Soap Opera Analysis Eastenders

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Analysis of Soap Opera Episode

Name of Soap: Eastenders

Episode Title/Date: 18/06/2010

Complete the table below:

Storylines: Characters: Camera Angles: Sound:

How many storylines How many characters in What camera angles are What sound is used
in the episode? the episode? used and why? in the episode and
Approx 19 • Mid shots- shows why?
Six relationship All diegetic:
between • Dialogue
List the type of characters • Music on
characters found and • Close ups- helps radio
List the storylines examples: the audience • Music from
found: • Older generation empathise and CD player
• Family • Young couple relate to the
breakdown • A few 25-35 year characters Creates a strong
• Stealing a olds sense of realism
betting slip • One girl of around making the situation
• Issues 17/18 believable.
around a
• Over 60s
dance at the
Mise-en-scene: Editing: Time: Target Audience?

Are there common How is the soap edited? How is time managed in Who is the target
settings/props that Continuous/Non- the episode? Is more audience for this
are shown regularly continuous? time spent on one soap?
throughout the storyline than another? Eastenders is aimed
episode? If so, • Continuous • The most at a wide variety of
what? • Shot-reverse-shot prominent story of age groups, however
for conversations the episode is the this episode seems
The majority of and arguments issue revolving to be particularly
scenes are have a • Match on action around Roxie and aimed at the older
domestic setting when door is Ronnie’s mum and generation with
such as ordinary opened Peggy Mitchell as storylines involving
homes or the flat • Cuts between each the episode begins the over 60s dance
above the pub. scene to suggest and ends with this and family
There are also some they are happening plotline relationships. There
scenes shot within simultaneously • However, each of are very few
the pub and the storyline has characters under
community centre, about an equal the age of 25 in
but all these length of time this episode
settings are within devoted to it in suggesting that
the same area. In the episode these particular
the domestic storylines were not
scenes, common aimed at people
props include mugs, audience members
cutlery, lamps etc. below this age.
- the usual items
found in the
average household. What time is it
In the pub scene scheduled to be
there are props shown on the
such as glasses and television?
a payphone giving
the setting high 8.00PM

Why have specific

settings been chosen
for this soap?
Typical places that
the average person
would be
accustomed to:
houses, flats, the
pub and the
community centre.
Nothing too out of
the ordinary so
that the majority
of audience
members will relate
to the situation.

Other Key Notes on the Episode:

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