Flying Saucers Reported Over Spain and North Africa, 1952

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cus: ooo: CENIRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENC REPOn1 NO. O0-¥-23602 & : INFORMATION FROM 7 FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. ial SOUNTRY Belgian Congo DATE OF : INFORMATION 952 SUBJECT Military; Scientific - Air tow pate Dist. / pug 1952 ‘UBLISHED ° Datly nevspaper a VHERE ‘UBLISHED Viensa NO. OF PAGES 2 DATE "UBLISHED 29 Mar 1952 SUPPLEMENT TO ANGUAGE ” -+ REPORT NO. THIS 1S UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Fritz Sitte Recently, tvo fiery disks vere sighted over the uranium mines located in ‘the southern part of the Belgian Congo in the Elisabethville district, east of <' the Luapula River vhich coonects the Meru and Bangweolo lakes. The dieke glided in elegant curves end changed their position many tines, 60 that from ‘below they sconetines appeared ac plates, ovals, and simply lives. Suddenly, doth disks hovered in one spot and then took off in @ unique eiazeg flight to the northeast. A pevetrating hissing and buzzing sound vas audible to the on- Jookers below. The vhole perforsance Iasted froa 10 to 12 minutes. Coumander Pierre of the exall Blisabethville airfield imediately set out : in pureuit vith a fighter plane. On bis first approach he cae vithin about 120 eters of one of the disks. According to his estinates, the "saucer" bad | & dinneter ‘of fron 12 to 15 Reters and vas discus-shaped. The inver core re~ | mained absolutely still, and a knob coming out from the center and several sanll openings could platoly be seen. The outer rim vas coupletely velled in fire and must have had ao encreous speed of rotation. The color of the ketal ‘ves similar to that of alunioun. ‘The dicks traveled in a precise and light manner, both vertically and horizontally. Changes in elevation from 600 to 1,000 meters could be accoap- Lisbed in a fev seconds; the disks often shot dovn to within 20 meters of the tree tops. Pierre did not regard it possible that the disk could be manced, since the irregular speed as vell as the heat vould mate it inposeible for a persoo to stay inside the stable core. Pierre hed to give ‘up pursuit after 15 minutes since both disks, vith a loud vhistling sound vhich be heard despite the noise of his ovn plane, disappeared in a straight line tovard Iake Tangan- ; yika. He estinated their speed at about 1,500 kilometers per hour. : 'UBLISHED Vienna NO. OF PAGES 2 ATE 'UBLISHED 29 Mar 1952 SUPPLEMENT TO ANGUAGE — Gerzan * <= + REPORT NO. THIS 1S UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Fritz Sitte Recently, tvo fiery dicks vere sighted over the uranium mines located in ‘Nhe southern part of the Belgian Congo in the Elisabethville district, east of + the Luagula River vhich cousects the Meru and Bangveolo lakes. The diske glided in elegant curves and changed their position many times, so that fro delov they soaetines appeared as plates, ovals, and simply lines. Suddenly, doth disks hovered im one spot and then took off ina unique tlezeg flight to the northeast, A penetrating hissing and buzzing sound vaé audible to the. on- Jookers below. The vhole perforrance lasted fron 10 to 12 minutes. Comander Pierre of the scall Blisabettiville airfield immediately set out + 4m pursuit vith a fighter plenes On his first epprosch be cane vithin sbout 120 meters of one of the disks. According to his estimates, the “saucer” bad fm dinaeter ‘of froa 12 to 15 meters and vas discus-shaped. Tbe inner-core re~ rained absolutely still, aod a knob coming out from the ceoter and several sant] openings could platoly be seen. The outer rin vas coupletely veiled io fire and must have had ap enormous speed of rotation. ‘Tbe color of the netal vos siztlar to thet of alustoue ‘The dicks traveled in a precise and light manver, doth vertically and + horizontally. Changes in elevation fron 600 to 1,000 meters could be accomp- Lshed in a fev seconds; the disks often shot dove to vitbin 20 meters of the tree tops. Pierre didnot regerd it possible that the disk could be manved, since the irreguler opecd as vell as the beat vould gate it inposeible for a persoo to stay inside the stable core. Pierre had to give ‘up pursuit after 15 minutes since both disks, vith a loud vbletling sound vhich he heard deopite the noise of bis ovn plane, disappeared 1p & straight line tovard Iake Tangan- yika. He estinated their speed at about 1,500 kilosetere per hour. + Pierre is regarded as a dependable officer and a zealous flyer. He gave a detailed report to his superiors vaich, strangely enough, 10 any respects | agreed vith various results of research. 1 8 RELEASE, wnt ve aaron AEC T- ea? oo-vagne ‘The sketch below shovs the construction principle of the "flying saucers.” ane captions are, 4a pert, purely conjecture, based on reports by pilots who pursued the dieke; 1m part, they vere learoed fron secret research institutions, ‘The central core costains the explosive (SP) and the Anstalletions for reder Tteerage (R). It has catapult kacbs (KZ) and antenoae (AN) as vell as counter- fresture housing (69). Around thie core, a ris rotates which has jets (D) on The upper and lover side, plus fuel chastere (DB). The roller bearing fe shown by the letter -L, The leunching occurs at a sharp angle in the manner of @ ‘@iecus throw; the revolutions per minute of the rim probably amount to 22,000. The Jete on the bottoa of the rim serve to propel the disk-vertically upvards; Jateral steerage results from evitching on and off various Jet groupe. [fppended sketch, follove:7 aiee elenber | Giscus throw; the revolutions fer minute of the rim probably amount to 22,000. The Jete on the bottoa of the rim serve to propel the disk vertically upvards; Jaterel oteerege results from evitebing op and off various Jet groups. [fppended sketch follovs:7

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