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Analysis of Soap Opera Episode

Name of Soap: Coronation Street

Episode Title/Date: 20/06/2010

Complete the table below:

Storylines: Characters: Camera Angles: Sound:

How many storylines in How many characters in What camera angles are What sound is used
the episode? the episode? used and why? in the episode and
Approx 16 • Mid shots- shows why?
Four relationship All diegetic:
between • Dialogue
List the type of characters and • Radio
characters found and allows audience to • General
List the storylines examples: see the setting conversation
found: • Various people in they are in in pub
• Speed dating 20-35 age group • Over shoulder
night • 1 boy aged shot- audience Makes the situation
• Girl breaking around 16/17 feels part of the realistic and
up with • ‘Older’ action believable for the
boyfriend characters such • Long shot- audience.
• Man with a as boyfriend’s distances audience
‘secret mum from particular
identity’ • Butchers characters and
• Relationship • Pub situations.
between landlady/landlord
Mise-en-scene: Editing: Time: Target Audience?

Are there common How is the soap edited? How is time managed in Who is the target
settings/props that Continuous/Non- the episode? Is more audience for this
are shown regularly continuous? time spent on one soap?
throughout the storyline than another? This specific
episode? If so, what? • Editing is • Episode appears to episode appears to
continuous span a whole day, be aimed at people
Most scenes are in a • Shot-reverse- focussing on the around the age of
domestic setting such shot used as evening about 25-35 as
as a house or flat. people converse • Most time is spent most of the
Props within these • Action match is on the speed characters in the
scene are ordinary used when door dating storyline episode appear to
household objects is opened and on the issues be of this age
such as cutlery, • Crosscutting is of the girl whole group.
chair, tables, picture used to suggest has just broken up The episode is
frames etc. each of the with her boyfriend probably more likely
Some scenes set scenes is to appear to
within the pub, happening females than males
again, props include simultaneously as a lot of the
ordinary objects you • Short takes used content focuses on
would expect in a to make relationships.
pub: glasses, bottles situations feel
etc. realistic
Also one scene in the
butchers. Props What time is it
included rubber scheduled to be
gloves and cleaning shown on the
fluid. television?

Why have specific
settings been chosen
for this soap?
Ordinary everyday
places that the
audience will relate
to. Adds to
Appears to be a
fairly ordinary
suburban area and
these are places you
would expect to find
in such an area.

Other Key Notes on the Episode:

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