713th Baker

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Leadership Training School Slated Mapleton Soldier's Captured German Flag
February *, 1945
Lieut. Swirlea L. Himes, USNR,
For Mount Union; Opens Feb. 15 1825 Mifflin Street, who ie no,w
stationed in North Africa, where IN UNIFORM
he is doing special legal work.
Plans are about completed for the are as follows: personal Religious Pfc. John Earner, .son of Mr. «^-^^^•^••••^^^JSm^^^S^BEy^jBJa^^SiiBJiBSSfr
Interdenominational Leadership Ed- Living, Rev. D. D. Kauffman, Ph. D., and Mrs. F. T. Earner, 431 Moor*
ucation School which will be held T*at—Bradley, "Highways of the Street, Pfc. Earner is stationed With 5th Army In Italy Belated Birthday Wishes!
in the Presbyterian Church at Mount Spirit". at Roswell, N Mexico.
Union,., on the Thursday evenings of i Jesus
— and — His
Feb. «' - - a1 •,• 22
- -^,, „
— an « 1.•'March,
-- - — Teachings—
1, 8, is! John H. Klnsloe, TexU-Branscomb,
mfo .
-Mrs, Mrs. T. J. Moyer, 1315 Mifflin
and aa-^TWfi School U _. sponsored
_2 "The Message of Jesus". Street.
by the 8th. ,^,-1...
District. Sun day ., "school. . HQW to Administer the Sunday Miss Anita Stewart Freag, 311
Association with pastorg, superinten- School—Rev. Ariel R. Turner, Text Third Street.
dents and leaders acting as t, board —Vleth, "Improving Your Sunday Judith Kay Chilcote, three-year-
of manaegrs. School". old daughter of S 2[c Kermit
The Leadership School offer* a j Guiding Beginners In Christian Chilcote and Mrs. Chilcote of
variety of courses for Leaders, [-Growth of Primary Children-Mrs. Mapleton Depot.
Trainees, Church and School Work- D. D. Kauffman, Text^-Smith Mrs. John Brewster, 919 Mif-
^?-.*^a- Memb*rs d«irlng t-richer "Teaching Primaries in the Church flin Street.
Christian Exeprience and better pre- j School". Charles Huston, Jr., eon of Mr.
"~- *— for service. Guiding the Religious Growth o
The school will meet on Thursday Juniors—Mrs. Martin Scholten. Tex an] Mrs. Charles Huston, Mount
evenings for *ix weeks beginning —eakin, "Teaching junior Boys ant Union,
February 15 from 7:30 o'clock to Girls. Mrs. Harper Monihen. Eleventh
8:30 o'clock with two periods each Street.
Rev. Arthur D. Smalley lc the
evening and 20 minutes between Dean; Chairman Administration Anthony Ciccarelli, 1518 Moore
periods of Devotions. Committee; George W. Radle, Treas Street.
A fine group of instructors have urer, Chairman of Finance Com Pfc. Jack W. Lang, now in Eng-
been secured for this school and It mittee, Cloyd B. Ewing, Registrar I land, twenty years old. Pvt. Lang
will be a privilege to git with the of the Chairman Promotion Com j is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clair
teachers who will teach the text*. mittee. Lang of McConnellstown.
The Courses, Teachers and Texts Shirley May Frazer, Baltimore,
State YJVLC. A. Md., granddaughter of Mr. and
Thomas B. Weyant Leader Visits Mrs. C. E. Patterson of Alexan-
Lucille Horton, Pitcarin now at
To Head Disaster Huntingdon Group Juniata College.
Patsy Lindsay, five-year-old
Shown above is Jt-vt. Glenn West-
Committee John Durno, stats industrial
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James brook, son of Frank
Lindsay, 632 'Seventh Street.
Westbruok Pvt. Obrey E. Hamman', bettef
Westbrook Arcade, and Airs. Belle komvn to his friends as "Ivan,"
Thos. B. Weyant of Mount Union secretary and eexcutlve of Harry Kyle, Huntingdon R D Westbrook, 408 llth St., who en- of Rockhill Furnace, observed ' hie
has been appointed Chairman of the Southwest District of the Young 3, Box 237. tered the service on September 8, nineteenth birthday on Febiuary
Disaster Committee under the Civil- Men's Christian Association, me the Maxine Ramsey, 752 Allegheny 1943 and received his training at 2nd, somewhere in England Pvt
ian Defense, to work in conjunction on Tuesday afternoon at five Street. Camp Wheeler, Georgia. Glenn Hamman, son of Mr. .a.nd Mrs.
the young Mapleton soldier's possewfon we o n n o t knm, u n n n" were under whi ch the flag came into
with the American Red Cross In o'clock with the advisory commit- us the whole story. By the way Ss' are Sine on ,T w t 8 W r 1S OVer and Pfc Boohel ca
* ' ' " Charles B. Kelley. Newton Ham- was sent overseas in February William Hamman, enlist?d in ths
case a disaster should occur. This tee o£ the Y.M.C.A. of Hunting- ilton, one year old. 1944 and is now in the Quarter- army when he was seventeen
area over which Mr. Weyant will don, which sponsors the Hi Y and from perhaps we shall W tbfe t& In toe not-foTJutant fut^ I ^ "'hd OI? Ule Eastern Frollt ro
Doris Lee Brown, Three Sprinsrs master Corps in Gen. Clark s Fifth years old, but was not -called for
o this area-and the 31 e Ch Cled are a
serve as chairman is the same as Tri Hi Y Cubs in the high school ' ' " R. D. 2. Army in Italy. He' has had the service until his eighteenth birth-
that covered by the Mount Union The get-together was held In the Mrs. John Holder, McConnelh- privilege of meeting Bud Beekel day. Pvt. Hamman took his train-
Chapter, American Red Cross. This office of W. C. Rohm on Washing- town Road.
includes Mount Union, Newton ton Street, with the president and*- Thomas Jackson, both oi ing in the following camps: camp
Hamilton, Kistler, Shirley Town- Harry Minsker, in charge. Earl Snook. Pennsylvania Av- Huntingdon, since being overseas. VV heeler, ,Georg-ia; Camp Shelby,
enue. Smithfield.
ship, Orbisonia, Three Springs, Sal- Mr. Durno told of the work be-
tillo, the Broad Top, Shade Gap and ing done in the 218 Hi Y and Tri Pfc. Bob Booher CHEERING NEWS FROM
Mother Receives Pvt. Westbrook is married and his Mississippi; f!.om there he was
Mrs. Warren Henderson, Ber- wife lives in Hollidaysburg. He is sent to New York from, which
Blairs Mills. gantz Apartments, Smithfield. a graduate of Huntingdon Hign place he sailed for overseas. Many
Hi Y Clubs of the state and re-
Mr. Weyant will ask for the co- ported on the establishment of 14
operation of all those in the district Gradale Clubs, new groups which
Sends Nazi Flag Pfc. James DeArmitt, son of Mr
Pfc. R. Krieger's Miss Joan Bashore, Saxton. School in 1931 and was engaged mo:e happy birthdays, Obrey 1
Mi's. I. M. Eichelberger. Saxton in the drug business in Huntingdon Anyone wishing his address
who worked so faithfully and patri- are composed of older girls rang-
otically under the Civilian Defense, ing in age from eighteen to twen-
To His Family and Mrs. William DeArmitt of
Turtle Creek, formerly of Hunting-
Purple Heart Miss Jane Elizabeth Williams, and then iii Hollidaysburg before
Altoona. granddaughter of Mrs. entering the Army. p
Rockhill, Furnace.
set-up and will contact at once all ty-five. C. H. Williams, Saxton.
chairmen in the area. Five boys from this a;ea—four don, who was wounded in action Mrs. Margaret Krieger of 2945 Chester Fleegal, manager of SGT. FRANK JONES
The general duties will work In Plans were discussed for a Dis- rrom Huntingdon County and one in Luxembourg, is now in a hospi- loikway, Baltimore, Md., former-
conjunction with the American Red trict Tri Hi Y and Hi Y Conference :rom Bedford County we< e amo.g tal in England. The DeArmiLts the Saxton Shaffer Store PARACHUTE RIGGEK CPL. FORREST
Cross and will include rescue work, to be held in the near future at .he men of the quaitei-naster have received word direct from ly of Coalmont, has received the
Purple -Heart awarded to her son,'
Miss Terry Gould, Saxton.' Fort Banning, Ga.— Frank T. NOW IX EUIIOPEAX AREA
s> Mrs. Forrest
evacuation 'and policing in case of Juniata College. This conference company Of Peiuisylvania's 2Hth their son, telling more about his in- Sgt. Harold A. A. LJa.
Davidson, son of Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Robert B. Kneger, for w imcls Mr. and Mrs Alex Davidson of Jones of Broad Top R. D. 1, upon Washington Street,McMuilen
I?r>h D ^ » \f • , " "oruia 1505
a disaster. will include clubs from a number juries, and also reporting the good Huntingdon
Division who autogiaphed the received .^Germany on November | Sal'lillp,
The Red Cross Disaster Committee of counties In this part of th« captured Nazi flag pictured he;e. news that he is getting along fine 22, 1944. She also received a form Sergeant Davidson who completion of five weeks o f ' i n - i pn?'r TdM t h a t hel: hus band
Vemon Wall, chairman, has for its state. He was hit while fighting at from the War Department ov i is )n<=
i, ^ <• engineers
" , ? Y in
'" Belgium
~^- J 1
6 "" tensive training has graduated| ,? f i,.'. Orrcst
«*Iullen has
work in case o£ a. disaster the work Miss Anna Mitchell, leader of The flag was sent to Mr. and Luxembourg . during an attack vvhich she could send her son a ! if- ha(1 - four blr birthdays overseas. from The Parachute Rig-»in»
thdays overseas, fi dandu •, ,,„„,,
of housing, feed and clothing unfor- the Tri Hi Y in Huntingdon, re- Urs. Eldei Booher - of Mapleton when a German shell landed "too five-word radiogram Lana Sue Atherton. one-year-old Packing Course. This „. _,.,„_ -. _.. . =* = " J-neaire. Corporal McMullen was
tunate folks who may be the victims. ported a membership of eighty 3epot by their son, Ffc. Robert close." He had also been fMrUne sage was promptly sent This TIIPS- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry one of the five specialist schools! '"a1 :d into the service" January
All Disaster Chairmen will work ?irls and ths Rev Dr. T. F. Henry, Booher fiom someivheie on the in Belgium. Pfc. Krieger, a griduat- of Atherton. Lucy Furnace. - • -. He received his training
directly under E. Blair Shore, oi .eader of the • Hi Y, announced veste.n front where it was taken offered to Uie parachutist at Foiti^' An-'r^P b r d u ''^"'^
Huntingdon, who is the County Co- "orty members in this group. Miss before the Pfc. DeArmitt was wounded Saxton-Liberly ' High" Seh.ol Sell ol In
in Cpl.Mrs Doyle Price, son of Mr. ^cj^ujj BennJii-. 5. They
j.uiy include,
inciuae, in
m «rl-'
aa- £,L.^
p a m n f .i « ^
A _ Provln * Grounds,
big German diive January 5 at Luxembourg was 1940, woiked for th= Bethlehc.ni
Bethlelu f{ . ' Clarence Price. Mount r a n C
ordinator. Ruth Anderson, a teacher in the vhich hit Uie 2Hlh Division in full first taken to a hospital in France Shipyards at Sparrows Point, Md. j Ul11o.»< with the Army Air Force. machine dilion to rigger.,, communications, | S/wliV ° £™ _ * ,amp
Alfarata School, has a Gra Y Club trength at Bastogue ;and WilU. and then to one in England, He was sent from
before he was inducted into the serving overseas. and to a port of em-
of grade school children in that Decorated with the date, Gc- service on Februaiy 17, 194:; Glen Herahey. son of Ma-, and

Mr. Durno, during hia stay in ober 8, which 'incidentally ' is. DOROTHY CLARK
Huntingdon, visited the Hi Y and Pfc. Boohei-'s buthday, and the
Mrs. Kri-ger had a loitur from Mrs. Howard Hershey, SaltHIo
her son this week and IIP told |.er
SORORITY MEMBER that he is still in the hospitM in
Charles A. Lynn, Entriken. class will raceli-e uu» i n i . c l i o n I •
' Cl"' M"M"1'««
Tri Hi Y Clubs in the high school lamea of the countries in which
Thursday February 8
and talked to them about pro- the division has set ved, the flag
rams and projects. ils an impressive sloxy.
— ;England but is recove.-ing- c-.ic-ly falreet, Kistler.
Trenton, N. J. February 8--Mi« ^ a n d c*Pects to go bdck to his cum-
p J n y soon
Sandra Wenniclc, 214 Walnut
school is divided into different
outf.t rig- of
brother. is serving with 'the
The ladies of the Stone Church Present at the meeting were: The last iettei received from Dorothy Clark, daughter ol Mr ! - Addresses Science Club stages of instruction. The men Marines in the Pacific. Cpl. 'Me-
of the Brethren will gew in the Mr. Minsker, Mr. Durno, Miss Mit- Pfc. Booher was dated January sylvania and Mrs. R. S. Clark, 1120 Penn- learn first to pack the different from Mullen's address may be secured
Avenue, Smithfield was his-wife. - . .
Red Cross Headquarters in the chell, Dr. Henry, Miss Miriam 3 somewhere in F^at-ce. Letters recently invited to join Eta Upsil- VICTORY CLUB HAS d fr types of parachutes. Following
afternoon. Coder, W. C Rohm, Dr. R. F. revious to that descubed vividly ^™
academy nof ^*^Natural '
Science,°ni phila-
the that, students' become acquainted
Beatty, Clyde Stayer, and John H. he battles of Wiltz and Bastog-ne on Gamma Sorority, at Rider Col- SUCCESSFUL BENEFIT
Biddle. lege. spoke before the Franklin with the sewing machines and be- MAPLETON MAN WITH
Th-5 Confer Class of the Fif- i which he lost uea.ly all o£ his When the Orbisoiua-KoekluU Club of the Mount Union gin the- fundamentals of repair
ersonai possessions, including Miss Clark is a freshman in th= Victory Club met last Friday the
teenth Street Methodist Church Wednesday, January work. The third step entails in- 713TH R. R. BATTALION
will hold its regular monthly meet- AMOS D. MEYERS ais Christmas gifts from the administrative secretarial science president, Mis. Beatrice Ca'-oth- O i n l , ^ . . j - -—i--- *•* •-"& «.uuui. jyxr. struction in hand sewing. Finally
ing- in the home of Mattie Thomp- amily. dep&rtment at the college. She en- ers. turned over to the organiza- Richards, who is a pathologist and
son, 1211 Washington Street, at WINS COMMISSION Pfc. Jack R. Leffaid, son of tered in June 1944 upon upo h«i- tion 544.23, the proceeds from the geologists, has traveled over the they are ready for maintenance SIXTH ARMY GROUP. FRANCE.
work. Using blue-prints, the dif- — Stringing out" isn't an. official
7:30 p. m; Mrs. Haniet Leffa.d of 415 Tenth School. graduation from Huntingdon benefit show held at the' Strand to ferent harnesses are built and all
Amos D. Meyei-g of Aitch R. Street, also wrote a letter on l a Mexico
M , v , and - ' South America. He Army phrase, but that's preciselv
Theatre, January 31. This active showed interesting pictures which types of equipment are construct- Battalion what the 713th Railway Operating
Camp No. 265, Patriotic Order D. 1 on Febiuary 3 was January 13 which was received organization, which has been doing- had .been taken on his trips. Miss ed and repaired. The last sta^e has been doing ever sines
of Americans, will meet in the missioned a second lieutenant in by his mother on Sunday. It .was T. E. SWIVEL HOST I such fine woi k sending boxes Lenpra Reeder and Mrs. Reefer are IS a week of instruction in aerial it arrived overseas' two years ago.
camp room at 8 p. m. Degree team the ordnance department upon headed "France" and said the to the men and women from the advisers of the Franklin Science Club delivery of supply. The lives Pfc. Merril w. Baker of Mapleton
rehearsal. graduation from Uio Oidnance 2Sth was "going stiong" aga^i. TO PAPER BOYS community who are in the ser- which wh.r-h a very mterestin organf_° many men are in the hands . Pfc. Baker .,_
Officer Candidate School at the vice, will- continue its work until zation. the riggers. a carrier for The Daily News until
The Women of the Moose will Ordnance School, Aberdeen Prov- MjSgl. Ted Cullinan has been Thomas E. Swivel, manager of he joined the colors.
meet in the Moose Home e.t & p. ing Ground, Maryland. injured since the flag was taken the J. D. Shafer News at Fourth the war is over. The 713th arrived at Casablanca.
but has tecovered and is on his and Washington Streets, Hunting- The club has been receivin? CLUB MEETS AT French Morocco, in February, 1943
Lieutenant Meyers is the son way back to join his company. wonderful support from the conf-
of Mr. and Mis. John W. Meyers don, entertained the boys who carry munity right along and wishes'! HOME IN KISTLER Wi^ffi™ C> AWKERSIAX and three months later the battalion
The Woman's Auxiliary of St. who reside at Aitch R. D. 1. He He was hurt in a jeep accident at the morning papers at a chicken to thank Mis. Earl GaJbraith for WIJNS RAMv OF SERGEAXT was strung out along 1400 miles of
John's Church will meet at 2:30 Ls married to the former Mis« the height of the German diive dinner in the Penn Koffee ShopV paying- a postage bill of 510.26 The Kistler Community club met Cpl. Charles C. Awkerman, U. S rail line, from Casablanca to Mate.ur
p. m. Julia Chung of Honolulu, Terri- for and was hospitalized in England on Tuesday evening. Everybody at toe home of Mrs. Floyd Treaster Alarme Corps son of Mr. and 'Mrs. The battalion went to Naples. It'alv,
somewhat over a month. His at Christmas time, Mrs. Elva Marshall Awkerman of W. Shirley m October, 1943. Following the
toiy of Hawaii. A graduate of paienU, Mr. and Mrs. John Cul.i- enjoyed the excellent food and al- Pyne for a contribution of 55.00. i for their regular meeting when the Street in Mount Union has been breakthrough last June, the battalion
The combined missionary oso- -, ~~^>.^,,-^, so the fun of being together. was opened with the
cieties of the Presbyterian Church
u Saxton-Liberty High School in nan, aie now living in Hollidaya- Mrs. Kephart for one of 5120.;
Mr. Swivel's dinner guests were- and John Miller for Sl.OO. of _ _ promoted to the rank of Sergeant was operating from the southern
,, , . , 1933 and- ° f the Philadelphia buig. Richard Croft, Denny dm reports were given by the secre- Sergeant Awkerman will have
part of Italy to Rome and beyond,
Upper Sch001 of Bible About fifty thank-you letters The 713th. commanded by Lt" Col,
church at 6 n « T?u ?!| 1
cnuren at 6 p. m. There will ant Myers later attended West- i" W«, Lieuten- Pvt. Andrew Guineaidge, son Freddie Grove, Carl Grove, Tommy have been received to date by th tary, treasurer and heads of com- served four years in the Marine Ernest E, Foulks oi Los Angeles,
be a panel discussion on the book mont College of Mr. and Mrs. Nimrod GuLh- Swivel, Dickie Olivo, Jimmy Spiii- club. The most recent ones were Dorothy Heastcr. mittees. The pig was won by Mrs Corps on April 7, 1.945. He is at was the first unit of the Military
west of the Date Line." in LOJB Angeles,, ndge of Saxton R. D. has been elli. Gerald Campbell, and Jimmie from Miss Bette Kephart, John present with the Fourth Marines Railway Service to arrive on the
Calif. Until his entrance into the reported missing in action in Lux- Smith. Dainty refreshments were served. somewhere in the South Pacific. Riviera beachhead in the Southern
The American Association of Army in September, 1942, he WM em bouig- gjnce December 20 Black, John Morris. John Boozel by Mrs. Dorothy Heaster and Mrs France invasion. And now. once a-
University Women will m64 t at employed by the Railway Express John Allender, Silas Madden, Stet Regina Treaster to the following per- gain. the men are following their
Agency. Cpl. Edwatd Sheats H the son Subscribe for The Daily News. son Ott. Horace Corbin, sons present: Mary Hicks.' Margaret
Cai old routine. They are scattered in
the home of Mrs. I. Wallace Fleck
414 Fourth Street, at 8 p.m. One hundred ard thirty-seven of Wood. They recently received
Three cents per copy. Smith, and Richard Black. Price, :Katherini Dickinson, Lydia
Price. lona Treaster, Katherine
Churches Plan detachments alons hundreds of
miles of French railroad lines, oper-
other new second Ueutsnanta Stallman, Betty Price, Blanche
Joint Services
The Alexandria Book Club will were graduated with Lieutenant he U well and jafe.
meet, in the Memorial Public Lib- Meyerg,
rary at 2 p.m.
* telegram from him sayine that
Two simple steps man, Rebecca Allen, Anna Treaster
and Mrs. Treaster.
During Lent
ating-trains, repairing bridges. 3av=
in? track.
Their job is t o . make sure (hat
the thousands of tons, of supplies
MRS. LYNN HOSTESS entering the great ports reach tn
The Pythian Sisters will hold
their meeting at 7:30 p. m. to on amazing NM VITALITY BIRDS AND ANIMALS Six downtown churches of Hunt- troops of the tr. S. 7th and French
•WEDDING TO ORBISONIA CLASS FED BY AIRPLANE ingdon will hold united services Nazis'
during the Wednesday evenings of
1st Armies, now hammering at the
strong Siegfried defenses. One

•••better looks!
The Delta Alpha Class of the 8 1 m company specializes in construction',
Brethren Sunday School will held
Its monthly meeting in the base-
" " «tin ff of
held atf the home of Mra. Viola
the Birds and
tains in the vicinity
animals of the
of Mount Union
moun- Lent. All services are at 7:30
The schedule for the series is as line,
p.m. repair and maintenance of the rail
another in the maintenance of
ment of the church at 7:30 p. m. ynn 0rb s are being fed 1
with grain and other follows: equipment. A third company oper-
February g, 1945 - I". J °nia Tuesday even- food dropped by airplanes. Many February 14, First Methodist ates the trains, while the Head'
ing. The meeting was called to of the mountainous places have been Church, the Dr. Rollin H. Walker quarters and Sipal Company takes
The Youth Fellowship group of ?t. Robert J. McGse and order by the president, Mrs. Lynn.
the First Methodist Church will Mrs. McGee of Orbisonia have The Scripture lesson was Ukert because
i, up to many feet snow February 21, First Presbyterian care of administration and com-
hold a Valentine Party in has piled In Church, the Rev. A. R. Turner. munications.
th* been married six years. Sergeant from Matthew 4 verses 1-15, and the mountains. The Mount Union
church at 8 o'clock. McGee is somewhere in Belgium. a y Mrs Nor February 28, St. James Luther- Along with other units of the 1st
u- u - * CMlcoat Sportsman Association have been an Church, the Rev. John G. Vork. Military Railway Service, the 713th
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Heffner of Whlch the group joined in DIOISTIVUOICIS w 1 1
?. J, *d ab
°ut the welfare of the
Friday, February 9 Saxton have been married thirteen The Lord'i Prayer. wildlife and have cooperated with1 Dr.Maiph 7, First Baptist Church. Railway Operating Battalion was
<• >t*nt«ch '. Dtan Miller. commended recently by Lt. G?n.
+% TTte.gVlar monUlly meeting of years today. Following the routine business William Hammond and Charles Jacob L,. De'vers. commander of th»
the Hartslog Valley Grange will Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zauzig ason, delicious refreshment* Huston, Jr. pilots, who are just us March 14, The Abbey Church, Sixth Army Group.
be h'ln at 8
Dft h*ld S p.
n m.rr, The
TII,- speakers
-_ i 1022 Moore Street, are marking were aerved by the hostesses Mr> anxious to save the wild game Dr. Edmtfnd L. Manges.
wili be the Rev. F. S. Miller of their twenty-fourth anniversary. Viola Lynn. Mts. Carrie Varner through the. winter months when
Alexandria and Private Donald Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jacka of and Mrs. Mae Chilcoat to the fol- they are unable to find food for
Kyis, home on furlough form Three Springs R. D., are May Ham themselves, regardless of the cost.
France. p, ' mond, Mrs
their forty-second anniversary Ruth Bemhardt, Mrs. Nora Chil- On Butler's Knob and other high
today. Best wishes! £?*• lsobel
CnHcoat, Mra. places where men have been able to
The Women's Guild of Christ Shmgler, Mra. Nora Barber. reach, feeding places have been pro-
Evangelical and Reformed Church vided and the airplanes drop the
of Alexandria will hold fU regular
meeting in the church at 8 p. m. MANY NEVER
Mra. Gwendolyn Lynn, Miss Ftor-
cnce Smyers, Miss Evea Ridley,
«nd a guest, Mrs. Rita Kerstette^.
food for the men to fix so that th»
birds and other wild game can get Refined Taste...
Saturday, February 10
Valentine Party for the pri-
mary department of the St James
Jay F. Pollock, of Mount Union.
is president of the local Sportsman
Association. mit of
-is educated taste. It is the re-
discriminating effort to excel
Lutheran Church Sunday School
ta the social rooms of the church.
Everyone bring a fiv*-cent Valen-
TM« Old Treatment Often
• "?* nch '
gorating ox
«J. «"gorating
oxygen for tissue energy and
You wtllbe better able to make use
the body Anyone knowing of wild turkeys
or other wild life that needs feeding
should contact Mr. Pollock or any
undertaking. That is why
you taste Knighthood
tine. Brinf. Happy R«Urf Pastor William McCamll' of member of the Association. Coffee you will agree with the ex-.
iufftre™ 'cero, niinob, will be at Hunting* blood
on, in the Smithfield Fundamen- . , -. «.-,---" -- ^ave no organic comnli- Worry of pertj thaf it is o fine blend of deli-
Frederick Brenckman, national cation or
Grange representative of Wash- " *• Nfl ure
' "-» c *«y of tut •tli v" c
»w C Urch Jllnlala
e ' Avenue intection, SSS Tonic may be just what you FALSE TEETH cious coffees, expertly roasted, and
ington, D. C., will »peak at the The: and Ninth Street, on Wednesday n«d. It helps Mature woVk faster when extra help is needed
February 14, 1945; services 2:30 P edecU Slipping or Irritating? delivered regularly so that you may
Pomona Grange meetfcg In the and 7:30 p. m. . , Thus you get fresh vitality.. .pcp... do vmir work ™
Don't he embarrassed by loose have a fresh cup of coffee alwoyj.
I. O. O. F. Hall at the afternoon Watch this pap^r "for further Better . become animated... more attractive! SSS false teeth slipping, dropping or
session opening at i:so p m notices. The public is invited. Tonic has.helped millions... you can start today For o cup of good coffee, ask your
Buamew session at 10 a. m. tit .vabbling when <-ou eat, talk 'or
... « drug stores in 10 and 20 02. siz«©S.S.S,Co. augh Just sprinkle a little </ea/er for
A horse and burgy \vere parts FASTEETH on your .platei. This

Knighthood Coffee
Fidelia ciaa*, St. James of the equipment fiist purchased pleasant powder gives a remsrk-
Sunday School, will hold by the Oklahoma Geological Sur- AlWAIT . $TIAOY .
able sense of added comfort and
e Party for tht Junior ^ after its
establishment -Jn security by holding plate* more
In tto« .ocial Motna ol the lotfD.
helps build .irmly. No giirnmy, ffooey, pasty
taste or feeling. It's alkaline (non-


Leadership Training School Slated Mapleton Soldier's Captured German Flag
February *, 1945
Lieut. Swirlea L. Himes, USNR,
For Mount Union; Opens Feb. 15 1825 Mifflin Street, who ie no,w
stationed in North Africa, where IN UNIFORM
he is doing special legal work.
Plans are about completed for the are as follows: personal Religious Pfc. John Earner, .son of Mr. «^-^^^•^••••^^^JSm^^^S^BEy^jBJa^^SiiBJiBSSfr
Interdenominational Leadership Ed- Living, Rev. D. D. Kauffman, Ph. D., and Mrs. F. T. Earner, 431 Moor*
ucation School which will be held T*at—Bradley, "Highways of the Street, Pfc. Earner is stationed With 5th Army In Italy Belated Birthday Wishes!
in the Presbyterian Church at Mount Spirit". at Roswell, N Mexico.
Union,., on the Thursday evenings of i Jesus
— and — His
Feb. «' - - a1 •,• 22
- -^,, „
— an « 1.•'March,
-- - — Teachings—
1, 8, is! John H. Klnsloe, TexU-Branscomb,
mfo .
-Mrs, Mrs. T. J. Moyer, 1315 Mifflin
and aa-^TWfi School U _. sponsored
_2 "The Message of Jesus". Street.
by the 8th. ,^,-1...
District. Sun day ., "school. . HQW to Administer the Sunday Miss Anita Stewart Freag, 311
Association with pastorg, superinten- School—Rev. Ariel R. Turner, Text Third Street.
dents and leaders acting as t, board —Vleth, "Improving Your Sunday Judith Kay Chilcote, three-year-
of manaegrs. School". old daughter of S 2[c Kermit
The Leadership School offer* a j Guiding Beginners In Christian Chilcote and Mrs. Chilcote of
variety of courses for Leaders, [-Growth of Primary Children-Mrs. Mapleton Depot.
Trainees, Church and School Work- D. D. Kauffman, Text^-Smith Mrs. John Brewster, 919 Mif-
^?-.*^a- Memb*rs d«irlng t-richer "Teaching Primaries in the Church flin Street.
Christian Exeprience and better pre- j School". Charles Huston, Jr., eon of Mr.
"~- *— for service. Guiding the Religious Growth o
The school will meet on Thursday Juniors—Mrs. Martin Scholten. Tex an] Mrs. Charles Huston, Mount
evenings for *ix weeks beginning —eakin, "Teaching junior Boys ant Union,
February 15 from 7:30 o'clock to Girls. Mrs. Harper Monihen. Eleventh
8:30 o'clock with two periods each Street.
Rev. Arthur D. Smalley lc the
evening and 20 minutes between Dean; Chairman Administration Anthony Ciccarelli, 1518 Moore
periods of Devotions. Committee; George W. Radle, Treas Street.
A fine group of instructors have urer, Chairman of Finance Com Pfc. Jack W. Lang, now in Eng-
been secured for this school and It mittee, Cloyd B. Ewing, Registrar I land, twenty years old. Pvt. Lang
will be a privilege to git with the of the Chairman Promotion Com j is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clair
teachers who will teach the text*. mittee. Lang of McConnellstown.
The Courses, Teachers and Texts Shirley May Frazer, Baltimore,
State YJVLC. A. Md., granddaughter of Mr. and
Thomas B. Weyant Leader Visits Mrs. C. E. Patterson of Alexan-
Lucille Horton, Pitcarin now at
To Head Disaster Huntingdon Group Juniata College.
Patsy Lindsay, five-year-old
Shown above is Jt-vt. Glenn West-
Committee John Durno, stats industrial
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James brook, son of Frank
Lindsay, 632 'Seventh Street.
Westbruok Pvt. Obrey E. Hamman', bettef
Westbrook Arcade, and Airs. Belle komvn to his friends as "Ivan,"
Thos. B. Weyant of Mount Union secretary and eexcutlve of Harry Kyle, Huntingdon R D Westbrook, 408 llth St., who en- of Rockhill Furnace, observed ' hie
has been appointed Chairman of the Southwest District of the Young 3, Box 237. tered the service on September 8, nineteenth birthday on Febiuary
Disaster Committee under the Civil- Men's Christian Association, me the Maxine Ramsey, 752 Allegheny 1943 and received his training at 2nd, somewhere in England Pvt
ian Defense, to work in conjunction on Tuesday afternoon at five Street. Camp Wheeler, Georgia. Glenn Hamman, son of Mr. .a.nd Mrs.
the young Mapleton soldier's possewfon we o n n o t knm, u n n n" were under whi ch the flag came into
with the American Red Cross In o'clock with the advisory commit- us the whole story. By the way Ss' are Sine on ,T w t 8 W r 1S OVer and Pfc Boohel ca
* ' ' " Charles B. Kelley. Newton Ham- was sent overseas in February William Hamman, enlist?d in ths
case a disaster should occur. This tee o£ the Y.M.C.A. of Hunting- ilton, one year old. 1944 and is now in the Quarter- army when he was seventeen
area over which Mr. Weyant will don, which sponsors the Hi Y and from perhaps we shall W tbfe t& In toe not-foTJutant fut^ I ^ "'hd OI? Ule Eastern Frollt ro
Doris Lee Brown, Three Sprinsrs master Corps in Gen. Clark s Fifth years old, but was not -called for
o this area-and the 31 e Ch Cled are a
serve as chairman is the same as Tri Hi Y Cubs in the high school ' ' " R. D. 2. Army in Italy. He' has had the service until his eighteenth birth-
that covered by the Mount Union The get-together was held In the Mrs. John Holder, McConnelh- privilege of meeting Bud Beekel day. Pvt. Hamman took his train-
Chapter, American Red Cross. This office of W. C. Rohm on Washing- town Road.
includes Mount Union, Newton ton Street, with the president and*- Thomas Jackson, both oi ing in the following camps: camp
Hamilton, Kistler, Shirley Town- Harry Minsker, in charge. Earl Snook. Pennsylvania Av- Huntingdon, since being overseas. VV heeler, ,Georg-ia; Camp Shelby,
enue. Smithfield.
ship, Orbisonia, Three Springs, Sal- Mr. Durno told of the work be-
tillo, the Broad Top, Shade Gap and ing done in the 218 Hi Y and Tri Pfc. Bob Booher CHEERING NEWS FROM
Mother Receives Pvt. Westbrook is married and his Mississippi; f!.om there he was
Mrs. Warren Henderson, Ber- wife lives in Hollidaysburg. He is sent to New York from, which
Blairs Mills. gantz Apartments, Smithfield. a graduate of Huntingdon Hign place he sailed for overseas. Many
Hi Y Clubs of the state and re-
Mr. Weyant will ask for the co- ported on the establishment of 14
operation of all those in the district Gradale Clubs, new groups which
Sends Nazi Flag Pfc. James DeArmitt, son of Mr
Pfc. R. Krieger's Miss Joan Bashore, Saxton. School in 1931 and was engaged mo:e happy birthdays, Obrey 1
Mi's. I. M. Eichelberger. Saxton in the drug business in Huntingdon Anyone wishing his address
who worked so faithfully and patri- are composed of older girls rang-
otically under the Civilian Defense, ing in age from eighteen to twen-
To His Family and Mrs. William DeArmitt of
Turtle Creek, formerly of Hunting-
Purple Heart Miss Jane Elizabeth Williams, and then iii Hollidaysburg before
Altoona. granddaughter of Mrs. entering the Army. p
Rockhill, Furnace.
set-up and will contact at once all ty-five. C. H. Williams, Saxton.
chairmen in the area. Five boys from this a;ea—four don, who was wounded in action Mrs. Margaret Krieger of 2945 Chester Fleegal, manager of SGT. FRANK JONES
The general duties will work In Plans were discussed for a Dis- rrom Huntingdon County and one in Luxembourg, is now in a hospi- loikway, Baltimore, Md., former-
conjunction with the American Red trict Tri Hi Y and Hi Y Conference :rom Bedford County we< e amo.g tal in England. The DeArmiLts the Saxton Shaffer Store PARACHUTE RIGGEK CPL. FORREST
Cross and will include rescue work, to be held in the near future at .he men of the quaitei-naster have received word direct from ly of Coalmont, has received the
Purple -Heart awarded to her son,'
Miss Terry Gould, Saxton.' Fort Banning, Ga.— Frank T. NOW IX EUIIOPEAX AREA
s> Mrs. Forrest
evacuation 'and policing in case of Juniata College. This conference company Of Peiuisylvania's 2Hth their son, telling more about his in- Sgt. Harold A. A. LJa.
Davidson, son of Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Robert B. Kneger, for w imcls Mr. and Mrs Alex Davidson of Jones of Broad Top R. D. 1, upon Washington Street,McMuilen
I?r>h D ^ » \f • , " "oruia 1505
a disaster. will include clubs from a number juries, and also reporting the good Huntingdon
Division who autogiaphed the received .^Germany on November | Sal'lillp,
The Red Cross Disaster Committee of counties In this part of th« captured Nazi flag pictured he;e. news that he is getting along fine 22, 1944. She also received a form Sergeant Davidson who completion of five weeks o f ' i n - i pn?'r TdM t h a t hel: hus band
Vemon Wall, chairman, has for its state. He was hit while fighting at from the War Department ov i is )n<=
i, ^ <• engineers
" , ? Y in
'" Belgium
~^- J 1
6 "" tensive training has graduated| ,? f i,.'. Orrcst
«*Iullen has
work in case o£ a. disaster the work Miss Anna Mitchell, leader of The flag was sent to Mr. and Luxembourg . during an attack vvhich she could send her son a ! if- ha(1 - four blr birthdays overseas. from The Parachute Rig-»in»
thdays overseas, fi dandu •, ,,„„,,
of housing, feed and clothing unfor- the Tri Hi Y in Huntingdon, re- Urs. Eldei Booher - of Mapleton when a German shell landed "too five-word radiogram Lana Sue Atherton. one-year-old Packing Course. This „. _,.,„_ -. _.. . =* = " J-neaire. Corporal McMullen was
tunate folks who may be the victims. ported a membership of eighty 3epot by their son, Ffc. Robert close." He had also been fMrUne sage was promptly sent This TIIPS- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry one of the five specialist schools! '"a1 :d into the service" January
All Disaster Chairmen will work ?irls and ths Rev Dr. T. F. Henry, Booher fiom someivheie on the in Belgium. Pfc. Krieger, a griduat- of Atherton. Lucy Furnace. - • -. He received his training
directly under E. Blair Shore, oi .eader of the • Hi Y, announced veste.n front where it was taken offered to Uie parachutist at Foiti^' An-'r^P b r d u ''^"'^
Huntingdon, who is the County Co- "orty members in this group. Miss before the Pfc. DeArmitt was wounded Saxton-Liberly ' High" Seh.ol Sell ol In
in Cpl.Mrs Doyle Price, son of Mr. ^cj^ujj BennJii-. 5. They
j.uiy include,
inciuae, in
m «rl-'
aa- £,L.^
p a m n f .i « ^
A _ Provln * Grounds,
big German diive January 5 at Luxembourg was 1940, woiked for th= Bethlehc.ni
Bethlelu f{ . ' Clarence Price. Mount r a n C
ordinator. Ruth Anderson, a teacher in the vhich hit Uie 2Hlh Division in full first taken to a hospital in France Shipyards at Sparrows Point, Md. j Ul11o.»< with the Army Air Force. machine dilion to rigger.,, communications, | S/wliV ° £™ _ * ,amp
Alfarata School, has a Gra Y Club trength at Bastogue ;and WilU. and then to one in England, He was sent from
before he was inducted into the serving overseas. and to a port of em-
of grade school children in that Decorated with the date, Gc- service on Februaiy 17, 194:; Glen Herahey. son of Ma-, and

Mr. Durno, during hia stay in ober 8, which 'incidentally ' is. DOROTHY CLARK
Huntingdon, visited the Hi Y and Pfc. Boohei-'s buthday, and the
Mrs. Kri-ger had a loitur from Mrs. Howard Hershey, SaltHIo
her son this week and IIP told |.er
SORORITY MEMBER that he is still in the hospitM in
Charles A. Lynn, Entriken. class will raceli-e uu» i n i . c l i o n I •
' Cl"' M"M"1'««
Tri Hi Y Clubs in the high school lamea of the countries in which
Thursday February 8
and talked to them about pro- the division has set ved, the flag
rams and projects. ils an impressive sloxy.
— ;England but is recove.-ing- c-.ic-ly falreet, Kistler.
Trenton, N. J. February 8--Mi« ^ a n d c*Pects to go bdck to his cum-
p J n y soon
Sandra Wenniclc, 214 Walnut
school is divided into different
outf.t rig- of
brother. is serving with 'the
The ladies of the Stone Church Present at the meeting were: The last iettei received from Dorothy Clark, daughter ol Mr ! - Addresses Science Club stages of instruction. The men Marines in the Pacific. Cpl. 'Me-
of the Brethren will gew in the Mr. Minsker, Mr. Durno, Miss Mit- Pfc. Booher was dated January sylvania and Mrs. R. S. Clark, 1120 Penn- learn first to pack the different from Mullen's address may be secured
Avenue, Smithfield was his-wife. - . .
Red Cross Headquarters in the chell, Dr. Henry, Miss Miriam 3 somewhere in F^at-ce. Letters recently invited to join Eta Upsil- VICTORY CLUB HAS d fr types of parachutes. Following
afternoon. Coder, W. C Rohm, Dr. R. F. revious to that descubed vividly ^™
academy nof ^*^Natural '
Science,°ni phila-
the that, students' become acquainted
Beatty, Clyde Stayer, and John H. he battles of Wiltz and Bastog-ne on Gamma Sorority, at Rider Col- SUCCESSFUL BENEFIT
Biddle. lege. spoke before the Franklin with the sewing machines and be- MAPLETON MAN WITH
Th-5 Confer Class of the Fif- i which he lost uea.ly all o£ his When the Orbisoiua-KoekluU Club of the Mount Union gin the- fundamentals of repair
ersonai possessions, including Miss Clark is a freshman in th= Victory Club met last Friday the
teenth Street Methodist Church Wednesday, January work. The third step entails in- 713TH R. R. BATTALION
will hold its regular monthly meet- AMOS D. MEYERS ais Christmas gifts from the administrative secretarial science president, Mis. Beatrice Ca'-oth- O i n l , ^ . . j - -—i--- *•* •-"& «.uuui. jyxr. struction in hand sewing. Finally
ing- in the home of Mattie Thomp- amily. dep&rtment at the college. She en- ers. turned over to the organiza- Richards, who is a pathologist and
son, 1211 Washington Street, at WINS COMMISSION Pfc. Jack R. Leffaid, son of tered in June 1944 upon upo h«i- tion 544.23, the proceeds from the geologists, has traveled over the they are ready for maintenance SIXTH ARMY GROUP. FRANCE.
work. Using blue-prints, the dif- — Stringing out" isn't an. official
7:30 p. m; Mrs. Haniet Leffa.d of 415 Tenth School. graduation from Huntingdon benefit show held at the' Strand to ferent harnesses are built and all
Amos D. Meyei-g of Aitch R. Street, also wrote a letter on l a Mexico
M , v , and - ' South America. He Army phrase, but that's preciselv
Theatre, January 31. This active showed interesting pictures which types of equipment are construct- Battalion what the 713th Railway Operating
Camp No. 265, Patriotic Order D. 1 on Febiuary 3 was January 13 which was received organization, which has been doing- had .been taken on his trips. Miss ed and repaired. The last sta^e has been doing ever sines
of Americans, will meet in the missioned a second lieutenant in by his mother on Sunday. It .was T. E. SWIVEL HOST I such fine woi k sending boxes Lenpra Reeder and Mrs. Reefer are IS a week of instruction in aerial it arrived overseas' two years ago.
camp room at 8 p. m. Degree team the ordnance department upon headed "France" and said the to the men and women from the advisers of the Franklin Science Club delivery of supply. The lives Pfc. Merril w. Baker of Mapleton
rehearsal. graduation from Uio Oidnance 2Sth was "going stiong" aga^i. TO PAPER BOYS community who are in the ser- which wh.r-h a very mterestin organf_° many men are in the hands . Pfc. Baker .,_
Officer Candidate School at the vice, will- continue its work until zation. the riggers. a carrier for The Daily News until
The Women of the Moose will Ordnance School, Aberdeen Prov- MjSgl. Ted Cullinan has been Thomas E. Swivel, manager of he joined the colors.
meet in the Moose Home e.t & p. ing Ground, Maryland. injured since the flag was taken the J. D. Shafer News at Fourth the war is over. The 713th arrived at Casablanca.
but has tecovered and is on his and Washington Streets, Hunting- The club has been receivin? CLUB MEETS AT French Morocco, in February, 1943
Lieutenant Meyers is the son way back to join his company. wonderful support from the conf-
of Mr. and Mis. John W. Meyers don, entertained the boys who carry munity right along and wishes'! HOME IN KISTLER Wi^ffi™ C> AWKERSIAX and three months later the battalion
The Woman's Auxiliary of St. who reside at Aitch R. D. 1. He He was hurt in a jeep accident at the morning papers at a chicken to thank Mis. Earl GaJbraith for WIJNS RAMv OF SERGEAXT was strung out along 1400 miles of
John's Church will meet at 2:30 Ls married to the former Mis« the height of the German diive dinner in the Penn Koffee ShopV paying- a postage bill of 510.26 The Kistler Community club met Cpl. Charles C. Awkerman, U. S rail line, from Casablanca to Mate.ur
p. m. Julia Chung of Honolulu, Terri- for and was hospitalized in England on Tuesday evening. Everybody at toe home of Mrs. Floyd Treaster Alarme Corps son of Mr. and 'Mrs. The battalion went to Naples. It'alv,
somewhat over a month. His at Christmas time, Mrs. Elva Marshall Awkerman of W. Shirley m October, 1943. Following the
toiy of Hawaii. A graduate of paienU, Mr. and Mrs. John Cul.i- enjoyed the excellent food and al- Pyne for a contribution of 55.00. i for their regular meeting when the Street in Mount Union has been breakthrough last June, the battalion
The combined missionary oso- -, ~~^>.^,,-^, so the fun of being together. was opened with the
cieties of the Presbyterian Church
u Saxton-Liberty High School in nan, aie now living in Hollidaya- Mrs. Kephart for one of 5120.;
Mr. Swivel's dinner guests were- and John Miller for Sl.OO. of _ _ promoted to the rank of Sergeant was operating from the southern
,, , . , 1933 and- ° f the Philadelphia buig. Richard Croft, Denny dm reports were given by the secre- Sergeant Awkerman will have
part of Italy to Rome and beyond,
Upper Sch001 of Bible About fifty thank-you letters The 713th. commanded by Lt" Col,
church at 6 n « T?u ?!| 1
cnuren at 6 p. m. There will ant Myers later attended West- i" W«, Lieuten- Pvt. Andrew Guineaidge, son Freddie Grove, Carl Grove, Tommy have been received to date by th tary, treasurer and heads of com- served four years in the Marine Ernest E, Foulks oi Los Angeles,
be a panel discussion on the book mont College of Mr. and Mrs. Nimrod GuLh- Swivel, Dickie Olivo, Jimmy Spiii- club. The most recent ones were Dorothy Heastcr. mittees. The pig was won by Mrs Corps on April 7, 1.945. He is at was the first unit of the Military
west of the Date Line." in LOJB Angeles,, ndge of Saxton R. D. has been elli. Gerald Campbell, and Jimmie from Miss Bette Kephart, John present with the Fourth Marines Railway Service to arrive on the
Calif. Until his entrance into the reported missing in action in Lux- Smith. Dainty refreshments were served. somewhere in the South Pacific. Riviera beachhead in the Southern
The American Association of Army in September, 1942, he WM em bouig- gjnce December 20 Black, John Morris. John Boozel by Mrs. Dorothy Heaster and Mrs France invasion. And now. once a-
University Women will m64 t at employed by the Railway Express John Allender, Silas Madden, Stet Regina Treaster to the following per- gain. the men are following their
Agency. Cpl. Edwatd Sheats H the son Subscribe for The Daily News. son Ott. Horace Corbin, sons present: Mary Hicks.' Margaret
Cai old routine. They are scattered in
the home of Mrs. I. Wallace Fleck
414 Fourth Street, at 8 p.m. One hundred ard thirty-seven of Wood. They recently received
Three cents per copy. Smith, and Richard Black. Price, :Katherini Dickinson, Lydia
Price. lona Treaster, Katherine
Churches Plan detachments alons hundreds of
miles of French railroad lines, oper-
other new second Ueutsnanta Stallman, Betty Price, Blanche
Joint Services
The Alexandria Book Club will were graduated with Lieutenant he U well and jafe.
meet, in the Memorial Public Lib- Meyerg,
rary at 2 p.m.
* telegram from him sayine that
Two simple steps man, Rebecca Allen, Anna Treaster
and Mrs. Treaster.
During Lent
ating-trains, repairing bridges. 3av=
in? track.
Their job is t o . make sure (hat
the thousands of tons, of supplies
MRS. LYNN HOSTESS entering the great ports reach tn
The Pythian Sisters will hold
their meeting at 7:30 p. m. to on amazing NM VITALITY BIRDS AND ANIMALS Six downtown churches of Hunt- troops of the tr. S. 7th and French
•WEDDING TO ORBISONIA CLASS FED BY AIRPLANE ingdon will hold united services Nazis'
during the Wednesday evenings of
1st Armies, now hammering at the
strong Siegfried defenses. One

•••better looks!
The Delta Alpha Class of the 8 1 m company specializes in construction',
Brethren Sunday School will held
Its monthly meeting in the base-
" " «tin ff of
held atf the home of Mra. Viola
the Birds and
tains in the vicinity
animals of the
of Mount Union
moun- Lent. All services are at 7:30
The schedule for the series is as line,
p.m. repair and maintenance of the rail
another in the maintenance of
ment of the church at 7:30 p. m. ynn 0rb s are being fed 1
with grain and other follows: equipment. A third company oper-
February g, 1945 - I". J °nia Tuesday even- food dropped by airplanes. Many February 14, First Methodist ates the trains, while the Head'
ing. The meeting was called to of the mountainous places have been Church, the Dr. Rollin H. Walker quarters and Sipal Company takes
The Youth Fellowship group of ?t. Robert J. McGse and order by the president, Mrs. Lynn.
the First Methodist Church will Mrs. McGee of Orbisonia have The Scripture lesson was Ukert because
i, up to many feet snow February 21, First Presbyterian care of administration and com-
hold a Valentine Party in has piled In Church, the Rev. A. R. Turner. munications.
th* been married six years. Sergeant from Matthew 4 verses 1-15, and the mountains. The Mount Union
church at 8 o'clock. McGee is somewhere in Belgium. a y Mrs Nor February 28, St. James Luther- Along with other units of the 1st
u- u - * CMlcoat Sportsman Association have been an Church, the Rev. John G. Vork. Military Railway Service, the 713th
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Heffner of Whlch the group joined in DIOISTIVUOICIS w 1 1
?. J, *d ab
°ut the welfare of the
Friday, February 9 Saxton have been married thirteen The Lord'i Prayer. wildlife and have cooperated with1 Dr.Maiph 7, First Baptist Church. Railway Operating Battalion was
<• >t*nt«ch '. Dtan Miller. commended recently by Lt. G?n.
+% TTte.gVlar monUlly meeting of years today. Following the routine business William Hammond and Charles Jacob L,. De'vers. commander of th»
the Hartslog Valley Grange will Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zauzig ason, delicious refreshment* Huston, Jr. pilots, who are just us March 14, The Abbey Church, Sixth Army Group.
be h'ln at 8
Dft h*ld S p.
n m.rr, The
TII,- speakers
-_ i 1022 Moore Street, are marking were aerved by the hostesses Mr> anxious to save the wild game Dr. Edmtfnd L. Manges.
wili be the Rev. F. S. Miller of their twenty-fourth anniversary. Viola Lynn. Mts. Carrie Varner through the. winter months when
Alexandria and Private Donald Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jacka of and Mrs. Mae Chilcoat to the fol- they are unable to find food for
Kyis, home on furlough form Three Springs R. D., are May Ham themselves, regardless of the cost.
France. p, ' mond, Mrs
their forty-second anniversary Ruth Bemhardt, Mrs. Nora Chil- On Butler's Knob and other high
today. Best wishes! £?*• lsobel
CnHcoat, Mra. places where men have been able to
The Women's Guild of Christ Shmgler, Mra. Nora Barber. reach, feeding places have been pro-
Evangelical and Reformed Church vided and the airplanes drop the
of Alexandria will hold fU regular
meeting in the church at 8 p. m. MANY NEVER
Mra. Gwendolyn Lynn, Miss Ftor-
cnce Smyers, Miss Evea Ridley,
«nd a guest, Mrs. Rita Kerstette^.
food for the men to fix so that th»
birds and other wild game can get Refined Taste...
Saturday, February 10
Valentine Party for the pri-
mary department of the St James
Jay F. Pollock, of Mount Union.
is president of the local Sportsman
Association. mit of
-is educated taste. It is the re-
discriminating effort to excel
Lutheran Church Sunday School
ta the social rooms of the church.
Everyone bring a fiv*-cent Valen-
TM« Old Treatment Often
• "?* nch '
gorating ox
«J. «"gorating
oxygen for tissue energy and
You wtllbe better able to make use
the body Anyone knowing of wild turkeys
or other wild life that needs feeding
should contact Mr. Pollock or any
undertaking. That is why
you taste Knighthood
tine. Brinf. Happy R«Urf Pastor William McCamll' of member of the Association. Coffee you will agree with the ex-.
iufftre™ 'cero, niinob, will be at Hunting* blood
on, in the Smithfield Fundamen- . , -. «.-,---" -- ^ave no organic comnli- Worry of pertj thaf it is o fine blend of deli-
Frederick Brenckman, national cation or
Grange representative of Wash- " *• Nfl ure
' "-» c *«y of tut •tli v" c
»w C Urch Jllnlala
e ' Avenue intection, SSS Tonic may be just what you FALSE TEETH cious coffees, expertly roasted, and
ington, D. C., will »peak at the The: and Ninth Street, on Wednesday n«d. It helps Mature woVk faster when extra help is needed
February 14, 1945; services 2:30 P edecU Slipping or Irritating? delivered regularly so that you may
Pomona Grange meetfcg In the and 7:30 p. m. . , Thus you get fresh vitality.. .pcp... do vmir work ™
Don't he embarrassed by loose have a fresh cup of coffee alwoyj.
I. O. O. F. Hall at the afternoon Watch this pap^r "for further Better . become animated... more attractive! SSS false teeth slipping, dropping or
session opening at i:so p m notices. The public is invited. Tonic has.helped millions... you can start today For o cup of good coffee, ask your
Buamew session at 10 a. m. tit .vabbling when <-ou eat, talk 'or
... « drug stores in 10 and 20 02. siz«©S.S.S,Co. augh Just sprinkle a little </ea/er for
A horse and burgy \vere parts FASTEETH on your .platei. This

Knighthood Coffee
Fidelia ciaa*, St. James of the equipment fiist purchased pleasant powder gives a remsrk-
Sunday School, will hold by the Oklahoma Geological Sur- AlWAIT . $TIAOY .
able sense of added comfort and
e Party for tht Junior ^ after its
establishment -Jn security by holding plate* more
In tto« .ocial Motna ol the lotfD.
helps build .irmly. No giirnmy, ffooey, pasty
taste or feeling. It's alkaline (non-

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