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Wide Horizons -


2015 - 2016 Academic Year

Volume I, 30 November 2015

Wide Horizons Contents




Introduction................................................................................................... 1
Wide Horizons Background.......................................................................... 1
The Amazing Skills Student Gain From Wide Horizons.............................. 2
Visiting to Our Amazing CBOs..................................................................... 3
The Important Person.................................................................................... 4
WH Students Daily Activities...................................................................... 5
Learning Translation & Interpretation To Help Our
Community..................................................................................................... 6
Confidence .................................................................................................... 6
Learning Exciting from Community Project................................................. 7
Beautiful Waterfall Trip................................................................................. 8
Sexual Health Training at Wide Horizons..................................................... 9
A Great Opportunity to Make New Friends............................................... 9-10
Home Sick & WH-Dinner............................................................................. 10
Sudden Flooding at Wide Horizons............................................................... 11
Understanding Myanmars Elections............................................................. 12
Voice of Wide Horizons Alumni............................................................... 13-14
Learning About a Traditional Karenni Festival.........................................14-15
Dont Give Up............................................................................................... 15
Start From Basic............................................................................................ 16
Advantages of Lady Fingers.......................................................................... 17
The Joy of Sport............................................................................................ 17

Wide Horizons Introduction


Welcome to Wide Horizons Newsletter 2015-2016 Academic Year

ide Horizons (WH) is located in Mae Sot, Tak, Thailand. Every year, Wide Horizons (WH) School
selects 24 students who are from different organizations and different places such as inside Burma and
on Thai- Burma border. There are seven different ethnicities in WH school in this year. They are Kachin,
Karennni, Karen, Burmese, Mon, Arakan, Shan. Wide Horizons (WH) provides us three subjects: Community Development, Advanced English and Computer Skills. This program is for ten months. After ten
months academic year, students have to turn back to their mother CBOs for a one year internship.

The objective of Wide Horizons Newsletters is to express about what students have been doing in
their learning so far. So, lets us share our experiences, ideas and opinions to you all. We hope that you all
will enjoy with us.

All in all, we all thank you so much for your supporting us and for giving your time to read our newsletter.

Written by: Naw Cherry Win

Wide Horizons Background

WH school is situated in Mae Sot, Tak,
Thailand. Every year, WH accepts 24 adult students from
different ethnicities and religions around Thai-Burma border and inside Burma. They are 20 to 35 years old. They
are representatives from their mother organizations such
as Human rights, Education, Health and Gender Basic Violence. This program is focused on community Development (CD), Advanced English, Computer and other
skills such as leadership training, video shooting, translator and interpreter. Wide Horizons is 2 years programs.

Ten months are academic year. After
academic year, students return back to their
mother organizations for ten months internship. They take responsible as trainers and

Wide Horizons was started in 2006
by Burmese Migrant Workers Education
Committee (BMWEC) and World Education
(WE). WH school was founded by Mr. Patrick Kearns who had dream for youth to be
good leaders in their communities and organizations inside Burma and along Thai-Burma border. Currently, there are almost 200
alumni who are working in their communities or other NGOs as program managers,
program officers and program coordinator.

Written by: John Soe,


Wide Horizons -


The Amazing Skills that Students Gain from Wide Horizons

Education is the most
important thing for people
around the world. Also, it is
the source that makes people to gain the triumph for
their lives. However, I would
like to share about how Wide
Horizons School (WH) could
promote our lives in the future. One more thing, we
could say that we are very
lucky persons who have a
great opportunity to study
in WH School and we feel
very happy as WH students.

Before I came in WH,
I had heard that WH school
trains the young people who
are from Thai-Burma border, refugee camps and inside Burma to improve their
communities. Moreover, students have to speak English
24-hours. Actually, WH community development program
focuses on Community Development, and this subject
is really useful for us to help
our communities in the future

In Wide Horizons
School, they provide 3 main
subjects such as: Community Development, English and
Computer. Community Development subject supports
us to get good proposal skills
and management skills which
can improve our community.
In Community Development
class, we learn about how to
write proposal to donors, and
also we get many experiences
which students communicate
with the communities and

Education is the most powerful weapon which you

can use to change the world.
Nelson Mandela

Furthermore, English supplies us reading, writing, speaking
and listening skills. In addition, we
also learn presentation skills to be
professional when we present news
or giving training. It is really helpful
for us when we go back and work in
our mother CBOs.

In addition, we learn many
things in computer class such as Microsoft word, Power Point, Excel,
InDesign, Photoshop and Video Editing. All are very useful for us and
these skills will benefit to our CBOs.
For example, if we will create info
sheet and newsletter for our CBOs,
these are very helpful for us. Furthermore, these are very useful for our
CBOs if we want to give the training
to the other different communities
and the public.

Additionally, students also
learn many trains such as time
management, sex education, video
shooting, and gender and sexuality
trainings. These trainings supports
us a lot of knowledge to improve our

lives. Additionally, it also provides

us good teamwork skills from lots
of homework, trainings and many
duties living in WH. Moreover,
there are currently many former
students become community leaders such as coordinators, programmers and school principals in their

Therefore, WH could promote our lives brightly in the future, and furthermore these really
provide and benefit to our communities when we return. Absolutely,
we believe that this program will
promote my abilities to be good
leaders, and it would gives us many
experiences and better skills for our
future and our communities as we

Written By: John

Wide Horizons -


Visiting to Our Amazing CBOs

In WH school, the school uses experiential learning style. It means that we
are learning from class and also learning
from visiting CBOs (Community Based
Organizations). In CD class, for example, we are learning about project cycle
such as situational analysis, implementation and reporting. We also learn about
how to collect information. There are 4
skills at collecting information, those are
interview, questionnaire, mapping and
small group discussion skills. To practice
those skills, we visit to Khom Loy, Mae
Tao Clinic, Hsa Too Lei School, AAPP
(Assistance Association for Political

Khom Loy is a non-profit, non-denominational foundation that has been working with Burmese refugee and ethnic
minority communities along the Thai-Burma border since 2003
to improve both self-empowerment and equality. The program
provides 3 things such as Montessori Preschool Literacy Project
for refugees and minority children. For example, they train many
teachers from different schools who prepare non-Thai speaking
children to help assimilation into Thai society.

Mae Tao Clinic is a hospital in Mae Sot which provides
good quality of healthcare to the Burmese migrants, refugee and
other people who go to Mae Tao clinic. It was founded by Dr.
Cynthia Maung in 1989. Since the hospital was founded, it was
continuing to the wide size of building, health care services, social services, training, outreach programs. Furthermore, it provided child protection and health education as well.

Visit to Mae Tao Clinic

Visit to Khom Loy

Without mistakes cannot get good results.

Written by: Mary

Hsa Too Lei School was founded by Naw Paw Ray in 1999. Now it is
in one of the biggest learning centers
in Mae Sot area. There are about 900
enrolled students for nursery, primary
and high grades. Their mission is to
impart education to the students especially orphaned, IDP, migrant workers'
children and children who are separated from their parents or whose parents
are imprisoned and as a whole. The
school is to help them to continue their
education and encourage them from
the challenges of their life, the way for
them in order to enter into the field of
life and work.

Wide Horizons -


AAPP is a human rights organization based in Mae Sot. AAPP was founded in 2000 by former political prisoners living in exile on the Thai/Burma border. Since then, the organization has been run by former
political prisoners, with two offices being opened inside Burma in 2012. They advocate for the release of
remaining political prisoners for political prisoners and their family members are aimed at ensuring they
have access to education, vocational trainings, mental health counseling and healthcare.

Visit to AAPP

The Important Person

You are not a member in our family
But you are the best person in our life.
You are not a member who always stays by our side
But you always takes care of us
But you will be in our mind forever.
You are not a person who we should remember
But you are a person we shouldnt forget.
You are not our relative
But you are a person who gives the valuable things to us.
You are not a person who teaches us to be bad people
You only have taught us for having a good life every time.
The thing I should remember isnt your demeanor
It is your bravery and your generosity so that,
Nothing cannot change my mind to forget you
Because you are the best person
And at the end, I would like to say
Cause, one day I wont be here
We have to turn back in one day
So I want to say thank you to you so much without saying good
Written by: Murng
Editted by: Edward & John

Students are learning many
things in WH school. Furthermore,
we are improving very well throughout the lessons because we learn in
the class and also can practice in the
CBOs. Moreover, we know about the
organizations background, mission
and what do the organizations do
for the communities. Visiting to the
CBOs is interesting which can give
so many things because we have seen
their organization had been in the
difficulties but they tried their best
to help the communities. It gives so
much power not to give up. We can
adapt and apply for our own communities such as TBC (The Border
of Consortium), Hsa Too Lei school,
SGBV (Sexual and Gender Based Violence) when we return back.
Written by: A V Yar

A good leader
comes from a good
Written by: Phyo Wai lin

Wide Horizons -


WH Students Daily Activities

As a student, we lead a life of honesty and simplicity. By
habit, we get up early from bed and clean our body. Then, we
brush our teeth at 6:30 AM. Some take physical exercises to keep
their body healthy and fit, and it becomes advantageous for them.
Some students take a walk of about one kilometer nearby school.

We get refreshed with the morning walk or a little exercise and then prepare ourselves for the study with utmost sincerity. After bathing, we take the meal prepared by selected divide
group at 7:30 AM. It against our principles to put off today's work
for tomorrow or to have any private tutor.

We accept the guidance of our elder brothers or sisters
who have proficiency in English and community development as
well. Furthermore, some people practice computer lessons while
others are revising their homework till 8:30 AM. Our school usually start at 9:00 AM. Our classes are alternating every week.
Sometimes, the first period begins with English teach by Jordan
but sometimes it goes to the evening class because community
development class takes place for it which is taught by Pik-Svonn.
We do have an aptitude for every subject. After the school finished
at 4:00 PM, another selected divide group is ready to go to the
market for tomorrow cooking duty. The rest students are planning
to go outside or take a nap or to do something like playing cane
ball or washing their clothes. Then, we all have dinner together
at 6:30 PM. This is our weekdays activities in Wide Horizons

Not only we attend the classes on weekdays but also we all
have to attend computer class from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM taught
by Aung Pyit Moe at the weekends. Our exciting time comes after the computer class finished on Sunday. Sometimes, we have
a football match with other schools to get some exercises and to
stress out our burden.

There is a slight change in the routine on Sunday. Sometimes, we also visit to our friends. We spend
the Sundays in different ways than on the other days. These are the ways we spend our time as a student in
Wide Horizons.
Written by: Khun Edward

Our heads are

not for nodding,
they are for
Written by: Kyi Khala

Wide Horizons -


Learning Translation & Interpretation

To Help Our Community

Every year, Wide Horizons (WH) School has many
vocational trainings such as
leadership, video shooting,
healthcare, time management,
sport and interpretation &
translation trainings. These
trainings are very necessary
and useful for us and our
community after we finished
this school. Moreover, these
are privileged for us to learn
those trainings because when
we work in our COBs. We did
not have any opportunity to
learn these things before. In
this second-semester, we got
interpretation & translation
training. The students were
trained by former students of
WH who are Myo Tun (Coordinator) and Aung Than (Assistance Coordinator) in WH
School. Firstly, we have question for you to think between
those two. In your opinion,
how is different between the
interpretation & translation?
You may think those are the
same and you may be confused between them. Actually,
those two have different defi-

community. Consequently, this training is

very useful for him to interpret between
them. Moreover, he said that he is going to
nition and meaning. Here is use those skills in his mother organization
the definition and meaning by translation from Burmese to English

Interpretation mean; or English to Burmese. Therefore, we are
Interpret a spoken source ready to distribute those skills in our community after we accomplish this school.
into the target languages.

Written by: John Soe and Jalorn
translate a written source into
the target languages.
We have many steps and rules
between translation and interpretation, which are very difficult to follow. However, no
Dont ever let someone says,
one can avoid those rules and
you cant do anything; Even if
its yourself.

During this training,
Right or wrong has never
we did a lot of activities and
you from trying anyparticipation. We divided
groups and translated English
Stop saying I wish, start saying
story, poems and proverbs to
I will.
Burmese. Moreover, we also
Take action now,
translated Burmese songs to
fear make the deciEnglish and English songs to
sion for you.
Burmese as our own songs.
Prevent the virus called FEAR
So, we were very happy and
infect your body.
got a lot of experiences in this
You will only fail, if you give up
training. According to one of
on yourself.
the WH students (2015-2016
Your wings already exist, all you
academic year), he has differhave to fly.
ent ethnicities in his commuNever
your head, hold it
nity so it is very helpful for
him. For example, sometimes
to the world.
foreigners come to visit to his


Written by Zoaw Htaw

Wide Horizons -


Leaning Exciting from Community Project

Development (CD) is one the
main subjects in Wide
Horizons School. Before 2009, WH students did not
have a chance to implement project in migrant communities. They
just had a chance to practice just
how to write proposal in class as
a theory. Fortunately, since 2009,
WH students have an opportunity
to practice in communities such as
collecting information. Moreover,

after they wrote proposal,

they have a chance to send
proposal to donor, Room
to Grow to be able to implement projects. (Room
to Grow is a donor who
donates to WH students in
order to implement their

In 2015-2016 academic year, students have
a chance to learn about
Community Development
project cycle. After we
learned project cycle, we
visited 4 migrant schools
in Mae Sot area to research about their background and current problems. Those schools were
Hsa Mu Htaw, SAW Safe
House, New Wave and Elpis Schools. In addition,
they also presented about
their schools history and
problems. After that, we
came back to school and
we divided 4 groups for
the projects. There were
6 members in each group
and they chose schools by
raffle system. We did a lot

of practices by studying
in classroom and outside
of school. For examples,
before we went to collect
information in communities, we practiced to gather WH communitys information. Then, we went
and gathered information
in our project schools by
many different ways such
as interview, observation,
and small group discussion in that school. When
we reached WH school,
we collected and tabulated the information that
we got from our project

After that, we decided the priority problem
for our project in communities. The different
schools have different
problems regarding their
situation such as insufficient bath room and lack
of activities and lack of
play game materials. In
this month, we are learning how to write a good

You dont need to

be the best for everything, just try to be
better than before.
Written by: Than Maung
proposal. Current ly, we have
written our projects problem
statement, organization background, community background,
identify goal and objective and
action plan. We are still writing
about beneficiaries, budget plan
and community participation.
Moreover, we are still learning
about sustainability (future plan).

This is extremely difficult
for us to do project with different
communities because this is the
first time for us. However, every
student have some of experiences
regarding community. Furthermore, we are really enthusiastic to
help the communitys problems.
Even if we face the problems, we
are trying to do the project with
the community without disappointing them.

Wide Horizons -


As a result, we got a lot of experiences from the community, which are helpful for us to improve our skills as
communication skills, project management skills and proposal writhing skills.
Written by: Jalorn & John Soe

Beautiful Waterfall Trip

ave fun and luxurious time for Wide Horizons students at waterfall trip in weekend
Wide Horizons school is not only teaching education and community development theory but
also, we have chances to implement the projects in the communities what we have learned in
class. Therefore, the students can concentrate effectively in learning and also can be active
participating in every area. Currently, we are learning about how to organize the project plan in
community development class. Firstly, students had to organize the activities plan professionally for waterfall
trip to carry out class lessons. We made sure to include materials that we would like to use for activities when
we arrived in waterfall.

When all plans for trip are ready, 24 students, staff and teachers started leaving to Nam Tot
waterfall trip with 2 trucks. We sang songs together about Simple Life of vocalist Myo Gyi on the
way; meanwhile, the strong fresh air also pressed
throughout our faces. We rode almost 45 minutes to
arrive in there. Firstly, we saw an incredible swimming pool and a beautiful waterfall as soon as we arrived in there. It was flowing strong from the top of
a high mountain until the big lake and it make noise
the whole environment.

Ordinarily, we get off from trucks and we
kept our materials at a wide tent. We climbed as
much as we can to the top of water fall, but we could
climbed just half of the water fall. From that place,
we could see the many villages vividly and it made us
to flee our mind freely. Moreover, we swam together
about one hour with happiness in the big lake. We
felt pleased, those cold and fresh water took away
our stress from us, which we carried from school.
Later, we consumed sweetly some snacks and juices
that we brought. We played some games and took photos for remembrance at the good location. Finally, we
came back with joyful faces to our school. This water fall trip activity was very helpful to get fresh brain for
our learning. Additionally, according to the management for trip activity, we can manage the project when we
go back mother CBO organizations.

Written by: J Ah Dau

Wide Horizons -


Sexual Health Training at Wide Horizons

How many sexual
health trainings have you attended in your life? When we
suffer the sexual health problem, we do not know how to
prevent ourselves. Moreover,
some people are shy to tell their
family members and friends
about their feelings. In fact, we
should know and learn about
sexual health knowledge. We
can share our experiences to our
environment what we learned.
In addition, we have ideas how
to solve if we confronted with
sexual problem.

In Wide Horizons
School (WH), our English
teacher invited a gynecologist,
Alice, to give sexual health
training who is from Shoklo
Malaria Research Unit (SMRU)
on 14 Oct, 2015. Firstly, she
demonstrated about female
and male anatomy. Next, she

taught how to use many kinds

of feminine hygiene products
and practices. Some girls were
suffering the problem of menstruation so, she explained more
about Pre-menstrual Syndrome
(PMS). Therefore, not only girls
got information but also boys got
the message and empathized for
girls feelings. Furthermore, we
learned about the reproduction
system, sexuality and consent.
Alice explained the various
types of contraception such as
condoms, depo, etc. Then, she
arranged one activity about the
contraception which was how
materials could use longer time
and safety percentage not to get
pregnant. In addition, we finished
with asking questions with students who wanted to know more
information. For example, one of
our questions was Can we wash
our hair during menstruation?

According to Alice, You can wash

your hair, it does not matter but we
should clean our body every day.
Furthermore, we did an activity
called condoms banana race. Firstly,
we divided 6 groups; we got 4 condoms and 1 banana for each group.
The games mission was everyone
have to put the condoms on and out
of the banana as much as quickly. If
you could put on and out quick and
correct, you won the competition.
Consequencely, the winners of three
groups got a snack for each person.
All in all, we can avoid myths and
take care of our sexual health. Moreover, when we go back to our mother organizations, we can share to
our communities, families and colleagues about sexual health. Therefore, this training is very helpful and
useful for us and our communities.
Written by: KayThiThant Zin

A Great Opportunity to Make New Friends

Students exchange with MHEP

Wide Horizons
How do students lives
like? Do they need to study all
the time? Students not only study
in school but also study outside
of the school. At Wide Horizons
(WH), students had 3 hours social exchange to share general
information and knowledge with
Minmahaw Higher Education
Program (MHEP) on 26 September 2015. First of all, we started our exchange by introducing
our names and organizations.
Our English teacher, Jordan, explained the exchanges aim with
her sweet voice. Then, we continued our agenda as we planned.
Even though we came from different ethnicities in Burma, our
mission is the same to study in
Thailand. The reason why we
have an exchange with MHEP is
to make friends with them and to
share knowledge with each other.

Moreover, two of WH
students, Pakaw Mol and Than
Maung, presented about our
school program. They surely enjoyed the presentation and had
some questions. Furthermore,


one of MHEP representative

named May Yamon Kyaw presented their school program as
well. The advance of those presentations, we had shared many kinds
of information and knowledge
such as daily activities and school
program. In MHEP program, they
have six main subjects and five
addition subjects. In addition, this
program provided General Education Development (GED) certificate. Therefore, students usually
applied scholarship program with
the GED certificate after they had
completed MHEP program.

After our presentation, we
played two of social games. We
have one game from WH and the
other from MHEP. For the game,
two people have to bring one people and break the balloon with
tardy. The purposes of those two
games are to become friends each
other. We all had fun with those
two games, made us excited, and
interested. We knew how friendship was important for us between
different situations. Furthermore,
we had more conversation each

Homework Sick

other and had some refreshments at

the same time.

Dont forget to tell the amazing things. Of course, we also sang
two wonderful group songs. We did
not only sing group songs but also
some students sang solo songs. After
the activities in class, we played football at Mae Sot Football Club and had
fun together. Finally, we finished our
students exchange at 4 pm at the end
of our football match at MFC. Before
we did farewell each other, we took
group photos together with our great
pleasure. As a result, this social exchange gave a great opportunity to
share different perspectives and experiences between us and it made us
happy, too.

All in all, our exchange is just
three hours but our relationship will
become forever. We had known each
other and became friends with MHEP
students even though we are from different locations, ethnicities and communities.
Written by: Than Maung


Written by: Phyo Wai Lin


Wide Horizons -


Sudden Flooding at Wide Horizons

Could you imagine how students are surprised the day that flooding at Wide Horizons
(WH) school? Most of students have never faced
flooding before. It was raining the whole night and it
was a very excited morning at WH school on September 18, 2015. Some students got up to do homework
and some were for cooking duty. The flooding started
around 6 AM in the morning. The water level raised
up so quickly. The cooking duty group shouted loudly
to let other students to awake it was flooding. When

stove to the higher floor then cooked. Even

though they were afraid of the insects which
are coming in, they are enjoying to cook in flooding kitchen.

In the afternoon, at around 2 PM, the flooding decreased. Consequently, it was full of mud
around our school compound and in the classroom.
Then, we all cleaned our classroom, kitchen room
and library and took the stuff to the right place
back. Finally, all students united and helped each
other so we finished in a short time. Luckily, there
is no water around 5 PM at WH compound. WH
students were pretty busy and tired for cleaning the
whole school. However, this year flooding is not
serious than the last 2 years because the water was
decreasing after midday. In the last 2 years, there
was flooding at least 2 days.

According to the pictures, we saw from
WHs former newsletters that they were really
terrible and worst. Thus, we can say we are lucky
that only one day flooding this year. However, all
students have to sleep with worries even no water
around the compound because local government
does not close the dam yet on the next night. It is
not happened every year so I wish that next year
students will not face flooding again.
Written by: Mi Pakaw Mol

the students got up, they were surprised to see the water was rising up rapidly. Then, the students moved
the stuff from the classroom and library. It was the
first experience for most of students. So they worried
that the flood would cover all the school property for
that reason all students were busy with removing and
keeping the materials. After that, we had our breakfast
without comfort and happiness.

However, one student phoned to teacher about
the school was flooded. As a result, we couldnt have
class for the whole day, so all students were very happy. After a while, the students borrowed the neighbors
boat and sailed it around the school compound. Some
students, who did not play with water or did not sail
the boat watched the students who played and yelled
to them. The students in cooking duty moved the


Wide Horizons -


Understanding Myanmars Election

Myanmars election and
political issues is one of the interesting argument between the ethnic diversities of Wide Horizons
students. November 8, 2015 election is the historical part of Myanmar in order to shape the developing democratic country. Not only
international observers but also
all of countries around the world
are watching whether this coming
election will serve to contribute
Myanmars democracy transformation or not. Simultaneously,
Wide Horizons students are also
curious for this election; nevertheless, they do not have a chance to
vote for their favorite parties.

However, Wide Horizons students participated in this
election as much as they could
by including in DVB (Democratic Voice of Burma media group)
Youth Voice in October 9 television interview program. In this
television program, 4 of Wide
Horizons students talked about
their hopes that the new government will be able to progress education, social economics requirements and the complexes of land
confiscation for civilians.

In addition, in this second
trimester, Wide Horizons Students had an election workshop
from Burma Partnership (BP) organization which is advocating
and mobilizing a movement for
democracy and human rights in
Burma throughout the Asia-Pacific region. For this workshop, Mr.
Alex and Miss. Rin who are from
BP came and gave the awareness
of elections to Wide Horizons stu-

dents in November 3, 2015. During

this workshop, students discussed
about this coming election will convey the equality for the ethnic diversities of Myanmar citizens. Moreover,
they revised and shared the previous
Myanmars election that how could it
changed to hold freely and fairly. As
a result, students gained many knowledge about election and their country
situation in reality.

Furthermore, Wide Horizons
students have a current news presentation activity in every Friday in English
class. In this activity, each pair students had to present about the national

and international news as their

English speaking assignment.
Myanmar elections topic was one
of the biggest argument with different ethnicities perspectives for
their national presentation news.
Students discussed about the situation of political parties USDP
(Union Solidarity and Development Party) and NLD (National
League for Democracy) by comparing with other ethnic political parties that who will win and
how will effect on the civilians
after this 2015 elections. Also, as
the role key of this election commission, UEC (Union Election
Commission) whether they will
held this election freely and fairly. For this reason, students knew
the different opinions of political
views from ethnic diversities of
students for this election.

All in all, even though
Wide Horizons students could
not involve in this election, they
believe that they will involve as
a part of Myanmar democratic
transformation progress by leading and helping their civil society

Written by; Phyo Wai Lin

No one excited how much money you have, they are

excited and terrible how much you can do.
Written by: Than Maung


Wide Horizons -


Voice of Wide Horizons Alumni

Ko Ko, War and Wah Khu Paw are current Wide Horizons
(WH) students. They interviewed Naw Ko Klaw Htoo WH
alumni in (2013-14). She has been working at Burmese Migrant Workers Education Committee (BMWEC) as a field
officer. We would like to know how WH alumni effectively
working at their organization. We would like to show how
WH students are useful for mother organization.

Ko Ko: How old are you?

Ko Klaw Htoo: Im 22 years old.
Ko Ko: Where are you come from?
Ko Klaw Htoo: I come from Kyai
Aye Say Gyi Township, Karen State,
Ko Ko: What is your mother organization?
Ko Klaw Htoo: My mother organization is Burmese Migrant Workers Education Committee (BMWEC).
Ko Ko: What is your position at BMWEC?
Ko Klaw Htoo: Im working as a field
officer at BMWEC?
Ko Ko: What are your responsibilities
Ko Klaw Htoo: We have 24 migrant
learning centers but I took 6 learning
centers to make connection to the donors. I have to go to the school to collect the information and make sure it
correctly and send it to the donors. Im
the one who is working between learning centers and donors.
Ko Ko: Which year did you graduate
from WH program?
Ko Klaw Htoo: I graduated in 29
March, 2015. At that time, I was really

Ko Ko: Why did you apply
Wide Horizons program?
Ko Klaw Htoo: I applied WH
program because WH trains the
youth people to gain the leadership skill. It was valuable for
them and then I noticed it was a
kind of higher education school
for migrant and refugee students.
I hoped that WH school can help
me to provide and support my
organization by management
and community development.
So, I joined this school.
Ko Ko: What kinds of skill did
you gain from WH program?
Ko Klaw Htoo: WH provided
me a lot of skills such as Advanced English, Community
Development and Computer.
In Community Development, it
only focuses on leadership skill,
management skills and writing
proposal process working in the
project. These skills could apply
when I work in organization.
Ko Ko: How did you feel different before and after you attend Wide Horizons?
Ko Klaw Htoo: Before I stud-

ied at WH, I felt like l had a bit

less of confidence to work with
organization and project. But
after I finished WH, I felt like a
full of self-confidence and I knew
how to write the proposal and
how to set up the goal and implementation also to write report. I
could manage my time because I
have learned in WH to work with
Ko Ko: Why do you like WH
Ko Klaw Htoo: Because WH
trains youth who will be the future leaders for next generation.
For example, migrant students do
not have certificate to recognize
by Thai government, WH can
help them before they are going
to work with the organization.
Even though, any governments
do not recognize those students
but WH can recognize. WH is
very useful not only for young
people but also the new generations who have more chance like
to study. For example, when you
serve in your NGOs or CBOs,
you can show your certificate that

If you can make time management,

all of you will be successful in your life


Wide Horizons -


If you would like to apply Wide Horizons School next year, please check our Website and Facebook for more details at or
Horizons, Community Development Program. You can contact us feel free for more information!
you are full with skills.You will be self-confident Ko Klaw Htoo: I would like to give suggestion about my
after you graduated from WH.
experience for the WH new generations. If all of you can
learn about my experiences, it will be better for your life.
Ko Ko: What is your future plan?
All of you learn from me like note taking and time manKo Klaw Htoo: I have a plan for my future. I agement. After finish this school, all of you have to work
will continue studying because I feel like my and face a big challenges when you are working on your
skill and my qualification are not enough for organization. You will see many problems and busy so
helping my community people and my organiza- you have to take a note for yourself. If some conflicting
tion. Even though, WH help me a lots but I still happen in your meeting, take specific note that you can
need some skills to work. I will continue study- use it when you need so taking note is very important. I
ing in university.
would like to comment all of you if you take a note you
Ko Ko: After you got these skills from WH, how will be improve in your working skills and if you can
to you apply in your organization?
make time management, all of you will be successful in
Ko Klaw Htoo: I have applied such as writ- your life. So, both of them are very useful in your life.
ing proposal and report, time management. Time
by: Ko Ko
management is very important for me because
Transcription by: Mi Lyah Wondi Chan &
when you are working you will be busy. So, you
Naw Wah Ku Paw
have to manage every day and you need to draw
your schedule before doing and time management is important. For the writing report is every
month and for proposal is just only one time in
a year.
Ko Ko: Would you like to give suggestion for
Written by Zoaw Htaw
WH new generation?

Without Struggle No

Learning About a Traditional

Karenni Festival

Have you ever heard about Dee Ku? Dee Ku is
one of the annual festival in Karenni State. You might
able to see the Dee Ku celebration on September around
Karenni State. It represents about helping each other
and having unity between Karenni ethnic groups such
as Karenni, Kayan and Kayaw etc. Dee Ku is made by
sticky rice and put into Dee Ku leaf wrap. After that, we
tie the whole thing with very thin of bamboo strips and
combine 3 packs into one.

Moreover, for Dee Ku festival we knew from our
great-great grandparents. Even though Karenni people
do not live in their state, they have to celebrate on every September. Thats why we do want to share with our


new friends and teachers. Therefore, three students from Karenni ethnicity celebrated Dee Ku
festival in Wide Horizons School on September
6, 2015 with their lovely friends and teachers.
To celebrate this festival, two of WH students


Wide Horizons -

had to get Dee Ku leaves from outside of the Mae Sot

area. Then, students prepared and learned how to make
a beautiful Dee Ku packs. At first, students had to tie
and make Dee Ku packs; furthermore, they learned from
three Karenni ethnicity students name Pa Pa Moe, Than
Maung and Edward. Students participated all the day.
Especially, they went to market together to buy sticky
rice and some juice. In addition, students learned how to
cook Dee Ku. Also, three of students from Karenni ethnicity taught the Karenni traditional dance to their other
ethnicities friends. Firstly, it made a bit difficult for students because they had never learned it before. However, students had done well together with the Karenni
traditional dance.

Additionally, WHs students did have night party
and fun. Before they start their night party, they prepared
food and juice. There are two ways to get yummier Dee
Ku. Firstly, you have to cut and design a piece of Dee
Ku and salad with the sugar and coconuts. Secondly, you
can put sugar on the Dee Ku and just enjoy it. Additionally, during their night party, Karenni student named Pa
Pa Moe presented about the history of Dee Ku. She said,
Karenni people were persecuted and colonized by Yoe
nationals (Thai ethnic group) for many years in 739 BC.
Therefore, Karenni people against Yoe nationals because
they could not be under the Yoe nationals controlling
anymore. At that time, they used rice for food during the
war but rice rotted and spoiled easily. Actually, our people did face food problem during the battles. To solve
this problem, they used Dee Ku to last for at least four
or five days. Finally, they escaped from Yoe nationals.
Furthermore, students surely enjoyed her presentation.
After that, students continued Karenni traditional dance.
Similarly, WH students sang two of couple songs. Finally, students and teachers enjoyed Dee Ku with sugar and
coconuts. At the end of night party, students took a lot of
pictures with their lovely teachers and friends.

Written by: Pa Pa Moe



Dont stress about the closed doors behind you.
New doors are opening if you keep moving forward.

Take risk! If you win, you will be happy.
If you lose, you will be wise. Failure does not
mean game is over, it mean that try again with
your experience. Do not stop when you are
tired, Stop when you are done.

Life is like road, it has bumps, cracks and
obstacles but in the end it get you somewhere.
Success follows experience. Never band your
head, hold it high.Appreciate your asset, keep
going until arrive your destination.

Written by Zoaw Htaw

Wide Horizons -


Start From Basic

A school headmaster is giving a speech about jobs that need to start from basic.
If we missed a small thing
in a big building, it will fall
down soon. And also, if we
dont have a good foundation
for every job, nothing can last
long. Thats why, every job
needs to start from basics.

What is that my boy?

I completely agree with

you but Im not clear
one thing, sir.

How about the well, sir?
We cant start from the
basics. It has to start from
the top.

Drawn by: Phyo Wai Lin


Written by: Khun Edward

Wide Horizons -


Advantages of Lady

Are you upset with your hair? Do not worry!
Here I will show you the way how to get your skin
smooth and your hair soft. Lady finger is a kind of vegetable and it has a little sweet taste when you taste it.
Sometimes, you might see in your dishes when you
have meal. Not only good for hair but also proving
many kinds of benefit for your skin. The lady fingers
are fulfilling with vitamin E that makes your skin better
smoothly and protect your skin. Those things are a natural way to get soft hair and smooth skin. It is not too
difficult to get lady fingers. Mostly, you can find it easily
in market.

I would like to continue my lady fingers story
how to use it in the right way. Firstly, you have to boil
it in a small pot around five minutes without cutting
it. Secondly, you need to remember you do not need
to boil too much time and do not need to open the pot
cover often. After the lady fingers cook and boil, you
need to keep it inside the bowl and wait for a few minutes till warming. You need to put lady finger in a plate
with sugar beside lady fingers. After that you can enjoy
it, but do not use a lot of sugar with lady fingers.

The Joy of Sport

There are many kinds of sport that can keep you
healthy and make your happy such as football, basketball, volleyball, boxing, table tennis and cane ball etc.
To be a healthy person, you need to do exercises and
play sports that are suitable for you in your free time.

There are various kinds of sport in Wide Horizons School such as football, cane ball, hula hoo etc.
Some students play sport and some students do exercises as running and yoga in the evening before we take
shower. We have to struggle with our lessons as English, Community Development and Computer. Moreover, sometimes we have to visit the school to collect
the information for proposal and sometimes we have
to struggle with our heavy homework. As the students,
sometimes we feel depressed in our study. Therefore,
doing exercises or playing sport is the

If you use sugar too much
that will be affect to your health
such as diabetes. However, if
you know the way how to use
sugar with limitation, it will
be good for health. You can
enjoy it without sugar as well.
Moreover, you will know how
the lady fingers benefit to
your skin if you can continue
using it at least one week.

The second thing is
using by washing your hair with lady fingers. You can
boil as you want for eating but you need to take time
around five minutes. However, five minutes is enough
to boil. After that, you need to keep it until lady fingers
getting cold. When the lady fingers are getting cold, you
can take out the lady fingers seeds and combine with
a few cold water. Next, you can wash your hair with
it. In addition, you do not need to throw out the lady
finger liquid. Subsequently, you can wash it, too. Those
ways are helping you to remove dirt from your hair and
getting strong, dark and soft hair with happiness. As a
result, you do not need to be upset anymore for your
skin and for your hair.
Written by: Myint Zu Hmwe
best way to reduce stress and to have a fresh mind.

Especially, in the weekend we use to organize football with other schools such as Minmahaw
Higher Education Program students, Minmahaw
School students, Australia Catholic University, former Wide Horizons students and Hsa Thoo Lei students. Sometimes, we play only our WH students
to have fun. Honestly, we play football with other
schools to know each other and make new friends.

Therefore, dear all readers, we would like
to suggest you to do some suitable sports that can
promote your health and happiness in your free
time. Doing sport is the best way to keep your body
healthy. If you would like to organize and play football with us, you will feel free and welcome to contact with us. Anyway, we would like to make new
friends and to have fun with other people.


Written by: Day Wah & Ja Ah Dau

Wide Horizons -


Coordinating Team

1. Day Wah
2. Kay Dar Win

Research Team

Editing Team


2.A V Yar

3.Zoaw Htaw

4.Myint Zu Hmwe

1. Mu Ku
2. Mi Lyah Wondi Chan
3. Mehm Kyi Klar
4. Murng

Layout and Design Team

Revising Team

2.Cherry Win

3.Wah Khu Paw
4. J Ah Dau

1.John Soe
2.Mi Jalon Htaw
3.Mya Win
4.Mi Pakaw Mol

Translation Team

1.Ko Ko

2.Than Maung

3.Pa Pa Moe

4.Phyo Wai Lin

6.Kay Thi Thant Zin


Wide Horizons -

Pa Pa Moe

Ko Ko

Myint Zu Hmwe


Cherry Win



Zoaw Htaw

Mu Ku

Mi Pakaw Mol

Than Maung

A V Yar

Mya Win

Kyi Khala

Phyo Wai Lin


Kay Thi Thant Zin

J Ah Dau

Day Wah


Kay Dar Win

Mi Jalorn Htaw


John Soe

Mi lyah Wondi Chan

Wah Khu Paw

Wide Horizons Contact Address

Wide Horizons School,
P.O. Box 27, Mae Sot, Tak, 63110, Thailand
Coordinator - Maung Myo Htun

Ph: 0856066973

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