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Case 12:02

06/Hg/211 1:10-cv-00569-RJA
607324618e Document 6-2 PAUL ARGEN~TIERI
Filed 07/09/2010 Page 11 of 16PAGE 15



u*ac Ir the mers nw&As kor If; opwailofi

ei~a apcl~~lselm iadheritPaFr "Dic P=,o*u" Weir itom to mdiu aid tit udw Amtwe,mmimr
PMJCHASER PaWiCogia adt pay Ib oil damm an d hogfin e9mo tom tI e,Nin& mo6vi under
CONTRACTOBJSUE1R - ?Imt Zuckmber& hh Aim, thi oofn n alrM fi he will mawanim cootml of the= 2urvim~
employecsaupplkes, or suonintm Imish;ng nVheluli f rsoe or at an timm

CUSTOSIret iiy~1oIg .,* 6.. exu.s~dl~ a Ai M&aio

md wry odimer
construion or odwewervioms form 1he Paralme r 'o~Ado ~o ~ulma~pi4eSleimetgodrm b
~ ~ f~ aare
rvqut,ed ~ ~t*ti ~ ~n~ t4wa
ttty ~
~ ~tw,s Str Mbed.inpek
to e mde oda mem Lbeonm

The omftm, b"wme gm Pumbua wd Seller m-A arhme mWeament and

'*ork mak ft h rfe l m, wo 90arm 11*11411 VOuu,M, 4097 Ift 6. SdIWUMt of C0C f6t8.m,a
Pat the work to be IM*ieithd &mcitly ft 'be SteedPax Dcabme an kb In t eveart *.M&bipurmw ~ tni of 0galprnent: wtkh b
ProgmitnIS ImqmW teobe pmVdby Sll= sia;la" ftm Otis Primn mckfiil i ceof diggiits b&wwn the
Scond itis J ftesawg-poX adfxPuete n gm Qrs The Petm ad& efa
fbrt6eprqmotSae:r hw rcVuir;hg reterWo or ea~pawl to be fetesb by Ibe, Sellcr, the Seller
a1rad irft
Oa s dsiedtooffffIhDslWcW of £ffawd uixivansity WMeatDbe boatodwoi&smhev i1hatbarePuweirlbonnelby6me
wmto a weshe Aimilir toa Hlincttion1oig yearbook with time work6g rto tePlm om.~lb ~l$1lI1ia adttnimka
tMe dnU~ Vwx BW mme theemmft. protj&d A theSA1.olltm tiAer4ft to PAftaicte in
Im eduemat of 3*y d;gpmE t flm utImbt weler 'wil) be asomwe
Iti s agreed iedfPorrhner wMlown Ahalf Iterest (50%) intthe mfhim atmb
Inatd~dedl~rIbexpovbo~ofNo intemt dtall acemeony pwnoW) offiAwkm dw IkeSdIff, whiiah iq
that simice boa larger modier-~ withheld or dbL*Me m a rmtut of ainy sucdlv" mwxrAa to dweV%ctwt OVd
3. P"nxmt Tam, e Porter ig ultimrateiy paid h.fttson mWot olt 0*elae1c Sellir
2. NYm~~~( Teams aball not be dIM1bl if fit 361le Mnlom brmoitl6m of ike PttwA Rod it
No losorme or premium dwagmi or picle maiaue wiln be allowed iglwdtrmndta be hm;0a' iumow wvme not i cMiPncne
Wment an0worerid by PrortawIn wrating. No latm Inprice Runm wffi h irm ad vpcclitJlalom of t Prime Co*wtmt Pending finel
thal steed o tht flie heref ivill be ortaidered thoghit thiediplto of a &Rptft hcrojnthe (M Selker "e OeM an be work undea"
diadioftbearda. W-wo*MdIwth*glby fte Pufet a
The 49ltesf Op Cast Otsnt tiz Sellf and Mwe
Buiyew ltm bvemd Is all kgattz" the fidal ieMoW4 Sanid rev wi&h the 13mi]Spedliacion.
mpm1 mt owt Ba)w agrees to pay t id* m ft-m of 1000 apk
tbr doe wot gobeperRiftnid Ji orelftid $1,000 Wodve wtrk to be
ptrfinmibr lot PluV Bfoor.
Lift fie" ame agreed so b a 5% dedoctimub t gellet7 Pmtdoxt
if~~~ t2ne~Iadby 1Weedae ad ar kddMdotat 1% Parcher hold scuff r mtm ftr an b&R4n"in sellen, w.ort may
dediictinoeac sddy %' otheij" ImdIekytA kWMco Ilig poinL APTMj bopmim
ld by and *Hir P"rs &wmeaft ftom tlm dJrrxT requm
The pTJlA L2 du %w )j 1r hZworkmde by puier In 6& vm wkmt*l Ir him- Wgementm
May 3l,2003.e el" no~ SIar ktvby,~aWme t be ramumble for anfclaleng ROOMt tm
Tho eedpDromvw&MbIc Pmrhmm of the CadosToeAid lewod iftfi*wwtm fIRM by meorm or
"The Pace Booe"ffhan beJmapwiy I 2004 imd M:aMidllonml 1%bftrnt int (be pommes or Cusormes pomsiaron.ue or awkof mVyumkism fr
thmebuinma will bo d=e Mle bv),vr AirmT day ftne c8sitis delyedlirm qdoemab1IewdrblmeSlrorbrieiofT psrmtC
&Ao date. ofanty work bm,uniler by fie Sefkr 7be Seller mva to defotd at irs Hole
AMmal lijbil may be prmidad Jbr eiWwepjedt a a a neeided bm%i3 it pm n %aimie**U*t tho OMZOme
si o wn/rtn'Ctmw
ffic sole dilacrctloi of (be Buyer. boid hams t membtr andi the Cagmuctre DOW nwd floiris all Gomt,
expaedadpmteer. md dtiaof airy kInd whioh tke Punhawe or Eha
4. Cummw mity be oblijmd to "it or iocur by roamm of amy much lmkReo or
actumal Jehienof a patimat or pebtLa The Promirpew aind the Curnmer
A)BYPURCHAME - Parhwer agmm &hatDofi;47ewilon shelt wwwroncwhaw agisiitrmuti Ycm~Idmhewaqof
be iinplrmnrud untO or antem appered by the seller. Thomo irffo ind. m to reor for fte &Rom ofMY iso&sunit
revi0ion Thig Indanrftl ann-Dot mmmed to alleRcd or muronal imJY4%mxmAsul multing
shall betramaittitilfix wrtbmn TpurvE DomflleE. ft b Scee wifioeth
doPmltnurat&A or Cuitawrimn desivi,
b) RY SELLERt - The StUaer apmee dmeno flarM-Ww rv siohall be I itoctiom prmmm, or ftnmah"f prridod, boweme. awstt Same opra
imp1miented wntll or aai approved1 by Buyer TIxost be i wpo,Ribole if it 4ini~obntr io asum The line Sellr sbmuld linme been
revigiomt Sb&n be taiw lt fer wommte iqpia bo Ite Stee avemm of a pcm%blo alk$Sd or namWe irdnlhgarveint meif* &Qom lho
Pox Purchsing Deptartnment Porchanenor Cuaowes degign. ftwienictiome procnim or formulan and
f01%bmoeJ *e Parde"MI of On&2 l iiy
Case12:82 6673246188
1:10-cv-00569-RJA Document 6-2 PAULFiled
07/09/2010 Page 12 of 16PAGE 16


8, Ansiuorrurntof Subtataneru-mg A) Whenever the SellRu hus knowledge dat amy a=41 mt prtentWa labor
hiih hsOdrnrU ih,olpig tmnc due hcucnder dk gor giputhreabona to delaydthe time4 cm oro
amassigable m0 WnieraTle (n k'cudiy .Or Ld"nes ar thrio)s orer the shal
% imed ngie notc t
e rhasoe?a prior wrenc contsent, And except Asto
I ur Pda inding tul rdx:I,nM inromaditan vith rexpeetheret. to &Ce
putchancy of -vffutLrieg omKundaIrd cornmirca Artices nmp". die postlneer.
StIlet chAll not tubtomact:e any rta6oIr portion. of rabswork encopaaIIed b) The Sell"r ahxll inart seanee of thiAclausc including &it
by daig Order %,it)hout the uthacharre'a prior witten tplaoa). Tne pawagraph (h)in miysubt6vr aipply %gmenin heo=udet i. to
Purchterrshnn not be reqiured to =OIertaAgnmrvntOf which a labor I:R"p "it d&Ay the tisnely p rensof that
taprio wd~ eaien ~'order
nid ridcis mcial rinat tch "ach vulatir upply wgene
Thc buyer acrialI that there will be mwo6than cubcnoracm warling provide thariin the emAent imelroy parforrnee is dtixytd or
ontis prceaec thiz wor wil be *aerieLdpmovided a rnomapett: And Tbretened bT delry by =iachn) or pmventW etb dimputr, the
.wotk rnwldfor Ir asWeent e no place, vubticr Sellearha" irnmediabdyyn.Afy ita tiert ig ia Sler
We or
Selltats, a the ct: may kc ofiII zdevn mnlon;tion' with.,Hpxc
9. PM76CM7asyRWo to Muchcliapure.
It it colde that this sawork masde forAte, ppmrnent And that
a11lntreetus. propergt n paet Eitam at i of Scloefix.1ne.
rK 15, Indannity ~rurinafeContcaeovi/Slik
AMlcods inporion or in its comIalrebe (ornremain the property of CorartVerWdor tai defend indenity and Wnzs Street Pa from
SreeFalnlfhcnro bcaopplcd hrrundeei'nyeat deiecd any and all clahYsit, in,Isc, drtapoa, cr rarlanItt, wlaether ca&n Dd
;n gc&mrdanccArit1b qxcifiatiorus ordainx EmniRhed or ationteod by the or conuibubed Waby the ncgligraumo&Sea Pax, imdimm.tor
Purchasser ar ins Customner, sPmb innmx "hal nort be reproduced "sepc wamplaytex or otherwise. on ancount of.iohytiv to or dci1h of arnyAnd
with the rMovid of the Yurchmff and, at Applicible, GcaCwo=&'; id alD.Perfo .Is vilort5ioet i"idvMGQAl TheCqnraerVor,
ldrvuringp, phtInDraphx, data, softwar, and ot$ei-.teen material Or trubeobctan rroftk*ytaifCnnkwtmfVado; the ftbeooaect.
inf!ortion supplied in contacc6in thanrt sh hall aaltne. emai arid, or Sut VLz6.Ha iA aid ADdat,4r to Propetty to .d,mnsoee
the propoey of ThevcacrorsCtmnandlac:rhrcd, bllo.E.unhi d by rvend no,or i the aare,
pmnqdy qspn rc- tRthe complettion, tanrntion ot ccrlAtion euoa or enra f ln$tn ennirigrpia erroo
of this order. In the evetm that SurrtFat defrulro on ionymoentnyr i
2M ,re connetd wItas erbs unssid
d lar dhisef6ntrAc4 or
eights would be granted to selmer clao rmction,hd e. in'y re" of ordiuLg
10. Tnnin dondurig the poso ace6dapMaxo FUe Ifrfy of
0,TmiainCon waesoefVerdc sub nru4 th~a~e.Or agrntsr upon or
ADEFAULTr- Tho llua4vser may trtinate tais oder or any putr in plria,ity in the pC~r of Se& xNqt8fnrigd
rtneof by vhie6fWli*tkx if (he Sellnn foregoing, notig heri cct, rsfa bootodaN an
a) faInt0 make dcelis or to ormnk# performane of im ind"rel,fi CiO
st tile sole tieg)igh of siiWat Pik
cKitationa heareunder v;Iin rThe time uatcig6d men
* oMrarec ridh thle #&ried schedulct uniml~ mch failure i. &V 16. PubIlty
to o of God, nie othmctavwih meyond te .Selcalr O bapooaAeojvpvrdean o
contaol of the Seller. mnakevpeedchr Aourt or ohecvise ptiblitize the Citrne ot- HcUpIc of
b) ra4 to comply with thA erms ated coodftionas ofthe ctar tir Prch tOe. or Mel, gmain M t2;1g%;,laour rkil Tilthage
*order And doesnot mit such kdait rwithin a period oftean (10) Ovrt withouit.firstxitin;I the -6dticortatit ofWEycr.
&dedOaftertrines, notice therecf.pirdct hc

to proceehsgsWideramty lw adttir(gtobast"wpy, procrager or nrutfacrued it iaWil i elafy&oct

intol-tncy, or the relief of dcbtwen. the Buyer In conteztioan wtthpeformtance of dur dOnh'= rent4 b
Should the Pur-hasaa elect to earm;taw kox 4ciwk tile Pbireb"Cer noay used by The Buyer for cil pup Iosx:elding th de contant and to im
rake p6icivion of a of mryof the zortsa to be Lk~d
hereund= performnce without 6lit7hr tlarrefor to the Scbm
whd6 atv; ine Selleres poRmesion wuthoux regard to tag of
catniActuan ankty cosntrilcto or tusnihe work to a completed On 18, Graemal Noon
aut finy
ion a arer
ma f eoet aiasaron~Axty Sellr shal! fatevaer thia puchase order numnber on all doomenn
adiditimnal coa,Esor caflmm 6,curred laythe Puadhvcr o,rer and above Andilm oaeyesndance related to dhis order
themidgin9dpunreepricet firont ie StAl,r pkm fceter RhAllbe for
the accourvy of stheSam .. 'fI aigmMat below w.illcrocutt: this coreIam
In all evnkt the Purchaser shal not be or become Uablrc thde Serlme or
amy third party dairning through or under the Seiler fat any portion of Bume - Pan
the prie oa'any itarn thAi PanctAner ciects nor TOaccept Foallorving
noat of btanintitn for defhu)l.9-l

T'he Seller Aetna an deliver the itseni to be supplied lieexnder fore and Mr
ukt ii
ti-r or AlD urua, axcaets. andi CiminsOF acur, or nmelill mn
and the larEert trayp wiAhol pynmti pending rede;pt of evidence9f(
in forra Ind vabsaftnce satisleoiy to itc f the ibneana of suach itrtna,
L .re 2Y r
cl,rimo antd Ldorammv

12. Goea Ljtvr

'Mis lhirch9sc Order Arid Arty mtaterial vreaing thateto oWa be govItmed
by die lams ofiTesatem inted
whic Th.sraebaa&al offk%mhnt isvu the
ordtt iAlocated.

if the Sencer
should srer tamy darrtiTes a meult of antittuet
,inluiuwn in Any ninner due rowpeie lrag, on rte pae ofianother
msnutt,eur of Sacr th el sd=hAl pay ov&r ib thS Peaseas. Any
Aa Purelwne huasauffereda= aressul of the ga=i prie fi*ag within a
IvaamnalIlirime after- the da"tIxrmaecovered by ,Te Seller.

14. Notieof brirputt%

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