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When I returned his work to him, he thanked me profusely for my help, called me his
mentor, and offered to take my wife and me out to dinner. A few days later, YOST told me
he had revised his proposal using my suggestions. I never asked for and' never received
compensation in any form for my time.


In June of this year. YOST and I were again discussing his methodological problems
while he was working at Wilson Park and I was jumping rope outside. We then had the
following colloquy:

YOST: (frustrated at his inability to figure out his methodology) "I

should just have you write the damn methodology section! I'll
even pay you to do it."

ME: (smiling because at this point I thought he must be joking)

"Yeah, right.' (said sardonically)

YOST: "Seriously. you could probably write it in a day or even less

than a day and nobody would ever know. I'll pay you $300. It
would be so easy for you. Come on; think about it..

ME: (realizing that he is, in fact, serious) "' don't think you want to
go there."

YOST: (trying to entice me further) "$300 bucks for less than a day's
work ... It'll be easy money for you ....•

ME: (interrupting) "First, you need to focus so you can learn hew to
think methodologically. Second, you wouldn't want me to write
it because' don't know music. Third, I have a lot of respect for
the scientific mind and I find it offensive that you would ask me
or anyone else to subvert that process. Go back in there and
learn how to think objectively and scientifically'"

I did not call you immediately after having this conversation because, at the time, I
considered YOST a friend who was extremely frustrated with his academic inabilities.
Additionally, I felt that my strong tone would tum him around from his present path.
However, I now realize that YOST's problem is much deeper than his inability to understand
methodology. In general, he suffers from the Little Man Syndrome (i.e., Napoleon
Complex); that is, YOST feels that he has to make himself appear smarter, bigger, and
more important than he really is. For In...tance, he constantly drops your name, constantly
mentions his attendance at The World Congress, and, according to Professor Fiddler, has
lied to me about being published in a peer reviewed journal. YOST's inapility to foe,us
mentally and think objectivelyllogically led him to have the above-mentioned offending
conversation with me. Therefore, I strongly believe that he is at a high risk for producing
work that is not his or was fraudulently obtained.

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