Waitangi Letter

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Corner Karuwha Parade & Te Kemara Avenue

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Tuesday, 2nd February 2016

Rt Hon John Key
Prime Minister
Parliament Buildings
Following our panui dated Monday, 25th January 2016 the Karanga Ngapuhi hui held at Waitangi today
overwhelmingly voted that the government not be invited to Waitangi marae. Hunga kainga Ngati Rahiri
Ngati Kawa ki Te Tii Waitangi and the Board of Trustees reaffirmed their stance of manaaki manuhiri
tikanga and kawa on our marae and the invitation to you was upheld - nau mai haere mai. The hui
reconvened at 6:30 p.m this evening Prime Minister.
You are aware that the Maori nation brings their political issues to Waitangi each year just as you are aware
that Ngati Rahiri Ngati Kawa ki Waitangi have a responsibility not only to our tikanga and kawa but to
promote and uphold Te Tiriti O Waitangi 1840. It is now common knowledge that pakeha are focussing on
Waitangi to air their grievances and that the hikoi from the north and the TPPA hikoi from the south will
converge on Waitangi simultaneously just prior to your powhiri whakatau on the 5th. While the hui tonight
continues to discuss options to safeguard our manuhiri we are obliged to advise that the collective will of
those in attendance, in lieu of the majority consensus not being upheld, was that kawa on our marae entails :
1. Powhiri whakatau in the whare tupuna without any political korero; one kai karakia and two
speakers from the taumata followed by three manuhiri speakers [[including yourself being last
because you are the rangatira] and hariru;
2. Manuhiri will not takahi our kawa and speak from the mahou [entranceway] to address the public
as has been suggested;
3. Powhiri whakatau will be followed by hiki te tapu wai inu in the whare kai;
4. Your political address to the people will take place in the political forum tent adjacent to the marae
on te tou o nga rangatira whenua where one hour will be set aside for you.
We trust your Maori advisors will explain our kawa more fully to you. It will apply to all political parties.
We sincerely hope you can see your way clear to supporting Ngati Rahiri Ngati Kawa ki Te Tii Waitangi, our
kaumatua and kuia and the marae trustees' endeavours on behalf of their beneficiaries who are all the Maori
people of Aotearoa and now unwittingly includes other nationalities. Noho ora mai nga mihi -

Ngati Kawa Taituha


Merehora Taurua
Vice Chairperson

Titewhai Harawira

Kingi Taurua

Rihari Dargaville
Kaumatua kuia ki Te Tiriti Waitangi Marae.

Te Hapae Ashby

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