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John Mauritz Hummasti

Secretary General

The Tzionist Liberation Organization

‫הארגון לשחרור הציוני‬

Contact Information:

In Memoriam

Ya'acov Menachem Hummasti

Table of Contents Page

Palestinian National Council ........................................................................................ 3

Comprehensive Statute on Terrorism…………………………................................... 3

Withdrawal of IDF Troops…………………………………….................................... 6

UN International Claims Court……………………………….................................... 6

Final Status……………………………………………………….............................. 7

Statehood of Palestine…………………………………………................................. 7

Regional Economic Development Plan ..................................................................... 7-8

Har Habayit--Al Axsa Peace and Reconciliation Summit ......................................... 8

Cities of Refuge………………………………………………….............................. 8

Jerusalem / Al Qud's Material Claims Conference ................................................... 9

Collective Naturalization by Annexation .................................................................. 9

Annex A:

UN International Claims Court

Procedural Handbook…………………………………........................................... 9-14

Annex B:

UN Passports and ID Cards…………………………………….............................. 14-15

Annex C:

International Peace Dollar ……………………………………................................. 15

UN Identification Document ..................................................................................... 17

Anthem Commonwealth of Antarctica ...................................................................... 17


John Mauritz Hummasti
Secretary General
The Tzionist Liberation Organization
‫הארגון לשחרור הציוני‬

It is the opinion of the Secretary General for The Tzionist Liberation Organization, John
Mauritz Hummasti ("Yochanan Ezra ben Avraham") that, in order to establish and maintain peace and
security in the Middle East, to establish the Union of Middle Eastern States, and create economic
stability; the Secretary recommends that essential Steps Towards Peace be taken by the Palestinian
Administration, the State of Israel and the United Nations Security Council as follows:
A. Palestinian National Council

The Peoples of the Sovereignty of [eastern and western] Palestine must prohibit any person,
group or entity from a) recruiting any person(s) to join a terrorist organization, or from b) inciting any
terrorist act, or c) committing any terrorist activity.

The Palestinian Administration in concert and participation with the State of Israel, and the UN
Security Council must prohibit such recruitment, incitement, membership or terrorist actions by
Resolution and Legislative decree or statute, entitled, codified and enforced through the
Comprehensive Statute on Terrorism and the herein below proposed UN International (Regional)
"Al Quds " Claims Court substantially as follows:

Comprehensive Statute on Terrorism

"Unlawful Terrorist Acts and Organizations"
To Prevent Terrorism and Provide a Comprehensive Definition of
International or Domestic Terrorism.


a) It shall be unlawful for any person, group or organization whether within or outside the
sovereign territory of the State of [Eastern and Western] Palestine as defined by the Faisal-Weizman
Agreement (the Hashemite Agreement) to commit any terrorist act, or to incite or recruit any person to
commit terrorism.

b) For the purposes of this Act, terrorism, (whether domestic or international), a terrorist act,

incitement or recruitment to commit terrorism shall constitute a secession of territorial sovereignty.

Any act of terrorism constitutes grounds for estoppel on a sovereign's claim of the penalty of territorial
secession (loss of territory of whatever degree).

Terrorism, or to belong to a terrorist group or organization, shall include, but not be

limited to, "any words, acts, deeds, or omissions, reasonably calculated to, or intended
to effect a change in the political policies, laws, or religious creed or ideology (or effects
thereof), of any state, kingdom, political entity, body politic, religious organization or
body, the intent of which is to unlawfully (without electoral process or democratic vote)
change the geographic or demographic boundaries (or political consensus), environment,
status, or structure of a political group or the socio-economic standing of any person or
group of persons by the use of force, violence or intimidation, through knowingly and
voluntarily targeting any civilian population, so as to cause them to suffer from
indiscriminate terror, violence or threats thereof.

c) For the purposes of this Act, force, violence, (or threats thereof), shall include but not be
limited to any words, actions, deeds, or omissions (failure thereof to prevent any terrorist act),
whether used in a religious, political or socio-economic context or otherwise, said overt acts
(or conspiracy), speech, publication, having the intent or design to incite or recruit any person
to commit terrorism so as to bring media, or other private or public attention to any cause, or
to attract any audience to any cause, whether it is religious, political, environmental, or socio-
economic, in the furtherance of political will or self-determinism, national solidarity, or self

d) The penalty for any act of terrorism shall be territorial secession, death, exile,
banishment or life imprisonment, as the judgment of the International Claims Court (or
the UN Security Council) may decree.

3) a) "Resistance to Occupation" shall be limited to uniformed lawful troops, as is defined by

the Geneva Convention, openly targeting active military personnel, or strategic military
vehicles, machinery, or locations, but shall not include medical personnel, facilities, or vehicles.

b) Resistance to Occupation shall not include indiscriminate violence, directed at, or

intimidation of any populace, whether such populace is composed, in whole or part, of reserve
status personnel not in active duty nor in a combat or hostile status, or activity related directly

c) Any "civilian off duty, non-uniformed military persons shall not be construed
as occupying forces or subject to any act of terrorism (as previously debated), whether on
reserve status or in-active reserve status duty.

4) "State Sponsored Terrorism" shall be limited to, or may include:

a) Any person action under the color of any law or authority of any government directing,
ordering, advising, or inciting any person, whether military personnel or otherwise, having
an official capacity, status, or sanction, to inflict physical, psychological or other harm, injury,
or pain or suffering on, or to intimidate, harass, maim, torture or extract confession

on or from any person whether civilian or military personnel not actively

engaged in combat, or any combat operation or military hostilities, or
carrying arms, munitions, or other devices openly for the purposes of any
combat a) operation, b) stratagem, c) planning phase, or, d) technical
scheme directly related thereto.

b) Directing, ordering, advising, or inciting any person, whether military or

otherwise, to destroy any home, building, structure, or facility, not housing
or quartering military personnel, or not directly used for military purposes.

As used herein, "any home, building, or other structure" shall not include a
terrorist base, camp, or strategic area used for planning, assembly, or
engaging in (other) terrorist activity.

c) As used herein, a terrorist, terrorist act, group or cell, shall be defined as

and include any person knowingly and willfully engaged in a conspiracy,
whether acting alone or with another with the intent, design, or calculated
effect or risk of violating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and
the spirit of the United Nations Charter.

d) For the purposes of this Act, it shall be unlawful for any person, group,
or government to sanction retaliation, or target for assassination any
person or group of persons, not having military status or not having been
given the status of "hosti humani generis" by judicial decree or a public
warrant of death for any terrorist act, by an International Claims Court.

e) For the purposes of this Act, targeted military assassinations, or

retaliatory military actions shall only be authorized by the UN Security
Council upon the advisement of any International Claims Court.

5) Domestic Terrorism and Related Offenses:

a) For the purposes of this Act, Domestic terrorism shall include cultural
honor killings, the intent of which is to control by force, or violence, or by
intimidation, any family, village or other social unit, "in the name of
family (or clan or tribal) honor whenever any mixed (religious, cultural or
cross cultural) marriage occurs.

b) Domestic terrorism shall include, but not be limited to, any form of
harassment, intimidation, coercion, or other undue force, the effect or
intent of which is to control or to manipulate the electoral process.

c) As used herein, malfeasance of office shall constitute a lesser form of

Domestic Terrorism whenever such act or omission is reasonably
calculated, intended, or designed to control, manipulate, or unduly
influence any public official, body, or other office or position of trust
through corruption, bribery, fraud or breach of trust or fiduciary duty, so as

to prevent a lawful change in any publicly elected or appointed position of

trust or public office. Malfeasance of office may be brought by a qui tam relator
or by a sovereign party as the cause of action may so arise.
d) Domestic terrorism shall include any use of force, violence, threats
thereof, or any form of intimidation reasonably calculated, intended, or
designed to prevent any person from making any speech, publication,
writing, or other (form) of communication critical of any government, or
government official, or policy thereof.

Withdrawal of IDF Troops:

Based on the principals of "pichuach nefesh ," the State of Israel should withdraw Israeli
Defense Force Troops (IDF Troops) from the non-Jewish settlements within the disputed West Bank
Territories of Judea and Samaria 1, following the completion of the Israeli Security Zone2.

In exchange for withdrawal of IDF Troops, 3 the UN Security Council should authorize deploy-
ment of a Multi-National Peace-Keeping Force to the West Bank under the authority4 of THE HURST
NATION; and such Peace-Keeping Force shall contain a contingent of IDF Troops as UN Monitors, to
aid and assist in maintaining security.

Such Peace-Keeping Force shall maintain a UN Security Zone,5 have the power of arrest and
escort, shall monitor freedom of movement, elections, peaceful assembly, and freedom of the press.

In relation to the aforesaid security zone, any terrorist act(s) shall constitute a cession of
territory proportional to such act(s); and the Palestinian Administration, the PNC and the State of
Israel should enact legislation to that effect.

C. UN International Claims Court:

In the spirit of the UN Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Seven
Universal Noachide Laws, the UN should establish a UN International (Middle East Regional) Claims
Court in East Jerusalem (entitled the Al Quds Claims Court ), and a UN Regional Penal

The jurisdictional claims brought before the Court shall not be limited to causes of action
arising under Israeli sovereignty, but shall extend to cases or controversies of whatever kind (cause)
arising in the Middle East Region.

All claimants should follow the procedures, rules, and form set forth in the handbook
annexed hereto.
1 Except East Jerusalem, which has a different status. 2 Security Wall or Separation Barrier. 3
Conditional or Contingent. 4 Flag. 5 For the purposes of enforcing the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights; and the Comprehensive Statute on Terrorism.

In cases (only involving a question of law), of a question of law involving any party claiming
refugee status, the parties need not appear personally before the Court but may appear by Counsel or by
Special Representation (by personal representative, or by UN Legal Representative).
In cases of Human Rights or Habeas6 Corpus Petitions, each party shall appear personally and
stand equal before the Court without respect to sex, race, religion, national origins, political affiliation,
nor refugee or asylum status.

In cases or questions involving real property (real estate), territorial sovereignty or autonomous
religious sovereignty (marriage, divorce or inheritance, etc.), a party may appear in person, by counsel,
or special representation only by leave of the Court, either by issuance of a summons, or subpoena
issued by the Clerk of the Court under its Seal.
D. Final Status:

The final status of East Jerusalem shall be determined in Due Course upon showing by the
Administration of Palestine, the State of Israel, and the Peoples of the Middle East region that all
persons therein have security of persons, property, and liberty within the Union of Middle Eastern
States by and through the establishment of a UN Regional Human Rights / Terrorism Court in East
Jerusalem under the principals of Due Process of Law as set forth in the UN "al Quds" Claims Court
proposal herein below and in the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (democratic
freedom) within (historical or Biblical) Palestine as contemplated by the Hashemite Agreement!
E. Statehood of Palestine:

Upon showing of mutual trust, recognition and support by the parties set forth herein, and while
maintaining peaceful autonomous religious or political sovereignty in the disputed territories, the
Sovereignty of the [eastern] State of Palestine should be given de facto recognition (statehood with
diplomatic relations) by the Secretary General of The Tzionist Liberation Organization under a UN
sponsored regional arrangement as made and provided for in the United Nations Charter, Chapter
VIII, Article 52, and Chapter XII, Articles 75 and 76, et. seq., following the event described herein
below as the Har Habayit—Al Axsa Peace Summit for the establishment of the Union of
Middle Eastern States in political alliance with the State of Israel and member states of the United

Relevant thereto, the UN should promote a Regional Economic Plan for the manufacturing of
“fuel cell” (hydrogen) automobiles, buses and other forms of locomotion and for stationary fuel cell
generators to provide power grids for villages and suburban housing units.
<> <>

In developing such Regional Economic Plan, the Union of Middle Eastern States shall offer a
fossil fuel automobile exchange program in each state or kingdom to provide incentive for the
modification of such fossil fuel automobiles into fuel cell automobiles, buses and other forms of
locomotion but such exchange program and Regional Economic Plan should include other forms of
electric automobiles such as the lithium ion battery powered forms of transportation developed by
Balqon Corporation. <> 7

Such a regional plan should consider developing a Middle Eastern renewable energy
transportation infrastructure utilizing wind turbines, solar and hydrogen (water) power to generate
electricity for such Middle Eastern (regional) transportation infrastructure.
In developing and promoting such an electric automobile plan, the Union of Middle East States
should consider importing and exporting to or from the Ports of Haifa, Eilat, Aqaba and Gaza and the
feasibility of modifying and/or manufacturing in Amman, Jordan of existing automobiles and future
designs thereof.
Har Habayit—Al Axsa Peace Summit

In taking affirmative steps towards peace (e.g. the dismantling of terrorist infrastructures,
limited withdrawal of IDF troops from disputed territories) as essential Steps Towards Peace, or
previously agreed upon Middle East Peace Process arrangements (e.g. the Faisal-Weizzman
Agreement), the States assenting hereto will endeavor to hold a UN sponsored truth and
reconciliation Peace Process Summit entitled the Har Habayit—Al Axsa Peace Summit to
establish the aforesaid UN Regional Human Rights / Terrorism Court and to establish a Union of
Middle Eastern States for the
furtherance of the principals set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United
Nations Charter.

The UN sponsored truth and reconciliation Peace Process Summit entitled the Har
Habayit—Al Axsa Peace Summit should endevour in the spirit of the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights Article 27 (Protection of Participation in the Cultural Life, Arts and Sciences) and
the Article 21 of the Anglo-American Treaty of 1924 (Law for the Protection of Antiquities) to have
the Megillat HaNechoshet (The Copper Scroll) <
hanechoshet/> discovered at the Qumran Antiquities Site (Yam HaMelek - The Dead Sea) released
from the custody and control of the Jordan Museum Amman in the Kingdom of Jordan [eastern
Palestine] and returned to the People of Israel for scholarly and layman assessment, analysis or research
and disposition by and through the Israeli Antiquities Authority.

Such truth and reconciliation Peace Process Summit should in the spirit of Article 27 of
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights sponsor a Chag Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) at the Har
Habayit—Al Axsa Peace Summit on the Har Habayit—Al Axsa on the Temple Mount
(Haram Al-Sharif) at EL KUS (The Cup) that Truth and Reconciliation be made between the
Jewish and Muslim Communities.
F. Cities of Refuge:
The UN Security Council should effect or cause to be effected a change in the status of the six
(6) Biblical Cities of Refuge, so as to offer security of persons ("refuge") to any person seeking or
presenting a claim of displacement, refugee or asylum status.

The United Nations should establish a UN Regional Penal Commission for the purpose of
determining prisoner rights causes of action related to any claims arising because of a question of a
Human Rights Abuse, Denial of Free Exercise of Religion, Amnesty, Asylum, Commutation, Pardon or
Reprieve where such prisoner claims a right or privilege related thereto.

The Secretary General of The Tzionist Liberation Organization , John Mauritz Hummasti
may in good faith issue a temporary UN passport under the Seal of THE Hurst NATION to any person
that is found to be a refugee, or a displaced person by the UN International Claims Court (UN Regional
East Jerusalem (Al Qud's) Claims Court).

The Secretary General of The Tzionist Liberation Organization , John Mauritz Hummasti
may issue a [temporary] UN passport or Identity Document to any person by or upon recommendation
of the UN Regional Penal Commission in cases of Escort Enforcement proceedings, Amnesty, Asylum,
Commutation, Pardon or Reprieve. 6

The Penal Commission should be commissioned to investigate Human Rights claims by

prisoners, and make findings and recommendations relevant thereto or with respect to any Prisoner
Amnesty, Asylum, Commutation, Pardon, Reprieve or Refugee claims or cases.

The seal of the Hurst Nation shall be substantially similar to the design set forth hereon above.
6 Human Rights or Habeas Corpus Petitioners should be issued a UN Passport or temporary ID card
described in Annex B.
Jerusalem / Al Qud's Material Claims Conference

In taking affirmative steps towards peace (e.g. the dismantling of terrorist infrastructures,
limited withdrawal of IDF troops from disputed territories) as set forth above and as may be required
by Anglo-American Treaty of 1924 or the Faisal-Weizzman Agreement; the Quartet should endeavor
to hold a Jerusalem / Al Qud's Material Claims Conference against the Arab League states for
the promulgation of the 1947 "Draft Law" of the Political Committee of the Arab League (documented
by Justice for Jews from Arab Countries JJAC ) and for the Arab League states refusal to patriate
(naturalize) Palestinian Refugees, placing the Arabs of Palestinian extraction in camps and in perpetual
refugee UNRWA status, stripping them of their acquired nationalities (e.g. stripping of Jordanian
Palestinians of their Jordanian citizenship, and the unlawful trial of Mudar Zahran in absentia for
freedom of expression and freedom of the press)!

The aforesaid Jerusalem / Al Qud's Material Claims Conference against the Arab
League should be patterned after the 1952 Luxembourg Reparations Agreement and the Canadian
Treaty Lands Entitlement Agreements and should implement Articles 8 and 24 of the Israeli-Egyptian
and Israeli-Jordanian Peace Treaties for the purposes of establishing a Claims Commission for the
settlement of all financial claims involving Middle East Refugees of Palestinian extraction.

The aforesaid Jerusalem / Al Qud's Material Claims Conference against the Arab
League should offer a real estate registry exchange data base for the registry of real property claims by
any person of Palestinian extraction, weather of Jewish, Christian or of Muslim identity.

Collective Naturalization by Annexation

Because all Arabs of Palestinian extraction were Collectively Naturalized by Annexation

and possess Jordanian Citizenship, the UNSC should issue a binding Resolution compelling the

Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (eastern Palestine) to incorporate UNRWA funding into it's national
budget and should dismantle UNRWA while merging it's functions and mandate for the Jordanian


Procedural Handbook

For Processing Regional Claims in the Middle East

Annex A

Prepared by
John Mauritz Hummasti
The Secretary General
The Tzionist Liberation Organization
‫הארגון לשחרור הציוני‬


Table of Contents Page

1) One Form of Action ………………………………………………....................... 10

Form of Petition ……………………………………………..................................... 11

2) Summons …………………………………………………………........................ 12

3) Filing of Documents………………………………………………........................ 12

Filing and Fee ……………………………………………......................................... 12

Waiver of Fee …………………………………………….......................................... 12-13

4) Rules of the Court ………………………………………………............................ 13

5) Sovereign Immunity ………………………………………………........................ 13

Eminent Domain …………………………………………......................................... 13

6) Terrorism Claims …………………………………………………........................ 14

7) Types of Claims ………………………………………………….......................... 14

Annexes B and C…………………………………………………………................. 14-16

Claims Petition:

1) There shall be one form of action for processing claims, which shall be called a “Claims
Petition.” The types of claims are set forth below, at page 14.

a) A claims petition shall substantially follow the form set forth below, but in no case shall a
cause be dismissed for failure to follow the form set out herein.

b) A claims petition shall be presented to the Court in writing in any of the three (3) languages,
English, Hebrew, and Arabic, but must use the modern English dating format of the Western calendar.

c) 1) A claims petition shall be clearly written, summarizing the cause of action, venue, parties,
injury and the relief demanded or the claimed remedy a party desires the Court to take (e.g. award of
damages, restitution, specific performance, injunctive relief).

2) The Answer shall responsively plead respectively, with specific denial, defensive reply,
counter-claim, or claim of mistaken belief (in the case of religious belief or theology, relevant to
autonomous religious functions, marriage, divorce, burial, etc.).

3) In no case shall a Responsive pleading make an Avoidance pleading but shall either

affirmatively admit or deny each claim, cause or averment.

2) A claims petition shall follow the form set forth herein as follows:




(NAME : _______________________) )
VS. ) CLAIM NO. _____________________
(NAME : _______________________) )
___________________________________ )

Type of Claim

This is a claim for_______________________ (State briefly the type of Petition, and the Place
where the cause or claim originally occurred (in what venue, e.g. Jordan, Lebanon.)

(State the Parties to the Case, their capacity, such as whether they are a private person, or were
acting in their official capacity or under the color of or under apparent authority of a sovereignty.)

(State the Claim(s), approximate date of discovery, the real parties of, to, or in interest to the
case, and if applicable, the emergency nature of the Petition (use specific details, references or other
essential information to describe the emergency nature of the petition), and where the act or the
omission, etc. occurred.)
Authority For Relief
(State why the Petitioner believes he or she is entitled to the requested relief. For example, cite
the UN Resolution, Human Rights Article, Convention, Treaty or National Law, Statute, Regulation or
Custom which gives precedent or authority for granting relief.)

Relief or Remedy
(State the Relief or Remedy the Petitioner or Petitioner's Representative is asking the Court to Award,
Order, or Require of the Respondent.)
___________________________ ______________________________
Date Signature

There shall be a Summons issued and a written Answer to the Petition.
a) The summons shall require the Respondent to file an answer to Petition within a reasonable
time after service and receipt of the Petition upon Respondent.

b) In the case of service upon an official or government party (Respondent), the Respondent
shall, upon good cause shown, be given additional time within which to appear and file an answer to
the Petition.

c) Where there is a case of Human Rights Claims (e.g. physical or mental abuse, torture of
prisoners, or any other type of violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights involving a
prisoner), or a want of custody (Habeas Claims), additional time for filing a response and producing the
petitioner for appearance shall not be given unless exceptional circumstances warrant the same (e.g.
distance from the Court, risk of serious bodily injury or exacerbation of sickness, jeopardy of death, or
the like).

In such circumstances, a showing of good cause may be made out in the first instance upon
filing with the Clerk of the Court an affidavit or declaration sworn under the penalty of perjury
detailing such excuse; but in no case shall the filing of the same be cause for extending additional time
unless such affidavit or declaration is made and filed with supporting documentation (e.g. medical or
psychological opinion).

Filing of Documents and Pleadings:
a) In no case shall the Clerk of the Court refuse filing of a Petition or Response, on account of
form nor shall the Clerk refuse issuing a Summons or Subpoena related to any Prisoner cause of action.

b) The Clerk of the Court may accept for filing any paper or pleading by electronic means
where necessary for the expediency of the cause of action where good cause is shown by any party.

c) The Clerk or the Court may accept a fee for filing of a cause of action, or other document, not
to exceed fifty (50) US Dollars, or its equivalent in Antarctic Currency or Peace Dollars.

d) In no case should the Clerk or the Court refuse filing any Petition, Paper or other pleading for
failure of a party to pay a filing fee.

Where there is a lack of payment of the filing fee, a party may file with the Clerk or Court an
affidavit or declaration of indigence which shall be verified or substantiated by the Clerk or any officer
of the Court upon sufficient proof thereof as to the indigence of such party.

The substantiating or verifying of a claim of indigence by the Clerk or Court shall temporarily
stay docketing the cause, except in cases of Human Rights Violations (2)(c) above, or fugitive from
justice7 causes of action (where, for example, a reward for arrest is offered by any sovereignty) where

7 In cases where a sovereignty or other person claims a right of action by, for example, Letters Marque and Reprisal
against a terrorist, and a hosti humani generis decree is sought. 13

the claimant is a qui-tam informant.

e) In cases of refugee or asylum status, upon the satisfactory showing of indigence status, the
Clerk or the Court may waive the filing fee and the case shall be docketed and proceed in ordinary due
Rules of the Court:

The Rules of the Court shall follow ordinary accepted procedures for the admission of evidence,
sufficient proofs thereof, and the admission of all testimony shall be heard in open Court, except where
necessary to preserve security of persons or property; or in cases of fugitive from justice or hosti
humani generis where necessary to effect the issuing of a warrant or for the arrest, detention and
trial of any such person.

The application of the Rules of the Court shall be uniform and equal with respect to every
person appearing before it.

No party shall be afforded or given preferential treatment with respect to the application of the
Rules of the Court, or to the procedures applicable thereto; but in all cases of terrorism, hosti humani
generis and fugitives from justice, such cases take precedent in all matters of procedural process of first
Immunities and Other Claims:

a) With regards to refugee and asylum cases, or petitions (including Abu Gharib and
Guantanamo Bay Prisoners, or the like), no state or sovereignty shall possess immunity from suit,
privilege from service of process, or other judicial shield excusing official conduct, but in all cases
shall each sovereignty appear and defend as if such sovereign were an ordinary person accountable
before the law.

b) With regards to monetary claims, involving terrorism, no state or sovereignty shall be

immune from suit but all parties shall appear and defend equally before the law.

c) With regards to claims of restitution, compensation, award or cession of territory, the law of
eminent domain shall apply but in no case shall a person, individual or any sovereignty encumber any
property so as to reduce the value of such property at the time of taking.

In each case or claim of "just compensation" shall the parties appear and defend, answer or
reply as if it were a corporate person in its original status or standing irrespective of political affiliation
or sovereign allegiance.

d) In cases arising in antiquity, ancestral entitlement, estate, tenancy, or lease-hold, the law of
eminent domain and just compensation shall control unless good cause is shown otherwise.


Terrorism and Other Cases:

Hosti humani generis, fugitive from justice and state sponsored terrorism claims shall be subject
to the law of clear and convincing evidence where a Clear and Present Danger to the public safety or
security of any state or sovereignty may be determined by the UN Security Council, but no party shall
be found guilty of terrorism, in absentia, except upon a showing in open Court by judicial trial under
the standard of evidence of reasonable doubt with opportunity to appear and defend or answer in
Types of Claims:

The types of claims or petitions that may be received for filing by the Clerk or the
Court are as follows:

a) Human Rights claims, including Refugee and Asylum cases or including qui-tam informant
causes of action arising out of a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, any
International Treaty, Convention or Statute, Law, or Regulation done by any person, or done under the
color of any law, rule, regulation, custom, usage or unlawful practice.

b) Land, Real Estate, or Territorial Sovereignty claims.

c) Terrorism claims including qui-tam informant causes of action.

d) Habeas Corpus claims.

e) Mandamus claims.

f) Civil Rights and Elective Franchise cases.

g) Amnesty, Commutation, Pardon and Reprieve claims.


A regular UN Passport or an Identity Document issued in lieu of a UN Passport issued under the
authority of the Secretary General of The Tzionist Liberation Organization , John Mauritz
Hummasti for THE Hurst NATION shall bear on its "Polar Blue" cover a "snow-flake." A diplomatic
passport shall be an off color of Polar Blue and shall be clearly marked, internally, as a diplomatic

The passport shall bear internally, the original signature of the bearer, together with the
signature of the Secretary General of The Tzionist Liberation Organization , John Mauritz
Hummasti for THE Hurst NATION.

It shall describe in general terms the status of the holder-in-due-course, (e.g. refugee, alien-in-
transit, displaced person, internationally protected person, diplomat, peace-keeping armed forces
member, habeas prisoner); shall give the personal background of the individual, a security (passport or

identification) number and have laminated internally within it a recent photo bearing a likeness or
recent resemblance of the bearer.

Internally it shall have rainbow style color printing, bear the Seven Universal Laws of Noah, the
International Anthem, "Our Commonwealth (of Antarctica)," and a copy of the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights as well as multi-colored entry and exit pages for visa stamps.

A UN Identity Card issued under the authority of the Secretary General of The Tzionist
Liberation Organization , John Mauritz Hummasti of THE Hurst NATION shall substantially
resemble the pages of identity described in paragraphs 2 and 3, above, and may for security purposes,
bear a holographic three dimensional image of a "white dove" in kind as the American Eagle found
internally in the American Passport.

The dove shall be an embossed (raised seal) and embedded in its laminating seal and shall
be flying into the colors of a rainbow.

A UN Peace-dollar or Antarctic Currency issued in lieu thereof shall, for the purposes of this
proposal, be printed in one (1), five (5), ten (10), twenty (20) and fifty (50) dollar denominations;
which shall in all respects reflect the likeness of prominent persons involved peacefully, in the Middle
East Peace Process; and shall bear on the reverse side of each denomination a prominent holy place or
other significant place in the Middle East.

As an example of a UN Peace Dollar, a one dollar denomination may have on its face a likeness
of Anwar Sadat with Yitzaq Rabin facing him, and on the reverse a dove flying into a rainbow over the
Jordan River depicting historical Eastern and Western Palestine as demographically defined by the
Faisal Weizman Agreement, the Anglo-American Treaty of 1924 and the San Remo Resolution.

For other regions, e.g. India, Gandhi would be a prominent person and the Ganges River a holy
site. Other persons might be a Nobel prize winner, groups of children, students, or non-violent political

Funds deposited with the Clerk of the Court for processing a UN Claims Court petition shall be
used for administrative purposes in effecting the processing of a a UN Claims Court petition but in
special circumstances may be used for just compensation to any attending witness (witness fee) or may
be used to effect the securing of transportation for any witness who may be indigent and in need of per
diem travel expenses to attend any proceeding before the Claims Court. All such indigency claims shall
be processed without undue delay by the Clerk or the Clerk's designee and shall be verified upon
showing of such status with properly authenticated documentation from any UN Agency or any Non
Governmental Organization duly registered with the Secretary General of The Tzionist Liberation
Organization , John Mauritz Hummasti for THE Hurst NATION.

In cases of qui tam informant rewards, a claimant may be paid out of any fund authorized by
the Claims Court for making payment to provide incentive to resolve any human rights or terrorism
case. Rewards of this type may be paid to such a claimant provided that any sovereigty or the
Commonwealth of Antarctica which has offered such reward pay a claimant without unreasonable
delay in prosecuting a cause of action. Funds deposited with the Clerk of the Court may be used for qui
tam informant rewards or for victims compensation upon a judicial decree of the UN Claims Court.
The Commonwealth of Antarctica Anthem

From the flooding waters of Noah,

Our Fathers went forth to the Ends of the Earth.
Proclaiming the Eternal Covenant,
They sought Justice for All.
The Creatures went forth a Multiplied,
While those of the seas Teemed during the Great Divide.
Law and Science, Equality and Diversity is Our Eternal Creed,
Let these be protected by Our Commonwealth
And Justice, Truth and Liberty Reign now Freed.


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