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INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD HO. = COUNTRY Spain; Tunisia; French Morocco DATE OF INFORMATION = 1952 ‘SUBJECT Military - Uoconventional aircraft HOW DATE DIST. 97] Aug 1952 PUBLISHED ‘Daily nevspapers: WHERE. PUBLISHED Tangier; Algtere NO. OF PAGES 2 Post 22 16 195 LISHED May ~ Jun 1952 ne * SUPPLEMENT TO LANGUAGE Spentob; French REPORT NO. THIS 1S UNEVALUATED INFORMATION SOURCE Nevspapers as indicated. FLYING SAUCERS _IN SPAIN AND NORTH AFRICA S[G SMOKE-TRATLING OBJECT OVER BARCELONA -- Tangier, Repane, 22 Hay 52 ____parcelona, 21 May ---As I erossed Joue Antonio Avenue on my way to the .. newspaper office, I sev 8 strange object flying at high speed from the direc > tion of Prat Airport, about-2,000 netere above ground, and leaving @ vide smoke trail. Tt did not look like am-eircraft (neither Prat nor Setsdell airport ad- sTyitted any knoviedge of the object), and unlike the so-called flying ssucers, ‘At vas proceeding ine straight Line, vitbout emitting flashes of light or re- ‘volving on an axis, The object seened to me to be rocket-shered, and the smoke cane out of tvo points close together, merging into a single streak. Wy colleagues et the office cav the smoke but not the object. Over Bads- Jona, about 10 Kilozeters-avay, the object stopped trailing excke, disappeared for & fev seconds, and reappeared, again emitting sacke, several kilozeters farther avey, Toe newspaper office vas soon flooded vith telephone calls froz people vho had seen the object. A friend of ours took the picture of the sacke | tratl, == Valentin Garcia i (Five picture shove o dtagooal stripe of diniotebing width and lighter in shade thea the sky over the dark bulk of a bu{lding cornice. It is attributed to Francisco Andreu. The caption says that the picture vas teken "on 17 May,” } although the report te dated 21 May.) UNUSUAL OBJECT OVER TUNISIA -- Algiers, Beko d'Alger, 4 Jun 52 i on 3 dune, at about 2000 hours, many Inhabitants of Sousse say a flying ob= ject traveling at 4izry speed from vest to east and enitting & pale green light, REPORT NO. O0-¥-23759 V WHERE PUBLISHED Tangiers Algiers NO. OF PAGES 2 DATE a a 6 " HED May - 16 Jun 1: a a ~ ‘SUPPLEMENT TO LANGUAGE Spanish; French REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION SOURCE Newspapers as indicated. FLYING SAUCERS IN SPAIN AND NORTH AFRICA SB SHOKE-TRATLING OBJBCP OVER BARCELORA == Tangier) Bepsne, 22 Hay 52 Barcelona, 21 May == As I crossed Jose Antonio Avenue on ny vay to the a. Revepaper office, T sav a strange object flying at bigh speed from the direc | tion of Prat Airport, sbout 2,000 seters above ground, and leaving @ vide snoke trail. Yt dtd not look like ap aircraft (neither Prat nor Sebedell airport ed- oTyitted any kooviedge of the object), and unlike the so-called flying saucers, ‘at was proceeding in @ straight Line, vithout eaitting flashes of light or re~ volving on an axis, The object seened to ne to be rocket-shaped, and the sacke Cane out of tvo pointe close together, merging into a single streak. Wy colleagues at the office eav the smoke but not the object. Over Bada~ Jona, about 10 kilozeters-evay, the object stopped trailing smoke, disappeared for a fev seconds, and reappeared, again enitting snoke, several kiloneters ferther avey. ‘Tee nevspaper office vas soon flooded vith telephone calle froa people vho had seen the object.A friend of ours took the picture of the sacke trail, -- Valentin Garcie ice picture shove a atagonai atrige of Aintotening vidth and Lighter to anade“then the sky over the dark bulk of @ bitlding cornice. It is attributed to Francisco Andreu, ‘The-caption says that the picture vas taken “on 17 May,” although the report ie dated 21 Mays UMSUAL OBJECT OVER TUNISIA -- Algiers, Echo @'Alger, 4 Jun 52 On 3 June, at About 2000 hours, many inhabitants of Sousee sav a flying ob- ject traveling At ditty speed from west to east and enitting pale ereen light. CORES eae DISTRIBUTION. _LI- TI AL H iJ ere? coivann9 + “purse SAUER GvER MEGS, MOROCCO -- Algiers, Echo A'Alger, 12, Jun 52 vo vitoedses reported # flying saucer appearing sbove Meknes ¢°2300 heute on 7 june 1952," One of thes said that he sav o bright sp0%, 18 the sky moving at a Sleltathe epeeds He vas eble to compare its speed vith that of soot 7-33 planes t Pientatng oneta jensen bave, Cor they seened very elev by comparison, The Hee saunvopperatur enitted a viite trail of eacke abd made Do Sounds, Te drev near, sever ttee a tarabola in the aky, stopped, od thea Aisappeared tovard Tfrene in the souta. YIAMENG DISC ABOVE TAOURIRT, MOROCCO -- Algtere, Bebo d'Algers 16 Jun 52 «op the xorning of 15 June 1952, @ strangpephenonenon appeared. core Teour- ” ee Let) Front ay two eirculer strands, vith eadke trailing behind 4t. The fiery Sheets vaieh seened to sove earthvard, vanished rapidly. SAUCER OVER-CASABLANCA ++ Algiers, Joureal a'Alger, 16 Jun 52 . 1 2 sster Hexnes and Marrakech, Casablanca bad ite flying saucer op 25 fuse | gpa Te wae observed by Andre Assorin, a former pilot. Tre Meteorologics) 1952. Torse that ie-bas not seen thie unusual apparition shove Cesablaccts -BRD= xnovn apparatus emisica @ sere deocetten a parabola in the sky, dtopped, and thea disappeared tovara arrane +s the south. ~ Algiers; Echo @Alger, 16 Jun 52 FIAMING DISC ABOVE TAOURIRT, HOROCCO «og the eoraing of 15 June 1952, & strangpephenonenon eppenred shove Teour . tit; Prenet Morocco, For 30 seconds, dock vorkere sav a disc of vhtre flanes srt, rene ive circular atrands, vith snake trailing behind it. The fiery Shjects vaieh scened to move earthvard, vanished repidly. SAUCER OVER CASABLANCA -- Algiers, Journal d’Alger, 16 Jun 52 | qtter Moknes and Marrakech, Cassblance had its flying seulsr © 15 June 1952. Tt vas obeerved by Andre Assorin, @ forner pilots Ee Meteorological, 1952+ Tales that fe bas not seen thie unvaual apparition shove Casshlancs. 5 BEDS

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