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Question 6

What have you learnt about

technologies from the process of
constructing the product?
When we was filming we discovered that to get a good quality sound
you need some high tech microphones as the microphones on the
camera’s we used was not up to standard as in the parts when there
is talking you couldn’t hear the antagonist talk so in the end we had
to leave out the talking bit. During the news report, dialogue is
acceptable to hear but the quality of the sound can be improved
greatly if we had good microphones.

On the plus side the quality of picture was good enough for the
audience to see clearly what is happening in the scene. Also, using
tripods helped us greatly as instead of having shaky shots, tripods
allowed us to have steady shots when needed, high angle and low
angle if wanted and easily to use panning and tracking shots which
we needed a couple of times.
During the filming process we did come across a couple
of problems and some set us back quiet a lot as we had
to reshoot the whole scene as well as it being a fair
distance away from all of us and difficult to get up to
there. The problem we faced was misplacing the
cameras that they were in the shot of another camera so
professionally we cannot use them shots because we do
not any camera equipment or crew in our film. Luckily we
managed to resolve this problem by re-filming the
garage scenes and overall what we re-filmed was much
better than we had done originally. To make sure we did
not get any of the other cameras in the shots we set up
our cameras and acted out our scene on the camera
before recording to see if any of the camera’s are in the
We had access to equipment to enhance the
effect of horror like a dolly but when we used it
for the scenes that needed tracking shots we felt
that it was not good enough as the surface we
was filming on was too bumpy for the camera
shot to be still. As we played over our clips, you
could not see what was happening in the scene
as the camera was all over the place so we
decided to re-film it and use the zoom shot
The editing software we used at first-adobe elements which was not
good at all. Firstly, the software was too slow so when we was trying
to play over our clips we could not see fully what was happening
and when we actually managed to edit our clips, the effects was not
working properly. Most of the time the programme crashed half way
through us editing our film so each time we lost our progress which
used up time we could not afford.

We all decided to use the editing software that I have; Pinnacle 12

and everything on the programme was a massive improvement to
adobe element. We had no problems with the performance of the
programme as everything worked smoothly; the programme did not
once get an error forcing it to close, each time we wanted to relook
over the clips we edited we could without it delaying or going slow,
we was allowed to put sound on our clip for extra digetic sound and
the effects that were available with the programme were much
better than adobe’s.
I believe that overall we worked really well as a
group. During the end of the project we did slack
a bit as when we had to film or re-film scenes we
delayed it to the last minute and editing wise we
didn’t get down to it straight away but once we
did we managed to do it successfully. When we
had to complete publications as a group we
managed to organise ourselves well and
distribute the work evenly amongst ourselves.
Blogger is a site that allows completed
work to be stored over the internet on your
won login. Blogger was very helpful in
logging my work and our group work as it
allowed us to keep everything together
and whenever we needed to relate a piece
of work back to an existing one we could
just look on our blog and take notes.

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