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Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary

an affiliate of Yeshiva University

Yeshiva University Center for the Jewish Future
Max Stern Division of Communal Service
500 West 185th Street
New York, NY 10033

APRIL 2007 • NISAN 5767 :dx ,ufrc–vrucjc tkt ,hbeb vru,v iht VOLUME 41 • NUMBER 3

CHAVRUSA is a publication of the

Rabbinic Alumni of the
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan
Yeshiva Bids
Theological Seminary-
The Center for the Jewish Future,
Farewell to
an affiliate of Yeshiva University
Rabbi Melech
Richard M. Joel
President Schachter z’l
Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm
Chancellor, Yeshiva University somber and large crowd packed
Rosh HaYeshiva, RIETS

Rabbi Kenneth Brander

Dean, Center for the
Jewish Future

Rabbi Dr. Solomon Rybak

President, Rabbinic Alumni
A into the Nathan Lamport
Auditorium on February 27
2006 to bid a kavod acharon
to Rabbi Dr. Melech Schachter z’l, a
beloved Colleague, Father, Zeide, Rebbe
Rabbis Brander, Schachter, Genack and Twersky discuss their revered Rebbe. and Rosh Yeshiva. Among those who
Rabbi Ronald L. Schwarzberg offered words of eulogy were RIETS
Director, Jewish Career Development
and Placement Rosh Hayeshiva and Yeshiva University
Rabbi Elly Krimsky
CJF and Rabbinic Alumni Sponsor Chancellor Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm
‘51R; Rabbi Zevulun Charlop ‘54R, the
Assistant Director, Jewish Career
Development and Placement
New York Premiere of Film and a Max and Marion Grill Dean of RIETS;
Editor, Chavrusa
Conversation on Rav Soloveitchik Rabbi Yisrael Meir Steinberg, Rabbi
Rabbi Levi Mostofsky Schachter’s son in law; Rabbi Hershel
Director of Rabbinic Programming n a scene at the end of “Lonely Man 1985. Almost 1,200 people attended the Schachter ‘67R, son of the late Rosh

Associate Editor, Chavrusa
of Faith: The Life and Legacy of event, which was a joint effort of The continued on page 2
Rabbi Dovid Kupchik Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik,” the Center for the Jewish Future and RIETS
Coordinator, Educational Placement
filmmaker uses a silent and vacant Rabbinic Alumni.
Keren Simon Nathan Lamport Auditorium to visually Ethan Isenberg never knew the Rav
Administrator, Jewish Career
Development and Placement
depict the Rav’s final departure from but made the documentary with the
Yeshiva, due to illness. Earlier in the input and advice of many people con- Rav movie Premiere ..........................1
Naphtali Lavenda
film, however, the viewer experienced— nected with YU. He desired to know Rabbi Melech Schachter z’l ..............1
Rabbinic Intern, Jewish Career
Development and Placement and those who attended the lectures more about the Rav as part of a genera- Divrei Chizuk ....................................3
re-experienced—the power, vigor and tion ‘asher lo yada et Yosef’ and turned to Chomer l’Drush ................................4
electricity of the Rav’s special Yarzheit Rabbi Dr. Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff
RIETS Back to the Beit Midrash ..................6
shiurim that define Lamport Audit- ’61R, who encouraged his creativity in
Rabbi Zevulun Charlop orium’s history. That very same venue this project. The Phoenix rises ..............................9
Max and Marion Grill Dean, RIETS
was filled to capacity on Saturday night Eisenberg’s film began with the Rabbinic Alumni in Israel ................10
Rabbi Chaim Bronstein February 3rd, 2007 for the New York Rav’s childhood, which was dominated
Administrator, RIETS Musmakhim in the Limelight............11
premiere screening of independent film by his legendary father Rav Moshe
Rabbi Julius Berman From the Editor ..............................18
maker Ethan Eisenberg’s film about the Soloveitchik, who trained his eldest son
Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Lifecycle ..........................................19
life of Rav Soloveitchik, the towering vigorously in the Brisker approach to
RIETS Rosh haYeshiva from 1941 to continued on page 16
Divrei Chizuk From Our Leaders
Rabbi Melech Schachter z”l Rabbi Melech Schachter z’l.
continued from page 1 Rabbi Mordechai Willig
Yeshiva and Rabbi Mordechai Smilowitz, nd Bnei Yisrael were chamushim when they left Egypt’

husband of one of Rabbi Schachter’s
“Zkan (Shmos 13:18). The Targum Yonoson renders that each
Rabbi Schachter was born in Bucovina
Romainia in 1913 and was greatly influ-
enced by the Vizhnitzer Chassidic dynasty.
He came to the United States as a penni-
less 16 year old and enrolled in Yeshiva
who believed
“a Din is a Din!”
one left Egypt with five children whereas the Targum
Yerushalmi translates chamushim as armed (see
Rashi) and adds – armed with good deeds.
How is it possible that each one had exactly five children?
And what were their good deeds?
The Be’er Yosef
MENT NOW. I saw the movie twice; the first
time I cried unabashedly and I cried almost as
much now. And then to be followed by the
talmidim of the Rav, all of whom were extraor-
dinary. We come off Parshas B’shalach. The
College and RIETS, where he received explains that only one beginning of Parshas B’shalach we read,
semikhah from Rabbi Moshe Soloveitchik satiated.” The synagogue loved him so rabbonim. At Rav Melech’s wedding in fifth of Bnei Yisrael left “Vayikach Moshe es atzmos Yosef,” “and Moses
in 1937. He later received a PhD from much that two of its gabbaim facilitated 1937, these friends bought him the newly Egypt (see Rashi). The takes the bones of Joseph.” This documentary
Dropsie College in 1946. In addition to his finding his shidduch. released volume of Rav Chaim rest died during the to my mind—and I just thought of it sitting
teaching at Yeshiva, he served pulpits Rabbi Charlop declared that Rabbi Soloveitchik’s chiddushim on the Rambam, plague of darkness, as here today because I don’t have a note in front
across Pennsylvania and in the Bronx. Schachter’s “Greatest achievements are a volume he treasured his entire life. they were unworthy of of me—is another form of ‘vayikach Moshe es
Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm described here in the auditorium.” He noted that Rabbi Schachter characterized his father redemption. Their inno- atzmos Rabbeinu Yosef Dov Halevi
Rabbi Schachter, occupant of the Rabbi the Talmud describes (Megillah 13b) how as an expert in the names that appear in cent children, however, Soloveitchik.’ The Gemara (Sotah 13a) tells us
Dr. and Mrs. Leon Katz Chair in Haman ‘cast lots’ to determine the date on gitten, and spoke of his “great amount of did not die. Each family that all the years that the Jews trekked
Rabbinics, as zkan harabbanim, having which he planned to exterminate the yiras shamayim.” “A din is a din” was a con- took responsibility for the through the Wilderness, there were two aronos
taught for 54 years at RIETS, Yeshiva Jews. He ruled out month after month stant refrain. Rabbi Schachter ended by children of four other - two boxes - that marched with them, side by
College, Stern College for Women, the due to the meritorious events in them – expressing his gratitude to the YU and families. Hence, each left Egypt with five groups of children. side. People asked what was the purpose of
Bernard Revel Graduate School and the i.e. Nisan for Pesach, Iyar for Pesach RIETS administration for accommodating Normally, even kind hearted people would hesitate to accept having a box of atzamos, next to the Shechina
Wurzweiler School of Social Work. Rabbi Sheini, Cheshvan for the yahrtzeit of Sarah his father’s needs as he aged, the doctors responsibility for others when in difficult circumstances. Their Himself? ‘V’chi ma darko she meis l’halech im
Lamm awarded Rabbi Schachter an hon- Imeinu etc. Haman rejoiced when his lot at Maimonides Medical Center in kindness can compromise the safety and well-being of their own Shechina?’ And don’t forget that Yosef was the
orary degree of Doctor of Divinity at YU’s chose Adar, for Moshe Rabbeinu died in Brooklyn, his sister and brother in law children. It was therefore, this extraordinary chessed of Klal viceroy of all of Egypt. He was brought up in a
66th Commencement in 1997 for his that month. Why did Haman fear the who cared for his father and to Hakadosh Yisrael that Hashem remembers so fondly as “chessed ne’urayich”. strange culture. He lived through dungeons.
commitment to Yeshiva and the Jewish month in which Sarah Imeinu died but Baruch Hu for granting his father 94 years. Bnei Yisrael left Egypt armed with these good deeds. You cannot imagine the variety and the dis-
people. In his eulogy, Rabbi Lamm spoke rejoiced over the month in which Moshe Rabbi Mordechai Smilowitz offered Our ancestors are rightfully praised for accepting upon them- parate nature of Yosef ’s life. And in the end he
of Rabbi Schachter as a “profoundly ethi- Rabbeinu passed away? Rabbi Charlop the final eulogy, describing the love his selves the responsibility for the children of others, even as they remained Yosef Hatzadik. ‘Kiyem zeh kol mah
cal personality,” a man of decency and a answered that while Sarah breathed her wife’s grandfather had for all of his off- faced the formidable challenges of traversing the desert. shekasuv bazeh.’ The one who is in this box
pure thinker. Rabbi Lamm, speaking days final breaths, she recognized that her son spring and the pride he displayed in their Notwithstanding these people having witnessed Divine miracles fulfilled everything that is in this box. And
before Purim, cited the Gemara (Chulin was alive and would succeed her hus- accomplishments and their commitment to in Egypt, and their assumption that their sojourn in the desert that’s what I feel tonight and I’ve always felt
139b) that identifies the phrase mor d’ror band. Moshe Rabbeinu, on the other hand, Torah and mitzvot. President Richard M. would be brief, their heroism is aptly referred to as chessed n’eu- it. Kiyem atzmos Yosef Dov Halevi when he was
(Shmot 30:23) as referencing Mordechai departed this world without his children Joel, introduced by Rabbi Charlop as a true rayich. alive. And he is still alive. Three of his
in the Torah. What does dror (freedom) following in his footsteps. “Rav Hershel Shaliach Tzibur, led the gathered in Kel For our musmakhim in small communities, this lesson should talmidim published sforim just this past week.
have to do with myrrh? Rabbi Lamm was the talmid muvhak of the Rav,” Maleh. be a source of great chizuk. We traveled through the desert to ‘Kiyem zeh kol mah shekasuv bazeh.’
advanced the Ramban’s answer that the
incense was free from being counterfeited,
chofshi min haziyuf. He then used the same
phrase to characterize Rabbi Schachter.
Rabbi Charlop was six years old when
he first met Rabbi Schachter. His late
declared Rabbi Charlop, and that gave
Rav Melech great joy.
Rabbi Steinberg ended his stirring
words by relaying that when Rav Melech
could not sleep at night, he would recite
the names of his grandchildren, photos of
Rav Schachter was the central pillar of
the Halacha L’ Maaseh Program at
RIETS, the Supplementary Rabbinics
Program (SR) and was the mentor of a
generation of musmachim. He was the
author of a major scholarly work, The
save ourselves and our families, and in addition, helped others.
Now, rabbanim and mechanchim across the country relocate,
with their families, to a spiritual desert only in order to aid others.
Many who move to smaller communities are rightfully con-
cerned for the spiritual well-being of their own children. Just as
Hashem protected the children of those who left Egypt, despite

Rabbi Zevulun Charlop
closing the evening of
the New York premiere
father’s shul ‘adopted’ Rabbi Schachter, whom adorned his refrigerator. When he Babylonian and Jerusalem Mishnah. His —or because of—the additional responsibility they assumed for of the movie, “Lonely
since the Yeshiva students did not have arrived at the name of his youngest grand- rabbinic opinions and articles appeared in the children of others, so too He give a special bracha to children Man of Faith: the Life
places to go for Shabbat. He recalled child, he would fall asleep. “We will never many Torah Journals and covered many of Rabbanim and Mechanchim in smaller communities. and Legacy of Rabbi
seeing Rabbi Schachter learning late into forget you,” he cried out. different subjects including conversion, May the good deeds of these heroes arm them to continue Joseph B. Soloveitchik.”
the night with his late father, Rabbi Rabbi Hershel Schachter described adoption and gittin. ■ their wonderful work for others, even as they and their families are
Yechiel Michel Charlop z’l. “He was a the kinship his father had for his chaburah protected and enabled to realize their goals and their dreams. ■
tremendous masmid as he was never at RIETS which includes many esteemed

2 3
Chomer L’Drush
numerical value of the four statements of Redemption Number One – v’hozeite due to the merit of the blood of brit milah Rav Soloveitchik explained that Matan
redemption it equals the numerical value and Korban Pesach that the Jewish people Torah is a paradoxical experience, for one
A Deeper of the following statement: Zeh ani b’yis- The Netziv comments (Shemot 8:28) that were redeemed from Egypt. These two can only feel free when surrendering one’s
rael lo yi’fchatu lo me’arbah kosot. Whether the first stage of the redemption process commandments represent the Jewish freedom to Hashem. Often, we are pris-
Meaning to one accepts this answer or not, the com- occurred during the plague of Arov. Seven people’s willingness to assert their own oners to physiological and psychological
the Daled ment highlights an awareness of the odd months into the plagues, when chaos per- self-destiny. In a very personal way, cir- constraints and social pressures. We are
nature of the financial commitment vaded Egypt, the Egyptians began to ease cumcision concretized an internal com- often coerced into certain roles by our
Kosot required in regard to the daled kosot. The the workload of the Jews. This gave the mitment that the Jewish people had to employer or our community. In reality, we
Chofetz Chaim, in his commentary Biur slave nation the opportunity to reflect their own culture and unique destiny. are never free because if we feel the pres-
Halakha (Orach Chayyim 656, s.v. afilu), upon freedom and its value, and reflect on After making this commitment, they had sures and coercions of our society, then
Rabbi Kenneth Brander suggests that the four cups of wine are life itself. The first bold step toward free- to express their mindset in a public forum. our options are restricted, even when
merely a model for any positive com- dom is to realize the need and the value of Through the procedures of the Korban there are no physical shackles upon us. By
mandment that one wishes to fulfill. being free. This is the process of being Pesach, the Jewish people asserted their surrendering ourselves to Hashem and
There is no maximum limit on what one transformed from a piece of property into culture and values, even when they came the norms and mores of the Torah, we
erhaps the most fascinating ment. After all, there are several com- can spend to fulfill a positive command- a person who can determine his/her own in total contradiction with those of their attain a degree of freedom. This empow-

P halakha associated with the rab-

binic commandment of daled
kosot is mentioned in the first
Mishna in Arvei Pesachim.
mandments on the night of Pesach that
commemorate the redemptive process,
yet none of the others have this require-
ment. Furthermore, regarding all positive
commandments, halakaha stresses that
ment. The notion of borrowing funds to
perform a mitzvah applies to any positive
commandment. However, this suggestion
in the Biur Halakha does not explain the
concern of the Talmud with the comment

Redemption Number Two – v’hezalte

Following the months of self-reflection,

Egyptians taskmasters. They captured the
god of the Egyptians, held it in captivity
for three days, and then slaughtered it.
Both actions are statements of rebellion.
They reflect initiative by the Jewish peo-
ers us to recognize that our lives need not
be ones of fate but ones of destiny. Taking
the Jewish people out of Egypt without
this stage of redemption would have con-
stituted a continuation of bondage. This is
The Mishnah (99b) states there is a maximum amount one is per- in the Mishnah regarding daled kosot. Hashem asked the Jewish people to make ple toward their own destiny; sacrificing the message found in Pirkei Avot (6:2):
mitted to spend in order to fulfill a posi- Additionally, it completely contradicts the sacrifices for their freedom. They were to uniformity and their physical safety with
…Even the poorest amongst Israel tive mitzvah. This is discussed in the statements of the Rambam and the Rama be bold and to realize that they, as individ- regard to their taskmasters. …He (R. Yehoshua b. Levi) said fur-
…must not drink less than the four Mishneh Torah (Arakhin 8:13), which as well as Talmudic statements found in uals, have rights. Before the plague of ther, ‘The luchot were the work of
cups of wine [on Pesach night] even if states that a person who spends all of Arakhin (28a) and Ketubot (50a). darkness, Hashem commanded Moshe: Redemption Number Four – v’lakachte Hashem, and the writing was the writing
he/she [must receive a stipend] from his/her funds to fulfill a mitzvah is called “Speak now in the ears of the people, and of Hashem , charut, engraved upon the
the communal charity fund. a chasid shoteh. This idea is codified by Perhaps there is another way of resolv- let every man ask of his neighbor, and every The final component of the Redemption luchot.’ Read not charut (engraved) but
the Rema in the Shulchan Arukh (Orach ing this issue and clarifying the statement woman of her neighbor, jewels of silver and occurs outside of Egypt with Matan Torah. cheirut (freedom), for there is no true
The Rashbam (Ibid., s.v. v’afilu) empha- Chayyim 656) as well. regarding daled kosot in the Talmud. jewels of gold” (Shemot 11:2). Hashem free person but one who occupies
sizes this point by stating that if the over- Commenting on the first Mishnah in asked the Jewish people to be assertive Why was it necessary to give the Jewish him/herself with the study of Torah.
seer of the fund cannot give the ani funds One who does not [have funds] …to Arvei Pesachim, Tosafot (s.v. lo) and the and inquire of their Egyptian taskmasters people the Torah immediately after taking
to purchase four cups of wine, then the perform a timely mitzvah should not Rashbam (s.v. v’lo) paraphrase the Talmud the location of their stolen merchandise. them out of Egypt? Does not the Torah It would seem that the commandment
poor have the responsibility to find funds spend much money to perform it, as it Yerushalmi and state that the daled kosot Notice the use of the Hebrew word nah in represent an effort on the part of Hashem of the four cups of wine is unique in the
through other sources, including borrow- is stated: “When spending [to perform represent the four stages in the redemptive this request. Hashem asked Moshe to to make the Jews slaves to yet another following manner. While there are many
ing, selling one’s clothing, and hiring one- a mitzvah] do not spend more than a process. However, if one looks at the orig- speak gently to the Jewish people, realiz- task master? Indeed, we the Jewish peo- positive commandments, both biblical
self out in order to raise funds to purchase fifth [of one’s earnings] even if the inal text of the Yerushalmi (Pesachim: ing that this is a difficult yet important ple are called slaves of God, “For to me and rabbinic in nature, none fully cele-
wine. result is the inability to perform a timely chap. 10:1) one will find that Tosafot and transition. This is the first time that the children of Yisrael are servants; they brate sacrifice on the part of the Jewish
positive commandment. the Rashbam modified the text. The Knesset Yisrael, as a collective entity, was are my servants whom I brought forth out people. The Meshum Pir-sumei Nisah of
The Talmud in Pesachim 112a discusses Talmud Yerushalmi does not refer to them asked to be assertive against its masters. of the land of Egypt” (Va-yikra 25:55). the daled kosot is a declaration of the sac-
the uniqueness of this commandment What is so unique about the four cups as “four stages of redemption,” but rather, rifice on the part of the Jewish people in
which even the poor, at any cost, are com- of wine, a rabbinic commandment, that “four redemptions.” Yiziat Mitzrayim was Redemption Number Three – v’go-alte Indeed Yirmiyahu (2:2) writes: “…I the redemptive process. At each stage, the
pelled to fulfill. The Talmud suggests the rabbis deviated from the maximum not one redemptive process; it was four [Hashem] remember in your favor, the Jewish people were compelled to give of
“Meshum Pir-sumei Nisa.” Since these financial bound specified in Jewish Law separate processes. The exodus lasted one The third component in the redemption devotion of your youth, your love as a themselves to reach that redemptive level.
cups of wine proclaim the miracle of when they legislated this law? full year, slowly redeeming Knesset Yisrael of the Jewish people is the last to occur in bride, when you followed after me into They had to: (1) reflect upon their lives
redemption celebrated on Pesach night, and ridding them of the slave mentality the land of Egypt. Hashem requested that the wilderness, in a land that was not and come to the conclusion that freedom
everyone is required to observe this com- In addition to the vague answer men- that they acquired in Egypt. the Jewish people perform two positive sown.” The Radak on this verse suggests bore new and difficult responsibilities (2)
mandment despite any financial difficulty. tioned in the Talmud, this issue is con- commandments: the offering of the that the act of devotion on the part of the confront their task masters (3) assert their
fronted by many. R. Asher ben Jehiel sug- Korban Pesach and its prerequisite brit Jewish people was their willingness to culture with rituals that were deemed
However, one is left with the task of try- gests, in his commentary Baal haTurim milah. The midrash (Pirkei de-Rabbi accept the Torah and sacrifice themselves repulsive in Egyptian society and (4)
ing to understand this Talmudic state- (Shemot 6:6), that if one calculates the Eliezer, chap. 28) comments that it is only to Hashem.
continued on page 15

4 5
Back to the Beit Midrash
with the Maharam Chalavah (Pesachim would still be valid if no chametz was the issur of chametz she’avar alav hapesach, assumes that bedikah of a home is a
7a), who interpreted the word “biur” as found. This would seem to imply that the and is therefore not worthy of a beracha. maaseh mitzvah (see below for further elu-
The referring not to destruction but to bedikah beracha relates to an independent mitzvah Similarly, the Meiri (Pesachim 6a) and cidation of this assumption), but a bedikah
Mitzvah and cleaning, as the word is used in
Devarim 26:13.4
of bedikah, and this is in fact the first
explanation offered by the Mishnah
other Rishonim hold that one who leaves
home before the night of the fourteenth of
which does not focus on a particular loca-
tion is merely a hechsher mitzvah of
of Bedikas Berurah (432:13). However, the Mishnah Nisan and performs the bedikah early destroying that chametz or avoiding the
PRACTICAL RAMIFICATIONS Berurah also quotes the explanation of the must omit the beracha. This opinion is possibility of averah.
Chametz Taz (432:4), who assumes that the beracha accepted as halacha lemaaseh by the Rema
A clear nafka mina between these two must relate to an actual biur chametz, and (436:2). The Rema’s commentators THE EFFECT OF BEDIKAS CHAMETZ
understandings would be the appropriate- explains that even if no hidden chametz is explain that this position likewise assumes
Rabbi Assaf Bednarsh
ness of a beracha in a scenario in which found during the bedikah, the beracha is the existence of two types in bedikas We mentioned earlier Rabbenu David’s
Rosh Yeshiva, RIETS
bedikah was done properly but no chametz justified because one sets aside the known chametz. The Mishnah Berurah (436:4), second opinion, which posits that bedikas
was found and the process did not culmi- chametz to be burned on Erev Pesach based on Rabbenu David’s first under- chametz represents a kiyum mitzvah med-
nate in an act of biur chametz. According morning (after taking some for breakfast).6 standing, explains that on Erev Pesach we erabanan regardless of whether or not it
THE SUBJECT OF THE BERACHA ‘havah amina’ not to say a beracha on to Rabbenu David’s first explanation, any We thus cannot conclusively rule out view bedikah as the beginning of bi’ur, leads to the destruction of any chametz.
bedikas chametz, we must examine the beracha recited on such a bedikah would either understanding of the nature of the because whatever chametz is discovered The simplest way to understand this opin-

In Maseches Pesachim daf 7a, Rav maskana of Rav Yehuda— why do we say a be a beracha levatalah, and we would be beracha on bedikas chametz. will be destroyed the next morning. When ion is that although bedikas chametz with-
Yehudah teaches us “habodek tzarich beracha on bedikah if the act of bedikah is required to take pains to avoid being bedikah is done early, however, any out actually finding chametz has no effect,
sheyevarech”, that we say a birkas merely a hechsher mitzvah? Rabbenu David, trapped by such a scenario. Indeed, the TWO TYPES OF BEDIKAS CHAMETZ chametz discovered will probably be eaten one has fulfilled a mitzvah by performing a
hamitzvah on bedikas chametz. Why in his commentary to this sugya, suggests Riaz (Rif daf 4a) quotes the opinion of the in the significant time remaining before maaseh bedikah. However, we can suggest
would we have thought otherwise? The two fundamentally different understand- Sefer HaPardes, who holds that one should Rambam (Hilchos Chametz Umatzah Pesach, and therefore the bedikah cannot a different understanding of the function
Ritva explains that we would have sur- ings of this halacha. His first explanation is not recite the beracha until one actually 3:6) holds that one who neglected to do be viewed as a part of the mitzvah of bi’ur, of bedikas chametz, based on an enigmatic
mised that no beracha is said on bedikas that the beracha in fact relates not to the finds a piece of chametz. Alternatively, bedikah until after Pesach is obligated to do but merely as a strategy to avoid the future comment of the Magen Avraham. Rema
chametz because bedikah itself is not a bedikah per se but rather to the biur many Rishonim record a minhag to hide bedikah then, but without a beracha. The prohibition of owning chametz on Pesach. (Yoreh Deah 127:3), referring to a scenario
mitzvah, but merely a hechsher mitzvah for chametz, which is “gmar mitzvasah”. We say chametz in the house before the bedikah in Rambam then holds that bedikah per- Alternatively, the Shulchan Aruch Harav in which it is unclear whether bedikah has
the subsequent bi’ur chametz, which ful- the beracha before the bedikah not because order to insure that the beracha is not formed before or on Pesach is worthy of a (436:1) interprets this psak based on been done, characterizes this situation as
fills the mitzvas aseh of “tashbisu”. Bedikah the bedikah itself requires a beracha, but being said in vain. This minhag is codified beracha, but bedikah done after Pesach is Rabbenu David’s second understanding, one without a chezkas issur. Magen
would then be comparable to other rather because it serves as the beginning of by the Rema (Orach Chaim 432:2), and is not. What is the logic behind this distinc- and explains that bedikah on the night of Avraham (437:8) disagrees, arguing that
hechsherei mitzvah, such as making tefillin the process of biur.3 The Rosh likewise common practice. Either of these two tion? At the outset of our discussion, we the fourteenth of Nisan is considered a since we know that bedikah was certainly
or tying tzitzis, for which we do not say a explains that the beracha is made on the strategies stems from the understanding pointed to the birkas hamitzvah as a litmus mitzvah derabanan because it is being not yet performed before the night of the
beracha, based on the rule that any mitz- bedikah qua the beginning of a process that the true subject of the beracha is the test for distinguishing a kiyum mitzvah done in the way the Chachamim decreed. fourteenth of Nisan, and there is a chezkas
vah action which does not actually fulfill which culminates in bi’ur. As noted by ultimate biur chametz, and therefore the from a hechsher mitzvah. An act performed Bedikah earlier than the night of the four- issur. The Mekor Chaim (end of Siman
the mitzvah (“lav gmar mitzvasah”) does Rabbenu David, the language of the beracha is only justified if chametz is actu- with a beracha must itself be a mitzvah (or teenth is certainly obligatory, but since it is 437) rises to the defense of the Rema, and
not require a beracha (Menachos 42b).1 A beracha, “al bi’ur chametz”, seems to sup- ally found and destroyed. However, an integral part of a mitzvah), while an act not being done in the manner prescribed argues that bedikas chametz is only
similar conclusion would arise from the port this understanding, indicating that the Maharam Chalavah, whom we have quot- performed without a beracha would be by Chazal, it would be seen as merely a required because of the possibility of hid-
machlokes between Rashi and Tosfos at true subject of the beracha is the ultimate ed above as following Rabbenu David’s characterized as a mere preparation for ful- hechsher mitzvah for the prohibitions of den chametz, but since it is also possible
the very beginning of Maseches Pesachim, bi’ur and not the immediate bedikah. second understanding, rejects the afore- fillment of some future mitzvah or avoid- Pesach and not a maaseh mitzvah. While that there is no chametz in the house,
where Rashi explains that the purpose of mentioned custom of setting out chametz ance of some future issur.7 Applying this the Mishnah Berurah and the Shulchan there is certainly no chezkas issur of
bedikas chametz is to prevent a violation of However, Rabbenu David offers a sec- to be discovered during bedikah. He insight to the Rambam, we would conclude Aruch Harav disagree in their understand- chametz. How would the Magen Avraham
bal yera’eh and bal yematzei, and Tosfos ond possibility as well, suggesting that the argues that the beracha relates to the very that there are ‘two dinim’, two qualitatively ing of the nature of bedikah in its proper respond to this argument? Perhaps he
holds that it is to forestall any possibility of beracha indeed applies to the bedikah qua act of bedikah, and regardless of whether different types of bedikas chametz. Bedikah time, they agree in characterizing timely would have us focus not on the chametz
violating the issur of achilas chametz. bedikah. Although the bedikah is not a any chametz is actually found, the act of performed before or on Pesach is an inte- bedikah and early bedikah as two qualita- which may or may not be found in the
According to both Rashi and Tosfos, kiyum mitzvah med’oraysa, he suggests that bedikah is itself a mitzvah.5 gral part of the mitzvah of bi’ur8 or an inde- tively different halachic performances.9 home, but on the home itself. The mitzvah
bedikas chametz is not inherently a mitz- on the derabanan plane, bedikas chametz pendent mitzvah (depending on which of of bedikas chametz is not to destroy
vah, but is merely a preparation undertak- was enacted as an independent mitzvah. There is some ambiguity regarding Rabbenu David’s two formulations we Another example of two types of chametz, nor is it to perform a maaseh
en in order to avoid violating an issur at a Bedikas chametz is thus indeed “gmar mitz- which of these understandings is accepted accept). After Pesach, however, neither the bedikas chametz is found in the Magen bedikah, but rather it is to convert the
later time, and as such, should certainly vasah”— of the mitzvas aseh mederabanan halacha lemaaseh. The Rema concludes mitzvah of tashbisu nor any other of the HaElef (436:9), who holds that one who home into a “bayis baduk”, a home which is
not require a beracha.2 of bedikas chametz. According to this that although the minhag is to set out mitzvos hachag are applicable, and the has no living quarters on the night of the certified chametz-free. Chazal required us
understanding, we might explain the lan- chametz before the bedikah, this is not bedikah performed then is not a maaseh fourteenth of Nisan must do a bedikah of to live on Pesach in a home which has
Given this strong formulation of the guage of “al biur chametz” in accordance required me’ikar hadin, and the beracha mitzvah, but rather a hechsher for avoiding his pockets, but without a beracha. He been checked for chametz, and therefore

6 7
until we know that the house has been that even if one has many homes, search- throughout— “ish lo yetzei mepesach beiso
searched, the house has a chezkas issur, a ing them is only one mitzvah. The first ad boker.” The halachos of pesach doros
status quo of eino baduk. If so, perhaps the opinion must assume, then, that each continue this theme. The korban pesach The Phoenix Rises
“gmar mitzvasah” which justifies the home is an independent mitzvah. This represents the family unit of the home
Rabbi Yonah Gross
beracha on bedikas chametz is not merely assumption is unjustifiable if the focus of (“seh leveis avos”), and we eat it while
the maaseh bedikah, but the effect of the mitzvah of bedikas chametz is the status focusing on the home (“lo totzi min habayis
changing the status of the home and creat- of the chametz or the action of the gavra. min habasar chutzah”). Pesach represents
ing a “bayis baduk”. If, however, the focus of the bedikah is the the very core of our identity as Jews, and
home, then each home represents an inde- this identity is rooted in the unique values
Further support for this understanding pendent obligation of bedikah, and requires and atmosphere of the Jewish home. Every
could be brought from the opinion, quoted its own birkas hamitzvah if the previous year, we commence the observance of Rabbi Yonah Gross and Family
above from the Magen HaElef, that a birkas hamitzvah has been interrupted.10 Pesach by doing a bedikah of the home, by
beracha is only made on searching a home. removing all that which chametz repre-
If the cheftza of bedikas chametz is the We may suggest that this possible sents, and creating a status of a true
home rather than the chametz, then it is understanding of bedikas chametz as Jewish home, certified free of base values y name is Yonah Gross ‘06R and together with my agogues, five kosher restaurants, three kosher grocery stores and
understandable that the kiyum mitzvah
would not be present when there is no
home to search. This understanding also
seems to underlie the opinion quoted by
the Ran (Rif Pesachim daf 4a) that one
focused on the home finds its roots in the
Torah’s description of the Pesach experi-
ence. The original Pesach was exclusively
about the home. We were commanded to
accentuate the unique status of a Jewish
and corrupting influences. We then bring
the korban pesach into our house, which
transforms our home into a mikdash me’at,
and we celebrate the glorious kedusha of a
Jewish home and the Jewish people. May
M wife Chava and our son Yehoshua, have recently
moved to Arizona to assume the position of Rabbi
of the Young Israel of Phoenix. These are some ini-
tial thoughts as I begin this new stage in my life, the life of my
family, and that of our congregation.
two Judaica stores. My synagogue is located in an area within the
eruv and in proximity to a mikvah.
Notwithstanding Phoenix’s growth, it was still intimidating
for a boy from Queens and a girl from Teaneck to move out west;
west of Passaic that is. We initially felt as if we were leaving our
who has multiple homes and speaks after home with the dam korban pesach demar- we be zocheh to see this beauty manifest in I’m what they call a Yeshiva University ‘lifer.’ A native of support system. Despite their good wishes and blessings, our
searching the first home must recite cating the boundary between the home our homes and communities, and to offer Hillcrest Queens, I began my career on Amsterdam Avenue as a friends, family, teachers, and mentors, were like a magnet from
another beracha on the second home. The and the world, and we were required to the korban pesach, the korban of the Jewish freshman in YUHS in 1994. I then completed Yeshiva University which it was difficult to extract ourselves. We feared being cut
Ran himself rejects this opinion, arguing maintain exclusive focus on the home home, in the rebuilt Yerushalayim. ■ High School, Yeshiva College, and just this past summer, RIETS. off from the Yeshiva and all the aid and support that I have got-
My tenure in the Heights was only interrupted by two sojourns ten over the years.
in Israel where I studied at Yeshiva Shaarei Mevaseret Zion. For I can say that the Yeshiva has greatly allayed those fears. Prior
1 See also Rabbenu David there, who adds a sec- similar grounds. nation, as even within thirty days of Pesach there
remains plenty of time to eat chametz, but could
the past two years I have been interning for Rabbi Jonathan to my departure, I set up private meetings with many Yeshiva and
ond explanation for the havah amina not to say a 6 In a scenario where one possesses no known easily be explained by a slight modification of the Rosenblatt ‘82R at the Riverdale Jewish Center. RIETS administrators to discuss how we would continue to work
beracha on Bedikas Chametz. He suggests that
chametz, or sets aside chametz but plans to eat it Shulchan Aruch Harav’s logic. Within thirty days,
since bedikah is a mitzvah derabanan, the
all for breakfast on Erev Pesach, the Taz would
My interest in the Rabbanus traces back to my college years together in my new locale. I was privileged to meet privately with
beracha on bedikah is subject to the machlokes since the de’oraysa obligation of learning hilchos
amoraim in Maseches Succah (45b-46a) as to
seemingly not allow the beracha to be said. The Pesach applies, the mitzvah derabanan of bedikas
when I began taking advantage of outreach and programming President Joel, Rabbi Lamm, Rabbi Brander, Rabbi Penner and
language of the Rema himself is intriguing – chametz is also in force. Before this time, howev- opportunities offered through CJF/MSDCS. During my time Rabbi Rockoff, all of whom encouraged me to stay connected,
whether we say a beracha on a mitzvah dera-
“dedaas kol adam im haberacha leva’er im er, the mitzvos hachag do not yet apply, and
banan, and Rav Yehudah is deciding in favor of spent in communities such as Stamford, Jacksonville, Oakland, and we all committed to partnering to help shape the Phoenix
nimtza.” This may indicate that he holds like nei- bedikah is obligatory only as a strategy for avoiding
the opinion that a mitzvah derabanan requires a
beracha. (Rav Yehuda is then consistent with his
ther explanation offered by his commentators, but the pitfall of having chametz in one’s house when and Denver, I saw firsthand the impact that I could have on our community.
rather that although the subject of the beracha is Pesach arrives. fellow Jews even though we were only spending time together in It almost goes without saying that I feel continued support
opinion, in Succah daf 46a, that we make a
indeed the biur chametz, it is permissible to make
beracha on netilas lulav for all seven days.) 10 small increments. Since then I have thought about how much from my Rebbeim, from whom I’ve learned so much while I stud-
a beracha upon attempting to fulfill a mitzvah even This approach may be relevant in understanding
2 The question of whether Rashi and Tosfos would if that attempt may turn out to be unnecessary. the sugya in Pesachim daf 9-10. See the Ravad more could be accomplished with a greater time investment. ied full time within the walls of the Beis-Medrash. They have
agree that there is a positive mitzvah of bi’ur However, this is not consistent with our general there (Rif daf 5a). The tension between the
Furthermore I was excited and challenged by the wide variety each encouraged me not to be intimidated and to call with any
chametz (in the absence of bitul) is a complex assumptions about hilchos berachos, and there- chametz and the home as the focus of bedikas
one, which we cannot properly address here. See fore it may be more reasonable to assume that the chametz may be a factor in many sugyot in the of opportunities that the Rabbanus provided such as education, questions that I may have. In addition to the continued mentor-
Rashi Pesachim 4b s.v. bebitul be’alma, Tosfos Rema held like one of the explanations given by first perek of Maseches Pesachim. counseling, answering halachic queries, programming, and ing that I hope to receive from Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblatt, I have
there s.v. med’oraysa, Ramban there with the the Mishnah Berurah, and this phrase is merely
explaining why the words “al biur chametz” are It should be noted that an entirely different learning. also been paired through the YU mentoring program— a compo-
comments of Rav Issar Zalman Meltzer, Rosh
justified, and not why the beracha itself is justified. approach to understanding the effect of bedikas From the moment I decided to turn my dream into a reality, nent of the Legacy Heritage Fund Rabbinic Enrichment
there siman 10, and Mordechai siman 533.
chametz emerges from the Yerushalmi in the
3 Rabbenu David would explain the gemara in 7 Although generally the omission of a birkas beginning of Maseches Pesachim. Rabbi Mana
Rabbi Schwarzberg, Rabbi Krimsky and Keren Simon have been Initiative (LHREI) with Rabbi Mordechai Torcziner ‘97R, Rav of
Menachos 42b as saying only that we do not hamitzvah indicates a doubtful obligation, in the explains that bedikah is done on the night of the instrumental throughout. Rabbi Krimsky even flew out to Congregation Sons of Israel in Allentown, PA. I already attended
recite a beracha on a hechsher mitzvah in addi- cases we will analyze, the Rishonim are dealing fourteenth of Nisan based on the pasuk Phoenix prior to my arrival here to pave the path on our behalf. my first LHREI Yarchei Kallah and a LHREI Regional Rabbinic
tion to saying a beracha on the mitzvah, but it is with obligations which are clearly spelled out in “ushemartem es hayom hazeh”, which he
perfectly acceptable to say the beracha on the Shas, and their formulations imply that we are interprets as “aseh sheyehu hayom vehalayla Just as no one wants to be a doctor’s first patient, shuls often look Seminar in LA. Chava has flown back to New York to take part
mitzvah itself before beginning the preparatory omitting the beracha not out of doubt, but meshumarin”. According to this Yerushalmi, the askance at being a Rabbi’s first congregation, but the leadership in a conference designed for Rebbitzins (and to celebrate the bris
stages, so long as that stage is not distant from the because we are dealing with a qualitatively inferior purpose of bedikas chametz is none of the possi- of the Young Israel of Phoenix really believed in me. of our newly born nephew).
culmination of the kiyum. obligation. bilities we have mentioned (to destroy chametz, to
merely perform a maaseh bedikah, or to effect the It would be a grave injustice to call Phoenix a small town. The I am still uneasy about my new life here, but with Yeshiva’s
4 One might also suggest that the subject of the 8 This possibility is assumed by the Noda status of a searched home) but rather a kiyum sixth largest city in the United States, Phoenix is also the fastest support behind me and on the speed dial of my cell phone, I am
beracha is primarily the maaseh bedikah, but the Beyehudah (Tinyana Orach Chaim 60). med’oraysa of shemirah, active vigilance, which
language of biur is used to include the bittul growing city in the country and is located in the fastest growing confident that I have the tools to succeed.” ■
9 The Ritva (Pesachim 6a) holds that a beracha is characterizes the entire day. This Yerushalmi may
chametz which follows (or preceeds – see
recited when the bedikah is done within thirty also be relevant for understanding the opinion of state. In the greater Phoenix area there are eleven orthodox syn-
Rambam Hilchos Berachos 11:15) the bedikah. the Ravad (Rif daf 1a) who requires bedikah to
days before Pesach, but not if done earlier. This
5 The Riaz rejects the suggestion of the Pardes on stance could not fit the Mishnah Berurah’s expla- commence just before nightfall. ■

8 9
RIETS Rabbinic Alumni Musmakhim in the Limelight

Judaism. He concluded by raising concerns regarding the grow- ZAMRU COMPOSING THE RUACH OF TORAH the major revolved around the liturgy and
ing ‘shteibilization’, arguing that it does not promote spiritual RABBI SEYMOUR ROCKOFF nusach. His teachers— Carl Adler, Macy
responsibility and areivut in the community. L’ELOKIM ZAMEIRU Nulman and Noach Schall— taught him
Rabbi Ronald Schwarzberg ‘83R, Director of Jewish Career Rabbi Seymour Rockoff was born into much, although he also learned much
Development and Placement followed Mr. Geller’s presentation The Mishna (P’sachim 10:7) records, a rabbinic family. His father was a Rav from his father who was a very good ba’al
by describing the growing resources he and his office have been “Mazgu lo kos shlishi, m’varech al m’zono; and Shochet in Shenandoah, PA. He and tefillah. He obtained his first High
given. While recognizing Rabbi Dr. Lamm’s challenge to establish revi’i, gomer alav et ha’hallel v’omer alav his family moved to New York where he Holiday cantorial position at the Young
solvency and build the university internally, Rabbi Schwarzberg birkat hashir…” Two opinions emerge in attended Torah Vodaath in Williamsburg Israel of Bedford Bay when he was only
acknowledged President Richard Joel’s vision, which created the defining birkat hashir. Rabbi Yehudah for high school. The whispered word 17 years old.
Center for the Jewish Future. He thanked Rabbi Lamm for set- defines it as Yehalelucha Hashem Elokeinu around the yeshiva implied that the stu- Upon graduating college, he spent a
ting the stage which allowed Yeshiva to focus its reputation and while Rabbi Yochanan interprets it as dents should not transfer to Yeshiva year at Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh in 1963.
impact in the communities. “Without the toil of Rabbi Lamm, nishmat kol chai. All agree, however, that College and RIETS. Rabbi Rockoff dis- The ruach of KBY, under the direction of
President Joel could not have augmented my department, to put an integral component of Pesach is tinctly recalls that when Rabbi Moshe Rav Chaim Goldwicht zt’l, inspired him to
community back where it needed to be and to allow Rabbi singing the praises of the Ribbono shel Shatzkes (1881 - 1958)— the Lomza start writing nigunim. He returned to the
Krimsky and I to travel to Israel to be at this event and meet with Olam. On Pesach, families join together Rav— passed away, Torah Vodaath sent United States, enrolled in RIETS and
our senior semikhah students in this building. Our office does not around a festive table and sing familiar several busloads of students uptown to his became the Chazan at Congregation
wait for calls from communities; we can now be proactive. When nigunnin to the timeless poetry of the funeral at Yeshiva. The rabbis at Torah Ahavas Torah, located at Fort Washington
we go on the road, we do not only meet with the shul; we become hagaddah. Vodaath were colleagues and friends with Avenue and 159th Street.
RIETS ALUMNI IN ISRAEL familiar with all the institutions in the community.”
RIETS Alumni also sponsored a special talk with President
In this feature, CHAVRUSA inter-
viewed three RIETS alumni who have
Rav Shatzkes and wanted to offer this
gadol a proper kavod acharon. “I entered
After receiving semikhah, he joined
the US military chaplaincy and was based
‘COME HOME TO YU’ Richard Joel in West Hempstead Long Island, home to over 30 made an everlasting impact on Jewish the Nathan Lamport Auditorium, which in Munich for three years. “Unfortunately,
RIETS alumni, on December 22, 2006. The exclusive meeting music. Although Jewish music can be had a cathedral look to it. It seemingly there was no minyan for maariv on motzei
with the musmakhim took place after a community-wide oneg. traced to the shirat hayam, the melodies of confirmed what I had heard about YU and Shabbat. While I davened b’yechidut, I
RIETS Rabbinic Alumni hosted its Israeli musmakhim to a The President, who also serves as President of RIETS, values the leviim, or the stirring lyrics of David RIETS.” However, when he graduated composed tunes to the various pesukim in
special reunion evening entitled, “Come Home to Yeshiva in talking to the rabbonim and engaged them in conversations about Hamelech’s tehillim, Jewish music today high school, he lived in Inwood, just north Vayiten L’cha. When I returned to the
Israel.” Close to 60 people gathered in the auditorium of the the direction he would like to take YU and RIETS and other has experienced an explosion of creativity, of Washington Heights. Despite what he United States, Yisroel Lamm and Isaac
Yeshiva University in Israel campus for a complimentary catered issues pertaining to avodat hakodesh. RIETS Alumni helped pub- ruchniyut and singing due to certain pio- had heard about Yeshiva, he reasoned that Hagar of Neginah Orchestra approached
dinner and reflections on Yeshiva’s decades-long commitment to licize and organize the very successful Yom Iyun which took place neers over forty years ago. Those trailblaz- if his yeshiva sent him there, it could not me and we recorded some of my tunes,
community service. Aside from the social component, the gath- on February 14, 2006 entitled, “Talking about Intimacy: The ers all saw their compositions as means have been too bad. He summarily enrolled shabechi and ufduyei HASHEM y’shuvun,
ered heard some fascinating and insightful presentations repre- Rabbi’s Role,” sponsored by Tzelem, the Center for the Jewish for heightening the listener’s yirat shamay- in Yeshiva College where he majored in on Neginah’s second recording.”
senting the past, present and future of Yeshiva’s ongoing commit- Future and the Rabbinical Council of America. Over 100 rabbis im; many of the composers were music. Although there were some courses Professionally, Rabbi Rockoff served
ment to community. attended despite inclement weather to hear shiurim and lectures musmakhim and saw music as their in music composition and theory, most of as a Rav in Long Island City and then a
Rav Dovid Miller ‘71R presented a shiur entitled, V’chol Mi by Rabbi Dr. David Ribner ‘72R, Rabbi Yaakov Neuberger ‘79R instrument of harbatzat Torah, and bring- Chazzan at Shaarei Torah in Pittsburgh,
Sheoskin B’tzibur Be’emunah, brilliantly weaving chidushei Torah, and Rabbi Mordechai Willig ‘71R. RIETS Alumni also took a ing fellow Jews closer to their Creator. PA. He functioned as cantor in Long
vignettes about the life of purpose of his late father Rabbi Israel leadership role in promoting Rabbi Dr. Lamm’s Shiur Klali this Today with the popularity of mp3 Branch, NJ and a Rav in Liberty, NY
Miller ‘41R zt’l, and offering inspiration for the calling of so many year upon the yahrtzeit of Rav Yitzchak Elchanan Spektor zt’l, players, we have seen an explosion of dig- before moving to Israel to serve as direc-
klei kodesh in attendance. Rav Miller provided three interpreta- dedicated to the memory of Rabbi Dr. Samuel Belkin zt’l. After ital music. Millions of CDs are being pro- tor of the Yeshurun Synagogue in
tions for the ambiguous word ‘b’emunah.’ Each one contained a new the Rosh Hayeshiva’s Shiur Klali, RIETS Alumni and members duced, many of which are digital facsimi- Jerusalem, where he also would daven for
meaning for the term based upon the Mesilat Yesharim and includ- of the RCA were invited for a complimentary lunch where les of vinyl records from decades ago. The the amud. In 1986, a colleague of his from
ed a story about his late father. (See page 15 for one such story). the assembled heard a shiur by Rabbi Willig addressing, “Recent Ipods of today’s youth contain the music the chaplaincy, Rabbi Chaim Shertz ‘69R,
Victor Geller, author of “Orthodoxy Awakens: The Belkin Era Changes to Daylight Savings Time and their Halachic of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, Or Chodosh, invited him to become the chazzan of his
and Yeshiva University” presented a fascinating talk about Implications.” the Rabbis’ Sons, the Neginah Orchestra, shul, Kesher Israel, in Harrisburg, PA. He
Yeshiva’s commitment to communal service. He called the years All of the shiurim and lectures mentioned above can be heard Shma Koleinu, Kol Salonika, Pirchei has been their chazzan for over twenty
1954 to 1959 the Golden Years of Yeshiva University. During on www.YUTorah.org. Please contact the Rabbinic Alumni office Agudath Israel and other groups from yes- years.
these years, about which he penned his tome, Rabbi Dr. Samuel for further information. ■ teryear. With a new Jewish music CD Rabbi Rockoff has continued to com-
Belkin established Stern College for Women, the Albert Einstein being released weekly and people’s obses- pose nigunim, with over 50 of his tunes
College of Medicine, the Jewish Studies Program (pre-cursor to sion with digital recordings, the music of recorded by artists such as Mordechai
the James Striar School and Mechina) and the publicity around the golden age of Jewish music is experi- Ben David, Miami Boys Choir, Ruach
the celebrated Life Magazine edition dedicated to examining encing a renaissance. Revival, NCSY and Suki and Ding. He

10 11
also recorded two solo albums: Der hearing the now ubiquitous ‘Magen Avot’ RABBIS’ SONS: RABBINIC FATHERS Carlebach and contemporary folk songs. musical calling,” reflected Rabbi although they titled the fourth ‘The
Moilad Vett Zein and L’maan Tzion Lo sung in most shuls in America Friday RABBI ITZY WEINBERGER Two weeks after the competition, the trio Weinberg. YU’s public relations machine Rabbis Sing,’ since the majority of the
Echesheh. L’maan Tzion was subsequently nights, at Kibbutz Yavneh in Israel. received a reel-to-reel recording of a helped the group as well, as they were fea- group had received semikhah by that time.
recorded by the Miami Boys Choir and Founded by German Jews, the kibbutz Who cannot belt out Dveykus’ cele- young yeshiva bachur’s original composi- tured on the cover of the New York Times Eventually Rabbi Chait and Rabbi
his tune Am Yisrael Chai was immortal- favored a rare tune to these words by com- brated rendition of “Hinei Kel Yishuati?” tions. The young man who sat in the audi- Sunday Art section and were interviewed Sharfman moved to Israel and both
ized by both the Zim brothers and Ruach poser Lewis Lewandowski. American stu- The version has highlighted thousands of ence during the talent show was none on a local television show, which featured founded prominent Torah institutions.
Revival. dents such as himself brought this tune NCSY havdallah programs for forty years other than Baruch Chait. “Take these footage of the group learning in the YU The Rabbis’ Sons reunited in November
Rabbi Rockoff ’s sense of humor and back from Kerem B’Yavneh and now this and continues to be closely identified songs and apply to them the same koach Beit Midrash. 1991 for a sold-out concert at Carnegie
natural ability to entertain provided a dif- tune has become the standard. with the post-Shabbat ritual. In the mid- that you demonstrated at the talent show” Most of the RIETS rebbeim Hall to benefit Shorashim, an organization
ferent and creative outlet for him. When “Ultimately,” claims Rabbi Rockoff, “It dle of the song, one hears a powerful can- was Chait’s message to the trio. “We embraced our music. “I will never forget,” working with immigrants from the former
attending the annual conventions of the is a great thing when music that makes torial bridge, featuring a solo baritone thought he was out of his mind! No one recalls Rabbi Weinberger, “when the Rosh Soviet Union. Rabbis Sharfman and Chait
Cantorial Council of America, he would people who are uncomfortable with a text, voice, familiar to anyone lettered in cut records in those days,” reflected Rabbi Yeshiva of Yeshivat Shaalvim told me that flew in a week before the concert, and the
share with his colleagues some of his more comfortable— or even enhancing Chassidic music. “Ush’avtem mayim b’sas- Weinberger. “We dispatched a tape of our the tune to our version of ‘mi ha’ish four spent the entire week practicing
spoofs, taking traditional American tunes the text. Music is a great vehicle to make son mimaynei hayeshuah…” That recog- arrangements back to Chait. He traveled hechafetz chaim’ had to have been written since the quartet had not sung together in
and changing the lyrics to make them people who feel distance from a Torah nizable, resilient and resonant voice up to YU from Yeshivat Chofetz Chaim in with ruach hakodesh. We seized upon the over 20 years. In 1996, the Rabbis’ Sons
more Jewish. Marty Davidson, who served way of davening come closer.” Rabbi belongs to Rabbi Itzy Weinberger. Queens to review the songs and the rest is opportunity to expose the world to Jewish released their fifth album, “Kivinu Kol
in cantorial posts in Baltimore and Rockoff defines Jewish music as, “whatev- A major part of the history of history.” Our group did not have a name; music as an instrument of chizuk and Hayom.” In 2005 only two of the original
Jerusalem, approached him with an idea er Jews accept as Jewish music. We can’t Chassidic music in America began in the Rabbi Chait suggested, “The Rabbis’ four - Rabbis Weinberger and Chait - per-
of producing an album with humorous define it; it’s what Jews are singing.” dormitories of the Rabbi Jacob Joseph Sons,” since all, except for Zheutlin, were formed at the HASC concert in Madison
songs. Rabbi Rockoff appeared on the Today, secular music profoundly impacts Yeshiva where young Itzy Weinberger, son the children of rabbonim. They applied Square Garden. Rabbi Sharfman rarely
first five of Davidson’s eight volumes of on the arrangements of the current Jewish of Passaic’s Rabbi Shlomo Weinberger, ‘rubo k’kulo’ and the name stuck. performs publicly and Michael Zheutlin
music. He pointed out that we must met fellow classmate Michael Zheutlin. In March of 1967, they hired some tragically passed away several years earli-
remember that our traditional tune to The two possessed a musical ‘kindred musicians and recorded and mastered er, a week after marrying off his last child.
Maoz Tzur finds its source in a Verdi spirit’ with Zheutlin’s high tenor compli- their first album, “Hallelu.” A few people The three remaining members plan on
opera. menting Weinberger’s baritone. They sang heard the album before it was released recording their sixth “Rabbis’ Sons” album
When asked how one composes a the nigunim of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach and news spread of their new sound. this summer, featuring original music
Jewish tune, Rabbi Rockoff suggested and the Chassidic classics. During While they were all in Camp Morasha composed by Rabbi Baruch Chait. While
that one begins with a pasuk. He then that summer, they were shocked to this 2007 release will not produce vinyl
makes sure to properly annunciate the receive an invitation to perform at the hisorerus. Perhaps most satisfying to me records but CDs, their sound and contri-
verse— strictly adhering to mil’el and “Salute to Israel— Rheingold Music was the knowledge that Jews living behind butions to Jewish music will live forever.
mil’ra accentuations, and then learns Festival” held on Central Park on July 2, the Iron curtain sang our songs!” Other Rabbi Weinberger commented that he
some of the commentaries to that verse. 1967, the giant New York rally celebrating Roshei Yeshiva were not sure how to recently heard Yaakov Shwekey’s stunning
Then one should compose a tune that Israel’s victory in the Six Day War. respond to the new musical phenomenon. rendition of ‘in a vinkeleh,’ a song he
sings the meaning of the words. “The Although their album had not yet been “Some rebbeim looked askance because recorded on Dveykus II. “Yaakov
main goal,” maintains Rabbi Rockoff, “is released, they were invited to sing at such they simply could not understand where Shwekey’s latest album featured a song
Rechnitzer Rejects, the albums containing to bring people back to the practices of a historic and important gathering. That we were going with our music,” comment- from our era arranged by Yisrael Lamm,
these songs. Rabbi Rockoff wrote and Yiddishkeit through music.” was the beginning of the Rabbis’ Sons. ed Rabbi Weinberger. “Remember, we had who played trumpet for the Rabbis’ Sons.
recorded such tunes as ‘Boro Park’ (sung Once the album was released, the no roadmap to follow; we were the pio- The more things change, the more they
to ‘New York, New York’), ‘Cold Chopped RABBI SEYMOUR E. ROCKOFF ‘68R received his group performed all over the country, neers of Jewish music at that time. Some remain the same.” The thousands of
Liver’ (sung to ‘Ol Man River’), ‘Searching rabbinical and cantorial training at Yeshiva while still focusing on their studies at YU. of our rebbeim were concerned that we Rabbis’ Sons fans certainly hope so.
Through the Night’ (sung to ‘Strangers in University, where he received a M.A. in Music. Morasha’s second summer of existence, Often they would return late Saturday should not behave like the secular musi-
the Night’) and ‘Learning How to Layn’ After serving as a chaplain with the U.S. Army, Rabbi Weinberger met Rabbi Label night to New York, so as not to miss cians and should reflect well on our com- RABBI ITZY WEINBERGER ‘75R, a former child
(sung to ‘Singing in the Rain’). Cantor Rockoff served as a Cantor for the famous Sharfman ‘79R, son of Flatbush’s Rabbi Sunday morning shiur. Rabbi Weinberger munity, considering musicians were not prodigy, traces his lineage to the Dolliner
Rabbi Rockoff takes his cantorial posi- Yeshurun Synagogue in Jerusalem. He has a spe- Solomon Sharfman, whose gentle sweet recalls a conversation with Rabbi Norman always the best role models in those days. Chassidic dynasty. Aside from his recordings as a
tion seriously. Although he is very careful cial interest in modern Jewish music and has alto voice also loved to sing the classics. Lamm ‘51R while both were in Morasha Some rebbeim worried that our exposure founding member of The Rabbis’ sons, Rabbi
to follow proper nusach and to avoid repe- delighted audiences around the world with his The three enrolled at Yeshiva College and one summer. “Rabbi Lamm asked me to to college campuses around the country Weinberger has performed as guest artist on
tition, he has found that many of the new- recordings. Cantor Rockoff’s style of blending tra- practiced their trademark harmonies on record the traditional tune to ‘Ydid Nefesh’ not cause us to ‘go off the derech’ which many albums, including D’veykus. He sang on an
comers to davening seek more emotion ditional and modern Jewish melodies has made the seventh floor of ‘Morg.’ In November and other classics so that people would was so common at that time.” album entitled ‘Bein Hazmanim’ in 1970 featur-
than propriety. Yet he claims that some- services at Kesher Israel a beautiful and joyous 1966 the trio won a college-wide talent become familiar with these nigunim sung The years 1966 through 1970 were ing the music of Rabbi Chait and RIETS Rosh
times certain tunes find their way into experience. show in the Nathan Lamport Auditorium, at heimishe Shabbos tables. He encour- the heyday of the Rabbis’ Sons. They Yeshiva Rabbi Ozer Glickman. He subsequently
davening in odd ways. He remembers first singing the tunes of Rabbi Shlomo aged me to continue with my important recorded four albums during that time, recorded with a group named ‘Alumim.’

12 13
A RABBONUS ON THE BANDSTAND job, Alan paid me what I considered to be has been a strong force promoting and

RABBI ELI KAHN a significant sum of money. I was shocked leading a Carlebach style davening Friday PEOPLE ASKED WHAT MY FATHER’S MOTIVATION WAS REGARDING SOVIET JEWRY. Did we have
that I could actually earn a living by nights. “Davening l’cha dodi with 400 peo- any relatives in the USSR? I answered that, “We have no one who was left in the Soviet
“The first time I picked up a guitar singing; from that time, I tried to sing at ple singing together is an uplifting and Union. My parents on both sides were already in America.” How did my father get involved? As
with everything in life, hashgacha pratit assumed a primary role.
was in the MTA dormitory during high as many smachot as I could.” Several amazing thing. But we have to be careful
In 1965, my father was the president of the RCA. At that time the Soviets invited a rabbinic
school, where I learned the basic chords,” years later, Alan Freishtat formed the that people do not think that singing dav-
delegation from the RCA to their country, to show that the rumors of their mistreatment of the
Neshoma Orchestra, and Rabbi Kahn ening to Carlebach niggunim gives license Jews were untrue. A delegation of rabbis went, including Rabbi Poupko of Pittsburgh, who spoke
became an original member. “I actually to use secular tunes to the davening as Russian from his youth, and served as the translator. The delegation was taken to various places
thought of naming the band, ‘Nagila,’ pro- well” warned Rabbi Kahn. of Jewish interest. On Shabbat— which was Shabbat m’varchim— the delegation was housed in
moting the motto, ‘Have a Nagila “If I didn’t have music, I don’t know Moscow and was invited to the Great Synagogue. Rabbi Levin zt’l was the Rabbi at that time,
Wedding;’ wiser minds prevailed with the how I would live. It’s hard to be motivated Excerpted from and invited my father to speak. The KGB permitted my father to speak about anything he want-
name Neshoma.” to do the same thing over and over. When Rabbi Dovid Miller’s ed, so long as he did not mention Israel or the Jewish religion (chuckle). What can one say under
Many of the original members of I associate a song to the lyrics of davening, shiur to RIETS those circumstances?
Neshoma attended YU. They began at it enhances my kavana and helps my dav- Rabbinic Alumni in My father ascended the pulpit and proclaimed that since it was Shabbat m’varchim, he sim-
engagement parties in Morg Lounge and ening soar. I’m very grateful that I have Israel on February 5, ply wanted to repeat part of the liturgy. He opened the siddur and recited the following to the
performed at the SOY chagigot. “We this ability to connect the davening to 2007. packed audience: mi she’asa nisim la’avoteinu v’ga’al otam me’avdut l’cherut hu yigal otanu b’karov
vi’kabetz nidacheinu me’arba kanfot haaretz, chaveirim kol yisrael v’nomar amen.
developed relationships with the students music.” ■
The KGB officers in the audience were furious but there was nothing they could do; he merely read a prayer. Of course
and the Roshei Yeshiva. We knew exactly
there was not a dry eye in the house. Right after the talk, when the Sefer Torah was being returned to the Aron Kodesh, my
what music should be played when Reb RABBI ELI KAHN ‘83R has been a bandleader
father followed the Sefer Torah around the shul. One by one the Jews whispered to him, fargest uns nisht— do not forget us!
Dovid (Lifshitz zt’l) entered the Bais with Neshoma Orchestras since its inception. His This is why he became involved with Soviet Jewry; because it was the right thing to do, because there was a sense of arvut.
Midrash or the tunes that Rav Meir recording credits include the popular Neshoma His motivation for involving himself with the Claims Conference was the same. We did not have any family who perished in
Goldwicht preferred. This knowledge Orchestra children’s album series “Let’s Sing...,” the Holocaust. It was the calling of tzorchei tzibur b’emunah.
recalls Rabbi Eli Kahn. “My father was a
pulpit rabbi who began his career as a
chazzan. He felt strongly that at the time
of bar mitvah, davening for the amud was
a more valuable skill than leining. At my
brother’s bar mitzvah, he davened and I
spilled over at the weddings of the stu-
dents who wanted their Rebbeim’s
favorite nigunim to be played when they
danced with them.”
“Neshoma @Your Simcha,” “Kol Haneshoma,”
and many other albums. Rabbi Kahn lives in
West Hempstead where he serves as Gabbai,
teaches Bar mitzvah lessons and teaches music
at HANC.
Chomer L’Drush

layned,” recalled Rabbi Kahn. After enter- continued from page 5

ing Yeshiva College, Rabbi Kahn took

some lessons at the Cantorial Training achieve complete freedom through agreeing to be servants again, those days accomplished through your holy priests …
Institute (CTI) with Cantors Nulman, this time to Hashem. Since this commandment symbolizes the (haneirot halalu)
Beer and Schall. CTI eventually became Although he worked for the YU sacrifice of the Jewish people, it is incumbent upon every Jew to
the Belz School for Jewish Music. Admissions office and served as the Rabbi sacrifice in order to fulfill this mitzvah. Even a poor person, who …You [Hashem] enabled the strong to be delivered into the
Rabbi Kahn broke into the Jewish of the Castle Hill Jewish Center, music need not beg to fulfill his/her obligation in regard to the Korban hands of the weak (Hasmoneans), many into the hand of the
music business during his junior year at has been Rabbi Kahn’s primary parnassah. Pesach, consumption of matza, purchasing of a lulav, mezuza, or few, the impure into the hands of the pure, the wicked into the
Yeshiva College, studying at Beit Midrash In a certain sense, however, Rabbi Kahn’s tefillin, must ask for communal funds to fulfill his/her obligation hands of the righteous, and tyrants into the hand of devotees
l’Torah (BMT) in Israel. Michlala, whose rabbonus is his music. He jokingly regarding the drinking of the fours cups of wine at the seder. to Torah…And afterwards your children [continued their
building was next door to that of BMT, remembers a class that Rabbi Haskel efforts] came to the sanctuary of Your house, cleared Your holy
became a hotel over Pesach. “Alan Lookstein ‘58R taught in homiletics There is one other situationi in which halakha dictates that there place, purified Your Temple …. (al ha’nisim)
Freishtat, who had already broken into where he instructed the students not to is no financial limit in one’s responsibility to fulfill a positive com-
the Jewish music business with Neginah sing the sheva brachos under the chupah mandment. This situation is the commandment of kindling the As we prepare for Pesach, let us all pray that next year we will
and Ruach, was a student with me at when they were called up as a rabbi. He Chanukah lights. The same reason found in regard to daled kosot, drink the fifth cup of redemption, v’heiveite. We live in times in
BMT that year. He was hired to provide noted, however, that the exception to the applies to this commandment. The Chanukah lights represent which we see the geulah, with all of its challenges, unfolding
entertainment for the hotel guests at latter rule was himself and “Eli Kahn.” the redemption which occurred through the sacrifice of the before us. However, like the first four cups of redemption, it is up
Michlala, and called me to sing with his Rabbi Kahn teaches music at the Hebrew Hasmoneans and their followers, as is stated in the particular to us to seize the moment. ■
band. I caught the bug from that moment. Academy of Nassau County (HANC), tefillot for Chanukah. Perhaps this is an aspect of the Pir-sumei
Upon my return to YU, Alan called me where in addition to teaching the tunes, Nisah mentioned regarding Chanukah in the Talmud (Shabbat END NOTES
when Harold Fruchter, Ruach’s lead he tries to impart the power of the lyrics 23b). i There is actually one other commandment: the mitzvah of the half shekel.
singer, got sick right before the Queens and their morals as well. In the Young Each Jewish man needed to donate a half shekel no matter what his financial
College Chanukah Chagigah. After the Israel of West Hempstead, Rabbi Kahn …These lights we kindle to proclaim the marvelous victories state was. This was due to the practical fact that without such a requirement
an appropriate census of the Jewish men would not have been accomplished.
… and the battles which You performed for our forefathers in

14 15
continued from page 1

Talmud. But it was his mother, Pesha Katz Kollel; and Rabbi Mayer Twersky Genack compared the Rav to the Ramban Rabbi Twersky responded that Rav Chaim should be his legacy.” remarks (see page 3).
(Feinstein) Soloveitchik, who provided ’85R, Leib Merkin Distinguished in this regard. On the one hand, he was Volozhiner wrote in his commentary to Rabbi Genack cited the fact that in “The goal of the night, according to
Yosef Dov with his religious passion, as Professorial Chair in Talmud and Jewish creative and original; while on the other Pirkei Avot that each link in the chain of the 1950s, many sociologists wrote off Rabbi Brander, “was to be able the share
well as an appreciation for the knowledge Philosophy at RIETS, held by his grandfa- hand, he was deeply conservative, viewing the masorah was characterized by a Orthodox Judaism. Part of the reason the personality and greatness of the Rav
of the secular world. The film followed ther, The Rav, before him. his role as defending the ancient tradi- unique sense of humility. Moshe received Orthodoxy thrived was because of the Rav with many of our students that did not
the Rav to Berlin, Brookline, Washington All of the panelists described the Rav’s tions. “The Rav taught us that every single the Torah from God because he was the and the positions he assumed, regarding know the Rav and to remind many of us
Heights, Boston’s Maimonides Day loneliness as spiritual and theological. volume the Ramban wrote was to preserve most humble. “When I grew up, I just the synagogue and Jewish education. “The who did about his greatness and need for
School which he and His Rebbetzin Rabbi Twersky noted that the Rav, the ancient traditions. He wrote his com- knew that my grandfather traveled to New Rav wasn’t just a theologian and philoso- his vision to continue to calibrate our
founded, Yeshiva University, the RCA, “Throughout his life, enjoyed fulfilling mentary on Chumash to counter the Ibn York for a few days a week and most pher; he was the greatest theologian and souls and the gestalt of the Jewish
Mizrachi and delivering the first Talmud and meaningful relationships with family, Ezra go back to the quote and check this grandfathers did not. There was nothing philosopher. He wasn’t just a great community. The conversation which I
class at Stern College. friends and students. The Rav’s loneliness out; Sefer Hamitzvos was penned to about his conduct that made you think Talmid Chacham; he was the greatest hope all who were not there, will listen to,
The film attempted to describe the was not psychological or social; it was the defend the B’hag and the Milchamos func- that he was different. There were no trap- Talmid Chacham; he wasn’t just an elo- (please see www.YUTorah.org.) was a true
intellectually challenging experience of Rav’s description of the faith experience, a tioned to preserve the tradition of the Rif.” pings of greatness, or royalty around him. quent speaker, he was the most eloquent celebration of the Rav and will serve as a
the Rav’s shiur. The intellectual expedi- philosophical category of ‘meh chayeinu’” In responding to a question regarding He was very warm, caring and involved. At speaker.” medium through which some of his closet
tion allowed the chasm in the generations Rabbi Genack added that the Brisker women’s role in Torah education and the end of the day, the Rav was a giant in Rabbi Schachter said that primarily, he students shared their most profound
between the Tanaim and Amoraim, stress on the ‘what’ and not the ‘why’ and Jewish life, Rabbi Twersky noted that the Torah, who could have been a towering saw his Rebbe as ”a big Talmid Chacham. perspectives.” ■
Rambam, Baalei hatosafot, Rav Hayim, God’s complete omniscience added to his Rav decried the assimilation of women in presence in the generations of the Rama, The Rav was proud of the YU alumni who
the Rav and his students to be bridged theological loneliness. Rabbi Schachter Eastern Europe— and that of the United the Shach or Rebbe Akiva Eiger. People were professionals and also Talmidei
during the rigorous moments of shiur. observed that the majority of the images States— and saw intensive chinuch as an know that this was a man who knew all Chachamim, “who knew how to ‘talk in
Rabbi Hershel Schachter was barely able of the Rav in the movie featured him smil- antidote. “It was the same prescription as chochma in the world. By the force of his learning, who know k’tzos and Nesivos.”
to contain himself when describing his ing. “He was known to crack jokes in class when the Chofetz Chaim and the Imrei teachings, he was a testament to the eter- Rabbi Zevulun Charlop ’54R, Max and
rebbe’s shiur, said, “When the Rav gave and during public lectures. He was a very Emes lent their support to the Bais Yaakov nity of Torah; that the latter should be Marion Grill Dean of RIETS, closed the
shiur it was like angels were descending friendly and leibedig person.” movement, although the Rav’s prescrip- studied in any time and any place. That evening with poignant and emotional
from heaven. It came together like a sym- Rabbi Brander asked Rabbi Schachter tion was a stronger one. The Rav’s
phony orchestra.” to describe the Rav’s approach to psak prescription bore no relationship to any
The film included interviews with halacha in light of the fact that so many feminist agenda; it was simply a question

many RIETS Rabbinic alumni and people report different responses to the of transmitting the masorah,” argued Rav
YU/RIETS faculty including: Rabbi Yosef same questions. Rabbi Schachter con- Twersky. The Rav felt that a stronger pre-
Adler ’76R; Rabbi Saul Berman ’62R; firmed that the Rav answered individuals scription was needed since women’s edu-
Rabbi Abba Bronspiegel ’61R; Rabbi based upon their unique circumstances. cation had evolved into a highly sophisti-
Shalom Carmy ’84R; Rabbi Marc Gopin “The Rav told us in shiur that ‘eid echad cated one. There are several new The Resource and Research Center provides individual assistance in
’73R; Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm ’51R; ne’eman b’isurin’ only applies to the facts The Rav had close mutual relation- researching issues of Jewish law and thought. Rabbi Daniel Z. Feldman,
Rabbi Dr. Aaron Lichtenstein ’59R; Rabbi of the case, not the psak that is given. ships with the other g’dolim in America. and personalized Director of Rabbinic Research, will respond to inquiries concerning the
Dr. Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff; Rabbi Dr. Therefore, you can not rely on any psak of Rabbi Shneur Kotler asked the Rav’s above fields to assist you in preparing shiurim or researching halachic
Jacob J. Schacter; Rabbi Hershel mine that you hear from others.” The Rav advice as to which writings of his late free services issues of interest and importance to you. This service is part of our Legacy
Schachter ’67R; Rabbi Fabian was very clear about his p’sakim and father he should publish. Rabbi Genack
Schonfeld ’52R; Rabbi Abraham explained them in yeshiva, claimed Rabbi recalled that when the Rav traveled to
that we now offer Heritage Fund Rabbinic Enrichment Initiative, generously sponsored by
the Legacy Heritage Fund Limited. Rabbi Feldman can be reached at:
Shonfeld ’44R; Rabbi Dr. Chaim Schachter. Lakewood upon the passing of Rabbi to Rabbinic Alumni. RabbinicResource@yu.edu.
Waxman ’66R and Rabbi Dr. Maurice Rabbi Brander noted that the Rav’s Shneur Kotler, he comforted Rabbi
Wohlgelernter ’44R. essay Halachic Man was written about Malkiel Kotler by saying, “I was your Do you have a shayla you would like addressed to one of the RIETS
After the viewing of the movie, four of Rav Hayim the man of Brisk. However the grandfather’s friend, I was your father’s Roshei Yeshiva? If you e-mail RabbinicConsult@yu.edu, your shayla will be
the Rav’s students were involved in a con- language used could have only been writ- friend, now I am your friend.” Yet he was delivered in a timely fashion to be answered by one of our Roshei Yeshiva.
versation. Rabbi Kenneth Brander ‘86R ten by a man from the University of also independent of other g’dolim, A response will be provided within one week. A Shayla can be kept anony-
moderated a panel discussion with three Berlin. Rabbi Twersky responded that whether regarding university education or mous and will never be discussed with anyone but the Roshei Yeshiva to
of the Rav’s disciples, all of whom serve as “Everything the Rav studied and experi- women’s chinuch, but it never fractured whom the question is posed.
Roshei Yeshiva in RIETS: Rabbi enced co-existed harmoniously within the relationships he had with them. Rabbi
Menachem Genack ‘73R, CEO of OU him… He felt no apologetic need to rec- Schachter told the audience how Rav More and more people are raving about www.YUTORAH.org, the Marcos
Kosher, Rav of Shomrei Emunah oncile that which was perceived to be Yaakov Kaminetzky joyously told people and Adina Katz YU Torah Online. Search through thousands of written,
Congregation in Englewood, NJ; Rabbi inconsistent or incompatible. There was throughout his life how the Rav approved audio, and video shiurim from the RIETS Roshei Yeshiva and faculty of the
Hershel Schachter, Nathan and Vivian no tension because the Rav did not have an approach he had to a certain Rambam. past 100 years.
Fink Distinguished Professor of Talmud any dual loyalty, but chochmah had to be Rabbi Brander asked Rabbi Twersky
and Rosh Kollel of the Marcos and Adina filtered through the lens of Torah.” Rabbi what the Rav was like as a grandfather.

16 17
From the Editor Life Cycle
Dear Chaver, BOOKS Rabbi Sheldon ’71R and Zelda Rabbi Daniel Rockoff ‘03R on his Chaim. Also to grandparents, Rabbi
Rabbi Eugene Kwalwasser ‘69R Goldsmith on the birth of the marriage to Ayala Zoltan. Benjamin ‘69R and Shevi Yudin.
has authored a book on aveilus grandson Yitzchak Eizik born to
We are proud to present to you this third edition of CHAVRUSA this year. Thanks to the support and encouragement of Rabbi Chaim Tzvi and Shani Goldsmith in Rabbi Yitzchak ‘62R and Judith Rabbi Dr. Erich ’63R and Naomi
titled Beyond the Tears: Helping Rosenbaum on the birth of a grand- Zauderer on the marriage of their
Kenneth Brander and Alan Brava of the CJF, we have upgraded our look, moving to a higher quality paper and a full color magazine. Jewish Kids Cope with Death. Yerushalayim, and on the Bat mitz-
son, Aharon Dov. granddaughter, Elana, to Gabi
For more details go to: vah of their granddaughter Esther
www.rabbis.org/pdfs/Kwalwasser_bo Beila, daughter of Bracha and RIETS Student Daniel and Shira
Between Pesach and next Elul, when, im Yirzeh HASHEM, we will publish our next edition, we will be covering several stories for Jonathan Stefansky in Ramat Beit
ok_bulk_order_form.doc and Rosenfeld on the birth of a son,
you. On Sunday March 18th our own Rabbi Hyman ‘56R and Ann Arbesfeld will dedicate The Abraham Arbesfeld Kollel Yom Shemesh. Zerachya Aryeh.
Rishon Program and the Millie Arbesfeld Midreshet Yom Rishon Program, projects of the Center for the Jewish Future – OUR CONDOLENCES
ok_flyer.doc. Rabbi Shmuel ‘01R and Shari Rabbi Chaim ‘68R and Esther
Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. Rabbi Assaf Bednarsh ‘97R, who contributed to this edition with an erudite and relevant Hain on the birth of a son, Netanel Sacknovitz of Jerusalem on the
Rabbi Chaim Bronstein, RIETS
Rabbi Avraham Peretz [Cary]
shiur on bedikas chametz, will be officially invested as the occupant of the Ruth Buchbinder Mitzner Chair in Talmud and Azaryah. To Grandparents Rabbi Administrator, ‘72R on the passing
Friedman ’96R has written birth of two grandsons, Eitan and
Kenneth '78R and Nancy Hain. of his father Rabbi Leonard
Jewish Law at YU’s Jerusalem campus. A special Shabbat will be held at the United Synagogues in Houston Texas, hometown of “Wisdom from the Batcave: How to Adir Gilad. Mazal tov also to Adir’s
Live a Super, Heroic Life” (Compass parents, Rabbi Akiva ‘98R and
the Mitzner family, to celebrate this new chair, April 13-15, 2007. Finally, we hope to bring you highlights of the RIETS dinner, tak- RIETS Student Joseph and Abby
Rachel Sacknovitz.
Books). Go to www.batwisdom.com Hirsch on the birth of a son, Dov. Mrs. Gloria Groff on the passing
ing place Sunday, June 10, 2007 at New York’s Grand Hyatt. for more information. of Rabbi Abner Groff ‘63R.
Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Hershel '67R
Rabbi Fred ‘42R and Yetta
and Shoshana Schachter on the Mrs. Devora Brickman on the
Hollander on the marriage in
Please let Rabbinic Alumni know how we can be of service. Please forward information on any of your life cycle events to us by con- birth of a grandson, Shmuel passing of Rabbi Seymour
MAZAL TOV Jerusalem of their granddaughter
tacting Keren Simon, our Administrator. She can be reached at ksimon@yu.edu or 212.960.5400 ext. 6360. You can also mail infor- Tal Medezinsky to Netanel Avitan. BenTzion, to their children Yisroel Brickman ‘55R.
and Shoshana Schachter.
mation to Rabbinic Alumni 500 West 185 St. Suite 413. New York, NY 10033. If you have any issues to discuss regarding Rabbinic Rabbi Dr. Elie Abadie ‘90R upon
The Raich family on the passing
his appointment as Director of Rabbi Emanuel ‘50R and Norma
Alumni, please feel free to contact me or the President and officers of Rabbinic Alumni. Holzer on the wedding of their Rabbi Yehuda ‘03R and Lisa of Rabbi Abraham Raich ‘85R in
Yeshiva University’s Jacob E. Safra Septimus on the birth of a son.
grandson Avromie Holzer to Malka Pueblo, CO. Rabbi Raich was 84
Institute of Sephardic Studies.
Bayla Kviat. and came to RIETS when he was in
Chag Kasher v’sameyach Rabbi Chaim ‘56R and Sheila
his 50s.
Rabbi Hanan ‘84R and Barbara Shapiro on the marriage of their
Balk on the birth of a granddaugh- RIETS Student Jesse and Tara
grandson Aryeh to Shani Weil Rabbi Dr. Yisrael Levitz ‘63R on
Rabbi Elly Krimsky ter, Maytal Batya, to their children Horn on the birth of a daughter,
Eliana Esther. the passing of his mother, Mrs.
Aryeh and Aviva Needle. Rabbi Robert ‘05R and Aviva Shur
ekrimsky@yu.edu | 212.960.5292 Ethel Levitz Loebenberg.
on the birth of a son, Yitzchak Shai.
Rabbi Yosef (‘61R, Mashgiach Rabbi Jonathan ‘02R and Chaya
Krimsky on the birth of a son, Sherri Applbaum on the passing of
Ruchani) and Dr. Rivka Blau on Rabbi Yitzchak ‘56R and Fay
her husband, Rabbi Martin Louis
To the Editor the marriage of their son, Rabbi
Yaakov Blau ‘96R to Sara
Aryeh Leib.

Rabbi Ira Kronenberg ‘71R, who

Sladowsky on the arrival of their
great granddaughter, Tova Gittel
Stern, born in Yerushalayim.
Applbaum ‘51R.
Silverstein. was appointed as the new Rabbi Meyer Kramer ‘41R and his
Chairman of the Military Chaplains son Rabbi Dr. Doniel Kramer ‘73R
Rabbi Reuven ‘03R and Nechama Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Zvi ‘91R and
Committee of the RCA, succeeding on the loss of wife and mother,
I am in receipt of the recent issue of Chavrusa (Volume 41, was being built, the shul could rent space in a total storefront. I Brand on the birth of a son, Ilan. Efrat Sobolofsky on the birth of a
Rabbi Jacob Greenberg ‘57R. Rose Kramer*.
Number 2, December 2006). Yasher Koach on an informative also shared another option they may consider, that they sell the daughter
Rabbi Heshie ‘74R and Rookie (*Inadvertently, the wrong last name
publication. However, I’d like to correct some of the “facts” entire building and buy or rent a new facility. Billet on the birth of a grandson. Rabbi Elihu ‘56R and Chaya Rabbi Murray Sragow ‘95R upon was mentioned in this listing last
Marcus upon the birth of their his appointment as Associate CHAVRUSA and we apologize for
detailed in the article on Page 9, about the Young Israel of Rabbi Tanchum ‘01R and Yaffa granddaughter Shachar Breitbard. Director of Undergraduate the mistake.)
Sunnyside, NY. NCYI worked with the shul for months to bring potential buyers Cohen on the birth of a son, Aharon Admissions at Yeshiva University.
Yeshaya. Also to grandparents, Rabbi Binyamin ‘04R and Chaya Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Hershel
to the table, assisted with legal documentation, etc. NCYI Mayefsky on the birth of a son,
Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Hershel ‘67R Rabbi Chaim ‘05R and Avital Schachter ‘67R on the passing of
Stephen Weiner, President of Young Israel of Sunnyside, had encouraged the shul to use the funds to hire a rabbi, coordinate Avraham Eliezer Strauchler on the birth of a daugh- his father Rabbi Melech Schachter
and Shoshana Schachter.
requested of the National Council of Young Israel (NCYI) to par- a small kollel, do outreach etc. Thank G-d, they listened to our ter, Atara Bayla. ‘37R
RIETS Student Daniel and Anat Rabbi Sheldon ‘04R and Dina
ticipate in a membership meeting of the shul. The shul was advice and today, due to the proceeds of the sale of the building, Morris on the birth of a son. Rabbi Brian Thau ’90R on the
Coleman on the birth of a son,
struggling. They had no rabbi. They barely made a minyan on the Young Israel of Sunnyside is once again an active organiza- Akiva. bat mitzvah of his daughter Rachel
Rabbi Etan ‘93R and Shifra Orlian
Shabbos, and had no financial resources to do any basic mainte- tion. Leah Hadassah.
RIETS Student David and on the birth of a son, Ephraim
nance. They were concerned with their inability to pay the heat- Hadassah Feinberg on the birth of Yehuda. Rabbi Moshe ‘51R and Sara Weiss
ing bills during the winter. NCYI did not profit from this sale, whatsoever. On the contrary, a son, Ephraim Moshe. on the birth of a great granddaugh-
Rabbi Gary ‘68R and Ann Pollack
ter to their grandchildren Elisheva
we exerted countless hours of numerous staff members to assist Rabbi Jonathan ‘91R and Shifra on the celebration of the Bar
and Eli, and upon the birth of a
I personally attended the meeting, where the President request- Mitzvah of their eldest grandson,
the Young Israel of Sunnyside. That is what we do, help shuls. Feldman on the birth of a baby girl, great grandson to their grandchil-
Noa Shoshana. Eliezer.
ed my help. Having done my research, touring the community dren Ratzon and Beracha.
and assessing the needs of the shul, I suggested that they sell the Rabbi Menachem ‘47R and Sara
Sincerely Yours, Rabbi Arie ‘03R and Faigy Folger Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Mordechai
on birth of their daughter Aviva Raab on the wedding of their grand-
building to a developer and contract a deal that the developer daughter Shira Nina daughter of ‘71R and Faygie Willig on the
Zissel. birth of two grandsons.
build for them a shul, social hall, etc… on the main floor of the Rabbi Pesach Lerner Larry and Tikva Yudkowitz to
new development with a separate entrance, its own heating and Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Menachem Benjamin the son of Amy and Rabbi Howard ‘77R and Annette
Executive Vice President, NCYI
‘73R Genack and his wife Sarah Steven Kagedan. Wolk on birth of their grandson,
air-conditioning units, etc. While the new multi-floor apartment on the birth of a grandson to their Yaakov Eliezer Olshan
children Rabbi Kenneth ‘99R and Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Hershel
Shira Schiowitz. Reichman, on the engagement of Rabbi Andi ‘02R and Rivka Yudin
his daughter Chana to Tani Prero. on the birth of a son, Yitzchak
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