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by Joseph Zernik
Human Rights Alert DN: cn=Joseph
Zernik, o, ou,
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750 email=jz12345@e
Fax: 323.488.9697; Email:, c=US
Date: 2011.01.18
Blog: 05:49:33 +02'00'
11-01-17 US and State Judges Likely among Swiss Bank Accounts Holders
Los Angeles, January 17 – in view of the pending WikiLeaks release of Swiss banking data, [i ] Human Rights
Alert (NGO) and Joseph Zernik, PhD, suggest that significant number of US and state judges are likely to be
among US citizens holding numbered bank accounts in Switzerland.
Review of numerous cases in the US and state courts shows a tight alliance between judges and large financial
institutions, in disregard of the judges’ oaths of office, through the conduct of alleged Fraud on the Courts in
litigations involving financial institutions. [ii ,iii ] Such conduct undermines the stated US government efforts to
establish honest and effectual banking regulation.
Growing body of evidence suggests that both US and state judges have accepted financial benefits from large
financial institutions. In 2008 Dr Zernik filed requests with California Judge Terry Friedman (Los Angeles
Superior Court), US Judge Virginia Phillips, and US Magistrate Carla Woehrle (US District Court, Central
District of California) for statements on the record regarding financial benefits to them or family members
residing with them from such institutions (pursuant to the California Code of Judicial Ethics). All three
refused to provide such statements.
In 2009 whistle-blower Bradley Birkenfeld led to the discovery that an estimated 40,000 US wealthy citizens
were holding Swiss numbered accounts with UBS-AG. Birkenfeld was swiftly sentenced by a US court to
years in federal prison. [iv ] He was never able to collect rewards provided by the False Claims Act and stated
US policies, which could have amounted to billions of US dollars. The criminal prosecution of the culprits -
banking executives - was never materialized, and the US government negotiated an agreement with the Swiss
government, according to which the names of the vast majority of the offenders were never released by UBS-
Regardless of mounting credible evidence of racketeering by Bank of America and its senior executives,
including Brian Moynihan, US banking regulation agencies refuse to take action. [v ,vi ,vii ] It is claimed that
conduct of such agencies is caused, at least in part, from the realization that under conditions that prevail today
in the US courts, there is no way to prosecute banking executives.
Human Rights Alert suggests that US officials in general, and state and US judges, in particular, are likely to
be among the Swiss accounts holders. Moreover, a Swiss law, which would prohibit deposits by US
government officers while in office in Swiss bank accounts, is likely to materially affect restoration of US
government and US financial markets integrity and stability.
Through the pending release of both US and Swiss banking records WikiLeaks is therefore likely to support
effective banking regulation in the United States, where US agencies and the US courts are acting in disregard
of the law.
11-01-17 Swiss Whistle Blower Hands Bank Data to WikiLeaks
Zernik, Joseph: Securities and Exchange Commission v Bank of America Corporation - Pretense
Litigation and Pretense Banking Regulation in the United States
z Page 2/2 January 18, 2011

11-01-10 Request for investigation/impeachment proceedings, in re: US Judge JED RAKOFF and
Clerk RUBY KRAJICK, US District Court, Southern District of New York, Conduct of Securities and
Exchange Committee v Bank of America Corporation (1:09-cv-06829) s
09-08-25 UBS AG Whistle Blower Birkenfeld Imprisoned
10-05-05 Countrywide, Bank of America (NYSE:BAC), and its President Brian Moynihan - Compilation of
Records - Evidence of Racketeering
10-06-11 Complaints Filed with Office of Comptroller of the Currency and SEC against Countrywide, Bank
of America (NYSE:BAC), and Brian Moynihan - alleging fraud on shareholders, on banking regulators, and
on the US taxpayer
10-05-05 Chairs of US Congress Committees of the Judiciary and Banking Are Requested to Join Senator
Feinstein’s Inquiries on Comptroller of the Currency and US Dept of Justice Inspector General

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