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Dys•lex´•ic Read´•er

VOL. 43 Davis Dyslexia Association International ISSUE 4 • 2006

The Seven Causes of Handwriting

Problems, Part 2
Excerpted from The Gift of Learning by
Ronald D. Davis and Eldon Braun
In Part 1 we looked in depth at three
possible causes for handwriting
problems: inadequate instruction–
or none at all, disorientation, and the
presence of multiple mental images.
In Part 2, we learn how dyspraxia
affects handwriting.
Inadequate Natural (Photo courtesy of Cyndi Deneson)

The clay alphabet below the alphabet

Orientation (dyspraxia)
Finally, we have the handwriting “auditory deficit disorder,” but we also
problem that accompanies the condition strip shows evidence of dyspraxia.
see it as “clumsy child syndrome.” It
known as dyspraxia. Dyspraxia is affects between two to four percent of • Researchers have noted that this
most commonly associated with an the population, and is generally condition is often accompanied by
considered a neurological deficit that dyslexia, ADD, dysgraphia or math
IN THIS ISSUE delays or prevents the development of problems. Simply put, it is the “clumsy
motor skills and form of dyslexia.”
News & Feature Articles coordination. Poor Dyspraxia
handwriting is only occurs when a
one of many person’s natural
The Seven Causes of Handwriting . . . .

possible symptoms: orientation is in a

Problems, Part 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1

• Overall poor very unfavorable

Musical Expectations . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

coordination. The place. Their habitual

Unwrapping the Gift of Dyslexia . . . .4
Congratulations to Walsh Elementary: person is clumsy, orientation is
Second DLS Model School in USA . . .6 and may have a somewhere in front
Lazy Readers Club: How to Keep Up hard time walking of the body and
evenly, tying shoes, below the line of
or performing any sight. This
with Your Recreational Reading . . .10

task that requires orientation will

Play Time: Fun Must be a Big Part

fine motor skills. produce the classic

of the School Day . . . . . . . . . . . .14

• Lack of symptoms of
Famous Dyslexics Remember . . . . . . .18
OnPoint with Davis Dyslexia
lateralization (right- mixed hemispheric
left sense). The person has difficulty dominance of the brain, such as
Correction Methods . . . . . . . . . . .20
distinguishing right from left and with right-left confusion.
crossing the midline of the body with It can also create the effect of a
Regular Features

either hand or foot. midline barrier, where the individual

In the Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Q&A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16-17
• Perceptual and speech difficulties. cannot move a hand or foot across
New Davis Licensees . . . . . . . . . .23-25 The person may have problems the midline of his body. The midline
Davis Workshops . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-28 understanding what was said, or may barrier also prevents the eyes from
have a speech impairment. (Cont’d on p. 5)

In the Mail:
Dear DDAI:
I just finished reading The Gift of
Dyslexia and have started the
procedures with my 12-year-old son.
Dear DDAI:
I’d like to share something nice
I cannot thank you enough for sharing
with you. One of my clients, Grace
Eracleous, gave a wonderful answer the information and your experiences.
to a question in program results My son has struggled for years and I
assessment. I call her “Amazing have always been told it was ADHD
Grace” because she is really great that was causing his problems. He had
and we had a beautiful week together. too many side effects from medication.
The question was, “Why is it fog. But when the fog rises from the While reading one of Henry
important to master symbols and sea and the town you can have a clear Winkler’s books about two years ago
words?” picture of everything that surrounds you.” my son told me that sometimes when
Her answer: “Because if you –Alexis Mouzouris he tries to read it looks like a word
do not master words and symbols The Speech & Learning Correction Centre search puzzle. That was when I
you can not go forward. It’s a blurred realized his problem was dyslexia.
picture. It’s like you cannot see in the I have fought with the school
system since then to do more testing.
His test scores fall in the average range
Copyright 2001 Randy Glasbergen.

but now I understand why his visual

motor integration is so high. I have
tried to get as much information on
dyslexia as I can. Your book is the
only one I have read that completely
explains dyslexia.
It is a blessing to have a better
understanding and really be able to
help my son. For the first time he
wants to be involved in ways to correct
the problem. He is very gifted. I have
always known that, but I love to see
him realizing it now. Thanks again for
sharing your gift with others.

–Jane Hendricks

The Dyslexic Reader is published quarterly by Davis Dyslexia Association International (DDAI), 1601 Bayshore Hwy.,
Suite 245, Burlingame, CA 94010 USA. Tel. +1 (650) 692-7141.
OUR GOALS are to increase worldwide awareness about the positive aspects of dyslexia and related learning styles;
and to present methods for improving literacy, education and academic success. We believe that all people’s abilities
and talents should be recognized and valued, and that learning problems can be corrected. EDITORIAL BOARD:
Laura Zink de Diaz, Alice Davis, Abigail Marshall & Maria Fagioli. DESIGN: Gideon Kramer. SUBSCRIPTIONS: one year
$25 in US, add $5 in Canada; add $10 elsewhere. BACK ISSUES: send $8.00 to DDAI. SUBMISSIONS & LETTERS:
We welcome letters, comments and articles. Mail to DDAI at the above address. VIA FAX: +1 (650) 692-7075

The opinions and views expressed in articles and letters are not necessarily those of DDAI. Davis™, Dyslexia Correction®, Davis Symbol Mastery®, Davis
Orientation Counseling®, and Davis Learning Strategies® are trademarks of Ronald D. Davis. Copyright © 2006 by DDAI, unless otherwise noted.
All rights reserved.

Musical Expectations
By Geoffrey Keith
Parents take their children to music the notes the teacher played
lessons placing a great deal of trust in on the piano. She had not
their children’s music teacher. They enquired whether I could
want the teacher to instruct their read music; she had just
children in music, but often do not assumed I could, and I was
know what that really means. We will far too inhibited to tell her I
talk about the different areas of music could not. One lesson into
that students study, and then realistic Book Two I played my first
expectations for students with dyslexia wrong note. ‘What note is
become frustrated when she does
and ADHD, touching on the strategies that?’ She said. I made a wild guess–
begin to learn to read and plays at a
that are needed to help visual-spatial ‘B.’ ‘No, of course not you stupid
lower level of difficulty.
students to excel in music. girl.’ There ended my violin lessons”
Musical instrument lessons, by
First let’s take a look at what is (Wood, p. 51).
definition, teach instrumental technique.
studied in music lessons. As most of It is an irony that some of our
Music notation is often fairly general.
you probably already know, dyslexic most gifted students can be the most
The basic notation applies equally
students are picture thinkers. Visual difficult to get to read. The teacher
well to most instruments. Technique,
thinking is the fount of both their has to be careful about how much and
though, is usually instrument specific.
giftedness and learning issues. Visual-
In other words, notation tells you when
spatial learners can include students
to play a particular note, whereas
who have dyslexia and/or ADD, or
technique shows you what finger(s)
may also include students who do not
to use, how to hold the pick or bow,
have obvious dyslexic tendencies.
how to lip a note, or how to sing with
Most lesson materials teachers
a supported tone. It is connected to
will use are notation based, meaning
teaching music notation, but not
that the student learns to read music
synonymous with it.
first; then, he learns all of his music
Music theory is sometimes
pieces and music knowledge through
taught in instrumental lessons and
the notation. The advantage to this
sometimes not. Music theory teaches
approach is that music notation can
the underlying concepts of how music
help convey concepts of pitch and
is organized. In my experience, it is
rhythm critical to learning more
important to include elements of
advanced material later on. The
music theory in instrumental lessons,
disadvantage is that if the student
because it gives the student the larger
struggles with the notation, he is
structure, which helps him make
blocked from learning music at all.
sense of music (remember that visual-
The good news is that there are
spatial learners are big-picture people).
ways around this.
The theory of intervals, scales, chords,
Many instructors teach by ear when to play for the
and phrases can also be helpful for
and rote memorization. The advantage student. It is generally a good
reading music by way of a psychological
to this approach is that a student with idea to have the student make the first
concept called chunking. It is also
a good ear can begin playing right two or three attempts on her own,
helpful when visual-spatial students
away. The disadvantage is that a because this forces her to read the
start to learn to improvise and
student with a good ear can often play music. If she still struggles, the
compose, which is an area where
a piece after only one listening and teacher can play for her, having her
dyslexic students can shine.
will skip the entire process of reading. focus on how it looks or sounds when
Interpretation and performance
Here is an anecdote from the book she plays the phrase versus how it
are also important elements of the
Music and Dyslexia. looks or sounds when the teacher
lessons. Interpretation is the point
“It was decided that I should plays it. It is also important to teach
where music stops being an exercise
have music. As I had a good ear, I reading in conjunction with “ear
–notes strung together–and starts to
made progress and got through the learning,” because if a student’s
have emotional impact. These are also
whole of Book One of the exercises technique progresses too far beyond
areas where the visual-spatial thinker
and simple tunes simply by copying her reading ability, the student can
can shine. (Cont’d on p. 8)

Unwrapping the
Gift of Dyslexia
By Ruth Guckenberger

A mom traces her son’s path

back to the great person he was
when he began school, and

still not reading. In a meeting with

how his work with the Davis
Johnathon and Elsie. The smiles that
Johnathon’s keyboarding teacher, I
Dyslexia Correction Program
follow unwrapping The Gift.
learned that the teacher was convinced
and Learning Options changed

he was lazy, not using his time wisely,ognizing positive as well as negative
his perspective about himself.
I would not wish on any child
when in fact Johnathon was simply disorientation, while doing the reading
the path that led my son, Johnathon,
unable to proofread his typing because exercises and symbol mastery.
to the Davis Dyslexia Correction
he couldn’t read it. His geography Johnathon got better over time.
Program and Learning Options.
By the end of the school year, he was
teacher nearly fell out of his chair when
He was an attentive and bright
he finally attended an IEP meeting and ready to go to a new high school. He
kindergartener whose schooling
found out just how poor Johnathon’s couldn’t wait to enter his new school
experiences landed him in special
reading skills were. where he would be a regular student!
education from first until the end of
Finally, we left the school and Not only is he a ‘regular’ student, but
seventh grade, when homeschooling
began homeschooling. I attended a because he knows how he learns he is
brought him to a Davis Dyslexia
homeschooling convention hoping to now his own best advocate.
Correction Facilitator.
see a wider variety of curriculum Johnathon was sick for nine days
Johnathon began pre-school
during his first semester back at
spelling his name and knowing his
school, but it didn’t matter. His lowest
numbers. When he started kindergarten,
grade was a C+! When Elsie and
things changed almost instantly. He
Johnathon first met, he shared with her
started having trouble spelling his
his dream of going to ground school
name. I found out that his teacher was
to learn to fly. This young man, so
spelling it differently for his desk, his
weighted down by difficulties, created
label where his coat belonged, on the
a model of himself now reaching for
bulletin board, on his papers… and
the sky. And he’s now taking ground
she kept trying to shorten it to Jon. By
school courses along with his high
the end of first grade Johnathon was
school classes. No doubt about it,
on an IEP and was being passed on to
Johnathon will reach the stars!
second grade because if he was held Carrying this weight kept Johnathon Elsie’s comment on the model:
back he would be too old to graduate on the ground. Making a model of self brings an
down the road. And because his
awareness of your knowledge,
teacher didn’t know how to help him. materials. While at the convention, I
experience, and understanding
We switched to a one-room saw a sign that read “Dyslexia…A
represented at a point in time. When
school house in our rural state where Curse or Gift?” I stopped in at
Johnathon made his “self” model, he
the teacher looked forward to the Learning Options, to find out how
put his feelings in three dimensions
challenge of trying to help Johnathon. Facilitator, Elsie Johnson might be
knowing the model would only work
He began having nightmares in which able to help. I could hardly believe
if he made the boulder hollow; he
there were so many papers in his new that there was someone with a great
used his gift of dyslexia from the
desk that he couldn’t shut it! The Special attitude, smart, and sane, and who was
inside out! He dreamed of becoming a
Education Director recommended this not trying to put one over on me!
pilot, but how could he reach for the
sensitive and kindhearted boy go to a Six months later Johnathon went
sky when that heavy weight held him
doctor and get medication for ADD through a Davis Dyslexia Correction
down? Eight months later, he was
or ADHD. Thank God his teacher did program. The program and Elsie lifted
succeeding in school AND taking
a research paper on Ritalin and insisted a weight from Johnathon’s shoulders
flying lessons!! v
that was not what he needed! and his attitude about himself
By the seventh grade some of changed completely. We finished our –Elsie Johnson, Davis Facilitator in
his teachers didn’t realize that he was homeschool year using the tools, rec- Kalispell, Montana
bigger problem. The child will have
extreme difficulty with letters that
Handwriting . . . (cont’d from p. 1)

scanning across the midline, so it can

be a barrier to perception. For such a contain intersecting diagonal lines, like
person, half of the world is cut off. the letters A, M, V, and W, because the
For them, the half of the world on lack of symmetry distorts the perception
the other side of the midline barrier of the intersecting points. The A and V
simply does not exist. This anomaly are difficult enough with only one
doesn’t affect only visual perception; intersection. The M and W, having
it also severely distorts auditory three, are unbelievably difficult.
perception so that the person may Identifying this category of
hear sounds as garbled, too loud or problem is easy, because one will see
soft, or coming from the wrong place. many of the obvious characteristics
This explains why the problem is character, he needs to shift the point described above.
often seen as an auditory deficit. of focus so the entire letter is on one To narrow it down further, one
side of the midline. In doing this, he could simply ask the person to draw
loses the symmetry of the letter. The the block print upper case letters A and
diagonal lines appear to be curved, W, following a model. Better yet, to
and don’t appear to meet at the center
of the character. The handwriting
problem is caused by the perception
problem. When attempting to draw
the letters, the very best that can be
done is to duplicate the perceptual
Taking an overview of this
In students who have reached the situation, one can conclude that the
age where motor skills would normally brain of this individual has never seen
be developed, the symptoms of the straight vertical or diagonal lines. The
midline barrier are easy to see. When inability to look straight at them has
they talk, they usually don’t look caused a perceptual distortion. If the
directly at a person. If they do, one brain has never seen them, it cannot
eye will often close or veer off in a instruct the hand to draw them.
different direction. They are almost Even with years of practice,
always heavy on their feet and someone with dyspraxia won’t be able avoid confusion with the multiple
extremely clumsy. When they read, to draw a straight vertical or diagonal mental image category, ask the person
they hold the book off to one side, line until they learn orientation. to fashion the letters A and W using
sometimes at a 90-degree angle. When Turning the paper 90 degrees to write clay “ropes” by copying a model
they try to write, the paper is also up and down helps a little, but still made on the table. If the problem is
placed off to one side. Often they angle doesn’t eliminate the need to the draw dyspraxia, there won’t be any
the paper so their writing is vertical vertical and diagonal lines. symmetry in the letters. The lines will
instead of going from left to right. A dyspraxic child who is being not be straight, and the intersecting
The handwriting problem that taught penmanship has a handicap points will be incorrect.
accompanies the midline barrier that the teacher doesn’t see or It might look something like this:
occurs primarily when the person understand. Because the child cannot
must draw a letter that would cross see the symmetry of any of the letters,
the midline, but the problem goes way no amount of traditional instruction in
beyond that. When one looks straight writing will ever make a difference. It
at a block print capital letter A, one doesn’t matter how many models of
sees the symmetry of the letter. The what the writing should look like are
diagonal lines are straight and meet in shown. His brain cannot accurately
the center at the top. The horizontal perceive the model images, so he Over the years, corrective
line is straight, and links the two will never get it right. strategies for the correctable causes
diagonal lines at their centers. A person This writing problem is not of handwriting problems have been
with a midline barrier can’t look limited to the inability to draw developed, all of which relate directly
straight at the letter; he would only be straight vertical or diagonal lines. or indirectly to disorientation and
able to see half of it. To see the entire Intersecting lines present an even picture thinking. v

International Congratulations to Walsh

Davis Dyslexia
Elementary School! The
The Davis Dyslexia
Correction program is
Second DLS Model School
now available from more
than 440 Facilitators
in the United States
teacher per grade level.
around the world.

Walsh is proud of its

For updates, call: Walsh Elementary School in Walsh,
(888) 805-7216 [Toll Free]
supplemental programs
or (650) 692-7141 or visit Colorado, has been recognized to have
as well, such as: Title I program met the qualifications and standards
for reading and math; an Exceptional
of a Davis Learning Strategies Model
v Argentina School for the 2006-07 academic year. Education program; Power-Half-Hour after
Silvana Ines Rossi Kristi Thompson, DLS Mentor and school tutoring program; Gifted and Talented
Workshop Presenter and owner of Turning program; Kinder-music program; Parents as
Buenos Aires
+54 (114) 865 3898
Point Learning Center in Walsh, nominated Teachers (PAT); and our Preschool Program,
v Australia
Walsh elementary for this award. The award as well as the Preschool Advisory Council.
Brenda Baird
Brisbane criteria are: We also offer art, music/band, and physical
+61 (07) 3299 3994
• Administration should be knowledgeable education classes.
Sally Beulke
and supportive of DLS. In March of 2003, our school was
trained in the Davis Learning Strategies.
+61 (03) 5727 3517 • All primary teachers must have attended a
There were over 20 people who participated
Anne Cupitt DLS Workshop.
Scarness, Queensland including: Principal/ Superintendent, two
• Staff received two years of mentoring
+61 (074) 128-2470
school board members, Pre-K through 6th
from a DLS Mentor.
Mary Davie
grade staff and support
Sydney, NSW
+61 (02) 9526 1505
• The school community staff, including aides. As
is enthusiastic about DLS,
“DLS helps me focus
Jan Gorman a DLS School Mentor, I
Eastwood/Sydney clearly understanding on my work!”
was encouraged by our
+61 (02) 9804 1184 that Davis Learning staff to bring the training
Gail Hallinan
DLS Workshop Presenter
Strategies are lifelong to Walsh as soon as I
Naremburn/Sydney strategies for ALL could. Our staff was
+61 (02) 9405 2800 students. extremely supportive and
Barbara Hoi
Mosman/Sydney • The Staff is willing to enthusiastic about my
+61 (02) 9968 1093 allow other (outside) work as a DLS School
Eileen McCarthy school personnel to visit. Mentor. They wanted to
+61 (02) 9977 2061 • The school can be knowledgeable about
Marianne Mullally demonstrate positive DLS too, so they would
Crows Nest, Sydney results through test have the ability to meet
+61 (02) 9436 3766
scores and/or teacher/ A Walsh School student the needs of children in
John Reilly
principal observation of models how DLS has their classrooms. I have
+61 (02) 9649 4299 incorporating DLS in the to commend our school
curriculum and school
helped him in school.
Michelle Roach board, administration,
Sydney +61 (02) 9680 1610
environment. staff, and parents as they are always willing
Heidi Rose
Pennington/Adelaide Following is Kristi’s description of to go the extra distance in order to make a
+61 (08) 8240 1834 Walsh Elementary, how the staff has difference in children’s lives.
v Austria implemented DLS over the last three Davis Learning Strategies is used
Annette Dietrich
years, met the above criteria and obtained throughout our elementary school. Teachers
Wien +43 (01) 888 90 25 outstanding results: introduce the strategies PreK-3. Our support
Jacinta Fennessy “We are so excited to be a Davis staff supplements with the strategies and our
Wien +43 (01) 774 98 22 Learning Strategies Model School! Walsh 4th-6th grade teachers reinforce DLS at a
Ina Barbara Hallermann
Riezlern +43 5517 20012
Elementary is a small, rural school serving higher level. As a DLS school mentor, I am
Marika Kaufmann
preschool through 6th grades. Our staff is able to work with students who need extra
Lochau +43 (05574) 446 98 extremely proud of our school and our one-on-one, utilizing the strategies to support
Christa Salcher commitment to meeting the needs of all academic and social performance. Our school
Wien +43 (01) 888 61 44 children. The average class size varies from and community have been very supportive of
10 to 15 students. We have one class and Davis Learning Strategies. Often, I have
and learn. DLS works so well, it’s like a
silent workhorse that is always there, making v Bahrain
a difference for students. Our school recently Sameera Sadiq Al Baharna
was awarded a national Title I award for +973 555 201
overall high achieving school in Colorado.
v Belgium
Only 29 schools nationwide were recipients
Ann Devloo-Delva
of this award. Teachers have reported to me Veurne +32 (058) 31 63 52
that classroom behavior is much easier to Inge Lanneau
address. Through DLS, our children are Beernem
+32 (050) 33 29 92
parents approach me and express a deep encouraged to be responsible for managing Peggy Poppe
gratitude that our school is providing DLS their own behavior, so they can be life-long Borgerhout (Antwerpen)
to their children, giving them an opportunity learners. We have found that DLS can be +32 (03) 236 54 24

for a lifetime of learning. incorporated into just about anything we do Edith Rotenberg
Houtain-St. Siméon/Liège
DLS has been very effective for our in school. We’re very proud to be accepted as + 32 (04) 374-27-87
students. I believe the knowledge gained by a DLS model school and wish to thank the Viki Vandevenne
our teachers from the workshop has enabled Davis Association for making this incredibly Bonheiden
+32 (0473) 30 41 51
us to better understand how children think valuable program available to schools!” v
v Brazil
Ana Lima
Rio De Janeiro
+55 (021) 2295-1505

Milky Way
Wayne Aadelstone-Hassel
North Vancouver
By Amanda Yatckoske +1 (604) 988-7680
Raylene Barnhill
I once had a horse who could jump very high. Fredericton, New Brunswick
He jumped so high that he thought he could fly. +1 (506) 458-0494
Rocky Point Academy
He jumped so high that he bumped the moon Stacey Borger-Smith
And he thought he landed on Neptune. Lawrence Smith, Jr.
He saw the man on the moon that day. +1 (866) 685-0067 (Toll-Free)
+1 (403) 685-0067
Who gave my horse a Milky Way
Darlene Brown
And now my horse has tooth decay. Smithers/Prince Rupert
+1 (250) 847-3463
Paddy Carson
+1 (780) 489-6225
Debra D’Aversa
Leamington, Ontario
+1 (519) 322-1297
Sandy Farrell
Hudson, Quebec
+1 (450) 458-4777
Terri Fedorchuk
Dryden, Ontario
+1 (807) 937-2253
Renée Figlarz
Montreal, Quebec
+1 (514) 815-7827
Sher Goerzen
Maple Ridge/Vancouver
Amanda completed the Davis Dyslexia +1 (604) 290-5063
Gerry Grant
Correction® Program in March, 2005 at
the age of eight with Cyndi Deneson Workshop Presenter
+1 (800) 981-6433 (Toll-Free)
at New Hope Learning Centers, Inc. in
Bloomington, Minnesota. Her mom +1 (519) 221-8484
Sue Hall
West Vancouver
reports: “Amanda’s attitude about
learning has improved 200%!” +1 (604) 921-1084
D’vorah Hoffman
+1 (416) 398-6779
So here we have the two sides of the
v Canada (cont’d)
issue. The visual-spatial thinker can learn
Musical Expectations . . . (cont’d from p. 3)

Sue Jutson
Vancouver, B.C.
Having said this, does this mean that things incredibly quickly if she accurately
+1 (604) 732-1516 visual-spatial students will be better at the perceives the subject she is learning, but if
Mary Ann Kettlewell emotional/intuitive aspects of music than at she does not perceive accurately, if she
London, Ontario the detail oriented elements such as we find disorients when looking at music symbols
+1 (519) 652-0252
in music notation? Though this can be true, or at the instrument itself, confusion can set
Carol Livermore
Ottawa, Ontario it would be simplistic to give a blanket yes. in. It is not general intelligence that is the
+1 (800) 394-1535 [Toll Free] Just as there are many different aspects issue with dyslexics, but rather perception,
Julie Locke of music that can be studied, there are many particularly disorientation. You never know
Truro, Nova Scotia
+1 (902) 895-9015 different “talents” that students can excel in. what the student will have a problem with
Yuko Kimura McCulloch, Ph.D. Some are great sight- until the lessons actually
Vancouver, B.C. readers, and others start, but there are definite
+1 (604) 222-2258
improvise well, or have signs to watch for.
Helen McGilivray
Oakville/Toronto a flair for composition, Betty W. Atterbury,
+1 (905) 464-4798 or theory. Others will in her book
Susan Nikolic-Vicentic develop a beautiful tone Mainstreaming
and light touch, or a
+1 (905) 953-0033 Exceptional Learners
Tina Panaritis really fast ear. Visual- In Music, had this to
Montreal, Quebec spatial students may do say about some music
+ 1 (514) 690-9164
well in any of these teacher’s expectations
Judy Parley
Taber, Alberta areas. concerning their students
+1 (403) 330-9873 The task that your with dyslexia, “One
Sharon Roberts child struggles with, if researcher (Ansuini,
+1 (519) 746-8422 any, will depend on what 1979) surveyed teachers
Kendra Rodych disorients him. Ronald who had taught these
Saskatoon/Saskatchewan Davis, in The Gift of exceptional students and
+1 (306) 955-2972
or (306) 230-8961
Dyslexia, describes reported that the most
Sharon Schachter
disorientation: “It common competencies
Thornhill, Ontario occurs when we are were patience, knowledge
+1 (905) 764-6774 overwhelmed by stimuli of the individual and the
Catherine Smith
or thought. It also occurs learning disorder, ability to
+1 (905) 844-4144 when the brain receives accept little or no student
1-888-569-1113 toll-free conflicting information from progress, willingness to
Edwina Stone
Whitehorse, Yukon
the different senses and provide additional time, and the
+1 (867) 393-4489 attempts to correlate the information” (p. 15). ability to form personal relationships with
Kim J. Willson-Rymer Disorientation is the result of problems in students” (p. 46).
+1 (905) 825-3153
perception. Dennis Coon defines perception I read this statement and immediately
as, “... the process of assembling sensations agreed with the need for patience, knowledge
v China (‘data’ from the senses) into usable mental of the student, and building relationships, but
Livia Wong
Hong Kong
representations of the world... Perceptual little or no student progress is not acceptable.
+852-2810-0282 organization may be thought of as a hypothesis It is one thing to proceed at the student’s pace
v Colombia held until evidence contradicts it. Perceptual and be patient. It is another entirely to expect
Laura Zink de Díaz organization shifts for ambiguous stimuli. the student will not progress. That is almost
Bogotá +57 (1) 638-6342 Impossible figures resist stable organization like saying that the music teacher should
v Costa Rica altogether” (p. 129). All minds seek out shapes expect the student to fail. If that is the case,
Maria Elena Guth Blanco
San Jose
and patterns; the visually oriented mind even then we music teachers are failing our
+506 296-4078 more so. The pattern recognition abilities of students. So the question is: how can your
Marcela Rodriguez the picture thinker can make him prone to music teacher lead your dyslexic child
Alajuela make errors in perception, i.e. disorientation, toward success in music?
+506 442-8090
but can also allow him to see subtle patterns The first step is to eliminate
v Cyprus in data, in his surroundings, or in art–whether disorientation. As most of you are probably
Alexis Mouzouris
Limassol visual or aural–that a traditional learner aware, Davis has two simple visualization
+357 25 382 090 might miss. Disorientation is similar to our procedures, called Orientation Counseling
v Finland experience of an optical illusion, in that the and Alignment, which allow the visual
Elisabeth Helenelund mind misperceives the data flowing in from thinker with dyslexic tendencies to quickly
Borga +358 400 79 54 97
the senses. and easily stop disorientation. When oriented
It is critical to always name a symbol,
v France
define what it does (as concretely and visually
Christine Bleus
as possible), and describe how it looks. Saint Jean de Gonville/
Multisensory strategies can help. Genève +33 450 56 40 48
I have been working with these concepts Corinne Couelle
for nine years, and I have had consistent +33 (0380) 357 953
success with them. One guitar student, who Jennifer Delrieu
has dyslexic tendencies and ADD, started Voisins le Bretonneux/Paris
+33 (01) 30 44 19 91
with me in October 2002. He is creative and
Françoise Magarian
has grown in his ability to improvise. It has Legny/Lyon
not always been easy; he has struggled with +33 (0474) 72 43 13
note accuracy and steady rhythm, but has stuck Carol Ann Nelson
with it and has been gaining mastery. Using
+33 (0) 1 49 09 12 33
multisensory strategies and the Alignment Odile Puget
Procedure has been pivotal in helping him Segny/Geneve
get to where he is. He plans to major in music +33 (0) 450 418 267

in college next year in either music business Guilaine Batoz Saint-Martin

La Bastidonne/Marseille
or sound recording technology. Expect the +33 (0490) 08 98 56
best from your visual-spatial students, give v Germany/Deutschland
them the tools to succeed, and they can amaze Theresia Adler
you in what they will accomplish. v Bannewitz
+49 (0351) 40 34 224
Ute Breithaupt
Atterbury, Betty W. Mainstreaming Exceptional +49 (06184) 93 84 88
Learners in Music. Old Tappen: Prentice Hall- Gabriele Doetsch
(or aligned), the visual thinker is able to Allyn & Bacon, 1990. Bad Windsheim / Würzburg
perceive his surroundings accurately–possibly +49 (09841) 1637 or 1644
Coon, Dennis. Introduction to Psychology:
for the first time in his life. My experience Ellen Ebert
Exploration and Application. 4th ed. St. Paul:
with Alignment has been extremely positive.
West, 1986. +49 (03601) 813-660
It can bring about a dramatic reduction in the Cornelia Garbe
student’s confusion. It can also cut in half the Davis, Ronald D., and Eldon M. Braun. The Gift Berlin +49 (030) 61 65 91 25
time required to gain proficiency in reading of Dyslexia. New York: Perigee, 1997. Astrid Grosse-Mönch
music. You or your music teacher can lead Davis, Ronald D., and Eldon M. Braun. The Gift Buxtehude
+49 (04161) 702 90 70
the student through Orientation Counseling of Learning. New York: Perigee, 2003.
Das Legasthenie Institut
or the Alignment Procedure by following the Wood, Siw. “My Experience with the Problem of Ioannis Tzivanakis
scripts in chapters 8–12 of The Gift of Reading Music.” Music and Dyslexia: Opening Specialist Trainer
Workshop Presenter
Learning by Ronald Davis. New Doors. Ed. T.R. Miles and John Westcombe. DDA-Deutschland Director
The second step is to use multisensory London: Whurr, 2004. P. 51 and 52. Wilfried Bähr
techniques to help make the notation and the © 2006 Geoffrey Keith +49 (040) 25 17 86 23
music concrete. Multisensory is just what it Christine Heinrich
sounds like – teaching the material through Geoffrey Keith received his music degree Heubach / Ulm

the various senses: from U-Mass Lowell in 1993 +49 (07173) 716 793

and has recently started his own Sonja Heinrich

• color to create visual symbols for the notes Supervisor-Specialist
music lesson studio, Success
• clay to give it texture and depth DLS Workshop Presenter
Music Studio, specializing in DDA-Deutschland Director
• kinesthetic body movement to teach rhythm Garbsen/Hannover
multisensory strategies for
and the steady beat +49 (040) 25 17 86 23
teaching music to young
• touch to convey note distance and pitch Kirsten Hohage

direction on the page or instrument or in students, students with dyslexia, Nürnberg

+49 (0911) 54 85 234
pointing to rhythms while counting or AD/HD, and visual-spatial learning styles Ingrid Huth
tracing the form of a piece ( He has taught music Berlin +49 (0179) 896 8007

• drawing pictures to convey the meaning of for the last eighteen years, nine of which he has Christine Jacob

symbols or tempo and expression marks been working with multisensory strategies, and Lörrach
+49 (07621) 134 60
• playing for the student so he can hear and he is also a visual thinker. This is the first in a Rainer Knobloch
see the different touches and dynamic series of articles on teaching music to students Röthenbach/Nürnberg
shadings, and who are visual/spatial learners. +49 (09120) 18 14 84
Inge Koch-Gassmann
• using visual imagination to enhance Buggingen
interpretation +49 (07631) 23 29

v Germany/Deutschland
(cont’d) Cool Short Books
Angelika Kohn
+49 (07148) 66 08
Marianne Kranzer
The Lazy Readers Club: How to Keep
+49 (07725) 72 26
Anneliese Kunz-Danhauser
Up with Your Recreational Reading
+49 (08031) 632 29 By Danny Brassel, PhD The Creation of the
Sabine La Due,
Lazy Readers’ Club
About four years ago, I began giving my
+49 (0711) 479 1000
It all began in a class I teach for beginning
Gundula Patzlaff students (primarily student teachers,
Stuttgart beginning teachers and parent volunteers)
+49 (0711) 23 64 86 0 “So, what good books are you reading
recommendations of short literary works
Margit Pleger right now?” I queried.
Wetter/Dortmund that anyone could read while waiting in a
Nobody raised a hand. Confused, I
+49 (02335) 84 87 60
grocery line or sitting at a boring staff
Ursula Rackur-Bastian asked the class of 43 adults, ranging from
meeting. My goal was to stimulate people’s
kindergarten teachers to high school special
Kreis/Wiesbaden interest in reading so that they might make
+49 (06126) 565 01 education instructors, to tell me what bad
it a life-long passion.
Colette Reimann books they were reading. A flurry of
Landshut It started as an e-mail distribution list and
complaints ensued.
+49 (0871) 770 994 evolved into a website:
“All I’ve got time to read are lesson
Ursula Rittler
Each month I provide book recommendations
Stuttgart planning books and all of the textbooks
+49 (0711) 47 18 50 for quick, easy reading for personal pleasure.
we’re required to read in our credentialing
Phoebe Schafschetzy I try not to include any books over 200
Hamburg programs,” one woman proclaimed. “By the
pages, and I always include
+49 (040) 392 589
end of the day we don’t
Gabriela Scholter books written for a variety of
have time to read any
Supervisor-Specialist ages. See, adults should not
Stuttgart books for pleasure.”
+49 (0711) 578 28 33 be shy about reading kids’
For weeks I pondered
Inge Starck books. They are my favorites
Battenberg/Eder ways to encourage my
because they generally have
+49 (06452) 93 28 88
teachers to read books
Beate Tiletzek shorter chapters, bigger print
for fun. It concerned me
Waldkraiburg and colorful pictures. People
+49 (08638) 88 17 89 that so many people hired
who turn off the nightly news
Andrea Toloczyki to motivate students to
Havixbeck/Münster in favor of a good children’s
develop a passion for
+49 (02507) 57 04 84
book probably live longer.
Ulrike von Kutzleben-Hausen books lacked that passion
The website includes an
themselves. After all, as
+49 (07420) 33 46 updated monthly list of my
author Jim Trelease (2001)
Dr. Angelika Weidemann picks, as well as archives
Ulm +49 (0731) 931 46 46 points out, reading interest is like a head
of past selections by month,
Susanne Wild cold: you can’t catch it if nobody around
Paar +49 (08205) 959 08 28 level and page count.
you is infected. How could I encourage
Gabriele Wirtz Also, books and other
teachers to read more frequently?
Stuttgart items purchased from
+49 (0711) 55 17 18 Teddy Roosevelt provided the answer. through links
v Greece Before reading The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt,
from the website directly
Zoe Deliakidou a captivating Pulitzer Prize-winning biography
Thessaloniki benefit BookEnds (, a
by Edmund Morris, I knew two things about
+30 2310 434510
nonprofit organization devoted to increasing
or +30 6934 662438 the former President: (1) Teddy bears were
children’s access to books and community
Irma Vierstra-Vourvachakis
named after him, and (2) his face is on Mount
Rethymnon / Crete service awareness.
+30 283105 8201 Rushmore. Morris provides a page-turner that
The different books are classified as
or 69766 40292
chronicles Roosevelt’s triumphs and travails,
follows: AD, adult; YA, young adult; CH,
v Iceland but what struck me most about Roosevelt
children’s book. I always list a page count
Áslaug Ásgeirsdóttir
was that he was an avid reader who read
Mosfellsbaer and some brief comments. I usually give a
+354 861-2537 nearly 20,000 books by the time he was 30.
total of 10 recommendations a month (3-4
Sigrún Jónina Baldursdóttir Clearly, even I could read more frequently,
Snaefellsbae adult; 3-4 young adult; 3-4 children’s). Here
so I resolved to start reading at least a book a
+354 586 8180
is a sampling of some past recommendations:
day. How? I would read a lot of short books.
4. The Tao of Pooh v Iceland (cont’d)
(Benjamin Hoff), 158
Adult (AD)
Gudrún Benediktsdóttir
1. Silent Night: A Christmas pages. This is an old Hafnarfirdi
Suspense Story (Mary Higgins favorite of mine, as
+354 545 0103 or
+354 822 0910
Clark), 192 pages. This book the author offers Gudbjörg Emilsdóttir
could just as easily make a spiritual awakening Kópavogur
+354 554 3452
Young Adult reading list, as by combining the
Hólmfridur Gudmundsdóttir
I have recommended it to teachings of the Gardabae
plenty of high schools and great philosophers, +354 895-0252
heard raves (especially from Confucius and Svava Hlin Hákonard
girls). I have to confess that I A.A. Milne. A treat for all ages. +354 862 1518
love Mary Higgins Clark; her books 5. Molvania (Santo Cilauro, Tom Sigurborg Svala
always entertain and Gleisner & Rob Sitch), 176 pages. I am
force you to read them a sucker for humorous travel books, and this +354 566-8657
straight through to the clever “travel guide” Stefanía Halldórsdóttir Wade
end. Teachers at the first
reveals everything one +354 564 2890
elementary school I needs to know when Nora Kornblueh
worked at used to swap traveling to the fictional Reykjavik
her books like trading country of Molvania. Ingibjörg Ingolfsdóttir
cards. I read her books Yes, it is a one-joke Mosfellsbaer
out of sure pleasure. book, but anyone who
+354 899-2747
Sigrún Jensdóttir
2. Rosencrantz and has ever trotted abroad Mosfellsbaer
Guildenstern Are Dead with a copy of The +354 897 4437

(Tom Stoppard), 126 Lonely Planet, Fodors or Valgerdur Jónsdóttir

DLS Workshop Presenter
pages. If you have never Let’s Go is sure to enjoy Kópavogur
read anything by Tom this satire. I would be interested to know +354 863 2005

Stoppard, you are in for how many tourists purchase it thinking that Sturla Kristjansson
DLS Workshop Presenter
a treat. I rate him as one there is such a country (I wish geography Hafnarfjordur
of the most important found greater importance in American +354 845 6956

playwrights of our time. classrooms). Ásta Olafsdóttir

You may have seen his +354 473-1164
screenplay Shakespeare Erla Olgeirsdóttir
Akranes +354 694 3339
Young Adult (YA)
in Love. This tale is also
set in Elizabethan times 1. A Long Way from Hugrún Svavarsdóttir
and focuses on the Chicago (Richard Peck), +354 698-6465

mundane daily rituals of two minor characters 148 pages. I consider this Thorbjörg Sigurdardóttir

from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. Hilarious and a “must” read. This funny Reykjavík +354 698 7213

original, like all of Stoppard’s works. tale of summers spent Kolbeinn Sigurjónsson
with grandma rivals +354 566 6664 / 661-8654
3. Cool Dead People: Obituaries of Real Mark Twain and Tom Margret Thorarinsdottir
Folks We Wish We’d Met a Little Sooner Bodett. Sweet simplicity.
Selfoss +354-486-1188
(Jane O’Boyle), 143 pages. You can read this book v India
I confess, when I don’t in under three hours, so grab a coffee and
Carol Ann Rodrigues
link to Amazon via the spend a delightful afternoon at Border’s.
+91 (22) 2667 3649 or
Lazy Readers’ website, I This book is a treasure!
+91 (22) 2665 0174
buy most of my books v Ireland
from a great discount book 2. A Hero Ain’t Nothin’ Anne Marie Beggs
broker called Edward G. But a Sandwich (Alice Old Portmarnock/Dublin

Hamilton (they send me a Childress),126 pages. +353 (86) 239-1545

monthly catalog of books One of the more popular Paula Horan

that all cost under $3). I bought this book for books I have introduced +353 44 934 1613

a buck and read it in three hours. I loved it! It to middleschoolers, this Sister Antoinette Keelan

is filled with fascinating two-page obituaries tale of a 13-year-old Dublin +353 (01) 884 4996

of people I truly wish I had known. heroin addict is sure to Maggie O’Meara
Clonmel, Co.
Inspirational, quirky and fun. spark lively classroom Tipperary +353 (87) 415 70 99
discussions. A very
v Israel honest and vivid look at the harshness of 7. Speak (Laurie Halse
Luba Alibash drug addiction. Anderson), 197 pages.
Ramat Hasharon/Tel Aviv
+972 (09) 772-9888 or 3. No More Dead Dogs (Gordon Korman), Wow! If this book does
(052) 272-9532
196 pages. I confess that not make you cry or at
Mira Ashoosh
Kiron +972 (03) 635-0973 I picked up this book least reconsider how you
Goldie Gilad because I liked the title. treat people, I don’t
Kfar Saba/Tel Aviv
It is not at all what I know what will. I cannot
+972 (09) 765 1185
thought it was about, but believe this is Anderson’s
Eliana Harpaz
Ma’Ale Adumim it is still very funny. Let’s first book. I loved this
+972 (02) 590-2110
just say that a teacher gets touching tale of a high
or 054-441-0789
Baruch Kassiff what he deserves when school girl’s sudden case
Kfar-Saba +972 (09) 767-3638 he punishes a student for of laryngitis, brought on by her outcast status.
Eve Resnick
turning in an honest book This should be required reading in every
Kfar Saba/Tel Aviv
+972 (09) 766 2140 report (something I always wished I had middle school. It’s that good.
Judith Schwarcz
DDA-Israel Director
done in school).
Supervisor-Specialist 4. Just Annoying! (Andy Griffiths), 144 pages.
Children’s (CH)
Pearl Zarsky
Ra’anana/Tel Aviv No, this author has an “s” 1. Leo the Late Bloomer (Robert Kraus), 32
+972 (09) 772 9888 on the end of his name, pages. Perfect for frantic
v Italy and his series of books parents (e.g. my wife and
Elisa De Felice
Roma +39 (06) 507 3570 bear little resemblance to me) who worry about the
Piera Angiola Maglioli anything you’d ever see pace of their child’s
Occhieppo Inferiore / Biella
+39 (015) 259 3080
in Mayberry. I find that development. Like my
Silvia Walter this author has a way of teaching mentor used to
Bagno a Ripoli Florence making teenage boys say, “Each and every one
+39 (055) 621 0541
Rafaella Zingerle
want to read, and I will of us is gifted; it just
Corvara In Badia always recommend an takes some of us a little
+39 (0471) 836 871
author who motivates reluctant readers. longer to unwrap the presents.”
v Kenya
Diana Smit-Jurgens
Parents beware, as his silly tales can 2. Giraffes? Giraffes! (Doris Haggis-on-Whey
Nairobi +254 733 895 603 sometimes be a bit “raunchy.” & Mr. Haggis-on-Whey),
v Lebanon
5. Sideways Stories from 64 pages. This is now
Samar Riad Saab
Beirut +961 3 700 206 Wayside School (Louis one of my favorite ideas.
v Malaysia Sachar), 128 pages. Ever Dave Eggers writes
Hilary Craig since I read Holes (one under a pen name and
Kuala Lumpur
+603 2096 1342 of the best books in creates the most horrific
v Mexico years), I have been idea man could have ever
Sivia B. Arana García devouring stories from dreamed of: the first in a
Mexico, D.F. Louis Sachar. He is my series of reference books
+52 (55) 5520-1883
kind of writer, as his written by people who want to mess with
stories always make me
Cathy Calderón de la Barca
México D.F. future generations by providing erroneous
Fundamentals Presenter laugh, and I always enjoy information (e.g. giraffes did not evolve but
+52 (55) 5520 1883
or 5282 4196 his subtle messages. rather came here from Neptune via the
Hilda Fabiola Herrera Cantu 6. The Toothpaste Millionaire (Jean Merrill), largest escalator in the galaxy). I think this
Culiacan, Sinaloa
+52 81 6677 15 01 19 89 pages. What I enjoy concept has been adopted by major political
La Puerta de las Letras the best about this book parties. Kids of all ages (from 3 to 83) get a
María Silvia Flores Salinas is its entrepreneurial kick out of this book.
Olga Zambrano de Carrillo spirit. If I taught an MBA 3. The Greedy Triangle
DDA-Mexico Director course, this is one of the (Marilyn Burns), 40
Garza García
Monterrey fun books I’d put on my pages. Too often kids
+52 (81) 8335 9435 reading list (along with who are good at math are
Laura Lammoglia Jeffrey Archer’s Kane and turned off from reading,
Tampico, Tamaulipas
+52 (833) 213 4126 Abel). A good book for kids so here is a funny way to
Alejandra Garcia Medina
who need to understand entice mathematicians to
Cuajimalpa, Mexico, D.F what it takes to succeed in business: that read. A great introduction
+52 (55) 5813 9554
nasty four-letter word known as “work.” to geometry.
4. Shrinking Violet (Cari
v Mexico (cont’d)
Best), 40 pages. Have you THE LAZY READERS WEBSITE
ever wanted to see the shy WWW.LAZYREADERS.COM Sociedad de Consultatoria
kid beat the class bully? Maria Lourdes Gutierrez
Mexico D.F.
This book is satisfying to
“Read for fun and read
+52 (55) 5595 8442
all ages and genders and
to your children!”
–Danny Brassel Lucero Palafox
a good lesson in treating Veracruz
+52 (022) 99 351302
people kindly. Ana Elana Payro Ogarrio
5. Thank You, Mr. Corregidora, Queretaro
+52 442 228 1264
Falker (Patricia
v Netherlands
Polacco), 32 pages.
Karin Bakkeren
Patricia Polacco is Breda +31 (076) 581 57 60
fantastic, and if this book Liesbeth Berg-Schagen
about a teacher helping a in worse shape than many libraries in Iraq. Vleuten
+31 (030) 604-9601
dyslexic child does not That’s why organizations like BookEnds, Ineke Blom
touch your heart, you are The Wonder of Reading and Reading Is Dorpstraat
a grinch living on your Fundamental are so essential, in my eyes.
+31 (020) 436-1484

own mountain. All of Polacco’s books Lot Blom

Utrecht +31 (030) 271 0005
address important issues, and I think all kids Hester Brouwer
need to be exposed to her work.
Final Thoughts
Enjoy the books. As always, I encourage Groningen
+31 (050) 52 61 146
6. The Shrinking of Treehorn (Florence people to go to the website
Lieneke Charpentier
Parry Heide), 63 pages. before purchasing anything on Nieuwegein
Ever felt ignored? While By linking to Amazon via our website, up +31 (030) 60 41 539

Treehorn tries to con- to 10% of your purchase will be donated to Hester Cnossen
Veghel +31 (041) 337 5835
vince adults that he is literacy charity. You can literally help create Monique Commandeur
shrinking, they shrug school libraries with one extra click of the Sterksel +31 (06) 13 94 97 54
their shoulders as if the mouse. Ratnavali de Croock
boy had told them there Anyone can be included on the e-mail Oudorp (Aalkmaar)
+31 (072) 511 6881
was a monster in his list to receive my monthly recommendations Alexandra De Goede
closet. All the while by registering at our website: Aerdenhout
+31 (023) 524 3263
Treehorn shrinks, and the Mine de Ranitz
illustrations by Edward I promise that I will never forward anything Driebergen
Gorey are delightful in his demented style but my monthly book picks. That’s the honest
+31 (0343) 521 348

(he illustrated the macabre drawings at the truth – no mortgage rate ads or promises to
Christien De Smit
Sluis +31 (0117) 461 963
beginning of the wonderful “Mystery” series help you lose 10 lbs. in three hours. I’ll just Leonardus D’Hoore
on PBS). send book recommendations. Sluis +31 (0117) 56 29 40

7. The Librarian of Basra: A True Story Please remember to read for fun and Saskia Dijkstra
from Iraq (Jeanette to read to your children, and e-mail me any +31 (020) 463-2753
Winter), 32 pages. A lot short books that you’d like to have considered Marijke Eelkman Rooda-Bos
of teachers and parents for our lists. v Gouda +31 (0182) 517-316

have asked me about Johanna Fokkens

Beilen +31 (0593) 540 141
non-offensive books for References Ina Gaus
kids that help them Trelease, J. (2001). The Read Aloud Santpoort-Zuid
understand the war in Handbook (5th ed.). New York: Penguin. +33 (023) 538-3927
Pérola Gonçalves
Iraq. I am not sure that Amsterdam
any books dealing with +31 (020) 636 3637
wars are non-offensive (or should be), but Jan Gubbels
this true story of one librarian’s heroic efforts +31 (043) 36 39 999
to preserve her library in Iraq sends a lot of Sue Hillier-Smith
important messages that I want people to Breukelen
+31 (0346) 265 059
remember. Namely, books are one of society’s Judith Holzapfel
greatest resources. Have you ever noticed the Deventer
correlation between the number of books that +31 (0570) 619 553

are available to a citizenry and their literacy Will Huntjens

Horn +31 (0475) 589 238
rate? FYI – America’s inner-city libraries are

v Netherlands (cont’d) Play Time: Fun

Mia Jenniskens
+31 (040) 245 9458 Must Be a Big Part
Trudy Joling
Laren +31 (035) 531 00 66 of the School Day
Helen Kaptein
Middleburg By Trish Konzak
+31 (0118) 64 37 73
Marie Koopman Children need to play. This observation might
Bilthoven seem obvious, but lately, it is my rallying cry.
+31 (030) 228 4014
It has to be. There is so much discussion
Carry Kuling
Heemstede among parents and educators about the relative progression they will use later for reading to
+31 (0235) 287 782 benefits of academic versus developmentally themselves. When they listen to a story that is
Edith Kweekel-Göldi appropriate preschools, and as testing rules the told, their imaginations provide the pictures.
Soest +31 (035) 601 0611
day, proponents of the academic model seem In both cases, they are learning to read.
“So,” academic-preschool advocates
Imelda Lamaker
Hilversum to be gaining ground.
+31 (035) 621 7309 But I am a parent, and I have been a wonder, “why not cut to the chase? Won’t
Irma Lammers preschool teacher for more than 20 years, and children learn to read more quickly if they
Boxtel +31 (411) 68 56 83
my experience and training tell me one thing memorize the alphabet? Isn’t counting the
Yvie Leenaars-de Rooÿ
Bavel +31 (0161) 433 449 loud and clear. direct path to math? If a child sits at a table
ZeiZei Lerninstitut Children need to play. and copies letters and numbers, if they are
Drs. Siegerdina Mandema They need to build with blocks, role-play drilled on words and simple equations, won’t
Specialist Trainer
Advanced Workshop with dolls and cooking tools, assemble tracks they know more, sooner, and without all the
Presenter for trains, dabble in paint, jump up and down, messing around?”
DLS Workshop Presenter
DDA-Nederland Director ride tricycles, smush playdough, dig in sand, No. They aren’t ready.
Robin Temple splash in water. They need to negotiate with There are connections in children’s
Specialist Trainer
Workshop Presenter ladders, slides, and each other. Take turns. brains that are usually not completed until
Maria Hoop Dress up. Cook. between the fifth and sixth year of life, and
+31 (0475) 302 203
And when they aren’t doing those things, they take another year or so to mature. These
Sjan Melsen
Arnhem +31 (026) 442 69 98 they should be singing connections are essential for
Marianne Oosterbaan songs – old ones and new learning to read. When children
Zeist +31 (030) 691 7309 ones. They should be haven’t grown enough to be
Ineke Pijp
Groningen listening to stories and ready to read, they won’t be
+31 (050) 542 0817 looking at books. They able to do it easily. And if
Fleur van de Polder-Paton should be banging a they can’t do it easily, they
+31 (010) 471 58 67 tambourine or tapping a will be stressed and frustrated
Petra Pouw-Legêne
triangle. Feeding a fish. in the process of trying to meet
DLS Presenter & Mentor Watching a hamster. the unrealistic expectations of
Beek +31 (046) 437 4907
Why? Because when parents and teachers.
Karin Rietberg
Holten +31 (0548) 364 286 children are playing with Most school districts require
Jacqueline van Rijswijck blocks, they are learning math that children learn to read between
Venray |and science. When they play with five and six years of age. Most of them,
+31 (0478) 58 73 98
dolls, they are practicing nurturing. When especially boys, who may be developmentally
Lydia Rogowski
Helmond they are dressing up, they are learning buttoning. behind girls of the same chronological age by
+31 (0492) 513 169 When they play with playdough, they are up to eighteen months, have a hard time. By
Hanneke Schoemaker exercising the small muscles of their fingers. trying to teach children what they are not
+31 (0317) 412 437 When they paint, they are using small and ready to learn, American schools are producing
Ilse Schreuder large muscles and learning about color. When children who may become resistant to learning
Dokkum +31 (0519) 220 315 they cut, color, and draw, they are enhancing –and for no good reason, it seems: studies
Silvia Jolanda Sikkema the small-motor development needed for have shown that early readers have no real
+31 (0512) 538 815 writing. When they interact with each other, advantage in the long run, because their peers
Tonny Stor they are learning to share, take turns, and have usually caught up with them by age eight.
Heerhugowaard negotiate. Children learn while they play. Children’s physiology and brain
+31 (072) 57 22 771
When children sing, they learn new development have not changed a great deal
Karima P.A. Turkatte
Amsterdam vocabulary and the rhythm of words. They in thousands of years, but what we expect of
+31 (020) 696 4379 learn poetry. When they listen to stories a those bodies and brains has changed a great
teacher reads, they learn the left-to-right deal. We want more from them; we want it
sooner. They can learn what we want them to,
v Netherlands (cont’d)
when we want them to, if parents and teachers
are consistent and very patient – but why Mieke van Delden
Leek +31 (059) 4514985
bother, when they are not ready? Agnes van den
Let’s not “push down” the curriculum. Homberg-Jacobs
Let’s allow children to discover letters, numbers, America Limburg
+31 (077) 464 23 22
colors, and language in a way that also teaches Annette van der Baan
socialization, imagination, values, and joy. Amsterdam
If parents are concerned about reading +31 (020) 420-5501

and writing, they can read and sing to their Hetty van der Well
Oss +31 (041) 263 6403
children every day; they can let their children Trish Konzak has taught preschool for 23 years, 19 Annemarie van Hof
watch them write – letters, bills, grocery lists. of them for Heather Farm Preschool, in Walnut Utrecht +31 (030) 65 86 700
They can swap stories. Tell jokes. Creek, California. Sjakkelien van Lier
And they can take them to a preschool Copyright 2006-07-06. George Lucas Educational
+31 (0570) 600 008
where they will be allowed to play. Foundation, Juchke van Roozendaal
Oss +31 (0412) 690 312
Willem Van Ulsen
+31 (050) 542 3941
More Thoughts on Play . . . Tienke Veenstra-Sierhsma
Meppel +31 (0522) 254 453
Lia Vermeulen
Huizen +31 (062) 3671530
Christien Vos
Best preparation for life Creating model situations
“Play–it’s by definition absorbing. The “Child’s play is the infantile form of Tolbert +31 (0594) 511 607
Lucie Wauben-Cruts
outcome is always uncertain. Play makes human ability to deal with experience
children nimble–neurobiologically, by creating model situations and to Elsloo +31 (046) 437 0329
Christa Wiersma
mentally, behaviorally–capable of master reality by experimenting and
adapting to a rapidly evolving world. planning.” Onna (bij Steenwijk)
That makes it just about the best —Erik Ericson, Child and Society, 1950 +31 (0521) 523 303
Gerda Witte-Kuijs
preparation for life in the 21st century. Not in school to take tests
Psychologists believe that play cajoles “A change in our perception of why kids +31 (072) 571 3163
Astrid Zanen-vander Blij
people toward their human potential by are in school seems appropriate. Kids are
preserving all the possibilities nervous Aerdenhout
+31 (023) 524 3485
not in school to learn how to
systems tend to otherwise prune away. memorize a bunch of
It’s no accident that all the predicaments stuff and spend an hour v New Zealand
of play–the challenges, the dares, the and a half spitting it Vivienne Carson
races and chases–model the Auckland
+64 (09) 520-3278
back to us. They are
struggle for survival. Think
Catherine Churton
not in school to see how
DDA-Pacific Director
of play as the future with much information they
sneakers on.” Supervisor-Specialist
can cram onto two
—Hara Estroff Marano,
Psychology Today
note cards they get to +64 (021) 448 862
Jennifer Churton
use during the test.
They are not in school to learn to take Auckland
+64 (09) 360 4941
Learning self-control
tests. They are in school to learn to take
Wendy Haddon
“From the beginning, play helps children
life, and do something useful and
learn how to control themselves, how Mosgiel
+64 (03) 489-8572
fulfilling with it.”
to interact with others. Contrary to the
Rochelle Harden
widely held belief that only intellectual —Steven W. Simpson, Ph.D. ,
Simpson Communications Wanganui
+64 (027) 306-6743
activities build a sharp brain, it’s in play
The benefits of play
Margot Hewitt
that cognitive agility really develops.
Kaiapoi +64 (03) 312-0496
Studies of children and adults around “Child-initiated play lays a foundation
Alma Holden
the world demonstrate that social for learning and academic success.
engagement actually improves intellectual Through play, children learn to interact Alexandra
skills. It fosters decision-making, with others, develop language skills, +64 (027) 485-6798
Bronwyn Jeffs
memory and thinking, speed of mental recognize and solve problems, and
processing.” discover their human potential.” +64 (03) 344 2526
—Hara Estroff Marano, —From Time for Play, Every Day: It's Fun–and Raewyn Matheson
Fundamental (The Alliance for Childhood) Inglewood
+64 (027) 411 8350
Psychology Today

v New Zealand (cont’d)

Sally Ann McCue
Nelson +64 (03) 545-1779
Shelley McMeeken
Dunedin +64 3 456 5058
Sandra Moetra
+64 (09) 435 6822
Kerrie Palma by Abigail Marshall
Rodney +64 (09) 425 5941
Jocelyn Print Convinced that son is dyslexic
Kaikoura +64 (03) 319 6711
Alison Syme
Q. My 11-year-old son was tested for dyslexia
Darfield +64 (03) 318-8480 this summer and we got his results yesterday.
Lorna Timms They came back negative, but I’m still
Christchurch +64 3 359 8556 convinced that he is dyslexic. Out of the 37
v Philippines basic dyslexia symptoms published on the
Imelda Casuga internet, my son has 33 definite symptoms,
Baguio City
+63 (744) 42 29 01 and two possibles. I asked the tester,“So • Do you think you have a problem?
v Poland
you’re telling me that he has all the • Do you want help with the problem?
Agnieszka Osinska characteristics of dyslexia, but because he’s This is because in the end, only the individual
Warsaw not a bad enough reader, he doesn’t have it?” can know whether the dyslexia symptoms
+48 (22) 658-2237
And she said “yes.” This doesn’t sound are severe enough to warrant help. It isn’t
v Portugal right to me. what other people think or a matter of test
Rita Alambre Dos Santos
Lisboa 1000-115 A. I think you are getting confused by the scores–it is how the dyslexic person feels.
+351 (21) 781-6090
concept of “diagnosis.” Dyslexia is not Usually, our clients feel very frustrated and
v Republic of Singapore something that one either has or doesn’t have, upset–and often very relieved to have
Phaik Sue Chin such as a physical disease. Rather, it is a word someone who is ready to help them without
Singapore +65 6773 4070
used to describe a constellation of symptoms making them take a lot more tests first.
Constance Chua
Singapore +65 6873 3873 and learning characteristics that can range from Sometimes we have worked with children
very mild to very severe. Because schools are who came to us already reading above
v South Africa
concerned with presenting a set curriculum grade level, but they wanted help with their
Sara Kramer
Capetown to children at a certain age, they will define comprehension or reading speed, or wanted
+27 (021) 671 4634 “dyslexia” in terms of how far behind the help with writing or math instead.
v Spain child is. If the child is able to perform at or Obviously your son fits in the same
María Campo Martínez near grade level in school, even if the child is category as other bright and talented kids
Murguía, Álava struggling, they will be reluctant to describe who are able to function at what the school
+34 (0945) 46 25 85
the child as dyslexic or learning disabled considers an acceptable level in spite of the
Silvia María Sabatés
Rodrigo –instead, they want to focus their resources dyslexia. I think it is just as obvious that,
Madrid +34 (091) 636 31 44 on the children who are very far behind. A with help, he could do much better. The
v Switzerland/CH tester who works mostly for the schools will school only is concerned with making sure
Tinka Altwegg-Scheffmacher keep those standards in mind. he achieves grade level learning–as a parent,
Veronika Beeler But at an individual level, it is very I am sure you want your son to achieve his
St. Gallen
possible that a bright child will have severe full potential.
+41 (071) 222 07 79
Monika Amrein
dyslexia, and still be able to keep up in school
work, and thus not test badly enough at
Post-Program Support
Zurich +41 (01) 341 8264
Lerninstitut Basel reading or other skills to fit the school’s Q. My son did the Davis program last year.
Bonny Beuret definition. A child like this has the potential We have been slowly working through it and
Specialist Trainer
to perform much better–perhaps the child I must admit keeping our enthusiasm up has
Adv. Workshop Presenter
DLS Workshop Presenter reads only a year behind “grade level” –with at times been hard lately. I am feeling quite
DDA-CH Director
help, the same child may soon be reading isolated and alone doing this programme.
Ruth Froels
+41 (061) 272 24 00 two years ahead of grade level. What level of support am I entitled to after
Regula Bacchetta- Because of this very common situation, the programme? Should I have some regular
Davis providers have a different view. If, as contact from my facilitator, or is it up to me
Horw /Luzern
+41 (041) 340 2136 in your son’s case, the child has many common to make that contact?
Priska Baumgartner symptoms of dyslexia, we would consider the A. Davis providers generally offer six hours
Wettingen child to be dyslexic. We would then ask our of post-program support, to be scheduled by
+41 (056) 426 28 88
prospective client two questions: the client as needed. It would be up to you to
contact the Facilitator to arrange this; there v Switzerland/CH (cont’d)
is no way for the Facilitator to know that
you need help unless you initiate contact. Mieke Blommers-Friederichs
Basel +41 (061) 378 9060
The Davis Dyslexia Association hosts Michelle Bonardi
a support forum where parents can post Castel S. Pietro, Ticino
questions and share various concerns at: +41 (091) 630 23 41 Also, if you have Vicki Brignoli
questions about the clay modeling, you +41 (091) 829 05 36
might find this website helpful: Carole Dubosson Veyras/Sierre
+41 (027) 452 62 02
Whose decision should it be? Ursula Fischbacher
Q. Is it normal for the child make the
+41 (032) 355 23 26
decision as to whether or not to do a Davis Edith Forster
Dyslexia Correction Program? Or is it the Ettenhausen
parents’ decision? The facilitator who +41 (052) 365 45 54

assessed my 14-year old son told him that Heidi Gander-Belz

DLS Workshop Presenter
the decision to do a program was his. It felt understanding that he is able to control and Monchaltorf
like the parents were left totally out of this direct his own learning, and take responsibility
+41 (01) 948 1410

decision. My son has told us he does not for his own success. Putting the decision in
Elisabeth Gerber
want to do the program. I think most kids the child’s hands at the outset, helps him +41 (044) 767 10 54
will say they don’t want a program, even understand that he can indeed have control. Katharina Grenacher
though it might help them. I’d appreciate I know it is frustrating to accept your
Bern +41 (031) 382 00 29
your feedback on this. son’s decision not to do a program when you
Elisabeth Gut
Grut +41 (044) 932 3242
A. Yes, we do believe that the decision to want help for him. But it would be far worse Ursula Hirzel Egler
undertake the Davis program must always be if you were to pay the full cost of a Davis Stäfa +41 (01) 926 2895
made by the child. We find that motivation is program, only to find in the end that your son Christa Jaeger
the key factor in the success of the program. had not benefited and was still struggling in Riehen +41 (061) 641 4667

Children who feel pressured by parents or school. With a teenager, it is particularly Consuelo Lang
other outsiders to do the program tend not to important that the child want the program, +41 (091) 829 05 36
do as well. We train all our Facilitators to because at around age 14 kids can be very Claudia Lendi
screen carefully for the program, during the resistant and hard to deal with. I’ve often felt St. Gallen
+41 (071) 288 41 85
initial assessment. The Facilitator looks for very thankful that I was able to do the Davis Erika Meier-Schmid
motivation and a learning style compatible program with my own son at age 11, because Bonstetten
with our program. Many of our techniques, by age 13 he became quite a handful, and +41 (01) 700 10 38

such as Orientation Counseling, rely heavily would fight me on just about everything. Christine Noiset
on the child’s commitment to the process (Fortunately it was a phase that he passed +41 (021) 634 35 10 or
and his willingness to report accurately what out of at around age 15!) (079) 332 2775

he is thinking or feeling. A child who is just I think it would be a waste of money to Jürg Peter
there because he wants to please his parents pay for a Davis program with a 14 year old Dornach
may pretend to be getting the concepts when who doesn’t want it. Even if the Facilitator +41 (061) 701 39 16

he really doesn’t understand. could work effectively with him, he would Véronique Pfeiffer
Zürich +41 (01) 342 22 61
Program follow-up is also critical to probably argue with you over doing the Elisabeth Raberger
success, and a child who did not want the follow-up work. A younger child might be Effretikon
program in the first place is far more likely more compliant, even if motivation wasn’t +41 (056) 209 17 76
to balk at doing the post-program work. strong; teenagers are more likely to dig in Hilary Rhodes
Because our techniques rely on the creative their heels and fight. +41 (024) 495 38 20
participation of the child, they cannot be In spite of this, I often get mail from Regine Roth
forced–the child simply must be a willing students around age 16. By then, they are a Mohlin/Basel
+41 (061) 851 2685
participant. When a child says he doesn’t little more mature and starting to think about the Doris Rubli-Osterwalder
want the program, it’s an indication that he future. They may worry about their high school St. Gallen
is really not ready for what we have to offer. grades or wonder if college is a possibility, +41 (071) 245 56 90
In addition, a key aspect of the Davis and their motivation and willingness to work Benita Ruckli
Sigigen +41 (041) 495 04 09
program is the sense of control and on their problems may increase. So it’s very or (079) 719 31 18
empowerment that the child gains over possible that a seed has been planted, and Lotti Salivisberg
learning. Rather than saying “I can’t,” the when your son is a bit older he may decide Basel +41 (061) 263 33 44
child will gain confidence with the that he does want the program after all. v

v Switzerland/CH (cont’d)
Sonja Sartor
Famous Dyslexics Remember
+41 (052) 242 4015
Maya Semle-Muraro
David Boies is one of Ms. Brockovich went on to write a book,
Stäfa +41 (079) 704 03 07 the most successful Take it From Me, Life’s a Struggle, but
Claudia Taverna
Sent +41 (081) 864 9115
lawyers in the United You Can Win, has been interviewed on
Andreas Villain
States today. He’s television and radio numerous times and
Zürich +41 (076) 371 84 32 known for taking on is often invited to speak at colleges and
Catherine Warner
Geneva +41 (022) 321 70 42
causes that other universities. An article by Kelly Mulligan
Margit Zahnd
lawyers won’t touch. of The Daily Collegian at Penn State Univ.
Gerolfingen As a result of dyslexia, (“Brockovich Emphasizes Concern for
+41 (079) 256 86 65 or
(032) 396 19 20 Boies didn’t learn to Others,” Sept. 13, 2000) quotes from a
v United Arab Emirates read until the third grade. In “The Word speech Ms. Brockovich gave at the
Linda Rademan According to David Boies,” by Dan Lynch university that September: “Most people
Dubai +9714 348 1687 (Daily Business Review, Feb. 17, 2005), don’t know that I have dyslexia. I don’t
v United Kingdom Boies stated, “Dyslexia never leaves you. I like to be labeled. We are taught not to
Nicky Bennett-Baggs
Gt. Gaddesden, Herts
trained myself to listen well. That’s a very judge a book by its cover, but that's
+44 (01442) 252 517 important technique in the law and in exactly what we do. People called me
Jo Broughton
Hitchin, Herts
life.” In the courtroom Boies is known for stupid — I knew that I could learn, but
+44 (0)1462 435 166 citing scores of facts and figures, as well I just couldn’t learn the way that society
Sue Bullen as case references from memory, without wanted to teach me. There are no set
Ayrshire, Scotland
+44 (01292) 591 797
a single written note to remind him of answers, just be who you are.”
Susan Duguid the details. In the article, “Overcoming
London Ennis Cosby, son of
+44 (020) 8878 9652
Dyslexia,” by Morris, Munoz and Neering,
comedian and actor,
Dyslexia Correction Centre (May 13, 2002), Boies
Georgina Dunlop
Bill Cosby, was tragically
opines that dyslexia is a learning problem,
Jane E.M. Heywood murdered at age 28.
DLS Mentor & Presenter “not an intelligence disability. It doesn’t
Ascot, Berkshire Ennis was dyslexic, but
+44 (01344) 622 115
mean you can’t think.” He considers himself
did not discover this until
Christine East
to have been a “late bloomer” and wishes
Kingsbridge, Devon
he was in college. In an
we were more tolerant of children whose
+44 (01548) 856 045 article at the website he
path to learning is unusual. “In this
Hilary Farmer is quoted as saying, “My first two years of
Oxford, Oxon environment,” he told,
+44 (01865) 326 464 “you get children who think they are
college became the most frustrating and
Nichola Farnum depressing part of my life. My confidence
London +44 (0208) 977 6699
masters of the universe, and children who
in myself began to slip as I became more
Maureen Florido
think they are failures, when they’re 10
Harleston, Norfolk
and more confused as to why I could not
years old. They’re both wrong. And neither
+44 (01379) 853 810 compete in the classroom. The happiest
Carol Forster
is well served by that misconception.”
DLS Workshop Presenter
day of my life occurred when I found out
Gloucester The name Erin that I was dyslexic. I believe that life is
+44 (01452) 331 573 Brockovich is known to about finding solutions, and the worst
Achsa Griffiths
Sandwich, Kent
many, ever since the feeling to me is confusion.” Ennis had
+44 (01304) 611 650 story of how her work planned to be a special education teacher
Axel Gudmundsson
led to one of the biggest and help children with similar learning
+44 (020) 8341-7703 direct action lawsuits in difficulties. After his death, his parents
Tessa Halliwell the history of California, established the educational foundation
Barrow upon Soar, Leics
+44 (01509) 412 695
was made into a movie “Hello, Friend” (
Karen Hautz in 2000. She was just a The foundation supports teaching and
+44 (0207) 228-2947
file clerk at the time, but as a result of her learning and has also produced a video,

Annemette Hoegh-Banks
investigation into the health problems called Ennis’ Gift, featuring many
Berkhamsted, Herts caused by polluted groundwater in successful actors and business people
+44 1442 872185 Hinkley, California, Pacific Gas and telling their own stories about the
Phyllida Howlett
Electric was ordered to pay $333 million struggles resulting from their learning
Pembrokeshire in damages to 600 residents of the town. differences. v
+44 (01437) 766 806

E v United Kingdom (cont’d)
Angela James
Young Learner Kit Reading, Berkshire

+44 (0118) 947 6545

• •

Liz Jolly


Fareham, Hants
for Home-Use
+44 (01329) 235 420

Lisa Klooss

I T ®

London +44 (0208) 960 9406


Marilyn Lane
Based on the Davis Dyslexia Redhill, +44 (0173) 776-9049
Madeleine Miles
Dereham, Norfolk
Correction methods, this Kit
enables parents and tutors of +44 (01362) 861 136
Fionna Pilgrim
Keighley, West Yorkshire
children, ages 5-7, to home-teach
and help young learners to: +44 (01535) 661 801
Maxine Piper
Carterton, Oxon
• focus attention
• control energy levels +44 (01993) 840 291
• improve eye-hand coordination Elenica Nina Pitoska
• learn the alphabet London +44 (020) 8451 4025
Rebecca Ross
Tonbridge, Kent
• learn basic punctuation
• develop and strengthen pre-reading +44 (01892) 838 109
and basic reading skills Pauline Royle
Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancs
+44 (01253) 899 875
• prevent the potential of a learning
Ian Richardson
• improve sight word recognition and Blaisdon Longhope, Glos
+44 (0145) 283 0056
Rosemary Savinson
The Kit includes:
• establish life-long “how-to-learn” skills.
• Instruction Manual London +44 (0208) 316-1973
Janice Scholes
The Davis Methods • Sturdy nylon briefcase Liversedge, West Yorkshire
for Young Learners • Reusable modeling clay (2 lbs.) +44 (01274) 874 712
Nigel Sharp
Isle of Wight
• Clay cutter
+44 (07736) 251 258
Davis Focusing Strategies provide
• Webster’s Children’s Dictionary
Judith Shaw
children with the self-directed ability to
be physically and mentally focused on the Supervisor-Specialist
• Punctuation Marks & Styles Booklet St. Leonards on
learning task at hand. Sea/Hastings, East Sussex
+44 (01424) 447 077
• Two Koosh Balls
Davis Symbol Mastery enables children • Letter Recognition Cards Elizabeth Shepherd
Crowborough, East Sussex
+44 (0189) 266-1052
to master the alphabet letters, punctuation • Laminated Alphabet Strip
Dyslexia Kent
marks and basic sight words with a simple, • Stop Signs for Reading Chart
easy and fun alternative to pencil-paper Margarita Whitehead
DDA Director
activities and drill. Richard Whitehead
DDA Director
Davis Reading Exercises improve DLS Mentor & Presenter
Fundamentals Presenter
Staplehurst, Kent
accuracy with word recognition and
comprehension. +44 (01580) 890 321
Lynne Smith
Brighton, East Sussex
The Kit is priced at $119.95 +44 (01273) 723 920
(Shipping and Handling will be added) Anna Stephens
Rothley, Leics
To purchase a kit, use our secure on-line +44 (0116) 230-3283
ordering at: Barbara Timmins
+44 (015) 6477 2657

Drs. Renée van der Vloodt

or call our toll-free number:
1-888-999-3324 Supervisor-Specialist
Reigate, Surrey
The Young Learner Kit
Note: For older children (ages 8 and up), we +44 (01737) 240 116
Evelyn White
Walton-on-Thames, Surrey
recommend the Davis Symbol Mastery Kit.
+44 (01932) 230 624

v United Kingdom (cont’d)

Rachel Williamson
Hassocks, West Sussex
+44 (01444) 245 260
Francis Wright
Exeter, Devon
with Davis Dyslexia
+44 (077) 9684 0762

v United States
Correction Methods
Alabama By Cathy Cook, M.Ed. I knew I could no
Paula Morehead Davis Facilitator in Columbia, Missouri longer be a special
education teacher
+1 (205) 408-4420
Over the years, working with learning
Lisa Spratt if I was not able to
disabled elementary students, I became
Huntsville provide my students
+1 (256) 426-4066 increasingly aware that my students needed
with what they
Arkansas more than I was offering them. I’d learned
Rebecca Landes REALLY needed. Cathy Cook
the methods for teaching subjects like reading,
Mulberry / Fort Smith But could I find
+1 (479) 997-1996 writing and math in the school district, at
something that would truly help them?
Arizona the university, and from respected experts in
Dr. Edith Fritz At that moment, sitting in the child-
the educational community. Despite all the
Phoenix sized chair at the small, round table in my
+1 (602) 274-7738 credentials and documentation garnered by
classroom, I looked up at my bookcase.
Nancy Kress those espousing these methods, they simply
Glendale/Phoenix The Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. Davis
did not work effectively for the children in
+1 (623) 203-1890
practically jumped off the shelf and danced
John F. Mertz, Jr. my classes. How did I know?
Tucson before my eyes! I’d read it a few years
+1 (877) 219-0613 (Toll Free) • Students were reading years below their before. Why I hadn’t taken up the ideas I’d
+1 (520) 219-0613 actual grade placement. found in it I’m not sure. What matters is that
Jeannette Myers
Sedona +1 (928) 204-1963
• Students liked school less and less as years I picked up the book again that night. I
passed. quickly read the beginning. WOW! Ideas
Reading Research Council • Even after being retained, children still spun through my brain! Despite the late hour
Dyslexia Correction Center didn’t make satisfactory progress. I was energized and drove home with a new
Dr. Fatima Ali, Founder
Alice Davis, DDAI Director, • And, as the years went by, their self-esteem resolve to learn more about this dyslexia
Ray Davis continually suffered. thing. My plan: to practice the strategies
Ronald D. Davis, Founder
Sharon Pfeiffer, I always felt that I from The Gift of Dyslexia
Specialist Trainer
DLS Workshop Presenter developed a great rapport on my husband, Chris.
Dee Weldon White with my students; yet the At home Chris
Lexie White Strain
Burlingame/San Francisco
one thing that I truly wanted readily agreed to be my
+1 (800) 729-8990 (Toll Free) to give them – the ability “guinea pig.” I wanted to
+1 (650) 692-8990
to master academics – practice with him before I
Janet Confer eluded me. The final straw attempted any of the
Rancho Santa
Margarita/San Clemente came when I realized that methods with my students.
+1 (949) 589-6394 several of my students Well, not only did he get
Richard A. Harmel qualified for the district’s each step, it seemed he got
Marina Del Rey/Los Angeles
+1 (310) 823-8900 gifted program for LD them almost before the
David Hirst
learners. Being placed in words came out of my
Riverside the gifted program was a mouth! Funny, as I led him
+1 (951) 653-9251 or
(909) 241-6079
wonderful step for them, but how could it be through Orientation Counseling I thought
that kids with such high IQ’s struggled so he was surely pretending to understand just
Angela Dean Educators
Nicole Melton with reading? because he’s such a great guy. But he
Karen Thorworth-Pongs Late one evening, at the beginning of a assured me that it actually made sense.
Diamond Bar
+1 (909) 229-5251 brand new school year, I sat in my classroom Months later, with Chris’ blessing,
Michelle Palin
bleakly aware that my students were not I was on my way to San Francisco for the
Santa Cruz getting the help they truly needed. For years Fundamentals of Davis Dyslexia Correction
+1 (831) 419-8338
I’d searched through the internet, read Workshop. As the year of facilitator training
Cheryl Rodrigues books, attended seminars on everything from progressed I gradually incorporated the
Sunnyvale / San Jose
+1 (408) 983-0968 autism to outdoor classrooms, even created Davis methods into every type of learning
Dwight Underhill my own curriculum; yet, here I sat still situation I possibly could. My original
El Cerrito/Berkeley looking for the right answer. My next estimate that maybe four or five of my
+1 (510) 559-7869
decision would affect the rest of my life. twenty-some students were dyslexic was way

off. I quickly discovered that almost every assessment he easily read through a selection
student had many dyslexic characteristics. for his classroom teacher. He continued the Valarie Abney
Using the Davis methods with my assessment until he read at the appropriate Denver
students produced amazing results! Once reading level for his grade, for that time of
+1 (303) 433-9077

oriented and working in clay they began to year! In other words, one day he was reading Terry DeMeo
understand what words and symbols looked at a developmental reading level of three, +1 (303) 696-6807
like, sounded like, and meant. One student, and the next day at level 15! Once again the Annie Garcia
whose teachers had said she wasn’t far teacher came to me wanting to know what Wheat Ridge / Denver
+1 (303) 423-3397
enough behind to receive help outside of had happened!
Crystal Punch
her regular classroom, After I became Centennial/Denver
began seeking any a licensed Davis +1 (303) 850-0581
kind of help I could Facilitator I had the Janet Slavenski
Denver +1 (303) 431-0027
give her. We worked opportunity to work
Kristi Thompson
about 30 minutes one one-on-one with DLS Workshop Presenter
day using clay and the students who had Walsh +1 (719) 324-9256
steps for Symbol previously been on Florida
Random (Randee)
Mastery on the words my school case-load. Garretson
from her spelling list. One such client was Lutz/Tampa/St. Petersburg
+1 (813) 956-0502
Later, when her class Dakota. Before his
Angela Keifer
took their weekly program he was very Tampa +1 (727) 480-1093
spelling test, she only emotional about Alice J. Pratt
missed one spelling almost everything Jacksonville
+1 (904) 389-9251
word! Her teacher in life. Reading, in
stopped me inquiring particular, produced Rita & Eugene Von Bon
Navarre +1 (850) 939-2313
how we’d worked on her spelling list. I tremendously negative emotions in him. Georgia
wondered, was something wrong? It seemed But even his achievement in extra-curricular Lesa Hall
that this 5th grader consistently scored poorly activities like Tae-Kwan-Do suffered Pooler/Savannah
+1 (912) 330-8577
in spelling. But after working with the words because of his feelings. Although he loved Martha Payne
in Symbol Mastery, this week was very Tae-Kwan-Do, Dakota eventually dropped Suwanee
different. The teacher was quite enthusiastic! out because of excessive confusion and poor +1 (404) 886-2720

Another child had made little or no coordination. The combination of gifted Scott Timm
progress in reading for two solid school years intelligence and academic difficulty coupled +1 (866) 255-9028 (Toll-Free)
and was reading at a beginning kindergarten with reading skills around the beginning of Hawaii
level. One day he went back to his classroom the 1st grade was just too emotionally Vickie Kozuki-Ah You
after Orientation Counseling and Alphabet draining for this 4th grader. In fact, he was Ewa Beach/Honolulu
+1 (808) 685-1122
Mastery. Later, during a weekly reading so unhappy that he frequently cried in his
Kim Ainis
+1 (312) 360-0805
“K-11 in One Week!” Indiana
Jodi R. Baugh
+1 (765) 526-2121
“I retooled my brain with better
methods of helping myself read Myrna Burkholder
Goshen/South Bend
+1 (574) 533-7455
and write. I’m focusing better and
Carol Williams
on point now. In reading I can tell
New Albany
+1 (651) 324-9156
I’m focusing better. It’s like I’m

learning Kindergarten through
11th grade in the matter of two Mary Kay Frasier
Des Moines
sessions a day over a week’s time. +1 (515) 270-0280
I now have help to divide being Kansas
Carole Coulter
Rodney Carr, one of Cathy Cook’s many Overland Park/Kansas City
on point and being creative – and I
+1 (913) 831-0388
enthusiastic clients, wanted to submit
know when it’s time to do both!”
his own comment on the results of his By Rodney Carr Rochelle Abner
program. August 3, 2006 Winchester
+1 (859) 513-2662

regular class at school. end results I excitedly anticipated what

Wendy Ware Gilley During his Davis Program Dakota they’d have to say. I just wasn’t prepared for
Baton Rouge learned about the Energy Dial – or, rather, the tremendous enthusiasm in their voices.
+1 (225) 751-8741
he taught me about Dial! He shared with me Heather’s exuberance simply caught me off
Karen LoGiudice something he’d known for a long time. For guard – and frankly brought tears to my
Newbury example on Valentine’s Day, during the class eyes. She proudly began, “Hi, I’m Heather,
+1 (978) 337-7753
party, after eating lots of cookies and candy, I’m dyslexic and, I have ADHD. After
Carolyn Tyler
Fairhaven his Dial would be at 10. He also knew he working with Cathy and the Davis Dyslexia
+1 (508) 994-4577 had at least one more Dial just for facial Program at OnPoint Learning, well I used
Michigan expressions which didn’t change very often. to read at 4th grade, now I read at 9th; and
Nicki Cates
Saint Clair Shores/Detroit
It was usually at a 3 or 4. At the end of his I’m only in the 6th grade!” Heather went
+1 (586) 801-0772 Davis Dyslexia Correction Program week on after her Program to test significantly
Sandra McPhall Dakota went to visit his grandmother. She above grade level on several district-wide
Grandville/Grand Rapids
+1 (616) 534-1345
was not aware that Dakota had attended the assessments in both reading and writing. No
Ann Minkel
Program, but she didn’t have to be told: the longer does she worry about being placed in
Six Lakes/Grand Rapids results spoke for themselves. What the special classes where she felt out of place;
+1 (989) 365-3925 grandmother saw was a happy child! nor does she fret over classmates phoning
Dean Schalow
Oriented, Dakota could go to school and her at home to ask for (special) “Ed.”
+1 (800) 794-3060 (Toll-Free) happily take on daily activities. Oriented These are a sampling of the wonderful
Michele Wellman and on point, Dakota could positively shake things I’ve been privileged to experience on
Alma/Lansing/Grand Rapids
+1 (989) 463-5276
off the cares of the day and replace crying my journey to becoming and being a Davis
with calm, both during school and after. Facilitator. These examples point out a few
Cindy Bauer One final story – about Heather. A few of the changes some of my clients have
Plymouth/Minneapolis of my clients were recording their thoughts experienced. And for me, the rewards are
for OnPoint Learning at a local radio station
+1 (612) 483-3460
personal, as I, too, have learned about my

Humor Corner
Cyndi Deneson
Supervisor-Specialist one day. When the station called with the own “gift” of dyslexia. v
Workshop Presenter
+1 (888) 890-5380 (Toll-Free)
+1 (952) 820-4673
Bernadette Peterson
Maple Grove
+1 (763) 229-4550
Cathy Cook
+1 (573) 819-6010 Wrong answer, or right?
or 886-8917
Patricia Henry
Kansas City
+1 (816) 361 6563
brought the argument to a close.
Ashley Benjamin “They use the dogs,” she said firmly,
Fort Benton
+1 (406) 734-5420
“to find the fire hydrant.”
or (406) 781-4642 v
Kimberly Bezanson
Missoula +1 (406) 541-3076 When my grandson asked me how old
or 499-0220
Elsie Johnson
I was, I teasingly replied, “I’m not
Kalispel +(406) 257-8556 sure.” “Look in your underwear,
Linda Jo Price Grandma,” he advised. “Mine says I’m
Bozeman +1 (406) 586-8218 four to six.”
Robin Zeal
A child’s logic
Whitefish +1 (406) 862-6210 A nursery school teacher was delivering
Nebraska a station wagon full of kids home one A Sunday school class was studying the
Shawn Carlson day when a fire truck zoomed past.
Lincoln +1 (402) 420-1025
Ten Commandments. They were ready
Sitting in the front seat of the fire truck
to discuss the last one. The teacher
Barbara Clark
was a Dalmatian dog. The children asked if anyone could tell her what it
Gardnerville/Carson City started discussing the dog’s duties. was. Susie raised her hand, stood tall,
+1 (775) 265-1188 They use him to keep crowds back,” and quoted, “Thou shall not take the
New Hampshire said one youngster. “No,” said another,
Glenna Giveans
covers off thy neighbor’s wife.”
Lebanon v
“he’s just for good luck.” A third child
+ 1 (603) 863-7877

Newly Licensed Davis Facilitators v United States/

New Hampshire (cont’d)
Congratulations and welcome to our growing Michele Siegmann
+1 (603) 878-6006
International family of Davis Providers! A special welcome
New Jersey
to our first Davis Facilitators in Finland and Poland!
Lynn Chigounis
Elisabeth Helenelund is a special needs Solutions, 7020 S. Yale, Suite 275, Tulsa, OK Montclair
74136, USA (918) 630-5187. +1 (973) 746-5037
teacher in Borga, and is our first Davis
Facilitator in Finland! +35 (840) 079-5497. Nancy Cimprich
Lillian “Lee” Miles has a Bachelors degree in +1 (856) 358-3102
Agnieszka Osinska is a speed-reading and Elementary Education, and a K-12 Library Media Charlotte Foster
effective learning trainer and Poland’s first Davis Endorsement. “I went into education with the idea Bernardsville/Newark
Facilitator! She works with children with dyslexia, of sharing my own love of reading and learning. +1 (908) 766-5399
ADHD and other learning difficulties. MEM As a school librarian I enjoyed working with a New York
Pracownia Rozwoju Zdolnosci Poznawczych, ul variety of age groups, and the sparkle in students’ Lisa Anderson
.Filtrowa 64/15, Warsaw 02-057, Poland. eyes told me when I succeeded in passing on the Seneca Falls
+1 (315)568-3166
+48 (022) 658-2237. excitement of learning! My biggest challenge was or (800) 234-6922
the ever-present group of students in grades 3-6
Raylene Barnhill “Not whose reading abilities lagged far behind their
Ann Hassig
unlike many others, I happened grade and interest levels. Many of these students +1 (315) 287-0531
upon the Davis Program when were bright and capable of learning – they eagerly Hadar Lily Hellman
looking for solutions for my shared with me a wealth of knowledge about their New York City
youngest child’s reading favorite topics – but for some reason reading was
+1 (212) 781-3689 or
+1 (718) 614-8240
difficulty. The unique and a tedious struggle for them. During a meeting of Wendy Ritchie
positive nature of the Davis area librarians in 1995, a seemingly contradictory Hilton/Rochester
approach was initially appealing, title – “The Gift of Dyslexia” caught my eye. I +1 (585) 233-4364
and the results my son obtained from the program read the book, fascinated and excited as so many North Carolina
solidified my desire to pursue this further. My answers fell into place! Now I’m looking forward Gerri W. Cox
training in occupational therapy has allowed me, to seeing that same excitement surface in my clients
DLS Workshop Presenter
a linear thinker, to appreciate the complexities of as they develop an awareness and appreciation of +1 (910) 754-9559
perception. I look forward to being able to help– their special talents.” The Learning Connection, Tina Kirby
one person at a time – explore their gift of dyslexia.” 4404 S. Louise Ave. #8, Sioux Falls, South Sanford/Fayetteville
Imaginative Minds Learning, 1015 Regent Street, Dakota, 57106, USA. (605) 274-2294.
+1 (919) 499-0774
Suite 410, Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 6H5,
Ruth Mills
Canada. +1(506) 458-0494. +1 (704) 541-1733
Wendy Haddon “My
Ashley R. Grice “I first heard about the Davis introduction to the Davis
Jean Moser
Program from my uncle, whose daughter went Programme came at a school +1 (336) 765-6310
through the program. I was so inspired by their meeting where a Davis Ohio
positive testimonies that I decided to become a Facilitator was speaking to Lorraine Charbonneau
Davis Facilitator. I had previously worked in the parents and teachers. I left the
special education field and loved seeing people +1 (513) 850-1895
meeting thinking that this might Sandra Korn
meet their goals and gain confidence. When the just be the answer to the learning difficulties Liberty Township/Cincinnati
time came to explore new options, the Davis experienced by some of the children in my care. +1 (513) 779-9118
Program promised to be an exciting opportunity As a Primary school teacher I had become very Lisa Thatcher
to witness life-changing accomplishments for frustrated by the lack of useful information about
Mount Vernon/Columbus
those struggling with learning difficulties. My +1 (740) 397-7060
dyslexia and how to help those with it. I attended
heart’s desire is seeing people get excited about a Fundamentals of Dyslexia Correction Workshop
Ashley Grice
doing things they never thought possible. I delight presented by Ron Davis to see if the Davis Tulsa +1 (918) 630-5187
in helping others realize they possess gifts and Programme looked as good as it sounded. It did! Rhonda Lacy
talents and that they can use them to make life So here I am, a newly licensed Facilitator. It is
Clinton +1 (580) 323-7323
and learning easier and more enjoyable. Learning wonderful to see the changes that take place
difficulties should not rule a person’s life. They during the programme, and to hear afterwards
Rhonda Erstrom
Vale +1 (541) 881-7817
can be overcome. I offer services that can how well things are going at school and home for Melissa Slominski
dramatically change lives, inspire hope, end my clients. I have also attended a Davis Learning Tigard / Portland
learning frustrations and replace them with Strategies Workshop and would love to see these
+1 (503) 957-2998
confidence and success. People need long-term strategies implemented in all junior classes. What Pennsylvania
positive solutions for overcoming learning a fabulous start this would be for new learners.”
Marcia Maust
challenges; solutions that make a difference in Solutions for Learning, 131A Gordon Road, PO +1 (814) 267-5765
their lives and allow them to use their gifts to Box 198, Mosgiel, New Zealand 9007. Rhode Island
excel. I am confident that the Davis methods are +64 (03) 486-1433. Linda M. Daniels
those solutions and I am excited to provide this Providence
+1 (401) 301-7604
program to all ages.” Creative Mind Learning

Inge Lanneau “In June of Lesa Hall “During my Final

South Dakota
Kim Carson 2006 I completed the Davis Field Assignments, I came to
DLS Workshop Presenter Facilitator Training. As a speech truly understand what Dorothy
Brookings/Sioux Falls therapist I’m used to working Owens meant when she said, “It
+1 (605) 692-1785
with children and adolescents is an honor to share this work
Carina Little
Watertown and I know how they react with you.” With each client, as
+1 (605) 886-8415 towards the current therapies. I sat back and watched the tools
Texas The innovative procedures of the work for them and saw them
Kellie Antrim-Brown “Davis Method” are very rewarding for me and for discover their own triggers, I too felt honored to
Ft. Worth clients. For both facilitator and client, the creativity be a part of this work. It was truly amazing. I am
+1 (877) 230-2622 (Toll Free)
+1 (817) 989-0783 involved and the totally different approach make so in awe of this program and I look forward to
Glyndene Burns dyslexia correction a challenge to GO for!” helping more children and adults discover their
Lubbock +1 (806) 781-4891 Nieuwendorpe 51 Oedelem-Beernem, 8730 Belgium. gifts and talents through the Davis Program.”
Janalee Beals +32 (05) 033-2992. Reading Quest, LLC. 138 Canal Street, Suite 101,
Bedford/Dallas/Ft. Worth Pooler, GA 31322, USA. (912) 330-8577.
+1 (877) 439-7539 (Toll Free) Irma Lammers “I am 44
or +1 (817) 354-2896 years old. My hobbies are:
Success Learning Center playing the piano, giving piano Anne Cupitt “After many
Rhonda Clemons lessons, reading, and raising years working as a Support
DLS Workshop Presenter
Colleen Millslagle our two 14-year-old daughters. Teacher in Queensland schools,
DLS Workshop Presenter In October 2004, I started my I have developed a good under-
Tyler/Dallas Davis training. Now, in March standing of the nature of learning
+1 (866) 531-2446 (Toll Free)
+1 (903) 531-2446 of 2006, I have my own practice. difficulties and I have empathy
Shari Chu
I hope to give up my microbiological analyst job for the frustration that dyslexic
Helotes /San Antonio and help many people with the Davis program.” students experience. My aim is to use students’
+1 (210) 414-0116 +31 (041) 168-5683. positive gifts (intelligence, curiosity, creativity
Lori Johnson and innovation) to remove obstacles to their
Boerne / San Antonio
learning and allow the natural learning process to
Liesbeth Berg-Schagen
+1 (210) 843-8161 “Both my husband and I are
occur more easily. I will be working from my new
Susan Lewis dyslexic. It shouldn’t come as a
Lubbock +1 (806) 771-1385 “study” at home. Study On Point, 20 Wonga
surprise that our son is too. He
Christina Martin Street, Scarness, Hervey Bay, Q4655 Australia.
also shows signs of Dyscalculia.
Keller +1 (817) 741-8539 +61 (074) 128-2470.
When he began to have difficulty
Leslie McLean
Amarillo keeping up in primary school I Anna Stephens “Being
+1 (806) 331-4099 or started searching for ways to help him. This is (largely) a self-corrected dyslexic,
+1 (877) 331-4099 (Toll Free) how I came into contact with the Davis Method. I identified very strongly, from
Amanda Meyer Our son went through the program and it made a the outset, with Ronald Davis’
Burleson/Ft. Worth
+1 (817) 426-4442 huge difference both in his achievement at school methodology. I read The Gift of
Dorothy Owen but also in his general well being. Seeing these Dyslexia while at a career and
Supervisor-Specialist remarkable results for him and the positive feeling life crossroads and decided that
Plano/Dallas this method gave me, I decided to become a the route to take was the one
+1 (972) 447-8327 or
+1 (866) 822-2441 (Toll Free) Davis Facilitator myself. I finished the training in leading to the role of Facilitator. I am looking
Paula Roberts
May 2006. I am looking forward to helping people forward to helping others achieve in months
Tyler overcome difficulties with reading, writing, math those changes that took me years. This work fits
+1 (903) 570-3427 and AD(H)D.” De Letterberg, Poelruitlaan 35, well with my other activities which include
Casey Linwick-Rouzer Vleuten, 3451 PB Netherlands. assessment for recruitment development and life
Sugar Land/Houston +311 (030) 604-9601. coaching.” Halstead Lodge, 247 Swithland Lane,
+1 (832) 724-0492
Rothley, Leicester LE7 7SJ, United Kingdom.
Laura Warren
+44 (0116) 230-3283 or +44 (0797) 693-3743.
Jacqueline van Rijswijck
DLS Workshop Presenter “I am 43 years old. My husband,
+1 (806) 771-7292 son, daughter and I are all picture-
thinkers. My 11-year-old son
Anne Marie Beggs
Donna Kouri has dyslexia. While looking for “Create a life you love.” That
Montpelier/Richmond information to help him, I is a phrase I saw in a gift shop
+1 (804) 883-8867 learned of the Davis Program. I during my training. And that’s
Angela Odom used to work as a laboratory analyst, developing what I want to do with the
DLS Workshop Presenter
vaccines for animals. Now I realize that exploring Davis Method. I feel that the
+1 (804) 833-8858 and analyzing problems in a research mode is a Davis tools equip adults and
Jamie Worley good way to think. Curiosity also seems to be a children alike to create a life they love. On my
Yorktown/Williamsburg helpful tool. I enjoy the puzzle, figuring out what’s Davis journey I have found a life I love and I
+1 (757) 867-1164 behind all those learning and life problems. My hope others have too. Thanks to all who have
Washington challenge is to help people start to enjoy learning, contributed, helped and supported me on my
Jackie Black
Arlington/Everett and gain insight into themselves.” Landweertweg journey.” Mindseye Ireland, Dunkeld, Drumnigh
1-866-218-1614 (Toll-Free) 14, Venray 5802 AJ, Netherlands. Road, Old Portmarnock, County Dublin, Ireland.
+31 (047) 858-7398. +35 (386) 239-1545.

Linda Daniels, a long time but her obviously bright, articulate son
writer and editor, tried to learn continued to struggle. After about a year of v United States/
Washington (cont’d)
everything she could about private tutoring, psycho-educational testing,
dyslexia when her gifted son and research, it was revealed that her son was Aleta Clark
could not learn to read. Finding suffering from dyslexia. Karen sought help from +1 (253) 854-9377
few satisfactory answers in the a Davis Facilitator and watched her son’s self Carol Hern
expected places, she followed esteem soar! His inspirational turnaround and DLS Workshop Presenter
alternative trails. Davis was academic success prompted Karen to pursue Spokane
noteworthy for its success rate Davis Facilitator certification. Leaving a Senior Mary Ethel Kellogg
DLS Workshop Presenter
and elegance. But what most attracted mother and Management position at a leading technology Spokane
son was the Davis philosophy, which respects the company in order to pursue this new endeavor, Rebecca Luera
picture thinker and celebrates his or her gifts. “My Karen has no regrets. “Every client is unique; Fall City/Seattle
every program offers new and exciting challenges. +1 (800) 818-9056 (Toll-Free)
son blossomed after his Davis program,” she says, +1 (425) 222-4163
“and learning to read was only the half of it.” It is an honor to work with extremely gifted and Nancy Sitton
Because Linda provided the follow-up support to creative people every day!” New England Marysville
her son in his public school classroom, she soon Dyslexia Solutions, 30 Green St., Newburyport, +1 (360) 651-1241
recognized that he wasn’t alone in his struggles. MA 01950, USA. (978) 337-7753. Renie Royce Smith
“The more successful my son grew, the harder it v Spokane & Everett
+1-800-371-6028 (Toll-Free)
became to watch other struggling students from +1 (509) 443-1737
the sidelines.” She is grateful to Davis Specialist Ruth Ann Youngberg
Charlotte Foster for urging her to pursue Davis Bellingham
+1 (360) 752-5723
training and for so thoroughly “getting” her son. Davis Training
West Virginia
She also thanks Specialist Dorothy Owen, for Gale Long
providing the best possible model of facilitation Programs Elkview/Charleston
during the training process. Although Linda +1 (888) 517-7830 (Toll Free)
+1 (304) 965-7400
completed all her Davis fieldwork with public
school students, she is looking forward to sharing The Davis Facilitator Training New Hope Learning Centers, Inc.
her knowledge with anyone seeking an effective Darlene Bishop
new approach to learning problems. Open Mind: Margaret Hayes
Program requires approximately
Learning Success for All, 491 Eaton Street,
400 hours of course work.
+1 (888) 890-5380 (Toll Free)
Providence, RI 02908, USA. (401) 274-4773. +1 (262) 255-3900 Anne Mataczynski
The Davis Specialist Training
Karen Hautz “A speech and
Program requires extensive
+1 (715) 551-7144
language therapist by training,
experience providing Davis programs
v Uruguay
my interest in dyslexia was and an additional 260 hours of Marcela Piffaretti
ignited by my interest in finding Montevideo
+598 (02) 604-2691
training. Specialists and Facilitators
solutions that could help my
dyslexic niece. Reading The
are subject to annual re-licensing

Gift of Dyslexia and talking v

based upon case review and
to a number of licensed adherence to the DDAI Standards
Facilitators motivated me to
become a Davis Facilitator myself. Having
of Practice.
This Directory is current
competed the course, I am looking forward to Davis Learning Strategies as of October 1, 2006. It is
working with people of all ages, helping them subject to change. Between
newsletter issues, new
help themselves, and achieve their goals using
Mentors and Workshop
Facilitators are added, and
the Davis tools.” Dyslexia Achievement, 17
Presenters are experienced teachers
occasionally, some become
Fontarabia Road, London, SW11 5PE United and trainers with 2-3 years of inactive. However, the Davis
Kingdom. +44 (207) 228-2947. Providers list at
specialized training and experience
mentoring classroom teachers of is always up to date.
Karen LoGiudice Holding
a degree in Communication
children 5- 9 years of age.

from Suffolk University, Karen For information about training and

has always loved reading and
writing, and has used those
a full directory of Davis providers, go

skills throughout her career.

When her 9-year-old son was
struggling with reading,
or call +1 (650) 692-7141; or

spelling, and writing she

+1-888-805-7216 toll-free in the USA.
desperately wanted to find a solution so that
he, too, could master these fundamental skills. v
School system testing came up inconclusive,

Basic Workshop for

Primary Teachers
“In the forefront of what I liked most was how
Teachers, would you like to…
• Improve the reading skills of all the children in your
easily the Davis strategies fit into many areas of
class regardless of their learning style?
Kindergarten curriculum. It relieved me of a paper-
• Manage your classroom more effectively?
pencil approach and gave me a hands-on, kinesthetic
• Prevent the onset of learning disabilities?
approach. It helped develop the little finger muscles

• Use research-based methods that are flexible and easily

to move on to coordinate paper-pencil activities.

fit into and enhance any existing curriculum?

Creating the alphabet over time also accomplished the
development of ownership, responsibility, and a sense
This two-day workshop provides Primary Teachers (K-3) a pride in all the children. I believe all Kindergarten
with unique and innovative strategies for improving children would benefit from Davis Learning Strategies.”
reading instruction and classroom management, and equips –LB, Kindergarten Teacher, Mission San Jose Elementary
young learners with proven life long skills in “how to learn.” School, Fremont, California
Instruction includes:
• Theory and Reasoning for each Strategy.
• Video demonstrations of each Strategy and classroom
implementation suggestions.
• Supervised experiential practice on each Strategy.
• Q&A and discussion about each Strategy.
Materials include:
• Detailed Manual with suggested year-long guides, black-line
masters, and numerous tips for each implementing each
Strategy in various curriculum activities.
• Videotape or DVD demonstrating each classroom Strategy.
• Teacher Kit: alphabet strip, letter recognition cards, clay, 2006-2007 DATES & LOCATIONS
cutter, dictionary and two Koosh® balls. (Classroom
materials sold separately)
10- 12 November: UK (Ascot/Berkshire)
Instructor: Jane Heywood Language: English
Contact: Richard Whitehead
Tel: +44 (01580) 892 928
24 - 26 November: Switzerland (Basel)
Instructor: Heidi Gander-Belz Language: German
Contact: Gabi Lichtenhahn
Email: Tel: +41 (0)61 273 81 85
29- 31 January: New Zealand (Christchurch)
Instructor: Gail Hallinan Language: English
Contact: DDA-Pacific
Email: Tel: +64 (09) 815-8626
2- 4 February: New Zealand (Christchurch)
Instructor: Gail Hallinan Language: English
Contact: DDA-Pacific
Email: Tel: +64 (09) 815-8626
13 - 15 June Iceland (Kopavogur)
Workshop hours: 9am-4pm with one hour lunch break. Instructor: Sturla Kristjansson & Valla Jonsdottir

Cost: $595 per person (US only)

Contact: Gudbjorg Emilsdottir Language: Icelandic
Email: Tel: +354 554-3452
Academic Units or CEUs (US and Canada only) 7- 9 July: New Zealand (Christchurch)
Two Quarter Units are available through California State
Instructor: Gail Hallinan Language: English

University. Cost is $54 per unit, plus $35 administrative fee.

Contact: DDA-Pacific

A written assignment, which can be completed before and

Email: Tel: +64 (09) 815-8626

during the workshop, is required.

11- 13 July: New Zealand (Christchurch)
Instructor: Gail Hallinan Language: English
Contact: DDA-Pacific
Would you like to bring a DLS Email: Tel: +64 (09) 815-8626
workshop to your school/area?
Call 1-888-805-7216 and ask for Paula McCarthy.
Visit for
additional workshop dates.

Come Learn and

Dyslexia Correction
Fundamentals of Davis Dyslexia Correction®
Workshop based on the best-selling book
The Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. Davis
Background and Development of the Davis Dyslexia Orientation Review Procedure
Correction® Procedures (a method for checking orientation skills)
• Research and discovery. The “gifts” of dyslexia. Anatomy • Demonstration & Practice Session
and developmental stages of a learning disability. Davis Symbol Mastery® (the key to correcting dyslexia)
Overview of the steps for dyslexia correction. • What is Symbol Mastery? Why clay?
Davis Perceptual Ability Assessment Mastering Basic Language Symbols
(a screening for dyslexic learning styles) • Demonstrations and Group Exercises
• Demonstration and Practice Session Reading Improvement Exercises
Symptoms Profile Interview (used to assess symptoms, • Spell-Reading. Sweep-Sweep-Spell. Picture-at-
strengths and weaknesses; set goals; establish motivation) Punctuation
• Demonstration and Practice Session
Davis Orientation Counseling Procedures (methods to Fine-Tuning Procedure (checking and adjusting
control, monitor and turn off perceptual distortions) orientation using balance)
• What is Orientation? Demonstration & Practice Session Symbol Mastery Exercises for Words
Release Procedure (method to alleviate stress, headaches) • Demonstrations
Alignment (an alternative to Orientation Counseling) • Group Exercises
• What is Alignment? How is it used? Group Demonstration • Practice Sessions
Dial-Setting Procedure (a method for controlling energy Implementing the Davis Procedures
To register for US workshops call 1-888-805-7216 (toll-free)


11- 14 Nov. 2006: Christchurch 29 Jan. - 1 Feb. 2007
Presenter: Lorna Timms San Francisco, California
Email: Presenter: Cyndi Deneson
Tel: +64 (09) 815-8626 Email:
Tel: 1-888-805-7216 toll-free
1- 4 Mar. 2007: Christchurch
Presenter: Lorna Timms 19 - 22 Mar. 2007
Email: Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas
Tel: +64 (09) 815-8626 Presenter: Gerry Grant
SWITZERLAND Tel: 1-888-805-7216 or +1 (817) 919-6200
9-12 Nov. 2006: Basel
Presenter: Bonny Beuret 15 - 18 May 2007
Email: Washington, D.C.
Language: German Presenter: Gerry Grant
Tel: +41 (061) 273 81 85
Tel: 1-888-805-7216 or +1 (817) 919-6200
9 -12 Jul. 2007
• 6-9 Nov. 2006 San Francisco, California
• 5 - 8 May 2007 Presenter: Gerry Grant
Addington, Nr. Maidstone Kent Tel: 1-888-805-7216 toll-free
Presenter: Richard Whitehead
Email: All workshops conducted in
Tel: +44 (01580) 892 928 English unless noted otherwise.

For updated workshop schedules visit:

Dys•lex´•ic Read´•er

1601 Old Bayshore Highway, Suite 245


Burlingame, CA 94010

Fundamentals of Davis Dyslexia Correction Workshop

Based on the best-selling book
The Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald D. Davis 2006-2007 International Schedule
This 4-day workshop is an introduction to the basic theories, 6- 9 Nov. 2006 Addington, Kent UK
principles and application of all the procedures described in 9-12 Nov. 2006 Basel Switzerland
The Gift of Dyslexia. Training is done with a combination of 11-14 Nov. 2006 Christchurch New Zealand
lectures, demonstrations, group practice, and question and 29 Jan.-1 Feb. 2007 San Francisco, Calif. USA
answer sessions. Attendance is limited to ensure the highest 1-4 Mar. 2007 Christchurch New Zealand
quality of training. 19 - 22 Mar. 2007 Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas USA
Who should attend: 5 - 8 May 2007 Addington, Kent UK
Everyone involved in helping dyslexic individuals over the 15 - 18 May 2007 Washington, D.C. USA
age of eight. 9 - 12 Jul. 2007 San Francisco, Calif. USA

Participants will learn: U.S. Course Schedule

• How the Davis procedures were developed. • 8:30 - 9:00 Registration (first day)
• How to assess for the “gift of dyslexia.” • 9:00 - 5:00 Daily (lunch break 12:00-1:30)
• How to help dyslexics eliminate mistakes and focus attention. U.S. Fees and Discounts
• The Davis Symbol Mastery tools for mastering reading. • $1175 per person
• How to incorporate and use proven methods for improving • $1125 for DDAI members or groups of two or more
reading, spelling, and motor coordination into a teaching, • $1075 if paid in full 60 days in advance
home school, tutoring, or therapeutic setting. • Advance registration and $200 deposit required
• Includes manual, one-year DDAI membership,
verification of attendance, and Symbol Mastery Kit
See page 27 for more workshop details.
• Academic units and CEUs available

For a detailed brochure on enrollment, prices, group rates, discounts, location, and further information, contact the DDA in your country.
DDA-Pacific DDA-Deutschland DDA- México DDA-UK
PO BOX 46023 Wandsbecker Chausee 132 Río Volga #308 ote Slaney Place
Herne Bay D-22089 Hamburg Colonia del Valle Headcorn Road
Auckland, New Zealand GERMANY 66220 Garza Garcia N.L Staplehurst, Kent TN12 0DJ.
Phone: +64 (09) 815-8626 MEXICO Tel: +44 (01580) 892 928
Fax: +64 (09) 815-8627 Tel: 49 (040) 25 17 86 22 Tel/Fax: 52 (81) 8335-9435 Fax: +44 (0)1580 893 429
E-mail: Fax: 49 (040) 25 17 86 24 or 52 (81) 8356-8389 E-mail:
E-mail: E-mail:
DDA-CH DDAI-Int’l, Canada & USA
Freie Strasse 81 DDA-Israel DDA-Nederland 1601 Bayshore Highway, Ste 245
CH 4001 Basel 20 Ha’shahafim St. Kerkweg 38a Burlingame, CA 94010
SWITZERLAND Ra’anana 43724 ISRAEL 6105 CG Maria Hoop, NEDERLAND Tel: 1-888-805-7216
Tel: 41 (061) 273 81 85 Tel: 972 (0523) 693 384 Tel: 31 (0475) 302 203 Fax: 1 (650) 692-7075
Fax: 41 (061) 272 42 41 or (0)9 774 7979 Fax: 31 (0475) 301 381 E-mail:
E-mail: Fax: 972 (09) 772-9889 E-mail:
Enrollment limited ❖ Classes fill Early ❖ Call 1-888-805-7216 or 650-692-7141
For updated workshop schedules visit
For a full description of the Davis Facilitator Certification Program, ask forContinued on page 22
our booklet.

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