST asked that I read a dmft of his thesis proposal and
make any needed comments. While reading his work, I roalized just how lost he really is.
YOST's so-called proposal was redundant, disorganized, and did not properly discuss his
methodology. Even his citations, which looked polished, ';Jere not in the proper fommt.

Group' ExhibitPa!.Je .i~ of 65

________ ----J

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