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Rebecca Williams: Shame! Shame! Shame! » Dr. Gallon hired many of Rebecca cronies including her campaign co-chair! | a » Dr. Gallon gave promotions and salary raises to ~ Rebecca William cronies! » Dr. Gallon has cost Plainfield children millions of dollars » Rebecca Williams supported Dr Gallon to the end! aA aa eat p> Ask Rebecca: Why did she refuse to speak out on Muhlenberg closures! > Ask Rebecca: Why did she refuse to rally to stop the closure of Muhlen- berg hospital? What was she hiding? > Ask Rebecca: Why she refused to endorse Obama in the primary! > Rebecca Williams refused to support the Senior Center! Rebecca Williams got a $54,000 patronage job and all she did was at- tend conferences > Rebecca Williams and her cronies are not the Democratic Party asa uae ae On Tuesday June 8th Vote for the Democratic Party Neretes i Umer uo “SAME OLD, SAME OLD” Dear Voter: What we all received recently from Council candidate Rebecca Williams is the same old stuff—ies and smears about Councilman Rashid Burney. She is trying to attack Rashid by attacking me. What you need to know is that I am not running for City Council. Rashid Burney is the Democratic City Council candidate in Column A. He is the incumbent, and he has done a good job for Plainfield and its citizens. Ms. Williams wanted my endorsement and is angry because she didn’t get it. But I was committed to supporting Rashid, and I don’t go back on my word. Now, she wants you to believe I “own” him—and that’s nonsense. Nobody owns Rashid Burney. He is an independent thinker who is able to work with his colleagues and with all of Plainfield’s citizens, He has accomplished a lot for our City, and we should all be proud of what he has done. Ms. Williams has had a political career as a campaign operative. Her mailing is full of promises, but she and her cronies have no record of achieving anything except getting some people elected. Ms. Williams and her school board candidate, Christian Estevez, were big supporters of Superintendent Steven Gallon. Now she won’t admit that. She has attacked her own allies on the PMUA after staying silent for years, just to win her election. And although she is openly gay, she has not publically supported the struggle for equal rights in the City. She is a former City employee who accomplished nothing in her time there, and this behavior will continue as an elected official. How can the 2” and 3" Wards trust her to stand behind them as an elected official? Rashid Burney is a leader. When he was Council president, he completely changed the tone of Council meetings from endless. squabbling to productive cooperation. Now, you're being asked to go back to the “same old, same old” way of running the City— fighting with each other instead of working together. Don’t be taken in by slick mailings from political opportunists. For the sake of our city, and to continue the progress we have made, vote Column A to re-elect Rashid Burney in the June 8th Democratic primary! Sincerely, Jerry Green

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