Complaint Singh Is King

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'JS~SDtf( ·RE\I.~O


American -Rights Management.' CompElny LlC


Vla,.o:ooi.1S U.s, Inc;, et al ..


Morg,iiO 8!Morgan, 20 North On.l!'lgEI Av,enue. tOth Floor Or1ando, n, 326.0249179 ~. (4(117') 42'0",1414

CAUSE Of ACTION .leiTE Tl;lfE Il~a. ~I'!JIL'~"'WTe !.INOER WPlIC;H'I'Or:,;,riRIO FI~ltH" ;i.I'ID WRIT!! A BRIEF s:1iATEMl;rn 01' 1C.:"u,siO)

~D,a NOT crn~ JUIU$OICTIQNJ.L Is'T";'I'U'TES Ut>iLIiiiIiS l:i!YEMITYi .

HliJ!!. ibIS !J'I"·Ei !!lmLlaf Ca!.'!! been .pmylO:Ust:Y filed in. SONY at elly'lime? No? [(J Yes?' 0 .Iluqe Pitl~!li!Y A!3ignoo

-- .. :



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·SIi'IXIRllTY ACT [ ] 5:3 F'A£eD(IliI Of

r;gnct;lS TO' II'lFOO.!')o.'Tj0i4.v:r

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Clt6ck if demaJldad in epmpfMrf{:

[J CHE~K IF. 'mIll) IS A. OlA.SS ACTION U-NOER F -, R.C .. P .. 2"3.


DEMAND' s OTHER JUDGE_' __ -- " DOCKEr Nl)~BE~,-, _


. .







. (17 tL8,C.n· Ill} ET S~EQ.);




V}AOOM 18 USt INC.;.VIAGOM,lNC,; REL:~'NC~ ,MI~~)~ WO'RKS US\r\~. :~C~ 1111 flk/? AbLABSJ.IJ.,MS D$At 1N"c.; S1'U.DrO ~, 18-·USA~, [Me.; SAAVN~ LLC; VIVA

. EN"f'aRTh,ltirMENTt, ~C;. ).OVINDIA riEV~PMENT CQM:PA'N'i, INC.; and DOES i-to,


~ '~12:~~'!~~~" " __ . ." ~. _. __ . x

Plaintiff;,fi Rights't~ COnl!p,anyLLC (he.reinafter ".PI_aintift~·. iI~dlor' ';'ARlYf;·). by and w:!;-Qugh its. atlo[ueys.oIJecP.rd. b~eby:aneges .<lS·f"()1I6wS~


ease ari;s!l:s··'·Q.Ul ·.of Def~·(·fS· e:l!tpJ9h<'frionqf· a moticn picture .emitled ·'~Slng/.~ is Kitu~if' ("·SlK" .andlat the '~infringin:g work:.")~ which "i~ derived from 'Plaint:l:ft"'j:s oopyrlghted

•• . t

, .

3.: The. s[iO'or<meClU$ reactions. cif or4,i:nm";Y "O~e'rs : and .film critics whq.· reviewed

. .

Amnen: j~S;peaking oBhat' old woma:n-. the' plt¥[ takes time tOJjo1TOw fmnlFIanl Capra's

Lady f.o:r <I. Day. ~~ Re,vi,ew by H. Bala,. OClo~r_·~2,. ~:OO~,A~on,;c.Qm.

Y9:rifJl:: ·'Ob.viously inspired by·,Frank "Capm'.s A PQcketfiI~ lotMir:acles 0"961) ~ .. and

~XnrlIim.e-s: '~M~ .fGumar shineS. ~s· .it C~r,aesgue. hero," Revi~'w by ~R~chel·SaJl4., MiOVi~ eri'lk, August 15. 2008. NewYorkl'imes.Clom.


4. This is an. action. 'for copyrighti.'Dfcingement. .and ~fl.em 'injUllcdve reUel' under

'5. Tills; COtln: has or:i.gjn:al ~u.l:tiect· .m.aner ju:r:isdlciioD PllnlU3J"lit' to: rhe Cop~ght Act,

Vi US.C. §lOl et seq .•.. 28- U:S~G. '§ l3.~i ([edend qll.¢~tk>n juri$di.cti.i;I~)~ _aQd § Ul8(a) and (bi {jurisdiction over ,~.)opyfig)lt aciions) , and § 133::ta,s an actionbetween dli1iel~s of mff"et::en'1 :states

. .

S:T:b.l is Court bas personal jhrisdiction o·~e.rth~ Defen.dam~, in,.lilat DefendantS, M(';


Page"2 of 3.7

N. Y ~ C .P.L.R. § '3,0 I. AU Defendants' nave transacted business within. the state of New York and ecmraeted to supply gODds. or services Inthe state .of New Y Oft in connection with the metters giv'ing'rise- to this suit, Id. § 30:Z(a)(1): Defendan'ls have.alsocemmitted infririging.acl:.S: outside of NeW York -cansjng.injury li,).~the Plaintiffin N~-w York, and Defendarrts regularlydoor solicit business. ill New York, and/or expect or reasonably· sb,ould ·expect th~h: infri.i1gj.n:g conduct to have 'conseqeences ln New York, and Defendants derive substantiel revenue from inte:rnram:e commerce. la. § 302(a)(~).~. N.y.un.C. § 404, e-

7.; Venl'le is proper '.in the. Unl.ted States District COlut for the Southern District of

New Yotk pursuant to .28 U,S.C. ~§ 1391{b) and (c) andl~ 1400(a). Upon infuim;atioll and belief each- Defendant may be found ill! this dj strict atidlor has principal 'places Q:f businesS! .in this, district andkltr a substantial part of the acts of iufri,ngem.ent complained of herein occurs Gr ha:_~ occurred ·in this. diStt1C1L


.8. _Phuutiff is the ", proprietor of 'l:]le renewal (:Qpyright in the MLG'story, and owns

p·roperty ·.Hittle; Stale of New Y ork, condncts business' wHhi:nthi~ district in. .. the . S.l:ate . of New York, Wld has its uf business in. the State of New York.

l. Tbe: Viarom :Pefimitanb

9. Upon information and lJeiief, Defendant Viaeom 1808 ... int. (hereinafter

"Vlacom 18-' US·~ or with other's: oolloodveLy "Defendants' a;iidlor "ViacmIl Defendants") is <! 'Corporation organized and.' existing underthe laws of the Stat.e of Dela ware. Via-com 1:8 US is .o~'ned'l arid c-ont,rglled by. and/or has, equity-intefcesi owned byVrnoom Inc .• ·.a,nd rl i.sre:g~:~te:red to do business -in. conducts business in this district in 'lite State o:f New York; and ViaJ:;,om 1 g US_ .is. a whollY' owned Sll b-sidiary of Defendant V iaeem, Ine., which is. registered todo business: in a.. and

Page 3 of37

. .

conducts business hal this in the:State' of :New York.

w.1lh. orhelts"ooUedively "Defendants" {':rwJQf ··'V1iaoom. Defenda:!1LS" is R corporsdon Qtgamud ;rnd '~x:isting under· the taws of the State of Thtlawme. ~i1d' it owns and c(mt:[cl)J.s;j~ndJor h{jjt; equity

mterest l!l'll. V]~CQIH lB. ,iStudio 18~ U .S~.A. Ine., and, ot~ ~~bsidiaties,. .affjUates, ·and/rtr· ··d.i:str.ibutio.n ~ITicin,g. f:lilld/or'third lP.arty,eiOH[~.~, inclnding. buuldr1:i:micedro, PaE<).Olount Home'

Ent~~nment,lnc. aFirl ViacQp:I Global (Netli~l~ndS)f B.V,"~ ~~1(~ VTacQPl ba::s its ptindpaJ place t:1f bu~lness' in' [hfs. 'cm;tt'kt in ~~ S"tale.of New . York,

. . _

.lav or with others Icolli::Gtiv!I!ly '''Deifendants.'' andlOl "' DefeJ.!dants'')! is a .jdmt venture.

~tween V iacom ann Th~_ uu:Han·. Fi~m: CompatJY" (he.rejnifte.r ·~·IFC'~)~ and is "GV{lled 'a~d con:koUed by Viacom, "is a. dlvisi{ID of Viacom 1. S u. s, wJHob. lsregistered to do business in" and

. purpose of prod.u.c;ing. fi:nancin8~ .and d]~h:ibuHng .in im.em.a.tiQrnlI tettirol'ies selected thea:u'lca] motien pi~rur.e8. \vhlc,h w.ere .d.eveiopet4 pr:oitu:ced~ jtltlllufact:urejd, m~keted' h:i.,' and ftO,iri. the

United Sutes. Sludio f& is a 'distribut:ln~ .:;!ge.nt for .MiS J3.toc_kBu.s.rtt Movie Entertamers,

13;, Upon inionnatinn and 'beti!!f, S,u(jio. 18;. ooridu~ts bUSjIl~<;S in this: dis.tiicl in the

and ex:lliti~ :u.llider tne.taws of tlie' St~ce·of Delaw:are;. has ,its :principal pJ:aoe of business in. New Y Q,rk, $d Gonducts .business :ifi;th"e, ,St~te aU"!le;w Yori:;;,

LS. U;pOfl :in:~~m'l;a:rjon ~d 1;.leHef. Saa.y·n .a,nd IFC· distribuWd' Sl«'a6mss.SaalirC ['~able

Video on Iktnrmd '("-"VOD") network iii No.rth America .pursuant LOa . .distJtbutiona~me:nL

16. Upon. jnfqnnati:·on. and belief, Reli~i~ce,· tvJ~diaWQ'rk$ (USA) Inc, ff;ld~ Adlabs:

FWIIS USA Inc. (hereinafter ··A.iUa'bs U .slA ~') is .a whoUy owned slibsjdiary of RJeJiaoce- Mf:diaWqrks', 'Ltd". 'I1ki:a Adlabs Films;, Ltd... and' is t~gisteted to do business, ';il-nd ·cqndu.d~

bysines's -hr.the slate of .New ¥Qtk. Adlabs U.S .. .i\.,,-theatr,icalJy, disp'lay~. Srn<. in. $lame of h~{2AO~

. .

- "'Viva"·Qr.· ooUec:tive:_LY J'i~"itll~' 'ptoors, "Def,enda~ls" ani:lJot "'1 iaeom' D¢fei)dan~s") ·.is a. cD~r'ati~n': ot!ganlZed and exjstl:llg under t.he laws Jot-the Sta.te of New Jersey~ and oorWucts bUsJ~ness in tne

Page·.5' of31 ,

--.,--- ... -~----------""::

State ·of New' York. The Vi~ro11l Defendants .and Viva have a: marketing and/or distribution

ag!:oerile.:nt for films relea,s:ed.ill the United States.

20. Upon tnfonnatiQID and be:lief. Viva 'marketed and/or distributoo. SIK withln North

America pl,l[$~an'L to :a mark,enog.agreement with. (be Via,conl Defend.ants.

21. Upon mfonnation and belief, . the Viacom Defendants are Uglliny-

IlU (De business services of its· iotelgn. agents, a:ffil:ia~. and ~!Jb$ diat could be. performed

• ' • • • I

one-another and with. ·thirdpanie.s \\1~chbel1et1~ted, andwere.binding on each orhe-r andon the:

foreign prillclpaisla.ffiliateslSllb$idiaries). The a-genuslparel'lts acted for the benefit of:;. and with

the knowledge and coasent of. ],18· foreIg~ principals, subsidiaries, and affiliaks. The. aCtioils,

,manufact1U'ing.~. dJ$mbytipn .•. and :tnMketing o'ftbe, infringing work, .

22. -Upon .informa-liQn and belief, all of the Viacom Defendants· -and the Viecom

Ddtmdants' .afflliale.s:lsubsidi,:aries are, . and at. all times, material hereto. were, the aleer-egos of each ·other and. there- exists. and. MS, e-x,isted at all times material hereto, a unity ·af interest-in

Defendants, and/or each of ihern, used assets .of the, other Defendants, andlor each of' them. for its

andl.or. their sepa:rate~ individual purposes, and causedva.lutiib:le assets. property rights andlot Int.ere.stE to be transferred to each other witheut adequate consideration,

23. Upon infcrmation and belief, all of (he Vi·acorn D.e.fena;an,ts.' and the VIacom

~fe.fidaI11S' affiiiatesi subsidiaries (and other forei.~n subsj dimes. affiliates, and agents unknown

~i thlS. time, at all times material hereto, were prj acipals and 'iilgents,~ and/or mere departments of


one an9ther~ anda unity of. i:Il'retes:~ and ownership among 'the Viaeom Defendants, aild their

subsidiaries .and.,and the Viacom Defendants' ·affiliates, exists such. libat ·any s-epante:ness has. ceased :1.0 exist; arid the Viaeom Defendants, ,aad/or'each tifthem. usedassets of


Defendants' aftl1iatcsl,subsidiaries" and. other foreign' stlbsidiaries. aft1Jlat~. and agents unknown

at this time; at all .tnnes materia] herem are.joint nnd severally Iiable, were principals and agents of one another. arid at all timesmaterial hereto.' were conducting bu;.r;;iness iii the. State Qf New

York 'and this district for the purposesof N.Y C;P.Ll,t.:, §. 301; •. and/or have: transacted business within the Sta~ of New- Ytork "and/or contracted to supply ~oo.s: or &erviCes· in the Slate of New

York in connection with the matters giving rise '(0 this. suir, Id, § 302(~}(1). These Defendants, ha;ve also'co~mi:[!'«I: infring~.ii.g·, acts-outside of the State.ptNew Yodt c~sin.g. injury to

in the State'of New York,· and Defendants regularly do or sQIicit husiness in the' State of Ne\N

in [he State of N ew Yoit: and d.e.r.iye·siloo.tantial revenue from interstate commerce. Id, ..§

302(a)(2) and N"Y. § 404,.

• M. _ •• ,

25. Upon information and belief. the Viaeam Defendants are mere departments,

·financial dependency- on Via'com,. end Viacom's control .~ pervasive, iacludiug control over


Dd'eudancs' ruarkf:'tlli.g an.d, Ql~ati0n~l tmlides. Thq·s,~ \Tiacom~. bear-s j!ll"nt alld s:;elllemlliabilily' for' tbe obiigations .of theaffiUate1 su:bsid1,1l.lJ1 and/Qr p)I'ind]:!a1 it! lende~~, and. for dJlJm:estfc. and

. Viacom I 1~. :mrl Seudio '18 wi'tn Vioc~;un. ··tot which. ViraGQffi is the ultimate p:ate(l'It -compa:n¥. n::c disldbllte:s Slit in India, and is controlled by ViaJ~Xlm~ which ii tegistertd to do bn.'sin;es-s in~ .~d

. ~'efl~a;; iilC;[ud~iIl$ 'Vl"a.OO[:lJ •. ViaPQm 1~, StudiQ~ 8.· 8(aav-~ •. A4lab$ U.s.A,. MyY fudi<i.:an~. Viva,. There Js financJa.l.d~pe.llQ,el'icy by 'IFC enthe Viarom.lDefe:niClaal.8., and.the Viaoom. Defe:nd<liIlits:'

C.Q.rtU~ol of IFC is perv~'ii v:e~, inCluding, ~Qntro~ Qyer u:i~k¢ting",nd op;erati-OllM pO!ide8, ;md 'MY

. • ' I. •

~ew York directly a_ned, lhrough~ IfCs, ~rtlte pareJlls~ subsidiMi~s.,own~r:s.prlncip~s •. and. ~g,eIlls. 'includin_g ViacO.I.n andril.e: Viaoom. Defen.dants . who-bear Jaint and. sev-eral Uitb.UlJy f-or tbe obligati.OJiS 0.( .~he ;:tfttUatei suljslU1-tl;ry ~n.dlor princjp1!J t6 le:riih~rs, .and for fOl~e:ign: tfil\es. on the,

. :31. UPOlliufiofl,[I'ation and, 'belief, Defendant Viacom 1 g Meliia Pvt; Ltd'. ~ (he;r.cinafte.f

. ......: ~ "' .". . ." .

hWl')eq~y"V.i.~C9m, Iec., and co-:m:iucls tl[i:'sin~;S~·. ]nmi~ distritt in the'State of New' YotK.

-.32~· Upon information and be1ief! Viarom 1.8 is' ,il, joint venture between. Vlacom.illc.

Ja U.S.,oorporation ~dowl'Jiet ofPamm.ollnl Pic~ufes· Corp . .') 'ali,d Network 1 g. Grollp. {lp,dja}i' and

. . . . . ~ , .


Is a. U $; dlstribuw.r of Sf K.

DVDs·of. SlK ..

(lndt.a) (he:reinafter "'Adlab,S i:t.tdia·~). is afo.relgn. ih.e:arrlea] dJ.s~rib~~'or and is. owned b,y Relienee. Iris'.1l leading Indifnli !;.ijng~&.Rlera.:re en_ga:ged~ iit film prOOlD.ctib:n, p~-e$sing,~po*t. pOOtlm.:;l~ on Mld:

dJsrJlbutloo~ as well as, owning a subsidiarr,y,. ;BIG .Gineulas, C.A. f.mdia) (her-einafter. ',jBilG'~) 'which operates the le~dmg theatres. in I:ndiaknQwn as ."B,IO Cil'.l.ernas.; ,.

(hereia:uttlet '"Rlook 'EI;uster") pmdin;:ed S7K~ is: Q;wnoo. \:i:y Reliail~' and SIK producer Vip~~l Shah, is Iocated in MiJ.miJai" india and ~B']fJck B'u~tef "is 'an . affLlLaie of"B:lockbuster (U.S.).

assignm-ent ('If pet-~(mne]'t and. ·e'xe.rcise~. ooHtrol: over the 'hidian Agents' and. Affirliates" mark.eting·

, .

and. op.t::.rati,Q:tl,al. pollde:s,_Th:e V iiilcO"~:n D,\a~;tid,a~ts Mar jtliil.:[ ,and ~~J liability for the '.obligations of fiLe Indian. A.gen~.s :alld, Affllhates to lenders •. andfur dOll1,cstiC. an.d· foreign taxes .on

:lhe e;;rmtll:];sof domestic ttfid f"(lB!!,gn *U1J:iaresJ .sub~idiark:s •. and ·the thmncial, pb8mQn'a~ld--n~so,lt$ 'of foreign ~pe.ratton8 are consoUdared with· 'tbea.gei:ItJ~n:~.

·4ft Upti-D inf>t'l.rmati,on: aud. ·.bd.i~f;. 'thefi~ud!.JnS:l¥ nruned Defeuda:nu eaptiolloo

bereinabq:ve as DOes 1 tlifl;)tigb HI. tnClus.jve, end.eseh of tb:¢1n,'w¢~reuuome'm~nner !'esponsibi>e

or legally liaple for 'fi)ea~~ions" datnages~ leVie.IU8,lran~'l.kms' ·and. circ;uoollm.ce;,<; al1e~d. herein .. -1'be true names !ffilO eapacide-;s of such ficHi1()1llsly llilmed de:tenil"il,llts, whetbeJ: Judi vidual •

. eorporare, a:ssl;:mja:te~-Qr otbel1,lirise; ere pre.senJl.y Ul1.R11QW[I to tbe :Phuntiff a,iid _P:laitr[iff wmam~

~ . . .. ..

with the India Agellls and ·A'ff.Lli~· CQII!ril;iniOO .tn, ~d/o;r partidpatedlIl, the infringing Mtl viiy

. .

. as . .set fortb.bdowmd. eacb Pef~n~,ant w~s ilCJinll withlnthe course a.r.i:c;:} scope 6femploym,e,rU. pannenbrp' andloI':<l$ency with '.tbe other, and each j,)f rn.e·Delfendruits is joi:ntly Md,sevefally Hah~e forthe injuri~e.;s t(l·.Plainli:ff~


~ I • ~

·Miracles.hom_ produced and direCted by Capril, arid. _Min_w;;i~$ ,Rlln~o.n was "'.tie' of An'l'eric--aOls mOISt p;Qllular neW's{lapercoJtu:nnifirs :lind :8.hort$lPty ~wrilerS from lIte· Jazz AffP tJiru,u,gh.

Wqdd War 1L .and is!Jest};p:?W.lJ. ·asa prq:]ifi:c lrumorist, NQ:m~J:Q'lls short stories by Dam~m:

Ru.nyo.ri" were made trHU' motiou pic;tll[e:.~" :including'. among: drhers .. ' adaptau.ons· of .Madame .iA

Page: 11 of"37

mOlWfl: fO.r Tll,t Jdyll of Mis$ Saran, Brqw,n wb~th is tbebesis forE1i~ ilieatri,c,al, sUlge musJc~11uld . sob:sequeIl:i feature Jilin Gu:vs £/JUl.Dolk


oop:yright in the. f.!,amtJ- of Intettlatlapm] Magazjll,~ Co., 109 ~ a I;Iybltc.ati:on date of Si?pte~beJ; '~ f.I. /

]929·, uJ:ldeJ"en:~J No.B: 41297"w.hicb·QU June 5.·1931 w~s .. assig~,ed to Runyon":lfJdrec1(Wded on

October 11, 1.932 lJl book 291:,. page 239"

i,Ut 'Rnnyofi dled~ in New Y.o:.rk City in 1946: the·prope'1' gtatub)~y beits of Runyon

'fi]~ <11) appII.:.a,tib;n for Registr@,uon of a ClaIm to the Rene~al of: Copyr:(ghT (R-176r;l70"o·n ·Sepifm.l~l' 10. 1:956}Cattached hereto as:E;drlbil"C"'),.

45'. Flainlitf· is the propri.e![or of the. I\'lnewal oopjright in th.e ML,G stCYry· by' ·Q:arLSfer

'dated lime 30. 200Q;recomed July 7", 2000~, in ·\for. :.34.55! Do. '24" ' .i - 2·Jro.m Sh~ld01l.A:bend

d/bla AUthQt'sRie:s.earch £:om(\'la·ny·.tu Am.ericim. EE'J.tertainnwl'lt' Rlgbls C~ntl7)!iny, J:,.Leto which Pl<rlntiil is tire successor intmerest (atmChed. ,hereto as. ExlIibit·"Dr).

47. The: MLJ6 !>;tory cO:l1tains dements thatare oo:mbill~ and. arra.n,~d, in an .ori$inal

a:nd'~pYRght prot¢ctab1.en;uloner; ~

. .

Sll)ry that <l,Ile" embodied. in. the .Qeri¥a.ti ye, RUms are the protocta])le property of {he Plaint~ff.

49. Th,e. MI.G story an-d,ltpan mforrulid.rni· .and beUef. the D!;Jrl vative Films wer~

. re'giswred ~.i:1'l. 'oonforniity with. 'lhe provisiO'.D.s (If the United Stutts -C-op)'rigbl Act and an cnmer

n.T.he Derivative .FilDL'i

~jnaft~rr-"':C~pra~') ob.taiJ.l~,motiJ)1). pi;ctofe :r~~ilts to the MLG story,

51. The motlon plCtatre. resmtingfrom. the MLG sw~y .as ~lA(;Jy f().f 'a~ /Jay" was Capra from .'~ s~-ree"Jila.y 'written by s~ree:nwwiter RoJ?ert .. C'<}pta and RI~ltin received Ac?Lderoy Aw:aru nemmanons :fur 1he:~wdyfof' ,a. Da.y·film.

~harae-re.n~, plot" .setting,the:me. '.scenes. panem; sequence, ·and. tOOlL concept and' feel sre

. .

etll:b.odje~ ip Qle'iA(iy lot a DflY :fjIm.

:5·3". In l%l~ 'Cnel...ady.jor,a.Day t1]mwas remade-into· the·m:1r.e!;/Ui

54, In Q;r. ebout ·1989 ~ p.roducer: and ,dil:ector.,. J ackie Chan. p.roduced a "·film. de:rivaliv;e

. from m.e MW ~t('fr.y~ LiJ'il;yloJ".a .D~j •. arid JY)?J,J n~.~l~ 'Mjm~jes (am.o![l.g. m.lter tides 4ls"Q kn:owil' as ,Jili.~ Mr. C'anwn andtady Ros~~ The-'CahtOO Got/father. -and Th~ l1Wck .. iJ~gon hereafter

~ I _

·MLG 81,Ory in Mirt.lCles ..

56:. Th~, SeUlementA~mrel'lt further acknowledges ,Plaintiff's. cepyrlghi: .ow'i'.u,~rs.hi,p

Interest ·in· the ut« sto.ry, 'and :PIllitl'o:ff therein m&relygran1ed to the owner of theM; racies film the non-esclusive ri·gbr to exploit those elemeets CI.f the MLa'S.lQ~y which are embodied in die _Mhades film, OT ngt such dement are c,opyrijl:ht protectaole,

51. The Settlement Agreement provides, inter, alia. material inducements to Plaintiff

and Is slIl;Iject '[l¥ condItions .a:g' fuUO,.W.s..

(1) Plaintiff ewns rhe exclusive right to re-make, adap~~ or wpy the MLG


(b) Plaintiff reserves aU rights· not .specifically .granred in the Settlement

(c,) .Ptaitttiff owns theatrical rights .to the. MW story subje,c![' to' the eentinued.

distribution and exploiranon.of the M.i~a..cJe;s film including elements of the Ml.G St'Ol'Y. 'but only tothe extent that: the,MW ~tory is speclfleally depicted.and embodied in. the Miracles film;

. .(0) The owners of the Miracles film are prohibited from modifyin.&; or from

pmd.u£:ing at sequel Io, or from mmn;g, other wor.ks den va,{i ve of the MLG 8t~' ~~d, Qf the M,imae.$film~

(e) The ~ettlement Agre-emeol pfOvides "eoncUUons 1Q. and restdetiens and

reservations upon, the! use of ideas. elements. and expre5'siQfiS embodied in the Miracles film which. Me exclusive t~ P~ainti,[~ and the ideas and. other elements. contained i'iltbe.MLG story and 'as embodied inthe Mlrac.:/e8 film are. Q~utractoaUy, protected on behalf and for the 'benefit of Plaintiff e. whether or not tb~:idea:s' and, elements ate' copyright protJec:table;

(:0 The Settlement Agreement is binding upon aU persons or entities

Page.I 4 of .17


. :alHho:rlz'ed ·to .C'xploit, or-assist in exploiting, the MiT'llral~:5'·filin· and' requires th~l 'the' .Mimdes· film

. .

.5 8. Each, pn hUe: dlsphi.'~ 'of the .. Mi.m,des .film and every DVD'lttanufl.llcLUred, of the'

MirrJ-de.s fllm displays • cr s:.bould.·actQiro ari,d reflect, a copyrigbt.n~ti.ce. i.nfooning- the viewer ;Md

the gc:rre.mJpublic ·1h~t. tb¢ motien pic~r::-e isptCi~ect,ed by ~pyri.gbt Ia ws, ~u~a a·~ditltmaIJy. pursuanr ~:o the: Settlement Ag~ej)tt aeeord a credit to Damon Runyon .

. Sl,t 'Plaitltfff' eonfinues logtarrl:. th:;0fiS.e~ for: v.a.riOu~ lights ,in and :[~ the MLO story.

and the Settlement ,A,~ryement gxa:nting. certain Iimned rights'm di:e OWilen;, ,of the ·.Mirac.les· fll:!n

by P!aintiff" i$ ,stiU valid. al,ld.binding,

:61.. ~PI;mntiff has develbp,ed., imd Proint1H bas' :expeei and .rely upon, a. course'

of 'whereby Piainti:f'r e!l1joys Gp}}.ol1uniCie.s,· j:nqulrleSi; and n1l:lituru henefit· from the

III. :To_e Inf'ringing· .. is .Kinn, Film

:!i3·lJpon~iQfonnali~n and belief,Qbfendam.s al~dprOdu'ced a film t:Jl,Clwn ·as "Si~:gb ~. Kiri:ng'~ which. hl fact. .is .based .upon·the same-eapreseiou, p' . anern, sequence and

64" Upon infOlmation and belief, the ,cr-ea.t.lQn, of StK came from the desire by Bimal

Ober ; '("Ob "to) "d' "V' ul AO, 0 !~1 eh' ("Soh, "" id dO', 0' A," B

m;:! QI . , 0 enu ,. pro ueer ipu ,mruttal c). aw : '.' ,aw ,}, ',QJl, O"ootO[ , nees;a;z;mee

copied, and was' adapted from. the Deri,vative Films which embody the MIG 5tOry;

(a) 'Wiki"edi.a,; "the . plat is loosely adapted from .the Jacl:,1e Chan bit


(b.) Amazon.corn: "the p]qL(of 8,1R] takes time to borrow from a page from

Frank Cap'ra~s Lady/ora DaY"~ and.

(c) Vru;iety,:' "obviously inspired by .Prant .Capra , s A Pocketful. of Mi,t'ltCle,i."·

subject (If academic critiques and analyses, .fm,d have received' great, recognition in the literary

and film, industries. The IUle (the name) Mad.ame La GimP' bas '3,Chiev,ed -a S~8nj.flcan.ce and

iden'ri:fiCation with the public andin the entertainment industry ,i,\ttaining a secori<i!U'Y1.11¢;aning.

67 • Upon Information <lnd belief all Defendants had access to the MW story .and l~e

l}~riv~tive Films, an~ ~ is a reasonaale po'S~ihmty 'lh,,"- all Defendantshad an oppo:(mn~ty to

vie,wand/or copy the MLG story 'andthe,De,rl vative Film:.~'.

6~l Upon w'omuition, and belif,:f. SI](: c.opjecl' me .MLGsroty' directly and copiedthe

MLG story 'indirectly viathe Derivative Films:

69. Upon information and belief, in or ;;ilio'ui 200.8. the producers of $lK entered

agreements with ~Viacom, W"C affiHates. and ethers in' connection 'with the financing, domestic

and foreign theatrical and DVD distribution" and furtherespleitation and marketing of S/K.

Pag~ Hi of31

10. UJ;KIEI i:nforma·titiH and ;he;]~:ef,. ·with: res))'oct. "W- the ~U~~ igh;::rna:ti.onal thea:ITi:c~d

dHillibutio~ and ~xpJci:U;a.tiM rigbts. in an'd to ,SfK in .·t.e.rr:J:wne-8 othefWia:n dlt; Ul;Ih.ed S:tate$. the

Vm~cm De:felldants~· a:fter~mmiuing. acts n~.e., copying; :repro.ducin,g,-.and. m~nl:! irr the;· D niied States, for· the purposes' 'Of intematlonal di'Stributiollll~ ,wtered in'tot and. Cieri VM revenue :md

n. U:pefi~nformation and.oolie:f~ ,~l Defenda;tus .~new, or .shlJuld bave;~lomtlwn. had theyconducted reasonable, .aa.eqllat.e Olf go.od -faith iuvesligatioumat the rig.hts·· to a~pl,

l¢prpUl.I,ce.penorn:t •. display'. ;proo!:!~ . and, ~istrih;ute. .and expl<¥~ ~, fn~. b<E!!$-ed l1po:n and· delEi.ved frorn !lite.MEG .story. or the De[lYJtJ"le -. Films, were clearly owned and ~COlltro:ned by panies <other


djsrrIbute SI1(.- overseas •.

. 74. Upon jn.form.a~{irn and belief. 'all ~fe~dan.cs.. with tp9wledg~ and inl¢nt"

Parlic~pated in! contrJbuxed to. finaneed, de""loped. 'pmduced". ma:rmfactu:reli. diStTibured. and explotted SlK which. is den vail ve of file MLG story and Der.ivadv~Fihns, wittioutplf()lpe.rly.

. ~ i ~ . . .' . .. . '

Pag~ 17 of 11

securlngconsent.epproval, grant, Of from threPhu.ntiff

75, UPQn inform:atIon. 'and OOlief,.ilone of thenamed Defe.ndants made any' effort to

remove from the ss: screenplay or SlK ·OOPyJ).$bted. elements and material e;mibodleli in the:

Deri\:a(ive'Fihns .derived from {'he'MLG story. and as embodied in the Derivative FiJJ:llS; and

these acts, m.lureS>. 'and 'omissions. constitute a rec~s rus:rcegar.d. ofPJai:rtiiff $ rights. and

'16. 'UPCln mformatien andbelief, in Of about August 8; 2008', "tbe: Viacom Defendants,

along with th.eit Indian agentsand: aff1Ji ales began. forei_g:n theatrical distribuliQ!1 of S.fK..

77, Upon infOrmation. and belie.ft, in or about Aug~st: .z008, the Vickmn Defe:ndanwj

and Srudiu 18 8pt;cific.aHy~ began distribution ill. the United. States, and Adbbs (In.cUa) began

and Suresh Nair."

78~ Upon ji'l:f~.ation and bthli.ef. ,all Defl:[Jdaot~ and their executives .'a:n,d

about. . 200.grepre~nta.t,l ves of the ViaOOm Def~ndants. held meetings in th~ United .States to al,Jilion:re financing; producing and di stdbu.ting sis: films, M whlcb time all Defendants were

further' informed :about 'Sf K and the Settlement Agreement

79. U p.oD information and belief~ each .. ,RI;I.d. aJ~: of ~~ Defendan:t$· directly infrin~d 'the

MLGs.tory.and the Derivative Films, andtheyknew, 'Or should have known. of'dle infriitging

acts of each of the ather Defendan:ts and their Indian _agents and a; and the-y m;tteriany

padicipared in. and contributed to" the imlingement ..

80. AU DeFendants are; liable forcontribatory Infringe~nent iu that they' knewlngly

caused, indu,ced and/or materiallycontributed to the 'infringing acts of parties with. whomthey

'bad .a. direct oonnectiO:B~ andlw distJ,lbutron. J;ecril'cing· ·&greerri.e:nrs~ !bildparty serviee agreements includIng, but not limited to. Viaeem and 'the Viaoo:m. vdendan.ts.· Indian agents and . aftlHiteg,"

'81. All Ikfen.druu8 ·arevic:ar.iously. Uableooitlr. CQPlyri.ghtfufting~me:Hi. tls.1:he?" had the

.right ~~ldthe pOw~r to contrOl bo_t"h d{l'ec;_tly and ]:>1;IfSu;m{ to "disiritil;llio,n ·servh:ing 'ag~¢me:nl:s· 'a:ndio.r drird party smice agreeme;l'.Itt!!, inc1ud, {bose related "to foreign territories, the .acHvit'iu of &Yell and. all.;ais well as the .in:fH:!.lg1.Qg .. adivities· of die V Ha'ccun Qefen;dants'tlttdian· agents and affi_~hlt,l;S:, and o·rher'S. -and U)es.eQefendants ~~v~d a ~rect ,fiil'<UlJ:ia] 9¢nefi~;L1 a(h,l;al]tag~'S. 'midfor ~tliel". eCQnom:ic ccinsideration from tlu;.infJ.iDgj.n~acti vltie8!. Thus. aH~feD~ants are liabi:e f?t .toreign Pwfits re~tulti~g from the copyright :lnfrjng'~n:i,~.nt in f.h¢; UnHed States.

82. All Defendants, ate:· prlncip;r[s .and a:gerns, for !hejJ: 8'u,~id1;arie,s.~. prcdueers, and

affiIjil~as much ofthe .. p.ooduct expo.rt~, t01. and mm.keli::d·Viacnm ·Di;lfem:!.anu'· alfiliates ~nd .. rs: derived [[om all, nefelJ:d4nts~ ·.itt the UuitedStates,' speclfi¢;ruy, devekapm.ern. p.r.od!ldion~ .repr:oductioQ·.IYtlIlMng, .Jnanufac!lu:dng •. and mark:eling, .

83..0~n infonriation ~d bellef~. agreements: were' entered. into bet'w,ee-.Il the: .agent ·.antl{or pMe:lltDefel'.u:lant:> and .their sub:s.idiaries" _ affiHate.~:, 'Mid. diisrdbu:rorS; whk~,aJoog wi,rh the~roolnse of (iealiligjcreatOO agency reh.lti.(ntshipfl ...

·:84.. Upon' infollu .. arion .aiI.(i, blHi"ef;. Viaeem, ·as ~.gents! prin:~;ipals and;'P,lS Qi:roreJ~n

·affiHares;. ioc,{udin,g. the Vl2coin Defendants.:" Mtm:ate&; entered eontraets Whl~.b. were binding-on the::irfqreign affili:mes~lncludin~' contracts for rli sbibptioH and.ere -lia:ble~ fOr. the forel:gr;l PrQiits of these fQrelgn airiliare:s 'fur tne-ir'copyrigh:t inrrilig~merit.

,85: Tn:ei Vlacom. Defendants a foreign afriliate~, tnduo.ed-. ,panicipaled .in, and

p.age 19 of 37

· .

contri btnec:f 'to, acts of copyright iufrlngeme:nt ~ri.the· United States~nam~,y the' adaptatjon'and reproo:ur...llQl1 of copyrlgh:tei;Jmalerial in the United States pr~limiJlmy to, its pu bUca:u6n.andlot. abroad,

, S6. Upon information 'and belief, all Defend()lUt's failed to e;u:rooil, stop. or enjoin

Defe:ndan~ and, others from infringing uponPlainti~rs righss and ieeerestslnthe MIJG story and

.as embodied' in' the Derivative Films er take any J.e,gal actionbut Instead, concealed information

81; Upon informatio·n and belief the acts of "copyright Infringemeercomplained of

herein. eecurred ill whoteor in part within the United .States which resnlted in profits it\" the

foreigncountries .• inciudhlg. bm not limited to: India, Germany, Italy, ,~xicQ" New Zealand,

~. . .. ,

Prance, AU$traiia, ,ArgeutiJla,, Switzerlatid" nelgt!lrn.~lgeria'l Monaen, M'orro~o, Tunisia." South, Korea, - and M~xic-o.

88. All Defendant.s. by their, actions. omissions. constitute c@mperi'rors,

'with Plaintiff for the' exploitation of remakes, 'Sequels. or adaptationa of the MLG story and/or the

btlth', emerge: from a siniation conceived 'and created by Runyon which constitutes the. ,os-pring

board" for' SIK.

'90. An analysis .of SIK reveals expreasicns of ideas, the, eompilation of ideas, a

contained ~ ~'MW story - and as, embodied ill' the ~rivafive_ Films. Some of '[he ':Sim:i,lari.~ie:s

" ,

between the M.LG story, the DerivativeFihns, and SIK'include:

b) 'In both. the MLG story and SlK1 a poor. elderly female-Bower peddler - called

"Rose Ladf' or "Ma",am Rosen, iu SlK- sells flowers to. p,a$sersby on, [he 'd.ty':s~ree~; (in Miracles she.i~,called "Rose~')_

c) In. both" Madame>' La GhnpIR.ose 'L&iy- has a daughter that is 'li "lUg el sewhere ",ffild with whom she has keprtn touch by mail.

,0) 'In both Madame La Gi:llIp/Rose Lad,Y has prtwnded in her ~et,ters to her daught¢r

to be' a, wealthy woman.

wealthy'miln and Madame~, GinlpfR.ooe: L~dy.has learned mather dau:·g'h~r~ the'fiance and the; ~fial1ct> s : famet are ira\feHng bybQ-ai to meet Madame. La' GiinpiRose, Lady before me . fiance" s

:fatbe,r gives his apprcval of the mariiage;

f) In both, the young couples are very much in love and if the fiances' fathers find

out ,Madame La GimplRmre ~.d:y 'are just flower p~dd]e;rs.' lIl.e young "Couples . may be uneble to marry •. and their' hearts will be broken.

g) In both the .MLG sW,ry and SIK, the boss of a gang - Qavethe Dude In the MLG

"storyand Happy SJK - is kind-hearted and always gives Madame LaOilllipiRose L~y

. . .

money .and buys h<;r' flowers when he sees her ..

- ..

fiance' S' father that she is the wealth y ~ woman she has pretended to be ..

Page" 21 -. of 31

i) In. both. Dave the Dude/Happy Singh arranges fer!" Madame La GiinplR,ose Lady to .slay in :finel.odging;s - a .swte ata swank hotel in the AlW stOi.l'), and a mansion in SIE..

j) In. both. Dave the Dude'~sJHappy Si~gh"s; 'f']e coborr gets Madau1e L~ " GimplRooe Lady new dothes. and 1,'1 beauty makeover.

k) In. both. M'adameLa Gimp l Rose Lady is concerned about the others finding out

the truth,

l) In both, Dave the DiJdfo/Happy Singll' sf¢,maJ,e' cehort .dOOS·3 fantastic jobrn;!khig. over. Madame L~. GimpIRose .Lwly! who in 'her new clorhes an.d~eup looks beautiful

m) In. both •. Madame La Gimp/Rose Lady and Dave the Du,deI H~ppy "Singh - go to the port 1.0 meet the boat bn1l!.gin,g· Madrune La OimpIRose Lady' s daughter, :f'i.and· and 'prospective ·father~ln-law .

. nJ .In·ilie Po~. Ma-dam.e La .. IGi:mplR.()S€ Lady 'and bel <.laughter meet in ateerful reunien, .Madame., La Gimp./Rose 'Lady's dangl.lter· is beautiful and she and .her fi.ance. who is a very nice-lookingquiet guy, make a -j].eaUtiful young couple and are very muchin love.

0) In both the. MW story and SIK.~ Dave the DlflIdefHaplpy S i~lgh also arranges for _Madame La Gimp:IRo~ Lady to: have a party fOr the daughte,r. fjan~ and fiances f~heir:~ <l~ '·'their''' suite, iu the sw-ank. hotel (the UW .sto.ry) or mansion (SlKj .

. p) In both; Ma·dame. La GhllpIRose Lady. is dressed in -a .. fine evening dress. and


V III both , Dave the Dude I' Happy Singh axrang'~ for his coarse gangster friends, roget:h:erW"ith "dons" from me nighiclub, to attend lhet:eGepti~o;nplf-ete'DdJRg to 00 weil .. to-do and famous people.

r) In both, despite the concerns of Dave the DudeMappy .Singh' is as£oc;tMle~" (he

Page 22' of 37

charade 1S ~not esposed and. Madame La. GimplRose Lady's dau,gbter1 -the fiance and the

prospective.fath~r-in~law are.all fooled and greatly: ipl,pressed.

91. In sum, SI'K contains another. ~:tbei1 unauthorized.' moyie version of the MLG

story and Incorporates theessence, structure, pattern, and sequence of the MLO' . story, The ~y ~sobe·dG:sceil.doo fi,oco.rdjnglo -s'imnarit~ in plot, mood, d.1(u1'1cteri.z,atirin •. paee, sequence .. of eventslpat.tern .. and: others such as d~a1ogue:

92. The essence, structure. pattern, and sequence ofthe MLG story and MI~les is

copied in SllL

. .

. Destinite .lady uses robe-man and criminal. characters to pull elaborate ruse taconvinee d~ghw:r and. fiance that. she is a ~ll··{o.~do.looy~

i 2; Madame La Gimp .is estranged from daughter and h.~s for years written he«('!Jl smtiolJ1t'.fY pretending to be '!o'VIi':a.hhy"

3. Madame La: GiQlP learns that. her daugh.ter who is now grown up and engage-diu be married, is . C0111ing,' with 'her qance: 'and hi s father so :tbaE the father can meet. Madame

. La Gimp and gi:v~ his api;Koval for his son' smarriage to her daughter,

Destitute lad y uses bohemian: and criminal' characeers '1.0 pull eleberateruse '[0 eonvince (I:l.l.u,glu;er and fiance that she-is a well-to-de-lady,

Rose is estranged from daughter and hes for )'~m;'S written her o'Il.s£ationer.y p.rete.ndiQg 00, be weahhy:.

Destitute [mI,y uses .

and cnmmal·char.act.ef'.!J '~'o ,pun elaborate ruse to' conv inca daughter and fiam:::~·· 'that she is a well-to-do lady.

Lady Rose learns that daugbter liN he is IIOW gro \V:tI

up and engaged. to be married, is''coriling with her fianceand tilt fath~r·so {h~:t rhe·can

. meet Lady ROSie and give, his ·~ppl"O,¥.ru_ for his &00:' S mruriage, .

R.ose Lady is from

daughter and. has for·years'-

i wrlrren her on stationery' pretending to be wealthy,

Rose Lady learns that her daughret now grown up' and engaged to 'be married, is 'coming with. 'her fiallc6 and his' fatheT so tIl-at the fathercan meet RQse;Lady·and:· his .approval for· hisson" s

. mamage to her daughter .

Pag~ 23 of 37

I help Madame La Gi:i:np pretend to be wealthy. and cf.ll~s;ts (he help ·ofMs

... _: as~ociale &. his. 'gh:I(riend,

Lady Rose pretend [0 be wealthy, and enlists the help of his associate &; his


Rose Lady pretend tobe wealtlty. and enlists the help of ills associate &,' his.


5. Arie(de,rly: con man, the'

J udge, agrees to prete-nd to be: the, weahhy husband 'of Madame La Gimp ..

-An elderly conman, the Judge, agrees. to pretend· to be the we-althy llUsbantl:of Lady

1·R.os~. .


An eleled)' eon men, the Uncle, agrees to pretend to be the 'We.a~thy :fri~nd .Qf R,ose Lady',

6. Dave the: Dude arranges fot: Madame La pimp. to stay ma swank residence while her daughter, the fifill,ce and father ate- ill. town"

, Charlie Cheng arranges for Lany- Rose to' stay ill. a sw~nk Ie,sid,e·lIoe, while: daughter e.

I ~befianceand fa,the.1: are in town,

. Happy Sil1gli,ru:rn:ll'ges'Jof ROlSe Udy to stay ina mansion while her da,ugbter. " the fi,anoe"lul.d. fa:lher.are in '[ow.n,

7". Madatn.e La Gimp is giyw rlew·do,ilies:an.d a bt:au~y makeever; traQsforming theflower peddler into ·Po beautiful, arlStocrarlc wQ:.nan·

Lady Rose is p'ven new' :Clbthes and a beauty makeover, rransforming the; flower peddlerinto a beautiful, aristocratic: woo-marl,'

Rose Lady is given new clothes and a beauty makeover. transforming, 'the flower-peddler Into. a. beautiful, . aristocratic

8. The Judge is pleasantly ·surpri~ed to see. the ":new~~ Madame La Gimp.

The' Judge' is pleasant'l.Y surprised -to see the' "new" I .Lady Rese,

The, Uncle is pleasanUy .surprised to see the -·'~~w" Rose. Lad~y.

9. Madame La Gimpand her

"h b d I, the J d -

u:s an • _ _ go

16 the pert to _m.e.;:t the boat bringing her. daughter, the ,f:i:tU:U1t!: and the fiau!oo's far];l~-l', _whe,re .she and her daughter have.a tcocnd reunion,

Lady Roseand her ";'hu'sband;'" the Judge, go to the poa to meet the boat bringIng iter daughter. r:he.fja:nQcii and the fi;moe' s mt'~~r ~ where sheand

I her da-u,ghteJ have a tearful remlion.

Rose Lady andthe.Uncle, go to the port to meet the boat bringing her'daugb~er. the nand; and-the :fiance"s father,.

, 'where she 3"d ber daugbte:r' ! have a tearful rerrm:Ofl ..

I· .


10. The), go tath.e.hote:l where r They g~ to ~,e Jiotel~here

1Wa~ La G;~' is I' ~dJ Rose Hi pretending to

pretending to live. live.

They go tothe mansion. where Rose Lady is .·pre,rendlnglO, live,

II . .D~ve. the Dl,]dean:Mge.~ "(1£ a party"y,;rith VIP '~Q:eS'ts; . for the daughter. fianc6<aiB,d father. in tOO suite· at the, hotel. where Madame La Oimp and. her

Happy 'Singh arrange!;> fora party. with VIP' guestS; fiJI! the daughter, "fiance and father. at the 'mansion where Rose Lady: is' pretending-to Iive,

, Charlie: Cb~lI.g arranges for a party, with VIP guests. for the daughter, fian~ and f:amer, in' the. suite' at the hotel where Lady Rose and her "husband"

are prctendin,g._1i.:..:- o;_:l::_i'.:.:....:le:.c::.. ......l-i _;

~1tushand" ~.p'rete.nd"ing t!llive.

[z. A laney pM1Y. with a hand i~' .held: fot the: dau.ghte.r,. fi"a.nC¢, ~nd the.' .fiance~ s father ~ and a. man pretmding· 'll) ~ a. butler

·lou·dlya'll.ll(}im~S tIle. name of,eacb prom:bl.ent guest.

13 .: M-adafflf! La G~mp" s daugh[~:. .her fkrnce and. dlt, \fi.311~,j:s· faJll.~ are fooled" ?Dd· ·It:!e daughter and. fiance many.


ljo~mf:(llc;.lrruIit: ;. Killd-he~ed.erimin"d ~]e;me:nts. hav~, a soft ·~.wt f'Of: ati.clderly flower pedlRer and a y:onng


.nu'''''<I!u,.o,>' La -Gimp~.

po'or, elderly fenrale flower poo~ler w ho~i.ves a}:fart from he[.·~ung·. beautiful (l&I,lgh,ter ?-nd Who 'for' years lias pI-erended to be a: wealth~. womao,

A JilIOl:l)~ p.any with a bmld: is A tlU1(;~t party wtth·ahan~j, is

f.u!lcH9t me dau~le.r, .her bdd' far-tbe aaughter~ her

fi~nce and the. nance".s father, fi_a:nce' ~tid tbci' {lanCeS f~ther~'

and a. man pretending tG; be a. ' .and a man preren<iins robea

butler loudly~ 'MfifiUIlC'e$ the. • butler loudly ru:moonC:eSlhe

~{lme of <each pro.·mini,;:,iu:gu.est. I nam~ of' ·~achpoomln.e:nl guest.

.tad]! liOS€,·s·dooghte.r. her fiance and the .fiance'" s,ofathe.r are. fooled,. aniltJje dangbter ~Jl4 u;ru:ice, lilari:y,

elements have.a ~Q~., spot. file an' eld~rly flower pe,:ldler iln# a. young oOll',ple in love,

R!;)$¢Lady·s·dau.gbter~ per fiaru;:e aDd the: f1ADce~ s fath'e:f are -foo:led,Bln.d, the ,daughter ,and H~y Singh ':marry ~ ' ..

. Ki~d~h~,oo crimin~l e.]emem~s·liJ!'ive a' ,wit :spot [Qr an elderly flower,peddler :and .. i:'!. yOyug coople in Ieve,

. .the :poor~.ek!.edj! Roese 1.ady.thee p'oo:r~. ,,,,",M,f>,l"lv

female. 'flower pyd.d!ef W 09 feb:;ale flower pe.ddl~r w ho

Uv"C:S\apan :rn:.m. her young~ li~ apmtF:rom·youllg,

beautiful aaijigbtet and wlto be;i.ytiflll daugh:tet and whcr

far ye~s bas pr.etendedlo' be a: for )i~S',hM :pretellq~d t:q' be.a

vi:ealthy' W.OlJl1fUl·, . . wealthy woman.

l6. DaY,e' the 'Dude,rhe' kind,-

hearted . who.

Char]i.e, :Ehel:l:& the who

always b~ys,·.the.·flowers, Ma~.e La Gifl.1P sells and whQ'helps herpretend to be wealthy in '69'01 the father of her daughter! s fiance. so' that her daQghter and her' d:aughter'1i fiance can g~t married.

. 17, .Dave the Dude l So cyuical .asscciates, Who are against the ]dea ,m the 'cbar,ade AUt. :reluCltandy help,

1 K Dave 'tile Dude's girlfriend, a'former niglnclub singer in M:adrune La Gimp. who 'belps with ·.the.-cha:ta4e and 'Cibt'ains new Clothes ,and a bea:uty'maitOOl':et r-ox Marlru'lle' fa Q:kllP',

19. The Judge, the con man, who is enlisted to play Ma.d~e La Gimp's' "husband' is pleasantly surprised to, see bel 'tnwsfomlatio.D.

20. MadaD.\e La Gimp's bea.udful daughter .. who has Ii ved 'apart fif;{'>m her mo:rbe.r ~fid returns a.~ter beeommgengaged 00 'that her fiance's father can approve the marriage,

bllysrbe flowers Lady Rose sells ·flnd who h~Lps her pre.rend to be wealthy in ·order to 'foolthB fatber of lim: daugtne.r' s fiance, so that, het: 'darighter and her: dallgh:rei':9' ftance -can getmarried,

Charlie Cheng's cynical associates; w ho!'l.1'e the

idea of the charade but .

reluctan£ly help,

I flowers Rose-Ladyaells and who help's her prfitend to be wealth)' in. Qrder tQ·'fool·the

~ father of her d.a.ugtuer's flamj~. so th::at~ h~· daughter and'.her ·(i,an.,gJl'fer' is fiance 'can germarried,

Happy Singh's cynical

.' associates, who are againsl the idea of the charade-but reluc:rantly· help.

Happy Sin~"s female friend, anactress in SIK, who helps

I with the charade and obtains

I new clothes and "3. be~u~y'

1 m!lkeovet for Rose bidy.

The J udg~. the een man. who . Unele,: the eon man, is,

is enlisted lop::tay Lady Rose.··s.pleasandy surprised. to see her

"husband" is 'plea~lIntly trensfonnadca, '

surprised to see her

rranstonnatlon ..

~~.arlie '<:beng' s girlfrieftd~ a former nightclUb sln,geI' in Madam.e La.Ghnp. who belps

I with the charade and, obtains new' clothes and a b;e:J.lir.y makeover for Lady Rose;

. LaiI~i R.ose{s 'beautiful, wbe.has lived apart. from het mo,tber and returns, atte.r becoming el}gaged. 00· that her fiance's-fathe_r can appr-ove the marriage.

I T.he'~aul~u~r·s ~an.c~, a ... very uice-lookiug qmel young m~.

. Pag~ 26 o,f 37

RO£e. I..adj,j:s beautiful.' daughter, who ha;s .llved ·apart 'from bet mother and returns .

: ,after becoming 'engaged 5'0 :tl1at her flanc~~ s father can approve the marriage,

The da!lghtet's fian.c.e,.a very nioe;-]ookit:lg, '.I. uietytm:ng·'~~ul.

l2L Th. ' .. e ..•. d.a.;,~,~._te:r ...• s. flan~~~a very tuce qure:l

. yOlUlgman.


. 22. The fiauce'-.s --:-f.a-tC-he--r-;, -:a---'"-Th~-e-, fi~·~l,-a.n-ct-.-> s-f~JI.-tb-e-r-J a-. -w-·.ealrb-. _-.":"'". Y-·. '-+-='rh"'""-' if-lances father, a wealthy

wei!1thY'man who wishes man wbo wlshe:si tomeet LadY!,' man who-wishes tomeet Rose

to meet.Madam~ La GifilP. Rose befOl'e apP:w\.Lng hi\'l! .. Lady before ap'p-rov~fi,g his

before ap(?t;Oving his son's marriage toher daughter.

son' s marriage to her' daughter ..

23 . The cO:M:Se ,gangsters. ~:e enlisted to porlra,y"weH-to-, do guests at the party.

sen' s marria.g~ to her daughter ..

The coarse gangsterS' 'who, e:.nlisie:d to portray well-to-de guests at the party.

The coarse gang$l~ts .whQ enlisted to ponray well-to-do guests atthe party;

24. The "dolls'tfrom tbe nightclub who- ilso appear as' guests at the party; and the 'man pretel)ding to' be

the blltJpr and whQ .

iuu.i(iunces each gl;lJt:sl as they arrive ,a~ the pmy~

The ~·doll.· s" fioirrloe. Qjg~h.t~~Ub j' The ·.~dQlls~· from menig;btclub

who also .appe:M~lS guests at 'Who also 'appear as- ~e:. s tS' at

the party; and the man the party; and the man

p~ndjll,g to be th,e butleeand pretendIng te be the butler and

. who a.-itnouIlces'ea:Ch 'guest as I Wh9 announces each guest as

they arrive at 'the party. tho)'" arrive at the .pmty.

In SlK:

'~Annt. you have. thrown. $oCh a. big party to welcome us.» Thank you.~"

l :emb~ ~ubthles~ No .. 1:300

15.,. Fas;t/ Actionl , Days

. Neither is ploddifi~ or


26., Urban ~All.:t:.-UiWU.

Am~canst;yle ·googstel's , cars; clotbesl & weapon"~,

Fasl1 Action! Oays Neither isplodding or frenetic,

Urban gang-land; American style ~g8ters. cars, clothes, ~.weapQns.

Urban gang-land; Americsn s_tylegan.gliters~ cars, clothe.s,: &wei!j.PQoJ'I$,

27; Swank hotel





Port Scenes

Port Scenes

Page 27 of 37'


In Mii'(1d~&.·the.4aughte-r is Fe!iuI"ning after a .lon,g absence ..

!"Mydaiughter"s commg. baCk tomorrow after. three years," Embedded Subtitles. No. 1150

~ L In MadailJi La Gimp, those in on th~; chara:d¢ do not want to disappeinther daughter and .her fian.c6.

Mrl,(/l'm."p· . La G~lJqJ.

Madame: La.,dim.pi explains tOI Da:V'etbe Dude that 'the f'i::Uice's father is coming to cheek her out before approvin,g his son' s marriage to her·dau.ghter.

33.. . Elem~ls1'i<lve.·

redeeming qualities, a basic decency, and a ooft spotformoth~ood,and ',for love. and they provide generosny and joy to a destitute lady.

In Mtraples~ the JudgelUnr_:)e: says . "we .. mustn' t disappoint

the love birds." .

In Mi"rade.s. Lady Rose: 'tells the fi'U1C~· s,t~a,ther chat.. she knows he ·"Came. 001 HOllg Kong to checkon [th~ . dauglit,er' 51 background.,'"

CriJnnWlE:leme:nts· ha v:e re.deeming~ qualities, a bask decency. snd a soft spot fur motherhood and fior iove~. and the~y provide generusity a:JlG jo,Y to a d.e:sti.tutel:ad~ •


"But I always hid djs fact from my daughter.' Embedded SubtitL~" No.

nS9 '.'

"]]1 be exposed' wbenshe dis.c:Olvet!> .•. that ber mom . sells flowers 'by the rcadside?"

Embedded SlIbtilles •. Nes, 1,161,1168

In SlK:

"Slit m:'lW she's ~m~D¥ tomo:o;:ow with 1he man sbe loves ."

Embedded Subtitles .. .No .. U64

"I've he~ he's from a very rich family. 't

Embedded Subtitles. No. 1165

Criminal Elements redeeming qualities~ a 'basic deeency, :and a sC!ft spot for mo~eib-ood .and for love, and they provide ·generosity . and joy to a destitute lady. Iii SlK:

"Servants, you're <;ibou:t to do a great deed taday ."

. Em.bedded Sll.blJt~es. No .. 1 "

9l~· .The MLG- story's significant ·char:acter1the "Rose Lady"; constitutes protec'table

e;"VJ(~jon as the character was Runyon .. lbe:cbarac'ter·oonst:itutes the story being

Page 28 ·Qf 3 '7

94, . SiX numerous' attributes, aspects, and qualities of tile "Rose Loot'

character, and the.interpiay with· orher chani.cfe:.rsj which are·$Ubs'f:ant.iaUy similar to' those milized m the story and Derivative Films.

immatedel variations or trm:lspare-nt re-phrasing to produce -essentially an update of the sante

story' as the MLG, story, and Defendants' additions, rutet:ati(llls~ and editing choices: provide

evidence of oopying rather than independent creation.

96. The acts of infringement committed abroad were permitted and/or initiated. by

pre.lhnin.ary~ pr;edi.cate 'acts of within the Unit;OO"Sr:a'[,e:s 'bY. all Defendants. namely,

'the aqaptadol1, Ireproduc£r.o.n, manl)facturing. di~tdbution, printing, editing, and marketing of SIK'

with the intention and purpose (If e:;-;:portLng it 00 the Vi acom , Defendants! 'subsidiaries," and distribators in foreign '[erritOiri¢~, :including tbe Indian Agents and Af.fili01!les.

'97 . The' Viacom Defendants have acted as, agen.ts and distnbutorsin the United States


(CO]pyrlgbt hdrill;gemmt~,i7 U.s.C. §§,101. ei.seq~ - Agaio.d.AO ne'ren~antsJ

,9S.PlaiDtiff re-alleges and incorporates by 1;efe~'eo.oe paragnlplls 1 thm.ugh 97 Inclusive, as 'though fully set forth herein.

99. Plaintiff owns 'lh~ renewal oopyrigbt in. the MLG story" and elements ofthe MLG

.story embodied in the Derivative Fl.irns,. which are Pligiual, copyrlghted works under the' laws (If

Page 29 of 3'7

. . ,

lOO~ Plaintiff has the exclusive rigbt to prepare de.r:i.vnti!fe works based upon the MLG

i{u ...

. .

The. Defendants' aG~.5 and. fhose of flIeir .ageets, sm:.1Sidiaries and/Qr af-filia.t-es! .. III:

oon':stH:u.rea v[oltujon, of die UnIted StatesCO]J)!f~ghl~ Act, Title 17 u.s.,C .: §~ $Ol(a}~ J.(60) - m6i(6)~ ,;;tt)d an D~ndMts we.feacti:ng>~s i[l' within tlle,meanjng ofl 'i U,S.~.,§ U)5(a). 102. . By aU [be Defendants' participalioo in, andccmdbutions to;lbt:. 'prod.uction •

. di8t1ibutJ;on, use, and. eX"plruta~ion.l()f$IK· both in. the Unl1ed St~· :and- for eiporr "to foreign

. ~ ~. .

. .

]{Is.. ,Aperman.ent ]nj:pTlct~O[l!. p,uI's!;lam t@ 17 US.c. §.5U2-~ enjoining all. Defendants.

acting in concert. w.ith Ib.em.: .from engaging til such funhee violations. ofd1e C.opydghtAGL~

. . .

106: A pennanem Injunction enjoining all Defendar]lts~ their officers. agems,

wuh~bem. from engaging 'in or authoriziri.g. (~le .pro!iucdon, copying,' distribution and/or

exploitation of SIK:

sustained and will sustain, .and. an.y income, gaies, profits, andadvllnra.ges ol!-tained by Defendants and their suhsidiarie~., :.affilh'ites. di$m.butors. and, service providers, both domestic

and :foreign. as a result of their wrosgfulacts alleged hereinebnve pursuant to 17 U.S.C .. ~

504(b). in an amount which CaDIIDt yet be fuUy ascertained .• · but which shall be assessed at. me,

time of trial;

lOS, The n~um stennory dama.ges in the amount of $30.000.00' per. infringement, an.dlot,$150,OOO.OO per'i'idUfuI inf.ringement pursuant 10.17 U.S.c. .. § 504(c). :p[~ fu,! such other amount as lnay be pl'O~ under' 17 U.S.C. § 504(c). Plaintiff Is furthe-l:'entitledb> their attorney's

109. Por such ether and fu:rtber relief and remedies available· under the. ·Copyright Act.

17 U.S.C. §§ 'Wl et seq .• andi.:'!r 1cu:"whlcn the' Court may deem. Just .and proper; including

puniti ve; dMllages.


O::'Oin'lr~bufu£y CoPYI'.igbt Infringemen.t, ynder 17' 'DoS.C. §§ iOI et seq ...

. i\,:gaJust All D~rendants) .

110. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates herei.n hy reference .the alJega:ti.oQs set forth in

paragtaphs ! through 97 inclusive, as 'thougb fullY" ret 1lo:rth herein,

l11. Upon information and belief,' aU [)efelld~n'lts .~ndivjdu.aUy. and In concert with the

other 1131ned .Ddendan'tS •. the Indian Agetitsand Affiliates. and with other. JI~on:s, and enfifies •

. Page 31. of 37

A:ffiUa:tes., ~gub$jdiarles~ and others, procilloed •. fihned~ distcibuteil, and ·ed1letf SlK {(if' domestic . ~d wrtign ·distd.bnti.oo.;

~rrltori,elS after' its produdion· and m~ufactute. amd~ upon;qIJllation and he.ijef:,m~u:ced infringement' in the, United .. States ·by rrroviding financing. .guanu!~ee8~tmd agreem.erds for

distributlOll'Ol' gIN;

(d)'the Defendants further' .pa:rtietpatOO in: the international distribution cif' SIX


emp]tl~s~]1cens~, .~ssj.gns. ·Cli1tribl.ftms, sbb~strli;;lU't:ors~~d.alI .pel'S?i1S Sifting in co:ncett w]th ·the!l~.~ from en~gJng in. Q!raathorizj:n~ tb.e production. reproduetiou, oopy'n.g. use.

·_~nd all [J.¢(!jQI:r5 ac:ti~g il~ conoert with th:e:!n._ :;!s" a r:esult of lheir w[OiJ.gful. 'a_:ct$'oommitl:ed in. tbe U ruled Stales. and tho$l! ofthei:t subsidiaries.- .af(,IliafeS.,a.nd d~~ib.utoo, ill. - -!-breign t'euitories"

... ~ . - .. . . - .

~'tained.l;Jl;l,t whi.eb. &11 aU be -a.ggessedat the. dome of trja~;,

1l6~ Th'e m~]mum &t:ahitory damages: ~n ,_me amount --(If $:3f1,OOQ ... OO 'per mfnngem.e:tl,t.

ftt'iii/o.'r :$.1 5O~00D.9D per willful_i.~lfrin,ge'ffu::;l)t. po.r$uant. to' 17 1] .. 5 .. C. ,§ 5Q4(c),. -ot~.t Stu::!:) ,other_ amounr p.roper undecf 11 U $;C. § ~ .s04.(c)..PLain:6t£ lsfi:ufher entitled .~O tne:ihHtorn.eY" S"

fees ~na_ fun .C·QstS .pu:rs,u:ant ~tb 17U.s,c. § 5P5~ and

111. :Forsucb other and {urthe.'! reiief and rruilodJeg a vailable und~[ the :Copyright Act"


'(Vicariaw!i' CiQPycigbHufringmnellluder-17 U.S.C. ,§§ .101 elseq.

Against AU -Defeoouu)

. . ." .

· ,

. .119. !An af {he Defenid<;tn:(S, 11;1d 'r!le. righ~.alitllorit.y~ ·and· the; ablIlli:yw control, or

~,,!'1elFOs, • .,ilo ,·,t:..e· , .. "'t;"" ..... ., .c,;.];l,j~~ """A nmi "'''''0'''''' ofthe ''''''e:!]'o' ,w·· D·e],f,;.",A ... ",~,~. ,""",A "','I. ... r T'bf"t'~ n:n., . and ~~:l"".y", •. ~'!:i;-" l,U~, 1 !~'.~~~~,,@~.~.4 1!':!=!Ii,""'"'''''t ~.,Ij~ ~. 'iI!..:!I~ .. ,I_,.~~ "'"' .. u.t,y; JII.\~.~ ~_' ~""~.!!U~,Il·lI;...IJIt gI,I.IU. II..,f'Ij.UJlip.( ... Y.'~I~~~~ill-ii}' !PIo.!!~,.

entitieS. illCI:ud~llg ~. Indian. i\genhf and Affiliates~thleir, sub:sldjar~~" aftlii.1t~., an:d~is:triootbn"> domestic aad :furelgll, which violated. Pla'iutifr 8' oopyrIght in theM:LG s,wry. l'1l1.1d as embodied 'in,

, .

repmdm,;,'!:Jon, display IDarkeli-n:g. distribtui<;m -$ad exploitation of~the dem.en~!;> of th~-MtG -sto:ry ~

conS,UOJ;te: a. '~j~tailon of the {Jni~ed: S'ral'es Copyright .Acr, ,,[tde' 17 us,c ~~ .50.](a.)~ lOO{l,)l06~6)~ and ~'m Defendants w:ere~actil¥g' as iflltda~ers within.·:!he ]nMni~g of17 U.S.C~ §iO'5(a} l2l, The ·Defendants. ~h.?ldkn.owledge 'of' PlaintlW:s rights. and interests· 'ill. [be 'MW'

.and 'ex;,ploitiJtion of srlt..

123,. A:!.t named Defe,n.danls m.:e)(l:iJ1t~y and. S"~.ver8Hy H~ble for infriuge:n'l.ent ''NfJEREFOR.E.PW.nt.iff is el)tU1ed· to. and pray;sc fO,l" ·,relief a.s·fQUC!w~:;·

tb.elr .Q:ffirers~ ~-gent~ .. empley:e~,. licensees .• ~8.i'gils,d,.r.stri'butors •. arid. all :Pe.tSotis acting' in eoncert wJ.ththem •. nom e~:aWil.g in such rurtber viola~iQn8' of tbeCopyrigb;r ACf;

Page. 34 ·of.31

]25:. ,1\ 1!eTBlla:niriIU Injunction enjoining- the 'Defendants~ :theil! subsidi.uies. affiiiat,esf Ofl]C"fS~ age~~8. employees, Hcej,t~s, ;and. a5~ig'ns., di'$,t.tibu:tOFS. ·sub-~dI.s([s> and· all p.e;r.sons acting in c1:lne"en wifh them, 'both .dome$ticand forei,gn, from e:n~glng lnoreuthorizlngtae prodUC:1iQll,. c.o-pyillg, .distrib;uii(l[l 'a,lld/f;lr ~x,pJbi~tw:n lof $11(;'

126. :Retov~ from the De:fe.nda[lts: of the damages •. includIDgple-juci:g;ment interest Plaintiff sll, '~inld wi)] ~us;1am;, a;nd any income, gains, profits. and advantage's¢lby thei~ sU:bsirl!l'arle.s~~ffiHate~, a.n4 di~rdbITw'n:~ ~ame@tiu a.:Pd·,. as;,a,re;~ult: oJ their wmngful aCts cQnlndtted: in' (be':U:nited Sw~es and- ,in telTllX):rie$' alleged bere;lna.hove .pursuant ttl .17U~S.C. §. .~.M(bj., in an'amount whieb cannoryet be tuny ascerurin~. tmt- whi/ch sJiaU he assessed' at roo time of' (rial:

l2_7.~ The m~iiri.l1m stam.1o:ry ;OOnulges in the 3Iuoonl' of $~O;OOO.OO permui~gem:e.nt~ landfor ,$150~OOO.OO per v.iUiful, Irrm'h:gement"plU'slmnlt 1to !.7' UB.c-' .§ .504(e).~ er fOfflllCh. other run~uni as ma:y 'be; pm~ under 11 U, S.c. § 504(c)~· Plaintiff is furtbe.r ell.ud6:l t(f meir 'attQm~is feesand full oosls'pursuantlO '~THS.C. § .50~~ and.

l2~t 'F",{ such utb'ITniKl fu:n:h~· relief~d :re.lhedies. availahl.e. urtden the .Dopyrjgbt Ac~ 17 u.s.c~ §:§ un et seq .. , an.dJQrfQI lbe Cow:t JmI.y· proper:'

ON .ALL CLAIM.:'i; .FOR RELIEF. .1.'29. FOir Plainfi.ff'·s reasonab~e OO&lS and aUorneys: fees; '1.30. Podnre,(leist on aU sums aw:arrl.ed P1iiintirf~ and

131" .For,punitive damages.


- . '.'" - .

DAtED this , ,4th .. daY'6fMay~ 201O


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P~e36 ofJ"l

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