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(က) သင်ပုန် ကီးလာ မွန်သရ ၁၂ လုံး

I. 12 Mon Vowels according to Katojnok/Thinbongyi #

အ အာ ဣ ဣဳ ဥ ဥ
a a i i u u
ဨ အဲ ဩ အဴ အံ အး
e oa ao ao om ah
ဇယား ၁
Table 1

(ခ) အေြခခံ မွန်သရသေကတ ၁၂ မျ း

II. 12 Mon Vowels Characters

-- ာ --ိ --ဳ --ု --ူ
Kna Tour Khri Dop Khri Dop Ri Thajak Thajak
Dow Jaaing Moa Jaaing

ေ-- --ဲ ေ-- ာ --ဴ --ံ -- း

Swe Mu Swoa Plaon Swao Kana Laléa Dop Khanom Dop Kharah Dop

ဇယား ၂
Table 2

Notice 1:
1. -- are not the parts of the vowels. They can be replaced by any consonants characters.
2. -- ာ can also be found as -- ါ basing on the consonants characters. -- ါ is mostly used with ခ၊ ဂ၊ ဒ၊ ပ၊ ဝ၊
ၜ when these all characters are standing alone.
3. --ု and --ူ can also be seen as longer-leg characters in တွ ဵ and ပွဳပွ .
4. The words in blue are the names of the vowels.

(ဂ) အြခားသရများ
III. Other Vowels Characters
Single Vowels

--ီ -- + ီ Ikim


--ို -- + ိ + ု Khri Dop Thajak Jaaing Moa

-- ာဲ -- + ာ + ဲ Ikaai

--ုဲ / ဥ ဲ -- + ု+ ဲ Ikuui/Uui

ေ--ဲ ေ + -- + ဲ Ikéi

-- ာံ -- + ာ + ံ Ikam

-- -- + ိ + ံ Ikoing

--ုံ / ဥ ံ -- + ု+ ံ Ikum/Um

ေ--ံ ေ + -- + ံ Ikem

--ီု -- + ီ+ ု Ikom

--ဵု -- + ဵ+ ု Ikaw

Trip thongs

ေ-- ာဲ ေ + -- + ာ + ဲ Ikoa

ေ-- ာံ ေ + -- + ာ + ံ Ikom

--ဲု ိ -- + ိ+ ု+ ဲ Ikuay

ဇယား ၃
Table 3

5. The characters orders in light brown tell you how to properly put them together to make different
6. The words in blue are the names of the vowels.

# Reader in the traditional way

Posted by D.O. Jhaan

ေလ့လာတင်ြပသူ - ဓရ်အံင်ၛာန်


1) Dho-ong Jhaan. 2010, Mon Characters Combinations. Sangkhlaburi:,


Detail Info:-

Title: Mon Vowels (Mon Vowels Characters)

Finished on: April 11, 2010
Posted by: D.O.Jhaan. Nai.
Languages: English and Burmese.

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