Text of Ruling Blocking Obama's 6 Month Deepwater Drilling Moratorium in The Gulf

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Case 2:10-cv-01663-MLCF-JCW Document 67 Filed 06/22/10 Page 1 of 22





VERSUS NO. 10-1663




This case asks whether the federal government’s imposition of

a general moratorium on deepwater drilling for oil in the Gulf of

Mexico was imposed contrary to law. Before the Court is the

plaintiffs’ motion for preliminary injunction. For the following

reasons, the motion is GRANTED.


The plaintiffs in this case provide a myriad of services to

support offshore oil and gas drilling, exploration, and production

activities in the Gulf of Mexico’s Outer Continental Shelf.1 They

Hornbeck Offshore Services owns and operates a fleet of
Jones-Act compliant vessels that support deepwater and ultra
deepwater exploration in the Gulf of Mexico. The Bollinger Entities
own and operate shipyards for the construction and repair of
vessels with a significant part of their business (50% in 2009)
involving vessels used to support deepwater exploration and
production in the Gulf. The Bee Mar Deepwater Vessel Companies own
and operate vessels that support Gulf of Mexico deepwater
exploration and production activities. The Chouest Shore Side
Companies perform various support services necessary for Gulf
deepwater exploration and production. The Chouest Vessel Companies
own and operate vessels that support deepwater exploration and
production in the Gulf. The Chouest Shipyard Companies construct
vessels intended for Gulf of Mexico deepwater operations. Over
10,000 employees in a variety of trades are employed.

Case 2:10-cv-01663-MLCF-JCW Document 67 Filed 06/22/10 Page 2 of 22

challenge the six-month moratorium on offshore drilling operations

of new and currently permitted deepwater wells that was imposed on

May 28, 2010 by the Department of the Interior and the Minerals

Management Service.

The government edict was in reaction to the Deepwater Horizon

drilling platform explosion on April 20, 2010, and the resulting

devastation. In response to this unprecedented disaster,2 the

President of the United States formed a bipartisan commission–the

National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and

Offshore Drilling–and tasked it with investigating the facts and

circumstances concerning the cause of the blowout. The President

also ordered the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a thorough

review of the Deepwater Horizon blowout and to report, within

thirty days, “what, if any, additional precautions and technologies

should be required to improve the safety of oil and gas exploration

and production operations on the outer continental shelf.”

A thirty-day examination was conducted in consultation with

respected experts from state and federal governments, academic

institutions, and industry and advocacy organizations. On May 27,

The all-too-familiar tragic facts include the senseless
deaths of eleven crew members, the horrible losses of their
families and loved ones, many injured workers, a broken pipe on the
sea floor that continues to spew endless gushes of crude oil into
the Gulf, and oil muck that has spread across thousands of square
miles and persists in damaging sensitive coastlines, wildlife, and
the intertwined local economies. As a result, nearly one-third of
the Gulf of Mexico has been closed to commercial and recreational

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2010 the Secretary issued a Report, which reviews all aspects of

drilling operations and recommends immediate and long term reforms

to improve drilling safety. In the Executive Summary to the Report,

the Secretary recommends “a six-month moratorium on permits for new

wells being drilled using floating rigs.” He also recommends “an

immediate halt to drilling operations on the 33 permitted wells,

not including relief wells currently being drilled by BP, that are

currently being drilled using floating rigs in the Gulf of Mexico.”

Much to the government’s discomfort and this Court’s uneasiness,

the Summary also states that “the recommendations contained in this

report have been peer-reviewed by seven experts identified by the

National Academy of Engineering.” As the plaintiffs, and the

experts themselves, pointedly observe, this statement was

misleading. The experts charge it was a “misrepresentation.” It was

factually incorrect. Although the experts agreed with the safety

recommendations contained in the body of the main Report, five of

the National Academy experts and three of the other experts have

publicly stated that they “do not agree with the six month blanket

moratorium” on floating drilling. They envisioned a more limited

kind of moratorium, but a blanket moratorium was added after their

final review, they complain, and was never agreed to by them. A

factor that might cause some apprehension about the probity of the

process that led to the Report.

The draft reviewed by the experts, for example, recommended a

Case 2:10-cv-01663-MLCF-JCW Document 67 Filed 06/22/10 Page 4 of 22

six-month moratorium on exploratory wells deeper than 1000 feet

(not 500 feet) to allow for implementation of suggested safety


The Report makes no effort to explicitly justify the

moratorium: it does not discuss any irreparable harm that would

warrant a suspension of operations, it does not explain how long it

would take to implement the recommended safety measures. The Report

does generalize that “[w]hile technological progress has enabled

the pursuit of deeper oil and gas deposits in deeper water, the

risks associated with operating in water depths in excess of 1,000

feet are significantly more complex than in shallow water.”

On May 28, 2010, the Secretary also issued a memorandum to the

director of MMS, in which he stated:

I find at this time and under current conditions that

offshore drilling of new deepwater wells poses an
unacceptable threat of serious and irreparable harm to
wildlife and the marine, coastal, and human environment
as that is specified in 30 C.F.R. 250.172(b). I also have
determined that the installation of additional safety or
environmental protection equipment is necessary to
prevent injury or loss of life and damage to property and
the environment.30 C.F.R. 250.172(b).
Therefore, I am directing a six-month suspension of all
pending, current, or approved offshore drilling
operations of new deepwater wells in the Gulf of Mexico
and the Pacific regions.

The pattern continues. The one page memorandum, also, fails to

explain the reasons for the suspension of operations or the depth

of operations to be affected. Then on May 30, 2010, the Deputy

Director of MMS abruptly issued a Notice to Lessees in which he

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directs that:

The Six-Month Deepwater Moratorium . . . directs you to

cease drilling all new deepwater wells . . . and puts you
on notice that, except as provided herein, MMS will not
consider for six months from the date of this Moratorium
NTL drilling permits for deepwater wells and for related
activities as set forth herein. For the purposes of this
Moratorium NTL, “deepwater” means depths greater than 500

While the Administrative Record3 is not yet complete, the

government draws attention to several documents that were

considered during the creation of the Report (but not necessarily

mentioned in it). The Shallow Water Energy Security Coalition

Presentation illustrates differences between jack-up rigs, which

are used in shallow waters up to 500 feet, and floating rigs, which

are used in deeper waters. The presentation also lists factors

making the shallow water rigs safer, such as having blowout

preventers on the surface and using traditional and proven well

control methods.

The plaintiffs’ complaint is based on the effect of the

general moratorium on their oil service industry business, on the

local economy, and puts in play the issue of the robustness of a

Gulf-wide industry and satellite trades. Gulf of Mexico drilling

activities rely upon a vast and complex network of technology,

assets, human capital and experience. Indeed, an estimated 150,000

jobs are directly related to offshore operations. The government

The extent of this Court’s scope of review is discussed
in more detail in Part II.B.

Case 2:10-cv-01663-MLCF-JCW Document 67 Filed 06/22/10 Page 6 of 22

admits that the industry provides relatively high paying jobs in

drilling and production activities. Oil and gas production is quite

simply elemental to Gulf communities. There are currently

approximately 3600 structures in the Gulf, and Gulf production from

these structures accounts for 31% of total domestic oil production

and 11% of total domestic, marketed natural gas production. Sixty-

four percent of active leases are in deepwater, over 1000 feet. The

plaintiffs own and operate vessels, shipyards, and supply services

companies that support deepwater oil exploration and production in

the Gulf. In addition to the vessels and facilities involved in

their work, the plaintiffs together employ over 11,875 people. At

least nineteen other companies, aside from BP’s operations involved

with Deepwater Horizon, are presently operating deepwater drilling


On June 7, 2010, Hornbeck Offshore Services sued in this Court

for declaratory and injunctive relief against the Secretary, the

Department, the MMS, and the Director of the MMS. Two days later,

more plaintiffs joined the litigation, and a motion for preliminary

injunction prohibiting the government from enforcing the drilling

moratorium is now before the Court. The Court, because of the

national importance of these issues, ordered an expedited hearing

for June 21, 2010. On June 18, 2010, the Florida Wildlife

Federation, the Center for Biological Diversity, the Natural

Resources Defense Counsel, the Sierra Club, and the Defenders of

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Wildlife intervened as defendants.4

Law and Analysis



The Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act governs federal offshore

oil and gas leasing and declares as national policy that “the outer

Continental Shelf is a vital national resource reserve held by the

Federal Government for the public, which should be made available

for expeditious and orderly development, subject to environmental

safe-guards, in a manner which is consistent with the maintenance

of competition and other national needs.” 43 U.S.C. §1332(3). OCSLA

establishes four distinct stages in the administrative process: (1)

formulation of a five-year leasing plan by the Secretary; (2) lease

sales; (3) exploration by the lessees; and (4) development and

production. Sec’y of the Interior v. California, 464 U.S. 312, 337

(1984). In the preparation and maintenance of this federal leasing

program, OCSLA mandates consideration of the “economic, social, and

environmental values of the renewable and nonrenewable resources

contained in the outer Continental Shelf, and the potential impact

of oil and gas exploration on other resource values . . . and the

marine, coastal, and human environments.” 43 U.S.C. §1344(a)(1).

The Court wishes to thank all parties and counsel for
their cooperation and assistance in dealing with the expedited

Case 2:10-cv-01663-MLCF-JCW Document 67 Filed 06/22/10 Page 8 of 22

OCSLA instructs the Secretary of the Interior to prescribe


for the suspension or temporary prohibition of any

operation or activity, including production, pursuant to
any lease or permit . . . if there is a threat of
serious, irreparable, or immediate harm or damage to life
(including fish and other aquatic life), to property, to
any mineral deposits (in areas leased or not leased), or
to the marine, coastal, or human environment.

Id. §1334(a)(1). Tracking the statute’s mandate, the federal

regulations provide that the Regional Supervisor may direct a

suspension of operations or a suspension of production “When

activities pose a threat of serious, irreparable, or immediate harm

or damage. This would include a threat to life (including fish and

other aquatic life), property, any mineral deposit, or the marine,

coastal or human environment.” 30 C.F.R. §250.172(b). The Regional

Supervisor can also declare a suspension “when necessary for the

installation of safety or environmental protection equipment.” Id.



OCSLA establishes a private right of action to any person

“having a valid legal interest which is or may be adversely

affected” by any violation of OCSLA or the regulations promulgated

under it. 43 U.S.C. §1349(a)(1). Generally, no suit can be filed

“prior to sixty days after the plaintiff has given notice of the

alleged violation, in writing under oath, to the Secretary.” Id.

§1349(a)(2)(A). By way of contrast, however, a lawsuit may also be

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brought “immediately after notification of the alleged violation in

any case in which the alleged violation constitutes an imminent

threat to the public health or safety or would immediately affect

a legal interest of the plaintiff.” Id. §1349(a)(3); compare

Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. v. F.E.R.C., 193 F. Supp. 2d 54, 65 (D.C.

Cir. 2002) (holding that plaintiffs faced immediate effect to their

legal interest where a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission order

stated that it would disclose the plaintiffs’ commercially

sensitive information within five days) with Duke Energy Field

Servs. Assets, L.L.C. v. Fed. Energy Regulatory Comm’n, 150 F.

Supp. 2d 150, 156 (D.C. Cir. 2001) (holding that the plaintiffs’

legal interests would not be immediately affected where FERC had

ordered them to publicly file their gas transportation service

rates because this order did not mean the information would

“instantly be made public” since other FERC regulations provided

ways for the information to remain confidential). In the absence of

an imminent threat to the public health or safety or an immediate

effect on a legal interest, a plaintiff must comply with the sixty-

day notice under oath provision. Duke Energy, 150 F. Supp. 2d at

156; see Hallstrom v. Tillamook County, 493 U.S. 20, 25, 33 (1989)

(holding that a nearly identical sixty-day notice provision of the

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act imposed a mandatory

precondition to suit). The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has held

that where (as has been established here) the plaintiff’s legal

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interests will be immediately affected, the plaintiff provides

adequate notice as long as it gives notice prior to filing the

action. Chevron, 193 F. Supp. 2d at 64.

II. Administrative Procedure Act


The Administrative Procedure Act authorizes judicial review of

final agency action where there is no other adequate remedy in a

court. 5 U.S.C. §704; see id. §702 (“A person suffering a legal

wrong because of agency action . . . is entitled to judicial review

thereof.”).5 This right to judicial review “applies universally

‘except to the extent that (1) the statutes preclude judicial

review; or (2) agency action is committed to agency discretion by

law.’” Bennett v. Spear, 520 U.S. 154, 174 (1997). In reviewing the

Endangered Species Act, the Supreme Court in Bennett concluded that

the term “violation” in the Act’s citizen suit provision could not

“be interpreted to include the Secretary’s maladministration of the

ESA.” Id. The ESA provision permits suits “to enjoin any person .

. . who is alleged to be in violation of any provision of this

chapter or regulation issued under the authority thereof.” Id. at

171; see 16 U.S.C. §1540(g)(1). Guided by Bennett, the Tenth

The APA does not provide an implied grant of subject
matter jurisdiction. Califano v. Sanders, 430 U.S. 99, 107 (1977).
However, the plaintiffs’ claims of injury caused by the defendants’
violation of OCSLA are subject to this Court’s federal question
jurisdiction. See 28 U.S.C. §1331.

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Circuit held that the APA, not the citizen suit provision of

OCSLA, is the appropriate vehicle for judicial review of a final

decision by the Secretary that was made in fulfillment of his

duties under OCSLA. Amerada Hess Corp. v. Dep’t of Interior, 170

F.3d 1032, 1034 (10th Cir. 1999). The Fifth Circuit has similarly

written that the OCSLA citizen suit provision should not be used to

challenge agency decisions that “were or will be otherwise subject

to judicial review under the APA.” OXY USA, Inc. v. Babbitt, 122

F.3d 251, 258 (5th Cir. 1997); but see Duke Energy, 150 F. Supp. 2d

150, 155-56 (D.C. Cir. 2001) (refusing to permit judicial review

under APA as a way to circumvent the notice requirement of OCSLA’s

citizen suit provision).6


The APA cautions that an agency action may only be set aside

if it is “arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or not

otherwise not in accordance with law.” 5 U.S.C. §706(2)(A); see

Citizens to Preserve Overton Park v. Volpe, 401 U.S. 402, 416

(1971). The reviewing court must decide whether the agency acted

within the scope of its authority, “whether the decision was based

on a consideration of the relevant factors and whether there has

been a clear error of judgment.” Overton Park, 401 U.S. at 415-16;

see Motor Vehicle Manf. Ass’n of the U.S. v. State Farm Mutual

In this case, it seems the result would be the same,
whether the APA applies or OCSLA’s citizen suit provisions.

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Auto. Ins. Co., 463 U.S. 29, 42-43 (1983). While this Court’s

review must be “searching and careful, the ultimate standard of

review is a narrow one.” Overton Park, 401 U.S. at 416; see Delta

Found., Inc. v. United States, 303 F.3d 551, 563 (5th Cir. 2002).

The Court is prohibited from substituting its judgment for that of

the agency. Overton Park, 401 U.S. at 416. “Nevertheless, the

agency must examine the relevant data and articulate a satisfactory

explanation for its action including a ‘rational connection between

the facts found and the choice made.’” State Farm, 463 U.S. at 43

(quoting Burlington Truck Lines v. United States, 371 U.S. 156, 168


The Supreme Court has explained that:

Normally, an agency rule would be arbitrary and

capricious if the agency has relied on factors which
Congress has not intended it to consider, entirely failed
to consider an important aspect of the problem, offered
an explanation for its decision that runs counter to the
evidence before the agency, or is so implausible that it
could not be ascribed to a difference in view or the
product of agency expertise. The reviewing court should
not attempt itself to make up for such deficiencies . .
. . [But the court] will, however, ‘uphold a decision of
less than ideal clarity if the agency’s path may be
reasonably discerned.’

State Farm, 463 U.S. at 43 (quoting Bowman Transp. Inc. v.

Arkansas-Best Freight Sys., 419 U.S. 281, 286 (1974)). In State

Farm, the Supreme Court held the agency’s decision was arbitrary

and capricious because the agency had failed to give any

consideration to an obvious alternative. Id. at 46-47. That

rationale resonates in this dispute.

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A court determining whether some agency action is arbitrary

and capricious under the APA makes its decision on the basis of the

“whole record.” 5 U.S.C. §706; see Dep’t of Banking & Consumer Fin.

of Miss. v. Clarke, 809 F.2d 266, 271 (5th Cir. 1987). This record

“consists of the administrative record compiled by the agency in

advance of litigation, not any record thereafter constructed in the

reviewing court.” AT&T Info. Sys., Inc. v. Gen. Servs. Admin., 810

F.2d 1233, 1236 (D.C. Cir. 1987). Indeed, because the Court’s

concern is with the rationality of the agency’s decision making,

“post hoc explanations . . . are simply an inadequate basis for the

exercise of substantive review of an administrative decision.”

United States v. Garner, 767 F.2d 104, 117 (5th Cir. 1985). Those

principles will set the parameters of merits-resolution. For now,

the Court turns to the propriety of preliminary relief.

III. Preliminary Injunction

It is well settled that “preliminary injunction is an

extraordinary remedy that should not be granted unless the party

seeking it has clearly carried the burden of persuasion.” Bluefield

Water Ass’n v. City of Starkville, Miss., 577 F.3d 250, 253 (5th

Cir. 2009) (quoting Lake Charles Diesel, Inc. v. Gen. Motors Corp.,

328 F.3d 192, 196 (5th Cir. 2003)); see also PCI Transport., Inc.

v. Ft. Worth & W. R.R. Co., 418 F.3d 535, 545 (5th Cir. 2005). The

Court can issue an injunction only if the movant shows:

(1) a substantial likelihood of prevailing on the merits;

(2) a substantial threat of irreparable injury if the

Case 2:10-cv-01663-MLCF-JCW Document 67 Filed 06/22/10 Page 14 of 22

injunction is not granted; (3) the threatened injury

outweighs any harm that will result to the non-movant if
the injunction is granted; and (4) the injunction will
not disserve the public interest.

Ridgely v. FEMA, 512 F.3d 727, 734 (5th Cir. 2008).

“Speculative injury is not sufficient [to make a clear showing

of irreparable harm]; there must be more than an unfounded fear on

the part of the applicant.” Holland Am. Ins. Co. v. Succession of

Roy, 77 F.2d 992, 997 (5th Cir. 1985); see Wis. Gas Co. v.

F.E.R.C., 758 F.2d 669, 674 (D.C. Cir. 1985) (“[Irreparable] injury

must be both certain and great; it must be actual and not

theoretical.”). Where the injury is merely “financial” and

“monetary compensation will make [the plaintiff] whole if [the

plaintiff] prevails on the merits,” there is no irreparable injury.

Bluefield, 577 F.3d at 253. But when the nature of economic

“rights makes ‘establishment of the dollar value of the loss . . .

especially difficult or speculative,’” a finding of irreparable

harm is appropriate. Allied Mktg. Group, Inc. v. CDL Mktg., Inc.,

878 F.2d 806, 810 n.1 (5th Cir. 1989) (quoting Miss. Power & Light

Co. v. United Gas Pipe Line Co., 760 F.2d 618, 630 n.12 (5th Cir.


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A. Jurisdiction

The plaintiffs focus on the APA as providing the basis for the

judicial review they seek.7 They seem to abandon attention to the

presuit requirements of OCSLA’s §1349 because they urge they do not

seek to enforce the OCSLA regulations, nor do they seek to recover

the civil penalties provided under OCSLA. Instead, plaintiffs

insist, they simply seek judicial review of final agency action as

provided by the APA. The Court agrees that the APA certainly

applies here.

The central thrust of the plaintiffs’ argument is that the

Secretary was arbitrary and capricious in fulfilling his duties

under OCSLA. Indeed, the issue does not seem to be whether the

Secretary is in “violation” of OCSLA or its regulations. See OXY,

122 F.3d at 257 (observing that the citizen suit provision

In the alternative, the plaintiffs insist that the
“notification” requirement of §1349(a)(3) has been met in this
case. They point out that no particular type of notice is specified
in the statute and that the defendants in this case were on notice
of the dispute over the validity of the moratorium because direct
appeals on behalf of all Louisiana citizens, including the
plaintiffs, were made to the President and the Secretary in advance
of the filing of this lawsuit in a June 2, 2010 letter by Governor
Jindal and meetings between Louisiana’s senators and the
Administration. Plaintiffs underscore §1349(a)(3)’s requirement
that the defendants’ action “immediately affects” their legal
interests has also been met. The Court agrees. The moratorium is
already in effect and has already caused the cancellation and
threatened cancellation of some of the plaintiffs’ contracts.
Further effects are imminent because of the far-reaching scope of
the edict.

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establishes a mechanism for citizens to participate in OCSLA’s

enforcement). Rather, as the Tenth Circuit has held, the APA, and

not the citizen suit provision under OCSLA, is the appropriate

vehicle to challenge a decision by the Secretary rendered in

fulfillment of his OSCLA duties. See Amerada Hess, 170 F.3d at

1034; see Bennett, 520 U.S. at 174. The D.C. Circuit’s seemingly

contrary conclusion in Duke Energy is based on the determination

that all OCSLA cases are subject to the presuit conditions in

§1349(a). See 150 F. Supp. 2d at 155-56. That decision is not

helpful. A closer reading of §1349(a) reveals that the conditions

apply only to actions brought under subsection §1349(a)(1). The

judicial review of a final agency action that the plaintiffs seek

must proceed under the APA, making the requirements of §1349(a)


B. Arbitrary and Capricious

The federal moratorium expansively suspends all pending,

current or approved drilling operations of new deepwater wells in

the Gulf of Mexico and in the Pacific for six months. As declared

by the MMS, “deepwater” is defined as depths greater than 500 feet.

The Secretary based his decision on a finding that new deepwater

The Court adds that it seems the defendants had
notification of the “violation” (if it can be construed as such)
before the plaintiffs filed suit, and that the plaintiffs have
suffered an immediate effect to their legal interests in the form
of business relationships that have already been lost. Thus
trumping the “under oath” requirement.

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wells pose an unacceptable risk of serious and irreparable harm to

life and property and a finding that the installation of additional

safety or environmental protection equipment is necessary to

prevent injury or loss of life and damage to property and the

environment. The government also suggests that the Secretary’s

decision was influenced by a concern that the government’s

resources, stretched thin by the oil spill, could not cope with

another blowout were one to occur.9

After reviewing the Secretary’s Report, the Moratorium

Memorandum, and the Notice to Lessees, the Court is unable to

divine or fathom a relationship between the findings and the

immense scope of the moratorium. The Report, invoked by the

Secretary, describes the offshore oil industry in the Gulf and

offers many compelling recommendations to improve safety. But it

offers no time line for implementation, though many of the proposed

changes are represented to be implemented immediately. The Report

patently lacks any analysis of the asserted fear of threat of

irreparable injury or safety hazards posed by the thirty-three

permitted rigs also reached by the moratorium. It is incident-

specific and driven: Deepwater Horizon and BP only. None others.

While the Report notes the increase in deepwater drilling over the

past ten years and the increased safety risk associated with

The Report notes that the Deepwater Horizon disaster “is
commanding the Department of Interior’s resources.” A disturbing
admission by this Administration.

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deepwater drilling, the parameters of “deepwater” remain confused.

And drilling elsewhere simply seems driven by political or social

agendas on all sides. The Report seems to define “deepwater” as

drilling beyond a depth of 1000 feet by referencing the increased

difficulty of drilling beyond this depth; similarly, the shallowest

depth referenced in the maps and facts included in the Report is

“less than 1000 feet.” But while there is no mention of the 500

feet depth anywhere in the Report itself, the Notice to Lessees

suddenly defines “deepwater” as more than 500 feet.

Of course, the present state of the Administrative Record

includes more than the Report, the Notice to Lessees, and the

Memorandum of Moratorium. It includes a great deal of information

consulted by the agency in making its decision. The defendants have

submitted affidavits and some documents that purport to explain the

agency’s decision-making process. The Shallow Water Energy Security

Coalition Presentation attempts at some clarification of the

decision to define “deepwater” as depths greater than 500 feet. It

is undisputed that at depths of over 500 feet, floating rigs must

be used, and the Executive Summary to the Report refers to a

moratorium on drilling using “floating rigs.” Other documents

submitted summarize some of the tests and studies performed. For

example, one study showed that at 3000psi, the shear rams on three

of the six tested rigs failed to shear their samples; in the follow

up study, various ram models were tested on 214 pipe samples and

Case 2:10-cv-01663-MLCF-JCW Document 67 Filed 06/22/10 Page 19 of 22

7.5% were unsuccessful at shearing the pipe below 3000psi. How

these studies support a finding that shear equipment does not work

consistently at 500 feet is incomprehensible. If some drilling

equipment parts are flawed, is it rational to say all are? Are all

airplanes a danger because one was? All oil tankers like Exxon

Valdez? All trains? All mines? That sort of thinking seems heavy-

handed, and rather overbearing.

The Court recognizes that the compliance of the thirty-three

affected rigs with current government regulations may be irrelevant

if the regulations are insufficient or if MMS, the government’s own

agent, itself is suspected of being corrupt or incompetent.10

Nonetheless, the Secretary’s determination that a six-month

moratorium on issuance of new permits and on drilling by the

thirty-three rigs is necessary does not seem to be fact-specific

and refuses to take into measure the safety records of those others

in the Gulf.11 There is no evidence presented indicating that the

If the MMS and the Department truly were incompetent
and corrupt, as the intervenors insist, the Court fails to see how
this conclusion supports the government’s position. Indeed, while
the government makes light of the fact that several of the experts
disagree with the recommendations in the Report by noting that they
do not disagree with the findings, of greater concern is the
misleading text in the Executive Summary that seems to assert that
all the experts agree with the Secretary’s recommendation. The
government’s hair-splitting explanation abuses reason, common
sense, and the text at issue.
Most of the currently permitted rigs passed MMS
inspection after the Deepwater Horizon exploded. According to the
Report, since 1969, before Deepwater Horizon, only some three
blowouts have occurred . . . all in other parts of the world, not

Case 2:10-cv-01663-MLCF-JCW Document 67 Filed 06/22/10 Page 20 of 22

Secretary balanced the concern for environmental safety with the

policy of making leases available for development. There is no

suggestion that the Secretary considered any alternatives: for

example, an individualized suspension of activities on target rigs

until they reached compliance with the new federal regulations said

to be recommended for immediate implementation. Indeed, the

regulations themselves seem to contemplate an individualized

determination by authorizing the suspension of “all or any part of

a lease or unit area.” 30 C.F.R. §250.168. Similarly, OCSLA permits

suspension of “any operation or activity . . . pursuant to any

lease or permit.” 28 U.S.C. §1334(a)(1). The Court cannot

substitute its judgment for that of the agency, but the agency must

“cogently explain why it has exercised its discretion in a given

manner.” State Farm, 463 U.S. at 48. It has not done so.12

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill is an unprecedented, sad, ugly

and inhuman disaster. What seems clear is that the federal

government has been pressed by what happened on the Deepwater

Horizon into an otherwise sweeping confirmation that all Gulf

deepwater drilling activities put us all in a universal threat of

irreparable harm. While the implementation of regulations and a new

the Gulf.
Of interest to the Court is the Report’s conflicting
observation that while “the rate of blowouts per well has not
increased . . . the experience of the BP Oil Spill illustrates the
significant challenges in deepwater drilling.”

Case 2:10-cv-01663-MLCF-JCW Document 67 Filed 06/22/10 Page 21 of 22

culture of safety are supportable by the Report and the documents

presented, the blanket moratorium, with no parameters, seems to

assume that because one rig failed and although no one yet fully

knows why, all companies and rigs drilling new wells over 500 feet

also universally present an imminent danger.

On the record now before the Court, the defendants have failed

to cogently reflect the decision to issue a blanket, generic,

indeed punitive, moratorium with the facts developed during the

thirty-day review. The plaintiffs have established a likelihood of

successfully showing that the Administration acted arbitrarily and

capriciously in issuing the moratorium.

C. Irreparable Harm

The plaintiffs assert that they have suffered and will

continue to suffer irreparable harm as a result of the moratorium.

The Court agrees. Some of the plaintiffs’ contracts have been

affected; the Court is persuaded that it is only a matter of time

before more business and jobs and livelihoods will be lost. The

defendants trivialize such losses by characterizing them as merely

a small percentage of the drilling rigs affected, but it does not

follow that this will somehow reduce the convincing harm suffered.

Furthermore, courts have held that in making the determination of

irreparable harm, “both harm to the parties and to the public may

be considered.” In re Nw. Airlines Corp., 349 B.R. 338, 384

(S.D.N.Y. 2006) (quoting Long Island R.R. v. Int’l Ass’n of

Case 2:10-cv-01663-MLCF-JCW Document 67 Filed 06/22/10 Page 22 of 22

Machinists, 874 F.3d 901, 910 (2nd Cir. 1989)). The effect on

employment, jobs, loss of domestic energy supplies caused by the

moratorium as the plaintiffs (and other suppliers, and the rigs

themselves) lose business, and the movement of the rigs to other

sites around the world will clearly ripple throughout the economy

in this region.

This Court is persuaded that the public interest weighs in

favor of granting a preliminary injunction. While a suspension of

activities directed after a rational interpretation of the evidence

could outweigh the impact on the plaintiffs and the public, here,

the Court has found the plaintiffs would likely succeed in showing

that the agency’s decision was arbitrary and capricious. An invalid

agency decision to suspend drilling of wells in depths of over 500

feet simply cannot justify the immeasurable effect on the

plaintiffs, the local economy, the Gulf region, and the critical

present-day aspect of the availability of domestic energy in this


Accordingly, the plaintiffs’ motion for preliminary injunction

is GRANTED. An Order consistent with this opinion will be entered.

New Orleans, Louisiana, June 22, 2010.



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