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Standing Up to the MEAN GIRL How to Stay Out of Her Trap — eg Ui 356: and Stay Cool fie (71511 i eS) yi think I'd just OS see her and know] 7, Tia TP ] Ee fe iA cS eg : Y?: a acs Jv res), ck? 4 : We et (C wecome sutties ) Ji - = y Gears . rs TWIST’s expert reveals his hidden message! ctions speak louder than words, especially with boys’ \ body language. Since guys aren't always great with BB serbai communication, “there's a whole symphony of things guys are saying with their non-verbal ‘cues,” expert Patti Wood tells us. Read onto crack their secret code! Paul and Nina play a couple on TV's: ‘Vampire Diaries, but theit side hug reveals these two have the potential ‘ more than just friends. “Ifa guy AJ ¥ likes you as a friend, he'll do the side £ ° hug. But here it says a bit more A ‘cause they're in the ‘V-posttion,”" Patti TP he touches his face. txplains, “Their hearts ee toward each other, their feet are pointed to the other Zeal ent etianyen cites teeta potted ne he touches his face, he reveals so much more Patt tels us. “SelFtouch of the face is usvally to comfort yourself,” she says. So i's really just his way to battle his nerves! “Zac's rubbing his ear because of his discomfort. I's a pretty strong signal,” she explains. His smile is masking his Uneasiness, so you'l think he's sure of himself! TRhe runs hic hand through ‘Whe holds: + * ee hig hair... interlocks fingers, you * know he's really into ‘You would think this you! “What's cool ‘would bea sign of about what Gody is nervousness, but Patti doing here is he's says it's the opposite being a supporter,” —Itactually shows Patt tells us. “He's confidence! “This is a doing the whole ‘ve- — primping gesture,” she got-yourrback’ hand- explains. "Since Rob's motion because his elbow is up, and his hand is turned back hand is at the crown of his head and underneath i instead of the hairine, he's saying, hers, which shows “Don't! look good? Look at me." ‘And the head tit down is just a more coy way to do it.” talks with hi¢ hands. ‘When a guy talks with his hands, lke Davi, he wants you to know he has no res ervations when it comes to revealing his emotions — he trusts you! "His hands come ‘out symbolically from the heart, so he's expressing that he's proud of his openness, and the way his fingers are curled up say he sees himself asco," Patt tells us. “Guys Use their hands more when they're excited or happy.” lt always brings butterflies when a guy touches the small of your back, like Taylor did with ex Selena Because he is guiding her as they walk together, he's really showing he wants to take care of her. He's also feeling very protective of her. “He's strong in his posture and he's not afraid to take charge,” Patti explains to us. “He has the strength to guide and protect her” I's a very sweet gesture! The puts his hands in his pockets... Justin easily belts out his ‘emotions in his music, but when he's walking down the street, he's trying to hide what he's feeling. "When a guy doesn’t want his emotions to 1. show, he subconsciously puts his hands in his Pockets,” Patti tells us So, if he hides his hands as he's coming to talk to you, he may be self-conscious. “Justin's combination of fingers in and elbows out is, away for him to act brave,” she says. “He's trying to ap- pear bigger than he is, and he wants to feet powerful But deep-down, he's think- ing, ‘'m gonna disguise that mnervous, so everyone wil think I'm cool.” his arms... There are more than 60 ‘ways to read an arm cross, Patti says, “but typically, an arm cross. means he's uncomfort- able with himself and he wants to hide behind his arms. For Nick, he's trying to protect himself because he's feeling very vulnerable — you can tell by the covering of the heart with the crossed arms, and the tension in. the tightness around the mouth.” So, what’s the cure to get him to drop the arm cross and open up? Verbal communica tion — talk about some- thing he's interested in!

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