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by Joseph Zernik
Human Rights Alert DN: cn=Joseph
Zernik, o, ou,
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750 email=jz12345@,
Fax: 323.488.9697; Email: c=US
Blog: Date: 2010.07.01
13:21:42 +03'00'

10-07-01 Complaint against Danny Bickell – US Supreme Court Counsel - for Public Corruption
and Deprivation of Civil Rights under the Color of Law

Ronald C. Machen Jr.

US Attorney, DC
United States Attorney's Office
555 4th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20530
By certified mail
By email:

TO US ATTORNEY, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Please accept instant Citizen’s Complaint by Dr

Joseph Zernik, PhD, and Human Rights Alert (NGO) against Mr Danny Bickell, US Supreme Court Counsel,
alleging public corruption and deprivation of rights under the color of law, pertaining to his conduct in caption
of Fine v Sheriff (09-A827) in March-April 2010. Please also accept instant Citizen’s Complaint as a request
for equal protection of Mr Richard Fine, the 70 year old, former US prosecutor, pursuant to the US
Constitution and pursuant to ratified international law – the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The complaint alleges that Mr Bickell denied Mr Fine Fair Hearing and Due Process of the Law at the US
Supreme Court, and is likely to have affected ongoing false imprisonment of Mr Fine.

1. Complainants Joseph Zernik, PhD, and Human Rights Alert (NGO)

Dr Joseph Zernik and Human Rights Alert (NGO)
Address: 1853 Foothill Blvd, La Verne, California, 91750
Mailing Address: PO Box 526, La Verne, California 91750
Tel: 323-515-4583
Fax: (preferred) 323-488-9697
Email: (preferred)

2. Attorney Representation
Dr Zernik is not an attorney, neither is he or Human Rights Alert (NGO) represented by counsel in the matters
that are subject of instant complaint. Dr Zernik is unqualified to expound on legal theories. Therefore, no
section of the code was cited. The US Attorney is requested to review the facts in the matter and apply
the appropriate sections of the code. In cases where legal claims were made in error, the US Attorney is
requested to ignore such claims and review to the facts alone.

3. Complaint against Mr Danny Bickell

Mr Danny Bickell
Address: US Supreme Court, 1 First Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20543
Tel: 202-479-3011

4. General Allegations
Conduct of Mr Danny Bickell under caption of Fine v Sheriff (09-A827) at the US Supreme Court in March-
April 2010 is alleged as violations of the law including, but not limited to:
a) Public Corruption,
b) Deprivation of Rights Under the Color of Law,
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c) Honest Services Fraud,

d) Obstruction of Justice
e) Extortion,
f) Fraud,
g) Mail Fraud,
h) Conspiracy,

5. General Description of the Facts

a) Relative to purported March 12, 2010 denial of Mr Fine’s application by Associate Justice
Anthony Kennedy
It is alleged that there was and there is no valid record of a March 12, 2010 denial of the application of Mr
Fine by Associate Justice Kennedy. Regardless, on March 12, 2010, Mr Bickell issued a false and deliberately
misleading notice, unsigned, and with no authority at all, stating that the application was denied.
b) Relative to the April 23, 2010 Supreme Court conference re: Application of Mr Fine
It is alleged that Mr Bickell eliminated from the US Supreme Court docket, with no authority at all, Dr
Zernik’s Motion to Intervene and related papers, filed on April 20, 2010, including, but not limited to Request
for Correction of Errors in the Supreme Court Records, where Mr Bickell’s conduct, relative to the March 12,
2010 purported denial by Associate Justice Kennedy, was described.
c) Relative to records and online dockets of the US Supreme Court
It is alleged that insecure docketing systems at the US Supreme Court, lacking in integrity, permitted an
unauthorized person, such as Mr Bickell to obstruct justice and likely also to deprive Mr Fine of liberty.

6. Court Opinions and Judgments:

No opinion or ruling of the US Supreme Court was therefore issued in the application of Mr Fine in Fine v
Sheriff (09-A827). Mr Fine remains imprisoned to this date and was denied through the conduct of Mr
Bickell fair hearing and due process of law.

7. Remedies Requested:
Request is herein filed by Dr Zernik with Office of the US Attorney, District of Columbia, for the following
a) Equal protection for Richard Fine under US law and under ratified international law.
b) Investigation of the facts alleged in the complaint, and prosecution of Mr Bickell, if necessary, to the full
extent of the law.
c) Public scrutiny of security and integrity of the US Supreme Court computers (case management system)
to prevent conduct such as described in the complaint, where unauthorized persons affected construction
of a invalid, false and deliberately misleading online dockets.

8. Public Policy Significance:

The case is of highest public policy significance, since it amounts to alleged public corruption and deprivation
of rights by a person, who is routinely involved in operations of the highest court of the land.
Moreover, as detailed in the complaint, conduct of Mr Bickell was part of a chain of events at the lower
courts, all of the same nature and the same effect. Each, in and of itself, could simply appear as a technical
errors. Combined, such chain of events cannot be reasonably be deemed as inadvertent. All of these technical
errors, without exception, had the same effect – ensuring that the alleged false imprisonment of Mr Fine
continue to this date.
Mr Fine exposed, publicized, and rebuked the taking by Los Angeles judges of “not permitted” payments,
termed by media “bribes”. The facts, which Mr Fine exposed, led the Governor of California to sign on
February 20, 2009 “retroactive immunities” (pardons) for all judges involved. Less than two weeks later, on
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March 4, 2009, Mr Fine was arrested, with no warrant, in open court by the Los Angeles Sheriff. Mr Fine is
held ever since by the Sheriff with no judgment, conviction, or sentencing ever entered in his case.
All Mr Fine’s consequent efforts to restore his liberty were undermined through conduct at the various courts,
of the kind that is the subject of instant complaint against Mr Bickell. As a result, Mr Fine remains in solitary
confinement to this date.

9. Brief Chronology:
a) Relative to purported March 12, 2010 Denial of Mr Fine’s Application by Justice Anthony

i. In March 1, 2009 – according to the US Supreme Court docket, i Mr Fine’s

application (09-A827) was submitted to Associate Justice Kennedy.
ii. On March 12, 2010 – the docket, referenced above, states:
Application (09A827) denied by Justice Kennedy.

It is alleged that conduct of Mr Bickell affected the insertion of such false and
deliberately misleading statement in the US Supreme Court docket.
iii. Review of the US Supreme Court records ii in the caption of Fine v Sheriff (09-
A827) revealed no written order by Justice Kennedy denying Mr Fine’s Application.
Neither was denial by Justice Kennedy inscribed on the face of the application, as
permitted by the Local Rules of the US Supreme Court.
iv. Review of the US Supreme Court records in the caption of Fine v Sheriff (09-A827)
revealed a March 12, 2010 letter issued by Mr Bickell, falsely noticing denial of
the application by Justice Kennedy. However, Mr Bickell’s notice was unsigned.
Furthermore, Mr Bickell was not authorized as a Deputy Clerk; therefore, the letter
was issued with no authority at all.

b) Relative to the April 23, 2010 Supreme Court conference re: Application of Mr Fine
i. On March 30, 2010, following the purported denial by Justice Kennedy, Mr Fine re-
filed the application with Associate Justice Ginsburg, according the US Supreme
Court docket. iv
ii. On April 12, 2010 Dr Zernik called the US Supreme Court, Office of the Clerk to
notify his intent to file Motion to Intervene in Fine v Sheriff (09-A827). Dr Zernik
was referred to Mr Bickell. Mr Bickell informed Dr Zernik that such filing would
be timely as long as the application was pending before the court. However, Mr
Bickell informed Dr Zernik that unless there was a “compelling justification”, the
Motion to Intervene, it would most likely be denied by the Court.
iii. On April 20, 2010 Dr Zernik filed at the US Supreme Court Motion to Intervene and
related papers:
- 1 Amended Motion to Intervene v
- 2 Amended Request for Lenience by Pro Se Filer
- 3 Amended Request for Corrections in US Supreme Court Records
- 4-Amended-Request-for-Incorporation-by-Reference-s
- 5 Amended Appendices
iv. On April 20, 2010 Dr Zernik received from the US Supreme Court staff receipts
confirming the filing of the papers listed above. x
v. On April 21, 2010 Dr Zernik called the Office of the Clerk, US Supreme Court, and
spoke with a staff member at the Office of the Clerk. The staff member informed Dr
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Zernik that the papers were indeed received by the Office of the Clerk, but were held
by Mr Bickell. xi
vi. On April 21, 2010 Dr Zernik further spoke by phone with Mr Bickell. Mr Bickell
initially denied that he was holding Dr Zernik’s papers. However, after Dr Zernik
informed him that a staff member had already told him that the papers were in Mr
Bickell’s hands, Mr Bickell admitted that fact. Mr Bickell then stated that he had not
made up his mind yet, what to do with the papers. Dr Zernik asked Mr Bickell if Mr
Bickell was authorized as Deputy Clerk. Mr Bickell stated that he was not.
Regardless, Mr Bickell stated that he would be the one to decide, whether the papers
would or would not be entered in the docket of Fine v Sheriff (09-A827).
vii. The April 23, 2010 docket of Fine v Sheriff (09-A827) showed that Dr Zernik’s
papers were never entered in the docket. Neither was any discrepancy or any other
notation entered to explain the disposition of the papers.
viii. Denial by Mr Bickell of the right to file papers at the US Supreme Court is alleged
as obstruction of justice.
ix. It should be noted that one of the papers - the Request to Correct US Supreme Court
Records – explicitly described the conduct of Mr Bickell relative to the March 12,
2010 purported denial of Fine’s application by Associate Justice Kennedy. It is
therefore alleged that through eliminating the Dr Zernik’s papers from the docket,
Mr Bickell effectively covered up his own wrongful conduct in March 2010.
x. It should be further noted that other papers included with Dr Zernik’s Motion to
Intervene documented a series of events pertaining to Mr Fine, where three (4) lower
courts engaged in conduct that was similar or identical to that of Mr Bickell:
- Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles
- US District Court, Central District of California
- US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit
In all these courts clerks, or staff which was not authorized at all, participated in the
issuance of false and deliberately misleading records – all aimed to enforce alleged
false imprisonment of Mr Fine. In all these courts false and deliberately misleading
manipulation of online public access systems and/or public dockets was involved.
Each of the cases alone could have possibly been seen as an inadvertent error.
However, a reasonable person, upon review of the facts and the records that were
included in Dr Zernik’s Motion to Intervene, would almost certainly conclude that
wrongdoing was involved. Moreover, each and every one of these courts was
approached by Dr Zernik with a request to initiate corrective actions relative to such
conduct. All without exception failed to do so.
Therefore, it is alleged that through eliminating the Dr Zernik’s papers from the
docket, Mr Bickell effectively covered up wrongful conduct by staff of the lower
courts in the case of Mr Fine.

Summary of the allegations:

Mr Fine filed an Application for Stay of Execution of his ongoing solitary confinement, initiated in
March 2009. Mr Fine was denied fair hearing and due process of law at the US Supreme Court through
conduct of Mr Bickell in March-April 2010. A reasonable person, upon review of the facts in the
matter, would conclude that conduct of Mr Bickell was not the outcome of inadvertent errors, but a
deliberate effort to deprive Mr Fine of his constitutional, civil, and human rights – of liberty itself.

10. Additional Evidence and Records

For the sake of brevity, only a small part of the evidence was described above and linked below. Please
do not hesitate to contact Dr Zernik for additional information and evidence in this matter.
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11. Instant Complaint is Concomitantly Filed with Other Agencies of Interest

Copies are filed with:
a) US Congress Judiciary Committees – with a request to subject all case management systems
of the US courts to public scrutiny. Conditions documented in the Motion to Intervene and
related papers amount to alleged widespread deprivation of rights.
b) United Nations, UPR Office – as part of the first ever review (UPR) of human rights in the
United States, scheduled for November 2010. The April 2010 Human Rights Alert’s report,
filed with the United Nations, alleged that unvalidated and insecure case management
systems in the US courts were employed for the widespread deprivation of human rights by
the US courts themselves.
c) US State Department, UPR Office – as part of the UPR process, the US State Department is
scheduled to submit a response to the United Nations in August 2010.

Dated: July 1, 2010
Joseph Zernik, PhD

By: ______________
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750
Phone: 323.515.4583
Fax: 323.488.9697
Email <>

US Supreme Court Docket in Fine v Sheriff (09-A827), as downloaded on April 23, 2010.
US Supreme Court records in Fine v Sheriff (09-A827) – see Zernik’s Amended Request for Correction of US Supreme
Court Records:
See ii, above.
See i, above.
1-Dr Zernik’s Amended Motion to Intervene
2-Dr Zernik’s Amended Request for Lenience by Pro Se Filer
3-Dr Zernik’s Amended Request for Corrections in US Supreme Court Records
4-Dr Zernik’s Amended Request for Incorporation by Reference
5-Dr Zernik’s Amended-Appendices
Face pages obtained by Dr Zernik on April 20, 2010 confirming receipt of his papers filed that date:
April 21, 2010 – Declaration of Dr Zernik regarding filing Motion to Intervene and related papers in Fine v Sheriff (09-

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