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ocroBER a, 199(,

A Special
lnvestlgative Report

The Palesttne Human Rghts Inlornratlon Center

A Center of the Arab Studles Soctety
P.O. Box 20+79

CEIITER PHRIC - Internatlonal
4753 N. Broadway . Sulte 93O
chlcago, IL . 6o6,to . usA
Pln: 312-271-4492 . Fax'. 312-271-3377
ocnoBER a, 199()

A Speclr brtlP-stlgatl€ RePo,l of

Tte Palestine Hunnn Rl!,hls l\f@7r.aaon Cenlzr


1. Ilst of Palestxrians Klled b'y lsraell Security Forces on Al-Haram Al-Shaitf

on tuober 8, 1990..............-.......... ..'........ . ...., 20

2. Btographlcalhformatton on Th€ PatestfdansKlled .,.... - -- --.-.-..-.........21


4. ArmotatedUst of Other Reportson tfie bcnts ofOctober8, 1990................-....... . .,,.,,,.,.....25

BrcL CoYt!
Map of Al-Haram At-Shaitf, noung slt€s menuorr€d tn the report.

To nake ttts deta d, relrdt as readable as posslble, uE twtg tughllghld caiticd Pohts h the

dober 31, 19gO

C@Dtled ln Jerusalem
Pubrishedl:chlcago, IL . USA . tgOO

Cov.r Ait: SII.ENCEby Maha Abu-Ayash



Conslstent 'rlth ou! mandate, PHRIC'9lnvestlgatton tnto the er€nts at al'Haram al-Shadf on October 8
concentmtes on hr]rnan rtghts vlolations by Israell securlty forces. PHRIC neldworkers alrd stall collected
over IOOdetafled statements from eyewitnesses,the tnjuled, medlcal teams, hospnal doctoB' fanlllles of
those kIled, Awqaf (Islarntc Tiust) ofitctals, representatlves of internatlonal humanttarlan organlzatlons.
and other*'ltnesses to hurnan rlghts }'lolattons. Our frvesttgatton dtd not lrrclude the taldng ofstatements
from pollce or border guard persodrel, whos€ role has t€en addressed ln lnvestlgations h'y other bodtes.

PHRIC stafr also conducted on-slte lnvestlgattons ofthe phystcat e!'ldence,anab?,eda vldeotape taken by
a tourlst lrom the Mount of Oltrcs whlch overlook3 the area. and studled the reports of several
orgadzauons. lncludtng the ofilclal Israell CornBlsslon of lnvestitlatlon.


PHRICfound that Palestinlans came to al-Haram on October 8 ln order to protect lt agahst what Moslems
anticlpated would be a provocattve entry by the Temple Mount Falthful. There were calls to thls ellect on
Frtday, October 5. Irom the mosque. There ls no el'tdenceto substantlate the clatm nrade by Israell olllclals
that Moslem rel€ious men incited the local populatlon to i'lolent actloDs agalrrst Jews. On the contnry'
our e!'lderrcehdicates that conslstent attempts were made by both shetkhs and Awqaf olllctals to defuse
the sltuatlon before lt erlrpted, and to calm the crowd durhg the shootlng.


Accordtng to the zamlr Comrrdsslon, the securlty forces acted on an assumptlon that the lives oI two
policemen lnslde the Hamln fidght be in danger. Even had thls assumptlon been well-founded' whlch it
was not, PHRIC concludes that the use oflethal force, whlch resulted tn 17 Palestlnlans dead and at least
337 inlured, was entfely dispmportionate and unwaranted. We also questlon the I$aell argument that
the tv;s of Jewtsh worshlpers at the walltng \tr/all werc ln danger at the tlrne of the security offenstve.

The us€ of llve anrmunltlon, and ln partlcular of high-veloclty bullets, ln the Haiam compound aroused
understandable concern l*'lthln the lnternatlonal commurrlty ln vlew ofthe spectal status of Jerusalem
and the sanctlty of the Mosque to the world's Moslem communltles.

PHRIC has ascertalned that r 7 Patesttnlans q'ere fataty shot jtr al_Haram. of those' I I were shot ln the
neck or head. At least ts'o were ldlled whlle trying to assfst the tnJured. The clrcurnstances of the killlngs
arrd medlcal aspects ofthe injurles provide coovlnclng evldencethat the securlty forces were "shootlng to
ki[.- An elghteenti vrctim, a 24 year:old Palestinlan, was shot by men ln cMllan dress ln the Chdstlan
Ouater at about 12:15 p.m. the same day and dled October24.

PARIC is especraly concerned about the large number of people wounded bryhlgh veloclty bulets which
shattered trlstde the body and caus€d devastattng lnJurt6. Much of the gunirc was automatlc and
therefore tndrscrtrntnate: itrany of the wounded sustalned multlple bullet wounds. ldentflable
medlcal personnel v/ere shot. Peoplewere shot tn the back or while asslsung the wounded. Chldren and
the elderly were shot and werc severely afrectedby tear gas. Israelt clatms that thelr securlty forces were
actjig tn self-defense are itnplauslble at best.

PHRIC Report on the Md ssatre 6 Palesttttlansat AI'Haro.mAl.shanJ

tItRtC Rqon on the MossaEreoJ tulesttnians at AltId'am Alsharlf


'NDe\acuatlon of the dead and wound€d was deuberately obstructed by the s€curlty forces
It ts clear that the
Ambulances were held up at th€ entrance of al-Ha.rarn.They were teargassed and shot at alter obtardng
permlsslon to €nter. Two nurs€s and a doctor w€ft shot whfle evacuatf€ and asstsung the i.Irjured.
Ambulances carrylDg crlticaly trtjured !,rcrc delayed at a number ofroadblocks placed between al_Haram
and East Jerusalem hospltals.

PERIC'' tnycsdg.tlor t|otnb to thc t88ca! nccd for:

I. rltcrnaUond protccdon ofPalestltllans under Ismell ocrupatlon, lncludlng Jemsalem.

2. rlr trdcpcndcnt lnvcrdg.tld undcr thc rusplco of thc U tcd Nrtto!$ g€crdqr Coulcll of the
events at al-Haram al-Sharif on October 8.

Stnce Fnday, October 5, al-Awqaf (Islamtc Trust) oftdab and relgrous leaders had been askhg
Musltns to attend prayeF at al-Aqsa on Monday. October 8. Ttds w;s h €c.Dectaton of an ainuaj
attempt by the Temple Mount Faltbfirl to enter the Haram al-Sharf and lavihe cornerstone oI the
llrrd tem-ple-o_n the Monday of the Jewjsh Succot (Tabernacle) holtday. The request for the
Musllrn fattfful to gather for prayers at the Hamm on Oct. 8 was not df;cted 4oairlst the thou-
sands ofJews s'ho had come to celebrate Succot at the Watbg Wall (Buraq plaz,a).-
There had been ftue prcvocatlve attempts by the Temple Mount group to enter the holy compound
during September. A{'qaf olftctals had reason to b€lleve that-thev would attemDt io enter the
Haram al-Shaflf compound between 8 a.(rd I I a.m. on October 8. The TemDle Mou;t Fatthful had
wl*ldrawn thetr-peljuon to the Hgh Coufl requesttng permtsston to pliacea succa at the Mughrabt
Cate, to place the cornerstone for the third timple on the Haram, and to extend the hou; they
were perrnitted to enter the Haram to pray on Octob€r a beyond 11 a.m. to S p.m. Thuj.
Palesttnlans pre_sentat al-Aqsa thaathe .femple Mount'Fattfful rdght attenipt to enter
the area up untll I I a.m. AIl of the palesflntans iiterytewed constdered thef ;wn preseirce to be a
deterrent: none had come wtth the airn of "attacklig Jews."

About l(xx) M|Isl|m eotahlpcra rttend€d d,rcr! !'ralrcrsi by lO a.|n. thc anmber hlat lncr€ased to
approdmatcly 6dn. wftnc6ses notcd tltclr suiprlsc at tlc crse stth stich they enter€it dle coD-
pound: there were no age restdctions and or toccastonal routhe ldenflty checks; there was onljr
o-neAv,rqafguard_andone or two poltcemen at each gate, though some noticed a liargegroup of boi-
derguards outslde of Llon s Gate. The only large and vlslble s€curtty force were th"eb"orderguards
statloned at the western slde of the HaJam. some litslde the compbund near the Mughra6l and
Sls eh (Chatn) Gates and otherc tn the old Mahkama (court) bu ding, now used as a"perrnanent
borderguard posltlon. The other stde of thls area ls the Wa tng WaI (Buraq plaza), where, accord-
lng to the Zamir Report. Jewlsh reLgtous servtces conflnued unul g:5O, alter whtch the Jewlsh
worshlppers began 1o leave. Thc actuel truEbcr of boral€rguardB prcsont L llot cteor, ttough
Eltnessca ftod 20 to ,ttt.

Shetkh Moharnmad Hussear descdbed the sltuatlon:

9verything-{,as golng aI dght. Thc worchtpcrswerc rcctflng rctgtous versesand chanting the prophet
Mohammads Modd?h Another largegroupof peopleweresttflng t;front of the mosqueplaz-a-listentng to a
religous les€ongivenb!'shelkh Bitavri.Thc womenivercdttrng tn th€ plaz-aof the D6meof the Rocks;yng
prayer and chantlng r-€llglousrefi-alns.Another group *ras reiponstbie for matntalnhg ordcr. This gr;u;
jncluded the of the Ae.,qaf,4wqaf employees,and othcr wel,known personaratbafrom the-clt}
Thes€peopleformed a hunan chah b€ts,eenthe youthsand rhe se.urtv forces.A djsranccofaboul 50 mi.
ters *?s k€pt b€tweenlhc louths and thc soldterstn ordcr to prcventAlc'Uonb€tq€enthe two stdes.

From 9:3O on, as the number of Palestlniang trcreased, so dld the feeltng of tenslon tn the area.
Between 10 and lO:15, Shetkh Moha!ffnad spoke wlth the commanders-of the Awqaf poltce and
borderguard unlts present, urging them to avotd confrontations. He assured the bo;derguard
commander.Shlomo lfutabl. that worshlpers q/ould not lnsttgate anv conlrcnla ons.
Katabl sald: "If you tluos onc stdc, eveE a flttlc @c, thclc wltt bc a iar here.

According to an afildal'tt from Falsal Husseint, the Haram guards telepboned htm at the Islarntc
Counc butlding, ln the compound, at around lO:15 or 10:30.They complatnedthat the border-
gxards were provokhg people. aod that the sttuaflon was poteliflaly explostue. Accordtng to
I went out $tth other m€mbersof thc Councdand *r askedpeoplcto congregatcnearal-Aqsa.Thereliglous
men calncd peopl€b!' g€ttlnglhem to pray and stngl€lgioua sones.'Ih€ srtuauontrnprovei.

PHRIC Report on the Massa.'e oJ Palestlnlans at Al-Ho'ra,n ,!l-shat1']r

TEE FIRSI CIISEES| 1(},16 - t1:O6

Accordhg to lnten'tews *'tth youths who were present at al-Aqsa, the g€nelal atmosphere was
chaouc and tense alter g:3O, when rumors spread that the Temple Mount Falthful were in the
area. lAccordlng to the Zarnli Report about 20 members of the Temple Mount Falthful arrlved at
the Walltr€ Wall Plaza at 9:5O and left for S wan at IO:OO.]However. no stone thrcwing took place
and the Awqafs Commlttee to Malntain Publlc Order was acttvely calrning the crowd.
Palestlnlars lnterllewed by PHRIC who were praylng at the tirne felt the sttuatton was calm. At
approxlmately lO:3O, a rumor began ctrculatkrg ln some areas of the Haram al-Sharf that the
Temple Mount FaltMul would not be enterlng the Halam, and some people reported that the crowd
started to relax. At the same tlrne, rumors peFlsted ln othe! areas that the Temple Mount group
would arrlve. Palestlnlans hten.lewed sald they dtd not wltness any attack wtth stones agalnst
the pollce or borderguards at thls tlme.

AU tloac lntcrvlccrld datc thc €ruptlo! of thc cbrhes to ttre thlowlng of e te!.r-gas cenl9ter lnto
tlc gtoup of glrL alal eomcn rt thc Domc of the Rock plaza at eppro{mately tO:45.
Accordtng to Shelkh Jamel Mohammad Jamel Rtfa't:
I saw through my omcen4ndowyouths gatherlngsmall stones.I rushed out to talk wtth the youths and
calm them, before$ey beganto throw stonestn the Mughrabtcat€ area. I was about four or ftve meteF
ftom a soldl€r who was sltilnq on a colonnad€. I saw hi;throw a t€ar-€as canlster to a second soldi€r be
neath hlm. But lhe second soldier faled to catch lt. so the cantster expl;aed ar Dung cat€ ar€a. The s€cond
soldler plcked up t}te canister and thr€w lt at the peopl€. The first soldler threw another canister, which
sbned the rioting tn the area. I looked behlnd me and saw that som€on€ had thrown another cantster at
th€ women at th€ Dome of the Rock

The tear gas was vlslble from afar, and some youths and men thought the Dome ofthe Rock was
bumtng. Gtrls and women at the spot started screarnln€|, 'The army ls herc, the settlers are com-
bg!" The irnpact on the already tense crowd - and borde4luards - was trnmedtate and dramatic.

Many of the men and youths lrnmedlately ran from al-Aqsa up the steps leadtng to the Dome of
the Rock to see what was happentng wlth the women. A group of youths conttnued on and attacked
the small pollce statlon to the north of the Dome of the Rock pliaza. Ttre poltcemen escaped, \rlth
the help ofAwqaf ofirchls; the statlon was burned and at least one gun found in tt was destroyed.
A lrrge group ofyouths snd mcn headed towad6 the borderguarat8 at Mughrabt catc, throwtng
3tde3. It ls aloubtfirl whcthcr at thls potnt (10:60 d so) the stoncs thro*n could brve r€ached tle
WalUDg Ivdl plaz5. The Wauing wafl plaza ls on the far stde ofthe Halam wall, whlch ts about ten
meter hlgh at that polnt and seveml meters wtde. lsee Map.l

Thc botdeiguards opcn€rl 8ra wlth tear ga6 and rubber bulets. Wltne6s€s dl6er otr when llve am-
munldon t aB f,$t uaed; somc say ldm€dlotely o.nd others soy that thcre wag a 6pace of about t*o
mlnutca. The borderguards at the westem area wlthdrew through the Mughnbl Cate tn the face of
the enraged crowd, shooting all the tfne. Accordtng to a r*'ttness, at least one soldter drcpped hts
gun during the wtthdmwal; lt was destrcyed by the crowd. A 24 year old man present at the scene
described the events:

wlth trle rest of the )'outh I h€aded to{'ard the ar.eawher€ the women were shouflng AIIardt Akbdr. we
thought that the soldlers had broken lnto the Dome of thc Rock. I saw soldiers at the Sllsl€h lcharn] cate
start shooting rubber bul€ts and gas canisters wlthout provocation from th€ youths, as most of the youths
ran toward the Dome of the Rock not toward the soldiers at chaln cat€. The shooUng of gas and rubb€r
bullets prorbked the youths. who start€d thro*'lng ston$ toward the soldters. The ).ouths started mo\]1n9
forward st€p by step toward th€ soldiers at Slls eh and MuAhrabl cat€s. I heard tha sormd of ltve bdlets.
The,ouths started to move backwards becaus€ of tne gas. then tne soldters wtthdrew out ofMughrabl cate
and the youths *€I€ able to close the cate. They threw stones and th€ soldlers shot through the Gate. A per-
son was shot ln the shonldcri he fell on the sround and I don't kno{' It he dled or was or v lniured. Some
youtls canl€d hlrn away ftom thc cale aFa and Inlo th€ mosque...The youths then wenr iodrds Silstleh
Gate. The soldlers ther€ were shootlng from tnstde a room above thc catc {the Mankamal. They tnjured a
large numb€r of peoplc. I saw them fall'on th€ ground rtght b€foc rny €l'es.

The borderguards $'tthdrew through Mughrabl cate between 1O:5O and I I a.m. The gate was then
closed; wltnesses dlITer on whether lt was shut by the soldrers o! by the youths.
PHRIC R€pdt on t |e liossacre oJ tubstfi?I,ans al AI-HaJom Al'Sh,rtV

Af th|. Doht. at@r. throc frod th! grf.E ltltct lt.t ttc bcd.tturd. @ toll of th! wdllnS
vrtl .!|! t! thc x!fh.D. bn|ltftl calt hrtc rctcb.{t tlc g.tlh8 r|[ P!rr.. lactc rtldc. wr.
not dlrcctctl rt Jct|.h ro['hlPpc|r, who the Pal6ttrlanB could not s€e and had no reason to
beltci€ weic attll thcE slnce thctr s€n'tccs had clded onc hour cadtcr. Further' glven thc hclght
and wldth of tl|e wall, and wherc thc Palcatrdais wcrc locatcd' lt would have bc€n ncarly
nnpossrblc for anythtng but sntall stolEa to havc clearcd the wa[. Soldiers conthucd shooung
through a holc tn the Mughrabl Gatc dght altcr ft was closcd, and gutftrc contltrued from the

ahc At|t Pdctthl.! tl|lcd trt !ro.t |lLv B||'L|n trrrto|r., tto t . .noEa thc tolrtht
thr{tlg *oocr rt thc Xdgbrol Ec trt rhot t! tlc!t 9(' Ectrtr fr@ thc grtc,
Some witnesses state that he was shot b'y a borddguad ofrber rght bcforc the gatc was closed;
olhers say hc was hlt when bordcrguards nred through a holc ln thc gate lE$cdtately aner
cloerng lt.
At L|'t 2{, othcr htcatbl|'t rtiG lqiscd f! $a rruibt|H G.tG |rcl dlrlDg tlc |!a!
lt b ftcV thrt tto othcst s.rc ttn d rt tb|. dnc lsee s€ctlon on Deadr.sbebwl. I,Alrout20 Jcwlsh
worshipp€rs and 6 polrce were ltghty lqured tlr stoncs on October 8.1

MeanwhIe, the men and youths who had run to the Dome of tlle ftock arca heard tfte shoottng and
the crles of the lnlured aira begal returnfng to the a]-Aqsa plaza. As they ran dos'n tfrc steps and
approached the IGs (fountali for abluttous) area ln ftont of al- Aqsa mosque. thry s'erc (xpG€d to
gunf,re from the Mahkarna.

A pollce heltcopter was flylng over the compound at thls pollt. A numb€r of wltness€g state that
teir gas and lrve amnunflon appeared to bi shot fiom lt, although thls cannot be conflrded.

llt rs posslblc that shootlttg also took place from the Uon's Gate area at this ttne. 14.!y
wttrrcises saw borderguardJstrooUng from ttrts arca (the northeast pad of the compound)' but "y-"-
tfne is not clcar.l
All eccountr rgicc tlet thcrc rr. . lull tn thc rhoothg bctsrcn ll:m.l.t 1l:(!6. ltc ,GcurltJr
fotrcc. lrcrc D(G.|DrbV r.gntuphg ..nd crlllDg fot tctdotrccdcnt ; accsdlng !9 l]tqzand{
Cot]]mls.slon and BTselem rcports, they werc actlng on the assumptlon tlrat at least one AmD po-
llcemarr was ln danger of atttck tn thc compound slauon. lBoth poltceocn were, In fact' safely ,ql-
stde the Awqaf stew;t&' room, on€ having be€n rEcued by a! Awqaf employeq thry wert unable
to Eport thls to thctr coMrand. b€caus€ c@Buntauons had bee.ncut of.l
By thf. tfDG, rff .tcslrh sqsbtpci| hrd DcGoGncurt d br tbc w.[ng wdl Dltr" Pal€tf-xans
rire busy transportlng the lnjured hto the mosques or to the cllnlc Itr the westem stde of the
oome of ihe Rock pl,aza,and 6l'rg to escapethe oasslve teatgasstng. wtness€s say that peopl€ ln
the Haram were bavtng gtrat drmculty ln breathLg because of the gas. Youths' many of whg
had covered thelr heads-because of the Eas, w€rc [ather|Il{ stones ln cas€ of an attack by the
soldlels. Medtcal tearns were begbnlng to-arrlve. lgae ENEuaio oJ te wounded betrow.l
At rpprdd.t V f r$6, r n r.tvG fdcc of bo(dcaiuird, .Dd pollcr, rt lritt zdt' bca.r cnt dtrg
throri6 uuglr|fu Crtr .!d hc.ttcd tosrrdt Chd! G.t rnd thc D@c of thc Roc\ |nit d3o to'
wards-.!.4;r morquc. urlly trlc wcadng hctact |rd sltc |rocd tlth dub. fn rddltlolt to rl'
flcr; *ttrdlca rcp&t rcctag umcrl ncn ln cldtt|.n clothc.. By dl lccourtr thc fotcc c|mc ln
.hootlrg hdllcrlilnrtcv, trcbdlnl rut@.t!c Atc hod thc blp.
p.qDlc tr dhdf drcsgoot. but tlcrc rrt no tlnc of dc.Irc non grmftt as the bordfrguards had
spr;ad out on the grcund and had also entered th$ugh Uon's Gate on tlre other slde of the plaza A
$'ltness descrtbed thc attack:
Aft€r a short whllc, thc Mughnbl Catc, whrchvas clo€cd.buEt opcn6nd,a lar-gcnumb" of soldlc6 came
through. Thry dntded lntoitfo grouFr one hcadcdtoxards thc stlsuch {chaln) Gatesd thc other tos?rd
PHruC Repdl on lh" Ma-s.saeeoJ l\lpsttntans at Al-Ha'um Al-s.hallt

al-Aqsamosque.Thls causcd confuslonamongthc youths who atartcd to rcU€at tocrardsal-Aqsa.I was

aDongthcm. BcforcI r.achcd thc cntranE lto thc Dorneof the RocklI ca! shot ty a bulet tn the left sldc of
my chcst I 3ac,tlc soldtcrsrh@tlng rith thcrl guns li a hortzonlalpo6tuon.Th€ydtd noi shoorar our legs:
thcy armcdthclr guns Ln|ards our c[cats and G&.

A 27 year old wttness says:

B€causcofthe lnt nslvcshoothg. I plnt towad thc DorDcof thc Rock I sswa glDupof borderguaids rdrdhg
th€ Ftarao fiom th€ dfEcuon of MaJIlslh-eonl Cat€.Thcysrre shoo[ng buI;G;d gasat the Domeofth;
Rock *tcn youths confiont d and lton€d tlFm. I ran ai;ay to thc ea,sistdcbut fadd soldlers who cane
through Lron'sCiatc.F,acherayI wak€d I sawpcoplcfal.lngwtthout b€lnghelped.
lr|ry of thc c.rrrluc. wlctrGttcoplc *to hrd bcco qrt ln tlc pLr. hcbbg to atil otr cercuatc tle to-
Jutrd. A.cdrfrg to clr€lrftlc- rtrt ocDtr 6t ttr.d by PSRrc, tqro dthc !? Hllcd td
thc tur.n rrcr t!!G .hot rtflc trtlng to dd lqlur.d pcoplc: Nfne! Dwelk *'as shot attemptiD€ito
atd Budran Kashour, *'ho later dted, and Rlbht Amoud was ktlled whle golng to the atd oian un-
named l4oied youth. Musa Swelu {,"asshot Ilr the head *'hle bell€ carrled on a stt:etcher alter he
was lnjured ln the slde Is€eDeaths s€ctlonl: an gre$'ttness sa'.s he was shot by botdetguaid com-
Dander Kata'bl, who was slttlng on a ledge above the S slleh cate. Three other stat€ments de-
scrlbe Palestlntans s,hot and lrrjurcd whfe aldhg lrrjurcd people: Natn Sharlf was shot ln the ab-
domen wh{e trytng to ald lzz Eddln Yasrnr, E'ho later dted. Zah Natshe was shot tn the hand Eo-
lng to the rescue of Shailf, and nurse Mohanmed Abu Rayall was shot bytce tn the back tr$ng to
atd Rtbht Arrroud RaJabt.
A number of eyewltness testtmonies recounted betng shot at as they carded tnjured people.
E)rcwltnessA" who fs a guard wtth the Awqd rccounted:
I 3awtwo A{uI€d youths and four p€opl€carryrnglhcm-...Ihelpedlo carry thc tc,o}ouths to*ard Uon.scate
whcretherc w€rcborder{uards,soldlersard Arab Dollc€....As we aDDroach€d. th€i, srart€dro shoorll},ebul-
lcts at u-s.we wcrElorE€alto l€av€thc t$,otnjur€dFuols on tlc groi;d becauscoirhc tnrenetryof thc shoor

The same qrewltness sald, of another tnctdent, whlch he saw from a door tn the Dome of the Rock:
At the NahawtjrcDometn thc Southw€stcomer of thc squaE I sawa youth who had bccn shot ln the head
wrth a ll!'c.bdlcl. rra! blccdlng hca! y. Another ma; carneto help blm, but q,as6hot too. A thtrd man
-Heto waa shot.
callle Io nctD. ancl n€

Thc b.rr.gc of hcryy trrc codtlnucd urt|l ll:3o. Irlrdi.rt pcrsonlcl rnd othcr wltac8a€8
tcPott tbrt aboothg codttnucd uttu l2:3O. A doctor who was evacuauns tnlured unt l2:3O told
PHRIC: "I made threc trtps to that spot lthe Haraml evacuaung qured peiopl-eand stll the shoot-
lng was contlnuous."

I-arge-scale aireats and beatlngs took place from 1l:3O onwards, vrtth police chastng youths
tnrcugh the Haram. The sadle doctor quoted above. who qras present helptDg to e\,,acuattGJured.
I saw soldlersbcatrngrnjured Foplc rn many tnstanccs.They werecrazy,you know, thosc soldlcrs, thcy
wrrc crazy.Thcy werekickrng th.m. hlmng thcm, slapptngrhem...thfy wErcMng hclplccrly and thcy werc
bealfn wlttrout arDfmcrcy...I told th€ Zantr|nlsslon
ln detati about thl,s.
Another eyewltness conJlrms that shootlng conflnued unt l2:3O:
I then v,€nt and stoodtleaf Mughrablcate and iaw 40 Dremb€rB of thc SpcclalUnlt (ln b€Eeunlforms)ac
coDpantcdby four to oeepcoplcln cMllan drEs6.I stoodbchtnda columnand petch.d thc mcDbersof tbc
Sp€cralUnrt shootrngltvc bulcls hcav y. a6 f trtdng to clcar rhe arta- I cannot say whcrhcr the pcopletn
cMllan dreaswcrc abo shooung.but thcy wert d€a y v,lth the Spcclalttntt men. I aav,a €Foupof mc; and
*om€n who wcle trylng lo l€avcthc coDpoundthrough the Prl€onCate,but thc SpcclalUnlt shor at rhcm,
lnjulhg a yout tn thc abdomcn.F nally I managcdto getort of lhc cornpound.Ir wasncB,about l2:3o p.m.
I atoodln tllc roadoutsld. th€ Prlsoi Catc. I sawtlrc SFcral Unlt n€ar thc Cate,shooflngat youths.
PHRIC Report on the Mdssacr€ oJPabsfnlatrs al Al'Horg'nt AI'Sh,,lf

Neqotlauons were held between the Doltce arrd the ICRC. UNRVTAand Awqaf ofiIctals about al-
torinq ttre saJeevacuatlon of the wounded from lnstde the mosque. The borderguards had been
orderh{ the lrIurcd out one by one so that they could check thelr IDs lsee s€ctlon on EDoauatlott
of tIE Woundeatf-ktw, for detatls of the sltuauon durtng thts tttne perlod.l
Accordhg to Israeli sources, appmtdmately 125 People were arrcsted lnsrde the Haram al-Sharif'
Dlus artoiher I 5 or so arrcstedlir the .lerusalem area that evenlng (three of whom were lssued ad-
;ir str:attve detettton orders). By October 26, only 15 rcrratned lrl custody: ntne adults vtho were
rcmanded ln custody awatung charges, and slx fi nors {.hose status ts not clear.

wltlcss€r havr toid rmIC that tod thc crtly mottdrg of Ostoh€r a, rrdcd tld unardcil ctv '
i.n througb thc Old Clty, h.nsrfDg thc locd poPuLdon. ThGy rhoutcil rrclgt slog.lrg
such a! "Dcsth to ihc Arob" ard-"Arab OutJ Sone of the perpettatoF were Je$'lsh setders; how-
ever, rrltness€s also state tiat there were English_qt€aldng gangs' most llkely Chrtstlan ziontsts'
who \r'ere callbg "I(flI all the Arabs so that Je-susw l comC agarn-" lhese mclst slogans increased
dudng the chsires at the Haram. Old Ctty restdents report that groups of civtllans marched
throuEh the area screamtng curses agalnst lsl,am and Chrtsttanlty at pass€rs-by.
It ts lmDdgslble to conffim lf cn'{tans/settleB paittclpated tn the shootlng at the Haram. Many
witnessis saw arded ctr'tlians filtng, but they-could not be surc tI they were settlers or plaln-
clothed s€curtty agents. Therc are pe-rsistent rumors' however' that at least one person opened flie
from a roof ln the adjacent J€wlsh quarter.

Falsal Husselni, qtho was airested at I l:3O, was taken through the Mugbiabt Gate. He states that a
larqe number of Je*'lsh ctu rans and settler, lncludlng reltgious Jeqrs. were present in the
wailin{ wall Dlaza. when 12 pollcemen trled to take htm on foot thrcugh the Jeu'ish quarter to
the ooilce stailon. the crowd surrounded them and shouted threats. The pollce v,,ereforced to re_
turrl tr.alsal to the Mughrabl Gate ar€a ofthe plaz. ThGrG r man ltr ctvlltr.n clothes' we'tlng r
ffppr, .pproochcd btd .nd srlit "W. w l Hll dl yoEr peoPle."

ThG mo.t |€dour dolrdon by c|v rr$/.cttfert wrE thc L|ltbg of satld Khddl' 24' ry !n- lqod
frrrcU ct"tffa.a t tle Chrbiirn qurd€r of thc Oitt Clty some ttrne between 12 and l2:3o lsee
D€aths sectlon. below, for detatb.l

A PHRIC employeewho had gone to the Old Ctty to tnvesttgate the cause of shooting at the Haram
was leavtn{ tie'area at arorrn:dl:30 p.m.. A group of settlers approached.shouted"Arabs'"and one
.tr.t -frrr" *ittr a bulst of auto;auc ftft. tie ,"as forced to hlde ln a nearby Arab hous€ for
ten to 15 mftlutes.

Eailte! that day, at about lO:3O a.m., a group of settterc threw stones and empty-bottles at the
home of Hamoiieh Ahmed Kastlro, 39, tn tha Aqabet al-Khaldl)reh quarte! tn the Old Ctty They
then bumed laundry and on the frcnaporch. Kastlro repeatedry asked for omc|]al pro_
tecuon durinq the dav: at arcund 6 p.m , a bordertuard omcer told hlrn: ''lMeare not golng to help
ff r* *_uIIrio iriane,tfren tea"i." A.fraldfor tf,e salety oI hls Il-member farnily Kastiro took
ifti- ii ni.l-t}l"f" house for the night. At around lo:3b p.m the setUersretumedi they broke
lnto the empty house and set tn on fiie. T\to other cases of alson of houses wele reported ln the
quarter that rlght.

hvat€ cars whlch had been parked il the Ilon s Cate area outstdc the Haiam a!-Sharlf entered
the Harad through Ilon's Caie and began picktng up lnjured peoplc a-hmst-hrmedlateryaner the
fbsl sounds of t€ar {as and then shots werc h€ard - after lO:5O a.8.. Worshtpers helped mosl ol
the lnlured to al-AqA mosque for protecuon frc'dl guDfire and to escape the leat gas tn the area-ol
the oirme of the Rick wh i awardng ambdances: women woBhtppcrs entered the Dome of the
Rock for protectlon.

A few of the tnlurcd were taken to the clllllc *'tthln th€ Haiar! compound' located to the west of
the Dome of th; Rock. Cllntc dtrector Dr. Adnan Arafch told PHRIC:
I was ln thc cllr c srhenthc wholethhg started...aftcra fcw mlnutca at Last 20 pcopl€w€rerc*jt* by 9J
clrdc. met of th€m wcrc hlurEd ln tllc uppcr psrt of thcll bodyand ftDmthe back wc arEa snax c[dc we
iouU a" ."rftm for the irtoue cases6ut io preparc thc'ivound€d to bGtransfen€d lo th€ hospltql '
rvr"o""""a !/"" c"-nt""t"d tnrm€dtatclvaner th. 6iaft of th. shootlngto scnd ambulanccs.I also hcard that
ni€'n rnutcs larer lt lthc ambutan.€li{as at Uon s caG. but n lJas not alowEdto entcr at flrsl Thc llrst am-
bulanccanlvcd 30 rInut6 latcr.

wttness€s d{fer on when ambulatrces began arrtvtrtg, but tt was somettne after II:OO' through
Llon s Gate.
for Dtoldgcd D.dod6 bylcqttdtt fdcc'
AdbuLlc. ilrttrrt r.pct d b.tDg ttoppcd -o! rcpcat dfy .!d girnnrc .!d tcg gas tD of-thc
rt chcclpotntr
_and .t LGn. b;oth cltry ua ilt' uy
by clcclQ6tt along tie two-l'dlometer rcute to Maqass€d ard Augusta Vlctorta hos-
pltals on the Mourrt ofOllves and Mount Scopus.
Afthougb ln clcatty m$tcat vchlcfct anal rlrrbg whltG lrfiorn!, t$o nu aa r'n'l t lloctor sgt.
lDlnrcd-by lfvr ardn$ltton E c GYacuatltrgo[ trcatltrt hrlrcit rt thc accla; onc of,tLG rurt€3
sir rtot ta tlc UrcL Several ambulances weir shot at, Itghts and stens brolen' and ln one case
team memb€rs taken out, strtpped of thelr whlte coats and aiEsted. At least thrce ambulances r€-
ported belng dltectly htt by teat-gas ca sters.


One of the llrst ambulances at the scene was th€ ambularrce for the Red Crescent Patamedlc H re_
ported repeated har:assment by soldiers at the enbalrce to the Haram:
The sanc soldl€r, a Druzc boderguard, afwa]€ stopP€dm€ at Uon s Gat€to ask to s€emy llcense l don't
G.* *h"t tt *":"t"a. g" stopped'mcon at liast tcli dfferent trlpe and arcry ume hc kcpt mc two or thre€
mrnutes,cvEnthough I had sedouslylnJurEdpcoplcwlth mc.

On two of those occaslona at Llon's Gate. hls ambulanc€ q/as attacked tty soldters. Paramedlc H
\]|rc had thr€c jnlurrd wtth u3 Ingldc the ambulan.!, plus the dflver and Rv€ln thc team. About 2o-3o soldlers
t- rijtt c"tc ard shoutcd, curshg at u;. Stop the car. 1tum of th€ lghts Th€y nrfd at the.r€d
ll4lit_on toD"tofmvvEhlcle, brokr thc slrEn (ll lt st l not wotkrng) and brok€ thc sloe b|rnl(cr' ln€y lorceo us
.ilf.ilrr."*. r askcd wherE wa3 thck omccr and on€ o-frhem klcked mc tn rhe fact. r went back rn
;td" th;;t ,lan; thcy torccd thrcc mcmbels of the team, all nurs€s or nurs$ ln tralning out.and
ti"i.f ut;q,ttit '"d . I piDtcatcd orat t}lcf, arE ftom our tcam. Thev told us !o go we drdn't s€ewhat hap'
*""a t ttt"-. I "*t
told thc UiI and thc Red cn;3s who wErc outsldc. IAUwErc r€lcascdMth'n '$ hours l

on the s€cond occaston, the ambulance was hlt ln th€ rear as tt passed tlrough the gate: tlr€ crevr
belreved it was hlt by a tear-gas cadstel.
PHRIC Reprt on the Udssacre oJ Po'lestlrt,'ns dt Al'Hatu/'r AI'Shm7J

In hrs amdavlt Dr. Teflq Abu Hawa, qrho opeEtes the Jerusalem ambulanc€ s€rvlce bas€d ln Ttri'
sald hls ambulancr was-not stopped by sonels at the gate; h€ proceedcd past a prrvate car wlth an
lnlured person rylng rn the back, arrd was told by People rn the car to proceed to al-Aqsa. Beiore
reichrne the halfwav Dolnt. on the eastem rcad below the Dome ofthe Roclq Dr. Alru Hawa sald he
heard "Iporadtc sh6o-tlr\g, I could tell lrom the sounds that a varlety of arnmunltlon was belng

Accordtng to nurse Fatmeh Abu Khdeti, who was a mernber ofAbu Hawa's team:
Th€rcw€rr many prrratc cars and ambulancesevacuaungthc lnjurEd.A snlper wassttttng on a l€dgcad.Ja-
cent to the Chain_Gat. Hc was shootlnAa rltle. whlch had a telescoplcslght attachedto lt. and thmwtng
tcar-gascar stcrs.

To avold the snlper Bre, Dr. Abu Hawa pa.rk€d thc ambulanc! on the westem slde of the mosque,
between thc arch6, and backed up to thc vrestern door of al_Aqsamosque, vdth several hundred
soldlers about 20 meters ln ftont ofthe ambulance. Several other ambulances arrlved at the same
tlme and, accordlng to vtdeo footage tal(en by a tourlst on the Mount of Ollves overlooldng the
scene. the medical donvoJrwas fimedlately arid @assfvelyteargasscd. Accordlng to Abu Hawa:
A.sI crasputung thc ambulanc€rnto 'pa* g€€r,thc toops bcaldcthe Fountalnstart€dshoothg to!,aids us. I
rrearda iartedof ammrmltlon, includlng-lrrc bnll.ts, hlgh v€loclty landl rubb€r bulets and t ai-gas can-
lst€is. The orc wasvery hcary, and contlnu€dlor about tn,ornlnutes Thc shooungc,asalmcd at the crowd
standl4 bets€enth€ ;rchca'and thc mosquc,a$d h pfftrcular at th€ one door of thc mosqu€that x/asstll
open,whtch the ambulancewas parkedln ftont of.
The team managed to evacuate el{lht s€rlously inJured people from the mosque. Abu Khdelr: "Our
work was const-antly tnterrupted by soldters tho threw tear-gas canlsters at the rear of the


At approdmately 11:10, actordtng to nurse Fatmeh Abu Klrdetr, .hc srt h.tulc thc .mbuhncc
byln8 to glec qygcD to ooc of tha rornd.d eto s|r .Lo .tDhydrtcil ty tcu g.., ttcl rh. wra
.hot h thc ud .!d ch..t bt . brLct whlcb pcrctntrd thc front vlnalrh.lcltl of thc .mbubncc.
B€caus€ of the angle at whtch the arnbul,ancevrarsparked, the source of llre could ody have been
Irom soldteG 20 meters dlrectly ahead. Another bullet htt the left slde of the ambulance, at floor

Dr. Abu grs. h tlc bot tt r bdlct ftrglrc8t rr hc lcft tlc rnbulrlcc |ttd saot tnto thc
m6que, ard Lsr SDalb!, alothcr mcmbcf, of thc ncdlcsl term, sgr ovcrconG by tcrr gar, dc'
scrlbcd.s rc tblcl lndde thc .Dbubncc tb.t tbc tcan could lot tGG.
A nurs€ from Maqassed who at:rtved at the scene rdth th€ retum trtp of the same ambulance sald
soldters at the gate were thrcwtng tear gas. The team made lts way to the mosque. lllled the ambu_
lance E'tth t€n severcV tnJured p€ople, and started the return trlp to hospltal:
I askcdthc othcr *ound€d oncato hclp sc, to hoH thc Mag and 3oon a! $,Gdrovc.I askedlonelto put hls
hand on hts ncck lto stop bleedlngfrom a bdlet lnjuryl. Hc w.Asnea y farntng &om the tear gas. ThG
rmbulrncc rrr frnf of iorr g... -thc front whdodi irre shattcred a;d the tear gas hit and nlbd th€

Maqassed nurs€ MAR was worldng as a volunteer nurse at the cllnlc ln the Haram from early
mornlng. In hb a-ffldavtt, he satd:
At lor35 lmo.c llkely aft€r I ll wc r.cclvcd four p.oplc vroundedftom gunflrE, the nrst martJT, and many
Dcoolc suffcrlnq fiom tear-{a! lnhalatlon. Sorn body told us t}at th€r€ sll! ts,o lnluJtd FoPlc on thc uppcr
iier;f the rromc of thc Rocj( plaza" I grabbcd my rnedlcal bag and hcaded towsrd thcm. Attct rcrchl4 thc
I.t rt d r il@ IV or dc Fl.on" suddcDly I tr3 hlt Dy r bulct h thc tlSht ddc oI my brct
r cf .rrfod.d hdd. .ttd tdr th. mLdc.' crdtd .cvclc hL.db8. A .csd brrl.t th.r ttr|Et E Hc'
thc 6rtt 06., !..r thc .ptrd cord, I ltnd.dLtclt ftll rctt to tt3 Frto! tho I tr. trylng to .td tRibhi
rmud R.r.bll rb.l lrt r 6|rDd out hrd dr.d-
PHRIC Report on tl|" Massof,e ol Palestln/dr].s al Al-HotE.m AI.ShaA[

As late as 12:30, the mosque was surounded by borderguards q'htle more thau 50 wounded and
one dead {rere stlll fiElde. E€wltne$ M:
At 12:30I saw about 50 bordd guardoat thc cntrancca,undcr thc archc!, of al-Aq9adoaquc.Th(y lrrcrEor-
dertngth€ lnJurEdout onc by oneso that thqt cotnd chccktlElr IDs. Thcrc x'cr. alout four aDbulancc!. So
the Imam of the mo6quc,ShclkhMoharnftd Husscln.told thc pcoplcnot to opcn thc door.
Ambulanc€ worker H: ''The mosque was surrounded bJrborder gua.rds. MoIe than 50 were lnjured,
and at least one was d€ad, the man frorn Kharbatha lFawzl Shelkhl."
Nurse M descdbed the acenelnslde tlte ltrosquei
Thesoldlersstoodthere,ln a U-shap€,ln ftont of thc rnooqucand v/c po€ltloncdthe thr€c aobulanc€sclo€cr
to the door so that we couldtry to tak€the p€opband c€capc.I srnt ln slth a mcdicalteam,.. tkry sald som€
ar€wound€d,€om€oners dytng.lllcy toLdus th.y would not op.n th€ doorsso that th€ soldrcrscouldgetln.
'u/€prcferto bl€€dto d€athrath€r than the soldlcF tak our bodlc6.wc tn!8t yo{r.H€lpus ln hcrEand glvcus
m€dlcalsupplr€s.'Thercwerr about IOOOm€niosldc,

Eventually those ilslde the mosque agrced that the Red Croqs and the IJN omdab prcsent should
ask the soldleF to allo{r evacuallon one-bv-one r'tth the Dromtse that no one would be beaten or
hts tdenttty card conftscated. A€lreement !r;as reached wltir an Israel omcial, and an hjured per-
son. wounded ln the back. volunteercd to be fiIst. A medical team nurse rec[unted:
As soon as we got out the door, the olnchl camc stral€ht towads us and st rt€d to stlck at hlm (the
wounded)wlthhls trunchconand rmcorrcrcdhlm on the s-tr€tchcrand wartcd to s.c thc wormd.Sow€ sald,
wherels the UN and the IGd Croesand,tour agrc€mentand ]our promtsc?Thc RedCro6slofrclal camcand
he sald,OK I Ju6ts€nt€d to scchtn.

A nuls€ sald he saw soldlers stop a pflvate car passlng thrcugh Ilon's Cate about noon. At least
lh€ lnjured people were talen from the car and forced lnto an Israell ambulanc! and taken away.
It was not knourn lf th€y vrere taken to hospltal or a detentlon center.
At least thiee medlca worldng ln dlfferent ambulances descdbed resorttng to evacuatlng tie dead
from the area by dlsgutstng them as lnjured persons or, sittlng them updght, as afilbulattce crew
so that thelr bodles would not b€ se?€d by soldfers.


On the ftst of 15 trtps made by Par:amedicH, soldters stopped the ambulance between Augusta
Vtctoria hospltal and Maqassed hospital:
we werecarrylngBurhan lhshour. A doctorhad stoppcdus on the way and put ln an IV. B€causeh€ had a
hcad wound,AugustaVlctorla hdspltal told lr|c to takc hlm to Maqass€d,a four-mrnutetrrp. I had thc slr.n
and lights on and nuise Khalll Abu Ghanncmwasgn'tngIhahour rrsuscltatlon.W. vcrc rtoPFd by tntcc
hotdctgtr|d €.E br d lc..t IO mhdc..1tt('..ld, ttop. Put od thc lrEht,tbcrcb ao l|'IIy,'I.dd, ryc by.
.ofirco'rc dttr r hcrd lnjlry. IIc xltr d|..r Th.y r.l4 tt doc&t m tt r.'WGrrt! .hdrtbS rt crA otLr, Thco
IJur dItwGthc rdburrncc reCy. I told r[G tam, ht yota tad. dorf.r .. tb.y rhot rt |I"
Ambulance drlvers sald they took alterrrate routes to Maqassed h order to avold ndlttary check-
posts where they lmew they would encounter delajrs. The ddvers trted to taLe the most serlous tn-
Ju es, especlally head wounds, to Maqassed but wounded were also taken to other hospltals in
Jerusalem, St. John's Ophthalmlc hospttal and St. Joseph's, and Ramallah hospltal, because
Maqassedwas fu1I but also b€cause accessto other hospttals was faster.

The head of Maqass€d's dtsaster cornmtttee, Dr. Darwtsh Nazzal, talked about the €fiect of dela'€d
I think somcof thos€who arn-ed dcadat hqsDnatcouldhar€ tEcn rcsuacttated.but I don t know wherEthc
delay was. Was lt ln rcsuscltation ln the neld. cvacuaUngthcm? Somc.Judglngfrom thc klnd of tnjury,
PHRIC R€port on the Massrcre of palesflrJ:ans at Al-Haro:m Al-shatrf

could have bccn rcsuscitat€d - thc ch€st tnjurlca, malte some or thc abdomrnal lnlurrcs - if th€y had been
€vacu:tcd !'€ry qulckly..., Sone of the ambutanc€s icrc pr€v€ntcd ftom enredng ;l_Aqsa, soni wcr. pre.
venGd nom apprDachlng th€ hoBpital and werc senr tnst€ad to Augusla Vlctorta hosplrai.

firqilBcd hapltd srr rlso bft ry tcrr grr fuGd by bodcrgrrlrdlt Aom thc,tnect. Dr. Nazal s€ld:
Alaboul, r:OO.p.Dx.u,c had a probl€m In the hosptral. Tear gas eras bombarded lnto the marernty s€ruon,
onhopedr s€ctron and emergcncyrooms. A, d|. alnr. I @t ld ,roaa,ar go to flE qnagqEy tto,,,n- Eilrryotr.
oIut ie @.8r tult^ cttlorqJroirr oa htr.D*. One arm $.as busy hotdng U,rs and th;orh; alm trlaunE the
paucnt. It q|as very dfftflnr. Unfortunarcly wc had no masks. wc aacuarid atr. flnry and ofth&i
,ottont to otll'r areos; newborns wc* translerrcd to the admlnlstrauon and to the Xb;ry. We only had
fans to h€lp clrculatc the alr. IScc also affdavlt of fathcr {UA )of ncwbom affectcd by gas.l

Borderguards also lh'ed rubber and marble bullets and llve am&unttlon tn the \.tcinity of
y:,q3"*d Manal RubIr HtJazl, 22, of Abu Dls. was shot wtth a marble bullet ln the rtght side of
ner b-ack. causlDg extreme dtfitculty tn mo!'ing her ar.m. TWo PHRIC stafr members w;e also hlt
by a ha of rubter bullets outslde Maqassed at 3:3O p.m. Later that evenlng. troops flred ltve am_
mur Uon lnto the hospltal guard stadon. graztng one of the guards on tbe lli.


The folo\r'lng cas€ studtes of the k ltrrgs of l8 Palestl ans durtng the clashes at the Haran al-
Sharf are based on iJrtervtewswlth eyewltn€ssB ard famtly members conducted by PHRIC lleld-
workels. The abrosphere ofpanic and confuston whtch prevatled at the Haram durfig th€ clash€s
made dellnlte lnformatton on the kflllngs of specftc indMduals dfncult to obtatn. In several
cas€s no eyewltness€s were identllled and thereforc there ls no tnformatton other than the fact
that the person was present and dled by gunlbe at the Haram. In other cas€s there ls coDlLtc ng
testlmony. In these cases, we are elther publtshlru the more substantlated veFlon or pres€n rtg
both verslons. 'we have dlsregarded t€stlmonles from eyewltnes.s€swho saw someone killed bui
dtd not lmow thetr tdentttv.
. Bltttqr E tufh .abdut lr"-"o *t fsrhour, 19, dthe Old Cttyruerusal€m, was the Ihst
Palesttntan ldlled during the lnitlal clashes
"ur.- near the Mughrabt Cate, futwe€n lO:5O and 1l:OO
a.m. . Accordlng to an eyervttnesswho was wlti Burhan when the clashes began:
we then heard thc sound of sh@tlng comrngftom thc Mughmbl cate ar€a. Burhan went therc, and I fol-
lowed hrm. I saw youths throwlng stoncs aathe loldleG, -andBllrhan was ln the front row' Th€ sotdlss
movedbackwads and the gatc was closed.Thcy then start€d shooung bulets and teaf gas trom the
Mahkana (courobu drngas w€ll as ftom the holeln thc Cate.I saw Burhan latl down near tlre-IslialDlcmu-
scum, about 20 to 30 mctersfiom the Mugbiabrcatc. t{rs broth€r Mustafaand othcr youths cart€d htn to
the Ka-e(fountaln for ablutlonol arca: hG bratE had comc our of hls h€ad. Whe; thcv lald him doern
Mustala ftaltzjedlt *€s hls brothcr. ard startcd acrcamtng.Mcanwh c I sawanotfrerperso'ntetng sfrot.

Burhan was shot ln the head *'tth a hlgh-veloctty bullet or bdlets. He evacuated by ambu-
lance to Augusta Vlctorta and then transferr€d to Maqassed hcspftal. The ambulalce was del,ayed
by borderguards at a checkpoLt between the two hospttals for lO mtnutes, while a nurse carited
out CPR"(SeeEuaauatlon oJwourded.*ctlorr.l

Two other Palesttrlans were most ltkely kfled dudng the tntttal wtthdrawal and sntptng from
the Mughrabl Cate aJ€a.They al]e:
. I\llrtrcr lbt hln llllncr Declt, 25, of Wadi Jozrucmsalem, was shot tn al-Aqsa plaza aft€r the
lnlttal fatal clashes near Mughrabl Gate. Accordfng to hts farnfty, Nlrner attempted to asstst
Burhan Kashour afler he was shot lsee abotr'eland was htt by four bullets to thc eye, chest. ab-
domen and hand. He nas taLen ln an ambulanc€ to Maqa*sed hoopttal.
. Faed 8arl.1 IBmr'|l thclth, &], ofKharbatha Bar{ fhrcth vtlage tn the Ramallah area, was shot
at apprcrfnately I 1:0O.Accordtng to an eJrewttness:
The loldre's started shootrngrubb€r bu[cts and t ar gastox/ard.sus lat tOrSOor sol, and thc youths stoned
them.Thesoldlcrsllcd the ai€a-After that thq' rEturncdltuough the MughrabtCarc,sbooungat thc p€ople
who flcd tnsld€al-Aqsamosquc.I sawIIal Fawzlthen and hc cAs not wiling to hurry tnsrd€tiie mosque.-ne
stalt€doublde so as to stoncthc soldlelsw|th sloneshe had colectcdand put tn hts pocket!.I sawoneof tb€
soldicls Bhooungat thc pcopleln the fiont rcw and then I sawFas,zllall on thc g{ound, shaktngand ble€d-

He was shot ln the head. Fawzl's body warstalcn lngide the mosque. Hls body remalned ln the
mosque untll evacuation at 12:30. He was later taken b'y ambularrce to Maqass€d hospttal.

The follosing deaths took place after borderguards and poltce launched thetr offenstue from ap-
prordmately I 1:O5 onwards:
. Ib(rhlm Alt lbtahlm Frrhat ldlcldct, 16, ofshufatruerusalem, was shot *'tth sh bullets: one tn
the slde, one ln the neck, and four tn the legs. The shoot{ng, presumably by automauc flr'e, took
place at the Nas (fountaln) area of al-Aqsa plaza. Accordhg to an eye\r'ltness, Ibrahtrn w-asshot at

P,-|}{T(-;KeSTI On rne MOSSACT9Or lUlesnruarns Ot Al-firlmm At-snant

PHRIC Repot on thg Ma$acre oJ P(Il9stiJr.t''ns d AI-Har?'m Al-Sftdrtt

apprordmatev I1:O5. The wttnesg esttmates that the nearest soldters were 20 to 50 meters away.
Restdents carrted Ibrahlm to an ambulance and he was taken to AuEusta Vlctorla, where he was
dead on arlval.
. I'z Eddh J|b.r! UrbDoud ErDldch Y$tnl, 15, of Jerusal@'s Old Clty, was shot sometlrne be-
tween I l:O5 and l1:15 in the south west secuon of the Dome of the Rock plaza, about ten meteis
from the maln steps, Naim Sharf, a 38 year old e)'ervltness,told PHRIC:
Pcoplew€rc shoutlngfor h€lp bccauscthcrc $/Ercmany injudes. I w€nt to the plazaof th€ Domcof thc Rock
fro;r th€ sldc of thcthah c-ate.cartrldg$ wcrc Ilke iand on thc ground.Yaslnl was tunnlng behlnd ma I
heard hlm scrcaInand stopp€dto sccwhat had happen€d.[H€waBshor sith slx bul€ts to thc h€ad,ch€st,
abdomenand hgs.l I bcnt adwn to carry hl-mibu et! cam€from thc rlght and a glrl n€xt to us tAblaNatsh€l
was shot ln thc elbowand f€tl on my back. I wcnt on to thc gateof the Domeot thc Rock.and then tumed
back to gct Yaslrf. Shoothg !/as coitng from the Mahkama- I put a hand lmd€r Yaslnfs ncck and the other
around hls
around his back as to ,m
so as
baca so ltt t|rm-
hrm- Anotlrer
Another D€Eon Lrrafil Natshcl
Flson lzakr
lzakl Nau tri.d to hdp mc and s/as shot tn the palm. I
card€d Yallnl
card€d Yallnl on
on my
mv shouldcr and a bullct
shouldcr and bullct hlt mc ln the
hlt mc the pehds. I ran. Yaslnt on my shoulder, lvtth the
lnjurEd glrl holdlng my hand and the lnlur€d man wlth hrs lcft hand on my shouldcr. Wc rcached the th-egate of
ttic ltorr€ of the Rockand p€opleput us ln a Fod van and drovEus out Llon'sGateand to Maqas!€dhdsplta.l.
Yastri was allve in the van, but dled on arrlval at the hc\spltal.
. Uuar abdul Eiall lf,urshait sslltl, 27, ofthe OId City ofJerusalem, vras shot sometine between
I l:O5 and 11:3Obetween the Dorne of the Rock and the Chatn Gate. An ambulance drive! who was
near the cllnic heard calls for asslstance for an itrlured p€rson. He went to the spot wlth a
sfetcher: he says that Musa had been htt tn the slde by at least one bullet. As he carrled the
stretcher back towards tie cllntc they were shot at. when he put the stretcher down he saw that
Musa had be€n blt tn the head. Another eyewltness says that the shot to the head was flred by a
Yerted borderguard omcer standln{l on the wall near Chaltt Gate. Accordlng to the farrrtly, there
was also a wound in the back lt ts not lolown lf lt was an entry or erdt wound. Musa was taken by
ambulance to Maqassed hospttal.
. Rlbbl S.6.! thdch Amourt, 6r, restdent of Dahlyat al-Barild/Jerusalem, was shot
somethe between 11:O5alrd I1:2O. Accordtqg to hts nephew, Rrbhl and a neighbor trled to nee the
area when the heaw shootlng began. However, when they were about ten meters from the clock.
on the stalrs leadtng to the Dome of the Rock, they were asked to come help an tnJured youth.
when Rlbht approached the youth he was shot: lt ls not known from v/here the bullets came, but a
s'itness clalrns that soldlers ln a helicopter opened nie. Rlbht fell. but then managed to mo\re to-
wards a medlcal team, who flEnedtately attached htrn to a glucos€ drlp. A member of the team,
Mohammad Abu Rayalt, was shot twlce ln the back as he aided Amourl. Fartlly members say
Amourt was hlt by four bullets: one ln the ftont which penetrated near the healt, and three ln the
back, whtch exlted lealtng lar:ge holes. Rtbht'g body was taken to Augusta Vlctorla hospital in a
prlvate car.
. Maldt Abd Emctd.n Tahr Abu S!€bch, 17, ofthe Old Ctty of Jerusalem, was shot at around
I t:2O near the Bab al-Majlts (hson Cate) tn the al-Aqsa mosque plaza. Accordtng to hts famly,
there were llve bullet holes ln hls chest, whlch exlted from hls back, leavlr€ l,argeholes. Youths
carrted MaJdt's body, whtch was then evacuated to Maqassed hospttal tn an ambulance. As the
ambulance was leavlnli the Hamm area, soldters shot at tt wtth llve aununltlon and tear gas.
. Adtra! Blahf thtelrt Jlmdl, 28, ofTamra 1' lage tn the Galilee/Israel, was shot by three hlgh'
velocity bu[ets in the abdomen and llver. He was shot at approxlrnately I l:2O ]t'htle rn the plaz,a
of the Dome oI the Rock He was taken by ambulance to Maqassed hospital. where he was dead on
. Majdl Nrthml Ml6bsh Abu Sbcth, 17, of al-Ram/Jemsalem. was shot by two ltue bu[ets in the
chest and abdomen area at appmnmately ll:30. He was ln the plaz2 of the Dome of the Rock near
the Chatn Dome. An eyeMtness stated: "I saw hlrn lMaJdtl shot ln the front of hts body. Another
youth near hlm was shot ln the head. Youths then carrled them both away." Majdl was carrled out

PHRIC Report on the Mossacre o! Po'lest/frlansd Al-Ha'ru'n Al-ShanJ

by Huttah Cate and taken to Augusta Victoda hospital ln a prtvate cat: youths told the farl ly that
Majdt dled whle he was belng canted out of al-Aqsa.
. Jral|r Mohammait Rdch Jadu Zahdch, 24, of al-Tur nelghborhood li Jerusalem. was shot some_
tlme between 1I :3O and rroon. He was shot by two hlgh-veloctty bulets tn the head and chest whtle
ln the area b€tween th€ Kas and the steps leadin€ to thc Dome of the Rock He was taken to Augusta
Vtctorta hospltal h a private car.
. .fym|n Muhyl Ltrlt! A|I ShrEl, 18, of the wadl Joz quarter of Jerusalem, was shot tn the plaza
of t-Aqsa mosque. near the Kas (fountatn for ablutlons) at approtdmately 11:5o. Youths told the
famtly ihat Aynian was beaten by borderguards, and plcked up aI lron bar to defend htnself He
was itren snoi rn the neck from i dtstanci of about ftve meters. He was carrled out of the area by
youtls, and taken ln an ambulalce to Maqass€d hospltal, where he was dead on ar:rtv'al.
. urrrrln Eu6scltt zrhri! Mathtoub, 52, of Obelbeh vllage tn the Rarnallah dtstrict. was shot
and killed at around l2:3O ln the Huttal Gate area. She and her son werc tr]dng to escapefrom the
ar€a, and lirerc runnlng. A hellcopter was flylng oi€r head. Maryam was struck ln the eye: accord-
Ing to a doctor, her masstv€ and depiessed skull lrrJuty was most ltkely caused by a blgh-veloclty
bu[et or bullets. She was talen to Maqassed hospltal.

There ls no lnformation avallable on the tlrre or ci.rcumstances of the ldltng of the followtl:rg
three Palestlnlans:
. Ibrehlm abdcl grdcr Ghunb, 31, ofwadt Joz, Jerusalem, was shot tn the chest {'tth two bulets
q'htle ln the upper tter of the Dorne of the Rock pla"a. opposlte the pollce statlon. He was
evacuated by ambulance to Maqassed hospltal.
. Uohammrd.lrLfYrsln Etd abu s!€lnch, 30, ofxhattl. was shot wtth three bullets whlle near al-
Kas area. He was hlt ln the neck. head and left arm. He was taken llr ajr ambulance to Maqassed
hospttal, whele he was dead on arrlval.
. Abdcl xrrlE uoh|mmcd werrad za'atach, ,1O,of Jebel Mukaber lrl Jemsalem. was shot by llve
ammunltlon and taken to Maqassed hospltal. The hospltal dtd not record the place of tr{ury' and
the fam y had no addltional Liformatlon.

Shat bg Isra.elj- CtD Ia

. SsIt; ,Ahmcd Baddrwl BAsHl, 24, of th€ Old Ctty/Jerusalem, was shot trr the chest tty an Israel
clvlllan in the Chr:tsttan quarter of th€ Old City some t|Ine between 12 and l2:3O; he died ln
Hadassa.hhoBpltal on October 24. Accordlng to a sworn statement ta.ken from an eye$'ltness:
I had bcenatandlngat thc comcr lln th€ Chdstranquarterl for aboutttveminuteswhen I sas' a rnan*dklng
v€ry last or runnlng ftom the dlrectton of thc He passedb€tweentwo settlers vtho vr€r€
waikrnq toEetherin'thc sajne dlrccuon. Thus h€ catDcup to th€m from bchlnd. Thl,shapFned ln front of
mc. ab;ut-nve met€rsawav.At th€ samc tlmc I heard shouts ln Hcbrcvr,'Moi€, Movc'...Immedlatelyaft€r
the shouts I hcaid a slng6 shot from thc samc place. lThc wttne$sdcscrtb€dthe two cMllans as wearlng
ldppot whlch wcrc whltein thc c?nt€awlth a thln r€d and black border.Sallm then fe[ on the ground and
tlrc \rltnesstrtcd to asslsthrm.lOnc of tlrc sctdcr€$a3'rtry rcd tn thc fact and I assumcdthat h€ Eas the one
who had shot thc man. Hc now pointcd hle plstol at the Daanon thc $ourd. I sald to hrrn tn H€brE* You
ha"e doncyourjot'.'

A gloup of tourtsts then appearcd, and the two cMllans disapp€ared. The police are lrrvestlgatlng.


glxtccr of thc Pdcrdnlrna lltrcd ln thc Err.n vclc rhot rlth hlgh-vcloclty admlddon (t.e.
travels at 8OO-l0OOmetera per s€cond) whlch shatteEd on tEpact wtthln the body, lt:r most cas€s
leavtng large erdt wounds caused bJrbone and metal fraghentg 'fhe shattcrtng rcsultcd tn exten-
stve vascula! d'mage wlth tcunedtate and consfderablc loas d blood.
EXcvcn of thc llllcd *dc ,hot nuluDlr tlmcr rtth hlgh-vcfoclg rmtoudtlon; tie tlvo,'ounge3t
Idled, a 15 year old alrd a 16 year old, werc hlt by sk buflets each, frorn head to legs.

Elcvcn of thc t||lc.t rccctrcd d !c$t otc blll.t h tha hcrtl/rccl: two sufered head wounds so
fiIasslee that the numb€r of bu[ets could not be deterrrned,
One of thos€ ldIed, 61 year old Rlbht Rajabt, had threc entry n'ounds h the back tn addtflon to an
entry wound llr the ch6t.

FtftccE of tlqc H[ed Etc rhot h tnc upFr tdrq thc .lrtlcdt! attadfii@ .! .bd@hd lq|urf/.
The sfte of Inluiy for the seventeenth vlctlrn, Abdel Xarltn Z.a'atlth. could not be detcrmined from
avallabl€ tnformauon.

Aknost aI of the casualu€s ftom the October 8 events ln thc Haram were tEated ,n one of the four
prtvate Jerusalem hospltals: Maqassed, Augusta Vtctorla. St. Jo6€ph's and St. John's Ophtlralmtc:

* ConrUtlon
17 dead from gunshots
60 ,t{ured, pllmadlr from gunshots, adn(ted to hospttats
160 rcgbterEd outpatterrts (gunahot, gas, rubber and plasttc bullet lr{udes)
l[oQL inJured. not Egtste.ed
SSZr I\matrl hJlrlc. bc.tcd rt Ddydc .tcrur.IcE ho.plt b

At least two Palestlntals are lstown to have been admltted to Hadassah hospnal wtth gunshot tn-
Jurtes. (Saltm Ahmed Xhaldt. from tlle Old CnylJerusalem, dted ln Hadassah hospttal October 24
of a gunshot wound recelved outslde thc Har-amOctober 8.) lnJuied peoplc lreE also brought to
ouuytng hospttals ln Ramalah and B€thlehem but cagualty figrrEs are not available.
Uaqqrscd go.plt I, Illo|mt of Ollvcr
* Conilltlon
I d€ad on airtval from gurshots
2 dled moments a.fter arrtval
S cascs adrnltted from al-Haram al-Sharf
70 outpattents (25 trangferr€d to othcr hospttals for lack ofbeds)
Cases Adrfited, dbdn wtuch ttJdit@io'r l'].Jqsrele.d:
1. Llve ArDmunltlon (IA ) femun rcquf€d dralysb fn ICU 16 ycars old
2.1A. hn€ 22 years old
3. Pl,asttc bulet feEur 2l years old
4.IA arm. chest 38 v€ars old

PHRIC Report on tlp Massof,/? oJ ftbst|,lans al Al-Halqm Al-Sha{t

PIIRIC Rept on tte Massa(i.e oJ Ita'lesdn/'ansal AI'Ho'mm Al-sh4rf

5. Pl,astic bullet et\dEt 20 years old

6.IA tEdVSE ,() lrcats old
7.ta trnr/grd! 16 years old
8. tA €rdry fttrn bad. to abdcmen 25 yea$ old
9. tA &(r', 12 yeais old
IO.IA fun.r 31 Jr€arsold
II.IA SEltk 28 year old
t2. r,A akrE l 23 years old
I3. Plastic bulet hard A3 years old
14. lA ahfur 20 years old
15. Plasttc bulet muluple aMomlrral lr{urtes la old
16.tA foEarm; altlrutatlon neatssary 3,:iyears
'€ars old
17.t4 aEn 18 years old
18.lA naesttE 19 years old
f9, Rrbber bullet Fffitltlgh 18 years old
20. Plastlc bullet hlrrg 15 yea$ old
21.IA chest
22. tA */ch€s 24 years old
23.rAS( d€$/@n u ].ears old
24.t4 tulqe 30 jnearsold
25. Tbargas chestparn;CCU 50 ]"ears old
26. B€ating abddxdraf palrr 22 years old
27. Rrbber buuet back of slbuldei paiasthesla 22 years old

Atgurt ltlctdL xo.Ett Lft.ScopE:

* condttton

d€ad on arrlv"al
t2 cas€s admltted. mostly gunsbot {2 transferred)
74 outpatients (,14rubber bullet and beatlng ljrjud€s, requldng stltchtng; 20 tear-
gas lnhalauon)
gtnple oJ Cases
1 LA, Rrbb6bnllet Iace, abdomenald arm 5l old
2. beatttg head (concussion)and face 26 years
'€ars old
3. tA pehds/thlgh, head traurna 17 years old
4tA d 37 years old
IA5( llver {transferled to Maq.} l7 years old
' shoulder/muluple fracture 34 lrcars old
abd@x wrist l7 yea$ old
& IA2( abdfist ard ch€$ l9 ]"ea1"old
9.IA chest (transfeEed to Maq,) 23 yeaF old
IOIA brdiods 27 years old
ltlA bce and bdd 26 years old
12.tlauIlra 6ce,qE 36 ]€ars old
13IA 2X abdanen and peh'ig 15 years old
l4lA foot
IsJA knee
r6jA ankle

Tvo-tbtrd! oatho.. rdDlttld to hdpltd hrd llFtht€.trlf|'g hJuttt to thc bcad 6 trunt.
Several of th€ ltrnb tqJurles w€re also lfe-thftatenlng because of the extensive tissue damage and
loss of blood.

Accddrr! to lrr. Rlrtr8 unrrl Chl.fof(XboDodlc $lgcry rt Maqrascd, wlo opdlet donmo.t
of thc lutrrhot fDJurtct, thc alta of Erly of thc llrurlcr si! q)pcr torto r.nd hcad, and mrny ln_
Jurb. srrc frod tlc
dl thp Mo,ssar7eof Palestinlo.ns at AI-Ho'ra'm

Thcrc has bcenqultc a dclbcrate shoot-to-kltlpotlcy.IVr ne,,rr sccnhalf a hcad blown otr by a hlgh-veloc
Ity bull_
ct such as vrcsaw...or bratngcomlngioh thetr mouthsbccausca bullet wEnrrtght thiDugd'thc face
and the ba8cof thc skull b damagcd....As for pcoplclnJurld clscwhcrEh thc body- Imbs, cheatand ab,
domen- thre trourrhshavc bccn htqh-vclocttva;d ttic ltst Fom low-vclocltvD6uc bullcts shor at closc
rangc. both produclng devartatlng lr{urlcs. Many of th. paUcnts havc tnliiis In tletr backs. llkc t}te
scapulacln the back thc back6of forcarmsand arDB. Maqr wcrr shot wrth morc than one bultct: tt look_s
llkc anlptng.
The second person Dr. Abu Hayra treated lnstde the mosque was a rnan who had b€en shot tn
the back tt€ was descrlbed as belng in hts fir,€ntl€s and havtDg a beard:
He xrasVng on hls back and moanhg ln scv€It Faln ftom thc lnlurt.s he sushrned. I rcrnovedhts clothes
and found two tojur{cs, onc ar hrs lcg on whlch I put a ioumrquel He also had a gunohotwbund, probably
ftom a lN€ bullet. ln hla bach ln thc lcft scapulaor shouldcrblad€.I turned htJnon hls bclly and wc packed
thc wound.Hc n|aavery pa.ledu€ to tlrc bss ofblood.

As for the range of shootirg, Dr. Nurnan determlned that tt was clos€ mn€le:
I thlnk thetrvere shootlngfiom lO to l5 rneters...fromthc encnt of th€ tnjud€s, rhc extent of the wound,
how blg lt l3, the d.tcnt of thc bonedamagc,thc tjpc ofqroundtt leav€s.lvhen I'ou arc hlt wlth a htgh-vcloc-
tty or plasttcbulct at clo!€ rang€most of thc tlg3uesarDundthc cnlry wil b€ danagcd, notjust the bones,
and lncludlngmusclcs,v€ss€lsand nenrs.

Thc pattcm of m|!y ofthc t4urlc. Ir clear cvtdcscc that crccaalec 6rc Dosrr *as uacd by the 6c.
cudty forcca agalnat worshtpcrr. One lnjurcd marr, 23 yea$ old. was lrlstde al-Aqsi nrosque and
standlng behlnd the maln door when securtty forccs trled to shoot thelr way llrstde. A large
wooden splltrter shot out of the door and p€netrated hts shoulder and arm area. He required tw!
opemuons to close the wound. A 20 year old laborer fiom a F€rnallah area !'ILage was also shot
lrBtde the mosque: he rece{veda hlgh-veloctty bullet tn th€ arm shot at close raig€.

A 24 youth from tlle Hafa area. lnstde Israel, was shot as he entered the mosque: he u'as htt wtth
tb.reebullets, ln tl|e che3t, shoulder and arm. at a dlstanc€ estftnated to be 15 meters.

One of the tnJured, 51 years old, was apparcntly shot by a huntlng r{l€; phystctaDs at Augusta
Vlctorla treated mor€ than a do"-€nsma.ll pellet-llke tnjur.tes on one slde of hts body.




Note: All Uve amunttton (lAl was hgh veloctty, shatterlig on trnpact.


r. Rbtrl tlasan Amrnl R4abl 6r IA,rX 3t(back/lx dre3t DaldatBarrdruERUSALEM
2.Iz qldinJrhad Hamld€h Yadd rs lA 6[ah.adldc6r/abd/l€s Old CItyTERUSALEM
3. FEttz Husseln HunfAbu Sndneb la lA to Lahr Elzzar:rych/JERUSALEM
a. iiajdl Nathd Mrsb€hAbu SMh, 17 lA 2a dEt/abd.rncil Ra.trr/JERUSALEM
5. Aylan Muhyl Eddn Ax shaml, l8 lAn *toha* wadr JoZTDRUSALEM
6. MaJd Abd llmeldan Abu Sn€ineh" 17 IA5<K Old CIty/.TERUSALEM
7. Budlan Eddtn Abdd Rahrmn Isshour, l9 lAshatt rld H old CItyTERUSALEM
8. Jadu Moha.m€d R4dr Za}dctl' 24 IA 2( dEsq/b€ad TUT-Za'ImruERUSAIEM
9. Ibrabrn Abdd gader Ibrahrm churab, 3l lA2Xtu wadr JoZIJERUSALEM
lo.Ibrdhlm Alr Farhat Idlcidck 16 IA 6X ne*/stte^gs Shu'faI/JERUSALEM
lr.Maryam Huss€ln Zahrar Ma&htoub, 52 IAtnassnlc b€ad lr{ury Obctb€h/RAMALI-AH
l2.Mohamrrcd ArtfYa8rn Abu sietneh, 30 IA (h.adln f,k/Tm KIIAUL
r3.Nlm€r Ibrahrm Ntn€r Ds,EIq 25 lA,D( cyrlchcst/aHomen/hand lvadt J@/JERUSALEM
l4-Adnan Khalaf Shtclctt Jtiad. 2a IA3Xab&rEr Tamra/CAULEE
ls.Musa Abd€l ltadt MuEhad S*tltr, 27 lA 2x b€ad/s!:t€lpo€€. back Old CIIy/.'ERUSALEM
l6.Fas,zr Sa'ld Isrna'{ Slrcikh, 63 IAD(H Kharbatha/RAMALIAH
lTlbdcl l(arijn Mohmd lvarrad Za'atreh, 40 IA (sttc of lnjury rmccrtatn) Jeb€Mukaber/BETflLEHEM

Kltled. bg IstaeLI Ctntuan In Chrlstlen Suartet At Sone Tune as EDefits al a!'Haram alsh<1r{:
la.sahn AhrrEdBaddawlthaldl, 24 IA ch6q shot ty cMl- old CItyTERUSALEM
dreaecd pcrson ln Chrtsttan Ouarter:
dtcd h tladasgah on 24lro

--_- .t AI:Haram AlsnatlJ

on the Mossa.'e oJ Pa|,estln1cu1s
Burhan EdaU! AbdulRahman Abdulsrlam Kaabour, 19, llved ln the Sa'dtyeh quarter of the Old
Ctty of Jerusalem. He fintshed secondary school last year and had applled to colleges and uni-
versltles ln the Untted States. He ltued wlth hts father Abdul Rahman, 6(), who is retfed, hls
mother Falqa" and hts brotheF Abdul Salam, 23, Shakker, 20, and Mustafa, 18. Burhan was an
accompllshed sportsman, parucuLarly iI €Srmnastlcs and karate, and prayed at al-Aqsa every
day. He was burted ln the Bab al-Asbat (Lton's Gate) cemetery. Boder€iuards cut an electricity cable
to Burhan Eddtn's famqy's house on October 8, after hts death, to prevent the pla]'tng of the guran
through loudspeakers;they ratded the farntly'qhome on Clctober10, 13 and 15, fired tear gas.
causlng s€veral lnjurles, arrd forced the famly to remove flags ard pictures of Burhan Eddin.
Faycz Huaacln Husnl ,bu Sneln€h, 18, was bom ln Sllwan, Jerusalem, and llved in nearby
Ezar:tyeh. He u'as a student at the Jerusalem College of Science and Technolog/. Hls brother
MoharDmad dted ln Febmary 1988 at the age of 21, affer being teargassed durhg clashes at the
Haram al-Sharlf. Fayez was burted ln the Lton's Cate cemetery.
I\l|mer lbrrhlD Nlm€r Dwelk, 25, was bom and llved ln Wadl Jdz, Jerusalem. Nlrner llved \dth hls
father, lbrahtm, 58, a shop workei, hls mother Sallllrah. 47, hls brother Basem, 20, and his sis-
ters Wafa, 26. Samaher 13. aJrd Rasha, 5. He worked as a lanltor at the Hvatt hotel. Nlmer was
burted ln the Llon's Gate cemetery. After the funeral, soldte-rsllred llve am;udtlon and tear gas
at mourneB ln the family's house, frluring seventeen people.
Frwzl Sa'ld Isma'll Shell(h, 6.3, was a larmer from Kharbatha Banl Hareth, Ranallah. He was
marrled $'lth seven ch dren, Nlhad, 37, Nasslrah, 33, Rtzaq, 30, Mohammad, 27, Abdul Sarni, 25.
Musltmah, 23 and Musllrn, 22. From 1969 to 1976, Fawzl was a factory worker. then spent slx
lrarc in prlson before returr{nll to work on hts land. In 1988. one room of the famlly house was
demollshedbecauselt was unllcensed. Severaltlrnes durlng 1988 and f989, the house was at-
tacked by armed settlels who opened flre and damaged water tanks, wlndorrs, fur:nlture, trees and
other property. Fa&zi was buded ln the !'Ilage cemetery.
Ibnhlm Alt Fart t ldl.ldck, 16. from Shufat, Jerusalem, was a h&h school student, who had iust
fi shed hts GCE exams. He llved wlth hts farnly: hls father and mother, hts sislers Alya, 23.
Rana, f8, Nurin, 15 and Amanda, 12, hts aunt and grandmothea. He was buried tn the Lton's Gate
cemetery after soldlers attempted to talre the body from the farr y house. On September I l, bor-
dergua.rdssurmunded the house and llred tear gas at mourners, then fired mbber bulets at youths
who staged a prctest march from the house, lnjurlng several people.

Izz Eddb Jh.d l|.heoud Haetdch Yaslnl. 15. was born in Bethlehem and lived r'tth hts nrother.
father and slx brctheG and sisters aged2. 8, 9, 11, 13 and 17 in the Old Ctty of Jerusalem.After
sixth grade. Izz Eddln left school and worked as a carpenter. He was burted tn the Llon's Gate
cemetery. Soldiers harrassed mourners who carne to pay thelr respects at the farnily's house.
threatened and lnsulted Izz Eddtn's fan lv. ard trled to shoot lnto thelr house. Settle6 tore do*'n
the ptctures of lzz Eddln whtch werc hun€ioutslde the house. Izz Eddln recelvedan eye jruury when
he was hlt by a tear-gas canister ln 1987. and was beaten by soldters tn 1987 (Iractured right leg).
beaten by borderguards in 1988 (fractured left foot) and beaten dudng nve days detention in
Moscoblya pollce compound tn August 1990 (fracturcd rtbs, rtght leg and dght hand).
Muse Abdel Esdl Murahrd Bwcltl was 27, ltved tn the Old City ofJerusalem and worked as a la-
borer. He llved wlth hls mother Rablha, 60, hts brothers Omar. 37, Mel. 22. Saber, 20, and Sarnl,
16. and hls ststersMaba,23, Azlzeh,38, Falzouz,34, Nufouz,3l and Nuha, 25. Hls sisters Hayel.
42, a']d, ZIad,, 35 ltve abroad. Musa was burted ln the Llon's Gate cemetery. Soldiers raided the
famAr hous€ hr'tce after the funeral, and flred tear gas tnto lt on September 12; Musa's brcthe$
Adel and Sant n'ere detatned for one day after the funeral.

PHRIC Report on the M4ssdct€ oJPalesflnrans a1 Al'I{atatn At_ShartJ

Rtbht E.s.r ADoud was 61, born in Jerusalem and lti'€d h Daythat al-Bartd' Ramallah.
He was a v€getable merchant before he rettred, and Lved *'lth the eleven members of hls family
He n'as burted ln the Lion's Gate cemetery. After the funeral, Rlbhl's house was ralded several
tlrnes, resldents were forced to lemove nationaltst sjrmbols, and the area around the house was
plac€d under curfevr.

MqJdf rbcd Emcfd.n Abu slctDch u'as l7 old and ltued ln the old Ctty ofJerusaletr. He was
slxth gr"adeand worked as a tumer' He llved with hls
orlgha[y from Khall, and left school after ''ears
mother Iltdal and father Ab€I, a liaborcr, slsters Strtyeh, 22, Samar, 13, Sana, 9 and Suha' 4 arrd
brothels Hmetdan 20. Nazlh, 11, aJd Amer, 4. H€ was burled ln the Llon's Gate cemetery. Botder_
guards raided the famfiy's house several tlmes alter the funeral, folced them to rcmoYe national_
tst symbols and thr€atened to arrest MaJdl's father and brother.

Adna! xhrhf thtclsl .tunrdt was 28 vears old. a (rocer, and llved ln Tamrah. Galflee' lnstde
Israel. H€ llved v/tth hts wlfe Mryasd. 28: hb Iour mo-nth old daughter Flrdous, hts lather Khalaf'
50. a securlty suatd. hls mother Shoqah, 47, and brother Mustafa, 25. AdrEn was burled ar a hrge
funeral at KhJed Sharf cemetery. whlch was controued by hundreds of pollce and borderguards
and a pollc€ helicopter.

Maldl NathEt Utsbrh abu Sb€lh was l7 years old aIrd lrved ln Fam, Jerusalem. He worked tn hls
fatier's sweets shop and ltved $'lth hrs 25 menb€r famtly, tncludhg hls brotherc Majed, Nttham,
Soud and Ramadan. t s mother sald Majdt loved chtldren and was alwa]'s laughlig He played
footbal for the Btlal mosque tealr. He was bufled in the Rarn mait 'rs' cemetery.

Jrdu Motadd.d RaJ€b J.du zqldch was 24 and llved ln Tur, Jerusalem He left school alter
fourth grade arrd worked as a laborer. He llved wlth 13 members of hts family: hls brother Adnan
ls undei a slx year prison sentence. Jadu was burted tn Shetkh Arrbar cemetery. Soldiers opened
0re near moumers who carne to pay thelr respects to the falnfly but no one was injured.
AyErn Muhl lddtn All Shaml was 18 and from Wadi Joz, Jerusalem. He completed htgh school
last year and planned to study abroad. He ltved \r'tth hls father Muhyi, 54, who works for Save the
Chtldren Fund, his mother Taghrld, 44, and his slsters Arma, 23, Amant, 21, Ilham, t9, and
brothers AmJad, 16, who was detalned on the day ofthe massacre ard ts sttll i)] detentlon, As'ad,
t4 and Inas, 13. Alanan enJoyedkar"ate and calligraphy. He was burted tn the Lion's Gate ceure-
tery. Soldiers dtspersed prolest marches held outstde A)'rnan's house on September I I, and sev-
eral people were tnjured by rubber bullets and teat'gas,

Matjr.m Eus3cln Zrhtrn Malhtoub was 52 aJrd lked tn Obelbeh, Raaallah. She was marrled
\r'tth four sons and one daughter. She was burled durlng a curfew ln the !'lllage cernetery.

Ib hld Abdcl gader Ibrehlm Ghurab (Abu Hal<am)was 31, llved tn wadt Joz, Jemsalem, and
worked as a plctire framer. He ltved ll'lth hts wfe Sahar. 24, his four chtldren Hakarn, 7, Hablb' 5'
Riiad, 4 and Mohammad, 8 months, hls mother ftarDzlyeh, 65, and hts brothers Nayei 23, and
Samlr, 21. He was burled ln the Llon's Gate cemetery. On September 10. borderguards llred tear gas
and rubber bullets to dlsperse a memorlal processlon for Iblahirn, raided Ibrahh's house' and
forced hls brother to remove all natlonallst slrnbols.

uohaaoad Artf Yrsln Eld Abu Snclneh (Abu Sameh) was 30 years old and llved ln Khall *'lth
hls wlle and four chlldren. He worked as a trader. He was burted jI the Sawaireh cemetery
Boiderguards beat mourners who went to pay thelr respects at the house of Mohammad's mother-
ln-law, and set up a checkpoltrt to try to prevent mourners enterlng the house.
abcd Mohammad watrrd za'rtrch was ,1Oyears old and llved ln Jebel Mukaber, near Jerusalem
(Bethlehem dtstrtct). He was a constructlon worker and had two sons. He was burled fi:r Mukaber

saltE Ahmad Brdawl xlaldl was 24 years old and llved wlth hts five member fanfly tn the Old
Clty ofJemsalem. He worked as a mechardc.


Thts ts a transLatton of the transcrlpt (odgrnalv ln Arablc) of the calls from the Al-Aqsa Mosque
on 8 October, 1990, whtch were recorded on vldeo talrc. All commenb made ln brackets are @rre_
spondfngeocntsseenor heard on the tape. 'fh€ tape begtnsat lO:53 a m. and ends at about I l:27
a'rn. the_sorrna o{ spea}ers from the moique can be heard as the ddeo slarts' but the words are not
cleai untll l1:10 a.m.
rO:55 - (Lu[ tn the shoott!€)

I I :OO- (atrst slren heard; last shots oI poltce retreat)

f f:O4 - (Sniplng, pqs"sfby coEtng lrom Mahkana butldtng)

11:O5- {Shoottng tnten$nes, posslbly the begtnnlng of pottce assault on the Haram)

1I :O7 - (S€curtty forces inslde Hamm compound)

1l:1O - "Do not shoot at the Moslems, or at the plaza. Do not shoot Moslems ln thelr holy
place...we conslder the Israeli authorltles rcsponslble for this shooung and for ev€rtthing hap-
penhg tn Al-Aqsa.
(1l: I I - ffrst ambulanc€ app€ars ,n plaz.a)

1I : 12 (Ffst ambulance teargass€d)

11113- "I ollress the lblLe c@nnatTd.erpleas€ ask your troops to stop shoottng. Please stop the
ktllinq. There are mani wounded p€ople and marry people lillled as vtell. We conslder you r€spon-
dble ?or the lolltrlgs ariO euerytfrrng ttiat ls happeritng here under all clrcumstances l dddress the
urif"'n"' co rt .rd. ttte mos{t e. lie dorr t *"if tbe mosque and ttre plaz,ato become a battlefleld'
We want the mosque to be t€ated as a mosque and the pollc'e should respect the holiness ofthese
mosques. I reque3t the doctors, nurses, arui anAaances to cone otrd quk*14 tre@tuE tttounded'
w; h;ld the b;aet authorlu€s req)onslble for all that ls haPpenlng. we wont accept bloodshed tn
this place. Thts ts a holy place. Flease stop the shoottng. There are wounded people who need

1f ;15 - "I'm asldng the pollce corrEnanderto stop the shootlng and to come -and speak *'ith us we
"dont;ant bloodshed. I ask th€ pouce to stop shootlr€ bullets and teai gas Thts
welcome you. Il/e
ts a mosque. Pleas€.

1l:16 - 'ltr/e ask the doctoF. nurs€s, and alibuliances to corne and helP the wounded. we ask tfle po_
Itce corDrnanderto glve orders to stop the shootltlg ,tr the area. Thts ts a holy place ltr/e s€e you rc_
sponsrtt for tfrf riassacre. We didnt attack anyone. We dtdnt hlt anyone. You ar€ the one who
iit..uttl tne Moslerrs nrst. we were fraytng. Therefore. I arrr askrng you to cease.llfe'
wlthdraw from ihe"f mosque. You wlll never be allowed to take the mosque: even o!€r our oead Doo-
les. StoD shootln-{ Itr t}tl; phce. Don't ldll Moslems. We aie not scaled to dle. To dle and be a tnar-
G rn tfi" .t *. oTCod ls the holtest thlng ln Islam. we are not aftaid to be ldled You must under-
iand that you must leave thls place and-stop shooung. lsecond ambulance teargassed'

tl:18 - 11:21 - (Intense automatlc machlne-gun flre). You stupld autho ties! Stop kiltlng-alq
ir"* people wounded. Stot shoollng! Thls ls Al-Aqsa Mcsque. on:,9-f tlt.l,",uJ
est placts for Moslems. You are ftsponslble. lAl-Aqsa Mosque teargassedl Auan Artxv! Auon
PHRJCRerorl oa the olr'Pdkstid,rc al AI-Haram AI-ShonJ

Akbarl Lave our mosque. By ktuLg us you ar€ bdnglng your end qutckly. Your hour wlll arrlve
soon...W€ ha!'e a lot of woundcd and dead people. Pleasel What have you done?t Allovr the anbu-
lances to enter. Open the gates for the ambulances and doctoG. Don't you know what mercy

I l:21 - (Gunfire conttnues) "Deor Moslern gouth- In order to protect you! holy blood I ask you to go
to Al-Aqsa Mosque and the women to the Dode of the Rock- We ask you to help tn the rescuhg of
the wounded. To Uv @cuWW J@ces: To you, the cruel occup]'lng fon:es I say stop shootlng tear
gas and bullets. CeaseIlr€ ln the mosque plazs. I beg you to allow our doctors. nurses, and ambu-
liancesto enter the area and to help us. I repeat and beg you agaln to cease llre ard to allow ou!
medlcal to come and help us treat our wounded. To the Moslens:''our I repeat that the youth
should go to Al-Aqsa Mosque and the women to the Dome of the Rock so that we can treat our
wounded and hope that the authorlties wlll stop thls massacre here...Dear ajrd beloved people. We
ask you to stay near Al-&sa Mosque so that we can treat our wounded and collect our:vlcttns. To
th€ secudaJlbrces: You: the pollce and occulrylng forces. Stop shootlng and cease J'ou fire. Please
stop shoottng. The angels of good arc cuFlng you. Hlstory l,'tl curse you. Please stop shootlng. To
the Moslerns: I ask my young gtrls and bols to go to the mosques.
Deor Aowlg pople. Please dont stand close to the soldleG and don't confront them. Don't let them
klll you. They are u'eU-equipped. Don't be fooltsh and dle so easily. You should be more mature
about death. To thepople outstde te HorarL Pleas€ send doctors and ambulances to help us and
tell the people that Al- Aqsa ls begglng for help.

1It22 - L1:27 (krtenslve automaUcgunflre). "In the Name of cod the MerciJul and hls Prophet
Moharnmadl Pleas€.the soldlers ofheaven!! Come and rescue us!! Oh, deal young people. Don't get
close and leave the area around the westem wall and the Mughrabl cate. The Israells are very
well-equlpped and ready. They wtll shoot you. lDome ofthe Rock gassed) co to Al-Aqsa Mc3que so
we can end thls vlolatlon and protect ourselves. Do not go to the Mahkama buildtng yard. You $.111
be e.pos€d and the pollce and borderguards r*1ll shoot you flom above. Dont expose you bodies to
the bullets of the well-equlpped controllln€l occupj.lng forces. Dear young people, to be able to pro,
tect ]lour llfe llre ask you to go to Al-&sa Mosque. (Soldters appear on screen. Tear gas thrown into
Al-Aqsa Mosque) Please keep aum! Jtotu the LDesten slde oJ the mosque @1dtl@ Mat*dma bulfu7
tlg. You tDll tu shot tvre. Please leaDe the dred oJ te Westem WdL nleg lu|tll HiL Aoul We tatE to
helg ow untmded-T\ey are shooUng live arffnu aion at youl We don't want you to dle because you
are the guardians and defendeE oflslam and ofthls mosque. The women should go to the Dome of
the Rock and th€ men to Al-Aqsa. To the pottce and. tbrderguards: Stop shlnt{ng! Stop the killtngl
Stap the massacrel!

r1:27 - {End of\,'tdeo)



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