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Analysis of Soap Opera Episode

Name of Soap: Coronation Street

Episode Title/Date: 9th July 2010

Complete the table below:

Storylines: Characters: Camera Angles: Sound:

How many How many What camera What sound is

storylines in the characters in the angles are used used in the
episode? episode? and why? episode and why?
IIII ups/mid shots theme tune at
used alongside the begging and
List the List the type of shot reverse end of the
storylines found: characters found shot to show episode to make
Job in sewing and examples: conversation and it familiar
factory issue Working class relation. Lots of extra
Man and young characters Establishing shot diegetic sound
boy bonding Upper class in used in opening added such as
Underage person charge of the sequence to set cars driving past
in betting place working class the scene to create realism
Two men talking Jack the lad trying Close ups to show Most characters
about a female to impress the important share the same
relationship females objects and accents to show
Wedding planning The damsel items the region of the
Couple character all the setting
conversation men want
Mise-en-scene: Editing: Time: Target
Are there How is the soap How is time
common edited? managed in the Who is the
settings/props Continuous/Non- episode? Is more target audience
that are shown continuous? time spent on one for this soap?
regularly The episode is very storyline than Mainly adults and
throughout the continuous and all another? young adults as
episode? If so, the stories are well The soap is in the stories would
what? continued, it is easy real time so not appeal to the
All scenes are in to follow because of everything is younger
the same this. occurring at the audiences
neighbourhood Lots of eye-line same time.
Rovers return is matches used to More time has
seen which is show equality and been spent on What time is it
common to every conversation. Makes two of the scheduled to be
epiode most characters storylines, the shown on the
seem equal. first is the television?
Zoom ins are used to sewing factory This show is
Why have pull focus onto story and the shown at 7:30
specific settings specific things such second is the PM, this is the
been chosen for as the wine glass wedding planning after dinner time
this soap? scenes. slot meaning
By keeping the The betting shop people will often
settings the same is also shown sit down after
the soap is more quite a lot. their dinner and
easy to relate to watch it.
for the audience,
making the
easier to follow.

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